Pages 588-591
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.
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f., letter used to signify the Warden of the Marches of Scotland, 89.
Fabry père et fils, inventors, 7.
Facye, Andrew, of Stonehouse, Devon, pilot in a Spanish ship, 337, 338.
letter from, 303.
Faillie, M. de, agent in France for the States General, 176.
Fairbarn, Alexander, a Scotchman, 380.
Fairfax, Thomas, 495.
Falconry, 297, 468.
Falmouth (Faltymue), 64, 378.
trainbands at, 19.
designs to attack, 58, 63, 291, 319.
letter dated at, 450.
Falscastell near Berwick, 39, 45, 46.
Fane, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle 354.
letters from, 21, 24, 28, 37, 215, 262.
Fanshaw :
Mr., 40, 41, 72.
— blameworthy conduct of, 56.
W., Auditor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 237.
Farmer, Sir George, 397.
Farnabie (Farnaby), George, Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, 386.
letters from, 419, 431.
Farringtonne, Mr., 237.
Felon's testimony inadmissible, 15.
Fenmer, Edward, 222.
Fenton, Sir Jeffrey, 246.
Fenwick, Fennick, William, of Northumberland, slaughter of Scottishmen by, &c., 314, 499, 500, 504.
Ferdinand, Emperor, mentioned, 167.
Fernando, Mr., 273.
Ferne, Jo., of the Council of the North, 495.
his knowledge, &c., 279.
letters from, 343, 494.
Ferrara (Ferare), 26, 507, 511.
war of, 116.
Ferrett, de, at Vervins, 139.
Ferrers, Thomas, H.M. Agent at Stad, letters from, 113, 474.
lettar to, 308.
at Hamburgh, 406.
Ferrol (Farrall), 118, 351.
Spanish fleets at, &c., 57, 58, 63, 127, 180.
army gathered in, for a scarecrow to England, 210.
Fife men, a colony of, for the Islands, 323.
Finderson, F., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 386.
Finland, a campaign in, 364.
Fitz Edmund, John, detected in grave offences, 202.
Fitz Hammond, Richard. 288.
Fitzherbert :
Nicholas, a counterfeit letter of, referred to, 396.
Thomas, 441.
Fitzjames :
John, of Redlinch in Somersetshire, 59, 60.
one, an Englishman carried into Spain, 59.
Fitzwilliams, Sir William, 378.
Flanders, Spanish force to be sent to, 76.
peace proclaimed in towns of, 190.
furnishes Spain with munition, 210.
probable effects of the peace for, 246.
progress of the campaign in, 380.
mutiny among the Spanish soldiers in, 400.
the fleet of, 518.
Fleet, a prisoner in the, 286.
Fleetwood (Fletewood), W., Receiver of the Court of Wards, 171, 237, 255.
letter from, 331.
Flemish :
Church, the, 179.
men imprisoned in Spain, 450.
ships not named, from Flushing, 37.
Flemings, letter dated at, 20.
Flempton, Suffolk, 566.
Flemyng, Thomas, Solicitor General, letter from, 101, 505.
Fletcher :
Dr., 301.
— at the Hague, letter from, 190.
J., letter from, 237.
Thomas, Mayor of Chester, letters from, 205, 298.
Flint, —, with Sir R. Cecil's hawks, 283.
Florence, visit of a “young gentleman” to, reception by the Grand Duke, 76.
letters dated at, 76, 493.
subjects of, molested by English ships, 493.
Duke of, letter from, 204.
Flushing (Vlishing), 15, 200, 235.
letters dated at, 22, 25, 29, 30, 55, 57, 346, 363, 427.
defence of, 11.
flyboats with corn from, at Dartmouth, released, &c., 12, 13.
evils grown into the government of, 53, 54.
Spanish soldiers captured and carried into, 56.
embargo on corn laden ships at, 128.
reduction of the numbers in the foot-bands of, 312, 313.
necessity of examining passengers by, 458.
Foix, earldom of, conferred on the King of France's son. 491.
Fontainebleau. 25, 359, 569.
a magnificent banquet at, 327.
Fontenell. See Fountenell.
Forbes, Lord, 146.
Forret, Captain, 47, 398.
letters to, 40, 41.
Forsman, Thomas, 307.
Forster, Richard, letter from, 337.
Fortescue :
Captain, 556.
Elizabeth, examination of, 75.
Helen or Ellen, examination of, 74, 75.
Henry, letter from, 556.
Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 5, 12, 74, 88, 197, 274, 301, 347, 403, 528.
— letters from, 153, 236, 298, 387, 509,
— letter to, 222.
John, a suspected Recusant, search of his house, 74(2).
— letter from, 81.
Katherine, examination of, 75.
Thomas, 556.
William, 525, 528.
“49,” signifying a person in France in private communication with Sir R. Cecil, 108, 122, 123.
Foscarini, Signor, 188.
Foster, one, a near servant of Bothwell, 89.
Foules, David, 484.
sent on a mission to England from the K. of Scots, 315.
attempt to get an interview with the Lord Keeper, 385.
Fountenell, Fontenell, Spanish Commander, 101, 147.
Fournier, Captain, 23.
Fowles, Thomas, 510.
Fowey (Foie, Foye), 64, 449.
soldiers to embark, at, 428.
Mayor of, 428.
Fowkes :
Mr., 515.
Mr., keeper of the muskets, &c., 242.
Capt. Henry, letter from, 476.
William, letter to, 476.
Fowle, Captain, 560.
Fowler :
Mr., a justice of the peace in London, 459.
Thomas, 302.
Fox, one, Serjeant of the Admiralty's man, 546.
Foxe, Ja. or Da., letters from, 433, 514.
France :
Admiral of, 31, 90, 181.
— pseudonym for, 181.
Ambassador from :
to England, 14, 355.
— a complaint from, 11.
— lands at Dieppe, 15.
expected at Brussels, 207.
to Scotland, 568.
to Spain, 362.
Ambassadors or Agents to :
English, 127. See also Cecil.
— reason for the delay in sending, 426.
— one named for, 431.
Deputies from the States General, 13, 14, 84.
Scottish, reception of, &c., 568.
Spanish, 489.
armistice in, 174.
beer, leather and fish imported, 415.
bound to have war, foreign or civil 533.
Chancellor of, 90, 104, 105, 391.
— his speech at the Council, 105.
— described, 108.
character of the people, 52, 158.
Constable of, 8, 181, 193, 474, 568.
— cipher standing for, 181.
Court of, a lady at, ready to give information, 84.
Court of, want of money in, 359.
English agent in, 266.
English cannoniers asked for, for French vessels, 25.
English soldiers conveyed to Ireland from, 28.
H.M. post into, 363.
horses in, 8.
Huguenot or Protestant party in (“the Religion”), 23, 350, 426.
— their sentiments as to the proposed peace, 8, 122.
— leaders in Brittany, 82.
— dealings with the King, &c., 98.
— edict in favour of, 174.
— designs against, 181.
— aims of the influential members of, 267.
— Synod of, &c., 329.
— edict for, not ratified, objections, &c., 492.
instructions for an agent to obtain information in, 326.
insecurity of the roads from Paris, from soldiers and robbers, 31.
intelligence, advertisements, advices, news from, 181, 182, 219, 235, 266, 269, 327, 328, 351, 358, 362, 391, 426, 488, 489, 567, 568.
King Henry IV. of, and the peace negotiations, 9, 13, 44, 57.
— one of his secretaries, 22.
— movements and plans of, 25, 26, 30, 31, 65, 81, 110, 111, 118, 122, 157, 219, 270.
— letters to, 42.
— relations with the Duke de Marckrey and others, 51.
— Mistress of. See Grabriclle d' Estrées.
— the English Ambassadors' interviews with, 90, 104–108, 118–122.
— describes his own character, 92.
— his wife in Navarre, 101.
— pseudonyms or ciphers for, 103, 176, 181.
— his debts to the Queen of England, made known for the first time to some of his Council, 107.
— his explanation as to the disclosures of the intercepted letters from the Cardinal's deputies, 121.
— a letter to the Queen from, taken exception to, for its style, &c., 126 (2).
— letters from, 158, 222.
— abandons the English, 170.
— oath taken by, at Rouen, referred to, 170.
— question of marriage of, 176, 359, 567.
— correspondence with the K. of Scots, 181.
— a character in a dumb show, 190.
— appointment to meet Ambassadors, 193.
— forbids duels, 219.
— a water spaniel for, 242, 262.
— presents to departing ambassadors, 270.
— an attempt to marry him to the Infanta, 270.
— entertains the Comte de Berlemont, 327.
— negotiations with the Archduke, said to have sworn to extirpate the Reformed Religion, &c.. 327, 328.
— marriage with his mistress, negotiations at Rome, &c. See Estrées, Gabrielle d'.
— letters to Earl of Essex, 355, 388.
— illness, &c., 391.
— his state of health, 426, 567.
— Alexander, son born at Nantes, christening, &c., 491.
— legitimation of his children, question of divorce, &c. 491.
— treating with the King of Scots, 565.
— great hopes in, in Spain, 531.
— the unprofitableness to, of a peace with Spain, 533.
the League in, peace made with the King, 101.
Madame of, the French King's sister, 326, 568.
— an interview with, her person described, 93.
— marriage of, 181, 235, 266, 269, 359, 362, 491.
— movements of, 267.
military situation in, 22.
mission to Rome, 266.
negotiations for peace, 25, 29, 31, 51, 52, 54, 144, 154.
— sentiments in France with regard to, 8, 9.
— Spanish commissioners, 20.
— — demands of, proceedings, &c., 44, 46.
— extracts relating to, 537, 538.
Papal Legate in, 57, 537.
— an intimate in the house of, at Paris, 17.
— alleged satisfactory results of his negotiations, 328.
peace proclaimed in. 193.
— the representatives present, &c., 193.
— hostages to reside in France, in connexion therewith, 193, 196.
— its character and probable effects, 219, 246, 424.
person qualified to give information as to French matters, 474.
persons from, landing in England, precautions necessary with regard to, 556.
the “quhyit” Queen of, 65.
Scottish nobles and others coming to, 330.
soldiers in the Netherlands, 281.
surrender of towns in, to the King, 219.
the wars in, news of, 101.
Franciotti, Horatio, 333.
Frankfort, 262.
Fraser, Master, Lieutenant of cavalry at Bruges, letters to, 41.
Fraysin, Count, in the Spanish service, 103.
Frederick, Count, “that gave up the house of Linge,” 400.
Frenchman offering intelligence, &c., through Colville, 139.
Frenchmen, “foreigners,” in London, condemned to death, petition on behalf of, 255.
Friesland, 380.
attitude towards the war with Spain, 62.
Deputies of, delay of their appearance in the States General, 238.
threatened with invasion, &c., 389, 393.
the defence of, 401.
Frissel, lord of Everton, 480.
Fuentes, Conde de. 63.
a letter from, 184.
Fugures, a leaguer town in France, 101.
Fuller, Thomas, 172.
Fyall, 383.
Fysbye, Christopher, contents of a letter from, 71.
Fyton (Phitton) :
Sir Edward, letter from, 275.
Mistress, the Queen's maid of honour, 417.