Cecil Papers: March 1599, 16-31

Pages 107-126

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 9, 1599. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1902.

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March 1599, 16–31

Dr. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 16. This gentleman, Mr. John Strangman, was brought unto me by Robert Thurston, constable of St. Botolph’s, Billingsgate, being lately arrived on Wednesday night last from Rome, as it seemeth by the testimonial which he bringeth with him. Two other papers of his were brought by the constable, and they are enclosed. The gentleman offers to depose that he was yesterday at St. Clement’s by Temple Bar at a sermon there preached. I know not by what licence he travelled to Rome, nor what company he hath frequented there (though his speech sheweth an honest and dutiful carriage), so I have held it my duty to send him to your Honour.—Doctors’ Commons, 16 March, 1598.
Holograph. 1 p. (60. 44.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 17. We have been instructed by the Earl Marshal to take exact musters of the 2,600 men appointed to be at this place the last of February, and to certify how we found the men armed, apparelled and furnished. The letters from him and you came not hither till the 7th instant, when half the companies were passed down to places nearer their ships, and their arms and furniture aboard. We would not hinder their passage, but took view of such as we found here, and have accordingly set down the particulars, desiring to be excused for not doing as much as was expected.
Please you to favour me in my suit to Her Majesty for the money clue to my brother. Being better soldier than suitor, I have small hope of having it without your furtherance. It is the greatest part of my wealth, and for it I stand charged £300.—Chester, this 17th of March, ’98.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (60. 47.)
The Enclosure :
1598/9, March 17—Richard Rathburne, Mayor of Chester, and Sir Arthur Chichester to Sir Robert Cecil.
Reporting favourably on the 2,600 men to be embarked at Chester, except as to eleven of the men raised in Norfolk whose coats were coarse, who wanted altogether both hose and shoes, and of whom some had no swords, others no chapes to their swords. Sir John Shelton took part in the inspection until the coming of Sir Arthur Chichester.—Chester, of March the xvii, 1598. Signatures.
1 p. (60. 48.)
Sir .Thomas Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 17. My journey has been delayed through no fault of mine. I embarked the day after the Mayor of Bristol reviewed my troop, but was detained windbound for 10 days, after which we put to sea and made shift to reach Illford Coumbe [Ilfracombe] in Devonshire, where we continue till it please God to send us a good wind. We are supplied of our wants by the Earl of Bath’s directions.—Illford Coume, this 17 of March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1598. Seal. 1 p. (60. 49.)
Statement by Thomas Webster.
1598/9, March 18. Henry Derffilde, in time of his imprisonment at Seville, was a great man with father Walpole, and with other clergymen there in Seville. He did make great shew to be a very earnest man in their religion, and seemed to be a great friend to the King of Spain. He, likewise, did procure all the men that he could to serve there, and in very truth his practice was with the enemy, that all such as would not be ruled by him, that then he would make all the means he could to put them in the galleys. Stanley and he were all in all, and in my conscience if he had been true to our Queen and her Bealm, we had never a’ been taken, for, he being captain of the ship, no man there could persuade him but to have his own will.
Signed. Endorsed :—“18 March, 1598. Tho. Baxter. R.” ½ p. (60. 50.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, Mar. 18. On the 14th hereof the mayor of Plymouth and myself wrote answer to yours of the 11th concerning the buying of wheat for her Majesty’s service.
If the same is to be taken up, the more speed, the better. If it shall serve for Ireland, a good part may be bought in the North part of the county, and the rest within twenty miles of this place.
On Friday last there arrived a Flemish pink from Bayonne in France, which brought in her a Dutch mariner who had been prisoner in Alareda. He reporteth that the king of Spain hath a great army ready in Ferrol, and that shipping are sent thither from all other parts of Spain. I can hardly believe that upon such a sudden so great a matter should be joined together. This morning here arrived a small bark which I had sent from hence with victuals to the Newry. The master reports that the companies there and at Knockfergus are free of sickness. The rebels are very near the Newry, but not with any great forces.—Plymouth, this 18th of March, 1598.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (60. 51.)
Thomas Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 19. The minute of the letter to Venice herein-closed, I did forbear to send yesterday, because, having taken a little physic, I could not conveniently come. I have observed as near as I can the instructions which you gave me : the profession of mutual friendship; the referring of the cause to trial and judgment; and a promise that, thereupon, right should be done unto the complainants.—19 of March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1598. Seal. ½ p. (60. 52.)
The Attorney General (Coke) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 19. I have according to your commandment called before me Champanti, petitioner to her Majesty, and Conradus the adverse party, and heard them at large, and the council learned of Conradus also; and do find clearly that all that I certified unto you before is true. But Conradus, who himself claimeth interest by lease under Champanti, findeth himself grieved that certain of his lights be stopped up by erecting of a new building by one Hare, that is also a tenant under Champanti, upon which pretence he would seek the utter overthrow of the poor petitioner. And where you write that her Majesty hath been informed that her Highness hath been abused in the report of this case, it is sufficient that now it is confessed to be true, and I do assure you of the certain truth thereof : wherein I protest I respect, as my duty is, her Majesty’s honour, and compassionate the poor petitioner’s case by the reasons in my former certificate, without expectation of any gain thereby, as with a clear conscience I may protest in all like cases concerning her Majesty that ever passed my hands.—From Hatton House, this 19 of March, 1598.
Holograph. Seal 1 p. (176. 122.)
Lord Dunsany to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 20. I have much sought, and long sued, yet never the nearer my suit, to know what employment it would please our Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to think me fit for. I have good words from him, but he satisfieth me not. His stay here is not long and, if I should suddenly be commanded away, I am utterly unprovided of all complements for such an enterprize, a true and good heart only excepted. It pleased her Majesty of late, hearing of my sickness, to send Mr. Skipwith the “queary” [equerry] to visit me. Afterwards she sent me a pot of fine jelly, which did not a little comfort me. Thereupon, taking occasion to show my thankfulness to her Majesty, I wrote her a letter, wherein I inserted the words, that “her bounty might be suitable the daughter of Henry.” To these words, though I know not why, exception has been taken.—The xx of Merche, 1598.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (60. 53.)
Dr. Chr. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 21. My adversary ceaseth not to urge me with divers threatenings that I shall not be able to answer my caution. At our last meeting with the ambassador he openly required him to testify that he had not any disordered dealing with him by the means of Varelius, the which being done in manner to hinder free avouching of the truth, maketh me doubt more than before, though I assure not anything to prejudice. To avoid discredit to her Majesty’s commission I kept silence. Nevertheless, for the justification of my faithful and dutiful negotiation in all respects, I shall be ready to prove : first, that in my propositions to the King, I did well perform the contents of my instructions; secondly, that in my caution I have performed whatever faithful industry required, considering the difficulties I was put into, and that there can no hold be taken by the same in plain dealing to ground a recess from the ancient treaties; thirdly, that the King, as much as may be gathered under his own hand and seal in three places, never intended in this action any recess from the whole body of the treaties. If my adversary hath commission so far to busy himself, I beseech you that some of the Lords may be appointed by her Majesty’s order to consider the reasons of my justification. Let me be beholding unto you also for the furtherance of my suit for the benefit that may arise by the recusancy of my kinsman, Francis Parkins.—Westminster, the 21st of March, 1598.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (60. 55.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 22. On Monday last here arrived Sir Robert Mansfield with H.M. ships and others. This last night he departed with them and five other small barques, laden here with victuals for Ireland. There should have been laden from here a greater quantity of bread, meal and Newland fish, which Mr. Howell of Exeter, by agreement with Mr. Darell and Mr. Jolles, was to deliver here before the 8th of this month, but it is not yet come. There hath not been any late news of the Dunkirkers or Spaniards upon this coast, so that it is thought they are gone home.
Here is arrived a small barque from St. John de Luce, the master of which reporteth that at the passage and thereabouts in Biscay, there are twelve great ships making ready, as it is reported, to go for Ferroll, but he cannot speak of any greater force in that place. He saith there is proclamation made that no ships of any port in Biscay shall go this year for the Newfoundland, for that the Kiìig shall have cause to employ all the mariners. The party, as he saith, hath a letter to your Honour from Edmond Palmer, which he is to deliver himself. So he intendeth to be very shortly at the Court.—Plymouth, the xxii of March, 1598.
Holograph. 1 p. (60. 57.)
Sir Henry Davers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 22. There are shipped 114 horse of mine. I have urged the Mayor for wafter because there be divers Spanish men-of-war upon the coast. Partly want of shipping was alleged, but principally the detracting of time. I must likewise complain of our victualling if there be lSd. per diem allowed.—Kingrode, ready to set sail, this 22 of March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“To the right ho : Sir Robert Cesell, knight, [princi]pall Secretarye to her Matie.
Poste haste for her Mates Service.
Beseved the same at Mayden hed at 8 of the clock in the morning.
Beceyved at honslow at ten of the clock.”
Seal. 1 p. (60. 58.)
Sir Anthony Cooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 22. Since our departure from Bristol towards Ireland we continued six days at sea, and by contrary winds were constrained to put into the haven of Ilfordcoome, where upon our arrival we repaired to the Earl of Bath, by whom we have both been supplied of so much victual as we spent in those six days at sea, as also that we have received in ready money after the rate of eighteenpence per diem for man and horse for the time we did continue in the town since, in all eight days. This 19th of March being Monday, we put forth of that harbour in the evening, thinking that tide to get Lundy Island, some six leagues from hence. For our better security, in that the said harbour is thought very dangerous to go forth by strangers, both Sir John and myself did provide us of townsmen that were expert pilots, and did furnish ourselves not only with our own boats but also of those of the town. We thought that all the rest had done the like, which was not done, neither had that ship which was cast away any boat of his own, as the rest had, nor yet hired any, as all the rest did. So putting forth he came first foul of Sir John Brooke’s great ship, whereby they were constrained to cut divers of their tacklings. If he had let fall an anchor, the weather being fair, as he was called unto and willed both by our own masters and likewise the pilots of the town, the ship had then come into no danger. Whereby it is concluded, both by our masters and chief mariners as also by the townsmen, to be a thing rather pretended and wilfully done than by casualty. So as that bark being cast upon the rocks, wherein I had sixteen men and horse furnished and my cornet with my colours and goods, we were constrained to help to save our’ men. The night being then come upon us, and the tide being by that time half spent, we were constrained to put in again into that harbour. In putting in together, Sir John Brooke’s own ship fell foul of my great ship, whereby they were both in great danger, insomuch as Sir John Brooke’s master of his ship willed the soldiers all to shift for themselves, but, in the end, both the ships being forced to cut and let slip their tackling, they were forced on shore, the tide being then half-ebb. In coming in Sir John’s ship did strike two sundry times upon two rocks, which by great help was freed again, and so came safe into harbour. All that night we bestowed in helping to save such goods as we could, and with the aid of the town and my men’s travail, we had only six horses drowned. The next day we both stayed in town, Sir John to repair his ship again of such tacklings as were cut the night before, and myself to hire a new ship in the harbour to serve my turn, which I have done, and furnished her with all things necessary for man and horse at my own charges. This present Thursday morning we are put to sea again, the wind being fair, with the morning tide, hoping you shall shortly hear of our arrival in Ireland.—Ilfordcombe, this 22 of March 1598.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (60. 59.)
Francis Cherry to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1598/9, March 23.] I arrived here in London this 23rd of March with answer of the letters which her Majesty gave me in charge to present to the Grand Duke of Moscow (“Musko”). Direct me for my repair to the Court to present to her Highness the Great Duke’s letters and the course of my proceeding in Bussia.
Signed. Endorsed :—“22 Mar. 1598.” ½ p. (60. 56.)
Captain E. FitzGerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 23. Vouchsafe to read the enclosed petition and to further the effecting of my desire therein. Mr. Francis Michell and Mr. Philip Williams, secretaries to the late Lord Burghley, can inform you of my attendance upon his Honour upon my own charge in his northern journey. Vouchsafe that I be not utterly disgraced upon this involuntary occasion of conceived offence, and that I may come to Court to do my duty to you before my departure hence.—From my keeper Ralph Mason his house in London, the 23 of March 1598.
P.S.—I have not so much money at this time as will pay my keeper’s fee, nor I know not how to go home to my country without the Lords of the Council allow me some part of my entertainment.
Signed. Seal, ¾ p. (60. 60.)
Richard Rathburne, Mayor of Chester, to the Lords of the Council.
1598/9, March 23. On the 21st and 22nd of this month the 2,600 footmen appointed to be here by the last of this month were embarked, saving 23 of Sir Thomas Egerton’s company, who were returned back to this city by the master of their barque to avoid the danger of over pestering the company. The rest of the 2,600 have made sail for Dublin with a favourable wind. The 23 I will send to Dublin by the next shipping.
Touching the 800 men committed to the conduction of Sir Thomas Gates, knight, to sail for Waterford, Sir Thomas came hither but the 21st hereof, and 100 of those men are not yet come hither. By reason their appointed place for landing is altered, I was constrained to put more victuals aboard them. Seven hundred are now ready to depart hence to Liverpool and Wirrall for their embarking.—From Chester, the 23 of March, 1598.
On the back :—“For her Mats affayres.
To the right honorable the 11s : and others of her mats moste honorable privey Counsaylle : haest post haste post haste.
At the citie of Chester the 23th day of Marche at 6 in the evening. Richard Rathburne Maior.
At Namptwich at 9 at night
At Stone at owne clocke paste midnighte
At Lichfeld at 5 in the morning
At Cosell [Coleshill] betwix 7 and 8
At Coventry after 10 a clocke in the morninge
At Daventry past 1 afternoone
At Toster [Towcester] past 3
Brickhill at 6
At Sent Albones at 10 of the cloke at nite.
barnet at 12 a Clocke at nyght.” Seal. ½ p. (60. 61.)
Sir Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to the Lord Cobham, Warden of the Cinque Ports.
1598/9, March 23. Your servant Ledgent is this Friday morning returned from Dieppe. He informeth that on Sunday last he entered the harbour of Dieppe, and placed his barque near the haven’s mouth, and arriving there found some 36 Spaniards, whereof there were three seemed gentlemen, the rest to be soldiers. Which Spaniards on the Tuesday following in the afternoon brought their sails to the yard, and new tallowed their frigate, and on the Wednesday by 2 of the clock in the morning they hired two pinnaces out of the town. The sea being very rough after the storm was past, in great peril they went out when as 30 or 40 sail else durst not adventure to go forth. Yet the frigate, by the help of oars and the master that keepeth the booms being their guide, passed away. He further informeth me that there lay two barques of Holland or Zealand men-of-war for the intercepting of the said Spaniards, as some of the Flemings told the said Ledgent, who on the Monday by force of the tempest were driven to put to sea, and yet recovered the road again on Tuesday morning, and the same afternoon put out to sea again. Since which time the Hollanders have not been seen, but are thought to lie in wait for the frigate more to the westward. The Spaniards were in great fear of the said Hollanders for that they discovered them lying on and off in such a storm.
Sir Richard Leveson crossed the seas upon the Sunday morning more than midway with purpose to have put himself with some good company of shot into Ledgent’s barque. But by the furiousness of the storm he was in no sort able to perform the same, but was enforced to shift back to the English coast, where it is thought he is driven to the Isle of Wight. The frigate is of so fine a shape, and having 30 oars in her, that she is so swift of sail as that she can hardly be overtaken by any of our ships, considering how she always new talloweth and trimmeth herself the tide before she purposeth to go out to the sea, and the Queen’s ships are commonly very green and foul, and cannot by any possible means, unless it be in a great gale of wind, recover the said frigate or the like. The frigate was about 30 tons and had in her two small falcons of brass and two of iron. She was very full of muskets. One of Ledgent’s servants having formerly been taken prisoner into Spain, had met there one John Campbell ("Cameil"), a Scotchman, the pilot of the said frigate, who dwelleth in Spain and is a sworn subject of the King. Campbell showed him all their shot and provisions aboard the said frigate, whereby he informed Ledgent. This journey hath been chargeable unto Ledgent for the wages and victuals of 8 men.—Dover Castle, this 23rd of March, 1598.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (60. 62.)
The Queen’s Horses.
1598/9, March 23. “The survey of all her Majesty’s mares and colts at Castl.ehey, Hanbury Park, and Castle Park, taken by Sir Edward Littleton and Sir Humfrey Ferrers, knights, the 23rd of March, in the one and fortieth year of her Majesty’s reign, &c., 1598, by virtue of letters from the right honourable the Earl of Essex, Master of her Majesty’s horse.”
A detailed description of each mare and colt is given. The totals are as follows :—The number of breeding mares for coursers, ut supra, is 27. The number of breeding ambling mares for geldings is 7. Young mares of coursers of four years old, 4. Young mares of coursers of three years old, 4. Young mares of coursers of two years old, 4. Young mares of the ambling breed of two years old, 2. Horse colts of coursers of three years old, 4. Horse colts of coursers of two years old, 3. Horse colts of the ambling breed of three years old, 2. Horse colts of the ambling breed of two years old, 2. Horse colts of coursers of one year old, 3. Horse colts of the ambling breed of one year old, 4. Young mares of coursers of one year old, 8. One dark grey mare of the ambling breed of one year old.
Sum total of her Majesty’s breeding mares and colts of all sorts, 75. The park of Castlehey containeth in compass, 33½ furlongs and ten poles, which amounteth unto in acres—749 acres, 1¾ roods and 9 poles.
The Castle park is in acres—67 acres, 1 rood, 10 poles.
The park of Hanbury containeth in compass 21 furlongs, which amounteth in acres—389 acres, 1½ roods.
Mem.: that in the three parks above-named we did upon our survey find to the number of five score and two of all sorts of cattle over and besides the number of her Majesty’s breeding mares and colts as aforesaid.
Item : we found not any stallion there.”
Signed. Endorsed :—The survey of the races of Tutbury and Malmesbury taken 23rd March ’97 (sic). 4½ pp. (49. 67–69.)
The Queen’s Horses and Cattle.
[1598/9, March 24.] Survey taken by Edward Hungerford and J. Bayntrine, by virtue of letters from the Earl of Essex, at Cowford Park, Wilts, of all mares and colts, their colours and ages, and other cattle, that remain to her Majesty’s use in the said park.
Total : horse colts, 11; mare colts, 12; bearing mares, 19; yearling colts, 12. Cattle and sheep : yearling calves, 32; milch kine, 27; young heifers and steers, 26; ewes, 80. Out of which cattle 4 kine yearly are allowed to one Hooper, the farrier there attendant.
Signed. 1 p. (176. 124.)
Dudley Norton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March 24. This present 24th of March I received my lords of the Council’s letter of the 18th hereof for defalcation of the 25l. that each of the captains, at their despatch from the Court the beginning of November, received by way of imprest, and accordingly I do now make stay of the same. With all duty and humbleness I acknowledge your goodness whereby this direction was so speedily procured, and am sorry that there are yet more occasions to continue to trouble you, for the last two treasures that came (being 6,000l. at two times), no direction was sent by what warrant the same was to be issued. The 4,000l. I brought from Dublin was by letters from your lordships of the Council of the 2nd of December appointed to be issued for lendings by my Lord President’s warrant, and no doubt such was the meaning for these two last treasures. But it no way to me appearing, I am both the less warranted, and some question left to arise, if my lord of Ormond should take occasion to draw into the province, who haply would expect the privilege of his own general authority therein. Further, my Lord President hath occasion sometimes to press me for money for extraordinaries, and is and will be indeed most necessarily occasioned to employ money for those uses as for the special furthering of her Majesty’s service; as for sea and land carriages, gifts to spies and intelligencers and rewards for services (by which means no doubt good things may be effected) as your Honour best knoweth, to whom I refer the consideration thereof. But for my part, having no warrant to pay to any of those purposes, I do excuse myself to my Lord, and he in reason doth bear with me until such time as my lords of the Council’s pleasure be further known.
Lastly, I am constrained to inform you of the confusion that happened by the victualler’s refusal to certify the rates of his victual issued to the army, whereby I cannot know the certainty of his charge.
Sir John Brooke and Sir Anthony Cooke are newly arrived; their men and horses are in very good state. My Lord President draweth into the field within these three days, and I assuredly hope ere long to advertise you of some honourable success.—At Cork, the 24th of March, 1598.
Endorsed : “Received at Greenwich the 10th of April.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (49. 71.)
George Hanger to Sir E. Cecil.
1598/9, [before March 25]. His servant in the Canaries, Thomas Brough, at the last being of the Lord of Cumberland there after he had taken Lancerot, was accused of being an Englishman, and that he would betray to Cumberland the Isle of Teneriffe, was imprisoned, and petitioner’s goods seized. Is sending a ship for the recovery of his factors and goods, and prays for licence to transport a small quantity of wheat, which is required to give colour to his other commodities.
Endorsed :—“March, 1598.” 1 p. (911.)
Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 25. My hastened departure from Court by especial command and my many occupations enforce me to ask you by letter to obtain the Queen’s signature to the enclosed; and also to entreat the performance of her promise as to the wardship of my son, if I miscarry in these wars, whereunto, after so long service, I go so smally regarded. It will not, I hope, be thought amiss if I desire that my wife and such small substance as I leave her may be protected in my absence, and that she may have the wardship of her own son if I return not with life. The assurance of your assistance I will attend at the return of this messenger who shall wait upon you, that I may with better confidence hazard my life, when I know those whom I most dearly regard to be protected and remembered.—Lawnd, 25 March, 1599. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (69. 20.)
Richard Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 25. I have received this day notice of her Majesty’s resolution to employ me into Muscovia. I ever acknowledge how much your favours have bound me.—London, this 25 of March, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1¼ p. (77. 93.)
James Dillon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 26. I have lived in Ireland three years and served the Queen in the wars at my .own charge; but my small living being now wasted by the rebels, I am no longer able to discharge the rent of £90 odd which I have hitherto paid for it to the Queen to my impoverishment. I therefore preferred a petition to the Council; which on the certificate of Sir Robert Napper and Sir Anthony St. Leger that my living is waste, is left to the order of the Lord Lieutenant on his coming to Ireland. But I do request that immediate course may be taken for the remittal of a whole or part of my rent, or that a toleration be granted until my lands be reinhabited, with an instalment at reasonable times afterwards.—26 March, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (69. 23.)
Robert Constable to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 26. May it please you to peruse this letter from Mr. Beverley, who helped me in my greatest want when I went to Chester. For when the Mayor refused to lend me more than five pounds, he furnished me and my company with money and other necessaries to the amount of 31l. So that I must be a suitor in his behalf so far as may seem convenient to you.—London, 26 March, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (69. 24.)
Francis Myller to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 27. To-day I have received a letter from Mr. Hugh Allington, whereby I understand, as also before from my brother, Dr. James, that you wrote to him on my behalf to be his deputy in the Court of Bequests. But from Mr. Allington’s letter I perceive that he had resolved on another for that place. All I asked was for your word to Mr. Kerry to remove the impediment he was to me in this matter; but I am doubly bound to you for writing to Mr. Allington himself.—Southampton, 27 March, 1599.
Holograph. Endorsed with a list of names. Seal. 1 p. (69. 25.)
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 27. Your park pale is now in some forwardness. I have informed the tenants of Cheston of the enlargement of the park, and have shewn them the severalls you are to lay out for so much as you are to enclose. They seem well pleased, and at the next court desire it may be recorded according to their custom.
I am bold to move your Honour concerning our wood in the chase. I think there will hardly be sufficient to satisfy the fees, the wood being so much decayed. The tenants and borderers both require wood, which will not be had there unless some order be taken for the abridgement of the fees; which would win those who are now discontented. The number of loads which go out of the chase for fee wood is 100 [and] 60 loads, of which your Honour has 60, Sir Robert Wroth 60, and Mr. Skynner 40. The wood had for Theobalds was wood allowed for the airing of Enfield house. Sir Robert Wroth is to have thirty loads for his bailywick and none for his “woodereship.” Mr. Skynner is to have none out of the chase, but is to have fuel upon his own lease, as Mr. Garrard, the .clerk of the Duchy, can show you. If you approve of this and would cut 50 loads of your own wood, and the like were cut from Sir Robert Wroth and Mr. Skynner’s, the tenants would be well pleased. The day for delivering the wood draws near; it were well to let Sir Robert Wroth and Mr. Skynner understand this before they begin carrying the wood. My Lady Susan does well and your aunt, Mrs. Wright.—Theobalds, 27 March, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (69. 26.)
Captain Edward Bodington to the Privy Council.
1599, March 27. Five hundred Frenchmen are arrived here, come by their own report from Rochelle; but they have neither the King’s pass nor aught from the town of Rochelle. Only Grave Maurice’s pass they have, unto whom they say they are going. However, in the absence of my Colonel, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, I thought well to let your Lordships know of it. There are five hundred more said to be coming.—From the fort at Plymouth, 27 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1599. ½ p. (69. 27.)
Ja. Fitzgerald to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 27. Mr. Lieutenant, according to your commandment, has advertised me of the total of my debts; and I, according to the miserable estate of my poor creditors, would ask for the present despatch of the same. It is not for fear of arresting, for I have every sufficient supersedeas, but the fear of utter undoing through the obeying of my Lord Mayor’s officers by a secondary means that I would not be guilty of, doth urge me to enforce so much your favour. I protest the debt grew out of mere want for the supplying of some ornament that might the more enable me to perform the Queen’s commandments.—The Tower, 27 March, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (69. 28.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 28. My Lord of Essex hath with great earnesty recommended all these Irish gentlemen which are to be enabled by her Majesty to go with his lordship in his journey for Ireland, and, among the rest, hath most specially recommended Sir Edward Herbert, this bearer. I beseech you, therefore, as I know you will, to hasten the privy seal with as much speed as you can, and we will then presently furnish them with “maythamytised” answers. We have other great payments.—This 28 of March, 1598 (sic).
Holograph. Endorsed :—“28 Mar.’ 99.” ¾ p. (60. 70.)
Ralph, Lord Eure to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 28. Before my removal out of the wardenry of the Middle March, the “Privy Council directed the now Bishop of Durham and myself to enquire of the desire of Hugh Birde to search and cause to strike sail all ships passing H.M. Castle at Tynemouth.
My endeavours and labours therein was effected and despatched to the Bishop of Durham, who, upon causes best known to himself, reserved those things in his hand till now, and reviveth the same upon occasions of services now presented, the necessity whereof is better known to your Honour than seemly for me to relate. Mr. Byrde in my opinion will labour to prefer her Majesty service before all worldly respects whatsoever, and I think his neighbours of Newcastle do esteem no less of him.—Malton, this 28th of March, 1598.
Signed. Endorsed :—“28 March, 1599.” ½ p. Seal. (60. 71.)
Sir Anthony Paulet to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 28. Following your directions I let my petitions sleep till my Lord of Essex was gone. But having been a prisoner these late days and not yet so strong as my physicians will suffer me to go to the Court, lest you should think me negligent I write to crave your favour for my dispatch, the more that my physicians tell me the air of this City does not agree with me. I will wait upon you to-morrow with my request, as soon as I can creep abroad.—My poor lodging, 28 March, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (69. 29.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 28. Acknowledging the receipt of letters dated the 26th instant, which he is this forenoon sending to Calais by Charles Caspar, the post.—Dover Castle, March 28, 1599.
Signed. ½ p. (69. 30.)
Sir Thomas Egerton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 29. Having neither sound limbs, body or mind, I followed the advice of my physicians to creep into the country for change of air. I am sorry my going prevented your coming to me, and on sight of your letter wished I had stayed longer. Your calling at my house and writing to me, I take as a great favour. You may speak and write unto many, but to none that shall receive it with more contentment and affection. I am sparing of verbal professions and trust you like me not the worse for it.
I am glad of so quiet and happy a parting, and wish that may always be which shall be best for her Majesty’s service and contentation. The discourse you sent me I return. I read it with great delight, and bless their labours that have the handling of it; for dudce nomen pacis, and God send it sound and safe in our days. I desire to comfort myself with the sight of her Majesty and to wait upon you so soon as my legs will bear me.
P.S.—If I return not my wife’s kind thanks and commendations for your favourable remembrance, I shall be blamed, which I desire to avoid.—Pyrford, 29 March, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (69. 31.)
W. Earl of Bath to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 29. I wrote to you on the 18th instant about 12 ships of war of Dunkirk lying off the Western coast; and also of the arrival of Sir Anthony Cook and Sir John Broke at Ilfracombe with their troops on their passage from Bristol to Ireland. I have also written to the Council to give order for the satisfaction of the money I have disbursed for them during their enforced stay here. The mishaps which befel Sir Anthony Cooke in his passage hither are to be pitied. His own loss at that shipwreck was great, and providing another ship grew so chargeable to him, that at his entreaty and knowing him to be your kinsman, I delivered to him £40, which he spent here on the Queen’s service. And I doubt not of your furtherance with the Council for its repayment.
Sir Anthony has left me a kind of security, which I reckon not of, but will, as I told him, trust to the Council and yourself.—Tavestock, 29 March, 1599.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (69. 32.)
Lord Henry Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 29. The bearer, Mr. Edward Red, who is attending my Lord of Essex on his service to Ireland, has had his trunk of apparel, worth over £200, attached for a debt of £40; and desires your letter to the Lord Mayor to refer the matter to Lord Anderson, who is acquainted with the cause. This gentleman, when Lord Borow was Deputy, scaped hardly with his life, being sore hurt.—Blackfriars, 29 March, 1599.
Holograph. 1 p. (69. 33.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1599,] March 29. As I was putting my foot in the stirrup, I received your packet, and will, according to her Majesty’s directions, observe the contents thereof. For hasting away Sir Warham St. Leger I thank you, and for Sir Charles Blount, I will, at Daventry, where I dine, make a dispatch to her Majesty. If she grant me not this favour I am maimed of my right arm; but I will not, lack of both arms, lift up one unreverent thought against her will : But her service and the good success thereof are much interested in that one particular. If you further it, you shall make me beholding to you.—Stony Stratford, 29th of March.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (69. 34.)
The Examination of Andrew Roche, taken before the Lord Lieutenant General and others, the 30th of March, 1599.
1599, March 30. The examinate says that about the 14th instant (new style) James Fitz Thomas, the so-called Earl of Desmond, delivered to him two letters written by James Wajsh, and signed by the said James Fitz Thomas, directed to the King of Spain, which were written at Dangynychouse in the house of Stephen Rice, and also a letter from Don John de Bessas directed to Don Diego Brochero, general of the King’s Royal army in Spain, to be delivered accordingly. These letters were taken from him at sea by William Lincoln, Thomas Collen and other merchants of Waterford, who saw them given to him by the so-called Earl; and for the contents he refers to the letters. Richard Cony, master of the ship, Thomas Oge and Morogh McShihie also saw the letters given to him. At the same time the Earl signed and delivered 4 other letters to one Sir Knogher, a priest, to be conveyed to Spain in the same ship, viz., one in Latin to the King of Spain, one in English to Morish Fitz John, and two others in English to the clergy of Spain. At his apprehension at sea he told the merchants that the priest had these letters. But Lincoll said the priest had thrown them overboard, but that at Waterford Lincoll told him that they were safe. The priest had a boy with him, who came to Waterford.
The Earl bade him tell the King of Spain that the Earl of Tyrone takes more upon him than he can perform, and that the Earl of Desmond can do more because he commands the province of Munster, which has towns in it and is very fertile; and which contains gentlemen of worth such as are not in the North, who are at the Earl’s command. Moreover the examinate heard Captain Tyrell tell the Earl of Desmond that the King of Scots favoured the Earl of Tyrone, and that supplies of powder came to Tyrone from Denmark and Brunswick through Scotland.
Tyrell had seen a letter directed by the King of Scots to “Our loving friend the Baron of Dungannon, Earl Tyrone, Great O’Neal, and Lord General of Ireland for the Catholic Church,” and signed, “Your loving friend James Rex.” And Tyrone and the King were each pledged to help the other.
The Spaniards intend to send a large force to Ireland; and he was ordered to tell the King of Spain that the rebels meant to fortify Haulbowlene and Inspike islands in Cork harbour to receive them there.
If the Spanish troops could not come to Ireland this year, he was to bring cannon with him in some Esterling or Scottish ship to the haven of Youghal, to land them at Stroncally, and burn the ship. John Fitz Thomas told his brother the Earl that Captain Morishe, the keeper of Stroncally, would deliver it up at his pleasure.
A Walloon named Captain Gymmert is to go presently from Limerick with letters like those given to the examinate.
The heir apparent mentioned in the Earl’s letter was the Lord Beauchamp, and this was put in the letter to give the Examinate more countenance.
When the said Roche was in Munster he heard from O’ Sullivan and several of the traitors of Desmond and Carberry, that they daily, expected the landing of Florence McCartie, and they intended to join with him; and therefore Roche thinks it safer to keep him in England, till the country is quieter.
Ulick Brown and his wife and some other gentlemen in the County of Limerick who pretend to be good subjects resort sometimes to the said pretended Earl, and confer with him, as the examinate has seen.
Certain boats come from Galway to Clanmorishe and Kirry, and to O’Connor’s country, with powder and other stores for the rebels, and take back with them corn, money and hides to Galway. Moreover, last January the examinate met Teige Keigh in Mahon, in a ship he had taken in Limerick harbour from a Plymouth merchant, who told him that he expected two barrels of powder from Galway by the next boat that came thence to Limerick.
About the 16th of February Captain Tyrell went from the said Earl to Ulster to bring thence seven hundred men and some powder which came to Ulster from Scotland. The Earl made Tyrell Serjeant-Major and Colonel General of Munster, and means to give him a barony there.
The Spaniard Don John de Bessars told the Earl that he thought the Spanish frigates would arrive before the examinate could get to Spain.
The examinate says that at the meeting of James Fitz Thomas the pretended Earl with the Viscount Roche, Dr. Crahe, Mountgarret, the White Knight and other rebels in Lord Roche’s country on the return of the Lord President of Munster and his forces from Kilmallock, had some conference in a village two miles from Mallow. They regretted that they had entered into this action during the lives of the Queen and the Earl of Ormond, who are not like to live long. And if both were gone they thought they and their confederates might possess the land in peace. If Mountgarrets’ advice had been followed, the rebels would have joined battle with the Lord President on his return.
Signed. Thomas Ormonde, Andrew Roche, George Comerford, Robert Rothe, H. Sherwood. 4 pp. (69. 35.)
Dr. Chr. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March 31. I cannot remember if the Queen ever did more than sign her name below her letters to the Duke of Venice. But the matter has been discussed, and my opinion has always been that some difference should be made, because the Duke was not a prince by birth. I do not think the word fratri or consanguineo should be used, nor should her Majesty use the words bona soror at the end.—31 March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“31 March, ’99.” 1 p. (69. 37.)
John Colville to Lobd Douglas.
1599, March 31/April 10. Being desirous to know what your Lordship hears from Scotland, and to impart unto you what has fallen in my way, I have kept this bearer. The Emperor and King of Spain are accorded for twenty years with the Turk, and are leagued with the Princes of Italy against the Protestants. The King of France will shortly be asked to league with them, but he minds to be a father of all his children. Would that all Protestant Kings were so disposed, for then should our grey hairs be buried at home with our fathers. The last articles of the Edict, which are verified, though in some places refused, as in Toulouse and Bordeaux, have exasperated the Catholics. Sed crepat illis medius. And if this Majesty be not murdered, he is more nor bastant for all Romanists. My Lord Bothwell is in great credit; alas! therefore. Not for any harm I wish him, but because he will lose his honour in the company he is in. He has been very ill. He amasses men and promises great matter, but it will end in smoke. And he will soon discredit himself, for it is not shadow that feeds the Spaniard. They have seen his projects in Holland effectless; his other intent was divulged too soon, and if this fail which he now broaches, he-will be again put to his A B C. I shall always be ready to save him, albeit he have put out men to assassinate me in my going between Boulogne and Calais. He may kill me but shall not shame me, as I told him in Paris. The young King of Spain will show himself to the world, and they make great preparations at Dunkirk. Sundry light shallops are made to be posts to and from the army, of the which three are now here. I shall be glad to know if there is any progress in a treaty between my stepmother Scotland and Cardinal Andre. Please speak to Mr. Locke about me and if my widow’s mite may be accepted. I am in great extremity because I am neither Spanish nor Popish.—Bologne, 10 April, Stylo novo, 1599. We think that Madame de Beaufort is dead.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (69. 57.)
Sir Thomas Knollys to the Queen.
1598/9, March. Your Majesty’s most gracious letters, with your 2,000 subjects and soldiers, sent hither under my conduct and command, I have delivered into the hands of the States, who, how slightly they have accepted of the one, and injuriously dealt with the other, I refer unto the effects of both, the particulars whereof I have acquainted the Council. Only this in all humility and reverence I say, that the States are not altogether to be condemned for the cross and indirect courses which have been held here. They have only put in execution what by others was plotted and devised, I mean especially Sir Francis Vere, whose authority and maintenance from the States is so great and absolute, being lately appointed by them to be their general of all the English in the field, that he maketh small account of your Majesty’s town and government of the Brill, being wholly addicted unto the States and their proceedings. He hath not only crost my welfare in these parts, but also your Majesty’s special service into Ireland, the Council’s determinations in England, and my Lord of Essex’s intended journey. If I should be thought worthy of the command of your Majesty’s cautionary town of the Brill, I should think myself fully recompensed for all manner of miseries and misfortunes which by sea and land I have hitherto endured, and I will never cease to pray for your most flourishing estate, and that God might number your most happy hours, joyful days and prosperous years with the stars of heaven, the sands of the shore and the drops of the sea.
Holograph. Endorsed :—March, 1598. 1 p. (60. 76.)
Sir Thomas Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March. Complaining of Sir Thomas Vere’s treatment of him. “But greatness is for the most part accompanied with jealousy, wherefore, whatsoever is done, I impute it altogether unto his greatness. I think it too much for one man to be Lord General for the States in the field and Lord Governor of the Brill for her Majesty.” I am but a simple captain.
Holograph. Endorsed :—March, 1598. 1 p. (60. 77.)
Hugh Beeston to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March. This night the Lord of Derby purposeth to be at the Court. The books will not be ready till Tuesday. You must either resolve to be here on that day, or else by some means keep his Lordship at Court till Tuesday, when Mr. Ireland, Mr. Perceval, and myself would attend you. In my opinion the fittest place to finish such a business will be at your house here.
Holograph. Endorsed :—Mar. 1598. ½ p. (61. 73.)
Thomas Edmondes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1599, March. I arrived here with the Audiencier this afternoon, and found this bearer returned that was dispatched with her Majesty’s letters. And because he brought a letter to your Honour from the President Richardot, I was bold to open the same for my better direction. You will see that he continues his assurances of a good inclination on their part within the limits of utility. The Audiencier tells me that the point of forbearing to trade with those of Holland and Zealand will be much insisted upon. We shall travel together, but he desires to go before me to the Court, to gain an account of his charges and prepare the Duke for my coming.—Calais, March, 1599.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (69. 39.)
Sir Edward Stafford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598/9, March. It pleased your Honour very favourably to pleasure me so much and Mr. Stalinge my surety, who were both with you at your house in the Duchy, as to grant a stay of any process against me and him till you were settled in the office. Yet even now there is sent me a note of an extent against me, and so I am sure it is against Mr. Stalinge, and I would ask that the process be called in again.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“March, 1599.” 1 p. (69. 41.)
The Earl of Essex to Reginald Nycholas.
[? c. 1599, March.] Instructions as to a provision of geldings for his employment into Ireland for the recovery of that Kingdom. Wishes for geldings of the best sort rather than great horses, believing that they will best agree both with that country and the service there intended.—Court at Whitehall.
Undated draft.
Endorse :—“Copy of letter of the Earl of Essex, 1600.” 1 p. (75. 70.)
Lord H. Howard to the Earl of Southampton.
[1599, early in April.] Though the time be short if we number days since you departed hence, yet hath it seemed over long to those that resolve accidents and. observe revolutions. Since these took their leave of their best company, the pleasant moods which appear in sundry persons give me great cause to judge that all men were not created of one mould, but they that build upon a rock are not afraid of foul weather. I take no great delight in hearing strange exceptions cast over against my worthy Lord for moderate journeys, when Wiseman, his servant, was pitied by the same person for riding in post with so great; expedition. For strange it is that those burdens should be laid upon such a master which in an ordinary servant deserve compassion. If you, too, have heard the manner of proceeding with my Lord about Sir Christopher Blounte, you will then conceive whether I had reason, as well out of judgment as out of tenderness, to shrink in the behalf of my dearest and most worthy friend at the beginning of this enterprise. For this is only at the first tentare patientiam without any ground, and after, as advantage ariseth upon accident, to prove unconstancy. The body of the Court begins now to grow wholly and entirely into one part and that not the best. I doubt for a while I shall not be able to give you account of “crust rattiones” in this place, suitable to your worthy general’s deserts in those, but the greater shall be the shame of peevish prejudice when demonstrations shall deface emulation. Pardon my post haste, worthy Lord, for I have left in the world but one quarter of an hour to despatch my salutations to my dear friends amongst you, and beside, my spirits, which I lost at Stony Stratford, are scant returned to their old seat back again. As matters of importance occur you shall understand, as a person dear to me for your own kind and honourable parts, but most dear of all for being near and dear to him in whom alone, concerning joys and comforts of this world, I protest to God my soul is satisfied. Be ever in this action, and in all others, as happy as I wish, and so shall you not be troubled with wishing to yourself what was gained before by your constant friend’s anticipation. I should account it happiness in summo gradu, which is more than pepper itself is hot, to be commanded by you in anything that might either do you service or afford you satisfaction any way, until which time I recommend my resolution as a spotless paper wherein you shall write your pleasure, and so far as my strength can stretch I will perform it faithfully. This letter, being written after that to my only Lord, stands instead of a new messenger to present my most affectionate and humble service to his Lordship.—Wednesday.
P.S.—I beseech you that I may be commended to my Lord Graye, my Lord Burgh, and Sir Tho. Jermyne.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“The Lo. H. Howard.” 1½ pp. (75. 75.)