Pages 449-452
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 30, 1717-1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.
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Abbott, Richard, document signed by, 438, 439.
-, -, plantation of, petition concerning, 31 i.
-, -, -, -, grant of, 31 i.
Abraham, Elizabeth, deposition of, 359 i.
Abram (Abrahams), Philip, 359 i.
-, -, deposition of, 359 viii.
Acadie. See Nova Scotia.
Ac(k)worth, Jacob, Commissioner of the Navy, document signed by, 386.
Acourt, —, case of, 88.
-, -, report upon, 159.
Act of Parliament, 373 iii, iv.
-, authority of, denied in N.E., 616.
-, confirmation of Treaties by, question concerning, 406.
-, printed copies of, for Governors, 147.
-, for ascertaining rates of foreign coins, observance of, required, 402, 632, 687.
-, -, petition against, 650, 650 iii.
-, for better regulating Charter and Proprietary Governments, clause proposed for, 823.
-, for encouragement of trade to America, amendment of, considered, 471.
-, for the encouragement of the Greenland trade, 468, 478.
-, to encourage the trade to Newfoundland, 550, 798.
-, -, infringements of. See Newfoundland Fishery, abuses in.
-, for establishing posts in America, 568.
-, for the better preservation of H.M. woods in America, 774.
-, -, proposed, 616, 616 v, 617.
-, to prevent disturbances by seamen, 91.
-, for preventing mischiefs etc. by Quakers etc., 281.
-, for the further preventing robbery and more effectual transportation of felons, 681.
-, for remedying abuses in the Newfoundland trade, draft of, submitted, 798, 808, 808 i.
-, for the more effectual suppression of piracy, 403–405.
-, -, revived, 91, 215, 471, 658, 669 ii.
Acts of Trade and Navigation, 144 ii, 294, 307, 633, 636, 637, 785.
-, enquiry concerning, 636.
-, instructions concerning, 291.
-, infringement of, in R.I., complaint concerning, 759.
-, not violated by French traders, 227.
Acts of the Plantations, printing of. See under Plantations, The.
Adams, Jos., document signed by, 413.
Addison, Joseph, Secretary of State for the Southern Department, 113, 551.
-, -, document signed by, 19, 20, 37–39, 73, 80, 81, 84, 135, 136, 138, 167, 179, 180, 220 i, 346, 403–405.
-, -, letter from, 3, 4, 22, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 97, 102, 109, 132, 149, 163, 165, 166, 218, 222, 317, 593 i.
-, -, letter to, 2, 5, 8, 15, 18, 51, 89, 90, 100, 104, 105, 127, 144, 152, 159, 169, 175, 186, 189, 211, 215, 220, 230, 255–257, 286, 318 ii, 320, 327, 344, 350, 376, 426, 431, 432, 822.
-, -, resignation of, announced to Governors, 446.
Adlington, Walter, affidavit of, 169.
Admiralty, Lords Commissioners of, Governors' powers of ViceAdmiralty restricted by, 144.
-, -, Instructions by, 616.
-, -, Instructions to, 64.
-, -, letter from, 303, 442, 619.
-, -, letter, reference, to, 298, 604, 658, 711 i, 812.
-, Court, Judge of. See Penrice, Sir H.
-, Courts, trials in. See under Plantations.
-, Office, garden of, fire in, 624.
-, -, -, -, documents destroyed in, 624.
-, Secretary of. See Burchett, J.
Adventure, H.M.S., 10, 271, 566.
Agnascorangan, 261.
Aislabie, John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 815.
Alexander, Col., regiment of, 298.
Alford, Daniel, letter from, 41.
-, -, plantation of, St. Kitts, proposal to purchase, 83.
Allain, Louis, letter to, 789 iii., iv.
Allen, Jeremiah, Treasurer, Mass., document signed by, 700 iv.
Alleyn, Abel, petition of, 753 i.
-, -, -, referred, 753.
-, -, -, report upon, 767.
-, Timothy, petition of, 753 i.
-, -, -, referred, 753.
-, -, -, report upon, 767.
Alleyne, Thomas, Councillor, Barbados, decd., 56.
Almsbury, 283.
Amsterdam Gazette, The, 238.
Anderson, John, Councillor, N.J., 194.
-, William, Act concerning. See New York, Act to enable etc.
Andros I., 737 iii.
Andros, Lt.-Gov. Sir E., 177 i.
Angola, ship from, 660.
Anguilla, I. See Virgin Islands.
Anne, Queen, Address to, 650, 650 iii.
-, -, death of, 284.
-, -, grant by, 26 i.
Anonymous letter, 506, 508.
Antigua: and see Hamilton, W., Governor of; and Leeward Islands.
-, Act, constituting a Court of Chancery, confirmed, 336, 408.
-, -, -, report upon, 158, 171.
-, -, constituting a Court Merchant, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, report upon, 530.
-, -, for dividing into parishes (1692), 368 i.
-, -, to enable Arthur Freeman etc. referred, 564.
-, -, -, report upon, 581.
-, -, -, petition for, 649.
-, -, to encourage importation of white servants, objections to, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, to lie probationary, whilst a new act is passed, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, referred, 388.
-, -, -, report upon, 435.
-, -, for erecting a new church in St. Johns, 297, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, referred, 155.
-, -, for establishing a Court of King's Bench, repealed, 337, 408.
-, -, -, report upon, 158, 171.
-, -, -, new, proposed, 408.
-, -, to indemnify Anthony Browne and John Eliot from an agreement with George Pullen etc., petition against, 368 i, 512, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, referred, 368, 570 i (d).
-, -, -, objections to, 191, 192, 217.
-, -, laying 5 p.c. duty on dry goods etc., objection to, 570 i (d).
-, -, laying an additional duty upon wines etc., 570 i (d).
-, -, -, Governor's observations on, 722.
-, -, -, objection to, 722, 722 i, 802.
-, -, -, new, proposed, 802.
-, -, laying a powder duty etc., 570 i (d).
-, -, to prevent the increase of Papists, objections to, 297, 297 i, 462.
-, -, -, petition against, 309.
-, -, -, referred, 155.
-, -, -, report upon, 297, 515.
-, -, -, -, request for, 470.
-, -, -, repeal of, 515, 584.
-, -, laying duty upon foreign sugars, rum etc., objections to, 570 i (d).
-, -, prohibiting the importation of foreign sugars, 736.
-, -, -, arguments in favour of, 547.
-, -, -, discussed in Assembly, 495 i.
-, -, -, enquiry concerning, 487.
-, -, -, -, hearing of, postponement requested, 538.
-, -, -, objection to, 277 i, 487, 495 i, 530.
-, -, -, referred, 162, 495, 531.
-, -, -, new, proposed, 487, 547.
-, -, to quiet present possessors of lands and avoid suits etc., referred, 155.
-, -, -, report upon, 297, 532.
-, -, -, new act recommended, 532, 736.
-, -, for raising a tax of £12,000, 570 i (d).
-, -, for settling £1000 on Governor confirmed, 64, 257 i.
-, -, -, warrant for payment, 73.
-, Acts of, collection of, required, 171.
-, agent of, 408; and see Nivine, W.
-, -, Act referred to, 570 i (d).
-, -, commission of, required, 771.
-, Assembly of, 547, 692, 736.
-, -, Act prohibiting importation of foreign sugars etc., discussion on, 495 i.
-, -, -, new, recommended to, 532.
-, -, Address by, 722, 722 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 722 i.
-, -, -, concerning 4½ p.c., 277.
-, -, claim to authorise payments, 722, 722 i, 802.
-, -, Journal of, transmission of, required, 736, 736 ii.
-, -, Speaker of. See Warner, Ashton.
-, Belfast, 368 i.
-, Bridge Town, Church, 729 (b).
-, Church, act for building a new, 570 i (d).
-, Churchwardens of St. Philips, petition of. See below, St. Philips.
-, Council of, 358, 494, 547, 692, 745; and see Act constituting a Court of Chancery.
-, -, Minutes of, 358, 358 i, 494 i, 515, 521, 740.
-, -, -, required, 736, 736 ii.
-, Council and Assembly, Committee for auditing and stating accounts, 442.
-, -, Minutes of, 722, 722 i.
-, Councillors, 661, 704, 705, 745, 752, 754, 769, 775, 797.
-, -, absent, 358, 647, 736, 736 i, 797.
-, -, appointment of, 358, 583.
-, -, death of, 358.
-, -, persons recommended for, 567, 573, 576, 710, 717; and see Barrington.
-, -, suspension of. See Morris, Thomas.
-, Court of Chancery. See Act constituting.
-, -, King's Bench. See Act for establishing.
-, -, Merchant, Act constituting, 570 i (d).
-, Customs, officers, 6, 570.
-, -, -, complaint against. See Sales, P.
-, -, -, instruction to, 736.
-, drought in, 547.
-, duty on British goods, 570 i (d).
-, 4½ p.c. duty, collectors of, instruction concerning, 736.
-, -, -, notice of appointment of, required, 570.
-, -, infringement of, 495 i.
-, -, places for collection of, address for increase of, 277.
-, -, objection to, 277.
-, Governor Hamilton at, 494; and see Hamilton, W.
-, Governor of, petition for appointment as, 312 i.
-, -, -, referred, 312.
-, harbour of, 40.
-, inhabitants, losses of, 547.
-, -, migration of, 40, 547.
-, lands in, titles to, act concerning. See Act to quiet present possessors.
-, Lt.-Governor of. See Byam, Edward.
-, Lt.-Governor, Council and Assembly, address of, 411, 412.
-, merchants, tradors and inhabitants, address by, 413.
-, negroes, 547.
-, -, market, 495 i.
-, Papists in. See Act to prevent increase of.
-, -, disloyalty of, deposition concerning, 335.
-, -, services of, 297, 515.
-, -, invitod to remove to Martinique and Guadeloupe, 309.
-, payments of public money, instructions concerning, 722, 722 i.
-, -, -, Assembly's claim and act infringing, 722, 722 i, 802.
-, pirates, depredations of, 298, 298 i–iii. And see Leeward Islands.
-, powder officer, nomination of, claim concerning, 722, 722 i.
-, prerogative of the Crown, infringement of, 532, 722, 802.
-, Quakers, 297.
-, recusants in, 297; and see Act to prevent increase of papists.
-, St. Philip's parish. See Act to indemnify Anthony Brown.
-, -, Churchwardens and Vestry of, deposition by, 729 (a) (b).
-, -, petition of, 192, 217, 368 i.
-, -, -, referred, 368.
-, -, new Church in, opposition to, 729 (a) (b).
-, ship of, seized by Spaniards, 692, 692 vi–viii.
-, -, -, by pirates, 298, 298 iii.
-, sugar, price of, 547; and see Act prohibiting importation of foreign.
-, sugar crop, reduction of, 547.
-, Three Maries, ship, order concerning, 761.
-, Treasurer of, 277 i.
-, Willoughby Bay, 368 i.
Apres, James, document signed by, 192.
Arambaru (Arambara), Don Manuel de, 252 ii, v; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
Archbould, James, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
-, -, -, appointed, 144.
Arents, Jacob. See New Jersey, Act for naturalising.
Argyll, Duke of. See Campbell, John.
Arlington, Baron. See Bennet, H.
Armstrong, Robert, Collector, N.H., letter from, 810, 810 i.
-, -, praise of, 307.
-, William, Lt., petition of, report upon, 543; and see Nova Scotia, lands between Maine and.
Army, Controllers of Accounts, report by, 550.
Arnald, Michael, document signed by, 413.
Arowsick, I., 193, 261.
Arundell, Benjamin, document signed by, 298 v.
Ashurst, Sir William, 735.
Ashley, Maurice, a Lord Proprietor of the Bahamas, document signed by, 176, 183, 360 i, 630–632, 687, 694–696.
-, -, -, surrender of Government by, 183.
Ashworth (Ashwood), French ship seized by, 591 ii.
-, -, imprisoned, 591 ii.
-, -, prosecution of, petition for, 591 ii.
-, -, -, order for, 643.
-, -, -, -, proposed, 606.
Asiento Company, the, 196, 356; and see Jamaica, Act laying duty on negroes exported; and South Sea Co.
-, Agent of, 737 iv, 797.
Assaillié, Martha, plantation of, St. Kitts, case of, 134 vi–ix, 691.
-, -, -, -, -, enquiry into, 66.
-, -, -, -, -, -, order for, 66.
Athy, Elizabeth, 564; and see Antigua, Act to enable A. Freeman.
Attorney General, The. See Northey, Sir E.; Lechmere, Sir N.
-, consulted by Board of Trade, 409.
-, Counsel to relieve, proposed, 409.
-, -, appointed, 496, 502.
Attwood, Anthony, 692.
-, -, deposition of, 692 vi.
Auditor General of the Plantations. See Blathwayt, W.
Avery, pirate. See Every.
Axtell, Daniel, owner of privateer (Jam.), 131 i, ii, iv, v.
-, -, bond taken from, 131 iii.
-, -, document signed by, 252 iv; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
-, -, prosecution of, petition for, 591 ii.
-, -, -, order for, proposed, 606.
-, -, -, ordered, 643.
Aylmer, Whitgift, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
Ayscough (Ascough), John, recommended for Council, Jam., 116.
-, -, -, appointed, 144.
Azilia, settlement of. See Mountgomery, Sir R.
Azores, trade with. See Western Islands.