Cecil Papers: May 1599, 16-31

Pages 167-189

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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May 1599, 16–31

Sir William Cornwallis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 16. I signified your having dealt so nobly with the Queen for the Lady Catherine Cornwaleys. She hath, according to your direction, appointed my cousin Thomas Cornwaleys to attend upon you, who can best inform you where and how this lady hath been troubled since the death of her husband. You shall never hear worse words of her behaviour : I have known her through 30 years. Since I took my horse and the air, so weak I was I could scarce sit upon him, yet I found a present strengthening of my stomach. Yesterday (a sick man's fancy), I had a desire to go dine at Barnet, and thither I went, part by coach, part by horse, carrying with me my physician and two or three of my friends, lost 5l. at premero, came home, supped like a weak man well, and slept with the medicine of the travel the most part of the night, which I did not before these 18 nights. Thus am I now in a way to wait upon you, within 3 weeks.—From Highgate, this Wednesday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—16 May, '99. Seal. 1 p. (70. 27.)
Thomas Vaughan.
1599, May 16. “The examination of Thomas Vaughan, taken the day and year above written, before Edmund Lilie, deputy of the ViceChancellor of Oxford.”
The said examinate, a vagrant person born at Berte, a town in Radnorshire, upon a schedule hereinclosed, which he confessed before witnesses at Elsfield near Oxford, answereth thereunto as follows :—(1) That he heard that King Edward VI was not dead, but that a child was put to death for him, and that he was conveyed to Denmark and married with the Queen of Denmark, and now is king there. (2) That there would be news out of Ireland shortly about Whitsuntide. That the King of Denmark in the last clear years did save the lives of the commons in England, Wales and Ireland with his corn and provision. (3) That the King of Denmark is in Ireland, but denieth that he said the King had put to death any of those who went over with the Earl of Essex. Confesseth he said the Earl of Essex was a wild lord, and thought his endeavour was to be king of Ireland. (4) That he dwelt long ago with one Sir Nicholas Arnold and Sir William Winter in Gloucestershire, of whom he heard that King Edward was alive in Denmark. (5) Also, that he dwelt with Mr. Edmund Ludlow, of Deverell, and Mr. Staintor, of Herinsham in Wiltshire, 8 or 9 years ago, and since was in the voyage to Portingall, and last of all was in service with Mr. Foster in Surrey at Crowe West, of whom he heard that her Majesty did say she would gladly hear whether her brother King Edward were dead or alive.
Signed :—Ita est. Edm. Lillie. Add.:—“To Mr. Dr. Shingleton, Vice-Chancellor, Oxford, these in London.” Seal. 1 p.
Enclosed :—“A copy of the first words affirmed to be spoken by Thomas Vaughan at Elsfield.” Testified by Henry Wise, vicar there, John Day, John Spittle and others. ½ p. (70. 29.)
Answer of the States General to Mr. Gilpin's Proposition.
1599, May 16/26. Les Estatz Generaulx des Provinces Unies du Pays Bas, ayants leu certain escript exhibé ce jourdhuy en leur assemblee par le Sr Conseillier Gilpin, à ceste fin que satisfaction soit donnee à la Serenissime Eoyne d'Angleterre, Irlande, &c. pour le rembourssement des deniers du premier terme promis par le dernier traicté pour prevenier aux inconveniens mentionnez audt escript, Declarent quilz ont par plusieurs fois si serieusement admonestez et requiz les Provinces qui sont en default de furnir leur quote au dt payement, qu' iceles ont commencé faire provision; Enquoy ilz ne fauldront de continuer jusques au parfurnissement de la somme et restant dudt premier payement, avec entiere confiance que sa Mate considerant la tres grande presse que nous faict l'ennemi de toutes ses forces, quil plaira à icelle de sa benigne et royale grace nous conniver le dilay et remise de si peu des jours. Quant aux aultres points dudt escript, lesds Estatz esperent que les subjects de sa Mas ne transporteront hors de ses Royaulmes raulcunes denrees vers les Royaulmes d'Espaigne, Portugal ou aultres pays appertenants au Roy d'E spaigne. Ont nean.tmoins donné ung ordre general pour le regard des navires qui ont esté dehors devant la publication de leur placcart, mesmes speciallement recommandé au General de leur flote le navire appellé La Gressille de Londres, alias de Creyl, tellement que sa Mate en aura contentement. Faict et resolu en lassemblee desds Estatz Generaulx ala Haye, le xxvje de Mey I'an xvc quatrevingts et dixneuff.
Signed on behalf of the States General :—Aerssens, 1599. Countersigned : Van Olden Barnevolt. 1 p. (70. 58.)
Intelligence from the Low Countries.
1599, May 16/26. The enemy, after making a show of attacking the fort begun by the late Colonel Scenck, finding the place too strong, drew off secretly; and collecting their forces, obtained some pontoons and barges from the inhabitants of Bois le Due, and so crossing the river, attacked “Bommel” with 25,000 men, having taken the fort of Crevecoeur on the way. The town was unprotected on the one side; for the inhabitants were enlarging it and building new “boulevards” for its protection. But His Excellency, knowing that the enemy were going to move, had held himself ready to do so also, and reached the town of Bommel as soon as the enemy appeared in the neighbourhood; and so pushed on the work of fortification that it is not now likely that the enemy will be able to do anything against the place. For his Excellency has now brought up 16,000 men of the States' army and encamped in face of the enemy about a mile and a half from the town, where the two camps are now within cannon shot of each other.
The enemy has also tried to seize the Thiel passage, but failed.
He has made an attempt on Voorn and on Huesden, but he was anticipated in the one by M. Veer, and in the other by M. Moray, a Scotch colonel who is since dead.
His Excellency sent out three bodies of men by night to surprise some troops of the enemy at “L'Escurt.” But the English and French soldiers meeting, failing to recognise each other, began to fight, each thinking the other the enemy; whereby the enemy took the alarm and retreated. However our men, finding out their mistake, united to pursue the enemy and defeated him with some loss; had it not been for the mistake, all the troops there would have been cut to pieces.
The Cardinal Andreas stops at Bois-le-Duc, and the Admiral of Arragon comes there to sleep sometimes. But our last news is that the enemy are changing their plans and intend to march against Breda, where we will hope for them a like discomfiture.
We learn from the prisoners that it was said in Flanders and Brabant that the enemy had taken all Holland; and men even came to share in the plunder. It was also said that the States had drawn all their sailors out of their fleet and sent them to keep back the enemy at the Bommel passage, where all had been killed. The truth is, that twelve or fifteen hundred sailors were brought out of the ships for a night and then sent back. The ships of Holland are now gone to join the Zealand ships at the appointed place.
We had hoped that the outrages of the Spanish troops on Imperial territory, committed by the orders of the Admiral, would have provoked the German Princes, who indeed appointed the Duke of Brunswick General-in-Chief, and summoned Count Hohenlo to be Lieutenant General, and Count Solm to be Quarter-Master General. But we now hear there is little to hope from the army; all we can get is that we may have two thousand “reiters” and six or eight thousand “lansquenets” for a few months.—26 May, 1599, stilo novo.
My last news is that the enemy are resolutely attacking Bommel, which his Excellency and his troops are resisting with equal determination. Colonel Murray was killed by a cannon shot on the ramparts of the town.
French. Endorsed :—“Advertisement out of the Low Countries received from Monsieur Caron.” 2½ pp. (179. 21.)
Richard Thomson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 17. The Spaniard that came over with Capt. Duffield and Capt. Bruges, since the committing of him to my custody, hath many times lamented and wept, remembering how by their persuasion he is become exiled from his own country. He was in reasonable comfort when he saw my Lord Cobham to be inclined to give him entertainment, but now he is continually sorrowing for his mishap and desiring a just vengeance on the heads of these captains for their treachery. As I comfort him what I may, so have I lately endeavoured to learn from him what he saw in those men to move him to hazard his estate and credit with his king. He answered that they did so much set forth their own ability and credit with their prince and the nobility that it would have deceived a man of greater worth than he, adding that there were other matters, which by way of discourse I did learn from him. Finding them to be matters which deserve to be looked into concerning these captains, I thought it my duty to set them down. He saith :—(1) These two English captains were brought from Seville into Galicia with two of the king's officers, 20 days' journey, all their charges being borne by the king, and very good apparel was made them. (2) At their coming to Ferrol when the army of Spain was making there for England, the Adelantado gave them very great entertainment, and so continually till he was gone up to Madrid to the Court. (3) Capt. Bruges being sick at Ferrol had his diet sent in from the Adelantado's table, and liberty to eat flesh in Lent, which he noted for an extraordinary favour to our nation by so great a personage. (4) After the Adelantado was gone up into Castille (being in some disgrace with the king) he gave Bruges unto the wife of Jno. Dutton, of Vinero, to redeem her husband that was prisoner here in England, and caused Duffield to be sent up to a city called Lugo to be kept there, at which place he fell into this familiarity with him. (5) Further, there is resident in the Court of Spain an English fugitive, called Fitzherbert, that hath a very great pension of the king, and is held in great account there, and admitted into the council of wars and his counsel and instructions much respected, especially with the Adelantado and Don Diego Brochero, when any preparation is intended against this realm. There passed very many letters between the said Fitzherbert and Duffield during his being in Lugo. (6) Also, that Fitzherbert having knowledge by Duffield what kindness this Spaniard had shewed him, he did receive letters from the Court, with many thanks and great promises to do him any favour in Madrid that he could. (7) That there is an English Jesuit that doth continually attend the Armado at Ferrol, called Nichola Aston, a great confessor of our English fugitives and a man very industrious to draw our men to be superstitious and disloyal, with whom these captains did often hold correspondence by letters and did many times confess them both. During their being in Spain they did so often run from mass to mass that he feareth they had some farther secret in their breath than they would reveal to him, ending thus, “dios les de su pago.” Thus much passed between the Spaniard and me one Wednesday, being the 16th of this instant month of May, 1599.—17 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (70. 30.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 17. These enclosed advertisements, although for their small importance they have stayed me from general advertisement to the rest of the lords, yet regarding your Honour's more particular care of foreign affairs, I hope you will in good part accept my willing endeavour, this being the last intelligence that could come by sea from those hither parts of Spain. I beseech you to consider my continued counsel of these Isles of Silley which are so much undervalued, when it is now left both to want some necessary parts of fortifications, convenient store of munition and sufficient number of men to make good defence, being so remote as it cannot be seasonably seconded from the main. If the Spaniard should attempt to hold it but with 2,000 men, furnished with sufficient store of victuals and munition, it will exceed the reach of my slender reason, knowing the strength of the ground as I do, to find how he may be driven out by a force ten fold greater than his, or what other place is so aptly seated for the advantage both to keep his ship and galleys as to annoy and spoil us in most of our trades. I acknowledge that the war in Ireland doth greatly spend her Majesty's treasure, but if this place rightly understood shall import as much, the charge of one hundred here, in regard of so many thousand there, may seem no great surcharge. As for myself, I will rather with these weak means abide the uttermost trial, than to be reputed importunate.—From her Majesty's little fort in Silly, 17 May, 1599.
Holograph, 1 p. (70. 32.)
Enclosed :
Advertisements gathered from James Pike, master of the Trenety, of Osan, who came from St. John de Luce, 9 May.
Two Spanish ships, between 30 and 40 tons, departed from Passage to St. Sebastien, to be laden vith pikes, muskets, powder and shot, for Ireland, and by this time are ready to begin their voyage. There are in the coast of Biscay 14 or 15 new ships of 7 or 8 tons, uaiting for a fit wind to bring 6 of them over the bar of Bilbao, who from thence are to pass to the Groyne. There are 6 galleys at St. Anderas, and it is reported there will come with this fleet 40 galleys. The ships may be at the Groyne within one month. They report of an army of 30,000 about St. Lucas and Crxill, which are to come to the Groyne. The Spaniards vaunt they are coming for England this summer, knowing our chief strength to be in Ireland. It was also reported in St. John de Luce that the Spanish fleet should touch in some port of France, to increase their army with more men. About a month since the plague entered into Burgus, whereof there dieth about 1,000 a day. Which infection is entered into Barvieska, into Estellia in Navar, and into Monestellia de Rodillion. Likewise in the coast of Aveso and Viana. The 30 April last her Majesty's ships Antelope and Adventure, with them the Flying Dragon and a flyboat, came close to Silley, where Sir Robert Mansell sent his directions for such of his fleet as might arrive there, at the coming whereof there was then in the harbour the Constantine and the Dove, who went presently unto him. The effect of his directions was to ply off and on between Cape Clear and Silley, willing if they failed so to meet to put into Bereharen or Baltimore, where he would leave one of the fleet to acquaint them with any occasion that might alter his determinations. Since we have heard no more of them, there hath compassed these isles these 2 days 4 or 5 sail of great ships. If not of that fleet they are very like to be the enemies'. At this instant, the 17 May, there is come into this road above 20 sail, most of them on their return from Ireland, where they have discharged munition and victuals.—At the Isles of Silley, the 16 May, '99.
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (70. 33.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 17. On Tuesday last here arrived her Majesty's ships Dreadnought and Swiftsure, and upon some advertisement of the Spaniards being upon this coast, are this morning gone to seek them. On Monday last a bark of their company near the Lizard met with a ship of London coming from the Strait and boarded her, but was put off again. The ship of London is here arrived, having lost in the fight two of her men, and some others hurt. This last day three of the Spaniards were seen near this place, and one of them chased in two fisher boats, but did not take any. This morning there hath been heard divers pieces discharged before this harbour from one of the Spanish ships, as it seemeth, giving chase to two small boats that are coming with the shore. Her Majesty's ships, through want of wind, are not free without the land. God send them good success. Of late there are arrived certain Flemish ships from Bayon in France, but cannot report any such force at the Groyne as hath been certified.—Plymouth, 17 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 33a.)
Edmund Lillie to [Lord Buck hurst], High Treasurer of England and Chancellor of Oxford University.
1599, May 18. Relative to the examination of Thomas Vaughan [see pp. 1678]. The man is a very simple person, a common wanderer against the law, and little better than a natural. We would therefore be directed what course shall be taken with him. —From Baliol College in Oxon, 18 May, 1599.
Endorsed :—“Oxford matters. To speak with Mr. Vice-Chancellor of Oxon or write to him.”
Holograph. 1 p. (70. 34.)
M[ary], Countess [Dowager] of Southampton to the Earl of Southampton.
1599, May 18. This is the third letter of mine to you, since I received from you. Though Wysman and Tracye came from you, it made me a little doubtful of your well doing till they did assure they left you well; so we presume for certain you are before now in the field and some service undertaken. You may believe I carry a careful heart whilst you are in these dangers. I am desired by my Lady Cutts (whom you know I may not deny) to commend a kinsman of hers, a Crockatt, to your favour. I have written by him to you, but leave it to yourself, being assured you have more friends to favour than means to satisfy half. I greatly desire to hear from you.—This 18 of May.
[P.S.] —We have a new Lord Treasurer, and my Lord Chief Justice sworn Councillor. Sir Tho. Fortyscue utterly refuses the Wards, whereat most marvel. My Lord of Rutland is sent for in great bitterness; it is feared the Tower will be his lodging for the time.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599 The old La. Southampton to her son the E. of Southampton. 18 May.”
Seal broken. 1 p. (70. 35.)
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 18. I cannot accompany you to the marriage, as I would have been glad to do, because I have found a famous man that is said to have done very great cures of the gout here, and says that in four or five days he will make my foot as nimble as it was before I had it. I hope not for all his promises, but as his medicines are all outward, there is no danger. I am therefore to ask you to take Wimbledon for your first journey from the Court on Sunday at night, where I would be glad to see you, and so the next day's journey will be very easy, and my house not a whit out of the way. My Lady my niece of Derby, I hope will come with you, whom I have sent to invite. This present Friday.
Holograph. Endorsed : “May 18, 1599.” 1 p. (179. 17.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 18. I write to take leave of you on my return to Baburham; I do not intend to come thence again unless the Queen should issue a commission to treat of my affair; at present she has appointed the Treasurer.—London, 18 May, 1599.
Italian. Holograph. ½ p. (179. 18.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 19. I beseech you to believe that I do in no sort fly from going to my goverament, but that the stay I make is only for my health's sake and out of the necessity of my business. Since her Majesty continues constant to have me gone, I only desire 10 or 12 days for the concluding of my physic and the making of some provisions, and to this purpose I beseech you to speak unto her Majesty when she shall use any speech of my stay unto you. I shall be able to say enough unto her concerning the state of her town there, which she holdeth (notwithstanding all her charges) more of others' courtesy than out of her own strength. I thank you that you have care of my reputation which is dearer to me than any worldly thing else, and I know it is very much noted why I absent myself from the Court. But I have had little cause this great while to content me in that place, and I know well enough what disreputation it will be for me to return to Flushing without some addition of credit after so many years' service there. If it might please the Queen to grant the title for which I make suit, wherein nobody is interested, nor she gives anything from herself, and whereunto I have so great reason to pretend, [I] would think the remembrance of them whom I am born of, and who were so near unto her Majesty, not extinguished, mine own services rewarded, and myself tied to undergo anything she should lay upon me. However it please her to resolve (though ere long I will make it appear that I am not very fond of it), after I have received her Majesty's commands to repair unto my charge, whither I shall go with the better affection very much from the assurance it pleaseth you to bid me have that you will be my friend.—At London, 19 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (70. 36.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 19. I return you the note of the Swedish ambassador's demand and a calculation to what value it doth amount, so as her Majesty knowing the truth may do her good pleasure therein. I will bring with me this night the letters from Ireland, and have conference with you therein. The continual charges thus growing daily from thence are insupportable. The rebels by coming in wax less, and yet their expense groweth greater. I know not how it will be supplied.—This 19 May, '99.
Holograph. ½ p. (70. 38.)
Sir Thomas Tasburgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 19. Yesterday I was coming to have seen you and to deliver my Lord Dunkellie's compliments, who would now have written, but that he has no news worth the reading; but understanding that her Majesty was displeased with my going into Ireland without her leave, durst not come to be seen in Court. I am very sorry that her Majesty should conceive so of it, and I protest when I went forth with my Lord Lawarr to bring the Earl of Essex on his journey, I meant not to have gone as far as West Cheshire (much less into Ireland), but the persuasions of some friends drew me on to see the country, where I had tarried but few days but that my Lord Lieutenant would write into England by me (which he had done if Mr. Dorrell had not come). In this time neither any her Majesty's business in my office nor in the country appointed to me is neglected, and now I am going down touching some business about our musters. May it please her Majesty to remember my faithful service done to her almost these thirty years.—May, this 19.
Signed. Endorsed :—“99.” Seal 1 p. (70. 39.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 20. About seven years since I bought of her Majesty the estate in reversion that she had in certain lands of the Babyngtons in the counties of Derby and Nottingham, the which my father and myself had formerly purchased, the grant whereof did pass from her Majesty, amongst other things, to one Wilcocks and Wynne, who by my appointment conveyed the same in trust to one Bamford and Nicholas Williamson, the one a counsellor-at-law, who had then to do in all my law causes, and the other at the time my servant. They two, by the advice of my counsel, passed over their estate back again to the Queen, with proviso that upon the payment of a certain small sum into the Exchequer by Bamford or Williamson, the estate should be void and of no effect in law. After this Bamford died, and Williamson going beyond the seas in manner as you know, the estate remaineth as yet in her Majesty. Now for some especial respects (better known to no man than yourself) having great reason not to deal more than is necessary with Williamson, I am bold to beseech you to send for him, at which time I will send one of my servants to require him to revoke the said estate, and the same to pass to such person or uses as I shall think good. In case he shall be unwilling thereunto, I hope you will let him understand plainly your opinion therein.—From my house in London, this 20 May, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (70. 40.)
James Hill, Ambassador of Sweden, to the Privy Council.
1599, May [20]. We are to morrow fain to depart, desiring to know if her Majesty will command us any further service, as also we desire her Majesty's pass for our safer passage home again; and whereas our lord and master hath sent his own merchant, an Englishman, who hath been his servant some 11 years, who should provide such goods of my knowledge as the note he delivered to Sir Robt. Cecil makes mention, if the same commodities might be custom free, it should be taken for a great favour. I acquainted my Lord Keeper that a younger brother of mine was to go over with me, and what belongs unto the merchant, we know nothing of their determinations.—This Sunday morning.
Signed. Endorsed :—19 May, '99. Seal. 1 p. (70. 37.)
James Hill, Ambassador of Sweden, to the Privy Council.
1599, May [20]. Being this day to embark myself, I am to entreat you to thank Sir Thomas Lucas and the whole town of Ipswich for our friendly and royal entertainment, not in respect of our own persons, but in regard of that noble prince our Lord and Duke; as also this bearer, Mr. Shaw, hath carefully discharged his charge.—From Horwich, in haste, this — of —, 1599.
Signed. Endorsed :—May. Seal. ½ p. (70. 70.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 21. Your Honour being now Master of the Court of Wards, I am bold to take the occasion to present unto you an humble suit in the behalf of Phillipps (employed by me whilst I was in France), if you would use him as your secretary in that court. I am easily persuaded to beseech you in favour of one whose sufficiency is so well known to me, but I will submit all other considerations to your wisdom. Congratulating your late honourable good fortune, I wish you continual increase thereof.—21 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 41.)
Sir George Trenchard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 21. I thank you for your many favours to me, and also for your late letters writ by Mr. Cary in the case of his son, which for that my examination of the matter might carry suspicion, in regard I was his landlord, did surcease to fit at all. I was most glad of your second letters written to others to discharge me in duty of the first, but upon some accidents that may happen hereafter, I fear their exceptions will fall short when their actions grow so forward. Am presenting our letters with sundry defects to be considered before we can go through with our certificate of the musters, and importune your Honour in favour of our country, that the authority being now in you, it may please you to obtain us direction in all. Otherwise we cannot do what we desire. Concerning Sir Matthew Arundell's room, we find none in the division of account and estate fit to undertake. Next to the place is Mr. Thomas Freake, but dwells in another division, not employed as yet in any office. He is apt in all respects for it, if you shall so direct. For captain of petronels, Mr. Tregunwell is in question, who by the Sheriff is held a Protestant, but his wife being a Kecusant, is not yet allowed till your advice be known.—From Blandford Forum, this 21 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 42.)
[The Earl of Essex] to the Privy Council.
1599, May 21. Duplicate of his letter to the Privy Council.—Kilkenny, 21 May.
Addressed :—“To my servant Edward Reynoldes.”
Endorsed :—“'99. By Sir Fra. Darcye.”
Unsigned. 1 p. (70. 43.)
Also, a copy of the journal enclosed.
Endorsed :—“A Journal of the L. of Essex.” 2¾ pp. (40. 97.)
[For originals of both the above, see S.P. Ireland. Eliz. Vol. CCV. Nos. 63 and 63 i.; printed at length on pp. 36–40 of the Calendar.]
Thomas, Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 21. In favour of the bearer, the son of one Mr.” Gowderych,” a near kinsman of his wife's, who desires a passport to travel.
Holograph. ½ p. (179. 19.)
Godfrey Herst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 21. For the wardship of Richard, son of Thomas Sunderland.
Endorsed : “21 May, 1599.”
Note by Cecil thereon. 1 p. (1509.)
John Blytheman, Mayor of Plymouth, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 22. This morning, about 6 o'clock, here arrived a small pinnace of Rotterdam seeking the rest of the Netherlanders fleet, of which (about 10 o'clock) there appeared before this harbour to the number of 80 sail passing to the westward, and are now all gone out of sight, with the wind at east and something to the northward. The captain of the pinnace reported the whole fleet is 150 sail well furnished.—Plymouth, 22 May, 1599.
Signed. ½ p. (70. 45.)
Enclosed :—A copy of the same letter directed to the Privy Council. (70. 44.)
Thomas Lake to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 22. Her Majesty, having been immediately after dinner made acquainted by Sir Jo. Stanhope with your letter for Sweden and the cause of new signing, caused me to be called, and the excuse made of letting it fall into the Thames we had much ado to make good, for she said it was so great a negligence, especially of a subject of her own, as it were a good deed that the Duke should see it, and sometimes that the ambassador was worthy to be laid by the heels, and she would have sent to him to let him know his fault. Whereupon she was told that seeing such a chance had happened, you had thought good upon perusing of it that a word or two be left out which might have been misconstrued by him, wherewith she seemed to be satisfied a whit. Afterwards mistrusted that it was some fault of yours or ours which we would colour, but in the end she saith she will sign it anon. The cause why I so soon advertise you hereof is that my Lord Admiral and my Lord Cobham, at my coming from the Queen, willed me to certify you that, though my Lord Admiral had written to you, yet now you need not make more haste than your own purpose was to do before his letter.—22 May, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (70. 46.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 22. Amongst many who rejoice for the attainment of your late office, I avow myself to be one, heartily entreating you to begin in one cause where your father left, viz., to favour the heir of mine old good lord and master, the late Lord Chancellor. He remaineth in Cambridge by your father's direction, but being her Majesty's ward, since his death, he hath not received from her any one penny for his maintenance. The young gentleman having been at London, and finding nothing but fair words, did afterwards write to me from Cambridge. His letter I procured to be shewed to her Majesty by Mr. Foulke Grevyll, upon perusal whereof she was pleased to promise other most princely goodness, that some order should forthwith be taken both for him and his brother. Since that time nothing hath been done in their behalf. Who would have thought that within 7 years the Lord Chancellor's heir should have been brought to such an exigent? I assure myself that as soon as is convenient you will take such course with her Majesty as that they may so be provided for as, their years considered together with the inheritance due to the eldest, shall be thought expedient. —At my house in London, 22 May, 1599.
Signed. 1 p. (70. 47.)
William Becher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 23. On the subject of an unfulfilled agreement between himself and Babyngton and Bromeley. First, I would have from them an account of all money paid by me to them, upon which I reckon at least £1,000 is due to me; secondly, I desire recompense of the breach of their bond of £3,000 to me, they having dealt in the apparelling of her Majesty's forces contrary to that bond; lastly, that in accordance with their promise, of which I have proof, I may have a third share of the profits of any business they may have from the Queen. I have often offered to submit this demand of mine to arbitration. All I ask is that you should desire them to perform their own offer and agreement with me.—May 23, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (61. 34.)
Anthony Wingfield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 23. Letter of congratulation on his appointment as Master of the Court of Wards.—Dated from London, 23 May, 1599.
Holograph. Latin. 1½ pp. (70. 48.)
Katherine Jurden to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599, May 23.] Prays that the jurors be bound to give up their verdict in her cause, or not to depart the realm without licence, it being commonly reported that they are hired thereunto by the occupiers of the lands.
Undated. 1 p. (1772.)
Katherine Jurden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 23. Complains of delay in the decision of her claims as heir to her grandfather Thomas Henbury, and prays for letters to John Salisbury and others, of Denbigh, the appointed commissioners, requiring them to call the jury impanelled in the case, and examine her claims.
Endorsed :—23 May, 1599.
Note : “A letter written.”
1 p. (1776.)
Dr. Reuben Sherwood to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 24. I am to give you my humble thanks that you vouchsafed my poor house for the entertainment of your son, and rewarded me so bountifully for the small pains I have taken with him. I must also thank you for your letters in my favour to the Judge of the Prerogative Court. I have yet two requests to make to you, first, to be allowed to wait upon you at my coming to London; next, that if in the future I can serve you, you will use my services.—Bath, 24 May, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (69. 18.)
Jo. Sherwood to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 24. The advertisement given by Doctor Doylye, a man whom for his great experience and learning I much reverence, being so sufficient, it would be needless labour for me to enter into a new discourse of the same. All things hitherto have succeeded as happily as we could desire; his old grief well cured, his new accidents—which I refer to the relation of my learned friend—so strangely despatched without pain or danger, that very sickness itself either feared or pitied to hurt so sweet a child, reserved no doubt by higher powers to the great comfort of your Honour. May he still insist in the courses of his noble parent.—Bath, 24 May.
Seal. Signed. Endorsed :—“1599. Received May 31.” ½ p. (70. 51.)
Margaret, Lady Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 24. It was my evil fortune to desire and obtain of her Majesty the wardship of Sir Ro. Salsberey's son or heir, who then by the report of his brother captains was supposed to be dead, though since fallen out contrary, yet it is certainly thought that his disease though lingering is not recoverable. I entreat you that I may receive some benefit of my first obtained suit in court; if not, a pardon for thus troubling you.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1599, May 24.”
2 seals. ½ p. (70. 52.).
R. Manners to the Earl of Rutland.
1599, May 25. I am always ready to serve you. My credit in Court is now very little, for that I come thither very seldom. But Mr. Screven, who knows your designs and your friends there, I doubt not solicits them and advertises you. Since her Majesty took order for your revocation, I do not hear she useth any speech of you.
I am now going to Enfield till term begin, unless Mr. Screven recall me for some business of yours. Your Lordship's loving uncle.—At the Savoy, 25 May, 1599.
Holograph. ½ p. (69. 21.)
Sir Thomas Tasburgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. I hear this day that her Majesty, in her displeasure against me, will (as Mr. Bowyer, my neighbour and enemy, giveth it out) bestow my office upon him, he disbursing for it, as it is said, more money than it is worth, but to whom I hear not. I hope though her Majesty doth imprison me, yet she will show me justice with mercy and not take from me mine office, nor sequester it, seeing that I had it of her not long since under the Great Seal in lieu of a large sum of money due to me. Nothing is in my office amiss, and my Lord Treasurer doth find there all the money; besides, she hath many sureties of me for a great sum besides my own estate. If I find not some friend of her Council to speak for me, it may be my enemies may prevail. Therefore I beseech you now in my greatest distress to extend your favour to me, and move her Majesty not to take from me my office to my utter disgrace and discredit.
The degree my Lord gave me at my coming away, I sought not for it, and when I told him I thought her Majesty would be offended, he said he hoped not, for, saith he, she hath promised me to do it, and by me, and therefore he thought she would not mislike thereof.—26 May, 1599.
Endorsed with the following names in the same handwriting :
Sir John Tasborough, Sir R. Wroth, Sir G. St. Pool, Mr. H. Scroop, Sir A. Dudley, Sir John Tracy, Sir John Parry, Sir Fra. Englefeild, Hungerford, Sir Hoell Duckett, Sir H. Ashley, Mr. Ashburnham, Sir W. Engleby, Sir Eobt. James, Sir Ed. Allen, and others. 1 p. (70. 53.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. Discouraged as yet to behold aught of my own in Kent, I am gone to seek a new air to pass over this Whitsuntide, which though it be a great feast, yet will yield me no rest to my mind until some pledge appear of her Majesty's favour. Though I do not precisely set my rest upon any one especial suit, yet more glad would I be of an office in reversion, than of present gain in possession. For by an office I shall have somewhat to occupy myself withal, whereas I shall otherwise remain still, dull and idle, and though it be in reversion, I would no whit doubt, but by means and with good liking of all parties, soon to get a possession. And I do not desire to exercise it by deputy but when I should first have her Majesty's leave, as the warden of the north parts and other officers do accustom, who though they have the word deputy inserted in their patents, yet are never absent without her especial licence. Sir J. S. hath promised to continue the motion to her Majesty, and my greatest comfort is in your furtherance, protesting that as my cousin shall never deal for any that will be more thankful, so hath yourself never kept servant that will be more obsequious to your commandments.—26 May, '99.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 54.)
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. Sir Robert Salisbury, knight, a man of great worship in the country where I was born, hath been sick and in diet by physician's appointment ever since the beginning of Lent in my house here at Westminster, and is now advised for recovery of health to return to the country, and hath desired me to keep him company. I have promised (by God's grace) so to do, partly for my own health, and partly to perfect that work begun of the school and hospital, which my lord your father of blessed memory encouraged me unto the last year. He is advised to go before the dog days come, and we are appointed to go upon Friday 1st of June. Wherefore I do appoint, as I may by statute, and as other Masters and Principals of colleges use to do, that is, to substitute in my place D. Grante, my subdean, who was once schoolmaster, and knoweth the order very well, and also my good brethren D. Webster and Mr. Cuthberd Bellott, being prebendaries of this college, for this next election.—From Westminster College, 26 May, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (70. 55.)
Commissioners of Hamburg to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. Having been in London now for several days, we made a particular request that we might be favoured with an opportunity for conference at the Court. By the courteous reply which we received, we are the more under obligation. But since we are most anxious briefly to state the commission entrusted to us and carry it to a happy issue, and have some necessary affairs to be transacted elsewhere, we entreat that an interview may be accorded us at the earliest opportunity.—London, 26 May, 1599.
Signed : Eberhardt Esichium, Sebastian à Bergen. Latin. Seal. l p. (70. 56.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. The easterly winds having long delayed the passage of my enclosed letter, hath afforded me this something uncertain addition by information of a bark arrived newly here from Yowgholl, where the reporter saith he saw one Mr. Trever, captain of one of her Majesty's pinnaces, passing with a convoy of men to the Lord Lieutenant General, who was said to have taken two French ships with letters or provisions for Tirone. And the report was there also of the two frigates mentioned in my advertisement, that they are coming with munition to the north side of Ireland, and that they will lie in wait for them. I fear lest I be troublesome in advertising uncertainly or overlately.—From her Majesty's fort in Silley, 26 May, 1599.
On the back :—“plymouthe the 29 Maye 10 of the fornoune John Blytheman maior. Exeter after 9 a cloke in the night. Hunyton at 12 at mydenyght. Crewkern at 6 in morning. Sherborne at 9 a Cloke in the morng. Becefed at the Shaston at 12 of the clock. Beceved at Sarum at 3 a cloke in the afternoone. R at Basingstoke at 9 at nite. Hartford Bruge at 1 in the morninge.”
Holograph. 2 seals. ½ p. (70. 57.)
William FitzWilliam to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 26. I am most maliciously and undeservedly misused by certain countrymen who are tenants to me of land held of her Majesty within her manor of Fotheringhaie by lease under the Great Seal. Albeit they have heretofore exhibited bills of exclamation against me, and lately, upon the hearing of the matter, were for their unjust exclamations sharply rebuked and one of them committed, yet now two of them, being forsaken of the rest and having two strangers to the cause to make their number shew the greater, be at the court to present their malice afresh against me. I beseech you to hold your honourable opinion of me, if the matter be come to your hearing, until my doing towards them be made known unto you, which by myself at this time cannot be (my old father being now in some painful sickness), but by Mr. Chancellor shall be. I trust you will remember my request as touching the office of Fotheringhaie which my father now holdeth.—From my house in St. John's Street, 26 May, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (70. 59.)
Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 27. I beseech you to excuse my lingering by my lack, assuring you that I struggle as much as a man can do that hath neither credit nor lands, and if it were not that my Lord of Kyldare (as I think I may call him) promised to give me credit for my charges (if I go with him) as far as £100 comes to, I should hardly know what way to take. Yet I am told that I may be holpen, without troubling her Majesty, in sort following. Whereas a year since there was a privy seal of £4,000 for payment of Irish debts, of which there remains still in the coffers the sum of five or six hundred pounds undisposed of by your Lordship, I desire that in payment of £540 which remains due to me, I may be allowed the one half and I will give acquittance for the whole, which Sir Henry Wallop's agent Charles Huet shall continue as to be charged upon his master's accounts. Without this favour or some viaticum from her Majesty, which I dare not expect since I angered her with challenging of debts, I shall march over very meagrely, not to say beggarly, but however I must, whilst I live, either march or stand for life as I am bound to you, to whom wishing all goodness, I take leave.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1599, May 27. 1 p. (70. 60.)
Marie Bostocke to the Ambassador of Holland.
1599, May 27. I render you ten thousand thanks for all the pleasures and charges which you have been at, and whereas I made a motion to you for some money in my purse to carry me down into the country, I shall desire your Lordship to help me, for I have no other trust to hope on. Strain yourself now a little further, and then I will rest troubling you ever hereafter. As touching Mistress Wyndsour, with what speed you may, help her with money, and use her well, for I have found her a mother, and I know she is in great want. Tomorrow by ten o'clock I mind to be gone, praying you not to forget me, but let me hear from you.—From my lodgings at Crichurch this afternoon the 27 May, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (70. 61.)
John Hauard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 28. I had to depart from England without presenting my service to you. My adversary's sinister information and the respect of his friends in the law, prevailed so that I could not otherwise free myself than by a compromise, paying that which, God is my witness, I had paid once before, to Whom I leave the revenge. I write now desiring to be one of those whom you patronize. Mr. Gilpin is now at Empden; to whom I sometimes send the like as you should find herein enclosed, to say, a map of Bonnell, with a journal in Dutch, what hath passed between his Excellency and the Spanish forces unto the time of their retire, as all other occurrences upon either side; the lesser map is the truest portrait for the town ramparts and the trenches lately made, as well by the assailants as defendants. If any more worthy do happen I would not omit to send it. Out of Swethen, by ships come out of the Sound this day, it is certain reported that Due Charles hath taken Calmerslott, and put all the soldiers to the sword : hath sunk 3 of the king of Pollaime's ships, and taken the Poles prisoners, being part of the aid the king sent to rescue the castle.
Letters out of Coollen mention that the marriage between the Archduke and the Infanta should be broken off.
By letters of Saturday last from Brunswick, it was reported that the intended descent of the German Princes was let fallen : and that now, the Spaniards being out of the empire, they would not further charge themselves; but the letters coming from a partial place are suspected, neither indeed are they confirmed from any other parties in Germany.—Amsterdam, 28 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 37.)
Thomas Cave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 28. 500 marks, parcel of my wife's marriage portion, was in the hands of Mr. Nicholas St. John, her father, by decree in Chancery, retained for the benefit of her and her younger children in some satisfaction of her intended jointure, which by accident of my father's death could not be performed; for the employing and answering of which money Sir John St. John was bound with the said Nicholas, his father. Since that time they are both deceased, and never answered any employments for the same. Thereupon I was advised to exhibit a bill in Chancery against the executors of the said Sir John St. John, and it was ordered by the now Lord Keeper that the said 500 marks should be speedily, and before any legacies, satisfied out of the states of the said Sir John St. John. By virtue of which order I have received £213 10s.; but for that it could not appear to his lordship by whom the said sum ought to be paid, he did then forbear to order any further payment. I am now enforced to beg you to move the Lord Keeper, in my behalf, to appoint some day next term for the final hearing of this suit.—Stanford, this 28 May, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (70. 63.)
Dr. John Duport, [Vice Chancellor of Cambridge], to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 28. May it please you, in the throng of such weighty affairs and of so many congratulations for this late advancement, to vouchsafe the leisure to look upon a poor man, who as one of the multitude in the common applause cannot keep silence, but must needs show some sign of gladness for the same.—From Jesus College in Cambridge, 28 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (70. 64.)
The War in Ireland.
1599, May 28. The rebels' forces consist of :—Leinster, 3,230, including 182 horse; Ulster 8,922, including 270 horse; Munster 5,272, including 292 horse; Connaught 3,290, including 220 horse; O'Donnell, to strengthen the rebels of Connaught, is daily in the province, sometimes with 1,500 foot and 300 horse, with the aid of Maguire and others. Total, 20,704.
Her Majesty's army consisteth of 16,000 foot and 1,300 horse.
Upon a proposition made by the Lord Lieutenant to the Council there for the invading first of Ulster, the root whence all the rebellion has sprung, it was resolved by an universal consent to forbear for a while that expedition, and in the meantime to prosecute the rebels of Leinster to see if those inner parts of the kingdom may be freed thereby and have a clearer passage into Ulster, and so to make a thorough attempt upon the archtraitor Tirone in his own country. The difficulties are these : there is there neither grass nor forage to be had for horses, neither will be till the summer be further advanced; it is impossible to lead so great a part of the army into so remote a part without a great preparation of beeves to be carried on foot for the sustenance of the soldiers, which in no sort could be levied, for all the Irish countries in Leinster, Munster and Connaught where the state was wont to be furnished with beeves, are all in effect revolted. The Lord Lieutenant having sorted and laid the companies in place meet to give correspondency one to another, and having placed garrisons upon the North borders to impeach Tirone's incursions, purposeth in person, with 3,000 foot and 200 horse, to pass into Leinster and to place his garrisons in the further parts where the enemy are now masters of the field. He will not go out of the way as the custom there hath been; he hath set down every night where he will lodge, whereof he hath already sent them word. He is resolved not yet to take in a man of theirs whereby their strength or number should be lessened. On the other side, the rebels have sworn that if there were an Earl of Essex upon every English churl that was come over, they should be fought withal. Not one rebel of note hath sent unto his lordship in 15 days, yet they know all of his coming in few hours. The rebels draw all their strength to two heads, namely—Tirone, with all the O'Neyles, the McMahons, and all his other complices in those parts of Ulster, having 6,000 or 7,000 men, horse and foot; on the other side, O'Donnell, with the forces of Tirconnel, James McSurley, Maguire, O'Rurk, and the supposed McWilliam, is to set upon Connaught. Against these his lordship will employ two forces strong enough to encounter them in their several limits.
Endorsed by Reynolds :—“Extract, 28 May, '99.” Unsigned. 1½ pp. (70. 65.)
Castle of Caire.
1599, May 29. Ground plot of the Castle of Caire, situate upon a rock in the midst of the river Suyre, Tipperary, expugned by the Earl of Essex.
l p. (142. 171.)
George More to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 30. Disappointed by the winds and deceived by a Scotsman, my wife was forced not to take her journey towards England before this day; but now, I thank God, she is upon the seas. I beseech you use works of mercy towards us. If I be not faithful to her Majesty in all temporal causes (and in spiritual matters I will not meddle), let not only me but my wife and children suffer therefor.—Leith, 30 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 49.)
Anne, Lady Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 30. There is a marriage intended between my daughter Phillipe and Mr. Coverley, of Coverley; and for that I am loth to deal in so weighty a cause without my Lord Cobham's advice and yours, I have thought good to send Mr. Lyly to you, who can declare all his estate to you. Likewise I have sent another gentleman unto my Lord Cobham to desire him to impart it unto you. I beseech you (who hath been always a father to my children) that you will so deal with Mr. Lyly that if you find it fit it may be brought to pass (which gentleman is kin to Mr. Lyly's wife, who is the first wellwisher of this match towards my daughter). I understand by Mr. Lyly that he is in wardship till April next to the Lady Gargrave, of Yorkshire, who hath tendered unto him her daughter, and is willing to give £1,500 in marriage with her. But he hath taken some liking of my daughter, that he is content to take her with a lesser portion.—From Durham House, this 30 May, '99.
Addressed :—“To my verie honorable good nephew.”
Signed. ½ p. (70. 66.)
[Fra. Duckett to Richard Brother.]
1599, May 31. Cousin, I am sorry I cannot speak with you for I would have unfolded divers things concerning myself wherein I would have craved your advice and help. My wife hath kept such company since my going to London, and is so obstinate in a dangerous course touching religion, as I fear the troubles such undutiful courses do deserve, and though my opinions sometimes have been addicted that way, yet I protest, since I saw the treacheries revealed of the Jesuits by Sqwyer the traitor in Mich, term last, I have abjured their irreligious and damnable courses against the state. Now, for the present occasion, you shall know that though I dare trust any whom you say I may trust, yet time is such a niggard as I fear the staying for our meeting would hinder the execution of my meaning, and therefore I would adventure this letter by this bearer. I am told that Dudley the priest (lately escaped out of the Marshalsea, as you have heard) doth yet remain in London. I hear he is in the Blackfriars in one Mr. Robinson's house who is steward to Sir John Foskewe; his house is over against Sir John's door. It is most certain he was there, and purposeth to go over in great haste, and, as I learned by another, in one of the Queen's ships. I know Mr. Secretary would fain have him, to whom I owe my service, though unknown unto him, and but that I know your credit and fitness to command a post, I would have sent him word myself. Delay no time, for fear the prey may be gone.—The last of May, 1599.
Marginal Note : If that he be gone and cannot be heard of, Edward Salkeld is in London and in my conscience knoweth where he is : and haply will confess him if he be catched and examined.
Holograph. Addressed :—“To his cousin Richard Brother at Carlyle.” Seal. 1 p. (70. 67.)
[An attempt has been made to obliterate the signature and the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed.]
1599, May 30. List of great ordnance remaining in Berwick in the charge of Richard Musgrave, Master of her Majesty's ordnance in the north parts.—30 May, 1599.
1 p. (199. 59.)
The Privy Council to the Council in Dublin.
1599, May 31. This letter that we do now write is addressed only unto you that are of the Council at the present resident and remaining at Dublin, and not to the Lord Lieutenant. Whereof the argument and purpose (which proceedeth from her Majesty's own direction) in few words is to impute it unto you for some slackness and negligence that in the time of the Lord Lieutenant's absence from thence you do not send such advertisements as you may. For albeit the Lord Lieutenant being now in places somewhat remote from Dublin and wholly attentive to such service, it cannot be expected that so frequent advertisements should come from him, nevertheless her Majesty doubteth not but that you may always find matter enough to certify concerning that state. So as albeit you leave the advertisements of such things as are proper to the proceedings of the Lord Lieutenant unto his own letters, yet the continual notice that is daily brought unto you would be welcome unto her.—From the Court at Greenwich, the last of May, 1599.
Unsigned. 1 p. (70. 68.)
[See S.P. Ireland Eliz. CCV., 73, and p. 51 of the Calendar.]
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, May 31. I beseech you not to dislike the stay I have made here. I had seen this house but once this four years, and here I have made an end of my physic and understood from my sister certain causes of hers which, if any accident should fall out, she must commit to me, the only near friend now left her. On Monday I will journey from hence, and Wednesday or Thursday wait upon you and attend her Majesty's commands, and after take my journey for Flushing. In the favour you have bidden me expect from you I trust, and if you will count me among your friends I will show I am both able and willing to deserve that honour. I will not trouble you in anything wherein there may be competition between me and those you are engaged to do more for than for me. Only in the matter of the title of Lord Lisle, if before my going you would shew yourself, wherein no man is prejudiced nor the Queen charged, and whereunto I have so fair cause to pretend, I shall be as grateful as any of those whom you have made taste of the favour and power you have with the Queen. I thank God she has been pleased to lay the office of Master of the Wards upon you, and trust you may long enjoy it.—Witton, 31 May, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (179. 20.)
Sir William Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
May, 1599. My own sickness hindering me from attending you was cause that I know nothing of the last despatch that came from my Lord of Essex, and my sudden going from Court in respect of my wife's sickness maketh me thus bold to desire to know how it is answered. I imagine that my Lord, knowing by his former experience that the danger that came to Ireland grew by reason of the untimely supplies which were sent thither, doth often remember you thereof, and truly, if it be not done in his due time, it were as good not at all, for it is so much treasure and victual lost, and her Majesty's state there growing to be worse and worse. I am not of opinion you have reason to hearken to any new demand, though he shew a necessary reason touching the carriage horses which are not there to be had, and without which he will not be able to march, but unless you keep touch with him in the agreements concluded on, both for his number and the timely supplies, he may allege the same excuses that former governors have done, and in the end that state must perish of a consumption, and it cannot but so infect England as it may grow into the like danger. I am desirous to hear by a word or two what is done.
Holograph. Endorsed :—May, '99. Seal. 1 p. (70. 69.)
T. Bird to the Privy Council.
1599, May. My petition was neither for my own nor for the profit of any other, but only for my due loyalty as service of her Majesty, and the discharge of my lord and master. The charges thereof now since I have borne, and the causes of the discontinuance is that of late the bailiff payeth a yearly rent for his bailiwick, which in Sir Francis Lake's time, and Sir Thomas Hilton's and Sir Henry Pearcye, late earl of Northumberland's time, and since the Lord Chamberlain's deputy's and Sir Francis Bussell's they, all allowed to the bailiff there 40s. yearly, meat and drink, and all the profits of anchorage due, which then did maintain the charge of keeping men to go aboard every ship to see their “cocks” from whence they came, and to what place they belonged, and what passengers, powder, and other munitions and merchandise they had, and notice thereof to be taken from time to time. Which now I cannot perform but to my great charge, yet upon commandment from your Lordships and Lord Willoughby to the mayor of Newcastle upon the determination of Earl Bodwell's coming hither, I was commanded that all ships arriving within the port of Tynemouth should be commanded in her Majesty's name to come to anchor there and to be searched. This service I did perform night and day, to the great trouble of the poor fishermen and mine own charge, and as yet no penny allowed me. So now, if you think it meet to allow me towards the boathire and men 12d. of every ship there arriving, I would go aboard of all the “hoyes” and ships. Then should not her Majesty be so much deceived of her profits as by the oversight of customers and their officers she is. For sundry ships, after they are cleared in the customhouse between Newcastle and Shields, often take in goods unknown to the searcher, and yet the officer of the North Shields' port may intercept them. Sundry times divers ships do take in corn in the night and go directly to Holland or some other place of the enemy, and there deliver their corn, and then come back to Newcastle for coals and bring their “cockett” only from that place of their loading. Thereby her Majesty is mightily deceived of her customs, contrary to the law.
Signed. Endorsed :—May, '99. 1 p. (70. 71.)
1599, May. Note that £300 or thereabouts was paid to Mr. Percival in May, 1599, by Mr. Kowland Moseley's servants, for Alporte.
½ p. (2210.)