1676–1677. Feb. 25. St. Christopher's. |
1. Journal of the Council and Assembly of St. Christopher's.
Proposals made by the Governor and Council to the Assembly.
In reference to supplying the Magazine with powder, repair of the
fortifications, encouragement to import provisions and able white
servants, and to "take up" dead or live fugitive slaves who commit
daily robberies and outrages. |
March 3. |
Answer of the representatives of St. Christopher's consenting
to the above proposals and suggesting that an Act be passed offering
rewards for the apprehension of runaway slaves, dead or alive.
Ordered that the English Commissioners of the National Court
confer with the French Commissioners concerning said Act, and
also an Act prohibiting negroes from crabbing, for the prevention
of destroying sugar canes and housing by fire, for under pretence
of crabbing many inhabitants are robbed. |
April 3. |
Proposal of the Council to the Governor to do all he possibly can
to prevent His Majesty's subjects from deserting their settlements
on this island and resorting to other islands belonging to foreign
princes which they have been doing daily, and to recall them to
their former settlements; accepted by the Governor and ordered to
be forthwith published. |
April 24. |
Proposal of the Governor and Council to the Assembly to erect
a fort on Cleverley Hill in the parish of St. Ann, consented to and
that the work may be vigorously carried on; an Act to be prepared
for that purpose. |
April 29. |
On the motion of the Governor and Council for sending to
Tortola for timber for carriages for the cannons, James Laty,
Charles Jack, and Robert Worley are nominated by the Assembly
to treat with the Governor and Captain Elrington about that
affair. |
May 9. |
Ordered that an Act be drawn for regulating the prices of strong
liquors, as also the prices of sundry commodities of the growth of
this island. Ordered that no liquor be adulterated or one sold for
another on penalty of 1,000 lbs. of sugar. |
April 3. (sic.) |
That the French having land in the English part of this island
who have not taken the oath of allegiance be summoned to do so,
according to the Articles of Breda, and upon refusal to forfeit their
land to the use of His Majesty his heirs and successors. |
Oct. 9. |
Ordered that an Act be drawn to take true cognizance of weights
and measures in this island and view all provisions imported, and
if any be found defective or unsound that they be cast into the sea
or burnt, with power to open any storehouse door. |
Jan. 6. |
This day some affairs concerning both nations in this island
were by the "Bench" treated of, and Commissioners sent to M. de
St. Laurence to communicate with him. |
March 31. |
That the gunner take from the master of every ship coming to
the island a certificate of her tonnage to be entered in the Secretary's
office to the end the powder may be exactly collected for the use
of the King's magazine. |
July 9. |
Request of the Assembly to the Governor and Council to make
Articles of peace and union between the subjects of the two Crowns,
inhabitants of this island, which the Assembly promise to ratify,
confirm and allow of. |
Aug. 2. |
Ordered that an additional Act be made to the Act for the
erecting a fort on Cleverley Hill. |
Nov. 29. |
Ordered that one of the Council, one of the Assembly, a commissioned officer, and two gentlemen of the Troop be weekly at the
fort on Cleverley Hill to see the work go forward; also that a
capable white man out of each division go with the officer to be at
the fort every day in the week. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII.,
No. 69, pp. 11–16.] |