Regesta 152: 1342-1343

Pages 70-77

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 3, 1342-1362. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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Regesta, Vol. CLII.

12 Kal. June.
(f. 1.)
To king Edward. Notification of the pope's coronation.
Ibid. To David, king of Scotland; Joan, queen of Scotland; Philippa and Isabella, queens of England; the earl of Lancaster; Edward, duke of Cornwall. The like.
6 Id. Jan.
(f. 10d.)
To the archbishops of Canterbury and York, and Bernard de Sistre, archdeacon of Canterbury. Mandate to cite those concerned in the election of Thomas Sampson to the deanery of York on the 2nd of November last past, in despite of the provision of the same to Talayrand, cardinal of St. Peter's ad Vincula. The said Thomas, if present at the election, and the four others principally concerned, are to appear in person within two months, the rest by their proctors.
2 Kal. July.
(f. 16 to f. 36.)
To Peter, bishop of Palestrina, vice-chancellor of the Roman church, and Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, papal nuncios. Mandate to betake themselves to the kingdoms of France and England, and to induce the kings thereof to make peace, compelling by ecclesiastical censures those who disturb them to desist, and to revoke, dissolve, and relax all pacts, oaths, obligations, and confederations which hinder the said peace.
Ibid. To the same. Touching their mission, and directing them to make a truce between the said kings, with power to act severally if one of them is hindered from carrying out of the pope's mandate.
Ibid. To the same. Mandate, if the kings are unwilling to make a truce, to make and publish it themselves, and to promulgate sentence of excommunication against those who do not keep it.
Ibid. To the same. Mandate to induce the king of England, his officers and ministers, to desist from molesting ecclesiastical liberties, and to revoke what has been done against cardinals and their benefices.
Ibid. To the same. Touching the same, with mandate to use all diligence in restoring ecclesiastical liberty.
Ibid. To the same. Mandates and directions touching the same in regard to the king of France and his realm.
Ibid. To the same. Touching the same, with power to restrain the king's ministers by ecclesiastical censure.
Ibid. To the same. Mandate to restrain persons of either realm from attacking the other.
Ibid. To the same. Mandate to compel by ecclesiastical censure religious who say or do anything against their mission.
Ibid. To the same. Powers to relax sentences incurred; to carry out their mission in the lands of allies and confederates of the said kings, and to engage in their service Friars Preachers, Friars Minors, and members of other orders, giving them leave to go on horseback and eat flesh meat.
Ibid. To all prelates, secular and regular, and to all princes and nobles. Safe-conducts for the said nuncios, and mandates to provide them with all things necessary for them and for their envoys.
Ibid. To the said nuncios. Power to convoke prelates and others, regular and secular, and order them to do what may be expedient for their business.
Ibid. To the same. Power to use ecclesiastical censure against all persons who injure their servants, and to enforce satisfaction.
Ibid. To the same. Licence to hold communication with excommunicate persons on matters touching their mission.
Ibid. To the same. Power to compel prelates and others, secular and regular, to contribute procurations.
Ibid. To the same. All powers given to them are to take effect as soon as they leave the Roman court.
Ibid. To the same. Powers to grant relaxation of a year and forty days of enjoined penance to those who hear them preach, or are present at solemn functions in which they take part.
Ibid. To the same. Power to give leave to religious to eat fleshmeat at their table on lawful days.
Ibid. To the same. Indult to choose confessors for themselves and their attendants, who shall dispense and absolve them when necessary, and once, in case of death, give them plenary absolution.
Ibid. To the same. Power to hear confessions of all who come to them, and to delegate the same power to fit priests of their household.
Ibid. To the same. Power to hire whatever means of transport may be expedient for their mission.
Ibid. To the same. Indults and powers to celebrate mass before daybreak, and in places under interdict; to revoke forged papal letters, and punish the forgers; to absolve those who are under sentence of excommunication for injuring churches, clerks, or apostolic delegates, due satisfaction being made.
Ibid. To the same. Power to consecrate and reconcile churches and cemeteries by deputy.
Ibid. To the same. Power to grant relaxation of a hundred days of enjoined penance to those who help to repair build churches, and forty days to those who help to repair hospitals and bridges, and assist the sick and poor.
Ibid. To the same. Powers to dispense ecclesiastics on account of irregularity incurred from various causes.
Ibid. To the same. Power to dispense a hundred persons, of illegitimate birth, so as to be ordained and hold a benefice apiece.
Ibid. To the same. The like in regard to ten persons, sons of priests, or illegitimate sons of married men or women.
Ibid. To the same. Power to commute certain vows for works of piety.
Ibid. To the same. Power to dispense ten men and ten women who have contracted marriage in ignorance that they were related or connected in the fourth degree of kindred or affinity.
Ibid. To the same. Power to convoke chapters of void sees to make elections.
Ibid. To the same. Power to each of them to confer the office of notary on twenty-five clerks.
Ibid. To the same. Power to receive resignations of persons within the limits of their missions, who hold benefices uncanonically, to remit fruits received, and to rehabilitate them.
Ibid. To the same. Indult and power that their chaplains and clerks shall receive the fruits of their benefices while engaged in their service.
Ibid. To the same. Power to receive the resignations of ten clerks, secular or regular, and give their benefices to other fit persons.
Ibid. To the same. Power, during their mission, to do the like in regard to all benefices of their chaplains and clerks, under death or resignation of the same.
Ibid. To the same. Power, during their mission, to grant void benefices reserved to the pope in England and France to fit persons of their choice, provided that the fruits of the same do not exceed 15 pounds of Tours each.
Ibid. To the same. Power, during their mission, to receive the resignations of ten persons holding benefices or dignities, and to make provision of the same to fit persons.
Ibid. To the same. Power, during their mission, to grant benefices lapsed to the pope to fit persons of their choice.
Ibid. To the same. Power, during their mission, to receive such procurations as are customary for cardinal legates or nuncios of the Roman church to receive, and to compel payment of the same.
Ibid. To the same. Power to exercise their commission in the county of Hainault, and other towns and places in the dominion of William, count of Hainault.
2 Non. Jan.
(f. 55.)
To Anibaldus, cardinal bishop of Tusculum. Licence to visit his archdeaconry of Nottingham, by deputy, for three years, and receive procurations not exceeding 30 pounds of Tours a day.
Ibid. Concurrent mandate to the bishop of London, and the abbots of Westminster and St. Augustine's, Canterbury.
Ibid. To the same. A like indult as to his archdeaconry of Buckingham.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of London, and the abbots of Westminster and St. Albans.
18 Kal. Oct.
(f. 55d.)
To Peter, cardinal bishop of Sabina. A like indult for five years as to his archdeaconry of Chester.
Concurrent mandate to the archdeacon of Canterbury and two others named.
Non. Oct.
(f. 60.)
To Aymar, cardinal of St. Anastasia's. Provision of all benefices to be vacated in the province of York, to the value of 1,000 marks, excluding bishoprics and abbeys.
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Avignon, the dean of Lincoln, and the archdeacon of Canterbury.
3 Non. Oct.
(f. 62d.)
To Gerald, cardinal priest of St. Sabina's. A like provision of benefices in the province of Canterbury.
Concurrent mandate to the archdeacon of Canterbury and two others named.
8 Kal. Jan.
(f. 64d.)
To Peter. cardinal bishop of Sabina. Provision of the archdeaconry of Chester, and a canonry and prebend of Lichfield, void by the death of Richard Haveryng, papal chaplain.
Concurrent mandate to three persons beneficed out of England.
Ibid. To Anibaldus, cardinal bishop of Tusculum. Provision of a canonry of York, with expectation of a prebend, renewing a grant of Benedict XII.
Concurrent mandate to the abbots of St. Mary's, York, and Selby, and another.
14 Kal. Jan.
(f. 70d.)
To John, cardinal bishop of Porto. Provision of a canonry of York, with expectation of a prebend and dignity.
Concurrent mandate to the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishop of London, and another.
2 Kal. July.
(f. 72d.)
To Talayrand, cardinal priest of St. Peter's and Vincula. Provision of a canonry, with expectation of a prebend, and of the deanery of York, void by the promotion of William, archbishop elect of York.
Concurrent mandate to three persons beneficed abroad.
5 Id. Oct.
(f. 76d.)
To Bertrand, cardinal priest, of St Mark's. Renewal of a grant of a canonry, with expectation of a prebend and dignity of Salisbury, to date from 12 Kal. June, the Tuesday after the coronation; the previous letters having failed of their effect, being erroneously dated 2 Kal. June. The provision of 5 Kal. June to Galhardus, cardinal of St Lucy's in Silice, is also to date from 12 Kal. June and to take precedence of the above grant.
(f. 77.)
To Galhardus, cardinal of St. Lucy's in Silice. A like renewal, omitting the final clause.
4 Non. Dec.
(f. 111d.)
To Gerald, cardinal priest of St. Sabina's. Provision, motu proprio, of the church of Bischopesbourne, with its chapel of Berhan, in the diocese of Canterbury, value 50 marks, void by the death of William de Skelton at the apostolic see.
Concurrent mandate to the archdeacon of Canterbury and two others.
8 Id. Dec.
To the same. Provision of the church of Brantinham, in the diocese of York, void by the death of Bertrand, cardinal deacon of St. Mary's in Aquiro.
Concurrent mandate as above.
15 Kal. May.
(f. 112.)
To Raymund, cardinal deacon of New St. Mary's. Provision of the church of Reycolvur, in the diocese of Canterbury, reserved by Benedict XII. 6 Id. Oct. anno 19, during the lifetime of Nicholas Turge, alias de Tyngewico, who died before Benedict XII. notwithstanding the collation to the same by the ordinary of Thomas Dastele.
Concurrent mandate to the archdeacon of Canterbury and two others.
2 Id. Oct.
(f. 206d.)
To Thomas called ‘de Winchestre,’ of Mendlisham. Provision of the precentorship of Hereford, void by the death of Richard de Havering, papal chaplain, notwithstanding that he has a canonry and prebend of All Saints, Derby, value 6 marks. [Cal. Pet i. 10.]
Concurrent mandate to the dean of Lincoln, the archdeacon of Norwich, and another named.
4 Id. Feb.
(f. 235d.)
To Richard de Wymundewold, D.C.L. Provision of the chancellorship of Hereford, value 20l. void by the resignation of Robert de Wynneferthing. [Cal. Pet. i. 13.]
Concurrent mandate to the dean of Lincoln and the archdeacons of Norwich and Surrey.
11 Kal. June.
(f. 242.)
To Master John de Rate, M.A. Provision of the archdeaconry of Aberdeen, void by the consecration of Alan, bishop of Caithness, notwithstanding that he has canonries and prebends of Aberdeen and Bruges, and the church of Kilchodiscam.
[Cal. Pet. i. 1.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishop and archdeacon of St. Andrews, and the abbot of Arbroath.
(f. 261d.)
To Brunus de Inzico. Reservation, at the request of Galhardus, cardinal of St. Lucy's in Silice, whose chaplain he is, of a dignity or benefice in the cathedral church of Lincoln, notwithstanding that he has other benefices abroad.
Concurrent mandate to the archdeacon of Canterbury and two others named.
(f. 265d.)
To Master Amaneuus de Ramoforti. Provision, at the request of the above-named cardinal, whose chaplain he is, of a canonry of York, with expectation of a prebend. He is to resign the mastership of the schools of Bordeaux.
Concurrent mandate to the dean of Lincoln, the archdeacon of Canterbury, and another named.
Id. Sept.
Villeneuve by Avignon.
(f. 272d.)
To Roger de Moclowe, D.C.L. canon of Lichfield. Grant of the expectation of a dignity in the church of Lichfield, notwithstanding that he expects a prebend and has the church of Seolozoit (Stockport), value 28 marks, in the same diocese.
[Cal. Pet. i. 7.]
Concurrent mandate to Manuel de Flisco and Richard de Cestria, canons of York, and John de Carleton, canon of Wells.
8 Kal. Oct.
(f. 274d)
To William de Veyraco, D.C.L. Provision, on account of his services to the apostolic see, of a canonry of York, with expectation of a prebend.
Concurrent mandate to William de Norwico, dean of Lincoln, papal chaplain, and two others named.
11 Kal. June.
(f. 298d.)
To Master Thomas Fastolf, papal chaplain. Provision of a canonry of Wells, with expectation of a prebend or dignity. He is to resign the archdeaconry of Norwich.
Concurrent mandate to the dean of Lincoln, the archdeacon of Canterbury, and another named.
Kal. June.
(f. 319d.)
To Richard Thormerton, skilled in canon and civil law. Provision of a canonry of Wells, with expectation of a prebend or dignity, notwithstanding that he has canonries and prebends of Exeter and Westbury. He is to resign the church of Bishopston, in the diocese of Salisbury, and whatever right he has to the prebend of All Cannings in the monastery of St Mary, Winchester. [Cal. Pet i. 10.]
Concurrent mandate to the dean of Salisbury and two others named.
Ibid. Avignon.
(f. 346.)
To John de Amelia, canon of Lichfield, clerk of the papal camera. Provision of a canonry of Salisbury, with expectation of a prebend, notwithstanding that he has canonries and prebends of Lichfield and elsewhere, he having faithfully served the Roman church, in the province of Spoleto, during the pontificates of John XXII. and Benedict XII. He is to resign his benefices in the diocese of Agen.
Concurrent mandate to three persons beneficed out of England.
17 Kal. Feb.
(f. 347d.)
To Arnaud de Cadris, D.C.L. Provision of a canonry of Wells, with expectation of a prebend. He is to resign his other benefices.
Concurrent mandate to three persons beneficed out of England.
4 Non. Aug.
Villeneuve by Avignon.
(f. 351d.)
To Master Walter de Burley, S.T.P. Provision of a canonry of York, with expectation of a prebend or dignity. [Cal. Pet. i. 3.]
Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Durham, and the deans of York and Lincoln.