Feb. 22. |
572. Thomas Smith to Joseph Boone. A description of
Pansecola, Mobile, and the River Missisippi. Concludes: The
French at the taking of Pansecola had 600 Indians all gun men
to assist them there are many people at the bottom of Moble
River going to settle neare the mines at the Ellunoise. One of
the French garrisons is but 14 leagues from the Spanish garrison.
The French not above 20 men in it. The French have also a
garrison at Albama of 30 men at most, 3 or 4 small swivel guns
in it etc. If the mines prove good at the Ellunoise the French
in a short time will have the whole Maine etc. If the French
can have trading goods fit for the Indian trade from Britain
they living so convenient to the greatest Nations of the Indians
to the Southward will have all those Indians at command
which are 15 or 20,000 fighting men all good guns men. I have
taken this account [from Captn. Byrchall and Mr. Owen], that you
may let the Government at home know that if a French warr
should happen unless wee that are frontiers are well provided
with men and fortifications to oppose so formidable an enemy
we may expect the beginning of such a warr to be in the hands
of the enemy etc. Signed, Thos. Smith. Endorsed, Recd. from
Mr. Boon. Read 23rd Aug. 1720. 2½ pp. [C.O. 5. 12. ff.
1, 1. v.; and 5, 358. ff. 23, 24, v.] |
Feb. 23. Whitehall. |
573. Mr. Secretary Craggs to the Governor of the Leeward
Islands. Anthony Corbiere, heir to his father James, having
debts due to him from Peter Soulegre now settled in St. Christophers, you are to procure him speedy justice, he having complained that he has been some years without so much as hearing
from said Soulegre, etc. Signed, J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. pp.
265, 266]. |
Feb. 23. St. James's. |
574. Same to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers
following for their report. Signed, J. Craggs. Endorsed,
Recd. (from Mr. Joshua Gee) 24th, Read 25th Feb., 1719/20. 1 p.
Subscribed upon, |
574. i. Petition of George Skeffington, Inhabitant of Indian
Bay in Newfoundland, to the King. Prays to be
confirmed in the enjoyment of houses, stages etc. he
has made for taking and curing salmon in two or three
rivers to the northward of Cape Bonavista, he having
improved the same for about 12 years past and cleared
lands near 40 miles up the country, etc. The whole, 1 p.
[C.O. 194, 6. Nos. 76, 76. i.] |
Feb. 25. Whitehall. |
575. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Craggs. Reply to 8th Jan. Of the several complaints against
Governor Lowther therein referred to, the complainants have
thought fit to confine themselves to two points, (i) his receiving
large presents from the Council and Assembly and (ii) his having
permitted a Spanish vessel to unload in Barbados. We have
made the best enquiry we were able, and do find that several
sums amounting to £23,290 money of that Island were voted at
different times to be paid to Mr. Lowther. And it dos appear
as well by a certificate under the hand of Mr. Cox, Chairman of the
Committee of Accounts in Barbados, as by the affidavit of
William Gordon, Clergyman, two of the complainants, and by
Mr. Lowther's own declaration and letters to the Board, that
the sums so voted, or the greatest part of them, were receiv'd
by him, or for his use. And altho' he and his Agents have
alledged, that these sums are less in proportion than have been
given to former Governors, that they were free and voluntary gifts, voted for several services and different occasions, as
in the Minutes of the Assembly is more particularly specify'd,
and that the money was publickly receiv'd by Mr. Lowther,
who had no design to conceal the same, as not believing himself
blameable for treading in the steps of his predecessors; yet we
are clearly of opinion that Mr. Lowther hath acted herein
contrary to H.M. Instructions, whereby it is expressly provided,
that he do not receive any presents whatsoever from ye Assembly
or other persons, upon pain of H.M. highest displeasure and of
being recalled from that Government. As to the complaint
concerning an illegal trade, carry'd on by the Spanish vessel (Mary
of Cumana), it appears by the Minutes of Council 19th Dec.
1718, that Pablo Planes master of the ship in question, was
upon his landing in that Island, particularly examin'd by the
Governor in Council, and acknowledg'd the vessel to be Spanish,
mann'd with Spaniards, the loading thereof consisting of a
little turtle-shell, four bags of cocoa nutts, two bags of snuff and
a small quantity of hides, being the growth and produce of ye
Spanish West Indies, which he was directed, by the Governor
of Cumana, to barter for provisions; Whereupon Mr. Lowther
and the Council came unanimously to ye following resolution,
That the Spaniard shou'd be permitted to dispose of his
cargoe there. Mr. Lascells, the Collector of the Customs
in that Island, hath made affidavit that no such ship did ever
enter or clear in the Custom-house there; But we are informed
by a letter from Mr. Woodbridge, late Agent for the South Sea
Company, that the said Planes did dispose of the said cargoe,
and take in another in Barbados, being directed (as Planes
told him) to clear there in the Secretary's Office only; and John
Randal, Clerk to Mr. Woodbridge, hath made oath, that he
saw goods publickly unloading from on board the said ship,
and that at the request of one Capt. Clark, he did translate out
of English into the Spanish tongue for the use of the said
Planes, an invoice of goods bought in Barbados and loaden on
board the said vessel for Cumana, consisting chiefly of flower
and other eatables, which leaves us no room to doubt that the
Spanish vessel did either by express permission or connivance
trade in Barbados, which is directly contrary to H.M. Instructions to ye said Mr. Lowther and a plain breach of the Acts of
Trade and Navigation. And whereas it is most apparent from
what has been offer'd to us, as well upon this, as upon other
occasions, that an illegal trade is carry'd on between H.M.
Plantations and those of other Nations in America, by which
means the French Plantations are greatly supported, and the
sale of their commodities encreas'd, whilst our own planters
are discouraged, and ye consumption of our native commodities
is diminish'd; We are therefore obliged to offer it as our humble
opinion upon this head, that the laws of this Kingdom, as far
at least, as they relate to the transporting and importing of
goods to and from the French and Dutch Colonies, may be
explain'd and enforced; But it is submitted, whether it wou'd
not tend to the encrease of trade, to permit Spanish ships, under
proper regulations, to import into the British Islands, such
commodities of the growth of the Spanish West Indies, as do
not interfere with the products of our own Plantations. [C.O.
29, 14. pp. 62–66.] |
Feb. 25. Whitehall. |
576. Mr. Popple to Mr. Joshua Gee. The Council of Trade
and Plantations desire to speak with you and Mr. Skeffington
upon his petition etc. [C.O. 195, 7. p. 3.] |
Feb. 25. Whitehall. |
577. Same to Mr. West. Asks for his opinion whether
the prayer of Mr. Skeffington's petition does any way interfere
with the Act for encouraging the trade to Newfoundland. [C.O.
195, 7. p. 4]. |
[Feb. 25.] |
578. Jeremiah Dummer to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. There being a near prospect of a peace with
Spain, I lay before your Lordpps. two articles of very great
importance to the Plantations and trade of Great Brittain:
one of which we hold precariously, and the other we are wholly
excluded from by the Spaniards, and pray that they may be
taken care of when a treaty shall be on foot. I mean, the
liberty of cutting logwood at Campeache and Hundoras and
fetching salt from Tertudas. I need not say how necessary
the first is to our woolen manufactures, and how beneficial a
medium of trade it has been to the Nation, we having always
exported what was more than sufficient for our own consumption to Holland, Hamborough, Venice and Leghorn etc.
But since the peace of Utrech the Spaniards have at several
times fallen upon our people whom they found cutting wood
in the Bays beforementioned, and seiz'd their ships, whereby
we have lost that trade; and the mariners who were employ'd
in it to the number of 3000, have since turn'd pirates and infested
all our seas. The Spaniards have also made prizes of our ships
fetching salt from Tertudas, tho' they have not any right to
that Island, nor ever possess't it etc. Refers to former correspondence. |
I have receiv'd from the General Court of the Massachusetts
enclosed affidavits, that divers popish priests are continually
stirring up the Kennebec Indians to revolt etc. I humbly
pray in behalf of the Province that H.M. will use his instances
with H.R.H. the Regent of France that no popish priests may
be suffer'd to reside among the Indians within H.M. Territories.
Encloses affidavits relating to Mr. Bridger and his quarrel with
Elisha Cooke, received from a Committee of the House of
Representatives. My Instructions being to receive no
commands from the General Court, and this being without the
concurrence of the Governour and Council I have hesitated
to lay these papers before your Ldshipps etc. Signed, Jer.
Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. 25th Feb., Read 30th March, 1719/20.
2¼ pp. Enclosed, |
578. i. Deposition of Lewis Bane, of York, Esq. Boston,
2nd Dec., 1719. Whilst he was in command of a
detachment last summer at the Eastward new Settlements, there were some threatning speeches and
unfriendly actions of the Indians. Deponent understood by them that one chief cause was, that the French
fryar Sebastian Rayleé (?Raillié) stirred them up so
to do, telling them that if they suffered the English
to go on in setling those parts in two years they would
be so strong that they would not be able to remove
them, and that then the English would take away
Meridgawalk from them. Signed, Lewis Bane. 1 p. |
578. ii. Deposition of John Minot. Boston, 27th Nov.,
1719. The French Jesuit. Rale, incited the Indians
at Narantswalk, promising them French aid, and
telling them King George was not the right King etc.
Signed, John Mihot. Endorsed as letter. 1 p. |
578. iii. Deposition of Joseph Roberts, of Dover. 21st May,
1718, that Mr. Bridger hindered his cutting timber
in the lands belonging to the town of Berwick etc.
(b) Mr. Bridger's deputation to Elisha Plaisted.
(c) Deposition of Elisha Plaisted that in 1717 Mr.
Bridger ordered him to demand 6s. of every team
that went a-slogging in the township of Berwick.
(d) Deposition of Archibald Macpheadris. John Smith,
John Cooper, James Grant, Timothy Wentworth,
Joseph Hill, Oliver Noyes, Jonathan King, James
Saunders, Christopher Bartlet, Ephraim Roberts,
Joseph Emerson, Elisha Plaisted, Joseph Abbott,
William Lord, Walter Abbott, John Heard, Daniel
Emery, Edmund Goffe, Elisha Cooke. John Leighton,
as to demands and payments for leave for cutting
wood as preceding. The whole, 13 pp. |
578. iv. (a) Mr. Bridger's Commission and Instructions to
Elisha Plaisted to be Deputy Surveyor of the woods
of the little River, 26th Jan., 1709. (b) Mr. Bridger's
permit to Mr. Michel to cut trees not fit for masts,
on payment of £30. Two masts to be cut and watched
down the River, etc. 7th March, 1718. (c) Mr.
Bridger to Mr. Willard, secretary. Boston, 15th
April, 1718. Reply to H.E.'s letter of 27th March, and
Mr. Cook's letter to Mr. Speaker. I am not guilty of any
exactions or anuthing contrary to the privileges of the
inhabitants. Those townships are so large, that they
never go out of them to cut logs, nor did I ever
receive any sum at all from any person of that
Province. Nor can any person produce my order
for receiving 40s. a team or any other sum etc.
Signed. J. Bridger. The whole, 4 pp. |
578. v. Deposition of Richard Kimball and John Sanders.
Boston, June 25, 1718. (a) Confirm iv. (b) supra.
(b) Deposition of John Wadleigh. Boston, 25th
June, 1718. About five years ago he paid £5 to Mr.
Bridger for leave to cut white pine timber up Merrimack River. Bridger empowered him to mark such
trees as were for the King's use where he went, etc.
(c) Deposition of John Sanders. 25th June. 1718. Last
winter John Foot, Mr. Bridger's Deputy Surveyor,
told him that Mr. Bridger had ordered him to demand
40s. a team from those who were going into the woods
to cut pine for logs etc. (d) Mr. Bridger to Mr.
Mitchell. Boston, June 2, 1718. I was in hopes to
have heard from you concerning the five masts,
which I expect by the first oppertunity after you receive
this and the forty shillings etc. Signed, J. Bridger.
(e) Memorial of 7 Representatives to the Governor,
Council and Assembly. Boston, 23rd June. The
inhabitants of the towns we represent have been
imposed upon by Mr. Bridger, and made to believe
that they may not go into the woods belonging to
the several townships without purchasing leave from
him or his deputies. Demand an enquiry of this
matter complained of last sessions, Signed, John
Lighton, Lewis Bane, and five others. (f) Report of
the Committee of the Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, June 25, 1718. The allegations against
Elisha Cooke by John Bridger are not supported by
the papers before us. Bridger hath obstructed the
inhabitants of this province in their just rights and
priviledges of logging by his arbitrary and unwarrantable demands of money of them for liberty to improve
their rights as aforesaid. The Committee are of opinion
that some effectual care be taken by the Government
to secure both H.M. rights in trees fitt for masts for
his Navy according to the reservation in the Royal
Charter, and the aforesaid priviledges and just
proprietys of H.M. good subjects of this Province
from future invasions. Sent up by the House of
Representatives for concurrence, Dec. 4, 1718.
(g) Receipt by John Foot for £10 from Andrew Mitchel
on accompt of Mr. John Bridger. 12th March, 1718.
(h) Andrew Mitchel to John Bridger. Amsbury, 12th
March, 1718. I have paid Capt. Foot £10 and have
ingaged to pay him 40s. more etc. (i) Deposition
of Esreal Hodson, of Dover. Mr. Bridger obliged
him to pay 30s. for two masts he had cut. (j) Deposition of Joseph Roberts, of Dover. Samuel
Plaisted, Feb., 1718, seized some trees felled by him
within the town bounds of Berwick and compelled
him to come to terms for them on behalf of Mr.
Bridger etc. 6 pp. |
578. vi. Memorial of Elisha Cooke to the Speaker of the
House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay.
Boston. Feb. 6th, 1717. Complains of Mr. Bridger
exacting 40s. per team as in preceding. This grievance
was sent up to the Governor and Council, Feb. 14th.
Copy. 4 pp. |
578. vii. Memorial of Elisha Cooke to the Governor, Council
and Assembly. Boston, June 14, 1718. Complaint
against Mr. Bridger, ut supra. Denies his accusations
against himself. A joint committee of enquiry was
appointed June 1st and 16th, 1718. Copy. 4 pp. |
578. viii. Memorial of John Bridger to Governor Shute.
Complains of the audacious bold declarations of
Elisha Cooke in the Province of Main, denying his
power over H.M. woods without the townships, and
telling the inhabitants they may cut where and what
logs they please, etc. Urges his removal from the
Council. Without date [? 1718]. Copy. 1½ pp. |
578. ix. Memorial of the Governor Council and Assembly
of the Massachusetts Bay for their vindication against
the suggestions and insinuations of any who may
accuse them of harshness and severity towards such
as are of different perswasions from us in matters of
Religion. [? May 20, 1708. v. Minutes of Council
and Assembly]. Copy. 3½ pp. |
578. x. Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay. 24th June, 1719.
Exonerate Elisha Cooke and find Bridger guilty of
exacting through his deputies 6s. for every team
that went a logging etc. Signed, Oliver Noyes, Timo.
Lindall, Willm. Throope. Upon the recommendation
of the Committee it was ordered, 30th June, 1719,
that copies of above papers be sent to Mr. Agent
Dummer to vindicate the justice and honour of the
House in this affair etc. Copy. 5 pp. [C.O. 5,
867. Nos. 59, 59 i.—x.] |
Feb. 26. Boston, New England. |
579. Governor Philipps to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The ship by which I had the honour of writing
to your Lordships (? 3rd Jan.) being detained allmost two
months gives me a fresh oppertunity of laying the enclosed
before your Lordships etc. (cf. Jan. 3rd). I waite your
direction etc. Signed, R. Philipps. Endorsed, Recd. 19th April,
Read 13th May, 1720. 1 p. Enclosed, |
579. i. Petition of Proprietors of the tract of land called
by the Indians Remobscus but by the English Mary
Town, adjoining to Misconcus River and near Smelt
Cove, to Governor Phillips. About 50 men have
already laid out lots in the sd. tract with intent to
settle themselves and their familys there, the sd. lotts
being given them upon that condition. Memorialists
propose speedily to settle more familys there, and
to build houses for a township etc. In order to
their good government, pray H. E. to commission
a Justice of the Peace to reside there etc. Boston,
Feb. 26, 1719(20). Signed, Richard Peirce(?), James
Pitts, Jonathan Putnam, John Putnam, George
Whitehorne, Andrew Sigourney, James Bown, John
Headelk, Daniel Johonnos, John Compton. 1 p. |
579. ii. Copy of conveyance by Indian Sagamores to Richard
Perse, Carpenter, of Remobscus, of a tract of land
about 12 x 12 miles, adjoining Round Ponds Falls,
along Pemiquid River. Jan. 9th, 1641. Signed,
John Sumerset, Sagamore, Easey Gall, Sagamore,
and Dick Swaeki, Sagamore. Their marks. Richard
Pears papers recorded in ye records att Pemiquid.
Note, There never was an office of record att Pemaquid. Endorsed, Recd. 19th April, Read 13th May,
1720. 1½ pp. [C.O. 217, 3. Nos. 2, 2 i, ii; and
(without enclosures) 218, 1. pp. 454, 455; and (abstract
of letter) 217, 30. p. 10.] |
Feb. 28. St. James's. |
580. Order of King in Council. Referring following to
the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed,
Tem. Stanyan. Endorsed, Recd. 10th Jan., 1720/1, Read 5th
July, 1722. 1 p. Enclosed, |
580. i. Certificate that petitioner (following) is a deserving
object of H.M. charity, etc. Signed, Ste. Duport
and four others. ¾ p. |
580. ii. Petition of Katherine, widow of Peter Assailles junr.,
to the King. Prays that as H.M. has granted to
her younger sister ⅓rd part of the estate in St.
Christophers enjoyed by her late father, Peter
Assailles, so he will grant ⅓rd to her etc. Enumerates
her father's sufferings as a French Protestant etc.
Endorsed, Rd. 23rd Feb., 1719, Refd. 28th do.
3 pp. [C.O. 152, 14. ff. 136, 137, 138–139v., 141v.] |