Index of Places and Things: N, O

Pages 450-456

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 42, 1735-1736. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1953.

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Namure, H.M.S., 296 pp. 193, 194.
-, -, Commander of. See Barnsley, Captain.

Nantz, 152.

Naval stores in the Plantations, hemp from New England, 94.
-, -, hemp and flax from Nova Scotia, in payment of quit rents, proposal for, 22 p. 13.

Navy Board, Contractors for masts in New England, prosecutions concerning, 352, 354.

Navy, The Royal, H.M. Commissioners of, letter to, 96.
-, -, complaints of conduct of officers in American stations, 454 p. 328.
-, -, hemp from New England for, 313.
-, -, H.M. Ships:
-, Diamond.
-, Falkland.
-, Fox.
-, Grampus.
-, Hawk.
-, Namure.
-, Roebuck.
-, Rupert.
-, Shark.
-, Sheerness.
-, Shoreham.
-, Squirrel.
-, Torrington.

Neutrality, Treaty of, 152; and see under Treaty.

Nevis; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, Act to continue the duty on liquors imported, referred, 103.
-, -, Act for establishing a Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas and for settling, the Chief Judges and Marshal's fees, petition against, 325, 326.
-, -, Act for the qualifying persons to sit in the Assembly, explanation of, 330.
-, -, Act for raising an impost on strong liquors imported etc., transmitted, 223.
-, -, Act for raising a levy, referred, 40.
-, -, Act for raising a poll tax on negroes etc., transmitted, 287, 328.
-, -, Act to repeal an Act against importing rum and melass also for raising an annual tax on vintners and retailers etc. transmitted, 223.
-, -, Acts of, Collection required, 103.
-, -,-, referred, 398.
-, -,-, transcript of, 135.
-, -,-, transmitted, 150, 350.
-, -, Agent for. See Butler, Thomas.
-, -, Assembly, minutes of, 135.
-, -, Council, minutes of, 253, 265, 286, 385.
-, -, Councillors of. See Abbot, Richard.
-, -,-, names and numbers of required, 406.
-, -, duties laid on liquor, explanation of, 169.
-, -, fortifications of, 136, 217.
-, -, Governor Cunningham at, 169.
-, -, revenue raised in, account of, 136 v.
-, -, Sadle Hill, fortification of, 136, 285.
-, -, Secretary of, Acts attested by, 150.
-, -,-, fees of, 247.
-, -, Treasurer of, accounts of, 286 i; and see Bridgwater, Edward.

New England; and see Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire; Connecticut.
-, -, Advocate General of See Shirley, William.
-, -, bills of credit in, state of paper currency called for, 356.
-, -, Chief Justice of. See Auchmuty, Robert.
-, -, Court, Admiralty, Seal of, 423.
-, -, cullers of fish appointed by Government of, 9.
-, -, fishery of, salt for, 497 i.
-, -, masts for the Royal Navy, judgment in action against cutting of, 113.
-, -, Newfoundland seamen carried off to, 119 i (57, 58).
-, -,-, copies of bonds concerning, 119 iv–x.
-, -, ships from, at Newfoundland, bond by masters of, concerning seamen, 389 p. 280, 389 iii.
-, -, Sugar trade, French interference with, 361.
-, -, trade of, with Newfoundland, 119 i (49), (51), 389 p. 280.
-, -, wine from Canary Islands for, 497 i.
-, -, H.M. Woods in, difficulties in preservation of, 96.
-, -,-, Mr. Shirley's services in defence of, 352–354.

Newfoundland: Act for the encouragement of trade (15th of King Charles II) Newfoundland: Act for the encouragement of trade (15th of King Charles II), 119 i (7).
-, -, Admiralty Judge proposed for, 119 i (7).
-, -, Cape Roy, 324.
-, -,-, French settlers at, 389 p. 278.
-, -, coasts of, 389 p. 278.
-, -, convoy for, 320.
-, -, Court of Admiralty, ship from Lisbon condemned in, 389 p. 279.
-, -, felons and murderers sent to England for trial, difficulties arising from, 389 p. 279.
-, -, Ferryland, murder committed at, 119 i (2).
-, -, fishery of, account of, 389.
-, -,-, competition with French, 119 i (60).
-, -,-, encouragement of, 324.
-, -,-, numbers of seamen, 389 p. 279.
-, -,-, reply to queries concerning, 119 i.
-, -,-, salt for, 389 p. 281, 497 i.
-, -,-, scheme of, 119 iii.
-, -,-,-, reply to queries concerning, 389.
-, -,-,-, state of planters and inhabitants on, 389 i, ii.
-, -, fishing Admirals, 119 i (18), (27), (28), (44), 389 p. 279.
-, -,-, disputes with Justices of the Peace, 119 i (65).
-, -, Fogo, fishery of, 389 p. 278.
-, -, fur trade, 119 i (38).
-, -,-, French encroachments on, 324.
-, -, garrison of, 119 i (5).
-, -, Great and Little Burin, fishery at, 389 p. 278.
-, -, harbours of, damage from ballast thrown into, 119 i(16), 389 p. 279.
-, -, Heads of Enquiry concerning, extract from reply to, 201 i, ii.
-, -, Indians, scarcity of, 119 i (38).
-, -, Irish Papists in, 119 i (8), (23).
-, -, Justices of the Peace, 119 i (3), 389 pp. 280, 281.
-, -,-, appointment of, 119 i (65).
-, -,-, disputes with Fishing Admirals, 119 i (65).
-, -, New England ships at, bond by masters concerning seamen from, 389 p. 280, 389 iii.
-, -, Placentia, account of stores and garrison at, 201 i, ii.
-, -,-, bay of, draft of, 119 i (6).
-, -,-, Colonel Philipps' regiment at, 389 p. 279.
-, -,-, garrison, complaint against officers of, 119 i (3).
-, -,-,-, stores of war for, 389 p. 279.
-, -,-, Justices of the Peace. See Salmon, Thomas.
-, -,-, Lieutenant Governor of fort at, wine for, 119 i (7).
-, -,-, ordnance stores, account of, 119 i (p. 71).
-, -,-, regiment at, numbers of, 384.
-, -, planters and inhabitants, state of, 119 ii.
-, -, Port Bask, French inhabitants of, trade of, 389 p. 278.
-, -,-, French settlements at, 324,389 p. 278.
-, -, rum for, 119 i (50).
-, -,-, imported, 389 p. 280.
-, -, St. John's, clergyman at, 119 i (10).
-, -,-, escape of prisoners from jail, 119 i (2).
-, -,-, public houses in, 119 i (52).
-, -, St. John's Harbour, draft of, 119 i (6).
-, -,-, public houses at, 389 p. 280.
-, -, St. Peter's, fishery at, 119 i (66), 389 p. 278.
-, -, salmon fishery of, 119 i (64).
-, -, salt trade, with Europe, 119 i (7).
-, -, seamen carried off to New England from, 119 i (57, 58).
-, -,-, copies of bonds concerning, 119 iv–x.
-, -, servants in, conditions governing, 119 i (36), (37).
-, -,-, manner of payment of, 389 p. 280.
-, -, stores of war in, 119 i (5).
-, -, survey of coast inadequate, 119 i (6).
-, -, trade of, 119 i (50), (51), 389 p. 280.
-, -,-, illegal, 119 i (7), (48), 389 p. 279.
-, -,-, with Ireland, 119 i (43).
-, -,-, with New England, 119 i (49), (51).
-, -, Trepassey, sloop seized at, 389 p. 279.
-, -, wine and brandy illegally imported from France, 119 i (7).

New Hampshire; and see New England; Massachusetts Bay.
-, -, Act to give a bounty for encouragement of the raising of hemp, passed by Assembly, 94.
-, -, Advocate General of. See Shirley, William.
-, -, Agent of, petition of, 426; and see Thomlinson, John.
-, -, Assembly, dissolution of, 321.
-, -,-, new, meeting of, 321.
-, -,-, proceedings of, 321.
-, -,-, refusal to vote supplies, 100 p. 56.
-, -,-,-, Governor's explanation of, 501.
-, -, boundaries with Massachusetts Bay, appointment of Commissioners for settling, 426, 448.
-, -,-, settlement of, 234, 501.
-, -, Church of England, building for, 194.
-, -,-,-, request for minister for, 194.
-, -, coins, currency, paper money, information concerning, 363.
-, -,-,-, issues by private persons, Governor's protest against, 501.
-, -,Council of, 321.
-, -,-, President of, Governor's instructions for, explanation of, 501.
-, -, Deerfield, Conference with Indians at, 144 i.
-, -, Fort William and Mary, Governor's action in refusing admittance to Colonel Dunbar, 387.
-, -, hemp growing, measures to encourage, 94.
-, -, hemp seed for, 100.
-, -,-, from Riga, 94.
-, -, House of Representatives, insolence of, 321.
-, -, Kingstown, case of land granted to Samuel Graves, 413; and see Graves, Samuel.
-, -, Londonderry, Irish linen made in, 313.
-, -,-, lands in, question of jurisdiction concerning, 413 ii.
-, -, H.M. Prerogative in, infringement of, 387.
-, -, public records of, burnt, 321.
-, -, revenue of, Assembly refuse to vote supplies, 100 p. 56.
-, -, Treasury, Government's refusal to supply, 321.

New Jersey: Act for appropriating part of the interest money etc. to the incidental charges of this Government, confirmation of, 153.
-, -, Act for the better support of that Government, objection to clause concerning duty on copper ore, 64.
-, -,-, petition against, 64.
-, -, Act for the further support of this Government, etc., complaint against, 306 i.
-, -,-, deletion of clause concerning duty on copper ore, 306 i.
-, -, Act for making £40,000 in bills of credit, confirmation of, 154.
-, -, Agent for, 154.
-, -, Amboy, meeting of Council at, 424.
-, -, Assembly of, 299 i.
-, -,-, petition from, 373.
-, -,-, proclamation for adjournment of, issued by Colonel Morris, 458.
-, -, copper, duty on, 306 i.
-, -, Council of, Clerk of. See Smyth, Lawrence.
-, -,-, hearing of Mr. Morris's claim, by, 424.
-, -,-, importance of warrants for, 415.
-, -,-, meeting of, 299 i, 458.
-, -,-, minutes of, 424, 424 i, 425 ii, 458 i.
-, -,-, number of, 415, 424.
-, -,-, persons recommended for, 95.
-, -,-, President of. See Anderson; Hamilton.
-, -, Councillors. See Morris, Lewis; Alexander, James; Hooper, Robert Lettice; Warrell, Joseph; Schuyler (Seyler), John; Farmer, Thomas; Hamilton, John; Rodman, John; Smith, Richard; Baird; Anderson, John j Wells; Provoost, William; Johnson, Parker; Reading, John; Van Horne, Cornelius.
-, -,-, eldest appointed on Commission to settle boundaries of New Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay, 426.
-, -, form of prayer for the Royal Family proclaimed in, 425 i, 458.
-, -,-, instructions concerning, 458.
-, -, General Assembly of, instructions to, 64.
-, -, Governor for, separate from New York, 299 i; and see Keith, Sir William.
-, -,-, petitions for, 373.
-, -,-,-, recommended, 373.
-, -, Grand Jury, petition from, 373.
-, -, Lieutenant Governor of. See Keith, Sir William.
-, -, merchants trading with, complaint of, 306 i.
-, -, President and Council of, petition from, 373.
-, -, question of separate Government from New York, 299, 299 i.

New Orleans, 381.

New Spain, activities against the British in, 469.
-, -, ports of the Main, 148 i, p. 92.

New York, Act for the better clearing, regulating and further laying out publick High Roads in the County of Westchester, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 350.
-, -, Act clearing and laying out high roads in Ulster and Albany, transmitted, 219.
-, -, Act continuing the Act to let to farm the Excise, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -,-, transmitted, 219.
-, -, Act to continue the Militia Act, Lt. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act to enable the Justices of the Peace in Orange County a new jail, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act to enable Thomas and Walter Dongan to sell some part of their estate, report upon, 180.
-, -, Act to enforce part of an Act for raising fifty pounds in Schenectadie, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act for naturalizing William Cornelius etc., reason for, 219.
-, -, Act for paying £60 to Mr. Barclay, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act to prevent damage by some in the precinct of Goshen etc., 219.
-, -, Act for raising £500 for securing the Indians in H.M. interest, objection to, 179.
-, -, Act regulating the Militia, transmitted, 219.
-, -, Act to receive and continue the currency of the bills of credit therein mentioned untill the end of the year 1739, explanation of, 219.
-, -, Act to repeal the Act granting duties for support of Government etc., petition against, 54, 54 i.
-, -,-, repeal of clauses in, new Act proposed for, 54 i.
-, -, Act to repeal some parts and continue other parts of an Act therein mentioned etc., (1728), repealed in 1732, 219.
-, -, Act to revive an Act for mending and keeping in repair the post road from to Kingsbridge, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act to revive an Act to prevent swine running at large in Dutches County, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Act to revive an Act for the speedy punishing and releasing such persons from imprisonment as commit any criminal offences under the degree of Grand Larceny in the several counties therein mentioned and to include the City and County of Albany and the County of Suffolk, Lieut. Governor's assent to, 470 pp. 349, 350.
-, -, Act for setling the estate of Thomas Lends, late of the City of , decd., report upon, 181.
-, -, Act for support of H.M. troops at Oswego, transmitted, 219.
-, -, Acts of, 179.
-, -,-, described, 219.
-, -,-, referred, 66, 95.
-, -, Albany, Mayor and Corporation of, Mr. Van Dam's Commission to, history of, 470 p. 348.
-, -,-, trade routes at, protection for, 408 i.
-, -, Assembly of, adjournment of, 298, 298 iii, iv, 327, 386, 408, 411.
-, -,-, better disposition of, 366.
-, -,-, conduct of Lewis Morris, Junior, 386.
-, -,-, declaration read at meeting of, 298 iii.
-, -,-, difficulty in providing for deficiency in Revenue, 334.
-, -,-, dissolution of, 327.
-, -,-, factions in, 327, 334, 404, 459, 470 p. 347; and see Van Dam; Morris, Lewis.
-, -,-, importance of delay in dissolution of, 334.
-, -,-, meeting of, 402, 404, 408,411, 470 p. 347.
-, -,-, President's speech to, 408 i, 411.
-, -,-, proceedings in relation to President Clarke, 408, 411.
-, -,-, prorogued, 470 p. 349.
-, -,-, refusal to put Speaker in Chair, 386.
-, -,-, refusal to settle revenue by, 327, 402, 404, 470 p. 348.
-, -,-, Speaker of. See Philipse, Adolph.
-, -,-, to be triennial, 327.
-, -,-, Mr. Van Dam's protest to, 298 ii, iii.
-, -, better disposition in, 459.
-, -, bills of credit, 334.
-, -, Charter of, 404 p. 296.
-, -, City Corporation, nomination of officers of, 404 p. 296.
-, -, coins currency, transactions with Rhode Island, 369 i.
-, -, Commissioners for Indian affairs, proposals made by, 408 i.
-, -, Coroner of. See Nicholls, Richard.
-, -, Council of, 470 p. 349.
-, -,-, Deputy Door Keeper and Messenger of. See Cox, Jeffery.
-, -,-, factions in, 272, 273, 273 i; and see Alexander, James; Van Dam, Rip.
-, -,-, measures for prevention of supplies to Spaniards, 338.
-, -,-, meetings of, 272, 298 viii, ix.
-, -,-, message to President Clarke from, 404 p. 296.
-, -,-, minutes of, 219, 272, 272 ii, iii, 402 viii, 404 viii, 470 p. 350.
-, -,-,-, copies asked for, 175.
-, -,-, persons recommended for, 95.
-, -,-, President of. See Van Dam, Rip; Clarke, George.
-, -,-, proposed as members of Commission of Review in case of Mohegan Indians, 332 i.
-, -,-, refuse Mr. Van Dam's summons, 402 i.
-, -,-, summoned, 408, 411.
-, -, Council and Assembly of, instructions for, 54 i.
-, -,-, journal of, 470 p. 350.
-, -, Councillors of. See Alexander, James; Van Dam, Rip; Harrison, Francis; Moore, John; Richards (Rickards), Paul; Clarke, George; Van Home; Horsmanden; Lane; Cortlandt; Kennedy; De Lancey.
-, -,-, appointment of eldest on Commission to settle boundaries of New Hampshire and Mass. Bay, 426.
-, -, Court, Chancery, power to hold, question of, 95.
-, -, Courts, Equity, Assembly's determination to control, 327.
-, -, Customs, Collection of, instructions to, 338.
-, -, duties and imposition in, enumerated, 219.
-, -, factions in, 86, 298, 327, 402, 402 ii, 403, 404, 408.
-, -,-, account of, 470.
-, -,-, decrease of, 366, 476.
-, -,-, good effect of H.M. Instructions upon, 408 p. 302, 411.
-, -, Form of prayer for the Royal Family, 470.
-, -,-, President's instructions concerning, 408 p. 302, 411.
-, -, Fort Hunter, proposal to abandon, 408 i.
-, -, forts and fortifications of, repair of, 408 i.
-, -, fur trade of, 366.
-, -, Governor of. See Montgomerie, John; Cosby, William; Cornbury, Lord.
-, -,-, petitions for separate Governor for New Jersey, consideration of, 373.
-, -,-,-, recommendation in favour of, 373.
-, -, hemp, encouragement of, 408 p. 302.
-, -,-, manufacture aided by settlers from Europe, 366.
-, -, Indians, Mohawk, fort proposed in country of, 408 i.
-, -,-,-, proposal to settle country of, 366.
-, -,-, Scrinakaas, proposals concerning, 408 i.
-, -, "A letter to one of the members of the late General Assembly," 404 ix.
-, -, Lieutenant Governor, Council and Assembly of, address from, 459 i; and see Clarke, George.
-, -, Mayor of. See Richard, Paul; Van Home, Cornelius; Walter, Robert.
-, -, Mayor and Corporation of, appointment of, 470 p. 347.
-, -,-,-, by Mr. Van Dam, 402, 402 i, ii, viii, 404 i.
-, -,-, meeting with President Clarke, 408 p. 302.
-, -, negroes, imported, duty on, report on Act concerning, 54.
-, -, officers' fees and salaries, to be dependent on Assembly, 327.
-, -, Orange County, new jail for, 470 p. 349.
-, -, Oswego, protection for trade at, 408 i.
-, -,-, repairs for trading house at, 408 i.
-, -, H.M. Prerogative in, 95.
-, -,-, infringements of, 267, 272, 273, 273 i, 327, 404 p. 298.
-, -, printing press set up by Mr. Alexander's party, 86.
-, -, question of separation of Government from New Jersey, 299, 299 i.
-, -, quit rents, augmentation of, 366.
-, -, Recorder of. See Smith William.
-, -, revenue, deficiencies in, 334, 366, 402, 404 p. 298, 459, 470 p. 348.
-, -,-,-, to be made good, 408 p. 302.
-, -,-, difficulty in settling, 327.
-, -, seal of, 404 p. 298.
-, -, The Sentiments of a Principal Freeholder refer'd to the consideration of the Representatives of the Province of , Signed F.S., 386 iii, 404 vi.
-, -, Sheriff of. See Ashfield, Richard.
-, -, shipping in, 408 i.
-, -, Spanish vessels at, not to be cleared, 338.
-, -, trade of, 366, 408 i.
-, -, Westchester, member for. See Morris, Lewis, Junior.
-, -, Widow Braziers' Coffee House, 386 i.
-, -, "A Word in Season," printed by J. P. Zenger, 402 x, 404 vii, x.

New York Gazette, 404 v.
-, -, copy of, 386 ii.

New York Weekly Journal, copy of, 386 v., 402 xiii, 404 iii, iv.

Northern Colonies (Massachusetts Bay) Northern Colonies (Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut), fishery of, salt from the Bahamas for, 221 p. 144, 503.
-, -,-, salt from Portugal for, 91.
-, -, trade of, 454, p. 326.
-, -,-, with Barbados, 204.
-, -,-, with Jamaica, 148 i, p. 92.
-, -,-, with Sugar Colonies, French interference with, 361.

Nova Scotia, account of conditions in, 195.
-, -, Annapolis Royal, French inhabitants, petition from, 462 v.
-, -,-, garrison of, 195.
-, -, Assembly for, powers of, 22 pp. 14, 15.
-, -, Cape Sables, French priest for Indians at, 462, 462 iv; and see Cheveraux.
-, -, and Cat Island, Captain Coram's proposal for settling Protestants at, 22.
-, -, Chiconecto Bason, grant of lands at, 384 i.
-, -, civil Government for, 112.
-, -, cod fishing, French encroachments on, 22 p. 15.
-, -, conditions in, 340.
-, -, Council of examination of witnesses in case of Mrs. Buckler, 340 iii, v.
-, -,-, minutes of, 112, 116, 116 i, 199, 340 iv, 384, 462, 462 vi.
-, -, Councillors, eldest appointed to Commission for settling boundaries of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, Bay, 426; and see Cosby, Alex; Mascarene Paul; Adams, John; Skene, William; Shirreff, William; Cope, Henry; Philipps, Erasmus James; How, Edward;. Hamilton, Otho.
-, -, Deputy Surveyor of. See Amhurst, Edward; Mitchell, George.
-, -, French inhabitants, character of, 195, 199.
-, -,-, influence of priests over, 340, 462, 462 ii, iii; and see St. Poncy; Cheveraux.
-, -, French relations with Indians of, 22 p. 15.
-, -, Government of, under Trustees, proposal for, 22 p. 14.
-, -, Harrington, 384 ii.
-, -, House of Representatives for, proposal for, 22 pp. 14, 15.
-, -, Indians, capture of Mrs. Buckler by, account of, 340.
-, -,-, French intrigues with, 195, 199.
-, -,-, importance of presents for, 112, 117, 195, 199.
-, -, inhabitants, English, number of, 112.
-, -, lands in, Governor Hart's proposal to settle, patent for, 199.
-, -, Lieutenant Governor of. See Armstrong, Lawrence.
-, -, Menis (Minis) Bason, grant of land at, 384 ii.
-, -, Norwich township, 384 i.
-, -, patents in, 384.
-, -, Pemaquid, Colonel Dunbar's withdrawal from, 375 ii (f).
-, -, Pobomcoys (Pobomcoup), Indians, capture of Mrs. Buckler by, 340, 340 i–iii, v.
-, -,-, Commission of enquiry sent to, 462 ii.
-, -, proposals for beginning of a Civil Government for, 282, 288 i.
-, -,-, Captain Coram's observations upon, 288, 288 i.
-, -, Protestant Settlers for, details of Captain Coram's scheme for, 22.
-, -,-,-, estimate of charges and expense of transporting, 22 i, p. 15.
-, -,-,-, list of requirements for, 22 i, p. 16.
-, -, quit rents, proposal to pay in hemp and flax, 22 p. 13.
-, -,-, proposed alteration in, 112.
-, -, regiment at, number of, 112, 384.
-, -, Roman Catholic priests in, complaint of conduct of, 340.
-, -, settlement of, list of Trustees for, 331.
-, -, Tiboque, Indians seize vessel at, 462 ii.


Ogle ship, of Antigua, 152.

Ordnance, Board of, list of stores for Leeward Islands, 60.