Feb.—April. |
629. Permit for 8 ships to sail for America without convoy.
[C.O. 324, 32. pp. 55, 59, 60, 65, 82.] |
[Feb.] |
630. Petition of Alexander Skeene to the Queen. Prays
leave to return to England for the recovery of his health, and to
appoint a Deputy to act for him as Secretary of Barbados and
Clerk of the Courts. Signed, in behalf of petitioner, Rowld.
Tryon. Endorsed, Feb., 1710/11. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 43. No. 54.] |
Feb. 1. Whitehall. |
631. Lord Archibald Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Being informed by Richd. Thompson, a Member
of H.M. Council in Jamaica, that he has at present no thoughts
of returning to that Island, by which there will be a vacancy in
the said Council, of which he will inform you himself, therefore I
take the liberty of recommending Mr. Richard Rigby, a gentleman of ability and qualifyed for that trust, etc. Signed, A.
Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd, Read 5th Feb., 17 10/11. 1 p.
[C.O. 137, 9. No. 29; and 138, 13. pp. 315, 316.] |
Feb. 1. Whitehall. |
632. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Duke of Queensberry. Having considered the petitions of the Royal African
Company, and of several Planters and inhabitants of Barbadoes
etc. (v. Dec. 9, 1710), we enclose a Representation thereupon to
H.M. Annexed, |
632. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Refer
to Representation of 3rd Feb., 1708, upon the trade to
Africa, and proceedings in Parliament. Passages relating to the Plantations are:—As to the supplying the
Plantations with sufficient numbers of negro's at moderate prices, and the giving a credit to planters, as proposed by them, we conceive the same to be absolutely
necessary, and therefore it will be proper that in such
law as shall be passed for settling the trade to Africa,
some provision be made for the foresaid purposes, in
whatever manner that trade shall be settled by
Parliament. In answer to the petition of the planters
of Barbadoes, the separate traders do say, that the
law made in Barbadoes some years past, whereby papermoney was made current in payment for negro's and all
other goods, has been the occasion that the said Island
hath since that time been slenderly supply'd. By the
Minutes of the Council and Assembly of Jamaica in 1710,
it appears to be the general desire of the planters and
others that the trade to Africa be left free and open to
all your Majesty's subjects, as what they conceive will
be most for the benefit of the British Plantations. Quote
petition of planters and merchants. And it must be
admitted, that Jamaica in regard to its situation, and
the great share it has in the Assiento trade, is more
concern'd in the negro trade, than all the other British
Plantations. Conclude: If the regulations and provisions contain'd in the scheme of the Separate Traders
be judged by your Majesty in Parliament proper and
effectual for preserving and well carrying on the said
trade, for maintaining the forts and settlements [in
Africa] etc., we are humbly of opinion it will be for the
greatest and general benefit of this Kingdom and the
Plantations thereunto belonging, that the said trade be
free and open for all your Majesty's Subjects, to trade
to Africa from any part of Great Britain, or from the
said Plantations, in a regulated Company. under such
regulations and provisions as aforesaid. [C.O. 389, 21.
pp. 441–457.] |
[Feb. 2.] |
633. William Penn to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
To what I have already offered upon the head of surrendring
my Govmt. of Pensilvania, I desire leave more particularly to
add the following considerations that from them a right judgmt.
may be made of my intentions in the proposals laid before the
Board. When that Governt. was first granted me, I could not
easily imagine I should ever be obliged to treat thus of a surrender.
I had then good reason to hope that if by my industry and vast
expences I should make a settled Colony of it, and add such an
improvemt. to the Dominions of ye Crown, I might without
interruption peaceably enjoy the advantages of it to myself
and posterity; yet so it proved, that soon after its first settlemt.
the easy ear the Ministry from time to time lent to the unjust
complaints of some designing and prejudiced men, has rendred
my possession of it a perpetual uneasiness. In less than two
years after my first going over, I was obliged to return in its
defence, and before I could gett ready for a second voyage it
was actually forced out of my hands, and tho' not long after
restor'd to me, yet the attacks against me still continued to my
great expence and trouble. At length when in ye year 1699 I
transported myself and family with a full intention to fix there,
in less than two years more I was again obliged very hastily to
return, to save my Govmt. from being wrenched out of my
hands as was then design'd in my absence. And the troubles that
have since that time been given me, upon very groundless causes
are but too well known to this Board to need any repetition;
All which has been so inexpressibly to my loss, that I can scarce
hope in the short remains of my period of life to retrieve it. For
my own future ease therefore in my declining years, and that of
my family, I think it more convenient to deliver it up into the
hands, that it has been so often alledged to be most proper for,
and who have so often appeared desirous of getting it out of mine,
and shall choose to retire from that series of troubles that have
so unreasonably been given me. Yet as I have not only been a
deep sufferer, but have, I think, a large merit on my side, I have
good reason at my going off to expect a consideration, with
regard as well to these as to the value of what I am to surrender.
As to the value of the Governmt. 'tis very difficult from its present
condition to make any just calculation: less than 30 years agoe,
the whole was a wilderness, out of which is now raised a thriving
well settled Colony, able and willing to support itself, and may
doe it equal to any other on the main, in proportion to the number
of its inhabitants. The trade of the place is large, and has aug
mented the Queen's Revenue by a great many thousands, the
improvemts. are even surprizing to those who have view'd them
and consider the infancy of the settlemt. The poorest there
(who in Engld. could not live) have encouragemt. to marry and
multiply, to the great increase of the consumption of English
manufactures, and thereby of ye Revenue both here and there:
from all which 'tis obvious, that it is not the present value only
that is to be estimated, but what it is continually growing and
improving to in futurity, tho' even at this instant 'tis considerable. The supplies from Assemblies, imposts generally laid on
merchandise, fines arising from ye Courts, forfeitures from illegal
trade, with divers other emolumts. in Govmt. will immediately
amount to a considerable income, and continually increase with
the numbers of the people. Now as this whole improvemt. has
been begun and advanced to this height by my means and
interest, I hope none will think it strange if I believe there is
much due to me on that score. And to sett this in a clearer
light, I desire it may be considered from parallels of the same
kind. What a vast expence such a settlemt. would have
proved to the Crown, had it been carried on at the publick
charge, but 'tis now done without one peny of such money.
The toil, fatigues, disappointmts. and expences have been mine,
'tis now made a regular well settled Colony, and I am to give up
the fruits of it, just as they become ripe, to the Crown. Nor is
it only the profits I have mentioned that I am to surrender, but
with them all my powers of Govmt., the Crown will have the
whole administration, the appointmt. of all officers, the regulation and direction of all publick affairs under its immediate care.
And how the powers of Govmt. have in all ages been rated,
sufficiently appears in this, that from the desire of these have
most of the struggles and wars since the Creation had their principal rise and spring. I think therefore upon the whole I may
very justly expect a valuable consideration on the several accots.
I have mentioned, and cannot doubt but the Lords Commissioners will concur in the same opinion. I crave leave therefore
to hope that this Board will not account it a merit, to make in
behalf of the Crown a hard or pinching bargain with me, who so
little deserve an unkind treatmt. on this score, and am so unable
to bear it. I shall add nothing further but that as in my first
Memorial I hinted I must alwayes expect, there will, upon the
surrender, be a due regard had both to the people that went over
[? with] me in respect to their religious perswasions and to myself
and family that may be settled there. Signed, Wm. Penn.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 2, 17 10/11. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1264.
No. 110; and 5, 1292. pp. 250–254.] |
Feb. 2. Whitehall. |
634. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Dartmouth.
Enclose Mr. Keens' charges against Major Lloyd etc. (v. Jan. 26,
31) to be laid before H.M. [C.O. 195, 5. pp. 192, 193.] |
Feb. 5. Whitehall. |
635. Mr. Popple to Lord Archibald Hamilton. Reply to
Feb. 1st. When Mr. Thompson shall have informed the Council
of Trade and Plantations that he do's not intend to go to Jamaica,
their Lordships will take this matter into further consideration.
[C.O. 138, 13. pp. 316, 317.] |
Feb. 5. Whitehall. |
636. Lord Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. H.M. would have you examine when
and upon what occasion and for what reason the naming and
appointing a Governor was taken from Lord Baltimore, etc.
Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 7, 17 10/11. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
636. i. Charles Lord Baltemore to the Queen. Petitioner's
Ancestors at great hazard and expence made a settlement an hundred miles up into the Continent beyond
Virginia, now called the Plantations of Maryland, and
your Petitioner now holds the same as sole Proprietor
thereof, by vertue of Letters Patents under the Great
Seal of England from his late most sacred Majesty King
Charles I: and thereby was always allowed to have the
right of nameing and appointing a Governour to reside
there, until soon after the late Revolution, when his
late Majesty King William (for reasons of State unknown
to yr. Petitioner) appointed a Governour, and continued
so to do, during his whole reign, tho' your Petitioner
endeavoured by petition to obtain his said right. Since
your Majesty's most happy reign Governours have been
appointed by your sacred Majty., which your petitioner
humbly conceives your Majty. would not have done,
could your Petr. have been heard before your Majty.
Petr. doubts not to make out his right before your
Majty., and having never acted or done anything to
forfeit the same, humbly hopes that your Majty. will be
graciously pleas'd to restore him thereto, tho' he shall
never presume to appoint any Governour without your
royal approbation. Prays to be admitted to make out
his said right by his Councell in such manner as H.M.
may think fit, ye Proprietors of other Plantations being
allowed the like priviledges. 1 pp. [C.O. 5, 717. Nos.
26, 26 i.; and 5, 727. pp. 224–227.] |
Feb. 5. Whitehall. |
637. Lord Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. would have you prepare a clause, as you propose
(v. Jan. 26th), that no drawback of custom be allowed on the
exportation of forreign unwrought iron and steel to the Plantations, and that you offer the same to the House of Commons by
some of your Members, to be inserted in some Bill, etc. Signed,
Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 7th Feb., 17 10/11. 1 p.
[C.O. 323, 7. No. 7; and 324, 9. p. 450.] |
Feb. 8. Virginia. |
638. Lt. Governor Spotswood to Lord Dartmouth. I'm
sorry that I must here continue the disagreeable account of
the irregular proceedings of our late Assembly, which having
mett according to the adjournment mentioned in my last begun
with the same ill temper with which they seperated, so that I was
obliged on Jan. 31st to put an end to their contentions by a
dissolution. The shortness of time will not give me leave to send
by this conveyance the transcript of their Journals and the few
laws they have pass'd, which are only three publick and two
private Acts, and neither of much consequence. No arguments
of mine or of the Council could prevail with the House of Burgesses
to enter into any measures for the defence of the country, or for
making good the Treaty with the Tuscaruros, tho' even that was
concluded at the instances of their House. The just claims of
many publick creditors obstinately rejected after the services
had been approved of as a general benefitt to the country, and in
short they were resolv'd not to depart from that general maxim of
recommending themselves to the people by opposing everything
that required expence; and indeed most of the late Burgesses had
reason, since that was the only qualification they had to merit the
people's choice; but tho' this has made some difference between
me and the Burgesses, it has occasioned none with the country.
I have not had the least dispute with any one member of the
Council, nor do these very persons who composed the House of
Burgesses shew any dissatisfaction with my administration, but
on the contrary express as much confidence in my managment as
in any Governor they have ever had: so that this unaccountable
behaviour of the late Assembly will in all probability give a new
turn to the humours of the people, and make them choose for
their next Representatives persons of more disinterrested principles: but I shall first be well assured of that disposition before
I call another Assembly. In the meantime I'm takeing all
necessary precautions for securing the country against the Indians,
and by the voluntary offers of several Gentlemen of the Council
to advance money on the credit of the Revenue for making good
the Treaty with the Tuscaruro Indians, I hope to keep that
nation in our interest, and by that means put a speedy end to the
present danger; unless the French (who 'tis said now trade with
Indians not very remote) should find means to unite their Indians
with those concerned in the massacre and furnish them with arms
and ammunition to attack us. This is the more to be feared,
because I have advice from persons who have lately lived among
the Indians, that the Senecas (a numerous people) have of late
been very industrious to unite all the scattered bodys of Indians
on the frontiers of this and the neighbouring Governments, and
seem more particularly provoked against us on account of one of
their King's being killed some time ago by an inhabitant of this
Colony as he was hunting. If they should for this prosecute a
revenge, such a combination of all our neighbouring Indians
might put our frontiers in a very unhappy condition, considering
how ill we are provided to encounter an enemy that is no otherways to be reduced, but by a continual pursuit through the woods
and desarts, a fatigue which our people will never be able to
endure without the conveniency of tents to secure them against
the weather. I therefore humbly offer to your Lordp's. consideration to move H.M. for a supply out of the Tower of about
300 soldiers' tents, some small arms and powder with two brass
three pounders mounted on feild carriages for an expedition;
such a supply would be of the greatest service, if we should be
reduced to a necessity of pursuing the Indians, or of attacking
them in their forts; and without which it will be extreemly
difficult to free ourselves effectually from the incursions of that
enemy: but the present danger seems much more to threaten
North Carolina where the Indians daily gather more strength,
and have already beseiged a party of the inhabitants in a small
fort they built for their better security. That country is so
miserably distracted, that they are not like to do anything for
their own defence; their late Assembly having in a manner
resolved to sacrifice the country to the rage of the heathen,
because they could not introduce into the Government the persons
most obnoxious for fomenting the late rebellion and civil war
there. The Palatines are the only persons who now live undisturbed upon a neutrality concluded with the Indians by the
Baron de Graffenried while he was their prisoner, and for which
he is sufficiently persecuted by the other inhabitants, who would
have him enter into a war with the Indians without affording him
the least assistance either of provisions of war or victuals, of both
which he is in mighty want; he has always declared his readiness
to break with the Indians as soon as the other inhabitants should
take measures to prosecute a war effectually; and to do it sooner
would only expose his handfull of people to be destroyed or
starved out of the place, and he depends so little on the faith of
the Indians or on the good nature of his neighbours that he has
lately proposed to me to remove with the Palatines into this
country, to settle on H.M. land as well as divers other inhabitants
of Carolina, who despair of any protection there. The settlement
of the Palatines together with such a number as the Baron proposes to invite from Swisserland and Germany, would prove of
great benefite to this country, and a strong barrier against the
incursions of Indians if duly disposed above our inhabitants. I
must therefore pray your Lordp's. directions, what encouragements may be proper to be given for such a design either in ye
quantity of land or the terms of granting it. I must also pray
your Lordp. to move H.M. for some speedy orders that this Colony,
Maryland and Carolina may assist each other if either be attackt,
and since such an assistance may be render'd very precarious if
left to the regulation of an Assembly, your Lordp. will also be
pleased to consider of some more effectual means than their
resolutions. Signed, A. Spotswood. 3½ pp. Enclosed, |
638. i. Duplicate of No. 710 i. [C.O. 5, 1337. Nos. 8, 8 i.] |
Feb. 8. |
639. Petty Expenses of the Board of Trade, Michaelmas to
Christmas, 1710. v. B. of T. Journal. 4½ pp. [C.O. 388, 76.
Nos. 111–113.] |
Feb. 8. Whitehall. |
640. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Dartmouth.
Enclose following to be laid before H.M. |
640. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Refer
to the settlement of the Palatines upon Hudson's River,
as described by Governor Hunter and Mr. Bridger
supra. The greatest number of the Palatines are
setled in three towns, where they have already erected
their huts, upon 6000 acres purchased by the Governor,
lying in the east side of Hudson's River about 100 miles
from New York. Opposite thereto and belonging to
your Majesty, on the west side of the said River, lyes
another tract of land, extending about a mile in length
to the side of that river, on which land the rest of the
Palatines are seated in two towns. Which said settlements are very commodious, as well in regard of the
fertility of the soil, as that they are adjoyning to the
pine lands, and that ships drawing 15 foot water may
come up to them. Mr. Dupré has informed us that
when he came away, the number of the Palatines so
setled was 2227, who were then employed in clearing
the ground for Indian corn and gardens; and are this
spring to be set on work in preparing the trees for the
production of tar and other naval stores. Your Majesty's
said Governor and Surveyor do say that this great and
usefull undertaking of providing this Kingdom with
Naval Stores cannot fail of success if duly encourag'd
and supported hence, there being pines enough for a
constant supply of tar, for the use of all the shipping of
Great Britain. In order to produce tar, the trees must
be rinded in the spring, after wch. it is necessary that
they should stand two years that the sap may be lost,
and only the gummy substance remain to be run into tar,
by burning the trees after a particular manner; wherefore till the Palatines can make tar, in order to reimburse
your Majesty, what has already been or shall be further
advanc'd for their use, the Governor proposes that they
be subsisted at the rate of 6d. per day for persons above
ten years of age and 4d. a head per day for children
under ten years; to defray which expence and other
charges incident to ye said undertaking (as is more
particularly set forth in an estimate now laying before
the Lords of your Majesty's Treausury) he craves an
allowance of £15000 a year. In regard it was so late
before the said Palatines were seated, and for that the
weather in that country is usualy very hard during
the winter season, they could not by their labour contribute towards their own livelyhood during any part
of the first year, which time may to that purpose be
reckon'd lost; therefore the Governor proposes that the
said allowance of £15000 a year be made for two years
from Midsummer, 1710, within the first of which two
years (though a great part of their labour will be employed in the spring to prepare trees for making tar) he
computes they will be so far able to contribute towards
their own livelyhood that the said sum of £15000 will in
a great measure answer the rest of that year's expence
on account of the said undertaking; and that within the
latter of the said two years, the produce of their lands
will contribute towards their support to such a further
degree that the second £15000 will be sufficient to answer
the second years expence, and to make good the deficiency
of the former year. For the subsistance of the Palatines
upon their arrival at New York, the Governor carryed
from hence bills of credit for £8000, and has drawn bills
on your Majesty's Treasury for that and for a further
sum of £4,700, all which mony he says has been expended
in subsisting and settling of those people; and that he
has transmitted an account thereof to the Lords of your
Majesty's Treasury, whereby he says it does appear that
he has disposed of that mony with good management,
and therefore prays ye said bills may be complyed with.
If the production of Naval Stores within your Majesty's
Dominions in America be incouraged and brought to
such perfection that sufficient quantities thereof may be
imported from thence for the use of the Royal Navy and
of the rest of the shipping of Great Britain (which we
are credibly inform'd may be done), the said stores
(bought there with the produce of the woollen and other
goods from Great Britain) being consumed here, in lieu
of such as are imported from the Northern Crowns, the
doing thereof will not only turn the ballance of that
northern trade in favour of this Kingdom, but your
Majesty and your subjects will for the future be at a
greater certainty of being from time to time supplyed
with Naval stores from America, than can be depended
upon from the Baltick and Norway, especially in case of
a rupture with either of the said Northern Crowns.
Therefore we presume humbly to offer our opinion that
the said Palatines be supported in order to their carrying
on and improving the said manufacture of Naval Stores,
so greatly advantagious and beneficial to the navigation
of this Kingdom. In our proposal, we humbly offered
to your Majesty that Mr. Bridger should be ordered,
with 3 or 4 other persons as his assistants to repair to
New York, to instruct the Palatines in manufacturing
tar etc. Accordingly he repaired thither, and has been
very serviceable in finding out lands proper for the
settlement of the Palatines, and in the seating them
thereon, but has had no consideration for such his
services, in regard the Governor is not sufficiently impower'd by authority from your Majesty to make any
allowance for the same, etc. Wherefore we humbly offer
that out of such mony as your Majesty shall be graciously
pleased to advance on account of the Palatines, the
Governor be directed to pay Mr. Bridger a yearly salary
of £100 during such time as he shall be imployed at New
York in instructing them. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 267–276.] |
Feb. 8. |
641. Draught of a clause to be inserted in a Bill to enact that
no drawback of Custom be allowed on re-exportation of foreign
unwrought iron and steel to the Plantations. [C.O. 324, 9.
p. 451.] |
Feb. 8. Whitehal. |
642. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Request payment of office expenses
and salaries from Michaelmas to Christmas, 1710. [C.O. 389, 37.
pp. 16–18.] |
Feb. 9. St. James's. |
643. Order of Queen in Council. Referring following to the
Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, John
Povey. Endorsed, Recd. 20th, Read 21st Feb., 17 10/11. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
643. i. Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Queen. Pray for
H.M. approbation of Charles Craven whom they have
appointed Governour to succeed Major Edward Tynte,
decd., he being a person of integrity and capacity, well
affected to H.M. Government, and now in that Province,
etc. Signed, Craven Palatine, Beaufort, M. Ashley,
J. Colleton, J. Danson. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1264. Nos.
111, 111 i.; and 5, 1292. pp. 263–265.] |
Feb. 10. |
644. Address of the Representatives of New Jersey to the
Queen. We your Majesty's most dutifull and loyall subjects
having taken into our consideration your Majesty's royal letter
to H. E. Coll. Robert Hunter concerning the money given by the
Assembly of this Province to the late Lord Lovelace, humbly
represent that it being given by the Assembly which with the
other Acts past dureing his Lordps.' administracon are lost or
mislaid, we thought ourselves obliged both in justice and gratitude
to his memory, to pass another Act dureing the present session of
this Assembly for making the prints of those Acts as effectuall as
the originalls would be were they in the Secry's. Office whereby
they might more regularly be transmitted for your Majty's.
approbation, being greatly desirous to preserve the gracious
opinion your Majty. in your letter are pleased to express of our
justice to that noble Lord, but your Majties. Council of this
Province haveing made and insisted on severall amendments to
that Bill, which wee thought reflected on the memory of the Lord
Lovelace, and seemed to confirm an Act past dureing Col. Ingoldesby's administracon which took from his unhappy Lady the
greatest part of wt. was given her Lord, whereby or. just intentions
in passing the aforesaid Bill this present Session being defeated,
Wee have besought H. E. Col. Robt. Hunter to lay before yor.
Majtie. Under the Seale of this yor. Province the prints of the
aforesaid Acts which wee hope will hope will answear yor. Majties.' grations
intentions, etc. Signed, By order of the House of Representatives,
John Kay, Speaker. Feb. 10, 1710. Parchment. 1 large p.
[C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 20; and (duplicate) 21.] |
Feb. 10. |
645. Address of the Representatives of New Jersey to the
Queen. Wee do with all humillitie render yor. Majtie. our most
hearty thanks for removeing yor. Lieut.-Governour Col. Richard
Ingoldesby from the Governmt. of this yor. Majties. Collony and
exempting us from the charge and hardships we then sustained.
Yor. Majties.' goodness lays us under the greatest obligations to
the best of Princes in sending H. E. Robert Hunter, etc., who we
are morally assured will approve himself to yor. Majtie. and your
subjects here by a steady and impartiall administration of Justice,
then which nothing has been more wanting in this yor. Majties.'
poor and hitherto abused Collony. A Representation of which
we have made to H. E., who we hope with the first oppertunity
will lay a true and impartiall accot. thereof at yor. Majties.
Royall feet, and wee implore such relief as the necessitie of our
circumstances requires, and to your Majties.' royall wisdome shall
seem most fitt. Wee doe assure yor. Majty. wee will support yor.
Governmt. as our duty obliges us and be obedient to all yor.
Majties. commands to the utmost of our abillities when wee are
honoured with the knowledge of them, etc. Further compliments. Signed as preceding. Feb. 10, 1710. Parchment. 1
large p. [C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 22; and (duplicate) 23.] |