Nov. 21. Whitehall. |
501. Mr. Popple to Mr. Blathwayt.Reply to preceding.
Since their Representation, the Council of Trade have not
received any further accounts of Newfoundland, and have nothing
further to add to it. [C.O. 194, 4. No. 141; and 195, 5. p.
151.] |
Nov. 21. St. James's. |
502. H.M. Warrant to Governor Hunter, as to patenting
lands, as proposed by the Council of Trade, Oct. 26, q.v. Countersigned, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 47–49.] |
Nov. 21. New London. |
503. Governor Saltonstall to [? The Earl of Sunderland].
The 19th instant I recd. yr. Lordship's letter of Aug. 31st, per
ye Royall Anne pacquet boat, which arriv'd at New York ye
15th of this month, and designs to return from thence Dec.
1st next, before which time I shall not be able to communicate
H.M. royall purpose of reducing Canada and ye French settlements in North America to the Assembly, but shall do it with the
first and speediest opportunity: And may assure yr. Lordship,
that H.M. Royall favour, and tender care, for the good and
prosperity of this and the neighbouring Colonies (so fully expressed
in yr. Lordship's letter) will be recd. here with ye deepest
impressions of gratitude. Encloses duplicate of Address (v.
Aug. 7). And could I now recover time enough to convene the
Assembly, I should (by this opportunity of the pacquet boat's
return) send yr. Lordship their Address of thanks and congratulation to H.M. upon the happy success of her arms in the
reduction of Port Royal, by the good conduct and indefatigable
diligence of Col. Nicholson. I shall not here give your Lordship
an account of that Expedition, which will be done by Col.
Nicholson himself (and probably before this can arrive) he being
now at Piscataqua in New Hampshire, intending for Great
Brittain in H.M.S. ye Norwich, if not at sea before this time.
But having had the advantage of perusing some heads of an
Address to H.M. intended by the Assembly of ye Massathuset
Bay (v. Nov. 11) on this occasion, (they being conven'd when Col.
Nicholson return'd from Nova Scotia) wherein they pray H.M.
favour with relation to liberty of fishing and trading in yt.
country; and also that H.M., if shee shall see good to order the
reduction of Canada ye next summer, would be gratiously
pleased to include her Governments on this Continent as far as
Virginia in yt. service; that they may all come in to ye common
charge, who are like to partake in the common benefit. I am
bold thereupon (since I can have no opportunity with the
Assembly here) to intreat yr. Lordship that H.M. subjects in
this Colony, who have according to ye utmost extent of our
ability, in obedience to H.M. commands, been joyntly concerned
wth. them in the late expedition agt. Port Royall, may be
humbly represented to H.M. as craving the like instances of Her
Royall favour. I shall leave it to Col. Nicholson to inform
yr. Lordship what our behaviour has been upon H.M. orders to us
relating to that expedition: and shall only farther suggest to yr.
Lordship, that this Colony, being without the advantages of such
a trade as H.M. other Governments concern'd in yt. Expedition
with us (viz. Massathusets, New Hampshire and Rhode Island)
have, and living in a manner wholly upon husbandry, has been
obliged to extraordinary charge in procuring things necessary,
(wh. were not to be had among ourselves) for the furnishing
out our quota of men, both in this late expedition and that of the
foregoing summer agt. Canada. Which has made the burthen
of the charge to lie heavier on this Colony than on ye rest. Who
also by sickness yt. happen'd among the troops towards the
end of that expedition design'd agt. Canada, lost between 80
and 90 men, which was more than all the other Provinces
concern'd with us in it. This has oblig'd us to struggle wth. very
great difficulties in our obedience to H.M. commands, as to our
part in the Expedition agt. Nova Scotia; but we were fully
resolv'd to shew all possible readiness in our obedience to them;
tho' it would involve us in a debt which we were not like to quit
ourselves of in less than 6 or 7 years; as it has done. All which
I mention, that yr. Lordship may see what reason I have to
suggest our utter inability to furnish such a quota of men etc.
as we did in the forementioned expeditions; and that H.M.
Governments of New York and Pensylvania, Maryland and
Virginia, may be brought into the Expedition agt. Canada, if
H.M. should order it to be undertaken, especially considering
that they are so scituated as to have a more immediate benefit
from the good of yt. expedition than this Colony. Signed,
G. Saltonstall.Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 9. 2pp. [C.O. 5, 10.
No. 227.] |
[Nov. 21.] |
504. Address of the Governor and Company of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations to the Queen. (Referred
to in preceding). Congratulate H.M. on the reduction of "the
important Fort of Port Royall (now Annapolis Royall) with the
vast territories of L' Accada and Nova Scotia, towards which,
in obedience to your Majesties royall commands, this your
Majesties Government have contributed in setting forth the full
quota of 200 men with transports etc., notwithstanding we
deemed the said number of men to exceed our proportion with the
other Governments concerned in said Expedition, which is
humbly submitted to your Majesties wisdom, we having requested
the honble. Generall Nicholson to give your Majestie the best
light he can in that affair (as well as in all other respects relating
the conduct of this Government) in whose honour and fidelity
we put our whole trust and confidence, and whatever may be
by him consented and by your Majtie. determined thereon, we
shall and will as dutifull and loyall subjects submit unto. Your
Majtie. hath been graciously pleased by your royall Instruction
to Generall Nicholson to give a right both to the soil and trade
of said countrey of Nova Scotia etc. when reduced, to the
Government concerned in the reduction thereof. We your
Majties. obedient subjects do in all submissive and humble
manner return your Majtie. our hearty thanks for your
princely bounty and tender regard continued for the welfare
and prosperity of your subjects in these parts, as well as throughout all your emperiall dominion; and in more particular manner
for the aforesaid bountifull offer. We have concerted that
matter with your Majtie's. other Govmts. concerned in the
reduction of sd. countrey, and humbly conceive that it will be of
great importance for the Brittish interest, tranquillity and
security of these Northern Plantations, that a Colony of Brittish
subjects be by your Majtie. planted in that countrey, and that
in all times forever hereafter it may be continued under obedience
to the Crown of Great Brittain, and have a just consideration
in all Treaties, as a place of great importance for the Brittish
interest. The advantages that will hereby accrue to the Crown
we apprehend will be very considerable with respect to Naval
Stores, peltry and fishery: the countrey being also very fertil,
of a good soil which produceth all sorts of grain, with rich meadow
and pasture land, if well improved, will in a little time be capable
of entertaining and subsisting many thousands of your Majties.
Brittish families; the wch. will be a great addition to your
Majtie's. Empire in America, as well as the tranquillity and
security of these your Majtie's. Northern Plantations, and will
in time (with the blessing of God) put us out of doubt of any
forraign force or power. All which is most humbly submitted
to your Majtie's. great wisdom, most humbly praying that your
Majtie. will notwithstanding continue your royall bounty to your
good subjects of this Colony in granting them at all times the free
liberty of trade, and in particular that of fishing and whaling on
that coast, and making the fish and oyle on the land; as also
of fetching off sea-cole from that countrey without any imposition,
toll, custom or duty to be paid for the same, etc. etc. Signed,
Samll. Cranston, Govr. 2½ pp. [C.O. 5, 10. No. 229.] |
[Nov. 21.] |
505. Address of same to same. Return thanks to H.M. for
sending the expedition under General Nicholson, who accomplished
the conquest of Nova Scotia and L'Accada on Oct. 2nd
to the intire satisfaction and content of all your Majtie's. good
subjects here, and we most humbly presume that your Majtie.
will be most graciously pleased to resent his good service accordingly. If your Majtie. do see cause to order the setting forward
any other expedition for the reducing of any other or more of the
French settlements in these Northern parts, (wherein our
assistance may be required) we most humbly pray that your
Majtie. will be pleased to conferr the like trust and sole command
upon the aforesaid Generall, etc., his valour, prudence and good
conduct being most agreeable and acceptable to the constitution
of your Majtie's. subjects. Pray for H.M. long reign and the
success of her arms, etc. Signed, Saml. Cranston. Govr. 1¾
pp. [C.O. 5, 10. No. 230.] |
Nov. 22. A Londres. |
506. M. de Monsegur to [?Lord Dartmouth]. In 1706,
introduced by M.le Marquis de Guiscard, I made a proposal to
the then Ministry for the surprise of Placentia by a new, certain
and easy way. As I was there in 1694 and 1696, when the
English Fleets attacked the place, and M. le Marquis de Brouillan,
the Governor, entrusted the disposition of the defence almost
entirely to me, it is evident that I know better than anyone
its strength and weakness. My project was approved in 1706
by the Council and the Admiralty, and since then, year by year,
forces have been prepared to put it into execution. I have been
ordered two years in succession to go to Portsmouth, and have
embarked there, but each time affairs taking an unforeseen turn,
the said forces were sent elsewhere. H.M. granted me a pension.
I re-submit my proposals. The matter is one which requires
preparation a long time in advance. The expedition must be
ready to said towards the end of April, etc. Signed, De Monsegur.
French. 4 pp. Enclosed, |
506. i. Testimonial in favour of Michel de Monsegur. Signed,
Sunderland. Whitehall, 16th April. 1708. Copy. ½ p.
[C.O. 194, 22. Nos. 3, 3 i.] |
Nov. 22. Admiralty Office. |
507. Mr. Burchett to the Lord Dartmouth's Secretaries.
In answer to the Lord Dartmouth's letter of the 20th inst. to my
Lords of the Admiralty, which brought inclos'd a copy of an
Order from H.M. Council relating to the sending an Engineer
from Jamaica to the Bahama Islands, I inclose copy of an Order
to the Commander in Chief of H.M. ships at Jamaica, for sending
one of them on this service. A duplicate of the order will be
sent to Jamaica by the next packet-boat. Signed, J. Burchett.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Nov. 23, 1710. 1p. Enclosed, |
507. i. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to James
Littleton, Commissioners of the Admiralty to James
Littleton, Commander in Chief of H.M. ships at Jamaica,
Nov. 7, 1710. You are to appoint a ship to transport
the Engineer at Jamaica to New Providence, to take a
survey of the Bahamas, etc. Signed, J. Leake, G.
Bing, P. Methuen, W. Drake. Copy. 1 p. [C.O.
5, 1264. Nos. 103, 103 i.; and 5, 1292. pp. 231–233.] |
Nov. 22. |
508. Lt. Governor Usher to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to previous letters. Since wch. have onely to
ad God by his Providence given Honble. Francis Nicholson
Esq. Genll. of H.M. Forces signall victory in takeing port Roiall,
whose courage and conduct attended with generosity and
Christian-like speritt filled the country wth. acclimations of joy;
and praises to God, and him thancke (ytt. after two attempts,
wth. greatt expence and charge returned wth. greatt shame,
being onely attended wth. avaricious speritt in plundering the
poore to there greatt discreditt, and notwithstanding hindrances
and difficultys retarding proceedings) port Roiall now Anapolis
Roiall, spedily reduced. Itt's humbly wished, soe glorious a worke
began by Her gracious Majesty, would still strech forth her hand
of sovereignty for totall extirpation of French from American
partts: would be gem in Crown and benefitt to nation, for increas
of seamen and suply Navall Stoures. H.M. being in poscesstion
of port Roiall now Anapolis Roiall, if perchase Mr. Allen's claime,
would have all the soile from Salem to Bay a funde, and by H.E.
Speach finde Mr. Allen surrendering to the Crown, wish may be
accomplished. Prays for consideration of his services etc. I
haveing bin subject of many affronts by Councill, in perticuler
by Vaughan, Walderen, Penhollow and Plaisted, onely oposers
of Queen's interestt, in perticuler, Assembly voateing dutys
on lumber exsported, would amountt to £500 per annum, they
vigorously oposed and obstructed persons againstt H.M. interestt
as to mastts and timber for Navall Stoares: pray may be
removed. Walderen always affronting, takeing on him power
Govermtt. and Hannan-like, all must bow, his cariage unbecomeing, Govermtt. uneasy, he being of Councill, in Councill demanded
how he did come to sitt in Councill, replyed by order of Queen in
Councill: said order read, finde Secretary Hedges directed to
prepare a warrantt, and for roiall signett, enquired if had roiall
signett: Secretary replied had nott sen any. I then did tell
him, suspended him from setting in Councill, as per minuitt
reasons I inclose. As for indignitys putt upon me, Capt. Studley
can acquaint your Lordships, etc. I crave H.M. would send
a company of souldiours for the fourtt wth. small armes, would
tend much for security and suport honour Govermtt: butt
noe armes withoutt souldiours, because of imbezelmtt. Pray
H.M. would give me £200 for building a bridge from the Island
to Mainland, I will engage to accomplish the Bridge (as H.M.
bin att expence for the fourtt) of absoelute necessity in case
fourtt attacked succor from mainland may be had. Col. Romer
and Col. Rednap can informe. Treasurour and Secretary haveing
noe comistions, pray may be comistioned from Crown, and
accountable for trust reposed in them, and all officers comistioned
from Crown to be of Councill. As for Penhollow persuantt to
Instructions, kepes noe faire bookes accotts.; a person agtt.
Kingly Govermtt.: a greatt sticker and oposer as to anything
for H.M. interestt, as to masts and timber for Navy, judge him
neither fitt for Councillour nor Treasurour; butt all persons
here have and kepe places by giving mony for them. I herewth.
send accountt of mony issued outt of Treasury wch. is nott for
uses and suportt of Govermtt. contrary to Instructions, pray
persons be apointed to examine same. In receiveing Genll.
Fr. Nicholson Councill's charges borne by Govermtt. I signifyed
my expences considerable and ytt. same might be allowed;
answered province poore; noe mony in Treasury, soe nothing
granted. Mr. George Jeffrey, loiall person, good estate, pray
may have a comistion for Treasurour's place with Instructions.
My Lds., winter comeing on litle or noe business att sea. Mr.
Armstrong goes by this conveiance, whoe has made itt his
business to inspectt into all affaires in these partts, recomend him
to your Ldships. to give accott. as to Govermtt. and soile, and in
perticuler of great waste and destruction of trees and timber
fitt for H.M. Navy. I aprehend if H.M. has souldiours att fourtt
they may be a guard for surveying H.M. woods; a guard for
getitngs masts, etc. P.S. Persons names to be of Council; Jno.
Hinck, Sampson Sheaf and Theoder Adkinson, Newcastle;
Richd. Garish, George Jeffrey, Col. Tho. Packer, Capt. Tho.
Phips, Jno. Wentworth of Portsmoth; Major Jos. Smith,
Peter Waer, Hampton; Richd. Hilton of Exiter. Signed,
Jno. Usher. Endorsed, Recd. 28th Feb., Read March 2, 17 10/11.
Holograph. 1½ pp. |
508. i. Copy of Address of Assembly of New Hampshire to
Governor Dudley, Oct. 23, 1710. We have voted
£2,500 for the payment of debts etc. We are informed
that H.M. Councill made some exceptions unto part of
our vote last session as thinking they were reflecting
upon H.E. Wee intended noe such thing, but acknowledge your Excellencys care over us, etc. We think the
law for the excise is good, it only wants to be put in
due execution, but considering there might be considerable come into the Treasury by a duty on lumber
exported, Voted, that all the lumber that shall be
exported to any of the mainland of America, Long
Island, Rhoad Island, etc., shall pay 2s. per tun, etc.
Copy. Same endorsement. 1¾ pp. |
508. ii. Mr. Usher's account of mismanagements in the
Treasury of New Hampshire, and his reasons for
suspending Mr. Waldron. Signed, John Usher. Same
endorsement. 3 pp. |
508. iii. Copy of Governor Dudley's letter to Mr. Story,
Secretary of New Hampshire, upon H.M. Order appointing Mr. Waldron to be of ye Council, and Minute of
Council Nov. 21, 1710, as to Mr. Usher's suspending him.
Same endorsement. 3pp. |
508. iv. An account of money issued out of the Treasury of
New Hampshire, 1697–1701, of which there are no
accounts on file of particulars. Total, £2425 9s. 8d.
Signed, John Usher. Same endorsement. 1p. [C.O.
5, 865. Nos. 62, 62 i.–iv.] |
Nov. 25. Boston. |
509. Governor Dudley to Mr. Popple. About 20 dayes
since I was in New Hampshire to hold the General Assembly,
and upon adjustment of their debts I found them upwards
of £2000 in debt, in discharge of which they offered in the House of
Representatives to rayse £2500 in Province bills upon a good
fund provided the Council would agree thereto, and also agree
to rayse a duty upon boards transported into the Massachusets
Colony, which the Council would by no means agree to, and I was
forced conclude the session with a tax of £1200 only for the
present supply of the Treasury, and prorouged the Assembly
to March next, since which Lt. Governour Usher who lives
in this province, has taken his progress thither, and inclosed
is an account of his proceedings, which the Councellours present
have signed. I do not suppose it is H.M. intention by the
Commission to her Lt. Governour, that he shall proceed to such
extraordinary Articles when I am within a four and twenty
houres advice. To suspend any of H.M. Councellours without
a due process according to the Instructions for that Goverment.
Nor that he should take the books of the Council from the
Secretarye's keeping so as nobody can be charged with any
alterations or rasures which have been heretofore greivously
complayned of in that province. Nor do I suppose the Gentlemen
of the Council do unreasonably complain of the expense of their
powder, which I am commanded to see thriftily expended. I
am sure they say right, it is more by five times then was ever
directed by me during the eight years of my being in this Goverment, upon any such occasion. I have at no time hitherto
fayled of obtayning the just payment of the debts of these
provinces, and well eno' knew when I left the Assembly upon
that prorogation that the representatives would soon be uneasy
with their soldiers for thier money which is so come to pass, and
the Speaker and the principal of the Comons have prayed mee
under their hands to allow a session for the raysing of their whole
debt, which I shall soon bring to pass, if not interrupted and
disquieted by the articles above. I never made or managed a
complaint against any person concerned in Goverment with mee,
nor do I now but I could not easily find the way to set these
things right nor satisfy the Gentlemen of H.M. Council who think
themselves injured. You will please to communicate this to
their Lordships. Mr. Usher is yet absent, and I know not what
he has to say, but I suppose he writes to their Lordships upon
these matters. But the fleet being ready to sayle and at 30
leauges distance I could not delay any longer. Signed, J. Dudley.
Endorsed, Recd. Read March 1st, 17 10/11. Holograph. 2 pp.
Enclosed, |
509. i. Four Members of the Council of New Hampshire to
Governor Dudley. Portsmouth, 21st 9ber, 1710. After
sundry fatigues in attending Mr. Usher in Council,
1st at Hampton, 2nd at grt. Island, 3rd at grt. Island,
and this day at Portsmo. upon very frivolous occasions,
and Mr. Waldron readily answering his several speeches,
wth. whome ye Councill did alwaies unanimously
agree, but their answers being perhaps not agreeable
to Mr. Usher's expectation, he enquires how Waldron
came to sitt there, it was answer'd he sate there by
virtue of ye Queen's mandate and by the Governour's
order was admitted and sworn as in such case is required,
he then told Mr. Waldron he dismiss'd him from that
Board etc., without mentioning any reason for ye same,
at wch. ye Council were very much amazed, for that ye
said Waldron never offered anything but wt. was ye
mind of every member of ye Council yn. present.
Your Excellency is well acquainted with Mr. Usher,
but he's of late grown greivous to us, his comeing
here under pretence of H.M. service is onely to disquiet
H.M. good subjects, and disserve rather than serve
H.M. interest, of wch. wee could give sundry instances,
but will particularize but one, vizt., notwithstanding
this poor province was necessitated for want of powder
etc. in this time of warr, at a great charge to send over
an Agent for England with an Addresse to H.M. for a
supply thereof, wch. H.M. was most graciously pleased
to grant, yet but yesterday wee are inform'd by ye
Commander of ye Fort Mr. Usher had ordred to fire 3
rounds of all ye guns at ye Fort, wch. wee understand
was accordingly done at the expence of 10 or 11 barrels
of powder at once, wch. wee presume is more than has
been done by your Excellency's order for 7 or 8 years
last past. So yt. if your Excellency would please to
represent him as he is, yt. by any means he may be
removed, it will be a service to H.M. as well as an ease
and quiet to her good subjects here. Wee sent to Mr.
Story for copies of the Minutes of Councill to send
your Excellency, but he tells us Mr. Usher required ye
Councill book, and he supposed has carried both that
and ye minutes down to Great Island wth. him. Signed,
Wm. Vaughan, Saml. Penhallow, John Plaisted, M.
Hunking. 1½ pp. |
509. ii. Extract of Minutes of Council of New Hampshire.
Without date. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 865. Nos. 61, 61 i.–ii.;
and (without enclosures) 5, 913. pp. 331–333.] |
Nov. 25. New Castle. |
510. Lt. Governor Usher to the Secretary of State [Lord
Dartmouth]. By H.E. Speache, Mr. Allen surrendring his
claime to province New Hampshire, if perchased H.M. claime
will be from Naumkege to Port Roiall, in sd. tractt is all the trees
fitt for masts and navall stoares, fitt for H.M. service. There is
such destruction of trees for boards, am informed by Major
Plaisted, if some strictt care and ytt. speadily, in foure years time
noe masts fitt for the Crown, the Surveiour tho' prohibitts and
ceizes, the Govermtt. nott assisting, uncapable to serve the
Crown, opinion either Governour or Lt.-Governour have comistion
for Surveiour wth. power and liberty to make a Deputy. For an
Actt to be made for preserveing woods and nursery will never here
be made to answer the end, therefore an Actt in parlimtt. moste
proper. I once sentt heads for one (same may be there perfected)
to Plantation Board. Lett Actts never soe strong made, and
strictt, if Act putt in execution, will never obtain judgmt. for
the Crown, because Crown never had rightt: soile being in natives,
as judges of Courtt have declared, and all persons as judges agtt.
Queen's right. I humbly pray an Actt may be pastt, wherein
Croun or others concerned, if either partys in any case desires
a spetiall verdictt, judges to directt the jurys soe to finde; if nott
all evidences being in writeing, may apeall to Superiour Courtt,
and there give in reasons of apeall, wch. reason and answer shall
be in nature of a spetiall verdictt and in case of apeall for Engld.
all evidences being in writeing, may apeall to Superiour Courtt,
and there give in reasons of apeall, wch. reason and answer shall
be in nature of a spetiall verdictt and in case of apeall for Engld.
ye whole case with seal of province be remitted, and meritt case
entered on in Engld., and there either confirmation or revertion.
There is absolute necessity of a Courtt of Chancery for H.M.
service and releife of the subjectt. Itt's an unhapiness judges
in this province (where Crown concern'd) instead of setting as
judges, plead as attorneys agt. Crown, as Vaughan and Plaisted.
If a poore loyall man committs a crime, shall be handled with
severity. I humbly presentt names for Members and Councill.
I crave your Ldshps.' favour Genll. Nicholson, Capt. Studley
and others may attend your Ldshps., and give accott whatt
hath bin under theire information and observation in this
Govermtt. Pray for a company souldiours for the Fourtt,
will be to strengthen, and suport of honr. Govermtt., security for
ships ytt. come for navall stores, guard for getting masts, and to
Surveiour woods to guard him. Humbly pray for £200 to make
a bridge from mainland to island, for releife of Fourtt if attacked;
be of greatt service. This Govermtt. never gave me one peny for
service therein, thincking to starve me, and by affronts discourage me in discharge of my duty. Still shall perform the
same, they haveing nothing agtt. me, butt I will maintain prerogative of Crown, and mony shall nott divert me. Mr. Walderen
being admitted Councill, I suspend him, comeing in att wrong
door under notion of a mandate, and affrontt on your office,
nott persuant to Queen's order, as may se by Minuitt Councill,
a person a judge for setting up natives rightt to soile agt. Crown
grants. One Mr. Armstrong goes by this conveiance, is capable
to give a true accott. of Govermtt. and soile, and in perticuler
Quitt-rentts, etc. Signed, John Usher. Holograph. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
510. i. Minutes of Council of New Hampshire, Nov. 21, 1710.
The Lt. Governor suspended Mr. Waldron, etc., who said
he would await the Governor's Instructions. Copy.
1 p. |
510. ii. Memorandum by Lt. Gov. Usher. Quotes Governor's
Instructions as to form of granting public funds to
the Crown for the publick use, and as to keeping
accounts. There is the sum of £2511 10s. 7d. issued
out of the Treasury not for publick uses or the
province or support of the Goverment, neither is there
books of accts. fairly kept, which I demanded Nov. 23,
1710, of the Treasurer; he refused to produce his books,
and gave me a genll. account to send to Auditor Genll.
Mr. Penhallow, who is now Treasurer and one of the
Councill is an ill man as to Crown Goverment. I
humbly desire he may be dismist from Councill and
Treasurer. There is noe care taken for passing laws for
punishing Mutiny, Deserters or Falce Musters; I once
proposed an Act about it to the Assembly, but the(y)
would not agree upon it in neither Houses. An accot.
of mony issued out by H.E., not for the use and soport
of Govermt.. according to the Queen's Instructions:—Pd. Wm. Partridge £300; Wm. Vaughan, £400; George
Vaughan £858 7s. 2d. Noe account on file with the
Secretary of particulars: pray may be inquired into.
Nota. £50 of £250 paid George Vaughan was paid to
H.E. 1 p. |
510. iii. The Lt. Governor's reasons for suspending Mr.
Waldron. He had no warrant, and refused to take one
out. (v. Aug. 17 supra). When he hath been summoned
to Councill, we have waited sometimes two hours for
him. General Nicholson coming to the Province, I
called a Councill at Hampton to take care of his
reception. Mr. Waldron with others replyed the
Province was poor, could not receive him at the charge
of the Province. Answered then I would. Upon
which it was replyed that orders should be given to the
Treasurer for his reception at Hampton, and Col.
Packers at Portsmo. I ordered the Councill to meet
to give General Nicholson a reception, out of disrespect
Waldron and others refused to attend me, that when the
General did come to Portsmouth, I had none but
Capt. Studley and Mr. Secretary Story to give a
reception, Vaughan and Waldron designing a back
way to receive him at Vaughan's house, tho' his reception
by the Councill ordered at Col. Packer's, provision being
there made. Waldron endeavoured to make a difference between H.E. and the new Assembly (v. Minutes
of Councill, Aug. last). I ordered Mr. Secretary Story
to take a Minuitt of Councill and draw upp the same,
accordingly he did, Waldron said it should not be, he
would draw one and did, copy of both formerly sent
you. H.E. Oct. 19 made a speach to the Assembly;
in the Assemblies vote to H.E.'s speach vindicated
themselves as to their answer to my speach in Augt.
last, and they desired to raise mony to pay debts, and
to lay duties on lumber, which dutys would amount to
£500 per annum. Mr. Waldron and Councill would not
consent, and all the time of the Sesions was spent in
debats for the Assembly to retract from their answer
to my Speach, but they would not, soe nothing was done.
When at any time I come into the Councill Chamber if
Waldron is there before me, with disdain has his back
some time to me, and at a distance say your servant,
with insulting deportmt., affronts many and great with
disrespect to the Queen's Commission. When in former
Councills he was suspended and the layin dutys on
boards was proposed, the Assembly then would not
consent; and now the Assembly proposes an Act for
the said dutys and the Councill will not consent, Waldron
being in the Councill. When I suspended him in an
insulting manner he said he took leave of his honour
at the door with his hatt on, and called to the Secretary
to take a Minuitt. I replyed to him, it is verry saucely
wth. your hatt on. Signed, John Usher. 1¾ pp. [C.O.
5, 10. Nos. 4, 4 i.–iii.] |
Nov. 26. Rochester at Plymouth. |
511. Commodore Aldred to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following. The original of the petition
of the inhabitants, signed by them, was, in coming on shore,
lost by accident, the boat being oversett. Signed, J. Aldred.
Endorsed, Recd. 1st. Read 4th Dec., 1710. 1 p. Enclosed, |
511. i. Answer to such of the Heads of Enquiry of the Council
of Trade as are unremedyed in Newfoundland. Article
4. The inhabitants and others continued to rind ye
trees for covering their houses, stages etc., which might
be remedyed by their being obliged to make boards for
that use. (12) The Admls. and Masters do not keep any
journals or accounts of the number of ships, seamen etc.
employed as is directed in ye Act. (20) They have no
other sustanance in this country then fish, venison and
some small quantity of wild fowl. They carry on some
small trade of beaver, otter, fox and martin and other
furrs. (21) They are supplyed with provisions from
Great Britain, Ireland and New England, and have
their salt from Portugal, Isle of May, Bilboa, Cadiz and
Bercelona. They have no cloathing nor fishing tackle
etc. but from Great Britain and Ireland. (22) Some
considerable quantity of rum came hither from New
England, whereby ye fishermen and servants do debauch
themselves and run in debt, for payment of wch. many
are obliged to hire themselves to ye planters. (24) The
commoditys brought to ye country are disposed of to
ye fishermen, seamen and inhabitants. (25) Some small
quantity of sugar and tobacco are brought thither from
New England and ye West Indies for ye country's
expence only. (28) Value of oyl from 15 to 16 £ per
tun, and fish from 15 to 16 sh. per quintal. (29) The
sack ships are all laden with fish and go to Bilboa, Viano,
Oporto, Aveira, Figuera, Lisbon, Cadiz, Gibralter,
Bercelona, Genoa, and Livorne. (31) Inhabitants at
Plaisence and other places in Newfoundland are abt.
1000, no encouragement given to planting. (32) They
have three forts, one of 50 guns and 2 mortars, one of
20 guns and 2 mortars, and one for small arms etc.,
and 50 ps. cannon along shore. (33) The French carry
on great trade on the banks of Newfoundland, where
they have most times of the year 50 or 60 sayl of ships
catching and makeing mudd fish which they carry to
France. |
Answer to the Additional Instructions: The vessells
from New England do supply ye inhabitants of Newfoundland with provisions, which if provented would
endanger their starving. European commoditys are
carried directly to Newfoundland from Spain, Portugal
and Italy in British ships, vizt. wine, oyl, brandy,
fruites, wch. are sold to ye inhabitants and others in ye
country. These are not to be prevented unless ye Act of
Trade is put in execution. Endorsed as preceding. |
511. ii. A scheem of the Fishery of Newfoundland, 1710.
Fishing ships 49, sack ships 26, ships from America 18.
Burthen of fishing ships, 5748 tuns. Men belonging
to ye fishing ships, 2802. Fishing ships' boats, by
boats and inhabitants' boats, 518. Byboat men, 624.
Quintals of fish made by fishing ships, 34290, by byboats,
14068, by inhabitants' boats, 91170, taken in prizes,
33,000. Total, 172528. Quintals of fish carried to
market, 137,226. Quantity of train made, 692 tuns.
Inhabitants: men, 1868, women, 235, children, 377.
Total, 2480. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
511. iii. Petition of Inhabitants and Traders of Newfoundland
to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Whereas the
benefit that arrises from the Fishery and Trade is
considerable to us and the publick, we beg leave to
demonstrate that since (two years agoe) the takeing
of Saint Johns which is the only or cheife place for the
security of the whole country and trade of Newfoundland, the Government not having been pleased to send
forces, ammunition and other warlike necessarys for its
reliefe as formerly, its defence for last winter was nevertheless undertaken by your petitioners with a resolution
suitable to the importance of the place, and that zealous
loyalty wee owe H.M. This our faithfull service, tho'
a duty we owe our Queen and Country, was of so much
burthen to us in the dangers, and also the inconveniences
of so many families and their effects being crowded up
in so little room, and the want of so many necessarys,
which the strictness of our watch could not allow to be
supplyed, and that which most concerns the publick,
our Fishery; that when we had conceived great hopes
of being supplyed with all things necessary from
England this summer, and wee found all our expectations
vain, nothing could be more averse then thinking of
engageing over again in the same hardships another
winter; but our Governour who has upon all accounts
approved himselfe to us in his zeal for the publick,
being by the Commadore prevailed upon once more
to take upon him the charge of this Fort, wee all of us
after his example are willing to expose to the utmost
forseen hazards from an highly incensed enemy, rather
than be wittnesses of the sad consequences must otherwise needs follow upon ye loss of a place on which depends
a concern of so high an importance. But that wch.
animates us the rather to this, is together with our
duty the hopes we humbly beg we may not again be
disappointed in that these ye utmost testimonys of our
loyalty to our gracious Soveraign may so farr recommend
us to her pity and good esteem, that her same auspicious
tenderness and vigilancy, which so gloriously, readily
and effectualy protects all other parts of H.M. Dominions
may not think us unworthy of some the least share of
her favour. The Nation wee assure ourselves is
sensible of ye moment of Newfoundland even in its
now greatest disadvantages from the hostility and
ravages of the French, and therefore not to divine
what we may hope from the times of a settled Peace,
since the whole depends upon the preservation of this
place, wee again humbly begg that the Government will
appoint such forces as may be sufficient to take the charge
of it, that ye conveniency of fishing, ye only riches of
this country, may not be utterly lost or in great measure
be again hindered and so H.M. faithfull subjt. brought
under ye necessitty of quitting the trade to their own
utter ruin and so considerable disadvantage to the
publick. Same endorsement. Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O.
194, 4. Nos. 142, 142 i.–iii.; and 195, 5. pp. 152–160.] |
Nov. 26. New York. |
512. Governor Hunter to [? Lord Dartmouth]. I had the
honor of two of your Lordps.' letters by our packet boat, one
relateing to the expedition intended against the French in
Canada. How litle is to be expected from this people your
Lodp. will see at your leisure by the inclosed copies of mine to
the Lords of Trade. I humbly intreat your Lordp's. assistance
toward an effectual remedy or all must runn into confusion here,
and indeed for any thing I can learn they are driveing the same
way in most of the other provinces. I must again put your
Lorp. in mind of the bills drawn on behalf of the poor Palatins,
etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1091. No. 31.] |
Nov. 27. St. James's. |
513. The Queen to Governor Hunter. Warrant for altering
the covenant in grants of lands on the frontier, according to the
Representation of the Council of Trade (v. Oct. 26). Countersigned, Dartmouth. [C.O. 5, 1122. pp. 200–202.] |
[Nov. 27.] |
514. Sir James Mountague (Solicitor General, 1707) to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. Report on Acts of Virginia
passed in 1705. (1) As to the Act for naturalisation. I am
humbly of opinion that it is too great a power to be lodged in
any one person, in any Kingdom, tho' he be Governor thereof, to
make Aliens and Forreigners to be upon the same foot as the
naturall born subjects are, and it may be prejudiciall to our Trade
and Navigacon, if the persons so naturaliz'd in Virginia be enabled
to doe any matter and thing which by any of the Acts made in
England concern H.M. Plantations, and yet to disable them as
to some things, seems to be contradictory to the notion of naturalizing, which is, investing them with all the rights and priviledges
of any H.M. naturall free-born subjects there. As to the Act
for establishing the Genl. Court, etc., I have no manner of objection,
nor to the Act concerning juries. I have no objection to the
Act of New York, 1706, granting sundry priveledges and powers
to the Rector and inhabitants of the City of New York of the
Communion of the Church of England. I have read over the
Laws pass'd in the Massachusetts Bay, 1701–1706, sent to me
by Mr. Popple, May 23 last, and have no manner of objection
to make to any of them. Signed, Ja. Mountague. Endorsed,
Recd. Aug. 21st, 1707, Read Nov. 27, 1710. 2 pp. [C.O. 5,
1316. No. 53; and 5, 1363. pp. 226–228.] |
Nov. 27. Boston. |
515. Mr. Bridger to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I have only to lay before your Lordps. the quantity of Naval
Stores in the Fleet and since March last, vizt. (barrels) tar 1410;
pitch 2111; rozin 338; tirpentin 1525, imported from this place.
H.M. has no such destroyer of her woods as Mr. Collins' Agent
etc. P.S. As soon as there is any snow, shall go to Piscataqua
and into the woods to preserve them, etc. Signed, J. Bridger.
Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 22nd Jan., 17 10/11. Addressed.
Sealed. Postmark, New York, and date of arrival. [C.O. 5,
865. No. 59; and 5, 913. pp. 318–320.] |
[Nov. 27.] |
516. Col. Jones to the Earl of Sunderland. In obedience
to H.M. commands, March 25, I have inquired into such complaints as have been made to me against any officers or soldiers
of my Regiment for any outrages committed by them upon the
persons of any of the complainants against General Parke, or
others; and accordingly found four sentinells of the Company of
Granadiers commanded by Capt. Thoms. Newell guilty of several
high outrages committed in Antigua; and sentenced them to be
whip'd, and appointed a meeting of ye Companys then posted
in that Island, in order to have the sentence executed, and
immediately after signifyed ye same both by a verball message
and by letter to Genl. Parke, who in his answer, according to his
usuall contempt and neglect of H.M. Orders, took the pains to
inform me that no soldier could be ordered to be whip'd but by
a Court Martiall to be approv'd by the commanding officer;
and that he should be failing in his duty to H.M. should he suffer
ye laws to be broken; and that he should always be willing to
appoint a Court Martiall on the least intimation that I desired
or had occasion for. After receipt of this letter, I sent a verball
message by my adjutant to him, to give notice that I had
appointed a meeting of the companys to have ye soldiers whip'd
according to my sentence. He thereupon expressed himself
in violent rage to my adjutant;—"If he darst, he would lay him
by ye heels and clap a sentinell at his door." By this means I
have been hindered from punishing the offenders, etc. A great
many affidavits have been taken before me against severall officers
of my Regiment, (cf. July 29), especially against Lt. Phillip Walch,
and one Luke Walch, who for above twelvemonth has done duty
as an Ensign in my Regiment by a Commission from Generall
Parke, tho' he never produced the same to me till 25th of last
month. Severall of the matters they were charged with by ye
said depositions were highly outragious and insolent. But
General Parke continuing to give me obstructions in this, as well
as ye other parts of my duty, I concluded it improper for me to
attempt ye punishing them, since I was sure to be baffled in ye
attempt, and have instead thereof herewith transmitted to yr.
Lordship the depositions, etc. relating my proceedings in obedience
to ye said order. General Parke has not only been ye author
and incourager of the high disorders and abuses committed
by severall officers and soldiers of my regiment and co-operated
with them in person, in severall of the disorders and abuses
committed by them, but has likewise dissolv'd and broke ye neck
of all discipline, and encourag'd ye soldiers to disobedience, and
to mutiny against their officers, and has spared and egg'd
on some of my officers who are his creatures, and have been made
use off as tools in his highest acts of violence and oppression, to
the most dangerous peices of insolence to, and contempt of their
superiour officers, even myself, etc. So that things are come to that
pass, that unless some speedy stop be put to his career in such his
pernicious practices, the Regiment will be rendered altogether
unfit for service, and the Colonies for whose defence ye regiment
was sent out, by these means may receive some fatall blow.
Tho' there appears a deposition against our Lt. Phillip Everard,
yet the said officer has since I have known him behaved himself
with a great deal of good manners and civility wherever he has
been posted. The offences contained therein are ye only escapes
of consequence that I can justly charge him with. I am
throughly satisfyed yt. severall other complaints would have
been made against some officers and soldiers of my Regimt.
who have been employ'd in General Parke's blackest designs, were
it not for fear of him or of such officers and soldiers boy'd up and
supported by him, etc. Signed, Ja. Jones. Endorsed, Recd.
Nov. 27, 1710. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 31.] |
Nov. 28. New York. |
517. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses copy of Nov. 14. Continues: This comes by the
packet boat, by which I received the Instructions relating to
illegal trade and the wollen manufacture amongst the Palatins
and Commissions etc. Yesterday I prorogued the Assembly here
to March 1st; they have done nothing, so that all the absolutely
necessary parts of the support of Government are now and have
been ever since my arrival here defray'd by my poor purse or
credit, which you'll easily be convine'd can not hold long. I
send your Lordps. now their journal intire, by which you'll
find the truth of what follows. The Assembly having by a clause
in a bill for laying a duty on chimneys made the Treasurer
accountable to them alone, the Council made an amendment
making him accountable to the Governour, Council and Assembly,
as has been the custome ever since the Country had a Treasurer
of their own. As also another amendment exempting the poor
Palatins from that duty, and sent to acquaint the Assembly with
their amendments. The Assembly did not consent, the Council
adher'd, and desir'd a Conference, which was granted, where
the Council gave their reasons for insisting on their amendments,
but the Assembly neither agreed to the amendments, nor desired
another Conference. The same steps were made as to the
amendments to a Bill laying a duty on goods sold by auction
relating to the Treasurer's accounting, only the message from
the Assembly was in general terms, vizt., that the Council could
not but be inform'd of the steady and constant resolution of the
Assembly not to admit of any amendment to a money Bill.
At a conference the Councill offer'd their reasons to support their
right warranted by constant practice till of late, and confirmed
by your Lordps.' opinion, which was given them by my Lord
Cornbury (quoted) in 1706, but to no purpose. Another Bill
past the Assembly for disposing of the stores in the hands of the
Commissioners at Albany for the intended Expedition against
Canada, whereby they assume a power to sell and convert to
what uses they please not only the stores bought by the Country's
money, but all H.M. stores, arms and ammunition, guns and
mortars taken from her magazines here or sent from those in
England: this was thought by the Council presumptuous and
unjust and therefore made an amendment confining them to
the sale of such stores only as were bought by the Colony's money,
but the Assembly would not agree to't, and tho' at a Conference
the Council gave them their reasons for the amendment, they never
vouchsafed them an answer. After this the Assembly sent up
a Bill for the Treasurer's paying sundry summs of money whereby
they had appropriated what they gave toward the support of
Government, which was not much more then the half of what there
is a real necessity for, and much less then the half of what has been
heretofore allow'd. To this the Council made an amendment,
whereby it was left to be issued by warrant past by the Governour
by and with the advice and consent of the Council, as is
commanded by H.M. Instructions. The Assembly would not
agree to this, and the Council insisting, they desired a Conference,
where the Council gave their reasons for the amendments, vizt.,
the Queen's Instructions, the former practice here, and in the
other Plantations, and the method observ'd by Parliament in
that case not to appropriate what was given for the Civil List.
They sent also up another Bill of fees much like what H.M.
dissapproved last year, reducing the Fees so low that no officer
could live, tho' the Ordinance for that purpose had reduced
them enough in all conscience. This the Council have ordered
to lye upon the table. I acquainted your Lordships with the
naturalization Act, which had its rise in their own house, and was
intended for their service, seeing H.M. Instructions to naturalize
the Palatins would have been an inducement to have past it,
but they let it drop. Upon which I put them in mind of it and
acquainted them with your Lordps.' representation to H.M.
that the Palatins should upon their arrival here be naturalized
without fee or reward, but they have declined it, for no reason
that I can guess but that it was recommended to them, seeing
they themselves were to be the chief gainers by it. I read to
them and gave them H.M. letter in favour of the Lady Lovelace,
earnestly recommending to them what was but material justice.
The day before her Lord's death they had voted £1600 to him his
heires and assignes, and after his death they reduc'd it to five.
I prest it both in publick and private as a piece of justice that
nearly concern'd the credit of their house, and what would be
most acceptable to H.M., but to no purpose, for they have taken
no manner of notice of it. After what I have said, I need not
tell your Lorps. the difficultys I labour under and the necessity
of some speedy relief. For indeed if my Instructions would have
allow'd the passing of all their money bills it was but an abuse
offer'd to the Governt. at best for the fonds are given for twice as
much as they would raise, and the vendue or auction bill, which
was to have raised £500, would not have rais'd one farthing, the
promoters of it owning that they intended no more by't then a
prohibition of that method of sale which they have ever look'd
upon to be detrimental to their trade. Now my Lords unless
it could be supposed that H.M. cou'd rest satisfy'd to have her
Governour and Council here made cyphers, her authority in their
persons trampled under foot, and matters of Government
for the future managed by the caprice of an Assembly, I firmly
hope for and promise myself a speedy and effectual remedy.
Some of the Council proposed a Representation to H.M. from their
Board, but knowing the unhappy consequences of that method
in the Jerseys, I discountenanced it, seeing the Assembly's own
Journals will sufficiently make appear the truth of what I have
represented. I must do H.M. Council here the justice to declare
that I think it is not possible for men in their station to behave
with more virtue and resolution with regard to H.M. right and
prerogative then they have all of them done excepting one man,
that is Col. De Peyster, the Country's Treasurer, who has had the
misfortune to be singular in every individual vote since I have had
the honor of sitting at the head of that Board, and so avowedly
that at a Conference one of the Council was obliged to tell him
publickly that he appeared there as an advocate for the unaccountable proceedings of the Assembly, not as a man who had taken
an oath to maintain the Queen's right. All the Acts that I have
past this session are what follow, and indeed I have past all
that came the length of my assent: (1) An Act for laying an excise
on all strong liquors retailed in this Colony. (2) An Act for
continuing a duty on the tonnage of vessells and slaves, (3) An
Act for reviving an Act for better setling the Militia etc. (4)
An Act for reviving an Act regulating jurors, (5) An Act to repeal
a clause in an Act against forging and clipping foreign coin, (6)
An Act for the better settlement and asurance of lands, (7)
An Act to prevent the burning of woods, (8) An Act for repairing
the Blockhouses platforms and other fortifications of Albany
and Schenectady, (9) An Act to collect the arrears of taxes,
(10) An Act to retrench the growing interest of bills of credit,
(11) An Act to enable the precincts of Islip in the County of
Suffolk to elect two Assessors, a Collector and Supervisor. If
your Lordships think the fees, as they are now regulated, reduced
too low, I wish some such additions as you judge proper may be
made, and that then your Lordps. would be pleased to recommend
the same to H.M. for her approbation, and an Instruction thereupon not to pass any Act of Assembly, if your Lordps. are of
opinion the ordinance should remain, for you may be assured the
Assembly will otherwise pass a Bill for regulating them as they
call it the next session, as they have done this. 'Twas impossible
to get the Acts last past ingrossed, but by the next packet-boat
I will send them to your Lordships. Signed, Ro. Hunter.
Endorsed, Recd. 15th, Read 16th Jan., 1710. 5½ pp. Enclosed, |
517. i. Reasons of the Council of New York for insisting on their
Amendments to the Bill for the Treasurer's paying
sundry sums. By H.M. Instructions, and the practice
here and in other Plantations etc., publick money is
not to issue otherwise than by warrant passed by the
Governor with the consent of the Council, etc. Endorsed,
Recd. Jan. 15, 17 10/11. Copy. ½ p. |
517. ii. Amendments of the Council referred to in preceding.
Same endorsement. Copy. ½ p. |
517. iii. Further reasons of the Council (v. No. i. supra).
Same endorsement. Copy. 1½ pp. |
517. iv. Reasons of the Assembly for not agreeing to amendments of Council, referred to in No. i. supra. Same
endorsement. Copy. ¾ p. |
517. v. Copy of an Act of New York for the Treasurer's paying
sundry sums of money, etc. Same endorsement. 2 pp.
[C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 8, 8 i.–v.; and (without enclosures)
5, 1091. No. 32; and 5, 1122. pp. 238–250.] |
Nov. 28. |
518. Sir Charles Hedges to Mr. Popple. After a long search
in the Registry of the Admiralty, I have found enclosed, being all
I can find relating to James Briggs. Signed, C. Hedges. Endorsed,
Recd. 28th Nov., Read Dec. 1, 1710. 1 p. Enclosed, |
518. i. Deposition of B. Joyce master of the John and Jane, and
W. White master of the Unity, Aug. 9, 1700. Their ships
were taken April 30 by a pirate ship, the Samuel's
Adventure commanded by Lodowick Ferdinando. On
board was James Briggs, who had been taken out of
the Resolution by force and was detained on board
against his will. The pirate delivered them back
their ships on May 6, with Briggs and the following
certificate. Signed, Benj. Joyce, Wm. White. Copy.
2 pp. |
518. ii. Certificate that James Briggs was forcibly detained
by me and released as an unwilling servant. Signed,
Lodowick Ferdinando. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 9. Nos.
12, 12 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 38, 6. p. 506.] |
Nov. 30. Whitehall. |
519. Mr. Popple to Col. Lillington. Acknowledges letters
of Sept. 2 and 14. The Council of Trade have nothing at present
to add to their letter of Oct. 26, etc. [C.O. 29, 12. p. 321.] |
Nov. [ ] St. Christophers. |
520. Speaker of the Assembly of St. Kitts to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. I am directed by the Assembly with
greatest humility to lay before your Lordships a Bill for raising
a publick Revenue for repairing H.M. fortifications and the support
of the Government, for which are now strugling with the Lt.
Governor and Council, that it may pass them, in order to be
presented to the Chief Governor for his concurrance; it having
unanimously passed the Assembly was carried to the Lt. Governor
and Council Oct. 23, returned that day with their amendments,
and the Assembly by them adjourned to Nov. 9, when the Bill
was again carried to them, new writ over agreable to such of their
amendments as were allowed, and reasons of dissent from the
others, etc. The Bill instede of three, we desired might be in
force for 20 years, for answer are adjourned for a fortnight, and
told by Gent. of the Council it shal never pass there. H.M. Forts
are in the greatest disorder, not a carriage to any of the guns that
will hold twice firing, neither flower, beef nor salt in store, not
a shilling coming in any manner of way, and what is worse no
ammunition, know not how soon may be attackt by the enemy,
and when the Assembly desire to know how the stores sent by
H.M. have bin expended are answer'd by the Lieut. Governor
and Council, 'tis none of their business. Your Lordships will
find in the Bill sent, a duty laid upon sugars exported to the other
Islands, which doubt not but will meet with opposition when it
shal be known to be before your Lordships, Nevis having ever
flourished by being the Port from whence the greatest part of
the sugars of the produce of this Island has bin sent for England,
we could not be sensible till about two years ago, that was one
great cause of our poverty, the Assembly then passed a Bill
laying a duty upon sugars exported to that Island, and presented
it to the Chief Governor and Council, were told by H.E. that he
was obliged to lay it before your Lordships, but have heard nothing
of it since. If your Lordships will please to take into consideration
the great disadvantages we lye under in being a devided Island,
by which means H.M. part was entirely ruined in 1666 and 1689,
and almost reduced to the same condition in 1705–6 by the
French, and nothing can I think prevent the Islands being
deserted, should H.M. restore the French part upon a Peace,
but your Lordships allowing the Bill to pass, by which means
we shal have ships directly from Britain, Ireland and the Northern
Colonies to bring provisions and necessaries for our settlements
which are now forced to buy at second hand and at extravagant
rates. During the little time the French were possessed of their
part of the Island, which was three years and a half by the
advantage of being a free port, they became so strong, that had
it not bin we had advice of the war before them, and that Colonel
Codrington came presently to our assistance with what forces
could be spared from the other Islands, in all probability they
would then have sent us beggers to some other Colony. From the
first settlement of Assemblys in these Islands, they have had the
appointing, swearing and displaceing their servants at pleasure,
and all messages from the Assembly to the Governor and Council
have bin carried by two of their members, and those from the
Governor and Council by one of the Council (who 'tis possible
may have no other advantage over some Gent. of the Assembly
than what H.M. putting them in that station gives them) both
which have bin struck at lately by the General, in the General
Assembly held here, by which no bussiness was then done. The
Assemblys canot be more encouraged than by continuing those
priviledges to them, and in allowing them to lay before your
Lordships such Bills as they shal prepare for the advantage of
the Island, which may be rejected by Governor and Council.
Signed, Ro. Cunynghame. Endorsed, Recd. 10th, Read 26th,
Feb., 17 10/11. 3 pp. Enclosed, |
520. i. Copy of Bill of St. Kitts for raising a revenue etc.
referred to in preceding. Same endorsement. 5¼ pp. |
520. ii. Messages from the Lt. Governor and Council to the
Assembly of St. Kitts, with replies, upon the Revenue
Bill. The Council return the Bill, Oct. 23, 1710, and,
stating that it contains some clauses and expressions
too doubtfull to pass into a law, and others in plain
diminution of H.M. Prerogative and their own honors
and priviledges, propose a Joint Committee of the two
Houses to amend it. etc. The Assembly refuse, but
offer to consider any amendments. To the amendments offered by the Council, Oct. 30, they reply,
maintaining (1) that the whole power of giving is
vested in them, (2) To the Council's criticism upon the
proposed export duty upon sugar that it appears too
envious and unneighbourly to absolutely forbid a trade
with Islands under the same Government; St. Kitts
itself may suffer most thereby, and it is matter for a
distinct bill; the Assembly reply that they are not
upon discouraging trade but raising a revenue to repair
H.M. fortifications etc., and that they are the only
judges how the same shal be done. It is a matter
propper in this Bill. They cannot allow of the Council
razing out the words "or either of them" in the condition of the bond the Treasurer is to enter into, the
intention of the Assembly being that should the Treasurer
be supported to the prejudice of the publick by either
House, the other might have power to call him to account, etc.. etc. Conclude: "For Money bills "tis our
right only to prepare them, and which we will not go
from, nor allow any other amendments to this Bill, now
sent for your concurrance … If you reject it, we shal find
wayes to have it laid before H.M., who will then know,
who is for supporting her Island, and who not." Signed,
Ro. Cunynghame, Speaker. Old Road, Nov. 9, 1710.
Same endorsement. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 37, 37 i.,
ii.; and (without enclosures) 153, 11. pp. 104–108.] |