April 21. Nantaskett. |
820. Receipt for some letters from Major Jno. Livingston
to be delivered to General Nicholson in London, with instructions
etc. Signed, Jno. Dean. 1p. [C.O. 5, 751. No. 80.] |
April 23. Antegoa. |
821. Isaac Royall to Mr. Ayon. Yours per Mr. Rodney
came safe to hand, per which perceive Col. Lambert's fire was
soon extinguisht, Mr. Rowe give a very indifferent character of
him, etc. Since your departure, the health, success and good
voyage to Capt. Plum is frequently repeated, and in all companys
where the poore Loyalists dare express themselves with freedom.
Since the knowledge of the Address from the Leeward Islands to
H.M. came to the light of the rebellious faction, their barbarous
insults have not been so frequent as before, by some few of them
seeming to have some concern on their brows. Those that had
not made over their estates by sham seales before the murther
of the Generall have since been very industrious in doeing it.
It's beleived that some of the Toppers will leave the Island in a
little time, others doe frequently express themselves with all the
envy and malice that Hell itself cou'd vent. I heard severall of
them within these three days say, that if H.M. resented what they
had done, they wou'd serve some other Prince, for they were one
and all, and if H.M. hang'd one, she shou'd hang all, so little
sence have they of their horrid crime, that the greatest part still
persist in the justification of the action. To see how those bloodthursty villaines are hugg'd by the Lieut. Governor, nay like
children in the arms of their parents, and no notice taken of the
Loyalists, the measures he has taken since his arrivall amongst
us is surprising to all thinking men, undoubtedly he has endeavoured to stifle that bloody trajedy as much as possible, as will appear
I beleive when the matter is truely and faithfully looked into.
If he should be confirmed in the Government as they give out he
will, Genll. Parke's friends have no business to stay in this Island.
Pray use your utmost endeavours to prevent it, etc. Myself,
Capt. Matthews and French seem to be pointed at above all
others in the Island, etc. There are severall very materiall
affidavits prepared since your departure, which will be sent if
possible to get an opportunity to send them to St. Christophers,
not dareing to send them per the packett from hence for fear of
a search, etc. Wee hope you'll be frequent in your Addresses to
H.M. in our behalfs for Her speedy protection. The Address
that was signed by 23 of the most eminent Gentn. of the Island,
of Genl. Parke's friends, by some means or other took light, and
diligent enquirys were made, and so strict that wee were forced
to burn it, etc. I have sent you a copy. Forgett not to desire
that the Councill and Assembly books be demanded home, which
will be justification to Genl. Parke's action and a condemnation
of theirs to the greatest degree. When the news of your departure
came to the Lt. Genll's. ear, he expressed himself with a great
deal of concern, and offered £500 to know who carryed you off,
as Oglethorp told me. You had undoubtedly shared the Genll's.
fate had you stay'd three days longer. Signed, Isaac Royall.
2 pp. Enclosed, |
821. i. Address from Antego to the Queen. A few of your
Majesty's dejected but loyall subjects of this Island
privately meeting together do lay ourselves prostrate
at your Royall feet, for protection of our lives and
interests for adhereing to that late loyall person, Governor
Parke, etc., who was murthered in a most barbarous
manner, the particulars being such as were never
paralleled even amongst the Heathens, much less
amongst those called Christians, and who stile themselves Protestants. Our lives, Great Queen, are so
much in danger, that wee dare not trust the acquaintance
of this our Address even with our friends, for that the
diligence of our enemys is such as nothing can scarcely
pass their knowledge, and the attempt to discover to
your Majesty the truth of that affaire wou'd be of fatall
consequence to your Majesty's supplicants. They have
gained by threats and promises an Address signed by all
the Councillors (Col. John Hamilton excepted) wherein
the truth is wholly hid, at which meeting was permitted
to sitt in Councill two certain Gentn., one of which did
not appear there since the late Genll's. comeing to his
Government, and the other for above two years before
he was murthered, both which signed the Address, and
which wee doubt not but your Majesty by your penetrateing judgment will easily see thro' the veil drawn over
that bloody scene. When the full truth is laid before
you, your Majesty will approve the late Generall's conduct, etc. Signed, The Hon. Col. John Hamilton:
Joseph French, Treasurer; Capt. Wm. Matthews;
Richd. Buckeridge, Collr. of Customs: John Brett,
their Naval Officer; Isaac Royall, Capt. John Wickham,
Majr. Jeremiah Blizard, James Raleigh, Capt. John Roe,
Cesar Rodeney, John Haddon, Tho. Turner. 2 pp.
[C.O. 152, 42. Nos. 61, 61 i.] |
April 23. St. James's. |
822. The Queen to Governor Douglas. In accordance with
the Representation of the Council of Trade, April 19, Our will and
pleasure is that, upon your arrival in the Leeward Islands, you
do in the most effectual manner recommend Edward Buncombe's
case to the Council and Assembly of the Montserrate or to the
General Council and Assembly of the Leeward Islands, that
reparation may be made to him etc. Countersigned, Dartmouth.
Annexed, |
822. i. Duplicate of No. 817. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 75–79.] |
April 24. Whitehall. |
823. Lord Dartmouth to Governor Douglas. I am again
commanded to acquaint you that H.M. thinks it for her service
you should go to your Government as soon as possible; the
enclosed letter which I have just now received from the Admiralty
gives me hopes that you may stil have the benefit of the Leeward
Convoy, which I heartily wish, and that you may have a good
voyage. Signed, Dartmouth. Annexed, |
823. i. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to Lord Dartmouth. Admiralty Office, April 24, 1711. The ships
of war bound to the Leeward Islands are at Spithead
under orders to proceed on their voyage in company of
Sir Hovenden Walker, as farr as their way shall lie
together. Signed, J. Leake, G. Byng, J. Wishart, Geo.
Clarke. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 79, 80.] |
April 26. Mountseratt. |
824. Lt. General Hamilton to the Lord Dartmouth.
Since my last from Antigua (v. April 5th), I had the Flagg of Truce
return'd from Martinique with an answer from M. de Phelipeaux
the French King's Generall relating Mr. Bermingham whome I
had demanded, who saith that the said Bermingham has declared
himselfe to be a Irish Roman Catholick and desired his protection,
which he could not refuse soe consequently to doe all the injury
to his fellow subjects he is capable of, but has (God be praised)
hitherto been frustrated in all his undertakings except that upon
Berbuda, which he took by treachery before he was discovered to
have taken sanctuary amongst the enemy, by comeing ashore in
that Island under pretence of having been taken by the French
and there landed, he being well aquainted with ye manager or
Commander Col. Codrington had there was courtiously received
and entertain'd but soe it was that ye said Bermingham had a
number of men Brittish and Irish runnagadoes like himselfe with
some French men lodged in the adjacent woods, and when he did
see a fitt oppertunity seiz'd the Commander took and blew up the
Castle, and carried off both white and black to Martinique, from
whence the first are returned by the Truce who gave me this
account and doe further say that he was then out with some
privateers. As soon as the man of warr came in to Antigua,
which was on ye 9th instant, I embarqued imediatly on board of
her and took with me two sloops with a detachment of H.M.
troops out of Col. Jones's Regiment, and proceeded to this Island
from thence to Nevis and St. Christophers and soe to Anguilla,
where I arrived the 12th at night, but said Bermingham who had
been there and attempted to land was gone (as by advice they had
from St. Martins) to the Windward Islands with six sloops, with
which number he had appeared off of Anguilla, upon which I
resolved imediatly to sett saile to protect, or relieve the place he
should attempt, since I have been at St. Christophers and Nevis,
where I gave such directions as I thought might in the best
manner secure them against any attempt of his. I arived here
yesterday where I mett the Evelin packett, by whome this and
my former comes, by whome I have advice from Antigua that ye
privateers have been very busie about that Island and is believed
that Bermingham is of the number; they have taken two shipps
just off of the Harbour, soe that it is impossible for the best
Generall to order or the most dilligent Captain of any one shipp
to protect the trade to and from these Islands, besides the man of
warr now on this station is soe foul, her sailes and rigging soe
much worne, in short everything out of order for want of a store
here, that should shee goe to Leeward with any of the loaden shipps
to see them clear of the Islands by ye opinion of all the officers on
board it would be impossible for her to turn to windward again,
but be obliged to goe either for Jamaica or New England, by which
your Lord shipps perceives of how little service one single shipp
is to soe many Islands, the consideration of which is humbly
submitted to your Lordshipps. Bermingham has twice attempted to land on this Island, severall times at Antigua, one's at each
of the two Dutch Islands of St. Eustatia and Sabat, but by the
timely notice I had given them was frustrated everywhere, and
am in hopes may in a little time fall into our hands, there being a
reward offer'd of £300 for any that shall take and secure him, soe
that he may be brought to condigne punishment, etc. After I
have settled things here in the best posture I can possible, which
for want of small arms and other stores of warr throughout all
the Islands as well as this, I cannot doe soe efectually as I could
wish, however shall doe the best in my power for her Majesties
service, and then proceed to the Island of Antigua, to quiett in
the best manner I am capable the minds of those unhappy people
and waite impatiently for Her Majesties gratious directions how
to proceed till which time I take that Island to be in double
danger, of a watchfull crafty cunning, neighbouring enemy,
however I shall not faile in the maine time to give all the incouragement of hopes to the people to quiett their minds, in order to
incourage them to doe their duty in resisting the common enemy,
and shall in every particular to the utmost of my power discharge
my duty to H.M. etc. P.S. I have ye three spy's Bermingham
landed at Anguilla now on board ye man of warr in order to be
tryed as soon as I gett to Antigua, the sloops I had with me the
one belong'd to this Island, the other to Capt. Norbury, Commander of H.M.S. Lark, who lent her for the service. Signed,
W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd, Read 27th June, 1711.
1¾ pp. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 71; and 153, 11. pp. 334–339; and
152, 42. No. 62.] |
April 27. Whitehal. |
825. Wm. Popple to Mr. Attorney Generall. Encloses
abstract of papers referred to in the petition of Wait Winthrop
relating to the Narraganset Country etc. for his opinion. "Tho'
the Representation was made upon the Dutchess of Hamilton's
petition, yet it includes the cases of all, or most of the other
claimants." [C.O. 5, 1292. pp. 308, 309.] |
[April.] |
826. Executors of Col. Parke to [? the Council of Trade and
Plantations]. Express satisfaction at the instructions given to
Govenor Douglas. Petition for leave to informe the Board of
the state of Antigua since the murder, as they are requested to
doe by severall of the Council and others, who have not only been
forced to act under the immediate influence of the assassination,
but also the cheife places of honour, proffit and trust, civill and
military are taken out of the hands of those who continue loyall
to their Sovereign, and conferr'd on the most active in this horrid
assassination. Such is the daring insolence and inveterate
malice of the assassins, that they have not only waylaid the Justice
of the Peace, before whom our affidavitts were taken, with a
designe to murther him, but allso all those who continue loyall,
and were in the interest of the late Genll., are threatned to share
his fate, and they have given out that if H.M. touches the hair of
any of their heads, they will deliver the sword into other hands.
Pray that any additional instructions may be given to Governor
Douglas that may be thought necessary. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 42.
Nos. 46 and 67.] |
April —. Antigua. |
827. Mr. Morris to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Refers to letter of Feb. 27. I was in hopes the Generall Councill
and Assembly wou'd a done something notable on that occasion,
the Lt. Generall sending for all Col. Parke's friends to answer to
all such interrogatorys as should be put to them. Refers to
enclosures. I am sorry men in such posts and on such occasions
should give the least occasion or handle for remarkes, as I can't
but make some on his late conduct, for all part of mankind must
beleive the late Generall's friends could not give any account why
he was put to death, so altogether improper to exhibite interrogatorys to them, when on the contrary the Lt. Generall ought to 'a
cited those his executioners, to 'a known what reasons they had
to put him to death, by which irregular proceedings I beleive,
was the occasion the Generall Councill and Assembly did nothing
that I can learn, and indeed we could not expect better from the
begining; for all the members of the Assembly for this Island
were the cheif actors in the murther, and one of the Councill for
this Island was of that faction, and had not appeared in Councill
for three years before Col. Parke's death (which persons wou'd
never been allowed to sit judges of their own actions in any
Government but this, and had the unfortunate Col. Parke appointed any Member of the Councill for the General Councill,
without taking the voice of the whole Councill) he would 'a bin
thought partial. But in this Government 'tis thought regular;
and to give those gentlemen the better opportunity to compleate
their repeated threatning of securing the sword (v. Feb. 27), wee
have a general removall of the late Generall's friends, from the
Treasurer to the Gunner of a fort or platforme, and there is also
to be a regulation in the militia, and wee the Loyalists shall have
no opportunity of sending your Lordships any proofs, all the
Justices of our side to be put out, and in short all posts of trust
and proffit is, and will be put into their hands. I very well
remember when our Lt. Generall came up to this Island (after the
death of our late Generall) he being in the house of our Lt. Governor,
he exclaimed against the unjust proceedings of the late
Generall, in his depriving all the Lt. Governors of their perquisites,
by leaving orders at all the Islands, that no letters of
administration should be granted but by himself, and leaving
blank passports for vessells, as also blanck lycences, all of which
was a very great crime in him. Soon after this declaration, Col.
Samuell Parry of this Island applyed himself to the Lt. Generall
for letters of administration on the estate of Capt. John Syms of
Mountserat, brother-in-law to said Parry, who was kill'd in
Spaine, wch. letters was denyed him, the said Parry alledg'd to
the Lt. Generall letters would be granted in Mountserrat to
another brother-in-law there, unless his Honour would grant him
the first, at which the Lt. Generall told him not to be afraid of
that, for he had left orders there, no letters of administration
should be granted in his absence. And since his departure from
this Island to Leeward, it appears he left blank lett passes for as
many vessells as lie could learn would sail before his returne, two
of which Col. Parry paid for his two sloops, arid I doubt not but
on the first occasion wee shall find blank lycences left; so that
those acclamations proves but an intended peace of State policy.
Some days past I was assaulted by one Mr. Drolinvaux, Mr.
Smith, Jackson and Grills, the usage I had from them I have
sworn to (enclosed), the first two of them I mentioned (Feb. 27)
as being very active in the murther of the late Generall, since
which Col. Jones gave Smith a commission in his regiment,
which I presume is a gratuity for his rebellion, and firing that day
against H.M. colours, the two latter are subalterns in the same
regiment, and of the same faction, etc. By such early proceedings
your Lordships may perceive what ministry wee shall live under
if he is made Generall, as I am informed these Gentlemen have
addressed H.M. in his favour; but our hopes is that H.M. will in
no wise think him a fit person to command here, for if he should,
all wee Loyallists must move to some other of H.M. Governments,
or be contented to submitt to a greater oppression than
wee do now, and the greatest hopes of speedy relief wee have is,
from the impression wch. may be made on H.M. by the Addresses
our neighbour Islands have sent her, shewing their Christian like
detestations of so barbarous an action, etc. Signed, Thomas Morris. Enclosed, |
827. i. Thomas Morris to Lt. General Hamilton. I just now
received following summons for my attending the Council relating to the death of the unfortunate Col. Parke, in
whose favour there may be a great deale said, bug
think this is very severe, for I can't take it otherwise
than commending me to run in that fire, which has been
so long kindling, and is now burning at the heighth it is,
my life is but a span, and should I he anyways active in
the favour of that gentleman, it soon would be Shortened
to an inch, so that knowing my destiny, I desire the few
days I may have to live may be in peace, and without
the fear of being hedg'd. I assure your Honour my
lipps are seal'd, and shall remain so till H.M. commands
be to the contrary, so hope you'l excuse my absence, and
give me leave to rest as I am. Signed, Thomas Morris.
copy. |
827. ii. Copy of summons to Thomas Morris to appear before
the Lt. General and General Council at St. Johns, to
be examined as to the death of Governor Parke, etc.
Signed, Tho. Kerby, Cik. Council. [C.O. 153, 11. pp. 339–345.] |