Cecil Papers: August 1599, 6-10

Pages 273-286

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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August 1599, 6–10

Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 6. Since my last unto your Honour I have heard again that the Spanish fleet are “nyre” ready to set forth from the Groyne, wherein there are many galleys : whether to meet the Flemings in their return (having taken the Canaries, as I hear), or, missing them, to put into some part of this Western coast or Ireland, being beyond my small reach to conceive, I leave to your better intelligence. The wants of this place for some stronger guard of men, munitions and “additament” to this new fort, half naked for want of it, it is now too late to make suit for. If the Lord of Hosts vouchsafe to preserve us here this season, I will acquit my duty in relating to your Honours the next winter the no more than most needful helps for better securing thereof hereafter. In the mean there shall not want in myself, with the small company that are here to assist me, the sufficient performance of our best service.—From her Majesty's Fort in Silley, 6 August, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 29.)
Stephen Soame, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 6. I understand by this bearer Mr. Adye, one of her Majesty's shipwrights, of a most notable device to avoid the danger that our own ships now lying upon the river may work, and to annoy the enemy; whom I have sent unto you to relate the same at large. I beseech you, if you like of that plot, to procure my Lord Admiral his warrant to bring the ships together.—London, 6 August, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (72. 30.)
W., Earl of Bath to the Privy Council.
1599, Aug. 6. Albeit I have not hitherto answered your Lordships' three several letters, the one of them dated this 25th of July (but came not to my hands until six days after) touching the preparation of the forces of this country to withstand any attempt of the enemy upon this coast; and the other two letters of the 27th of July and the 2nd of this present August, for the impress of mariners and sending them to Chatham; yet I pray you to be persuaded that in matters of such weighty importance I would not neglect my duty, but only did forbear some few days until I might fully satisfy you in all of my proceedings; and therefore now signify to you the readiness of the said forces; and upon advertisement of the continual intelligence of the approach of the enemy to invade Plymouth, or some other part of this country, I have drawn them into two heads, and laid them in this manner : viz., at Plymouth, the regiment of Sir Robert Bassett, knight, and Hugh Pollarde, Esq., containing in number 2,000, with the which and with certain troops of horses, I marched hither yesterday, being the 5 of this month, where I found out of the country nearest adjoining a 1,000 more well provided under their several conductors. The rest of the regiments, namely, Sir William Courtney, Mr. John Drake (in the behalf of Sir Thomas Denys), Sir George Carey's regiment, and part of Mr. Seymor's, to the number of 3,000 more, I have caused to remain at Dartmouth, Totnes and Torbay, for the defence of those places, because there came some notice lately from the sea by a Scot to Plymouth of the enemy's intent to land there; and yet notwithstanding, they are upon all occasions to march hither, or we to them, being but 18 miles distant, as need shall require : whereof I thought it good upon my first repair unto the town to certify you, entreating you that when you shall find cause of dismissment, I may speedily receive notice thereof, for the satisfaction and ease of the country, unto whom I find it an exceeding great charge, that may not long be well endured. And for such aid as is to come from the neighbouring counties (if there should be cause), I have long since prayed them to be in readiness, which I hear they are, and that they do only stay for further direction from me. Touching the imprest of mariners, I have herewith sent the roll of so many as I' could find fit for that service in the North part of the country, and I doubt not but they will be at Chatham at the time limited. And for the South coast, I commended that service to the Vice-Admiral, who doth in like manner advertise you of his proceedings therein, being sorry I could send no greater numbers of them, for the most part are at Newfoundland and in other voyages abroad. I have likewise made stay of all the shipping of this North coast, as the Vice-Admiral hath done in the South, and pray you to give order for the satisfaction of the monies disbursed about this service, according to the note enclosed, unto such person as the Vice-Admiral shall appoint to receive the residue by him laid out for the mariners of other places. Hoping to receive speedy answer of your acceptance hereof, and of the poor estate of the great numbers of people here and elsewhere assembled in this busy time of harvest.—6 August, 1599, late at night.
Holograph. 2 pp. (72. 31.)
John Arundell of Lanherne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 6. By letter from the Lieutenant of the Tower, of August 1, and the Council of the 4th, he is commanded to provide 2 lances and 3 light horses, furnished with money for their charges, to be sent to the Strand by the 12th. Is willing to do all the service he can, but is summoned to appear in person on Saturday next, and is likely to be committed, so that all the credit he has is hardly able to furnish him with money and necessaries, being in bare estate by reason of his mother's living, his continual charge in paying the statute and other impositions, and in lending £100 on privy seal. It is impossible for him to raise money, and all his armour, enough to arm 100 men, is taken from him. If he must needs be set to this charge, prays that he may have his liberty to effect it.—Highgate, 6 August, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (72. 32.)
John Arundell of Lanherne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 6. Acknowledges Cecil's courtesy in obtaining for him liberty to travel into the country, and his honourable speeches to his brother Stourton at his return. Amongst the rest of the recusants he has received warrant to appear on Saturday before my Lord of Canterbury, and is likely to be committed, as heretofore he has been, to Banbury. Prays Cecil that he may be forborne as long as may be, so that at the least he may be committed in or about London. Being so far from his country as he is, and having many suits at law, his commitment to Banbury will breed him very great prejudice.—Highgate, 6 August, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 33.)
Sir Thomas Wylsford to the Privy Council.
1599, Aug. 6. I have received your letters of the 4th of August, being most sorry thereby to understand your heavy censures of my slackness in her Majesty's service, which I have always, with hazard both of my life and goods, sought to advance. This East division of Kent was the last that was appointed to be mustered and trained by the muster-master, the certificate whereof could not by the first appointment be certified as yet, though the foulness of the weather had given no let to it. The muster-master (under reformation) is to certify to my Lord Lieutenant the muster-rolls, myself never having been trained therein. And yet so soon as I came down, which was the 1st of August, though I was then very ill and sick, I went the next day to see his doings, at which time I received letters to command me presently to take a view of Thanet and the Downs, and to consider what trenches and other earth works were fit to be made there to resist and impeach the enemy, and to certify the same with all speed, the which is done accordingly. I have been and still am so busy in despatching letters to the captains in every division to have their companies in readiness, as also for a further increase of horse by the gentlemen and their servants, according to my former directions of the 1st of August, as I cannot yet return to the muster-master again, who doth still proceed in his former course. My humble desire is that you will impose no further charge upon me than the managing of the actions of the wars, fortifications, and other earthworks in these parts, if there shall be such occasion. I have been so willing to serve her Majesty and my country, as attending to the same I have “forstowed” my own private affairs, whereby I lost in one matter £500 in Westminster Hall. Moreover, to further her Majesty's service, I have disbursed for the country at times almost £400 more than I can receive again, besides £2,000 spent in wars, over and above such entertainment as is due to me from her Majesty.—6 August, 1599.
Holograph, Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Wilford.” 2 pp. (72. 34.)
Thomas Mansell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 6. The Earl of Kildare, attending her Majesty's service for Ireland, embarked himself and sundry gentlemen to be transported thither, amongst whom my brother Charles Mansell was one. Of their hard fortune in passage, divers rumours have been reported, that first, being weather driven, they should be enforced to Scotland or to the Isle of Man; a later speech hath been spread that they should be captives in Spain; of the certainty whereof I shall crave of you, if any advertisement of the estate of the Earl of Kildare came to her Majesty, or if you heard any certainty thereof, that you will vouchsafe that I may understand the same. The doubt and grief to lose a brother causeth me to make thus bold.—Morgan, 6 August, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Mansell.” 1 p. (72. 35.)
Edward Homden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 8. Encloses a letter for Sir Robert from Venice. Intelligence is written thither that the Queen is dead. It was there taken to be true, the rather that there was an ordinary post come that should have brought letters'from England, and brought none, as though the passage had been stopped in England : but, the Almighty be thanked! it is not as the enemy would have it. If Cecil has any occasion to write to Venice, he can send letters very safely.—8 August, '99.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Alderman Holmden.” ½ p. (72. 37.)
Sebastian de Montesdoca to Christobal Sanchez.
1599, Aug. 8/18. From Cape St. Vincent and Lisbon I wrote to you of my health and our voyage and arrival at Barca. The Adelantado is gone on into the port and we shall go in to-morrow. We shall all start for England. All the pilots say that it is late for the galleys; between Lisbon and this place, we expected to lose all the galleys; we were as it were at the bottom of a dungeon, so that it was a wonder we were not all choked.—Barca, 18 August.
Endorsed :—“18 August, 1599;” and in Cecil's hand, “This shows they once fully purposed to go for England.” Spanish. 1 p. (72. 79.)
John Trevor to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral.
1599, Aug. 9. Understanding that one Mr. Ferris, a merchant of London (as one thinketh that gaveth me information hereof, of Gracious Street), coming through Rochester from Dover, gave out that a cooper of Dover, that was newly come from Bullen, told him how that an English young man in a “rasse” pair of hose, and in a fustian doublet with open sleeves, and in a hat with a feather, had been in hand with a poor Bullener to carry him over for London, there to receive four passengers besides himself, and to return presently back again to Bullen; but the poor man, although the English man had offered him 50 crowns, would not bargain with him, saying he doubted he had some persons to transport by whom he might have trouble. Thereupon the Englishman brake off with him, and closed with another of that town for 40 crowns upon Tuesday last, and is come in a small ketch for London.
Because I have seen your Lordship's letter to Sir Henry Palmer, to lie in wait for one described to be in a doublet of that making, and a pair of “rasse” hose, and bound for London from Treport, I have conceived that this may be the man, and have held it my duty to give you speedy advertisement, that if you think good you may stay to lay hands on the man until his other four consorts, which he cometh for, be come unto him, so as they may be all taken together; otherwise if they shall hear of his apprehension, it may be they will not so easily be discovered. It may please you to send for Mr. Ferris (whether it be the same that was agent for the merchant in the East countries or no, I know not); by him you may have better understanding of the man, and of the vessel wherein he cometh. I have written to Sir Henry Palmer of this man, and that he cometh from Bullen, that he may look out for him as well in barks of that place as of Treport. But if you will have Sir Henry to forbear dealing with him until he come up, to the end to take him and his mates together, it may please you to write to Sir Henry.—Chatham, 9 August, 1599.
[P.S.] :—Men begin to come in in good numbers. If they hold on, the ships shall set sail hence on Monday, and some sooner, unless you command otherwise.
Holograph. On the back :—“Chatham at 12 of the clock. At Rochester the 9 day past one in the afternoon. London, Thursday at allmost 9 in the night.” 2 pp. (72. 38.)
Andro Boche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 9. I thought it not amiss to let you understand more than yet you know of those letters that were to go for Spain in the ship of Waterford, which were delivered to Sr Conohur mac Awlyffe, priest to Doctor Teig, a divine or preacher in the province of Munster. Besides, there was another young priest in the ship, a cousin of Dr. Teige, who had no small store of letters in the Latin tongue to carry for Spain, as I will prove if I might be indifferently heard, for I am so overborne by the “lawiersi” of Waterford and their friends, having great means, riches and ability, that what they say is current. If William Lyncoll and Thomas Collyn meant well to the State, they should have brought the priests and all the letters at once with me. No, they never thought it, for then their villainous intent had been “desscred,” purposed by them and their adherents a long time, for there were many letters there, directed to divers priests and prelates of Waterford, as well in Spain as in Italy. I know not whether they were written in Waterford or not, but they were brought there, and one of the priests, with all such things as they said mass withal, at which time they were landed at Waterford by night, and I was brought before the Mayor, where I was examined as concerning two English letters that I had. They were but the copies of two Latin letters which I prayed the secretary of the Desmond to translate, because one of them was concerning myself. They were not sealed when Lyncoll had them from me, but it pleased him to deliver them with three seals on either letter, as though they were the very same that was to be delivered to the King of Spain. I was brought by the Mayor of Waterford before the Earl of Ormond, and examined touching those letters, and any other thing I knew concerning the State. Something I delivered, but when I saw that those of Waterford prevailed so much and did discountenance me, and noted but what them pleased, I began to say little, for what I said prevailed me nothing at all, the Mayor and his brethren being there. The secretary also was of Waterford, which noted what I said, but very partially. After this I was committed to prison, where no man had conference with me, nor was permitted to write, or send to Sir Thomas Noryes' house, [whose] warrant I had to come without danger; no warrant could prevail me, but [I] remained prisoner till such time as those of Waterford made their own parts good against me, as well in England as in Ireland. I think they had a letter of favour to the Council for their services done; but I will prove that their service was to the King of Spain. Then I was brought before the Earl of Essex, where Sir Thomas Norrys was present, who said he sent me such a warrant, but I showed it to the Desmond and the rest of the rebels, and. that he that brought it me I caused him to be hanged. But I assure you that the man is alive, and will bring 1,000 witnesses for the same, and to prove that the rebels never saw my warrant, I delivered it to the Earl of Ormond : but them of Waterford prevail so against me that I have it not again, nor any mention is made of it in my examination that is sent into England. So the Earl of Essex willed me to confess what I could say of the rebels; but when I saw that I could not get my warrant, and that I was beset on every side, I answered that I would not confess anything more, except I might have my life. Then I was taken away to the gaol, where now I remain. If you would know what is become of the other priest, I say that he was landed out of the ship in Odonovan's country, a rebel to whom William Lincoll and Thomas Collyn delivered him; also they bought and sold with them, as well powder as other things, for 5s. the pound in truck, ware for ware, to the same rebel. At my first coming into Ireland last winter, I was brought before Dr. Teigg and this priest, the Desmond being present, at which time they made me take oath to be true to them, and would not permit me to “hyer” or to be present at the sacrament of the altar, till such time as I had done them some service; so the next day we fought with Sir Thomas Norrys, where I was commanded to have the first skirmish. After that the said priests and I were joined together for Spain, they having all the letters, and I had but the two English copies, yet these priests and their letters are kept back from being presented before the State as I am. It may be that the Council is informed that they were brought to their appearance, but I assure you of no such matter, for they and all their letters went for Spain from Waterford soon after I came there. I assure you, and will approve, that the merchant of Waterford was sent to confer with James Fytz Thomas and John Fytz Thomas his brother, and also with Dr. Craghe and Father Archer. I was present at the same time and spoke with him, and do know the man. The man will not appear before the State or the Council at no time, for he cannot justify himself before me. If you will command that this man and the priests be brought all together, I will prove upon them and their adherents of Waterford, what they charged me with, and that myself meant no other thing but to learn all the news and secrets among the rebels, and to make it known to the Council. If you would remove me for England, or else write to the Earl of Essex that I may be removed to Dublin and be indifferently heard, so that the lawyers of Waterford do not discountenance me with their great ability, I do not doubt but to prove that they play double with the State in many ways. If myself had meant to go for Spain, I had better opportunity the last year, when I had a ship and a pinnace of my own, at what time took the ship wherein Edward Cornious was, who had certain English letters touching the state of England, and some Spanish letters to Sir William Standlie in the Low Country; and when I did read some of the English letters I took him to be a spy, and delivered him to the “Wyzs”-Admiral of Devon, Master Haryes, to be sent to the Council. I never meant but well to my prince and country, for I have been these 26 years in England, and never served any other prince but her Majesty, nor did not mean to do now. I desire that I may have indifferency, that my good meaning, and their double dealing, be known to the world. If you will know where these Latin letters were written, the most of them were written by one Mychhill Hussea, the chief schoolmaster in all Ireland, and also by James Walsh, in the house of Richard Trant in Dingell, the which Richard Trant, and all the inhabitants of the said town, were sworn afore me to James Fytz Thomas that they should renounce all loyalty and obedience to the Queen; and I saw the bands delivered to James Fytz Thomas at that time.—From the gaol of Kilkenny in Ireland, 9 August, '99.
Holograph. 3 pp. (72. 89.)
Stephen Soame, Lord Mayor, to the Privy Council.
1599, Aug. 9. I have acquainted my brethren the Aldermen with your letter touching the furnishing of 12 ships to accompany such other ships as shall be set forth by the Queen, and have propounded the same to our Common Council, who have given their consents for the furnishing of the ships, whereof nine are already gone down towards Gravesend, the other three are now in preparing to be sent down with all speed. According to the directions of your former letters, I have put in readiness 3,000 men, well sorted and armed, and have delivered them to be trained to certain captains chosen out of this city; and for their better assistance have adjoined to every one of them certain other of very good knowledge and practice in the wars, as their lieutenants. Besides these 3,000, whom I have enjoined to be ready at an hour's warning, I have taken order for the arming and furnishing of 3,000 more. These last, specially appointed for defence of this city, I am forced to appoint of such householders and others as have their houses and states within this city, and so are more sure and fit to be employed in defence of the same. For the whole number of persons fit to bear arms within this city, I understand that certain of my brethren the Aldermen, who attended you a few days since, have informed you upon conjecture that this city is able to afford and furnish 50,000 persons; wherein, lest you should conceive otherwise than the truth is, and be disappointed of that strength and number which you might expect, I thought it my duty to remember you that in 1588, when like occasion did enforce the like choice and levy of men, at what time also (being then Term) there were conversing within this city divers gentlemen, lawyers and others, with their attendants (upon whom the levy was likewise extended), there were found in all of able men, fit to bear arms, betwixt the age of 16 and 60, not above the number of 22,000, the city at that time being more populous and better replenished with inhabitants than it is at this time. Hereof I thought good to advertise you, that besides other loose and disordered persons (for the attaching and reforming of whom I have had of late a more special care) there are lately crept into this city divers recusants, who in their opinions and secret affections being averse from the present State, may prove very dangerous to the State and city, if any opportunity should offer itself : the care and reformation wherof I am to commend to your providence.—London, 9 August, 1599.
Signed. 1½ pp. (72. 41.)
Stephen Soame, Lord Mayor, to the Privy Council.
1599, Aug. 9. I received your late direction for the sinking of a sufficient number of ships in the river of Thames about Barking, to which purpose I have caused a view to be made by certain Aldermen, and one Adye (who propounded the matter to you), being assisted by the masters of her Majesty's ships; who having surveyed the river and sounded the channel at that place called Barking Shelf, find so many and great inconveniences by the sinking of the said ships as that they think the same no way fit to be attempted, for divers reasons, a copy whereof I send to you enclosed; but concur with us in this opinion, that the readiest and best defence for this present time is to address forth those 12 ships with all expedition towards the sea, and to have ready all the other ships on the Thames; and for impeaching the enemy's passage upon the river, to plant ordnance, well entrenched, upon the banks at Blackwall and other fit places : the ordering whereof I refer to your better advice.—London, 9 August, 1599.
[P.S.]—After the signing of this letter, I conferred with divers owners and masters of ships, and other merchants of good experience, who resorted to me about this business, who all concurred in the one opinion, that besides the speeding of these 12 ships towards the sea, the best and readiest defence for the Thames were to furnish some 20 hoys and “boyers,” which being well armed and able to wield and turn themselves within the river, would so annoy the enemy and impeach his passage as nothing more; which if you shall like of, then I am to pray you that, forasmuch as the city is otherwise put to great charges, as well about the arming and training of their land forces as for the furnishing of these 12 ships, and some other charges already expended about the bridge, it may please you to consider of some other means how the charge for the setting forth of the said hoys may be defrayed.
Signed. 1 p. (72. 43.)
The Enclosure :
A surrey taken by certain Aldermen of the City of London and the Masters of her Majesty's ships of a place called Barking Shelf in the river of Thames.
The river of Thames containeth in breadth over against Barking Church 833 yards.
The channel on the South part containeth 266 yards. The depth of the channel on the South part at low water is betwixtand 3 fathoms. The depth increaseth at high water to 11 yards in all. To stop the passage of the channel, there are to be sunk in the said place 83 ships, which, small and great, are to be valued at £300 the ship, which groweth to the charge of £25,000. It is found in the opinion of the said surveyors that the drowning of so many ships in that place will be the cause of drowning of the Marsh grounds there adjoining, the loss whereof is esteemed at £40,000. The recovery or weighing of the said ships so drowned is esteemed at £20,000. There is (as is thought) an impossibility to weigh and recover the said ships, which must be half laden with ballast, and not being recoverable, the river of Thames will be choked and spoiled, and the trade of the city wholly overthrown.—8 August, 1599.
1 p. (72. 36.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 9. By the Council's warrant I received yesterday into my charge William Alabaster, who importunes me to advertise that he has some secret matter of importance touching the State, which he intends only to impart to you. By circumstances, I conceive it somewhat concerns the Northern part.—Tower, 9 August, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Lieutenant of the Tower.” ½ p. (72. 44.)
G. Coppin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 9. I thought it my duty to advertise you of the strange rumours and abundance of news spread abroad in the city, and so flying into the country, as there cannot be laid a more dangerous plot to amaze and discourage our people, and to advance the strength and mighty power of the Spaniard, working doubts in the better sort, fear in the poorer sort, and a great distraction in all, in performance of their service, to no small encouragement of our enemies abroad, and of bad subjects at home; as that the Spaniard's fleet is 150 sail of ships and 70 gallies; that they bring 30,000 soldiers with them, and shall have 20,000 from the Cardinal; that the King of Denmark sends to aid him 100 sail of ships; that the King of Scots is in arms with 40,000 men to invade England, and the Spaniard comes to settle the King of Scots in this realm : which is so creditably bruited as a preacher, in his prayer-before his sermon, prayed to be delivered from the mighty forces of the Spaniard, the Scots and the Danes; that my Lord Scroope was slain, with 200 men more, by the Scots; that Sir William Bowes was turned out of Scotland by the King with great disdain; that the Adilantado has taken the sacrament to come to London Bridge, and brings his wife and two daughters with him. Upon Tuesday at night last, it went for certain the Spaniards were landed at Southampton, and that the Queen came at ten of the clock at night to St. James's in all post; and upon Wednesday, it was said the Spanish army was broken, and no purpose of their coming hither : with 100 other strange and fearful rumours, as much amazing the people as [if] the invasion were made. I leave it to your consideration whether it were not fit some proclamation were published to suppress the spreaders of these rumours, as the King of Spain, I have heard, uses upon expectance of invasion.—From the Strand, 9 August, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 45.)
Don Pedro de Velasco to Don Juan de Villanova.
1599, Aug. 9/19. I am now at Mugia, twelve leagues from Corunna, with Don Juan Puertocarrero, where we are since the Adelantado, with four of the best ships, went on to Corunna from the islands of Bayona. All on the galleys are in a very bad state in this sea; they do not know it and are terrified at what they hear of it. We can see at the beginning of our adventure that we shall return from it knights errants.—Mugia, 19 August, 1599.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“This show ye fear to be made knights adventurers.”
Spanish. Holograph. 2½ pp. (72. 81.)
The Queen to the Earl of Essex and the Privy Council in Ireland.
1599, 10 Aug. Dated, “10 August in the forty first year of our reign.”
Sign Manual. Endorsed :—“Her Majesty to the Lord Lieutenant and Council.” 3 pp. (133. 182.)
[Printed in the Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, under date 9 Aug. 1599; pp. 114–116.]
Thomas Mildemay, John Petere, and William Harris, to Henry Maynarde.
1599, Aug. 10. Enclose a copy of their answer to the Council's of the letters 5th and 8th. They chiefly desire to know what time shall be appointed to shew the horse newly commanded, supposing they are to stay as well as the rest of the forces, by means whereof they may be also better furnished and appointed. Likewise, that Maynarde would advertise them whether there be any order prescribed for the fashion and colour of their coats, or that everyone finding horses shall be left to his own choice therein. They thank him for the furtherance of their country affairs.—Chelmisford, 10 August, 1599.
Endorsed :—“Justices of Peace of Essex.” 1 p. (72. 47).
The Enclosure :
[Justices of Essex to the Council.]
According to your letters of August 8, notice is given that those 3,000 foot and 200 horse of the trained bands of this county (formerly by the Queen's letter of the 4 of this month appointed to be at Rayneham and Barking the 14 of the same) shall be stayed until the 17th, and then to be presented at the same places according to the commandments.
The disarming of the Recusants, watching of the beacons, and provision of carriages for the soldiers, being things appointed to be done by your letters of the 5th, we had taken in order before; and for the other parts thereof, we shall endeavour ourselves to see performed in the best sort we may.
In regard of the stay made of the trained forces, we desire to know your pleasures, whether those horses newly commanded by her Majesty to be found, shall not be shewed the same day as the residue, at the place formerly assigned unto them.—Chelmisford, 10 August, 1599.
Unsigned. ½ p. (72. 46.)
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 10. At my return from you I met this bringer, my cousin Captain Harry Myddelton, that hath been prisoner in Dunkirk 22 weeks, presently come from thence 10 days since. Then, as he says, there was no preparation, or any speech of any army, and in the town are 300 soldiers, and not above. I send away the party this night to proceed with all expedition as you command.—10 August, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (72. 48.)
R. Douglas to [Archibald Douglas].
1599, Aug. 10. I received a letter from my brother Thomas this last day, written from London the 19 of July, bearing nothing in effect but complaints and accusations against me, as though I had abused you, and purposely deceived you, whereof I marvel that you should give out such speeches, since I am assured you are sufficiently persuaded what mind and intention I have always carried towards you, and how uprightly and lovingly I have dealt in all your affairs, which by all my actions and proceedings you may, if you please, have a sufficient testimony, for I protest in God's presence you were my greatest care, and your weal and good estate was ever to me before any thing worldly. It is of truth indeed that, upon promises both of his Majesty's self, and other courtesies, I wrote many things to you that succeeded not, and fell out far contrary, but God knows it was against both my will and expectation, for I craved and laboured never for nothing so earnestly as for your benefit, and to have reduced your affairs in this country to a good estate, albeit it has not been with good success, for you have always had enemies about his Majesty, whose credit did not only weigh down my small moyen, but also that of any other in this country. It suffices me, since I can do no more, that I have both God and my own conscience, and a number of honest men, witnesses both to my honest intentions and actions, and yet I shall never leave off until I have reduced your estate to some better point, neither yet ever did I slip any occasion presented, as both my Lord Sanquhar and the Laird of “Vemis,” your good friends even at this time since they come home, will bear me record. And indeed, the King was not in so hard a conceit of you as of old, but was resolute to have employed you in his affairs, until of late some of your wonted friends, how truly I cannot tell, but it is more or ever I looked for, or ever heard before, has informed the King of a strict communication and friendship between you and Mr. John Colvill, whereat he both stormed and exclaimed as if it were a conspiracy against him and his estate, for indeed Mr. John is very odious to him, and almost all others in this country. I answered for you that I had never known you to be in friendship with that man, nor who he was better thought of, and if it was, I was persuaded it was but superficial, either to pleasure some other, or else to learn and espy actions and what course he was in, to the end you might prevent his malice; as for to love him, I knew you could nor would never. Always I would wish, if it pleased you, that you should write your own apology in this matter to the King, and either let him understand it is but a calumny of your unfriends, or else let his Majesty know to what end the familiarity betwixt you was contracted, that his Majesty have no cause to be jealous thereof. Notwithstanding of all this, Mr. James Sempill, whose journey was delayed, partly by his own sickness and partly by the English Ambassador his here being, is now commanded to make himself ready to his journey in the country. The gentleman has been with me, and remains constant in his former deliberation, either to have his Majesty's letter to you, and to be directed in all his proceedings by you, or else not to go. He and his friends have at this time great favour, and I think he shall prevail, and I look every day to hear from him that he is upon his way. The gentleman is well inclined, and novice as yet in state matters, and will be used by you in all, and I trust his returning shall be the beginning of your credit both there and here. By himself I shall write more particularly. The King has now begun his buck hunting, and the French Ambassador, who should have been with him at the sport, is bedfast, sick of a flux. In our convention at Falkland was nothing touched except Border matters and Hielands, and somewhat for holding of the King's house, which matter is the principal our councillors are troubled with, for they are always at that “speid,” and miserable poverty increasing daily, eschew the present necessity. The enhancing of the coin was in hand, but because it could not be obtained it was referred to commissioners to sit upon. The French Ambassador has opened no matter of great importance as yet, notwithstanding there was so mickle expected at his hand; in general he has assured the King that he may look at the King his master's as great friendship as ever any Scots king had of a king in France. Whereupon we build great matters, and our Catholics look he shall intercede for some liberty to them, but for anything I can learn, they but guess at it.
[The letter concludes with details concerning a certain “tak” or lease of land.]—From my mother's house, 10 August, 1599. “Your L. loving nepuou.”
Holograph. Endorsed :—“To Arch. Douglas.” 2 pp. (72. 49.)
William Wayte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, Aug. 10. Asking to be employed in the Queen's service in some place, according to his former employment as master of the carriage of the army at Tilbury both by land and sea.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 69.)