Regesta 139: 1345-1346

Pages 18-26

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 3, 1342-1362. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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In this section

Regesta, Vol. CXXXIX. (fn. 1)

4 Clement VI.

14 Kal. June.
(No. 4.)
To Raimund Pelegrini, canon of London, papal nuncio. Acquittance for 541l. 13s. 4d. being 4000 gold florins at 2s. 8½d. the florin, collected in England for the papal camera, and paid over to James Malabayla, merchant of Asti.
11 Kal. June.
Villeneuve by
(No. 8.)
To David, king of Scotland. Asking him to allow the castellan of the Hospitallers in his realm to collect money therein, and send it to the master and brethren.
(No. 9.)
To king Edward. Asking him to allow the prior of the Hospitallers in England and John Lacherii, his lieutenant in Ireland, to collect money in the realm, and send it to the master and brethren; recommending also John de Pavillone, Turcopolier of the order, coming to the realm.
(No. 10.)
To the bishop of St. Andrews. Mandate to compel debtors and detainers of goods of the Hospitallers in Scotland, to make satisfaction.
6 Kal. June.
Villeneuve by
(No. 19.)
To William, bishop of Aberdeen. Appointing him collector of fruits, rents, and profits in Scotland, due to the papal camera.
6 Id. June.
Villeneuve by
(No. 42.)
To Raimund Pelegrini, papal nuncio. Mandate to exact and receive Holy Land legacies, and to render an account thereof to the papal camera.
2 Id. June.
Villeneuve by
(No. 56.)
To the archbishop of Canterbury. Mandate, on the representation of Iterius, abbot of Cluny, to cite priors John de Janicuria of Lewes, Astorgius de Gorciis of Lenton, and Francis called de Brugis, of Northampton, who refuse to pay the subsidy to the said abbot, and by papal grant ordered to be made; John, bishop of Le Puy, one of the executors of the papal letters touching the same, having issued sentences against defaulters.
(No. 57.)
To the same. The like in regard to the priors of Bermondsey, Thetford, and Pontefract.
18 Kal. July.
Villeneuve by
(No. 59.)
To king Edward. Thanking him for favours shown to Iterius, abbot of Cluny, touching the enjoyment of his granges, manors, pensions, subsidies, and other goods and rights in England, and recommending to him the said abbot, who desires the removal of hindrances put by certain monks in the way of obtaining letters from the royal chancery touching the said matter.
(Nos. 60, 61.)
To John, archbishop of Canterbury, and to Richard, earl of Arundel. Touching the same.
11 Kal. July.
Villeneuve by
(No. 78.)
To Philip, king of France. With great displeasure the pope has this evening received letters from king Edward by a religious, which he sends to Philip, so that he may the better provide for the safety of himself and his realm. He will, after deliberation, write to Philip touching what is expedient to be done.
(No. 79.)
To Joan, queen of France, The like.
(No. 80.)
To Thomas, bishop elect of Durham. Recommending to him Iterius, abbot of Cluny, touching the above-named matter (No. 59).
3 Non. July.
Villeueuve by
(No. 103.)
To Raimund Pelegrini, papal nuncio. Desiring him to assist the envoy sent by Master William de Veyraco, precentor of Agde, papal chaplain, to expedite his business in England.
Id. July.
(No. 120.)
To John, archbishop of Canterbury. Mandate to attempt nothing against the provision of the see of Ely, reserved to the pope, made this day to Thomas de Insula, papal penitentiary.
2 Kal. Aug.
(No. 178.)
To king Edward. Recommending to him Thomas, bishop of Ely, consecrated at the apostolic see, now coming to England.
(Nos. 179 to 188.)
To queen Isabella, queen Philipps, the prince of Wales, John, archbishop of Canterbury, bishops Robert of Chichester, Ralph of London, William of Norwich, John of Hereford, and Thomas, bishop elect of Durham; to the earls Henry, of Derby, William, of Northampton, Richard, of Arundel, William, of Huntingdon, Thomas, of Warwick, Robert, of Suffolk; to Bartholomew de Burhassch, John de Darcy, Richard de Talbot, Hugh le Despenser, Robert de Sadington, the king's chancellor, knight,William de Kildesby, canon of York, John de Torsby, (fn. 1) and William de Edindon, the king's treasurer, canons of Lincoln. Touching the same. [ (fn. 1) Fœdera..]
12 Kal. Aug.
(No. 208.)
To king Edward. Exhorting him touching the reformation of peace between him and the king of France, and rehearsing all that has been done, from the mission of cardinals Peter, bishop of Palestrina, and Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, to the present time. Fœdera..]
Id. Aug.
(No. 278.)
To the chapter of Winchester. Mandate not to proceed to the election of a bishop, provision of the see having been reserved to the pope.
(No. 279.)
To the archbishop of Canterbury. Mandate to do nothing against the aforesaid reservation.
12 Kal. Sept.
(No. 299.)
To queen Philippa. Thanking her for favours shown to Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna, and Peter, bishop of Astorga, papal nuncios, and requesting her to induce the king to return to the observance of the truce which he has broken.
(No. 316.)
To Philip de Tame, prior of the Hospitallers in England, and John de Pavelhi, Turcopolier of the order. Mandate to come to Arles, on 1 April, on business of their order.
10 Kal. Sept.
(No. 329.)
To Philip, king of France. Sending him a copy of the pope's letter to king Edward, in answer to his declaration of war, and exhorting Philip to make peace if Edward will listen to the pope's monition.
(No. 330.)
To Joan, queen of France. Touching the same.
9 Kal. Sept.
(No. 331.)
To John, archbishop of Canterbury. The pope sends the letters he is writing to king Edward, and desires the archbishop to induce the king to give a favourable answer thereto.
(Nos. 332, 333.)
To Thomas, bishop elect of Durham, and to Richard, earl of Arundel. The like.
4 Kal. Sept.
(No. 336.)
To John, count of Armagnac. Thanking him for what he has written touching Gascony, and approving his answer to Henry, earl of Derby.
7 Id. Sept.
(No. 351.)
To king Edward. Praying for a safe-conduct for Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna, who is being sent to him by the pope.
(No. 352.)
To Philip, king of France. Praying him to receive favourably the archbishop of Ravenna, whom the pope has decided to send in advance of cardinals Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, and Stephen, of SS. John and Paul.
(No. 353.)
To Joan, queen of France. Touching the same.
(Nos. 354, 355.)
To king Edward and queen Philippa, as above. Touching the same.
(No. 356.)
To John, archbishop of Canterbury. Requesting him to obtain a safe-conduct for the archbishop of Ravenna, and to induce king Edward to acquiesce in what that nuncio will lay before him.
(No. 360.)
To William Flote, chancellor of the king of France. Requesting him to further the mission of the archbishop of Ravenna to king Philip.
(Nos. 361 to 383.)
To John, duke of Normandy, and many French nobles and prelates, and, in regard to king Edward, to the earls Henry of Derby, William of Northampton, William of Huntingdon, Richard of Arundel, the prince of Wales, Richard Winkele, king Edward's confessor, Bartholomew de Burghassch, knight, to the archbishop of York, the bishops of Chichester, Lincoln, and Ely, and to Thomas, bishop elect of Durham. Touching the same.
17 Kal. Oct.
Villeneuve by
(No. 400.)
To Henry, earl of Derby. The pope is much disturbed at hearing of his coming to Aquitaine with an armed force, and urges him to observe the truce with France, and direct his arms against the infidels.
(No. 402.)
To the same. Repeating his request for the liberation of Brunus de Saya, held a prisoner in the castle of Bordeaux.
4 Non. Oct.
(No. 454.)
To king Edward. Recommending to him Master Francis Orsini (de filiis Ursi), of Rome, papal notary, touching his treasurership of York, and canonry and prebend of Lincoln, who is going to Rome, and is about to return to the pope.
(No. 455.)
To queen Philippa. The like.
(No. 456.)
To the archbishop and chapter of York Recommending to them the above-named Master Francis, touching the said treasurership.
(No. 457.)
To the bishop and chapter of Lincoln. The like, touching the said canonry and prebend of Lincoln.
Non. Oct.
(No. 472.)
To Hugh, archbishop of Besançon, papal nuncio. Mandate to go to those parts of France where his presence is needed, war having broken out in Languedoc and Brittany, to warn and induce the officers and subjects of kings Philip and Edward to observe the terms of the truce already agreed to, with power to issue sentences of excommunication and interdict against those who disobey his monition.
(No. 473.)
To the same. Adding a clause to revoke and reduce to their former condition, whatever things have been attempted against the said truce.
(No. 475.)
To John, eldest son of king Philip, duke of Normandy. Exhorting him to insist on the observation of the said truce in Languedoc, and to listen favourably to Hugh, archbishop of Besançon, papal nuncio; as the pope is writing to Henry, earl of Derby, now commanding in those parts for king Edward.
(No. 476.)
To the said earl of Derby, now in Gascony. The like.
(Nos. 477 to 499.)
To William Flote, chancellor of king Philip and many French nobles (as to the duke of Normandy), and to Laurence, earl of Pembroke, Walter de Maunhi, Ralph de Stafford, seneschal ofGascony, John Wahwn (Wawayn), constable of Bordeaux, and two others named (as to the earl of Derby).
7 Kal. Nov.
(No. 564.)
To Peter [I.] duke of Bourbon, king Philip's lieutenant in Languedoc. Requesting him to favour Brunus de Saya, knight, a faithful subject of king Philip, held prisoner in Bordeaux by the men of king Edward, and let out on parole by the earl of Derby, but seized on his way to the Roman court by the duke's men.
(No. 565.)
To Raimund Pelegrini, canon of London, papal nuncio. Mandate to write more often than he has done touching his business, and to assist the cardinals Anibaldus and Stephen and the archbishop of Ravenna in their mission.
(No. 566.)
To Thomas, bishop of Ely. Touching the same.
(No. 567.)
To Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna. The pope has received his letters about his arrival at Paris, his reception by the king and queen, and his purpose to set out speedily for England, and exhorts him to go on as he has begun.
5 Kal. Nov.
(No. 571.)
To king Edward. In addition to the two cardinals, the archbishop of Ravenna was sent by way of Flanders, with letters of credence to him and to king Philip, but as he may have, by reason of king Edward's crossing the sea, been unable to meet him, the pope sends the archbishop of Besançon, by way of Gascony, whom he prays the king to receive favourably, touching the reformation of peace.
Kal. Nov.
(No. 573.)
To Odo, duke of Burgundy. Requesting him to assist the archbishop of Besançon in his mission to John, duke of Normandy.
(Nos. 574, 575.)
To Charles, count of Alençon, and Lewis de Sabaudia. The like.
8 Id. Nov.
(No. 592.)
To king Edward. Recommending to him Aymar, cardinal of St. Anastasia's, to whom the pope had given fruits of void benefices in the province of York, to the amount of 1000 marks. There being difficulty in carrying out the grant there, the pope now extends it to the province of Canterbury.
(Nos. 593 to 596.)
To queen Philippa, queen Isabella, the archbishop of Canterbury, and Henry, earl of Derby. Touching the same.
10 Kal. Dec.
(No. 616.)
To Hugh, archbishop of Besançon, papal nuncio. The pope hears that John, duke of Normandy, retires, and that king Edward will not cross the sea, until Easter. As the cardinals Anibaldus and Stephen are to set out next Saturday, the archbishop is to return and report, or, if he wishes to remain with Anibaldus, to write to the pope.
3 Kal. Dec.
(No. 619.)
To cardinals Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, and Stephen of SS. John and Paul, papal nuncios. Mandate to betake themselves to the kings and realms of France and England to fosterpeace, and to cause the truce made by Anibaldus and Peter, bishop of Palestrina, to be observed in Gascony and Brittany; with power to punish by ecclesiastical censure those who oppose them in their mission.
(No. 620.)
To the same. Extending their instructions to the revocation of acts done in breach of the truce, and to the restoration of things as before.
7 Kal. Dec.
(No. 621.)
To king Philip. Requesting him to receive the said cardinals as angels of peace, and to listen to their counsels, and in particular to a verbal message brought by cardinal Stephen.
(Nos. 622 to 624.)
To Joan, queen of France, John, duke of Normandy, and Charles, count of Alençon. Touching the same.
(Nos. 625 to 644.)
To William Flote, chancellor of king Philip, and to many nobles and prelates of France. Touching the same.
(No. 645.)
To king Edward. The like, as to king Philip; the verbal message being brought by cardinal Anibaldus.
(Nos. 646 to 667.)
To queen Philippa, queen Isabella, Edward, prince of Wales, Henry, earl of Lancaster, John, count of Montfort, earls William of Northampton, William of Huntingdon, Richard of Arundel, Bartholomew de Burghassh, knight, the archbishops of Canterbury and York, the bishops of Chichester, Durham, Norwich, Ely, and Lincoln, John de Offorde, dean of Lincoln, the king's chancellor, earls Thomas of Warwick, and Robert of Suffolk, John Darcy, knight, John de Thoresby, (fn. 1) and William de Edington. Touching the same. [ (fn. 1) Fœdera.]
Kal. Dec.
(No. 668.)
To king Edward. Having already asked him for a safeconduct for the cardinals by Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna, and not knowing whether the letters have been received, as the cardinals are already on their way, the pope repeats his request.
5 Id. Dec.
(No. 686.)
To William, bishop elect of Winchester. Mandate to rule that church, to which he has been appointed by the pope, to whom provision of the same was reserved.
4 Id. Dec.
(No. 689.)
To Henry, earl of Derby, commanding in Gascony for king Edward. Requiring him to restore to William, bishop of Perigueux, his castles, towns, and places which have been taken by the earl's men.
(No. 690.)
To Walter de Maunhi, also commanding in Gascony. The like.
(No. 691.)
To William de Montefalcone, seneschal of Perigueux, and Bertrand de Baucio, captain of the city of Perigueux, for king Philip. The like.
(No. 696.)
To queen Philippa. The pope has received her letters and verbal message by Thedisius Benedicti [de Falchinello], papal serjeant-at-arms, which he answers by the said envoy. He recommends to her the two cardinal nuncios.
(No. 697.)
To the same. Praying her to obtain a safe-conduct for the said nuncios.
(No. 698.)
To queen Isabella. The like.
18 Kal. Jan.
(No. 705.)
To Henry, earl of Lancaster. Praying him to be favourable to Aymar de Pictavia, the pope's nephew, who is bound by oath to present himself before Alexander de Caumonte within twenty days, and by reason of the funeral of his father, Lewis de Pictavia, begs for a further term of six or eight weeks. The pope is writing to Alexander.
(No. 706.)
To Joan, queen of France. The pope has received her letters, and those of certain Englishmen touching the marriage proposed by Alphonso, king of Castile, between his eldest son and her niece, king Edward's daughter. The said king had sent a knight and a physician to France to inform themselves of the condition and manners of the said niece. In answer to the queen, the pope, who is burdened with divers and difficult affairs, informs her that three letters have passed on either side between him and the king of Castile touching the matter, and that he has kept her envoy for some time, as he wished to speak with a certain archdeacon, secretary of king Alphonso, who says that, although the treaty of marriage is going on in England, it has been signed by neither party, but that he hoped it would be finally signed on the part of the queen's niece.
15 Kal. Jan.
(No. 710.)
To William, bishop elect of Winchester. Recommending the affairs of Iterius, abbot of Cluny, who has laboured for him in season and out of season, and has now business of his own in England.
14 Kal. Feb.
(No. 818.)
To king Edward. Recommending the proctors and affairs of Iterius, abbot of Cluny, as also John, prior of Montacute, Stephen la Porta, canon of Salisbury, and Gerald la Porta, brothers of John, the late prior.
16 Kal. March.
(No. 927.)
To Baudracus Malabayla, canon of Lincoln. Power to receive money collected and assigned to him from Poland and Hungary, James Malabayla having bound himself for the same to the papal camera, and to give acquittance for it.
3 Non. March.
(No. 961.)
To Henry, earl of Lancaster. Requesting him to liberate certain goods of Peter, late archbishop of Bordeaux, due to the papal camera, which have been taken by the officers and subjects of king Edward.
6 Id. March.
(No. 970.)
To John, eldest son of king Philip, duke of Normandy. Touching certain letters brought by a Friar Minor from England to persons of the Roman court, giving information of the seizure of the said friar in France, and the opening of letters addressed to the pope, who has received letters of excuse from the duke, and also the intercepted letters from king Philip, and has excused Lewis de Vaussemen, the king's clerk, who was said to have opened the letters, and begs him to excuse Guy Coralli, who oncoming to the pope and being questioned touching the aforesaid matter, may, by what he said, have given cause of resentment to the duke.
5 Id. March.
(No. 974.)
To cardinals Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, and Stephen of SS. John and Paul, papal nuncios. The pope has received their letters, and desires them to inform him touching the reception of their envoy sent to king Edward for a safe-conduct, and what they have heard of the king's crossing the sea, and other matters, so that the pope may be able to give fitting directions. He informs them that the king's secretary, touching whom Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna, has written, has arrived, and has explained that the king was not sending the safe-conduct because he was about to cross the sea.
4 Kal. March.
(No. 988.)
To Henry, earl of Lancaster. Requesting him to use his influence for peace between the kings of France and England, as the pope is rejoiced to hear from Hugh, archbishop of Besançon, papal nuncio, that he is ready to do.
11 Kal. April.
(No. 1000.)
To cardinals Anibaldus, bishop of Tusculum, and Stephen of SS. John and Paul, papal nuncios. The pope has received their letters touching king Edward's refusal to grant them a safeconduct, on the ground that he was about to cross the sea, and directing them to leave Arras, where they have been for a month, in the neighbourhood of which the duke of Normandy, with a great force, is said to be, and to betake themselves to Chartres, whence they can go to meet king Edward if he proceeds to Gascony, Flanders, Brittany, or Normandy. On this point, however, they should consult king Philip, queen John, and their royal council, and use their own discretion.
(No. 1004.)
To king Philip. Asking him for a safe-conduct for Philip de Thame, prior of the Hospitallers in England.
6 Non. May.
(No. 1141.)
To Philip, king of France. Commending to him Mary de Sancto Paulo, countess of Pembroke, touching the restitution of her lands in France.
(No. 1144.)
To cardinals Anibaldus and Stephen. Sending a copy of letters received from king Edward, and directing them to give such orders to the bearer of the pope's reply as shall be expedient, and to inform the pope of what is being done.
8 Kal. May.
(No. 1177.)
To king Edward. The pope has received his letters touching the exhausted state of his treasury, and the order made by him to take the fruits of all church benefices in the realm which are held by foreigners, which order the pope exhorts him to revoke.
(No. 1178.)
To the archbishop of Canterbury. Informing him of the letter written to the king. Enjoining him to defend ecclesiastical liberty, and to induce the king to acquiesce in the pope's monitions.
(Nos. 1179–91.)
To the archbishop of York, the bishops of Lincoln, Norwich, Ely, Durham, Winchester, Exeter, Worcester, Lichfield, andRath, John de Offord, dean of Lincoln, the king's chancellor, John de Thoresby and Bartholomew de Bourwasch, knight, the king's councillors. Touching the same.
Kal. Feb.
(No. 1275.)
To William, bishop elect of Winchester. Faculty to be consecrated by any two or three catholic bishops of his choice, who are in communion with the apostolic see. Enclosing the oath of fealty, which he is to take and to return by special envoy to the pope as soon as possible.
17 Kal. Aug.
(No. 1283)
To Thomas, bishop elect of Ely. Faculty to contract a loan of 12,000 florins to meet his expenses at the apostolic see.
7 Id. Sept.
(No. 1346.)
To all prelates, secular and regular. Safe-conduct for Nicholas, archbishop of Ravenna, papal nuncio to England, and mandate to provide him with 10 florins a day.
(No. 1347.)
To the same. Mandate to provide the said nuncio with 15 florins a day.
2 Kal. Aug.
(No. 1350.)
To the same. Safe-conduct for Thomas, bishop of Ely, returning to England, and bearing a message to the king.
11 Kal. April.
(No. 1363.)
To the same. Safe-conduct for Philip de Thame, prior of the Hospitallers in England, going to their convocation at Arles.


  • 1. The leaves of the volume are not numbered.