Index of Persons and Places: M, N, O

Pages 706-718

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 3, 1342-1362. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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Mablethorp, Malberthorp [co. Lincoln], 258, 370, 456.

Macadam, John, 531.

-, -, canon, 603.

MacÆda, Malacby, archbishop of Tuam, 171, 235, 279.

Macarthig, Cormack, 145.

Macchyng, Thomas, 509.

-, -, Margery his wife, 509.

McCoffot, John, 396.

Maccotyr, Thomas, archdeacon of Cloyne, 606.

Maccrath, Cristin, 524.

-, Marjory, 524.

Macdonald, John, or ‘de Insulis,’ lord of the Isles, 279, 381.

Macdondebayger, Roger, 455.

McDowilie, Dugald, knt. 396.

Macduff, Duncan, earl of Fife, 191, 304, 539.

-, Elisabeth, daughter of William earl of, 595.

Maching, Matthing, Brian, 198, 210.

Machkeyht, John, 176.

Mcllgrum, Cuthbert, 396.

Mackworth, Makworth [co. Derby], 433, 444.

McLolan, Gilbert son of Gilbert, 396.

-, Matthew, knt. 396.

Mâcon, bishop of, 516.

Macy, Michael, 370.

Maddok, Joan, 466.

Madeffroy, Thomas, 295.

Madelbertis, Giles de, of Cremona, canon, 54.

Madelet, Richard de, clerk, 579.

Madeley [co. Salop], 168.

Madoc ap Elis, Llewelyn ap, dean and bishop of St. Asaph, 581.

Mageoi, John, bishop of Ardagh, 458.

Maghfield. See Mayfield.

Magniaco. See Mauny.

Maiden-Bradley [co. Somerset], canon of, 70.

Maidstone [co. Kent], 389, 419, 435, 438, 449, 542.

Maigne, John de, 287.

Maincyng, William, 328.

Mainowe, John, 172.

Maitshale. See Mattishall.

Major, Peter, precentor of Valence, papal auditor, 416.

Makearwyll, Thomas, archdeacon of Cashel, archbishop of Tuam. See O'Carroll.

Maketon, Thomas de, 222.

Malabayla, Malabaila, Anthony de, merchant of Asti, 38, 617, 633.

-, Guy, merchant of Asti, 610, 634.

-, Baudracus, bishop of Asti, 24, 38, 199, 237, 274, 498.

-, James, 4, 6, 13, 14, 18, 24, 26, 31, 32, 36.

-, John, bishop of Treviso, 200, 233, 425.

Malbeco, Loysius, 633.

Malberthorp. See Mablethorpe.

Malbis, Roger, priest, 550.

Maldon [co. Essex], hospital of St. Giles, 322.

Maldone, Robert de, 370.

-, -, Cicely his wife, 370.

Male, Geoffrey, layman, 588.

-, John, layman, 588.

Maleherb, Thomas, 453.

Malerb, William, clerk, 601.

Malevil, John, 540.

Malewayn, John de, 557.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 557.

Maleweyn, John, citizen of London, 378, 385.

-, -, Joan his wife, 378.

Malghun, Cicely de, nun, 600.

Malleburn. See Mulleborn.

Malley, John, canon, 607.

Malling, South [co. Sussex], canon of, 101, 567.

-, -, dean of. See Echingham; Aylesbury.

Malmesburi, Richard de, 135.

Malmesbury [co. Wilts], abbot of, 242, 344, 518.

-, abbot of. See Tinterne; Aumency; Segre.

-, abbot and convent of, 247, 569.

-, monk of, 222, 448, 515.

Malmeshull, Richard de, 375.

-, Thomas, monk, 515.

Malolacu, Margaret relict of Peter de, knt. 588.

Malo Leone, Savaricus de, 635.

Malpas, Malopassa [co. Chester], 244, 393, 414, 566.

Malstang, Simon de, 133.

Malteby, Isabella de, 600.

Malton [co. York], prior of, 382.

Malton, Henry de, knt. 551.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 551.

-, Marton, John de, 570.

Malvern, Great [co. Worcester], monk of, 580.

-, -, prior of, 84.

-, -, subprior of, 380.

Malynes, John, the elder, 454.

-, -, Joan his wife, 454.

Man, lord of the Isle of. See Monteacuto.

Manafon, Manavon [co. Montgomery], 238.

Mancroft. See Norwich.

Mandevile. See Maunduvyle.

Mandeville, Anne de, prioress of Down, 509.

-, Margaret de, nun, 509

Manerii, Roger, 53, 108.

Maners, Robert de, knt. 401.

Manewode, John de, Augustinian friar, 589.

Manfield [co. York], 239.

Mangre. See Meingre.

Maningg, Reginald. See Manning.

Manneby, Thomas de, 92.

Manning, Mannyng, Reginald de, 44, 210, 328, 330, 337.

Manny. See Mauny.

Mannyng, John 428.

Mantalent, John, donsel, 535.

Manthorp, William de, 309.

Manton, West. See Westmeston.

Manton, Alice de, 489.

-, William de, 490.

Maperley, William de, 194.

Mar. See Marre; Mare.

Mar, Marre, Thomas, earl of, 371, 467, 522, 619.

-, -, -, Margaret his wife, 522.

-, William de la, provost of Beverley, 210.

Mara, Mora, David de. See Marre.

-, Ralph de la, monk, 409.

March, earl of. See Dunbar.

-, earl of. See Mortuo Mari.

-, John, Friar Preacher, 465.

Marcham, John de, 140, 171.

Marcle, John de, 148.

Marcross [co. Glamorgan], 574.

Mardak, Robert, 557.

Mare, Mar, Geoffrey de la, knt. 40.

-, Henry de la, 90.

-, John de la, canon, 130.

-, - son of Peter, knt. 213.

-, John de la, 371.

-, -, Alice his wife, 371.

-, Peter de la, knt. 194, 283.

-, -, Joan his wife, 194.

-, Ralph de la, knt. 459.

-, Reginald de la, knt. 443.

-, Richard de la, monk of Thetford, 329.

-, Robert de la, knt. 194, 585.

-, -, Matilda his wife, 553, 560.

-, Thomas de la, canon, 295, 343.

-, -, prior of Tynemouth, abbot of St. Albans, 314, 325, 329, 336, 339, 350, 383, 587, 597.

-, -, donsel, lord of Elbrugge, 307, 585.

-, William de la, canon of York, 103, 316.

-, See also Mar; Marre; Mara.

Marescale, Richard de, citizen, 409.

Marescalli, Thomas, 118, 239, 265.

Mareschal, Geoffrey, 439.

-, Robert, 535.

-, -, Mabel his wife, 535.

-, Thomas, notary, 246.

-, -, of Mussyngdon, 326.

-, -, -, Isabella his wife, 326.

-, Thomas le, 167, 173.

-, See also Marshal.

Marewell, Gilbert de, archdeacon of Sudbury, 273.

Mareys, Hugh, archdeacon of Derby, 538.

Margam [co. Glamorgan], abbot of, 103.

Margaret, daughter of Edward III. 614.

Marham [co. Norfolk], nun of, 533.

Marholm, Marham [co. Northants], 387.

Marigny, John de, archbishop of Rouen, 39.

Mariny, Simon Johannis de, 228.

Marisco, John de, archdeacon of Stafford, 566.

Markant, Thomas de, 226.

Markaunt, Robert, knt. 555.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 555.

Markby, Markeby [co. Lincoln], Augustinian canon of, 170, 282, 336, 409, 510.

-, prior of. See Edelington; Lek.

Markle, John de, monk, 441.

Marle, Thomas de, 386.

Marlow, Marlawe, Great [co. Bucks], 279.

Marmion, John, 288.

-, -, Alice his wife, 288.

-, Maunsell, 242, 263.

Marmoutier-lez-Tours [Touraine], monastery of, 362.

Marmyon, Matilda, 193.

Maroeuil [Picardy], abbot and convent of, 61.

Marre, Mara, Mar, David de, treasurer of

Moray, 54, 81, 93, 148, 425, 517, 520, 542, 619.

-, Donald de, archdeacon of Brechin, 126, 148, 484.

-, John de, 189.

Marseilles, 128, 203.

Marshal, Mareschal, Mary [baroness Braose], countess of Norfolk, 375, 379, 385, 529.

-, Margaret, countess, 48, 50, 375, 381, 391.

Marston [co. Northants], 473.

Martefeld, Nicholas, subdean of Salisbury, 594.

Martele, William, canon, 529.

Martemer, Catherine de, 440.

Marthersay. See Mattersey.

Martin, David, 185, 205, 425.

-, -, of Rhosmarket, archdeacon of Carmarthen, 581.

-, -, Edmund, donsel, 441.

-, Geoffrey, clerk, 534.

-, -, Beatrice his wife, 534.

-, John de, 206.

-, Philip, 480, 502.

-, Robert de, 337.

-, Walter, 65.

-, William, layman, 510, 601.

-, And See Martyn.

Martingho, alias Cumbemartin, Stephen de, 110.

Martini, Henry, priest, 526.

-, Margaret, 193.

-, Peter, 406.

-, alias Watts, Robert, 425.

Martley, Martheley [co. Worcester], 517.

Marton, Robert de, 286.

-, See Malton.

Martyn, Isabella, 536.

-, Margaret, 553.

-, Robert, donsel, 474, 494.

-, -, Margaret Romesi his wife, 474, 494.

Martyr, Warin, the elder, 410.

-, -, Helen his wife, 410.

Mary, daughter of Edward I. 169.

-, daughter of Edward III. 615.

Masham [co. York], prebend of York, 293, 317, 345, 604.

Masuy, Mauny [Hainault], 395, 468.

Mason, John, 221.

-, (Latomus), John, lay brother, 380.

-, Thomas, priest, 597.

-, William son of Henry le, 122.

Massingden, Thomas de, 249.

-, See also Mareschal.

Massingham, Great [co. Norfolk], 132.

Massyngham, Benedict de, 465.

-, -, Joan his wife, 465.

-, -, Nicholas de, 601.

Matelot. See Mocelot.

Mateshale. See Mattishall.

Mathei, Beltram, 77.

-, Gruffin, 163.

-, Thomas, notary, 399.

Mattei, Luke, 81.

Mattersey, Marthersay, Mathersay [co. Notts], prior and convent of, 206, 207.

Matthing. See Maching.

Mattishall [co. Norfolk], 189, 204.

Mauduyt, Agnes, 145.

-, John, 145.

Maufey, Richard, 323.

Maukorneys, Henry, 89.

Maulee, Robert de, knt. 491.

Maulevrer, Alice, 495.

Maulion, Stephen, 187.

Maundevile, Mandevile, Robert de, 152, 173.

Maunduvyle, Maundevile, Thomas, 152, 173.

Maunsel, Henry, 577.

Maunser, Alice wife of Thomas, 525.

Mauny. See Masny.

Mauny, Maunhi, Walter de, knt. 21, 23, 43, 50, 375, 395, 468, 488, 609, 621, 629.

Maunyel, Cicely, 466.

Maupas, John, 310.

-, -, Joan his wife, 310.

Mauricii, Lochlan, 361.

Maury, Richard, abbot of Middleton, 272, 393, 432.

Maveis, Lucy de, damsel, 453.

Maveys, Richard, monk, 380.

Maxtoke [co. Warwick], priory of, 116, 216, 253.

-, prior and convent of, 285, 333.

-, manor of, 332.

Mayde, diocese of Salisbury, 329.

Maydenhethe, John de, 328.

Mayfield [co. Sussex], letters dated at, 191.

Mayismore, John de, 206.

Mayloisel, Geoffrey, donsel, 589.

Mayn, John, 577.

-, -, Cicely his wife, 577.

Maynada, Arnald de la, 56, 204.

Maynard, David, 313.

Mayneriis, Oldradus de, canon, 619.

Maysmore, John, 590.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 590.

Meany, Richard de, 350.

Meath, archdeacon of. See Napton.

-, bishop of, 106, 107, 119, 121, 135, 368, 420.

-, -, See St. Leger; Paul; Allen.

-, bishop and clergy of, 220.

Meaux, Melsa [co. York], abbot of, 190, 212.

-, monk of, 541, 571.

Meaux, Richard de, 134, 416, 436, 453.

Medbourne, John Petri de, 66.

Medelesburgh, Robert de, notary, 549.

Medici, William, prior of St. Mary's, Folkestone, 214.

Medilton, William de, donsel, 507.

-, -, Isabella his wife, 507.

Medlisham, Thomas de, 473.

Medmenham, Richard de, clerk, 550.

Medstod, Isabella, damsel, 528.

Mees, Margery, 496.

Meilor, Richard, layman, 379.

Meingre, Mangre, alias Busicaut, John le, knt. 616.

Melbourne, Melburne, John de, 57, 149, 161, 290, 366, 388, 417, 421, 423, 424, 568, 573.

-, Richard de, 417.

-, William, 57.

-, See also Mulleborn.

Melchbourne [co. Bedford], 273.

Melchebourne, Peter de, layman, 438.

Melchebourne, Deverguilla, 157.

-, William, de, 157.

Meldrum, Philip de, knt. 191.

Meleduno, Molendinio, John de, lord of Tancarville, 276, 338, 626.

Melesh, David de, 368.

Melethon. See Milton.

Melford, John de, donsel, 579.

Mellifont, Mellisfont [co. Louth], abbot of, 96, 100, 119, 129, 220, 396, 418.

-, Denis, abbot of, 382.

Melmorbie, John de, 207.

Melplassch, John, 371.

Melros [co. Roxburgh], William abbot of, 400.

-, monk of, 584.

Melsa, John de, knt. 559.

-, -, Maltilda his wife, 559.

-, Scolastica de, 310.

Melton, diocese of Norwich, 466, 547, 578.

-, co: York, 526.

Melton, John de, 86.

-, Thomas de, 393.

-, William de, archbishop of York, 52, 468.

Melun, William de, archbishop of Sens, 628.

Melyen, Melyn, Thomas, 425, 445.

Mendlesham, Mendlisham [co. Suffolk], 75, 113, 131.

Meneworth, Simon de, 448.

Menille, Elisabeth de, 87, 165.

-, Nicholas de, knt. 87, 165.

-, See also Meynille.

Menstreworth, Roger de, monk, 406.

Menteith, earl of. See Graham.

Menteith, Walter de, 564.

Mentmore, Michael de, abbot of St. Albans, 339.

Meon, West, Westmunes [co. Hants], 380.

Meon, William de, 99.

Meones, Robert, 329.

Meopham, Meypham, Mopham [co. Kent], 152, 209.

Mepertishale, Henry de, 451.

Mercatoris, Gerald, 632.

Mercer, Simon le, 53.

Mercier, William, archdeacon of Down, bishop of Connor, 475, 489.

Merdon, John de, 327.

Mere [co. Lincoln], hospital of, 280.

Mere, John de, knt., 308.

-, -, Eleanor his wife, 308.

-, William, of Pottern, notary, 399, 427, 431.

Meres, John de, and Joan his wife, 234.

Merevale [co. Warwick], Robert, abbot of, 448.

-, abbot and convent of, 141.

Merewode, Baldwin de, 472.

Mereworth, John, and Margaret his wife, 178.

Meriet, Meriethe, Walter de, chancellor of Exeter, 159.

Merieth, Simon de, 368.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 368.

Merington, Merynton, Alice relict of Hugh de, 442, 504.

Merionnyde, Lewelin son of Houell de, 408.

Meriton, Nicholas de, 481.

-, See Merton.

Merlawe, Henry de, monk, 444.

-, John de, prior of Winchester, 370, 447.

-, Walter de, 330.

Merle. See Morle.

Merrok, Thomas de, 379.

Mersch Baldynton. See Baldon.

Mersewe, Edmund de, 102.

Merston, 101.

-, [co. Kent], 481.

-, See Marston.

Merston, Walter de, 563.

-, Richard de, monk of Westminster, 339.

-, Thomas de, canon, 430, 531.

Merstone, Robert de, rector of St. Wulstan's, Worcester, 70.

Merthirkeler. See Llangeler.

Merthyr, Merthir [co. Carmarthen], 90, 91.

Merton, Meritone [co. Oxford], 437.

-, [co. Surrey], prior of, 260.

-, -, canon of, 449.

Merton, John, rector of Toft, 501.

-, John de, rector of Hunsdon, 278.

-, Walter de, 222.

Merwden, Henry, 275.

Merynton. See Merington.

Merysche, Nicholas atte, 91.

Mesen. See Misson.

Mesewich, Richard de, canon, 554.

Meslingues. See Birling.

Messager, John, 248.

-, -, Cicely his wife, 248.

Messan, Maurice, 215.

Messingham [co. Lincoln], 599.

Messingham, William de, 259.

Metdale, Isabella de, 577.

Metham, John de, son of Thomas de Metham, knt. 392.

Mettilton, Roger de, Hospitaller, 578.

Metz [Lorraine], 619.

Mey, John, 466.

Meynill, Meynil, Hugh de, knt. lord of Langley Meynell, 194, 436.

-, -, Alice his wife, 194.

Meynvile, Giles de, knt. 194, 210.

-, -, Joan his wife, 210.

-, See also Menilie.

Meypham. See Meopham.

Michaelis, Richard. See Michel.

-, Robert, 284, 306, 352.

-, Thomas, 213.

Michel, Joan, 360.

-, John, clerk, 606.

-, John, 441.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 441.

-, Michaelis, Richard, canon, 314, 459, 593, 596.

-, Thomas, 218, 423, 460, 485.

Michelham, Miclham, Muchelham [co. Sussex], canon of, 404.

-, prior of, 315.

Michelmersh, Muchelmersh [co. Hants], 248, 477.

Middelond, Robert de, treasurer of Exeter, 263, 274, 295, 390, 592.

Middelton, Henry de, 602.

-, -, Katherine his wife, 602.

-, John de, rector of Lidyerd, 330.

-, Peter de, 288.

-, William de, rector, 529.

-, - (John), 601.

-, See Middleton.

Middle, Mudle [co. Salop], 302.

Middlesex, archdeacon of, 183, 300, 315, 318, 345, 346, 349, 521, 546.

-, - See Ufford, Andrew; Idesworth.

-, sheriff of, 304.

Middleton. See Milton.

Middleton Cheney [co. Northants], 99.

Middleton, Midelton, Mildelton, Gilbert de, archdeacon of Northampton, 77, 79, 183, 539.

Middlewich [co. Chester], 101, 305, 308.

Midelton, John de, donsel, 579.

-, -, rector of Minchin Hampton, 544.

-, Middelton, Richard de, 307, 344, 364, 370, 390, 446, 459, 567.

Midford. See Mitford.

Midilton, Ralph de, 306.

-, Richard de, 160.

Midiltone, Sibyl de, 160.

Milan, 631.

Milbere, Roger, 560.

Mildelton. See Middleton.

Mildenhale, Robert de, 397, 415.

-, Robert Reginaldi de, 442.

Mildenhall [co. Suffolk], 431, 446, 596.

Milis, John, priest, 408.

Millere, Miller, Henry, 154, 156.

Milngate, Malngate, Roger de, notary, 490.

Milton, diocese of Lincoln, 598, 601.

-, Middleton [co. Dorset], abbot of, 201, 243.

-, -, - See Maury.

-, -, monks of, 374, 444.

-, -, vicar of, 373.

-, Middleton, [co. Kent], 528.

-, -, Augustinian friar of, 171.

Milward, Richard, 378.

Mindlingye, Walter de, Friar Preacher, 474.

Minghetti, Mingheti, John, 43.

Miniot, Bartholomew, 78.

Minsterton. See Misterton.

Minty, Mynty [co. Wilts], 347.

Mions, Henry de, 358.

-, Ralph de, 358.

Mir, Florence relict of Arnald, 508.

Miresko, Edmund de, clerk, 536.

Mirmande, Iterius de, abbot of Cluny, 12, 13, 15,19, 24, 172.

Misericordia, Thomas de, 407.

Misne, Thomas, priest, 494.

Missenden, Mussyngdon [co. Bucks], 326.

-, canon of, 395.

Misson, Mesen [co. Notts], 129.

Misterton, Minsterton [co. Leicester], 497.

-, [co. Notts], 334.

Mitford, Mitforden, Midford, John de, 59, 210, 218, 239, 259, 276, 291.

Mittelton, Hugh de, layman, 578.

Mitton, Hugh de, citizen, 491.

MoacDofnald. See MacDonald.

Mocelot, Matelot, Henry, 326, 463, 550.

Mochesi, Joan, 326.

Mocking, John de, citizen, 554.

-, -, Alice his wife, 554.

Mocleston, Margaret de, 555.

-, See Muckleston.

Moclowe, Moucelowe, Mocelowe, Roger de, dean of Dublin, 53, 58, 59, 62, 63, 76, 92, 94, 101, 102, 107, 128, 150, 153, 155, 170, 184, 210, 218, 251, 290.

Modbury, William de. See Chromphorn.

Modeburi, William de, 163.

Moeles, Adam de, priest, 504.

-, Margaret de, 161.

Moese. See Moze.

Moffort, Walter de, archdeacon of Lothian, 556.

Mohun, Mohoun, Mouin, Baldwin de, 81, 132, 393.

-, John de, knt. 327.

-, -, Joan his wife, 327, 528.

-, Reginald Raynald de, knt. 223, 459.

-, And see Moun.

Moigne, William le, knt., 309.

-, -, Joan his wife, 309.

Moil, Griffin, monk, 605.

Mokard. See Muckart.

Mokeleston. See Muckloston.

Mold [co. Flint], 341.

Molendinio. See Melcduno.

Molendino Novo, Roger de, 623.

Molesby, Molseby [co. York], nun of, 188, 210.

-, prioress and convent of, 191.

Molton, North [co. Devon], 66.

Mombray, William de, 306.

Moncalvo, Montecalvo, diocese of Vercelli, 633.

Monchensy, Roger, 212.

Mone, Matilda, 454.

Moneketon, Robert de, layman, 378.

Mougombre, John de, 522.

-, -, Helen his wife, 522.

Mongomori, Walter de, knt. 210.

-, -, Aylis his wife, 210.

Monikie, Monyecky [co. Forfar], 148.

Monimot, Walkelinus, 169.

Monks Eleigh [co. Suffolk], 110.

Monks Horton [co. Kent], prior of. See Warenne.

Monkton [co. Kent], 590.

-, West [co. Somerset], 417.

-, Munketon [co. York, W.R.], prebend of Ripon, 518.

Monlyshe. See Moulyshe.

Monnefore, William, 408.

-, -, Alice his wife, 408.

Moupelers, Thomas, dean of Dublin, 290.

Montacute [co. Somerset], prior of. See Porta; Roche.

-, prior and convent of, 112.

-, chamberlain of, 412.

Montacute, Simon de, bishop of Ely and Worcester, 12, 128, 198, 216, 542.

Montagu. See Monte Acuto.

Montauban, bishop of. See Cardaillac.

Moutbron, Montberulf [Angouleme], castle of, 40, 41.

Monte, John de, monk, 572.

Monteacuto, Adam de, 177.

-, Catherine de, countess of Salisbury, 109, 251.

-, Edward de, 328.

-, -, Alice his wife, 328.

-, Edward son of Edward de, knt. 327.

-, Elisabeth daughter of Edward de, knt. 327.

-, Etheldreda daughter of Edward de, knt. 327.

-, Matilda de, abbess of Barking, 160, 401.

-, Montagu, William de, earl of Salisbury, lord of Man, 5, 109, 279, 617, 618, 629.

-, William son of William de, earl of Salisbury, 252, 253.

Montealto, Bernard de, dean of St. Asaph, 581, 583.

Montebourg [Normandy], St. Mary's Benedictine monastery, monk of, 116.

-, Peter, abbot of, 354.

Monteby, Eleanor de, damsel, 528.

Montecalvo. See Moncalvo.

Montefalcone, Gerald de, seneschal of Toulouse, 45.

-, William de, seneschal of Perigueux, 23.

Montefiasco, Massiotus de, 618.

Monteflorum, Paul de, 199, 257.

Monteforti. See Montfort.

Montegasino, Bernard Berardi de, provost of Wingham, 483.

Montegry. See Mountgarrie.

Monte Hermeri, Margaret de, 193.

Montepesato, Guy de, 319.

Montesfont, John de, 587.

-, -, Joan his wife, 587.

Montfort, Monteforti, John de, count of Momtfort and duke of Brittany, 1, 10, 23.

-, Catherine daughter of Peter de, 262.

-, Laurence de, knt. 558.

-, Peter de, knt. 262, 370.

-, Ralph de, 3.

Montgomery, 484, 514.

Montgomery, John de, baron, 158.

-, Rosa, 158.

Monyhagan, diocese of Glasgow, 249.

Monymoske, Michael de, 294.

Monypeni, Robert, 582.

Monyton, Mourton, Hugh de, 118, 364, 394, 415.

-, Walter de, abbot of Glastonbury, 270, 402, 532, 595.

Mool, Roger, 441.

-, -, Beatrice his wife, 441.

Mopham. See Meopham.

Mor, William, lord of Monyhagan, 249.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 249.

Mora, Adam de, layman, 440.

Moravia, John de, 303.

-, Margaret de, 159.

-, Margaret relict of John de. See Graham.

-, Maurice de, earl of Strathearn, 264.

-, Richard de, 135, 174.

-, Thomas de, lord of Bothwell, 619.

-, William de, 137.

Moray, archdeacon of, 445, 543.

-, -, See Bure.

-, bishop of, 54, 85, 155, 200, 238, 243, 290, 296, 303, 306, 317, 366, 392, 445, 518, 524, 614.

-, - See Pilmor, John.

-, canon of, 130, 132, 150, 152, 155, 203, 220, 291, 365, 389, 392, 414, 419, 451, 463, 476, 480, 481, 490, 499, 518, 519, 523, 531, 595, 603.

-, dean of, 130, 256, 365, 389.

-, - See Pilmor; Paintur.

-, prebend of, 56.

-, precentor of, 54, 56, 79, 81, 104, 148, 182, 186, 419.

-, - See Pilmor; Strathern; Flaming; Flisco; Rate; Boyle.

-, succentor of, 126, 220, 234, 382.

-, - See Duffhous.

-, treasurer of, 125, 148, 530, 532.

-, - See Marre.

-, earl of. See Randolph.

Morcote, diocese of Lincoln, 154.

Morcote, Henry de, abbot of Peterborough, 175, 181.

Mordak, Geoffrey, 184, 275.

Morden, Ralph de, 535.

-, -, Joan his wife, 535.

Mordon, John de, sacristan of Westminster, 182.

-, John de, 556.

-, -, Matilda his wife, 556.

-, Richard de, priest, 378.

-, Simon de, 601.

-, -, Alice his wife, 601.

More [co. Salop], 541.

More, Adam ate, 371.

-, -, Anastasia his wife, 371.

-, Elisabeth, 187, 265.

-, Gilchrist, 243.

-, Helen, wife of John de Mongombre, 522.

-, Henry de, 119.

-, John, canon of Aberdeen, 201.

-, -, notary, 325.

-, John de, 376.

-, Philip de la, portionary (canon), 534.

-, Robert la, 588, 589.

-, -, Alice his wife, 588, 589.

-, William atte, 371.

Morebi, John de, and Alice his wife, 194.

Moresden, Elizabeth, 271.

Moreton Parva, Morton Minor [in Moretonon-Lugg, co. Hereford], prebend of, in Hereford, 237.

Moridon, John de, precentor of Westminster, 339.

Morin. Roger, 103.

-, See also Moryn.

Morle, Merle, Robert, knt., 5, 181, 182, 579.

-, Thomas de, 94, 107, 158, 484.

Morlei, William, 329.

Mortayn, John de, knt. 160.

Mortemart, Mortimer [La Marche], 37.

Morteyn, Mortein, Edmund de, canon, 101, 160, 331, 400.

-, Elisabeth, abbess of Elstowe, 160, 412.

-, Joan, Poor Clare, 409.

Mortimer. See Mortuo Mari.

Mortlach [co. Banff], prebend in Aberdeen, 79.

Morton, Margaret de, relict of Thomas de Appelby, 377.

-, Nicholas, lay brother, 380.

-, Richard de, 61, 285.

-, Robert de, canon, 346, 354.

-, -, monk, 406.

-, William de, 218.

Mortone, Henry de, canon of Cirencester, 328, 420.

Mortuo Mari, Mortimer, Catherine daughter of Roger de, 213.

-, Constantine de, knt., and Catherine his wife, 193.

-, Joan de. countess of March, 188, 194.

-, Roger II. earl of March, 306, 443, 560, 578, 617, 626.

-, -, Philippa his wife, 578.

-, William son of Constantine de, 126.

Moryn, Walter, 367, 547.

-, See also Morin.

Mosters, John, knt. 521.

-, -, Blaunche his wife, 521.

Mostiers, Thomas, 493.

Mota, Mothe, Amaneuus de la, archbishop of Bordeaux, 581, 622.

-, Bertrand de, treasurer of Rouen, 621.

-, John, 59.

-, Peter de, knt. 619.

-, William Raymundi de, 77.

-, See Mothe.

Mote, Joan de la, lady of Ferrars, 443.

Motisfout [co. Hants], canon of, 537.

-, priory of, 514.

Motlech, Henry, clerk, 472.

Motonii, Henry, clerk, 451.

Motoun, William, knt. and Joan his wife, 178.

Moubray, John de, third baron, 585.

-, -, Blanche his daughter, 305.

-, -, John his son, 375, 585.

-, -, -, Elisabeth (de Segrave) his wife, 305, 375.

-, John de, 385.

-, -, Elisabeth (de Vere) his wife, 385.

Moucelowe. See Moclow.

Mouch, Richard, 440.

-, -, Felicia his wife, 440.

Mouin, Baldwin de. See Mohun.

Moulin, Strathardell [co. Perth], 480.

Moulton, James de, 96, 390, 422, 517.

-, John de, knt. 109, 112.

-, -, Isabella his wife, 109.

-, See also Multon.

Moulyshe, Monlyshe, Martin, 421.

Moun, Henry le, 180.

-, And see Mohun.

Mountbray, Alexander, knt. 579.

Mountgarrie, Montegry [parish of Tullynessle, co. Aberdeen], 369.

Mourton. See Monyton.

Moygne, Thomas le, 346.

Moyl, David, 90.

Moynne, Robert, 582.

Moze, Moese [co. Fssex], 129.

Muchaldever, William, 248.

-, -, Joan his wife, 248.

Mucheldevere, Stephen de, 183.

Muchelham. See Michelham.

Muchelmersh. See Michelmersh.

Muchelney [co. Somerset], abbot of. See Overton.

Muchelneye, John de, monk, 406.

Muckart, Mokarde [co. Perth], 365, 389, 523.

Muckleston, Mocleston [co. Stafford], 492, 553.

Mudle. See Middle.

Mugge, William, archdeacon of Barnstaple and warden of the royal chapel of Windsor, 294, 582, 592, 594.

Mull, Mule [Hebrides], 490.

Mulle, Thomas atte, 407.

Mulleborn, Malleburn, William de, canon, 388, 416, 477, 522.

-, See also Melbourne.

Mulstrod. See Bulstrode.

Multeone, Stephen de, dean of Bourges, 3, 4, 124.

Multon, Peter de, monk, 474.

-, Thomas de, abbot of St. Mary's, York, 192, 503, 532.

-, See Moulton.

Mulvard, Robert, 234.

Mundeford, William de, 66.

Mundele, William de, 12, 119, 174.

Munden, Richard de, 455.

Mundeyn, John de, 329.

-, -, Cristiana his wife, 329.

Mundi, Elena, 375.

Munich, 336.

Munketon. See Monkton.

Murdak, John, knt. and Eleanor his wife, 179.

Muriel, Lonetta, 234.

Murimouth, John de, 326.

-, Mynemouth, Richard, 95.

Murymouth, Adam de, 95.

Musgrave [co. Westmoreland], 582.

Muskham, South, Suth Muscham [co. Notts], prebend of Southwell, 218, 225, 241.

Mussenden, Ralph de, canon, 395.

Musshounheroud, John, 528.

Mussyngdon. See Missenden.

Musters, Nicholas, 451.

Myna, Thomas de, 91.


Naburn [co. York], 403.

Nanscitan. See Nassington.

Nanspil, Ralph, 242, 433.

Nantes [Brittany], canon of, 621.

Nany, Robert, 121.

Napton [co. Warwick], 139.

Napton, John, 265.

-, William de, archdeacon of Meath, 341.

Narnia, Aliottus de, papal auditor, 421.

Nase, Giles, layman, 528.

Naseby, Navesby [co. Northants], 247, 428, 432, 499, 547.

Nassington [co. Northants], 128, 173.

Nassington, Nasington, John de, 233, 332.

-, Robert de, abbot of Ramsey, 181, 222.

-, Roger de, chancellor of Lichfield, 524.

-, Thomas de, archdeacon of Exeter, 67, 263.

-, William de, 190, 199.

Natingdon, Natyndon, Thomas de, monk, 125, 179.

Naushogh, Geoffrey de, 108.

Navan, Nowan [co. Meath], abbot of, 368.

Navarre, queen of. See Joan.

Navenby, Naveby [co. Lincoln], 439.

Navenby, Robert de, master of the order of Sempringham, 161, 193.

Navesby. See Naseby.

Navesby, Adam de, 297.

-, William de, archdeacon of Chester, 276, 277, 284, 291, 302, 307, 320, 347, 356.

-, -, layman, 247, 471.

Navestock, John de, 176.

Nazareth [Richard], archbishop of, 540.

Neal, Neel, Walter, citizen, 160, 335, 512.

-, -, Joan his wife, 160.

Neateshead, Netisherde, Netesherde [co. Norfolk], 409, 412.

Neel, Geoffrey, notary, 503.

-, See Neal.

Neffeld. See Nesselfeld.

Nekton, Robert de, sacristan of Castle Acre, 250.

Neley, Thomas de, 5.

Nerny. See Urny.

Nesfeld, Thomas de, layman, 506.

Nesfield, William de, layman, 506.

Nesse, William, 105.

Nessebit, John de, 246.

Nessefeld, John de, 369.

-, -, Alice his wife, 369.

Nesselfeld, Neffeld, John de, rector of Foston, 431, 451.

Netesherde, John de, prior of Hickling, 411.

-, See Neateshead.

Nether-Avon, Netherhavene [co. Wilts], prebend of Salisbury, 129, 388, 416, 477, 522.

Netherhavene, Richard de, 201, 381, 426, 466.

Netisherde. See Neateshead.

Nettleton, Netelton [co. Lincoln], 589, 593.

Neubald, Peter de, 506.

Neubalde, Thomas de, 450.

Neubigging, David de, 329.

-, William de, 329.

Neubo. See Newbo.

Neuborne, John de, 409.

Neubotil. See Newbottle.

Neubury, John de, priest, 506.

Neuby, John de. See Newby.

Neucroft. See Newcroft.

Neudfort. See Nutford.

Neugat, John de, friar, 407.

Neuhawe, alias Baketon, William de, 569.

Neuhous, Neuhus. See Newhouse.

Neumarchee, Matilda de, 554.

Neumen, Henry, 552.

-, -, Alice his wife, 552.

Neuport, Alice, 451.

-, Henry de, 493.

-, William, 559.

-, -, Massia his wife, 559.

Neuton, John de, rector of Benacre, 550.

-, -, clerk, 370.

-, -, notary, 399.

-, John de, 601.

-, Philip de, clerk, 589.

-, Philip, donsel, 557.

-, Reginald de, abbot of Thorney, 210.

-, Roger de, rector of Heanor, 553.

-, William de, 143, 421, 481.

-, -, donsel, diocese of London, 587.

-, -, -, diocese of Lincoln, 494, 580.

-, -, Matilda his wife, 494.

-, See also Newton.

Nevay, Neveth [co. Forfar], 344.

Neville, Alexander son of Ralph de, 262, 431.

Nevile, Ralph de, 2, 5.

Nevill, Philip de, knt. 439.

Neville, Nevile, Newelle, Hugh de, knt. 7, 17, 36, 145, 181, 269.

-, Lucy, 145, 181.

-, Thomas son of Ralph de, 262, 431.

Nevillis, Jollanus de, 152.

-, See also Noville.

Newark, Newerk, Neweyk [co. Notts], hospital of, 357, 387, 437, 604.

-, [co. Surrey], prior of. See Barton, John.

Newbo, Neubo [co. Lincoln], abbot of, 520.

Newbold, North [co. York], prebend of York, 241.

-, South [co. York], prebend of York, 333.

-, Pacey [co. Warwick], 224.

Newbottle [co. Edinburgh], abbot of, 136.

Newburgh [co. York], 461.

-, prior of. See Thirsk; Kylington; Hustewaite.

-, canons of, 369, 565.

-, prior and convent of, 216, 471.

Newburn [co. Suffolk], 579.

Newby, Neuby, John de, 12, 120, 174.

Newcastle-on-Tyne [co. Northumberland], 118.

Newchirche, Lucy de, 359.

Newchurch [co. Kent], 242, 337, 346.

Newcroft, Roger, archdeacon of Northampton, 325, 391, 398.

Newe, Adam, 281, 308.

-, Thomas le, layman, 455.

Newehakere, William, 405.

-, -, Alice his wife, 405.

Newehalle, John atte, 248.

-, -, Catherine his wife, 248.

Newenam, Richard de, 404.

Newenham [co. Bedford], Henry, prior of, 275.

Newenham, William de, 321.

Neweton, Hugh de, 99.

-, Hugh, alias Robert de, 187.

Newhouse, Neuhous [co. Lincoln], abbot of, 323.

-, monastery of, 395.

Newington [co. Gloucester], 609.

Newinton, William de, 119.

Newman, John, 61.

Newnham, Gilbert, monk, 310.

Newport, Neuport [co. Essex], 534.

Newstead, Neustede [co. Kent], 301, 430.

-, in Shirwood [co. Notts], Augustinian canon of, 557.

Newton, Niweton, Neweton [co. Wilts], 143, 464, 467.

-, North [co. Wilts], prebend of Wilton, 477.

Newton, Emmcta relict of Adam de, 602.

-, Nicholas de, clerk, 472.

-, See also Neuton.

Neylond, Thomas de, 521, 525, 527.

Nicholai, John, priest, 438.

Nicholas IV. pope, 606.

Nichole, John, of Wreyham, 371.

Nicole, John, 406.

-, -, Joan his wife, 406.

Niearch, Robert de, donsel, 588.

Nikeline, John, of Bodmin, 104.

-, See also Nykelyn.

Nimes [Languedoc], 29.

-, John, bishop of. See Blanzac.

Niweton. See Newton.

-, William de, layman, 410.

Noalhaco, Aymeric de, 230.

Nobber, Lenobir [co. Meath], 398.

Noble, John de, 28.

Nocton, William de, 371.

-, -, Isabella his wife, 371.

Noel, Walter, donsel, 507.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 507.

Noioun, William, 551.

-, -, Alice his wife, 551.

Noke, Richard atte, 448.

-, -, Eleanor his wife, 448.

Nonton, Richard de, monk, 504.

Nonyngton [? parish of North Curry, co. Somerset], 113.

Nony, John de, 174.

Norburg, John de, rector of Chesterton, 524.

Nores, Emma, 560.

Noreys, John, 407.

-, Richard, 79, 162, 241, 294, 314.

Norfolk, archdeacon of, 211.

-, -, See Usfleet; Blithe.

-, countess of. See Marshal.

-, sheriff of, 304.

Norham, Roger de, layman, 410.

Norman, John, 328.

Normandy, 25, 27, 28.

-, duchess of. See Bona.

-, duke of. See John.

Normanton, diocese of York, 551.

-, diocese of Lincoln, 372.

Normanvilla, Roger de, 555.

Norreys, John, knt. 472.

-, Robert, notary, 399, 490.

Nortalverton. See Allerton.

Nortemburgh, William de, 50.

Northam [co. Devou], 219, 468.

Northampton, 599.

-, archdeacon of, 517, 541.

-, -, See Cardinals (Porto); Middleton; Newcroft; Buckingham.

-, earl of. See Bohun.

-, prior of St. Andrew's, 220.

-, -, See Brugis.

-, prior and convent of St. Andrew's, 93.

-, St. Peter's, 88.

Northampton, Adam de, bishop of Ferns, 253.

Northborough, Northburgh [co. Northants], 161.

Northbourn [co. Kent], warden of. See Stace; Ripple.

Northburgh, Basilidis, 161.

-, John de, rector of Northborough, 161.

-, Laurence de (nephew of Roger), 15, 123, 142, 149, 168, 314.

-, Northembourc, Nortemberg, Michael de, bishop of London, dean of St.

Stephen's chapel, Westminster, archdeacon of Suffolk, 16, 47, 50, 51, 60, 123, 177, 179, 187, 203, 210, 218, 313, 318, 333, 347, 349, 358, 394, 398, 414, 419, 432, 502, 516, 518–520, 522, 523, 530, 532, 538, 540, 567, 569, 615–617, 620, 621, 628.

-, alias Fre, Michael de, the younger, canon, 567.

-, Peter de, 60, 218, 281, 349.

-, Roger de, bishop of Lichfield, 5, 15, 25, 103, 107, 155, 176, 177, 253, 309, 353, 538.

-, Simon, 161.

-, Thomas de, archdeacon of Lincoln, 462.

Northe, William de, priest, 454.

Northeby, John, 62, 282.

Northenden [co. Chester], 53.

Northerun, John, 466.

-, -, Lucy his wife, 466.

Northeton, John Tornour of, 211.

Northfleet [co. Kent], 152, 154.

Northgate, Robert, of Beygham, alias of

Deeping, 164.

North Hill, Northills, Northull [co. Cornwall], 81, 231.

Northleu. See Leigh.

North Mideleton. See Middleton Cheney.

Northmoor (?), Lamoer [co. Oxon], 590.

Northone, Richard de, 474.

-, -, Joan his wife, 474.

Northoun, William, citizen, 506.

Northreppes. See Repps.

North Tore, John de, 494.

-, -, Margery his wife, 494.

North Tores, Northtores, William de, Augustinian canon, 595, 634.

Northumberland, archdeacon of, 94.

-, See Salopia.

North well. See Norwell.

Northwell, Nortwell, Norwell, William de, 86, 194, 280, 299, 319, 343, 362, 387.

Northwelle, Richard de, 480.

-, William de, notary, 576.

Northwico. See Norwico.

Northwode, Norwode, John de, archdeacon of Totnes, chancellor of the university of Oxford, 127, 134, 190, 291, 293, 318, 542.

-, Otto de, 394.

-, Simon de, 96.

-, Thomas de, archdeacon of Lincoln, 316, 447.

-, William de, knt. Hospitaller, 9.

Northwortham. See Northenden.

Norton [co. Chester], prior of. See Bernard.

-, -, prior and convent of, 297.

-, Northon [co. Durham], 398.

-, canon of, 81, 239, 314, 342, 362, 363, 519, 575.

-, Northton, diocese of Wells. See Curry, North.

-, Davy. See Greens Norton.

-, juxta-Twycross, Norton [co. Leicester], 584.

-, Pudding [co. Norfolk], 12, 120, 174.

-, by Bury St. Edmunds [co. Suffolk], 485.

Norton, Ralph de, prior of Barnwell, 447.

-, William de, priest, 580.

-, -, prior of Hatfield, 452.

Norwell, Northwell [co. Notts], prebend of, in Southwell, 86.

Norwich, 221.

-, archdeacon of, 53, 55–58, 60–63, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82–86, 92–98, 100–102, 104–108, 112, 118–123, 126–132, 134– 136, 148, 150-152, 154-156, 170, 171, 176, 184, 185, 188, 199, 205–207, 255, 368, 422, 425, 427, 479, 480, 485, 486, 515, 545, 547, 567, 570.

-, -, See Fastolf; Belers; Lyng; Berenger.

-, bishop of, 53, 60, 64, 80, 91, 97, 98, 101, 102, 104, 106–108, 110, 112, 117– 121, 130, 131, 133, 136, 144, 151, 152, 154, 162, 163, 166, 171, 172, 174, 175, 182–184, 189, 192, 199, 202, 204, 207, 208, 212, 221, 227, 239, 244, 245, 252, 253, 256, 275, 285, 289, 291, 294, 340, 341, 346, 349, 350, 364, 367, 381, 391, 413, 415, 429, 469, 479, 480, 483, 485– 487, 496, 501, 547, 561, 575, 631.

-, -, See Bateman; Percy.

-, monk of the cathedral church of Holy Trinity, 411, 452, 492, 506.

-, prior of, 56, 61, 207, 236, 362, 425, 429, 515, 549.

-, -, See Bosonii.

-, prior and chapter of, 208.

-, citizen of, 450, 507, 509, 533, 552.

-, people of city and diocese of, 309.

-, St. Peter's, Mancroft, 599.

Norwich, Geoffrey de, 550.

-, Margaret his wife, 550.

Norwico, Edmund de, 360.

-, John de, knt. 8, 159, 182, 509.

-, -, Margery his wife, 159.

-, Richard de, treasurer of the king's chamber, 430, 436, 465.

-, William de. See Bateman.

Norwode. See Northwode.

Nostle [co. York], prior of. See Derfeld.

-, prior and convent of, 604.

Notingan, Thomas son of William de, 66.

Notingham, Richard de, 400.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 400.

-, Thomas, 589.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 589.

Notleye, Notteleye. See Nutley.

Nottingham, 212.

-, archdeacon of, 313, 314, 341, 517, 520, 541, 607.

-, See Cardinals (Tusculum); Buckingham; Kildesby; Brinkele.

Nottingham, John de, 298.

-, -, canon, 227.

-, Walter de, 12, 130, 174.

Notyngham, Hugh de, 378.

-, Richard de, 183.

-, Robert de, 63.

-, William de, canon, 557.

Noux, John de, 189.

Noville, John de, knt. 249.

-, See also Neville.

Novodompno, Bernard de, 55, 138, 469.

Novoforo, Roger de, 223.

Nowan. See Navan.

Nubbeley, John de, 100, 456.

Nuburn. See Newhurn.

Nuneaton, Ethona [co. Warwick], 170.

Nunwik. See Anwyke.

Nunyngton, Henry de, canon, 369.

Nutford [co. Dorset], 169.

Nutley, Notteley [co. Bucks], abbot of, 170, 395.

-, -, See Crendon.

-, canons of, 450, 506.

Nykelyn, John, 192.

-, See also Nikeline.

Nymet St. George [co. Devon], 575.


Oare, Ore, 257.

Obresseam, Robert, 172.

-, William, 172.

Obrodyr, William, 238.

O'Carrol, Makearwil, Thomas, archdeacon of Cashel, archbishop of Tuam, 224, 233, 279, 290, 291, 388, 462, 475, 476, 591,

O'Carroll, Okeruil, John, 351.

Occam, William de, alias de Anglia, 336.

Ockbrook, Okebroc, Ocbro [co. Derby], 402, 407.

Ockele, William, citizen, 550.

Ocluman, Matthew, 224.

Oconchuyr, David, 224.

O'Cormacain, O'Cormakan, O'Cormakayn, Thomas, bishop of Killaloe, 138, 231, 541, 559, 563, 581.

Octhirmokadi. See Auchtermuchty.

Oculean, Isaac, 115, 129.

Oddington, Otinton [co. Gloucester], 170, 184.

Odo IV. duke of Burgundy, 22.

Odonir, David, 100.

O'Dowda, Oduda, Idubda, William, bishop of Killala, 171, 235, 260, 422.

Odstock, Oddestoke [co. Wilts], 529.

Odyham, William de, 125.

O'Ferral, Owen, bishop of Ardagh, 227, 455, 458, 540.

Offenle, Elias de, canon, 450.

Offinaca, Simon, 189.

Offley, Offelee [co. Herts], 474.

Offord. See Ufford.

Offordon, Edmund de, knt. 178.

O'Finasa, O'Findsa, O'Feenaght, Thomas, bishop of Elphin, 227, 382.

O'Flannegan, Nicholas, dean of Elphin, 381.

Oftoftus, Roger, canon, 589.

Oggiston, Oggynstone, Reginald de, chancellor of Glasgow, 54, 389.

Ogle, Robert de, 329.

O'Grada, John, archbishop of Cashel, 8, 138, 143, 145, 203.

-, Maurice, 138.

-, Nicholas, 138, 231.

O'Hathan, Alan, bishop of Ardfert, 290.

O'Hedra, O'Hedram, Nicholas, bishop of Achonry, 215, 279, 540.

O'Hiraghty, David, archbishop of Armagh, 1, 10, 96, 100, 143, 145, 217.

O'Hogain, Thomas, bishop of Killaloe, 541, 549.

O'Keallig, Philip Cusin, 410.

Okebauene, John de, rector of Winterborn Monachorum, 407.

Okebourn, John, rector of Huntington, 600.

Okebroc. See Ockbrook.

Okebroc, William de, 402.

Okeburn, Okburn, William de, 407, 497.

Okeburne [co. Wilts], prior of. See Fulconis.

O'Kelly, Hugh, 100, 132.

-, Ralph, bishop of Leighlin. See Kelly.

-, Thomas, bishop of Clonfert, 227.

O'Kerney, James, bishop of Connor, 475.

Okeruil. See O'Carroll.

Okham, Simon de, priest, 466.

-, William de, 548.

-, See Otham.

Okle, John, clerk, 411.

Oklegh, Richard de, 299.

-, Richard son of John, 190.

Oky, John, priest, 465.

O'Laithin, John, bishop of Killala, 171.

Olde Kanygges. See All Cannings.

Oldelond, Nicholas, 122.

Oldyngton, Thomas de, 133.

O'Leger, Thomas, 95.

Olegheran. See O'Lucheran.

Oliston, William de, knt. 527.

-, -, Margaret his wife, 527.

Olive, Avice, 534.

Ologeran. See O'Lucheran.

O'Loghlain, Richard, bishop of Kilfenora, 559.

O'Lucheran, Ologeran, Olegheran, Christian, priest, 590.

-, John, canon, 590.

Olveston [co. Gloucester], 234.

Omanayhe, Bicius, monk, 607.

Ombreslye, John de, monk, 456.

O'Meacker, Thady, 373.

-, -, Joan his wife, 373.

Omenevilla. See Ermenevilla.

O'Murdy, Donald, dean of Elphin, 381.

O'Murithi, John, 100.

Ongar [co. Essex], 589.

Onnayng, John, 158.

Oporto, St. Martin's, Cedo Feida, canon of, 152.

Oppetunne. See Upton Prodham.

Oraoran, Luke, 171.

Orcheston, Richard de, 390.

Ore. See Oare.

Orewell, Richard de, priest, 574.

Orewey, John, 599.

Orfford, Richard de, 212.

Orford [co. Suffolk], 492.

Orger, John, priest, 534.

-, Roger, 502.

Orgolio, William de, 164.

Orkney, canon of, 127.

Orleans, 225, 621.

-, duke of. See Philip.

Orleton, Adam de, bishop of Worcester and Winchester, 2, 52, 112, 141, 144, 203, 216, 225, 539.

Ormesby, John de, knt. 310, 425.

Ormesheved, William de, 359.

Ormond, countess of. See Butler.

-, earl of. See Butler.

Oronsay, Orwansay [Hebrides], prior of, 490.

Orsini, Francis, treasurer of York, 21, 37, 85, 93, 102, 136, 146, 147, 183, 186, 211– 213, 247, 251-253, 269, 270, 282, 420, 430, 567.

-, Raynald, archdeacon of Leicester, dean of Salisbury, 128, 236, 251, 262.

-, Ursus, subdean of York, 128, 258, 359.

Orton, Overton-under-Arden [co. Leicester], 141.

Orwell, Orewelle [co. Cambridge], 456, 461, 515, 571.

Osanne, John. prior of Appledercombe, 354.

Osbaldwick [co. York, N.R.], prebend of York, 483, 516, 519.

Osberston, Osbaston, William de, 60, 100, 382, 412, 430, 568.

Osekyn, John, 328.

Oselby, Henry de, 580.

Oseney [co. Oxford], abbot of, 79, 100, 105, 212, 399, 486, 500, 510, 531, 566.

-, See Cudelington.

Osigale, Henry, Friar Minor, 506.

Osmyngton, Richard de, abbot of Cerne, 399.

Osoveston. See Owston.

Ospringe, Hosprenge [co. Kent], 179.

Ossory, bishop of, 153, 201, 230, 631.

-, -, See Ledred.

-, canon of, 102, 238, 517, 561.

-, city and diocese of, 461.

-, dean of. See Waverton; Trillek.

Ostringhangre. See Eastiughanger.

O'Tarpa, Dermicius, 260.

-, Patrick, dean of Elphin, 381.

Otavy, Thomas, prior of St. Mary's, Inishmore, 455.

Otewi, John, 330.

-, -, Joan his wife, 330.

Otham, Okham [co. Kent], 512.

Otinton. See Oddington.

Otley, Ottelee [co. Suffolk], 59, 470.

Otringham, Hugh de, notary, 576.

Otrington, William de, 270.

Ottery St. Mary [co. Devon], 67, 114, 139.

-, warden and college of, 564.

Ottesele, Peter, Augustinian canon, 594.

Ottyngge, William de, 454.

Oumfrey, John, and Joan his wife, 210.

-, -, clerk, 210.

Oundle, Undele [co. Northants], 218, 225, 228, 257, 317, 363, 368.

Ousefleet. See Usfleet.

Ouston. See Owston.

Outhelm, Outeby, diocese of Lincoln, 239.

Ouththorne. See Owthorne.

Ovedale, Margaret de, 193.

-, See also Uvedale.

Over, Overe [co. Cambridge], 2, 97, 126, 128, 282, 285, 333, 352, 555.

Overbury [co. Worcester], 225, 380.

Overton, Market [co. Rutland], 242.

Overton, Alice de, 535.

-, Thomas, abbot of Muchelney, 526.

-, William de, priest, 495.

-, See Orton.

Oveynton. See Uffington.

Ovirton, Henry de, monk, 443.

Owayn, John, 546, 556.

Oweyn, Walter, layman, 578.

Owston, Ouston [co. Lincoln], 117, 216, 277, 302, 347, 356, 471.

-, Osoveston [co. Leicester], prior and convent of, 186.

Owthorne [co. York], 282.

Owyn, John, 66.

Oxborough, Oxburgh [co. Norfolk], 12, 133, 174, 418, 505.

Oxenden [co. Northants], 234.

Oxenford, Nicholas de, layman, 527.

Oxford, archdeacon of. See Cardinals (St. Lucy's in Silice).

-, chancellor of the university. See Northwode, John.

-, Balliol college, 69.

-, Exeter college, 140.

-, Merton college, 561.

-, Queen's college, 68, 87, 88, 224.

-, University college, 127, 187, 225, 277.

-, university of, 563.

-, student at, 593, 596.

-, friars of St. Cross, 410.

-, prior and Augustinian friars of St. Cross, 381.

-, canon of St. Frideswide's, 442, 583.

-, prior of St. Frideswide's, 79, 221, 299, 426, 481, 486, 567.

-, Shiphall, Schipalle, 381.

Oxgate [co. Middlesex], prebend of, in London, 204.

Oxonia, John de, citizen of London, 403.

-, -, Helen his wife, 403.

-, -, monk of Eynsham, 174.

-, -, donsel, 180.

-, -, canon, 390.

-, Peter de, 374.

-, -, Agnes his wife, 374.

Oxton and Cropwell, Crophull [co. Notts], prebend of Southwell, 457, 458.

Oxton, John de, 91.

Oxwyk, Nicholas de, 194.

-, Thomas de, 571.

Oyne [co. Aberdeen], prebend of Aberdeen, 517.