Sept. — Hampton Court. |
680. H.M. Warrant and Commission to Thos. Betts to be
Naval Officer in Jamaica, with a clause obliging him to residence,
and revoking the letters patent of William Norris. Countersigned, J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 187, 188.] |
Sept. 1. Jamaica. |
681. Governor Sir N. Lawes to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses duplicate of 20th June, and acknowledges
letter etc. of 4th April. Continues:—The Acts referred to I have
caused to be enter'd in the Council books and published in the
usual forme. The objections your Lordps. have made in your
Representation to H.M. against the passing of those laws on
which he has been please[d] to signifie his disallowance, appears
so strong that I am in hopes the Assembly will see their error and
frame such other laws for the good of their countrey as may not
be lyable to the same objections. I have particularly signified
to them that if they shall not judge the Acts of 1703 and 1712,
which are now in force, sufficient for the encouragement of white
people, I will readily give my consent to a new law for that purpose
in which care shall be taken that no temporary law do repeal a
perpetual one; and that no act shall repeal a perpetual Act
confirm'd, without H.M. leave, or a clause declaring such an Act
not to be in force til H.M. pleasure be knowne. As to the Act
for the effectual discovery of all persons that are disaffected to H.M.
etc. which remains at present in suspence, I have endeavour'd
to get the best information I could, both with respect to the benefit
and advantage of such a law, as also the inconveniency's and
disadvantages of it, and upon the whole I am of opinion it is not
suitable in many respects to our condition as an unpeopled Colony,
the same obliging all officers civil and military within this Island
to receive the holy Communion within a month after the publication of their Commissions, which has occasion'd many to lay down
and so become reform'd officers who are really gentlemen well
affected to H.M. and his Government, and I cannot say, that we
have either many Roman Catholicks or Dissenters amongst us.
Therefore in my humble opinion if your Lordships thinks fit,
that Act may be laid before H.M. for his disallowance. Refers
to enclosures and Address of Assembly. Continues:—I humbly
begg your Lordships' favourable assistance in getting it presented
to H.M. in an acceptable manner. The Assembly did likewise
testifye their satisfaction under my Government in an Address
a coppy whereof comes herewith. On the 23rd past I did with
the unanimous advice of the Council adjourn the Assembly til
the 24th inst., by reason of the sitting of the Grand Court, the
Speaker being Chief Justice and severall of the Judges and
Lawyers Members of the House, it was impracticable for them
both to sit together and as the last Grand Court had been
adjourn'd without doing any business, both myself and the
Council were of opinion that it was better for the Island to have
the present Grand Court meet to prevent a delay in Justice, then
to continue the Assembly sitting. I therefore gave them a recess
for one month which seem'd agreeable to most of the Members
thereof, and I hope they will fullfill what they have engag'd by
their Resolutions. I observe by one of their resolutions they seem
to have misconstrued that paragraph of my Speech, wherein I
recommend to them the passing of a law to subject their real
estates or the produce thereof towards the payment of their
just debts, at their next meeting. I shall endeavour to convince
them of the justness of subjecting their estates for that end and
am in hopes they will come into it. I am sorry H.M. recommendacons to them has hitherto prov'd ineffectual for reimbursing
the Lord A. Hamilton and the Council for moneys advanced by
them for the subsistance of H.M. forces here. Your Lordships
will observe by my Speech in what pressing terms I recommended
it to them, and notwithstanding their Resolution that it ought
not to be paid, yet I am in great hopes at their next meeting they
will consider the justness of that demand and pay obedience to
H.M. recommendacon, I shall not be wanting in promoting all
I can towards it. Encloses Naval Officers Accounts etc., and that
of the Collector of Customs. Continues:—Whereby you will
observe how small a share of seizures comes to H.M. proporcon,
and I cannot help taking notice to your Lordships upon this
occasion, that in all former Governments H.M. share of seizures
were paid into the hands of the Governour and he to be accountable to the Lord High Treasurer in Great Britain. The first
instance of the contrary was upon an application of Mr. Beckford,
Comptroler in Mr. Heywood's Government, for the Lord A.
Hamilton to pay into the Collector's hands H.M. share of all
the seizures that had hapned in his Lordp's. Government, which
Mr. Heywood accordingly order'd. Refers to Minutes of Council,
Aug. 23 and 25, 1716. Continues:—I confess I have not been
able to find out what inducements Mr. Heywood had to give such
a positive direction etc., especially when the Councill where
equally divided in their opinions; I hope your Lordships will
please to take the same into your consideration for it plainly
appears by this account that H.M. reaps little advantage from
seizures the greatest part being swallowed up in extravagant and
unnecessary charges and sallarys to the officers. I therefore
propose it to your Lordships to move H.M. that he wou'd be
graciously pleas'd to grant his share of all such seizures in this
Island as may happen from time to time for breach of the Acts
of Trade towards the support of the Government thereof. Since
I had the last honor to write to your Lordships, I have taken an
opportunity with a Committee of the Councill to view the fortifications on Port Royall wch. I found very much out of repair,
and severall implements and stores wanting. I ordered a survey
to be taken of the ordnance and stores, coppys whereof comes
herewith, together with a list of what ordnance stores and other
implements of war, which are wanting and necessary as retorn'd
by a Committee of the Councill with their opinion thereupon and
I humbly desire the favour of your Lordships to lay the same
before H.M. with your recommendacons that he may be graciously
pleased to give directions to the Board of Ordnance to supply
us with the same. I think it my duty to acquaint your Lordships,
that severall people have been lately sent over out of the gaols
in England, upon the encouragement of an Act of Parliament
pass'd the last Sessions, for the further preventing robbery etc. and
for the more effectual transportation of felons etc.; Those people
have been so farr, from altering their evil courses and way of
living and becoming an advantage to us, that the greatest part
of them are gone and have induced others to go with them a
pyrating, and have inveglied and encouraged severall negroes to
desart from their masters and go to the Spaniards in Cuba, the
few that remains proves a wicked lazy and indolent people, so
that I could heartily wish this country might be troubled wth.
no more [of] them. The Spanish gentleman Don Juan del Valle
who has been in this Island for some years past solliciting for
restitution for severall losses the Spaniards hath sustained by
English pyrates has receiv'd an answer from myself and the
Councill to a Memoriall he deliver'd in some time after my
arrivall of wch. I send your Lordships a copy, and seeing, we have
nothing more in our power to make restitution but the money
deposited by Lord A. Hamilton, his staying longer in this countrey
was thought unadviseable especially he giving great umbrage to
the merchants, who suspected he gave intelligence to the Spaniards
on Cuba, the time of their ships sailing from this Island by means
of which information the Spanish Guardalacoasts (whom I can
call no better than pyrates) lay in wait and has taken severall
of their ships, the said Don Juan was with the unanimous advice
of the Council desired to depart this Island in 21 dayes. He
thereupon applyed for coppys of all his memorialls, answers etc.
attested under the Seal of the Island which was allowed him,
and now I am inform'd he designs for England by this conveyance.
Signed, Nicholas Lawes. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 11th Nov.,
1718. 12 pp. Enclosed, |
681. i. List of enclosures. Same endorsement. ½ p. |
681. ii. Copy of the Resolutions of the Assembly of Jamaica
upon the Governor's Speech, 19th Aug., 1718. (v.
Journal of Assembly). Same endorsement. 3¼ pp. |
681. iii. Address of the Council and Assembly of Jamaica
to the King. Aug. 9th, 1718. We acknowledge with
the highest gratitude your unwearied endeavors for
our safety and prosperity, a signal instance of which we
have lately been favour'd with, in your Majesty's
appointment of Sr. N. Lawes, who from his former just
administration, in the subordinate offices of this Island,
his perfect knowledge of our Constitution, and from his
being also engag'd in interest with us; we perswade
ourselves will fully answer your Majesty's purposes in
such appointment. Return thanks for H.M. ships of
warr for guarding of our Island, and protecting our
trade against pyrates, who notwithstanding your
Majesty's gracious promise of pardon are grown so
numerous and insolent, that the subduing them requires
not only a greater number of ships but a much greater
vigilance than has hitherto been shewn by the Commanders of those ships fitted for our immediate service.
And here we begg leave to represent to your Majesty,
that we are without hopes of being freed from the
depredations and barbaritys daily committed by those
common enemys, untill your Majesty in your great
wisdom shall think fit to order the commanders of your
ships here to follow the direction of our Governor in
their cruises, and untill such commanders are prevented
trading on the Spanish coast, or elsewhere, by the gain of
which they are necessarily tempted to neglect the service
of the Island, and by their carrying on the remains of our
Trade, without the expence of hire-wages or victualling;
our seafaring men wanting their usuall employ, are the
easier sedue'd to turn pyrates etc. Our chief aim in all our
proceedings shall be to render us an acceptable people to
the best of Kings etc. Signed, Ja. Daniel, Clk Council, Wm.
Nedham, Speaker. Same endorsement. Copy. 2¼ pp. |
681. iv. Address of the Assembly of Jamaica to Governor Sir
N. Lawes, with his reply, 12th Aug., 1718. v. Journal
of Assembly. Printed by R. Baldwin in Kingston.
Price one bit. Same endorsement. 1¾ pp. |
681. v. Account of the Collector of Customs, Jamaica, 25th
March—24th June, 1718. Signed, George Dawes. Same
endorsement. 1 p. |
681. vi. List of Ordnance Stores wanting in Jamaica. Same
endorsement. 1 p. |
681. vii. Survey of the Ordnance Stores, Port Royal, May 1st,
1718. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
681. viii. Survey of Ordnance Stores, Port Royal, July 26th,
1718. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
681. ix. Reply to the Governor and Council of Jamaica to Don
Juan del Valle (v. supra). H.E. and the Council are
extreamely concern'd at the hostilities and pyracies
that have been committed by the subjects of Great
Britain on those of his Catholick Majesty. They will
use their utmost endeavours to discountenance and
prevent all such practices for the future etc. His
Majesty has been pleas'd to grant his pardon to the
persons concern'd in the pyracies complain'd of. Far
the greatest part of the money and effects had been
carried into other parts and spent by the disorderly
seamen. They had nothing immediately in their power
but the money deposited by Lord A. Hamilton and some
few effects taken out of the sloop Kensengton which they
shall not only be ready to restore, but likewise to cause
the severall owners of the sloops Bennett, Eagle and
Bersheba to make restitution, when they receive H.M.
commands for that purpose. At the same time they
hoped that the subjects of the King of Spain would be
as ready to make restitution to the subjects of the King
of Great Britain for their losses which are equall if not
superiour to those sustained by the Spaniards. Same
endorsement. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 13. Nos. 16,
16 i.–ix.; and (without enclosures) 138, 16. pp. 131–144;
and (extract of covering letter and Nos. vi.–viii. only) 137,
46. Nos. 33, 33 i., ii.] |
Sept. 1. Jamaica. |
682. Same to Mr. Popple. Acknowledges letter of 4th April
etc. as in preceding. The Assembly have ordered a bill to be
brought in, appointing an Agent or Agents who are to be
sufficiently instructed and empower'd to transact the business of
this Island in Great Britain and care shall be taken that such
Agent or Agents be not dependant wholly upon the Assembly but
joyntly upon the Governour, Council and Assembly in the manner
prescrib'd by their Lordships. Herewith I send you the old
Broad Seal of the Island broke in peices before me in Council etc.
Signed, Nicholas Lawes. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 12th Nov.,
1718. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 13. No. 17; and 138, 16. pp. 145, 146.] |
Sept. 2. |
683. Memorandum of receipt for the Commission to pardon
pirates, to be delivered to the Governor of New England. Signed,
Saml. Cary. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd Sept., 1718. ¼ p. [C.O. 5,
867. No. 9.] |
Sept. 2. |
684. Deposition by Sir Robert Mountgomery of Skelmorly
that he doth bona fide design to make a settlement in Carolina
etc. as Feb. 9. Signed, Rob. Mountgomery. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 383.
No. 4.] |
Sept. 3. Whitehall. |
685. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Craggs. Enclose extract of letter from Governor Sir N. Lawes,
21st June, to be laid before H.M. [C.O. 138, 16. pp. 126, 127.] |
Sept. 3. Whitehall. |
686. Mr. Popple to Mr. Burchett. Encloses similar extract
for the information of the Lords of the Admiralty. [C.O. 138,
16. pp. 127, 128.] |
Sept. 4. St. James's. |
687. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Governor Robert
Johnson and the Council of Carolina. Whereas by our
Instructions to you our Governor, 30th Aug., 1717, we strictly
enjoin'd you to reduce that paper credit, which was pretended
to be establish'd amongst you by your Bank Act, to which
Act we always shew'd our dissent and dislike, and directed
you to put in execution the Act of the 6th of the late Queen,
for ascertaining foreign coin etc., and we have been inform'd,
that in pursuance to our Instructions, you have us'd your
endeavours to put the aforesaid Act of the Queen in execution
and have also pass'd lately an Act of Assembly call'd the Tax
Act, whereby many, if not most of the said Bills of Credit are or
will be sunk and paid off. But we receiv'd a petition from the
London merchants, at our last Board, wherein they set forth,
that they were inform'd, that an intention or design was on foot
to elude your late Act of Assembly call'd the Tax Act, in breach
of the publick faith, or to stamp more bills of credit, they humbly
pray, that no more bills of credit shou'd be allow'd of by us the
proprietors and that we wou'd not suffer the said Act of Assembly
so lately pass'd (pursuant to the Instructions given to our Govr.)
to be anyways eluded or evaded. We therefore having taken the
petition of the said merchants, into our serious consideration and
reflecting on the many inconveniences that must ensue, if either
of the merchants' suggestions shou'd take effect. We therefore the
Lords Proprietors do strictly enjoin and command you Our
Governor and said Council, not to give your consent to any act
of Assembly to be hereafter pass'd or that may alter or any way
evade the said Tax Act for the lessning the Bills of Credit, and that
you do not consent to the makeing or stamping any new bills of
credit for the future until our pleasure be first made known to
you upon that account. We having also receiv'd further information of a design in the Assembly to set a price upon the country
commodities, and to make such commodities at such price be a
good tender in law in discharge of all debts; We do also enjoin
and command you Our Govr. and Council not to consent to any
such law without first sending to us and laying the copy of such
bill before us for our consent and approbation. Signed, Carteret
P., Ja. Bertie for D. of B(eaufort), Fulwar Skipwith for L. C(raven),
M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 121, 122.] |
Sept. 5. Admiralty Office. |
688. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Reply to Sept. 3rd.
Upon complaints formerly received of the like nature, by my
Lords Commrs. of the Admiralty, orders were sent to all the
Captains of H.M. ships in those parts to use their utmost diligence
not only in cruizing against the pirates, and for the security of
the trade, but not to take on board, and carry from one port to
another any merchant's goods, upon any account whatever, and
those orders are again repeated to the Commander in cheif of the
ships at Jamaica. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 8th,
Read 23rd Sept., 1718. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 13. No.
15; and 138, 16. pp. 129, 130.] |
Sept. 6. |
689. Mr. Perry to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Signed,
Micajah Perry. Endorsed, Recd. 14th, Read 15th Oct., 1718.
Addressed. Postmark. ¼ p. Enclosed, |
689. i. Receipt for one red box for Lt. Governor Spotswood
etc. Gravesend. 6th Sept., 1718. Signed, Joshua
Leland, Master. 1 slip. [C.O. 5, 1318. Nos. 51, 51 i.] |
Sept. 9/20. Fort Kykoverall, River Essequebo. |
690. H. Winkler to the Directors of the Dutch West India
Company. Signed, Hn. Winkler. Endorsed, Read, 15th Dec.
(N.S.), 1718. Addressed. Sealed. Dutch. 2 pp. [C.O. 116,
21. No. 159.] |
Sept. 10. Antigua. |
691. Governor Hamilton to Mr. Popple. Yours of the 31
January did not com to my hand till in June last at my returne
from St. Christophers, where I had undergone a varry severe fitt
of a lax, and the man of war was then immediatly obliged to
proceed for Barbados to victuall, for there being no one imploy'd
here by the undertakers to furnish them, which is so inconvenient,
that a third of her time of attending on this station is taken up
in going thither, taking in provisions, and comming back, which
I ones represented, but had no answer to it, and as soone as shee
returned it was our hurry-cane time, and the Capt. judged it for
H.M. service to lay up the ship in the harbour, for the better
securing of her, and there shee remaines still, for which reason,
I was forced to send downe to the aforesaid Island of St. Kitts,
and put up proclamations, for all people that had any setlements
in the former French ground to send me copy's of theire grant's
etc. according to theire Lordship's directions, a state of which
I now send, but is not so perfect as I would have wish'd, but no
paines of mine has been wanting, but some thro' stubborness,
others have theire grants in Britaine, is the reall occasion that I
could not compleat it, however, I hope this will by theire Lordship's be taken so, as that I have discharged my duty to the
utmost of my power. As for having drove of any poore people
off of the Island, it's so far from that, that I have given them all
the incouragment and protection in my power, even to the
disobliging of some of the great Planters, and as for dispossessing
any, I have not, for that Stoddard, that has lodged a petition
against me, had never any grant, or right, nor had he made near
a third the improvements he set's forth in his falce petition, as
you will perceive by my answer, neither had that fellow any
manner of claime to H.M. bounty, having shamefully deserted his
command, and flew to the mountaines when the French landed
upon St. Kitts in 1705/6 when he comanded a militia company, and
there remaind till the enemie was gon, by which means I lost a
strong pass, and the reason I gave a grant for that plantation to
Majr. Milliken, was, that he was well able to setle it, and thereby
H.M. revenew improved etc., but all this without the least profitt
to myselfe, and with no other viwe than the well setling of the
Collony, for I assure you I have no regard to person's in the way of
doing Justice, but if every litle complaint against Governours is
taken notice of, it is the greatest discouragment immaginable;
for by this means, every litle fellow if he doth but immagine that
he has the least hardship done him, he is immediatly for going
home, and there they meet with some of my implacable enemies
to support them etc. I thank God, I have a clear and safe
conscience, that I have wronged no boddy, but if a Governour must
be complained against for doing his duty, and by that means put
to a great deale of charge, and trouble to himselfe and friends,
it is enough to discour[age] them from doing theire duty, as in
the case of Mrs. Assailliê, where my conduct was approved by H.M.
and Councill, but still no reparation order'd to be made me. I
am sorry to find theire Lordship's should receive any impressions
to my prejudice, without first letting me know, and to hear what
I could say in my owne justification, which I beg for the future
if any such thing should againe happen, you will use your
endeavours and interest to procure for me. One Mr. John
Spooner Solicitor Generall of these Islands, and a verry worthy
honest Gentleman will waite on you, I have recommended him
to theire Lordship's for part of the unmanured land Mr. Douglas
our late Generall stands possess'd of, but now without a grant,
if you can any way befriend him, or do him any servis, I beg
you will afford him your best assistance, he is a person very
capable to informe theire Lordships about the state of these
Islands, and in particular as to my conduct. I hope long before
this you have seen my spouse, (by whom I sent you a second black
bearded litle Lady, the prettyest of the sort that I ever did see)
with whom I hope you have had a pretty deale of discourse, to
whom I refer you as to any affaires of mine etc. Compliments.
My most humble servis attends good Mrs. Popple, and all your
pretty family, and I remaine for ever, my dear Popple, your most
obliged, and verry much devouted humble servant. Signed,
W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 14th Nov., Read 16th Dec., 1718.
Holograph. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 117.] |
Sept. 10. Antigua. |
692. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. As soon as I had the honour to receive yours of the 28
of January last which was in June, I applied myself to perform
the several particulars which you thereby directed, and as the
most effectual means to hinder the inhabitants of Anguilla and
those Islands from dispersing and going to settle at Crabb Island
I caused a Proclamation to be issued and published at St.
Christophers and each of those Islands, enclosed, which I hope will
meet your approbation. Refers to enclosed account of grants in
St. Christophers and repeats part of preceding. Adds:—I doubt
the accounts which some have given of their negroes and improvements do exceed what they have on their lands etc. On the 16
ultimo there happen'd a storm which forced several ships and
sloops ashore at St. Christopher's where they were lost and
destroyed by the violence of the weather etc. I was in great
hopes that the method for the disposal of those lands would have
been adjusted ere now. I do assure your Lordships that they
give me more trouble than all the other business of my Government and that even without one penny profit to me in any respect
etc. as preceding. I know not what former Governours may have
got by renewing of grants or making alterations, but I do affirm
to your Lordships that I never got one groat for anything of that
kind neither have I made any alterations save the two mentioned
in the list and remarks now sent, my reasons for which you will
find there, and tho' there are several persons in possession of good
parcells of lands which I think do not deserve the same yet I
do assure your Lordships I have admitted them to continue, and
was resolved so to do even before I received your Lordships
directions not to make any future alterations, to which you may
therefore please to be assured that I shall the more strictly conform.
At the time of my issuing the Proclamation I wrote to the
President of St. Christophers as well as to the Presidents of the
other Islands to use their utmost endeavours to hinder the
inhabitants of those Islands from leaving the same, and withall
I desired that if there were any lately removed from them, they
would let me know the numbers, together with what they believed
to have been the cause thereof, but as yet I have not had any
answer thereto, so presume there are few or none gone, but those
which I formerly gave your Lordships an account of, to prevent
which your Lordships may remember the methods that I then
took which were the only means that I conceived proper to be
used, and upon the whole I am in hopes your Lordships will
believe I have been so far from forcing or encouraging any to
leave these Islands that I have taken all the prudent measures
I could to prevent the same. Refers to enclosed account of imports
etc. And as to your Lordships' commands of the 4 Oct. last
requiring me to send you a distinct account of the several branches
of the Revenue in this Government and the constant expences
thereof, I must beg leave to acquaint your Lordships that I have
often recommended the same to the Council and Assembly of
each Island but cannot get an answer thereto, so it is not in my
power to comply at present etc. I likewise observe your Lordships commands about sending constant informations of the
number of acres granted by H.M. to the several Planters within
my Government with the rents reserved thereupon for answer
whereto your Lordships will please to observe that there has not
been one forfeiture or escheat of lands to H.M. since my coming
to the Government so that there has not been anything for me to
give or grant away; Indeed I have passed some few patents in
this Island as well as the other Islands but it has been for lands
which had been given away by former Governours, the grantees
of which have desired the same more for their own satisfaction
than any great benefit they could expect for the same. So that
in reality there has been nothing given away belonging to H.M.
since my arrival. The rents generally reserved upon such grants
are one ear of Indian corn to be paid upon certain days limitted
by their grants, if lawfully demanded. As to your Lordships'
[enquiry], how the publick accounts are audited, refers to former
letters, and to his account of Spaniards attacking Crab Island etc.
Continues:—Since which I have an account that they have also
at Tertuga alias Saltatudas taken a ship and a sloop belonging to
the subjects of H.M., the which ship was commanded by one
Joseph Bosworth, and the sloop by one Anthony Attwood etc.
Refers to enclosures. Continues:—They have also taken several
small sloops belonging to these Islands which only went to
Crabb Island and St. Cruix to get turtle, of which I think it my
duty to acquaint your Lordships that you may take such measures
therein for the relief of the parties concerned; as in your wisdom
you shall deem most convenient. I formerly gave your Lordships
an account that the Dutch yearly imported great quantities of
negroes to St. Eustatia and that several were brought from thence
to St. Christophers and the rest of these Islands in English vessells,
for payment whereof' tis supposed that great quantities of sugars
are carried by stealth from the English Islands to the said Island
of St. Eustatia, to the great prejudice not only of H.M. Revenue
but of the fair and honest English trader but as yet I have had
no answer thereto, wherefore I humbly beg leave to put your
Lordships in mind thereof and to pray that you will be pleased to
signifie to me by the first whether you think negroes bought with
Dutch goods upon the coast of Africa and brought from thence
in Dutch vessells may lawfully be brought into any of H.M.
Plantations in an English bottom, after having been first landed
upon St. Eustatia. Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 11th,
Read 16th Dec., 1718. 3¼ pp. Enclosed, |
692. i. Proclamation by Governor Hamilton, 13th June, 1718.
Quotes from letter of Council of Trade 28th Jan., and
forbids the inhabitants of Anguilla, St. Kitts and
the other Leeward Islands to go and settle on Crab
Island. Those who have gone, but now return, shall
have all the protection and encouragement in his power,
and free grants of waste lands etc. Instructions for
obtaining these. Hopes to obtain for them parcels of
lands in the late French part of St. Kitts when it is
disposed of etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
692. ii. An account of the qualifications of 97 grantees of the
French part of St. Kitts, together with Governor
Hamilton's reasons for the grants given by him in that
part of the Island. Same endorsement. 13½ pp. |
692. iii. Governor Hamilton to the Lords of H.M. Privy Council.
12th Aug., 1718. Reply to petition of Christopher
Stoddard. v. supra. Same endorsement. Copy. 3¼ pp. |
692. iv. Proclamation by Governor Hamilton, Antigua, 13th
June, 1718. All persons holding lands in the late French
part of St. Kitts are to deliver copies of their grants to
him at Antigua by 25th July, with an account of the
improvements they have made on each parcell of land
and how long they have been in possession, and by whom
and when their grants were first given. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
692. v. Return by the 97 grantees of lands in the late French
part of St. Kitts in accordance with preceding Proclamation. Signed, W. Hamilton. Same endorsement. 2¾
large pp., folded. |
692. vi. Deposition of Anthony Attwood, Master of the sloop
Mary and Elizabeth. Antigua, 4th Sept., 1718. Deponent sailed from Antigua for Tertuga and on 3rd July
saw the ship Neptune which was in company with him
boarded by a periaga or row-galley, upon which deponent
put his sloop under sail, but the periaga boarded him,
overcame the crew and carried the sloop into Cumana.
The periaga was commanded by Dago Pocheet, who
showed a Commission from the Governor of Cumana.
On 13th Aug. after several times petitioning the Governor
deponent was ordered away in a boat with his sloop's
crew and Capt. Bosworth and the Neptune's crew.
Deponent had no salt or anything else of the growth or
produce of Tertuga etc. Signed, Anthony Attwood.
1¾ pp. |
692. vii. Deposition of John Harris, Antigua, 4th Sept., 1718.
Deponent, a sailor on board the Mary and Elizabeth,
corroborates preceding. Signed, John Harris. 1 p. |
692. viii. Deposition of Joseph Bosworth, Master of the
Neptune. Antigua, 3rd Sept., 1718. Narrates experience
similar to that of Attwood, No. vi. 1½ pp. Nos. vi.–viii.
endorsed as letter. [C.O. 152, 12. Nos. 118, 118 i.–viii.;
and (extract of covering letter and copies of Nos. vi.–viii.)
152, 39. Nos. 131, 131 i.; and (copy of covering letter)
152, 39. No. 130.] |
Sept. 11/22. Rio Essequebe. |
693. Commandant Van der Heyden Rezen to the Directors
of the Dutch West India Company. Signed, Pr. Van der Heyden
Rezen. Endorsed, Read 15th Dec. (N.S.), 1718. Dutch. 15 pp.
Enclosed, |
693. i. Minutes of the Court in Essequibo. Aug. 2, 1718.
Dutch. 8 pp. |
693. ii. Orders by Commandant Van der Heyden Rezen concerning Herman Winkler etc. 26th July-18th Aug., 1718.
Dutch. 5 pp. [C.O. 116, 21. Nos. 164, 164 i., ii.] |
Sept. 12 St. James's. |
694. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Francis Yonge, Surveyor
General. You were by your Instructions, deliver'd to you with
our Commission to be our Surveyor Genl., directed, as all your
predecessors have been, to make entries, and keep a true record
of all lands which you shou'd admeasure and set out to any person
whatsoever and you were desir'd to transmit to us particular
accounts of all the lands that have been taken up before your
entring upon your office, as also what you admeasur'd and set
out since the date of your Commission; We take this opportunity
of putting you in mind of this part of your duty and desire you
to send us such accounts, as by your Instructions you are
directed, by the first opportunity. Signed, Carteret, P., Ja.
Bertie for D. of B[eaufort], M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson.
[C.O. 5, 290. p. 123.] |
Sept. 12. St. James's. |
695. Same to the Governor and Council of South Carolina.
Whereas it was agreed at our Board formerly, that in consideration
of the many and great abuses that were constantly committed
by the exorbitant grants of land that were made in our Province
of South Carolina, far exceeding and contrary to our Commissions
and Instructions to our Govrs. and Officers no more land shou'd
be sold from thenceforth, except what shou'd be sold by ourselves
at our Board; and whereas we have at the instance and request
of several of the inhabitants of our Province, consented to suspend
that our order and resolution and have since permitted our
Agents to sell our land to purchasers as formerly, yet we perceive
that the abuses abovemention'd are rather increas'd since our
late indulgence; conveyances and disposals of our land having
been endeavour'd to be made without our knowledge or consent,
and that all grants of land heretofore made in our province, are
in such a disorderly and confus'd condition that no regular account
can be given of the same, nor can any estimate or calculation of
the rents or reservations made to us by reason of such grants be
any ways made up or transmitted to us; for preventing therefore
such enormous practices and abuses for the future, we have
resolv'd, and we do hereby strictly charge and command you our
Govr. and Council, that you do not consent, permit or suffer any
more of our land to be admeasur'd and set out to any person
whatsoever without our consent and approbation be first obtain'd
upon that accot. Signed, Carteret, P.; Ja. Bertie for D. of
B[eaufort], Fulwar Skipwith for L. C[raven], M. Ashley, J. Colleton,
J. Danson. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 124, 125.] |
Sept. 12. St. James's. |
696. Same to Mr. Secretary Hart. You were by your
Commission from us authoriz'd and directed to receive from the
Surveyor General all certificates of land by him survey'd,
pursuant to the warrts. to him directed, and you were therein
authoriz'd to draw up all the conveyances of land, and when such
conveyances were executed you were by your Commission directed
to inroll them. In your Instructions you were to register all
warrants to the Surveyor General for setting out land to such
person who shall come into your Province to plant, and the
Surveyor Genls. return etc. And in another Article of your
Instructions you were directed to transmit to us yearly a true
account of all our rents, and the arrears of the same, what lands,
in what county, to whom and for what sold. Tho' you have not
been so regular in obeying our Instructions and Orders as you
ought to have been, nor have you transmitted to us yearly as the
duty of your office required you, an account of our Chief; yet
we doubt not but that all the conveyances that have been made
of land have been constantly enroll'd in your office, and the
warrts. and the returns thereof have been duly register'd, by
which means you may with ease send us an exact and just accot.
of what lands have been convey'd and granted away to any
person whatsoever, with the conditions and reservations therein
contain'd, and the counties wherein such land lies since you have
executed the office of our Secretary. We hereby therefore strictly
require you forthwith to send us such an accot., together with a
transcript of what lands etc. have been heretofore register'd and
enter'd at your Office at any time before you executed that
imployment. Signed as preceding. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 125, 126.] |
Sept. 12. St. James's. |
697. R. Shelton (Secretary to the Lords Proprietors of
Carolina) to Coll. Rhet. I having inform'd the Lords of a
clause in your letter to me, after your safe arrival in Carolina,
wherein you signify your desire to the Lords Proprietors, and in
order thereunto you had at last, tho with some difficulty and
charge procur'd a copy of the assessors lists, (and counties they
reside in) of lands, with the persons names and quantity of lands
they hold, by which means you thought you shou'd be the better
inabled to charge the Lords tenants with their several and
respective rents, and to send them, tho' perhaps not an exact,
yet a better roll than you have been hitherto able to procure;
The Lords therefore upon this account have commanded me to
return you their thanks, and to desire you to make up a rent
roll according to the assessors' lists of lands in your hands, as
soon as you can, and to transmit the same to them by the first
opportunity. Signed, R. Shelton. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 127.] |
Sept. 15. Southwark. |
698. Sir Charles Cox to Mr. Popple. I hear a report that
the Governr. of Barbadoes has suspended my brother Samuel
Cox from the Councill etc. Prays to be heard before that suspension be confirmd. Signed, Charles Cox. Endorsed, Recd. 16th,
Read 23rd Sept., 1718. Addressed. ⅓rd p. [C.O. 28, 15.
No. 36.] |
Sept. 27. Virginia. |
699. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Abstract. Acknowledges receipt of Mr. Beresford's
Memorial relating to the danger of the French settlements etc.
Explains the difficulties he will meet with in getting a law passed
to redress the frauds complained of in the pitch and tar trade
(v. 5th March). Continues:—The persons chiefly concerned in
that manufacture, are of the meanest of the people, who have no
other view than the passing it off to the merchant here, and if they
can conceal their false packing from his knowledge, have as little
concern for the reputation of their commoditys in the British
markett, as they have for their own here; yet these people having
a great influence in the election of Burgesses, it is difficult to
perswade those who receive a benefite by their votes, to pass an
Act so prejudicial to their interest, as that of obliging them to a
greater honesty would be etc. Besides it is evident that the
Virginia merchants, tho they are as apt as any to clamour against
frauds in this country's manufactures, are the most difficult to be
pleased in any regulations made therin here. Proposes that the
merchants prepare a scheme of such regulations as they will be
content to submit to, for preventing abuses in that trade. "And
I shal be ready to use my utmost endeavours to bring the Assembly
into the passing a law conformable thereto; for otherwise I'm
perswaded that no measure projected here will content them"
etc. Refers to their obtaining the repeal of the Acts for preventing
frauds in tobacco payments, and for regulating the skin trade, tho
never were any laws attended with more remarkable success etc.,
and to the daily inconveniencys that arise by recurring to the
loose way of managing the Indian trade wch. the repealed Act
for regulating it was calculated to prevent, and by destroying
that security to the frontiers wch. it had so well provided for etc.
It was in Aug. 1714 that I began to build the Fort of Christanna
etc., and from that time there was not so much as one alarm to
occasion the ordering out the Militia, as had been usual for many
years before: but now the Northern Indians and Tuscoruros
begin again their customary incursions, and about the begining
of last month murdered a man at one of the out Plantations. A
more dangerous design has been formed by them in our neighbouring province of North Carolina to cutt off the new seat of Governmt.
there, and the neighbouring settlements and they had so far
proceeded therin as to attack a plantation within less than half a
mile of the Governors residence; but the design having been
timely discovered, the people were upon their guard, and the
Indians were beat off. Nevertheless this has so much alarmed
the inhabitants that many plantations are deserted, and the
Governor is even withdrawing his family to a place of more safety.
The Saponie Indians settled at Christanna, have been also
threatened by these Northern Indians, who even went so far as
to send a message to the officer commanding that fort demanding
those Indians to be delivered up to them: but tho our Assembly
thought fitt to abandon those Indians by refusing to keep any
longer a guard at that fort, (contrary to the publick faith of the
Governmt. wch. is engaged by a Treaty for their protection in that
manner) and tho they seemd bent upon discouraging the late
Indian Company from contributing any more to the security of
that place, by that extraordinary vote of theirs on the 24th of
May, when the Burgesses resolved that the Governmt. be not
enabled to performe its engagements to the late Indian Company
for rebuilding Fort Christanna; I could not think myself excusable
in treating so inhumanely a people that had voluntarily submitted
to this Government, desired to be ruled according to such methods
as we should prescribe, and agreed to have all their children
brought up Christians at the school wch. I have settled there;
and therefore I removed them into the Fort, which the late
Indian Company had after their dissolution at the desire of the
Government rebuilt, and made of sufficient strength to baffle
any Indian enemy; and the Northern Indians being sensible that
it was impracticable to attack them there, have since offerred
them peace, and a kind of treaty is concluded between them,
whereby they are to forbear all hostilitys against one another.
It were to be wished that the Assembly of Virginia, laying aside
their more refined politicks had consulted as much the safety of
the people they represent by renewing the peace with those
Northern Indians, before they are tempted to fresh hostilitys:
but whatever may befall either this Government or its neighbours
from those Indians will be imputed to this obstinacy of the
Virginia Assembly in refusing to enter into any measures with
them, and I must plainly charge it on that factious party in the
Council here, who rather chuse to ruine their countrey than to
second anything I project for the King's service, or the publick
benefite, it being urged by one of their party in the House of
Burgesses as his reason for not complying with my measures for
defence of the country, that the approbation of those measures
by that House would do me too much service at Whitehall: but
I'm as little apprehensive of their being able to distress my
administration on this or any other occasion, as I am of their
succeeding at yor. Lordps. Board etc. Prays that Mr. Byrd, who
has been absent 3½ years, may be removed from the Council, and
Mr. Cole Digges put in his place, etc. Set out, Spotswood Papers,
II. 304. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 24th Nov.,
1718, Read 24th Feb., 1718/19. 5 pp. [C.O. 5, 1318. No. 56;
and 5, 1365. pp. 173–183.] |
Sept. 29. Boston, New England. |
700. Governor Shute to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Refers to letter of 26th June and replies to their Lordships' last letter.
Continues:—As to the Revenues and the constant and regular
expence of the Government they are uncertain. The Governor
nor Lieut. Govr. have no fixed sallery assigned them but
whatever falls short in any years tax is made good at the next
meeting of the Assembly the particulars of the whole your Lordps.
will find in the Treasurer's accompt herewith inclosed. The
Provinces under my care are upon a different footing from the
other Provinces in America as to quit-rents; when any number
of acres are granted there is no rent reserved for H.M.; but in
case any gold or silver mines or precious stones should be found
in any of the said lands the fifth part is reserved to the Crown.
I have taken notice to the last Assembly of the great complaints
that have been made against the pitch and tar; and there are
such directions given to the officers that (I hope for the future)
there won't be any more complaints of that kind. The accompts
of the exports and imports for 3 years which I sent by the Collector
of Rhoad Island, I hope is long since arrived at the Honble.
Board; and have now sent inclosed the account of the last years
exports and imports as also an account of the powder, expended
in both Provinces. I have also sent a Memorial with two
affidavits against Dr. Cooke which I suppose Mr. Bridger hath
sent already, which I shew'd to the Council who were very much
surprized at it and were of a quite different opinion from that
Gentleman, which was all that was done upon it; whereupon I
thought it very much for the King my Master's service to remove
Dr. Cooke from the Council Board. The Memorial your Lordps.
enclosed to me concerning the progress the French have made
in America, I have carefully perused and find it will not in the
least affect either the Province of the Massachusetts or New
Hampshire because of the vast distance and large tracts of thick
woods that seperate the French from us; and have sent a map
printed here since my arrival wherein all their Forts are mark'd
which I'm informed are not kept in good repair. But if a war
should break out betwixt the Crown of Great Britain and France
these Provinces might be forceibly attacked from Cape Breton.
There being three vacancies by the death and non acceptance of
some Councillers of New Hampshire I would recommend to your
Lordps. Archibald Mackphedres Nicholas Gillmon and Peter
Wear Esqrs. (who are persons well affected to H.M. Government
and in considerable circumstances) to compleat the number of
that Board etc. I have been at Rhoad Island and ordred that
part of my Commission wherein H.M. is pleased to give me the
command of the Militia there in time of war and imminent danger
to be read upon which the Council desired time to consider of it
and at last have told me they the General Assembly can't consent
to it because it is contrary to the Charter granted to them by
King Charles II. The Indians by the instigation of their Jesuits
have of late been very insolent but I am still in hopes I shall be
able to prevent a war breaking out wch. wou'd prove very
distructive to ye Eastern settlemt. Signed, Samll. Shute.
Endorsed, Recd. 28th Nov., Read 4th Dec., 1718. 3 pp.
Enclosed, |
700. i. Mr. Bridger to Governor Shute. Duplicate of No. 616,
iii. |
700. ii., iii. Duplicates of No. 616, vi. |
700. iv. Account of H.M. Revenue in the Massachusetts Bay
May 1717–1718, signed and sworn to by Jeremiah Allen,
Treasurer. Boston, July 23, 1718. Total, £47, 670 15s.
Endorsed as covering letter. 27 pp. |
700. v. Account of the Revenue of New Hampshire, 1715, 1716.
Sworn to by Saml. Penhallow, 12th May, 1718. Total,
£1938 18s. 7d. Same endorsement. 3 pp. |
700. vi. Account of the Revenue of New Hampshire 1716, 1717.
As preceding. Total, £1300 1s. 6d. Same endorsement.
2 pp. |
700. vii. Account of foreign commodities imported at Boston,
Midsummer 1717–1718. cf. No. 620, i. Signed, John
Jekyll. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
700. viii. Account of powder expended at Fort William and
Mary, Oct., 1717—July, 1718. Signed, J. Wentworthy,
Capt. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
700. ix. Account of Stores of war expended at Castle William,
Midsummer 1717–1718. Signed, Za. Tuthill, Lt. Same
endorsement. 1 p. |
700. x. Account of stores of war at Castle William, June 24,
1718. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1 p. [C.O.
5, 867. Nos. 18, 18 i.–x.; and (without enclosures) 5,
915. pp. 232–237.] |
Sept. 29. |
701. Office expenses of the Board of Trade, June 24—Sept. 29,
1718. [C.O. 388, 77. Nos. 48, 51, 54.] |
[—Sept.] River Essequibo. |
702. Petition of A. Hollander and others to the Directors of
the Dutch West India Company. Signed, A. Hollander and
other settlers. Endorsed, Recd. 6th July (N.S.), 1719. Dutch.
6 pp. [C.O. 216, 21. No. 162.] |