Index: L

Pages 665-671

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 1, 1198-1304. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1893.

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Labro, Berthold de, 575.

Lacell. See Laterell.

Lacestria, Ralph de, 254.

La Charité, prior and convent of, 126.

-, prior of St. Mary's, 119.

Laci. See Lacy.

Lackford. Lakeford [co. Suffolk], 526.

La Clarté, Cistercian monastery of, diocese of Tours, 260.

Lacornera, William de, 416, 435, 460, 509.

Lacortier, Avice de, 372.

Lacthune, Lacthon, diocese of Norwich, 361, 388.

Lacu, Gilbert de, 52.

-, William de and Isabella, his wife, 332.

Lacuche, Henry, brother of Alan, 300.

Lacy, Lascy, Henry de, Earl of Lincoln, 499, 501, 572.

-, Hugh de, 22.

-, John de, 575, 589, 597.

-, Margaret de, and William her husband, 134, 136.

-, Master Robert de, 467, 473, 489.

-, Walter de, 165.

-, Walter de, and Margaret his wife, 141, 152, 153.

Ladel, Master Hugh, 497.

Ladesheved, 570.

Lafford. See Sleaford.

Laforda, Master Robert de, 511.

Lageles, Master Richard, 389.

Lagmann, knight, 518.

Laguscello, Andrew de, 494.

Laicestria, Peter de, 603.

Laindon, Leyndon [co. Essex], 540.

Lakeford. See Lackford.

Lakenheath, Lakinghed [co. Suffolk], 322, 323.

Lalade, Master William de, 413.

Lamara, John de, 204.

La Marche. See Marche.

La Marche and Angoulême, Ademar, son of the count of, 224.

Lamare, John de, 458, 522.

Lambecote, Hugh, knight of, 51.

Lambert, son of Nigel Cambii, 584.

Lamberton, William de, 576, 578.

Lambeth, 59, 182.

-, chapel at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.

Lambilion, Bartholomew and Isabella, 278.

Lambister. See Llanbister.

Lambourne [co. Essex], 8, 504.

- [co. Berks], 33.

Lambron, Leziniac, prior of, 412.

Lambton, Lampton [co. Durham], 570.

Lamehc. See Lambeth.

Lamesley, Lamelay [co. Durham], 570.

Lamington, Lambiniston, diocese of Glasgow, 389.

Lamore, Master Richard de, 466, 468.

Lancaster, 549.

Lanchester, Langester [co. Durham], 571.

-, canons of, 559, 581, 583.

Lancing [co. Sussex], 388.

Lande, Master William de, 307.

Landeforde, Walter de, 519.

Landeuwibreir. See Llanddewi Brefi.

Lando, Pandulph's proctor, 113.

Landploth, diocese of York, 373.

Landretheric, 46.

Landspetit. See Llanspyddid.

Laneham, Lanum [co. Notts], 462.

Lanercost, prior of, 361, 364.

Langar [co. Notts], 19, 211.

Langatrene, Lewis de, 215.

Langecost, John de, 326.

Langedon, Dionisia de, 358.

-, Simon de, 585.

Langedun, Richard de, 172.

Langelee, Henry, son of G. de, 242.

Langenenton. See Newton, Long.

Langester. See Lanchester.

Langeton, John de, 526, 581, 582, 583.

-, Simon de, 55, 118, 171.

-, Walter de, 525, 529, 550, 559.

Langford, dean of, 122.

Langham Lengham, [co. Essex], 358.

Langley, 19, 571.

-, [co. Herts], 63.

-, diocese of Lincoln, 299.

-, diocese of Norwich, abbot and convent of, 575.

-, Kirk, Churche Longley [co. Derby], 532.

Langres, 363.

Langres, bishop of, 424.

Langton, diocese of Lincoln, 208, 284, 311, 535.

-, diocese of York, 603.

Languethon, Walter de, 508, 519.

Langueton, Stephen de, 27.

Langyric. See Llangwrig.

Lanhern, Lannern, diocese of Exeter, 342, 344.

Lanivet, Lanevede, diocese of Exeter, 363.

Lanladum, Master David da, 384.

Lanpadarnvaur. See Llanbadarnvawr.

Lanté, canon of Pistoria, 574.

Lanteglos [co. Cornwall], 363.

Lantidian, 269.

Lanton, prior of, 42.

-, See Lenton.

Lantressan. See Llantrissaint.

Lanuby, Turstin de, and Geoffrey his son, 296.

Laon, canons of, 348, 388.

-, diocese of, 250.

Laonkcwt, John Johannis of, 551.

Lapomerage, William de, 355.

Lapworth [co. Warw.], 317.

Largs, diocese of Glasgow, 290.

La Roche, abbot and convent of, 142.

Lasceles, Alan de, 261.

Lascy. See Lasy.

Lassewade, Master Richard de, 63.

Lasswade, Lessuade [Scotland], 30, 61.

Lastene, Henry de, 341.

La Tenaille, abbot of, 276.

Lateran Council, 23, 496.

Laterell, Lacell, Alan de, 252.

Lauduno, Raymond de, 420, 438.

Lanetor, John, 466.

Laufare. See Laver.

Laugharne, Thallertherne [co. Carma.], 567.

Laughton, Lacthon, diocese of Lincoln, 388.

Launde, prior of, 296.

Laurbeden, Adam de, 576.

Laurence, Master, 227.

-, kinsman of Innocent IV., 297.

Laurencekirk. See Cuneveth.

Lausanne, canons of, 348, 594.

-, William, precentor of, 228, 344.

-, provost of, 572.

Lavalle, Master Robert de, 503.

Lavania, provost of St. Saviour's, 616.

-, Angelerius de, 273.

-, Opixus de, 486.

-, Percival de, 483, 507, 512, 524, 543.

-, Tedisius de, 242, 267, 276, 308.

-, William de, 288.

-, William, son of Mussus, count of, 345.

Laveça, Master Anthony de, 612.

Laveday, Roger, 466.

Lavenham [co. Suffolk], 371.

Laventon, Peter de, 543.

Laver, Little, Laufare Parva [co. Essex], 326, 532.

Laver- Magdalen, Laufar [co. Essex], 330.

Lavington [co. Wilts], 457.

Lawe, 558.

Lawyle, Lawile, Master Thomas de, 381.

-, Master William de, 334, 390.

Lawys, Robert, 482.

Laxenton, Robert de, 51.

Laxton [co. Northants], 91, 356.

Laxiniaco. See Lexiniaco.

Laxonby, Leysingby [co. Cumb.], 360.

Lea, 284, 311.

Leadenham, Ledenam [co. Lincoln], 239, 241.

Leake, Lek [co. York], 117.

Leamington, Liminton [co. Warwick], 84.

Leanham. See Lenham.

Leasingham, Levisengham [co. Linc.], 51.

Lebel, John, 352.

Leboteler, Robert de, 358.

Lebrun, Framund, 367, 389, 457, 460.

-, John, 620.

Lebutiler, William, 499.

Leche, Dionisia de, 153.

Lecbelade, Walter de, 452.

Lechlade, hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 541.

Lecke, 46.

Leçnes. See Lesnes.

Ledbury [co. Hereford], 202, 533.

Ledecumbe. See Letsombe.

Ledhgavel [Scotland], 521.

Ledsham, Ledesham [co. York], 462.

Lee [co. Bucks], 364.

Leeds, Lides [co. Kent], 175, 234, 236, 280, 315.

-, prior of, 138.

-, prior and convent of, 125.

Lefalconer, John, 324.

Lefled, Godric, 558.

Lefranceys, John, 210.

Lefton, manor of [co. Devon], 33.

Lefwin the carpenter, 558.

Legerwood, Leggardewde [Scotland], 106.

Legh. See Canonleigh.

Legha, Reginald de, 551.

Legno [Ireland], 36.

Legranbit, David, 519.

Legrant, John, 620.

Legrosse, Joan, 522.

Lehespicier, Adam de, 620.

Leicester, 59, 84.

-, archdeacon of, 408, 602, 605, 616.

-, St. Mary de Pratis, abbot and convent of, 8.

-, church of the monastery of St. Mary de Pratis, 518.

Leicester, countess of, 422, 434, 439.

-, Blanche, wife of Edmund, earl of, 522.

-, Henry and Simon, sons of the earl of, 411.

-, Simon de Montfort, earl of, 34, 36, 37, 167, 168, 172, 239, 430.

-, earl of. See Edmund, also Montfort.

Leicestria, Master Raynold de, 127.

Leigh, Legha [co. Stafford, 551].

-, abbess and convent of, 485, 490.

Leighlin, 18.

Leighlin, 18.

-, archdeacon of, 8, 141, 451.

-, bishop of, 8, 18, 141, 282, 294, 304, 869, 451, 481, 555.

-, chapter of, 282.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 282.

-, dean and chapter of, 451.

-, see of, 242.

-, treasurer of, 260.

Leirtorp, 311.

Lek. See Leake.

Leiston [co. Suffolk], abbot of, 47.

Leke, John de, 51.

Lelleia, Robert de, 59.

Le Mans, bishop and chapter of, 43, 89, 153.

-, bishop, dean, archdeacon, and chapter of, 53, 54.

-, canons of, 152, 544.

-, Stephen of, 215.

Lemecer, Hildebrand, 534.

Lemnalare. See Lumlair.

Lemovicis, Master Peter de, 289.

Lemoyne, Hugh, 357.

Lengham. See Langham.

Lenham, Leanham [co. Kent], 121, 271, 290, 334, 361, 585.

Lenidruim [Ireland], 18.

Lenn. See Lynn.

Lenthona, Peter de, 505.

Lenton, prior of, 406, 407.

-, prior and convent of, 118, 140, 355.

-, prior and monks of, 18, 19.

-, priory of, 505, 507.

Leo, Hugh, son of Peter, 223.

Leominister [co. Sussex], 28.

Leon, 472.

Leonard, Master, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 401, 423.

-, nephew of Innocent III., 38.

Leonem, Joan, 513.

Le Poer, John, 270.

Le Puy, archdeacon of, 461, 463.

-, canon of, 275, 279.

-, canonry of, 400.

-, Master Raymund, dean of, 463.

-, -, 461, 463.

Lery, John of Stanstead, 602.

Lesiniaco. See Lexiniaco.

Lesnes, alias Westwood, Leçnes, diocese of Rochester, 307.

-, abbot of, 169.

Lessay, abbot and convent of, 483.

-, Thomas, a monk of, 483.

Lesselin [Ireland], 175.

Lessingon, William de, 326.

Lessington. See Lissington.

Lessuade. See Lasswade.

Lestrange, Haymo, 411.

-, Roger, 555, 556, 557.

Letchworth [co. Herts], 597.

Letcombe Basset [co. Berks], 543.

Leti, Peter, 413.

Letta, Florentine merchant, 395.

Letyng, Walter, 517.

Leukenore, Thomas de, 376.

Levcot, John, 620.

Leven, Levenen [co. York], 530.

-, fishery of, 107.

-, M. earl of, 107.

Leverington, Leurington [co. Camb.], 187.

Lewawassur, Richard and William, 308.

Lewelin. See Llewellyn.

Lewes, archdeacon of, 138, 215, 256, 261, 264, 269.

-, Cluniac priory of, 180.

-, prior of, 603.

-, prior and convent of, 113, 119, 173, 350, 391.

-, chapel of St. John Baptist, 404.

Lewis, 49.

-, VIII. king of France, 98–100, 102, 113.

-, IX. king of France, 118, 120, 123, 127, 227, 249, 422, 426, 435, 439.

-, son of the king of France, 55.

-, son of Philip II. king of France, 41, 43, 47, 51, 56, 62, 63, 67.

Lexanton, John de, 297.

Lexham, East, Estlethesham [co. Norfolk], 349.

Lexiniaco, Lasiniaco, Lesiniaco, Geoffrey de, 105.

-, Guy de, 248, 279.

Lexinton, Robert de, 168.

-, William de, 211.

Leyborn, Roger de, 411, 444.

Leycestria, Ralph de, 206.

-, Richard de, 185.

-, Robert de, 581.

-, Master Roger de, 381.

Leyland, Lelund [co. Lanc.], 18.

Leyrcestria, Simon de, 138.

Leys [Ireland], 18.

Leysingby. See Lazonby.

Lezigniaco, Aymar de, 260.

Leziniac. See Lambron.

Leziniaco. See Lexiniaco.

Lichefeld, Master Thomas de, 108.

Lichen, Affrica, daughter of Reginald, 497.

Lichfelde, Master Thomas de, 241.

Lichfield, bishop of. See Coventry.

-, canons of, 214, 278, 314, 479, 482, 485, 506, 507, 509, 515, 517, 530, 559, 561, 571, 572, 574, 581, 583, 589, 591, 596, 601, 603, 609.

-, chapter of, 610.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 218.

-, dean of, 81, 96, 104, 510.

-, Henry dean, P. archdeacon, R. precentor, and Master William of, 262.

-, dean and chapter of, 80, 218, 601.

-, dean and precentor of, 104.

-, prebend of, 533.

-, precentor of, 104, 214, 221, 278.

-, treasurer of, 252, 332.

-, treasurer and precentor of, 196.

Lichfield, Alexander de, 215.

-, Th. de, 135.

-, William de, 169, 215.

Liddes. See Lydd.

Lidebiri, Martin de, 213.

Lidel, Thomas, 426, 430.

Lidney, Lidney [co. Gloucester], 222, 485.

Lides. See Leeds [co. Kent].

Lidesulve. See Litchfield.

Liege, Theobald, bishop of, 611.

-, canons of, 497, 587, 595.

-, prebend of, 545.

Lifaite, William, 262.

Lifton[co. Devon], 593.

Ligne. See Lyng.

Lilleford. See Lydford.

Lille, canons of St. Peter's, 347.

-, V. dean and Fulk and B. canons of, 124.

Lilleschae [Scotland], 16.

Lilleshall [co. Salop], monastery of, 52.

Lillington [co. Warwick], 510.

Lillisclive [Scotland], 106.

Lilstock, Lullinstoke [co. Somerset], 17.

Limassol, bishop of, 224.

Limerick, 35.

-, bishop of, 50, 68, 110, 117, 146, 168, 229, 231, 253, 289, 300, 610.

-, canon of, 512.

-, Friars Minors at, 487.

-, king of, 38, 74.

Limian [Ireland], 370.

Liminton. See Leamington.

Limisia, R. de, 47.

Limoges, bishop of, 12, 13.

-, viscount of, 105.

-, J. de, 135, 136.

Limpsfield [co. Surrey], 518.

Limyurenan [Ireland], 370.

Linby, Lindebi [co. Notts], 19.

Lince, 571.

Lincoln, 76, 284, 311.

-, archdeacon of, 47, 92, 100, 121, 123, 289, 317.

-, bishop of, 2–6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 24, 34, 37, 66, 85, 89, 95, 97, 103, 114, 116, 126, 132, 137, 143, 149, 154, 155, 158, 163, 167, 168, 170, 176, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 189, 191, 195, 202, 207–209, 214, 216, 219, 220, 223, 225, 230, 232, 234, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 248, 249, 255, 257, 263, 264, 266, 284, 289, 309, 310, 313, 317, 326, 340, 344, 352, 353, 359, 361, 369, 372, 375, 382, 400, 401, 404, 413, 414, 419, 421, 435, 436, 438–440, 452, 466, 471, 484, 485, 494, 502, 503, 510, 512, 521, 523, 524, 529, 534, 543, 544, 546–548, 550, 552–554, 560, 564–566, 580, 581, 588, 589, 590, 592, 595–597, 612, 615.

-, bishop and chapter of, 89.

-, bishop and dean of, 232.

-, bishop, dean, and chapter of, 185, 203, 204.

-, the bishop, dean, and subdean of, 9.

-, bishop, treasurer, and chancellor of, 150.

Lincoln, canons of, 9, 17, 34, 123, 151, 202, 208, 216, 221, 237, 266, 325, 352, 353, 471, 503, 508, 512, 533, 544, 557, 560, 568, 569, 571, 572, 580, 581, 588, 589, 594, 602, 605, 611, 612.

-, cathedral, 538.

-, chancellor of, 60, 87, 107, 120, 172, 451, 456, 468, 472, 484.

-, chancellor, precentor, and subdean of, 107.

-, chancellor and treasurer of, 230.

-, chapter of, 57, 178, 560, 596.

-, dean of, 11, 13, 14, 31, 55, 100, 121, 123, 218, 242, 297, 327, 331, 359, 391, 456, 466, 483, 531.

-, dean, chancellor, and subdean of, 100.

-, dean, chancellor, and precentor of, 50.

-, dean and chapter of, 26, 32, 50, 57, 82, 189, 202, 275, 595.

-, dean, precentor, chancellor, and treasurer of, 202.

-, dean, subdean, and chancellor of, 60, 87.

-, dean of Christianity, 123.

-, deanery of, 305.

-, official of, 572, 590.

-, prebends of, 57, 145, 208, 373, 484, 518, 548, 555.

-, prebend of Nasington in, 484.

-, precentor of, 13, 22, 107, 466, 468, 469, 472, 483, 484.

-, subdean of, 60, 87, 100, 107, 468.

-, monastery of St. Katherine, 523.

-, church of St. Margaret, 221.

-, church of St. Peter in Eastgate, 221.

-, see of, 13.

-, treasurer of, 168, 354, 466, 592.

Lincoln, countess of, 274.

-, earl of, 195, 293, 549.

-, Henry, earl of, 592.

-, earl of. See Lacy.

-, Master Adam de, 323.

Lincolnia, Master Walter de, 414.

-, William de, 255, 518.

Lindeby. See Linby.

Lindegros [Scotland], 28.

Lindores, Lundors, abbey of, 5, 476.

-, abbot and convent of, 330, 341, 494, 497, 520.

-, town and mill of, 520, 521.

Lindsey, S. de, 46, 47.

Linford, Master John de, 296.

Lingeborche, land in, 28.

Lingwood [co Norfolk], 253.

Linlithgow, Linlithou, 482, 491.

Lintewetestre, 13.

Linton, diocese of Glasgow, 315.

Lintonia, Master Adam de, 269.

Lintton, William de, 268.

Lisieux, bishop of, 131.

-, canon of, 388.

Lismore, 35.

-, Andrew, archdeacon of, 367.

-, bishop of, 15, 37, 69, 70, 178, 197, 209, 218, 236, 293, 297, 367, 369, 437, 439, 440, 444, 490, 500, 518.

-, bishop and chapter of, 292, 370, 371.

-, bishop and the chapter of, 70.

-, canon of, 370.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 292.

-, dean of, 367.

-, dean and chapter of, 15, 368.

-, diocese of, 154.

-, Master John, precentor of, 367.

-, See of, 229.

Lismullen, Lissomulin, diocese of Meath, prioreas and convent of Holy Trinity, 372.

Lisrodrach [Ireland], 370.

Lissington, Lessington [co. Lincoln], 462.

Listun, or Temple Liston, in Lothian, 30, 61.

Litchfield, Lidesulve [co. Hants], 359.

Litheburne. See Littlebourn.

Lithom. See Lytham.

Lithum. See Lytham.

Litlebrand, land of, 558.

Litlington, diocese of Lincoln, 238.

Littlebourn, Litheburne Livingburne, [co. Kent], 164–166, 172, 177, 236, 585.

Littleton [co. Hants], 21, 201.

Llanbadarn Vawr, diocese of St. Davids, 508.

Llanbister, Lambister [co. Radnor], 282.

Llandaff, archdeacon of, 508, 519, 542.

-, bishop of, 81, 82, 190, 237, 305, 316, 353, 375, 519, 520, 535, 565.

-, canons of, 506, 517, 530.

-, chapter of, 519.

-, clergy and people of the diocese of, 519.

-, dean of, 548.

-, diocese, 151.

-, treasurer of, 557.

Llandewy Brevi, Landeuwibrevi [co. Cardigan], 567.

Llangadock [co. Carmarthen], 508.

Llangwrig, Langyric, diocese of Bangor, 559.

Llanspyddid, Landspetit [co. Brecon], 46.

Llanthetty [co. Brecon], 567.

Llanthony, prior of, 42, 144.

Llantrisaint, Lantressan, diocese of Llandaff, 557.

Llewellyn, Lewelin, 43, 139.

-, Llewelyn, prince of Wales, 64, 153, 431, 452, 463, 477.

-, prince of North Wales, 13, 19, 87, 93.

-, -, and Joan his wife, 109.

Lochleven, 30, 61.

Lochluacra [Ireland], 370.

Lochmabain, Lowchmabain, Logmaban, diocese of Glasgow, 337, 367, 539.

Lochwin [Scotland], 106.

Lochwinnoc [co. Renfrew], 107.

Loddiswell, Lodeswell [co. Devon], 581, 583.

Loddon, Lodnes [co. Norfolk], 307, 310.

Loders, Londres [co. Dorset], 371.

Loef, Peter, 564.

Lombard, Thomas, 275.

London, 28, 417, 431.

-, All Saints, 415.

-, -, Bread Street, 524.

-, archdeacon of, 7, 38, 64, 125, 127, 404, 406, 573, 580.

-, bishop of, 9, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29–35, 37, 43, 48, 57, 81, 89, 90, 96, 97, 112, 124, 132, 138, 140, 152, 192, 203, 208, 219, 223, 242, 255, 258, 265, 268, 280, 293, 306, 313, 316, 327, 348, 359, 366, 373, 404, 406, 416, 419, 421, 435, 438, 441–444, 455, 459, 467, 486, 499, 502, 503, 514, 528, 529, 533, 549, 571, 576, 594, 598–600, 602, 607, 608, 616.

-, bishop and chapter of, 417.

-, bishop and dean of, 107, 258.

-, bishop, dean, and chancellor of, 26.

-, canons of St. Paul's, 25, 112, 125, 130, 160, 169, 187, 202, 211, 215, 240, 262, 279, 282, 299, 302, 314, 317, 334, 346, 347, 349, 350, 364, 417, 455, 471, 473, 478, 485, 489, 493, 496, 509, 515, 524, 525, 532, 559, 561, 570, 573, 574, 580, 583, 584, 585, 588, 589, 591, 593, 594, 595, 597, 598–602, 604, 607–609, 612, 617.

-, chancellor of, 141, 176, 202, 218, 228, 333, 362, 363.

-, chancellor and treasurer of, 169.

-, chapter of, 499.

-, citizens of, 158, 441.

-, dean of, 23, 125, 132, 133, 199, 203, 307, 310, 345, 392, 404, 406, 471, 529, 531, 533, 551, 552, 570, 587, 588, 592, 599, 609.

-, dean and archdeacon of, 395.

-, dean archdeacon, and chancellor, 194.

-, dean, archdeacon, and precentor of, 77.

-, dean and chancellor, 149.

-, dean and chapter of, 81, 192, 276, 354, 526.

-, dean and official of, 395.

-, deanery of, 306, 417.

-, official of, 125, 366, 404, 489, 493.

-, prebends of, 68, 373, 377, 415, 525, 533.

-, precentor of, 33, 296, 299, 353, 489.

-, treasurer of, 458.

-, the church called Florecia, in the diocese of, 475.

-, Carmelites' church in, 573.

London, church of the Friars Minors of, 522.

-, prior of the Friars Preachers, 265.

-, Ralph, canon of Holy Trinity, 310.

-, prior of Holy Trinity, 132, 133, 143, 157, 191, 200, 247, 264, 299, 315, 348, 408, 443.

-, prior and convent of Holy Trinity, 52, 192, 276.

-, priors of Holy Trinity and St. Bartholomew's, 167.

-, prior of St. Bartholomew's, 125, 489.

-, prior and convent of St. Bartholomew's, 264, 276.

-, sisters of St. Clare, 560, 562, 575.

-, monastery of St. Helen, 521.

-, canons of St. Martin's, 348, 577.

-, dean of St. Martin's, 242, 362, 364, 366, 531, 560, 614.

-, dean and chapter of St. Martin's, 140.

-, deanery of St. Martin's, 530.

-, canon of St. Mary's, 127.

-, St. Mary Colechurch, 341.

-, dean of St. Mary-le-Bow, 125, 127, 136, 348, 395.

-, hospital of St. Mary, Rouncevall, 164.

-, St. Mildred, 578.

-, chaplain of St. Nicholas in the Shambles, 140.

-, St. Peter, Cornhill, 416.

-, See of, 366.

-, Master of the Temple in, 27, 170.

-, New Temple, 228, 385, 417, 444, 492.

-, Tower of, 493.

London, Master Gervase of, 363.

-, John de, papal writer, 70.

-, Reginald de, 255.

-, Richard de, 215.

-, Master Robert de, 321.

-, W. de, 211.

-, Master Walter de, 175.

Londoniis, Andrew de, 455.

-, Gregory de, 404, 406.

-, Robert de, 107.

Londonis, William de, 289.

Longbride [Scotland], 175.

Longespée, William de, earl of Salisbury, 167, 232, 233, 234, 242, 255.

Longney, Langeney [co. Glouc.], 46.

Longo-prato, Acard de, 533.

Lonkeincenton. See Itchington, Long.

Losse. See Luss.

Lot, Ralph, 360.

Loterel. See Luterel.

Lotewrth. See Lutterworth.

Lothar, David de, 408.

Lothian, 30, 61.

-, archdeacon of, 29, 382, 576.

-, archdeacon and dean of, 199.

Lotton. See Lutton.

London, Peter de, 601.

Louder. See Lowther.

Loudre, Master G. de, 81.

Loughborough [co. Leic.], 479.

Loughsewdy, Loxondi, Loxuidic, diocese of Meath, 509, 541.

Loundres, Henry de, 458.

Louth, Lwguede, Luiuid, diocese of Armagh, prior of, 233.

-, St. Mary, 22, 476.

Louth Park, abbot of, 172.

Louthre, Master G. de, 91.

Louvel. See Lovel.

Louviers, manor of, 1.

Lovel, Lovell, Louvel, Luvel, Luvell, Fulk, 314.

-, Philip, 261, 289, 321, 330, 336, 364.

-, Roger, 268, 273, 277, 289, 292, 302, 304, 324.

Lovetot, John de, 600, 605, 607, 610.

-, Nicholas de, 525.

Loviers. See Louviers.

Lowdham, Ludham, Luham [co. Notts], 51, 488.

Loweputte. See Luppitt.

Lowick, Luffwick [co. Northants], 187.

Lowther, Loudr [co. Westm.], 216.

Loxoudi. See Loughsewdy.

Loxuidie. See Loughsewdy.

Luca, Master Simon de, 479.

Lucca, bishop of, 612.

-, canon of, 482.

-, citizens of, 402.

-, merchants of, 477–479, 481.

Luceby, Henry de, 589, 590, 597, 599, 616.

Lucham, William de, 601.

Luci, G. de, 132.

-, Philip de, 231.

Lucius, pope, 28.

Luckheim, Master, William de, 231.

Luco, John de, 485, 573.

-, Master John de, 471, 473, 478, 486, 492, 493, 496, 509, 524, 559, 561, 580, 583, 584, 590, 591, 595.

Lucreurch, or Lucrewich, Master John de, 349.

Lucy, Godfrey, 23.

-, Philip de, 95, 226.

-, Stephen de, 95, 105.

Luda, Thomas de, 253, 342, 346, 348.

-, William de, 505.

Ludborough [co. Line.], 271.

Luddington [co. Linc.], 331.

Ludelewe, Master Philip de, 3.

Ludham. See Lowdham

Lufche, Walter de, 461.

Luffenham, North, Northlufeam [co. Rutland], 91.

Luffwick. See Lowick.

Lugubalia, Carliale, 91.

Luham. See Lowdham.

Luiuid. See Louth.

Luke, Master, 529.

Lullinstoke. See Lilstock.

Lumberd, a layman, 12.

Lumlair, Lemnalare [Scotland], 175.

Lumley, Great and Little [co. Durham], 570.

Lumphortyn, Lungportin, Lingportin [Scotland], 30, 61.

Lund, [co. York], 294.

Lundores. See Lindores.

Lundres, Robert de, 521.

Lungportin. See Lumphortyn.

Luppitt, Loweputte [co. Devon], 351.

Luss, Loise [Scotland], 30, 61.

Luterel, Loterel, Geoffrey, 52.

-, John, 616.

Lutterworth, Lotewrth [co. Leic.], 289, 364.

Lutton, Letton, Lotton [co. Hunts.], 284, 311.

Luvel. See Lovel.

Luvell. See Lovel.

Lwguede. See Louth.

Lyda, Adam de, 466.

Lydd, Liddes, Lyddes, Lydes. See Leeds [co. Kent].

Lydford, Lilleford [co. Devon], 169.

Lyme [co. Dorset], 341.

Lynn, Lenn, Lyng, Ligne [co. Norf.], 125, 327.

Lyons, archbishop of, 244, 421, 437, 507, 508, 557.

-, John, nephew of J., late archbishop of, 68.

-, canons of, 580, 617.

-, council of, 383, 446, 449, 453, 455, 457, 458, 464, 474, 481, 482, 486, 490, 505, 509, 514, 515, 517, 519, 524, 525, 527, 528, 541, 545–552, 557, 567, 581, 587, 588, 590, 603.

-, letters dated, 257, 258, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 344.

-, St. Irenæus, letters dated at, 258, 270.

-, St. John's, 231, 232.

-, seneschal of, 303.

-, sentence pronounced at, 448.

Lyth, Master Richard de, 538.

Lytham, Lithum, Lithom [co. Lanc.], 293, 616.

Lythe [co. York], 536, 537.