Index: P, Q, R

Pages 679-686

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Pabeham. See Pavenham.

Packington, co. Leicester, 84, 85.

- [co. Warwick], 510.

-, prior of, 141.

Packwood [co. Warwick], 84, 85.

Pagham, Paganaham [co. Sussex], 572, 591.

Paisley, abbot and convent of, 106, 620.

-, forest, 107.

-, mill, 107.

Pakenham [co. Suffolk], 337.

Palestine, 267.

Palestrina, Stephen, nephew of the bishop of, 378.

-, See Cardinals.

Palgrave [co. Suffolk], 238.

Paliano, Thomas de, 593.

-, Thomas Picallottus of, 599, 600, 608.

Palling, St. Margaret's, 35.

Palmer, Simon le, 620.

Palmerius, Master, 245, 294.

Pamaling, Pamabiling. See Billing, Little.

Pandulph, papal legate. See Norwich, bishop of.

-, the legate's nephew, 70.

-, papal subdeacon, 52.

Pangbourne [co. Berks], 341.

Paniscampi, William, 282.

Panormo, John de, 202.

Pantasse, Bartolinus, 477.

Papazuris, Master John de, 573.

Pappazura, Thomas, clerk of Philip, 244.

Papazurri, Pappazuri, Thomas, son of Philip, 298, 303.

Pappele, Martin de, 558.

Papworth, Pappewith [diocese of Ely], 187.

Paris, 76, 153, 287, 321, 366, 451, 566, 576.

-, archdeacon of, 387, 401.

-, bishop of, 134, 137, 139, 347, 387, 410, 562.

-, canon of, 502, 503, 572, 595, 611.

-, chancellor of the university, 60.

-, dean of, 209.

-, letters dated at, 342.

-, official of, 386, 401, 415, 416.

Paris, parliament of, 434.

-, professor of theology at, 484.

-, provisor and monks of St. Bernard's in Cardineto, 297.

-, St. Geneviéve, abbot of, 124, 309, 386.

-, -, monastery of, 576.

-, canons of St. Victor, 35.

-, temple at 74.

-, university of, 60, 225.

Parisius, Walter, 283.

Parma, bishop of, 587, 588, 617.

-, canons of, 219, 223, 326.

-, St. Ambrose, 326.

-, William, master of the schools at, 280, 281.

-, Master Albert de, 369, 380.

-, Master Gerard de, 345.

-, John de, 470.

Partenay, charter dated at, 45.

Partney, Parthen [co. Lincoln], 327.

Parvacella, abbot of, 117, 168.

Passalaiwe, Passalawe, Passalewe, Passelewe, Robert, 65, 102, 215, 256, 261, 264, 269.

-, Thomas, 256.

Passalewe, Michael, 8-1.

-, Simon, 344.

Passavant, Passevaeunt, John, 532, 601.

Paston, chapel of [co. Northants], 558.

Patasulle, Hugh de, 154.

Pateshill, Master Martin de, 102.

Patney, Pateneia [co. Wilts], 21, 201.

Patras, Master Bernard, dean of, 258.

Patricli, William, 514.

Patrick, clerk, 144, 160.

-, Master, physician, 226.

-, earl, Walderus son of, 214.

Patrington [co. York], 463.

Pavenham, Pabeham [co. Oxford], 18.

Pavilli, Ralph de, 328.

Paxton, Paxtun [co. Hunt], 264, 284, 311.

Payn, Uttred, son of, 107.

-, William, 620.

Paynel, Thomas, 261.

Peakirke, Peychirch, Peykirke [co. Northants], 312, 558.

Peche, Bartholomew, 165, 339.

-, Hamo, 336.

Peckham, 317.

-, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 456.

-, -, See Canterbury.

Pecoraria, Geoffrey son of Grimerius de, 612.

- Gerard de, 611, 615, 617, 618.

Pederton, Walter de, 567.

Pelawe [co. Durham], 570.

Peletot, Master Ralph de, 365.

Pelton [co. Durham], 570.

Pelynt, Pliment, 351.

Pembroke, G. earl of, marshal of England, 154, 164, 166, 176, 183, 195, 237, 316, 321, 353.

-, Gilbert earl of, marshal, and Walter and Anselm his brothers, 147.

-, R., earl of, marshal of England, 131.

-, W. earl of, marshal of England, 39, 42, 43, 54, 56, 65, 67, 88, 93, 97, 107, 112, 120, 124.

-, earl of. See Marshal W. Valentia.

Penell, Armann of Lavania, 309.

Peneris. See Penkridge.

Penistone [co. York], 569, 571.

Penkethan, Adam, 261.

Penkridge, Peneris, [co. Stafford], deanery of St. Mary's, 368.

Penn [co. Bucks], 289.

Pennild, land of [Scotland], 107.

Pepin, Master Robert, 221.

-, Master Roger, 338.

Perce, Master, Thomas de, 367.

Peregrine, a castle of the Templars, 89.

Peregrinus, Master, 483.

Pergamo, Master Lanfranc de, 503.

Perigord, count of, 105.

Perigueux, bishop of, 45, 513.

Perinus, clerk of Genoa, 292.

Periton. See Purton.

Peronen, Geoffrey, 51.

Perranuthnoe, Uthnou Parva [co. Cornwall], 11, 452.

Persagnia. See Perseigne.

Perseigne, Persagnia, abbot of, 6.

Pershore, Persore [co. Worcester], 46.

-, abbot of, 223.

-, abbot and convent of, 79, 134, 135.

Pert, D. de, knight, 74.

Pertenhall [co. Bedford], 187.

Perth, 30, 61, 450, 521.

-, St. John, monastery of, 163.

-, prioress and convent of St. Leonard's 48.

Perthec [Scotland], 106.

Pertico, T. de, 13.

Pertoneti, Raymond, 296.

Perty, William de, 181.

Perugia, 292.

-, letters dated at, 326, 479, 534.

Pesce, Bartholomew, 227.

Pesham [co. Norfolk], 35.

Peter, Master, the archivist, 406.

-, III. king of Aragon, 472.

-, papal chaplain, 195.

-, prebendary of Salisbury, 2.

-, Geoffrey son of, 12, 24, 29.

-, William son of, 284.

Peterborough, abbot of, 143, 195, 314, 374, 611.

-, abbot and convent of, 130, 131, 168, 558, 561.

-, abbot and prior of, 120.

Pethe [diocese of Durham], 571.

Pethgober [Scotland], 30, 61.

Petinis, John de, 215.

Petrafertili, de. See Corcanroe.

Petri, John, son of Reginald, 615.

Petrockstow, St. Peter (Petroc) [co. Devon], 11.

Petworth [co. Sussex], 173.

Peverel, Richard de, 608.

Peverell, W., 18.

Peverel, Robert, 558.

Pewen, canons. See Pyone.

Pewsey, Pevesi [co. Wilts], 300.

Peychirch. See Peakirke.

Peyma, Hugh de, 301.

Peynere, lands of, 584.

Peynton, Master Luke de, 417.

Phanm, Henry, 413.

Philip, Master, ambassador, 118.

- II., king of France, 11, 14, 15, 20, 47, 55, 64, 66, 99.

- -, letters to Honorius III., 66.

- III., king of France, 576.

- IV., 498, 562, 563, 566–568, 576, 577, 579, 589, 598.

-, son of Alan, 307, 312, 346.

-, son of Lewis IX., 430.

Philippi, Boninns, 477.

Phyleby. See Filebi.

Piacenza, 612.

-, merchants of, 447.

-, canon of St. Antoninus, 231.

Picala. See Pickhill.

Picalottus, Thomas, of Paliano, 599, 600, 608.

Picardy, 427.

Piccard, Master Hugh, 342.

Picechote, 46.

Pickenham, Pikingham [co. Norf.], 389.

Pickering, Master Robert de, 515.

-, Master William de, 516.

Pickhill, Picala [co. York], 594.

Pictavinus, Manuel, son of Henry, 271.

Pikering, Master Robert de, 585, 586.

- See Pickering.

Pikette, 570.

Pilesgate, 558.

Pilia, Ralph de, 519.

Pincebech, Master Ralph de, 59.

Pineren, John, canon of, 56.

Piperd, Yvo, 317.

Piperno, John de, canon of St. Mary's, 240, 241, 288, 320.

-, Duraguerra de, 174.

-, Master Peter de, 257, 369, 382, 492.

Pisa, canons of, 145, 153.

-, Master Albert, of, 366.

-, Benedict Gaetano, of, 578.

Pissiaco, Simon de, 151.

Pistoia, 573, 574.

-, canon of, 574.

-, merchants of, 563, 565, 588, 598, 600, 602, 615.

-, provost of, 602.

Placentia, John de, 221.

-, Master Ottoboni de, 572.

Planell, Raymond de, 510.

Plawsworth, Plauworth [co. Durham], 571.

Plesseto, Amaric de, 187.

Plessi, William de, 158, 159.

Pleymundestome. See Plumpton.

Pliment. See Pelynt.

Plimton, Plympton, Nicholas de, 261, 291, 315, 317, 353.

Plumpton, Pleymundestome [co. Northants], 532.

Plumstead [co. Kent], 191, 322, 585.

- [co. Norf.], 590.

Plumstock, Master Richard de, 588.

Plumtonia, Master Nicholas de, 272.

Plympton, Plimpton, prior and convent of, 317, 372.

-, St. Peter's, 11.

- See also Plimton.

Podio Bastonis, Berard de, 612.

Poggio Mirteto, abbot and convent of St. Mary, 177, 236.

-, monastery of St. Mary, 164, 165, 166.

Poinville, Gerard de, 56.

Poireton, Alan de, 270.

Poitiers, bishop of, 13.

-, canon of, 202.

-, dean of, 578.

-, sacristan of, 224.

-, treasurer of St. Hilary's, 595.

Poitou, 41, 67, 99, 427.

-, W. clerk of, 122.

-, count of, 297, 428.

-, Richard, count of, 110, 112, 113, 118.

-, See Cornwall, earl of.

Poiwike. See Powick.

Pokeley, 570.

Pollock [Scotland], 106.

Ponte, Stephen de, 288, 320.

-, Stephen, son of James de, 272.

Ponte Arce, William de, 60.

Pontefract [co. York], 119.

- Castle, dean of, 589.

-, prior of, 448, 568, 609.

-, prior and convent of, 314.

-, St. Clement's chapel, 531.

Ponteland [co. Northumb.], 573, 574, 600, 602, 605, 606.

Pontelongo, Constance de, 323.

Ponthieu, 473, 474.

-, Joan, daughter of the count of, 153.

Pontia, Bonushomo de, 407.

Pontigny, abbot of, 204.

-, abbot and monks of, 208.

Pontissara, Master John de, 451, 452, 463.

Pontubus, Reginald de, 105.

Poore, Richard, 24, 25.

Popes, Adrian, 68, 191, 311, 451.

-, Adrian V. 512, 524.

-, Alexander, 24, 30, 34, 45, 47, 52, 63, 69, 90, 109, 170, 295, 311, 325, 358, 378, 384, 433, 454, 458, 466, 529.

-, Alexander III. 109, 194, 337, 560.

-, Alexander IV. 376, 377, 385, 391, 393, 400, 404, 405, 408, 423, 424, 435, 456, 484, 493, 497, 533, 562, 575.

-, Boniface, 172.

-, Boniface VIII. 614.

-, Calixtus, 68.

-, Celestine, 24, 60, 63, 68, 85, 311, 372.

-, Celestine III. 63, 90, 109, 119, 121, 271, 462, 520, 596, 615

-, Celestine IV. 322, 323.

-, Celestine V. 564, 565.

-, Clement, 1, 2, 7, 9, 24, 63, 85, 90, 311, 554.

-, Clement III. 213, 495, 596, 615.

-, Clement IV. 441, 443, 445, 448, 485.

-, Eugenius, 63, 85, 311.

-, Eugenius III. 122, 558.

-, Gregory, 292, 326, 339, 346, 368, 399, 428, 555.

-, Gregory IX. 199, 200, 202, 203, 219, 221–223, 236–240, 257, 290, 292, 297, 299, 302, 316, 322, 370, 413, 505.

-, Gregory X. 451, 453, 455–457, 459, 460, 462, 466, 479, 484, 486, 514, 527, 585, 609, 617.

-, Honorius, 126, 168, 196, 368, 527.

-, Honorius I. 95.

-, Honorius III. 99, 117–120, 123, 127, 130, 190, 244.

-, Honorius IV. 142, 492–496, 500, 503, 505, 509, 551, 589.

-, Innocent, 24, 49, 52, 58, 60, 70, 91, 100, 151, 311, 314, 319, 320, 326, 329, 337, 339, 342, 344, 345–347, 358, 359, 362, 368, 378, 379, 383, 399.

-, Innocent III. 120, 190, 311, 458.

-, Innocent IV. 311, 316, 325, 327, 330, 331, 333, 336, 348, 361, 363, 369, 385, 406, 456, 457, 484, 496, 501, 506, 520, 534, 549.

-, John XXI. 457, 460, 461, 463, 468, 470, 472, 483, 484, 564.

-, Lucius, 63, 81, 90, 123, 137, 146, 151, 311.

-, Martin IV. 479–484, 486–489, 493, 502, 507, 527, 551, 610.

-, Nicholas, 487, 490.

-, Nicholas III. 463, 464, 471, 481, 483, 500, 526, 527, 557.

-, Nicholas IV. 551, 564, 565, 575, 582, 583, 587, 590, 591, 598, 617.

-, Parchal, 84.

-, Urban, 1, 400, 405, 451, 457.

Popes, Urban III. 121, 322.

-, Urban IV. 420, 423–426, 430, 442, 443, 492, 493, 562.

Porcestria, Edward de, 357.

Portland, Porland, lands and manor of, 21, 201.

Porto, bishop of. See Cardinals.

Portu, James de, 387, 391, 395, 401, 411, 430.

Portugal, 479.

-, king of, 472.

Potin, diocese of St. Andrews, 192, 245, 298.

Poughley, Powhele, prior of [co. Berks], 412.

Powick, Poiwike, Powke [co. Worc.], 46.

Poysiri, Peter de, 407.

Prame [Scotland], 521.

Prandonibus, Master Gamarin de, 578.

Prebenda, Adam de, 389.

-, Master Robert de, 318, 319, 334, 350.

Prefectis, Deodatus de, 243.

-, nephew of G. de, 154.

Premonstratensians, 195, 411.

Prendergast, Matilda, daughter of Gerald de, 368.

Preshute, Presthuite [co. Wilts], 265.

Preston [co. Kent], 171, 322, 585.

- [co. Glouc.], 222.

Preston, Thomas de, 491.

Prestwald, Prestwand. See Prestwold.

Prestwick [Scotland], 106, 107.

Prestwold, Prestwand [co. Leic.], 258, 259, 284, 311.

Prewode, Henry de, 561.

Prior, Master Angelus, 391.

Prittlewell, prior and convent of [co. Essex], 96.

Probus, Probos [co. Cornwall], 11.

Prosperini, Bernardine, 305.

Provence, 227.

-, count of, 209, 428.

-, counteas of, 476.

-, Eleanor, daughter of the count of, 153.

Provins, monastery at, 522.

Pruscia, archbishop of, 224.

Puddlestone, Pudlesdon [co. Heref.], 532.

Pudlesdon, Master Richard de, 532.

Pulices of Florence, 481, 564, 566.

Purton, Periton, diocese of Salisbury, 277.

Putton, 311.

Pyone, Pewen, manor of, and town of Pyone [co. Hereford], 222.

Pyvelesdon, Master John de, 532.


Quappelade. See Whaplode.

Quarrington, Querington, Querintun [co. Lincoln], 284, 311, 342.

Quatt [co. Salop], 46,

Queenhithe, Queen's Eye, London, 33.

Quenci, Robert de, 248.

-, Roger de, earl of Winchester, 494.

Quenewke [co. Devon], 33.

Querintun. See Quarrington.

Quetungkebur [diocese of York], 462.

Quicham. See Whickham.

Quiseley. See Whixley.


Racolvre. See Reculver.

Raculfre. See Reculver.

Radbourn, Rodburn [co. Derby], 389.

Raddenchate, Haimo de, 160.

Rademile. See Redmile.

Radenore, John de, 519.

-, Master Reginald de, 115.

-, Simon de, 282.

Radenovere, Nicholas de, 251.

Radford [co. Notts], 19.

Radicofani, 401, 402, 403.

Radinuriel [Scotland], 521.

Radiswellis, John de, 528.

Radlathgenan [Ireland], 36.

Radmor [Ireland], 18.

Radnor, Old, 350.

Radnor, Master Peter de, 277.

Radragia, Walter de, 614.

Radulphi, Florentine merchant, 395.

Radwell [co. Bedford], 18.

- [co. Herts], 550.

Ragusa, bishop of, 54.

Raikeull. See Ranskill.

Rainham, Renham, Reynham, Raynham, East [co. Norfolk], 222, 518.

- [co. Kent], 125.

Rainpatri, diocese of Glasgow, 337.

Ralega, William de, 168, 169.

Raley, Thomas de, 406, 407.

-, William de, 262.

Ralph, Master, 466.

-, clerk, 113.

-, notary, 296.

- [de Ireton], 461.

-, of Norwich, 458.

-, son of N., 339.

-, son of Nicholas, 124, 165.

Ramesey, Master Peter de, 232.

Rampton [co. Camb.], 550.

Ramsey, abbot and convent of, 94, 120, 193.

Rancon, Geoffrey de, 105.

Rande, land of, 187.

Ranfred, G. son of, 39.

Ranfri. See Renfrew.

Rannvilla, Lucy de, 515.

Rannville, Geoffrey de, 522.

Ranskill, Raikeull, Rukeull, diocese of Lincoln, 274.

Ranutii, Master Guito, of Orvieto, 594.

Rapem, William de, 272.

Raphoe, archdeacon of, 198, 393.

-, bishop of, 1, 198, 275, 286, 329, 330, 293, 426.

-, chapter of, 394.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 394.

Rasing, Clement de, 239.

Rassenden. See Ravensden.

Rathangan, Rathymegan, diocese of Kildare, 509.

Rathen, diocese of St. Andrews, 382.

-, See Raththen.

Ratherdunesk [Ireland], 371.

Rathilec [Ireland], 18.

Rathkenin, Master Henry de, 481.

Rathlonge, diocese of Connor, 430.

Rathlure, bishop of, 198.

-, see of, 233, 234.

Raththen [Scotland], 30, 61.

Rathuil, Rathuoyd, German, bishop of [Ireland], 228.

Rathymegan, diocese of Derry, 541.

Ratindon. See Rettendon.

Ratisbon, abbot of St. James of the Scots, 251.

Raulins, Nicholas, 417.

Raunds [co. Northants], 614.

Rauningham, Raveningham, Master Gilbert de, 361, 388.

Raveningham, Cassandra de, 254, 255.

Raveningham, Hugh de, 254, 255.

-, Thomas de, 254, 255.

-, William de, 254, 255.

- See Rauningham.

Ravenna, archbishop of, 552.

Ravensden [co. Bedf.], 313.

-, Rassenden, 18.

Ravensworth [co. Durham], 570.

Raveshelme, land of [co. Lanc], 570.

Raynald, of London, 233.

Raynaldi, Maynectus, 481.

Raynard, Fulk, 575.

Raynefren. See Renfew.

Rayneri, Bonsignore, 387.

Raynerius of Florence, 465.

Raynulis, Abbatis, firm of, 465, 469.

Reading, 28, 149.

-, abbot of, 2, 23, 88, 92, 103.

-, abbot and convent of, 28, 495.

-, letters dated at, 339.

Rechmalrune [Scotland], 341.

Reculver, Racolvre, Raculfre [co. Kent], 149, 511, 581, 583.

Redbourn [co. Herts], 63.

Reddenhall, Rodehale [co. Norf.], 210.

Redinche, in the Tay, island of, 521.

Rediswelle, Thomas de, 531.

Redivor, lawn of, 10.

Redmile, Rademile [co. Leic.], 381.

Redwellis, Master Robert de, 529.

Reedness, Redenes [co. York], 293.

Reggio, archbishop of, 307, 310.

-, archdeacon of, 250.

- (in Emilia), canon of, 515

-, see of, 310.

Reginald, Master, 240.

-, king of the Isles, 91, 92.

-, sub-prior of Canterbury, 23.

-, Petri, John, son of, 615.

Reims. See Rheims.

Rembertini, Rimbertini, firm of Florence, 481, 564, 566, 395.

Renaud, a Clumac monk, 505.

Renfrew, Raynefreu, Ranfri, 106, 236, 562.

Renger, J. 133.

Renham, John de, 487.

- -See Rainham.

Renhold, Ronhale, Rennold [co. Bedford], 313, 352.

Repiingham, Robert de, 602.

Repton, Reppengdon, prior and convent of, 306.

-, priory of, 388.

Restennet, Rustinot, prior of, 340.

Rettendon, Ratindon [co. Essex], 274.

Revesby, abbot of, 76, 140.

Reygate, Master John de, 278.

Reygath, Simon de, 391.

Reynhœ. See Rainham.

Rezerfeld, William de, 308.

Rheims, archbishop elect of, 434.

-, official of the archdeacon of, 391.

-, canons of, 257, 406, 572, 615, 617.

-, chapter and suffragans of, 15.

-, canon of St. Simphorian's, 391.

-, canons of St. Timothy's, 404, 410.

Rhôsilly, Roselli, [co. Glamorgan], 312.

Ria, Rya, Nicholas de, 214, 291.

Riccall, prebend of, in York, 48.

Riccardi, James, of Rome, 580.

-, Richard son of Anibaldus, 602, 608.

Ricciardi, firm of, 481.

Richard I. 1–4, 6, 16, 20, 29, 32, 63, 120, 150.

-, letters to Innocent III. 19.

Richard, Aldebandini, son of James de Militiis, 578.

-, King of the Romans, 402, 409.

-, Master, 273, 377.

-, -, papal notary, 482, 502.

-, nephew of Cardinal R. of St. Angelo, 417.

-, W. son of, 60.

Richemareswith. See Rickmansworth.

Richemund, Walter de, 297.

Richmond, archdeacon of, 11, 77, 198, 221, 222, 225, 252, 319, 484, 508, 594, 596, 616.

-, abbot of St. Agatha's [Easby], 332, 360.

Richmond, earl of, 195.

Rickmansworth, Richemareswith [co. Herts], 63.

Ridale, Master John de, 278.

Riddelford, Walter de, 165.

Ridding, land of [co. Durham], 571.

Rieti, 593.

-, bishop of, 275, 276.

-, canon of, 612.

-, provost of St. Angelo, 612.

Rievaulx, abbot of, 36, 54, 60, 76, 90, 96, 114, 230, 233, 259, 292, 297, 308.

-, abbot and convent of, 180, 199.

-, monk of, 129.

Rikerwek, Roger de, 535.

Rimbertini. See Rembertini.

Ringstead [co. Norf.], 328.

- [co. Dorset], 524.

Ringwood [co. Hants], 589.

Ripon, canons of, 316, 595.

-, rector and brethren of the Hospital of St. John Baptist, 89.

Ripton [co. Hunt], 585.

Risby, Rouceby [co. Suffolk], 51.

Riskeley, diocese of Norwich, 535.

Riskinton. See Ruskington.

Risley [co. Bedford], 230.

Riston, John de, 249, 390.

-, Riton [co. York], 585.

Riticurt, Roger de, 356.

Riton, See Riston.

Rivaulx. See Rievaulx.

Robert [de Chancy], 461.

-, Master, of Gloucester, 471.

-, John, son of, 45.

-, Master John, son of, 342, 344.

-, Ralph, son of, 51.

Roberti, John, of Wiggenhall, 547.

Robertsbridge [co. Sussex], abbot of, 99.

-, abbot and convent of, 342.

-, sub-prior of, 138.

Roby, diocese of Lincoln, 352.

Roch [co. York], abbot of, 275.

-, abbot and convent of, 142, 331.

Rocham. See Buchan.

Rochelle, archpriest of, 137.

Rochester, 487.

-, bishop of, 142.

-, archdeacon of, 174, 181, 203, 219, 334, 443, 518.

-, archdeaconry of, 287.

-, bishop of, 3, 8, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31–33, 35, 54, 69, 70, 81, 93, 97, 101, 104, 108, 124, 132, 138–142, 148, 156, 169, 178, 179, 183, 259, 267, 271–273, 283, 290, 292, 347, 414, 486, 514, 529, 531, 532, 600, 605.

-, chapter of, 487.

-, official of, 401.

-, prior of, 181, 200, 415, 559.

-, prior and convent of, 148, 156, 162, 169, 174, 211, 259, 283, 325, 329.

-, St. Margaret, Outditch, 329.

-, vicar of St. Nicholas, 360.

Rock, Aka [co. Worc.], 388.

Rockenton, 28.

Rockesden, Thomas, 513.

Rockingham, co. Northants, 33.

Rockwith, Rocwic, 35.

Roda, Spinellus de, 601.

Rodburn. See Radbourn.

Rodehale. See Reddenhall.

Rodewell, Thomas de, 405, 406.

Rodham, Stephen de, 255, 256.

Rodmarton [co. Glouc.], 342.

Rodmersham, Peter de, 470.

Rocle. See Rothwell.

Roffridus, Master, 49.

Roger de Aratio, 417.

-, nephew of the earl of Cornwall, 171.

-, nephew of Henry III. 185.

-, R. son of, 39.

Rogeri, Matthew, 523.

Roiata, Bartholomew de, 239, 240, 241.

Roing, William de, 215.

Rokeby. See Rugby.

Roleng, William de, 103.

Rolland, Master, 340.

-, Master, of Siena, 111.

-, Margaret, 563, 564.

Rolvenden, Rulvidenn [co. Kent], 211.

Romania, G., de, 214, 220.

Romans, king of the, 286, 286, 563, 567, 568, 579, 620.

Romanus, Master John, 59, 76, 88, 100, 142, 160, 188, 193, 225, 319, 332, 451, 456, 468, 469, 472, 484.

Romayns, diocese of Rheims, 587.

Rome, hospital of the Holy Ghost, in Saxia, 50, 58, 122, 227, 518, 534, 536, 537, 555.

-, knights of, 611.

-, St. Andrew's under the Gardens, 401.

-, St. Crisogonus, ordinance dated at, 489.

Rome, canons of St. John Lateran, 573, 602.

-, canon of St. Laurence's in Damaso, 236.

-, Amicus, clerk of St. Mary's of the Rotunda, 229.

-, St. Peter's 193, 518, 555.

-, canons of St. Peter's, 288, 320, 413, 611.

-, St. Sixtus, 57, 69, 82, 130, 209.

-, prioress of St. Sixtus, 207.

-, prioress and convent of St. Sixtus, 459, 612.

-, Theobald, brother of P. Senator of, 250.

Ronay, diocese of York, 293.

Roncia, Payn de, 56.

Ronhale. See Renhold.

Roning, William de, 135.

Roothing, Rothing [co. Essex], 550.

-, Roynges, diocese of London, 374.

Ros, R. de, 39.

-, Robert de, 43.

-, William de, 599, 600, 608.

Rosceniol, Rosciniol, Rusciniol, Peter, 128, 148, 152.

Roscillon, Gerard de, 446, 621.

Roscoplin [Scotland], 30, 61.

Roscommon, provost of, 218.

Roselli. See Rhôscilly.

Rosemarkie, Rosmarchin, Rosmarkin, Rosmaikin, dean of, 96, 326.

-, prebend of, 175.

Rosevall, J. abbot of, 3.

Roskild, canon of, 227.

Ross [co. Hereford], 305.

-, [Ireland], 35.

-, -, bishop of, 3, 425.

-, -, chapter of, 97, 297.

- [Scotland], 60.

- -, archdeacon of, 175, 449.

-, -, bishop of, 1, 146, 175, 178, 379, 443, 449, 481, 522, 560, 565, 566, 572.

-, -, bishop and chapter of, 326.

-, -, bishop and dean of, 294.

-, canons of, 449.

- cathedral, 522.

-, -, clergy and people of the diocese of, 443.

-, -, dean and chapter of, 443, 522, 561.

-, -, precentor of, 560, 561, 564.

Rossellon, Rossilian, Guy de, 224, 242.

Rossi, firm of, 465.

-, Bacarelli, firm of, 469.

Rossi, Giles, son of Lanfranc, citizen of Genoa, 273.

-, John, 278.

-, Master Peter, 196.

Rossilian. See Rossellon.

Rossinclerach [Scotland], 106.

Rostand, Master, 295, 302, 338, 341, 342, 345, 350, 354, 362, 363, 384, 385.

Rothaet [Scotland], 521.

Rothbury, Rouburi, Roubyry [co. Northumb.], 454, 589.

Rotherfield [co. Sussex], 569.

Rotherham, Roderham [co. York], 297.

Rothewan, William de, 303.

Rothiemay, Rothymay [Scotland], 341.

Rothwell, Rocle, Rowell, diocese of Lincoln, 208, 522.

-, Rowelle [co. York], 6.

Rouburi. See Rothbury.

Roubury. See Rothbury.

Rouceby. See Risby.

Roudham, Rutham [co. Norf.], 612.

Rouen, archbishop of, 1, 5, 6, 14, 44, 169, 282, 434.

-, archbishop, dean, and treasurer of, 103.

-, chapter of, 157.

-, dean of, 305.

-, dean and chapter of, 489.

-, kings mills at, 1.

-, abbot and convent of St. Katherine's, 282.

-, St. Laurence O'Toole at, 103.

Rocceta, Albert, son of Manfred, marquis of, 257.

Rougham, Ruthan [co. Norfolk], 545.

Rouroi, Reginald de, 56.

Roussillon, Guy de, 201.

Rowde, Rudes [co. Wilts], 265.

Rowelle, Master Roger de, 467, 478, 489.

-, See Rothwell.

Royng, William de, 241.

Roynges. See Roothing.

Royston, diocese of Norwich, 320.

Rozstoc, B. de, 245.

Rubeo Monte, John de, 56.

Rubeus, Master Roger, 246.

Rubrus, Peter, 147.

Rucholm, Rugholm, island of [co. Linc.], 284, 311, 312.

Ructon. See Ruston.

Ruddington [co. Notts.], 19.

Rudel, Rudelle, Geoffrey, 105, 144.

Rudes. See Rowde.

Rudham, Walter son of Geoffrey de, 323.

Ruenhale. See Runwell.

Rufford, abbot and prior of, 198.

Rufinus, 132.

-, nephew of cardinal Gualo, 140, 142, 145.

Rufus, John, 576.

-, Peter, 56.

-, William, 147.

Rugby, Rokeby [co. Warw.], 532.

Rugholm. See Rucholm.

Ruglen. See Ruthinglen.

Rukeull. See Ranskill.

Rulvidenn. See Rolvenden.

Rumesey, John de, 268.

Rumesi, Rumesey, Thomas de, 285, 372.

Rumsey, Nicholas de, 358.

Runwell, Ruenhale [co. Essex], 588.

Rupe, Castle de. See Châteaugaillard.

Rupe, Americus de, 105.

-, Peter de, 321.

Rupe, abbey of. See Roch.

Rupibus, Peter de, 22.

Rusciniol. See Rosceniol.

Ruskington, Biskinton [co. Lincoln], 342.

Russel, John, and Isabella his wife, 408, 409.

-, Robert, 409.

Russell, John, 52.

Russin [Scotland], 30, 61.

-, abbot of, 231.

Rustici, John, 469.

Rusticus, papal writer, 70.

Rustinot. See Restennet.

Ruston, Ructon [co. Norfolk], 35.

Rustreg, Roger, 219.

Rutham. See Roudham.

Rutham. See Rougham.

Ruthinglen, Ruglen [Scotland], 106.

Ruthronan [Ireland], 370.

Rutland, 33.

Rutton. See Ryton.

Rya. See Ria.

Rya, Nicholas de, 291.

Rye [co. Sussex], 111.

Ryton, Rieton [co. Salop], 84.

-, Rutton, mill of, 187.