Cecil Papers: December 1598, 21-25

Pages 511-518

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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December 1598, 21–25

Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, Dec. 21. There are many things which will make it difficult to raise so large a loan as her Majesty asks of the City of London. So large a sum has never been raised at one blow; the security is of an unusual kind and not suitable for every private person, and, what is more important, in that quarter the credit [of the Queen] has not been kept up so scrupulously as should have been done by those who might wish to use it in time of need; so that I doubt if the whole sum can be got. It would have sufficed to ask publicly for half only, and to raise the other half by means of two companies of Aldermen and one of the most trustworthy foreigners, who would take the Queen's securities and raise the money on credit in their own names. You say truly that I might have been of use in this, and so far as good will went no one would have done more than I; but it was not supposed that any necessity of the kind would arise, and I was thrown aside; although you know that in Germany I found the 50,000 scudi those Princes refused to pay, and took the other 50,000 on my sole credit, which is now destroyed; and I can now do no more than what my small remains of power and that of my friends can permit. The Queen has doubtless sufficient reason for the suspension she put upon my debt, but it was certainly unwise (whoever advised it) to do it in so public a manner, when she might have obtained the same end without any scandal or offence to public faith; for which it would be wise to provide a remedy, and advantageous too in the future. But if there is no desire to remedy this, I shall speak of it to no purpose; you well know of your self and by what your father told you at Nonesuch in July 1593, how much better it would have been to do otherwise, and how useful it would be to the Queen to come to some arrangement, especially as she has now balanced her accounts with the States, so that that excuse is entirely removed. Other princes in like cases usually admit the old debt at a fresh borrowing, strike a balance with the creditor and give him a new assignment. But where there has been no such practice in use, it requires a strong minister to introduce it, which fact I leave to your consideration, being ready myself to have patience as long as the Queen shall desire.
There are two reasons to make the new King of Spain attack us; first, to get the great name of Defender of the Catholic Religion which his father had; and secondly, consideration for the Archduke his brother, who will not believe that otherwise he can be freed from our troops in the Low Countries; one must not omit the encouragement the Pope must have given him at Ferrara to follow in their father's footsteps. So I think we ought to reckon on having to fight a new and young enemy in him; and ought to quiet him and the Archduke as much as we can, and to make them see we are prepared to punish any aid they may give to the Irish Rebels.—Baburham, 21 Dec. 1598.
Holograph Italian. Seal.
pp. (66. 92.)
Don Jeronimo Arias de la Hoz “a Secretario Mayor.”
1598, Dec. 21. Perceiving the winds to hold so contrary for the sending from that kingdom to these islands, I take it to be the cause that I have had no answer from you, of a letter which I sent by means of the Governor of Vlishing some days past. And therefore, for that which may hereafter happen, I write this, that you may give advice to the Queen's most Christian Majesty, that a Jesuit and a Franciscan friar, by order from the Pope and King of Spain, are there to kill her; and they might peradventure have their intent, such is the invention of the weapons wherewith they mean to attempt it; and so wicked is their intention, being deceived by the Pope, who hath absolved them a culpa et pœna, and promised them that the Church shall pray for them, as for holy martyrs, who go to offer themselves to martyrdom; and therefore they desire no more but to execute it and to die. And they must do it in this sort. When the Queen goeth forth to walk or on hunting, they shall come in the apparel of country fellows or poor men, with their weapons, which are two books, the third part of a yard in length and a quarter of a yard in breadth; which are made in such sort that, although a man would verily think they were books, yet they are not; for within each of them is conveyed two pistol barrels, which with unclasping the book go off with greater force than a caliver, and within each of them are a dozen bullets, tempered in that sort, and if they draw blood, there is no remedy. I have seen the experience of the bullets with a little dog that they have let blood in the tail, and but touched it with one of the bullets, and afterwards they cut off his tail; but it would not help, for he died within an hour. The one of these fellows is of the race of a Gascoigne, but born in London, which is the Franciscan friar, who was my father's chaplain and confessor fifteen years together : the other is a Fleming, and hath been penitentiary to the Pope. I write no more for the present, but this being the matter of most importance, although I know more of no small moment, as the number is great of such people as blinded by the priests will be against the Queen, against whom the navy was last made in Spain, which it pleased God should be drowned.—Middleburgh, 21 Dec., 1598.
Holograph. Spanish.
1 p. (66. 95.)
Also a contemporary translation, as above. (66. 94.)
John [Whitgift], Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 21. Most hearty thanks for his very great favour to the bearer Mr. Scott. Prays the continance of his goodness towards him.—From Lambeth, 21 December, 1598.
Signed. Seal.
½ p. (178. 44.)
A letter, to the same effect, to Edward Reynolds, Essex's Secretary.—Lambeth, 21 Dec., 1598.
½ p. (66. 91.)
George Gilpin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, Dec. 22. The bearer hereof, Mr. Hunter, who arrived the 26th of October last, delivered me your letter of the first of the same written on his behalf, and [I] did thereon offer to further and pleasure him both with advice and otherwise. How hath been proceeded since, and what the success was, himself can best report, wishing it had been other, but could not be remedied without the entering into further contestation, and that would have proved a longer suit than would have been the honest man's ease or fit to have endured, considering his profession and slender means. I recommend his case to your favour, the more because I ever found him very affectionate and a zealous wellwiller to the public cause : and now upon his departure imparted his opinion of a course whereby he thinks may be discovered the practices that are handled in this busy time by such as pass and keep correspondence in Brussels, which I purpose to lay out for and do my best to meet with, as you shall hear if it be my good hap to light thereupon. Some 3 or 4 days agone Sir F. [Vere] and I wrote to you of the receipt of your last despatch and our dealing thereupon with the States, who as yet have not done anything, but promise presently to resolve and let us know thereof, which by an express man we will then advertise over.—The Haegh, 22 Dec., 1598.
1 p. (66. 99.)
M. Noel de Caron to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 22. If his indisposition had not prevented him, he would before this have come to kiss his lordship's hands, and learn the truth about the voyage to Ireland, which now he hears is finally decided upon. Prays for its success. He ventured yesterday to leave his chamber, from which he had not moved for over three weeks, and tempted by the beautiful mild weather of the forenoon, came here to Clapham. Has benefited by the change, and hopes in a few days to wait upon his lordship. In the meanwhile recommends a gentleman whom he has long known, and who has long been Essex's domestic servant. The man and his friends think that Caron's recommendation will assist him to a situation nearer to Essex's person, i.e. to service in his chamber.—Clapham, 22 Dec., 1598.
Holograph. French.
2 pp. (178. 45.)
George, Earl of Cumberland to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 23. As he will not be at the Court, he prays Essex to further the suit of the bearer, William Walton, Essex's old servant, who was abroad with Cumberland this last journey. The Queen, since Walton's coming home, has given him very gracious words, and commended his courses.—23 Dec., 1598.
½ p. (66. 100.)
T. Lord Buckhurst to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 23. This day I received her Majesty's letters and my Lords' for the levy of 400 men in Sussex, and am upon despatch of a messenger down for the accomplishment thereof presently. But because I heard your Lordship offer at the Council table for £3 a man to arm them and apparel them, and because I do assure myself that if this charge fall upon the country, and be well and thoroughly performed, the same will grow to a greater charge, but specially to prevent variance betwixt the justices and the captains, the one affirming they are sufficiently furnished and the other requiring better, I beseech you to accept of £3 a man for the furnishing of our 400 men, and do assure myself that the justices willingly will embrace the same, praying you that by my servant Philips I may receive your pleasure herein, and I will write that £1,200 may accordingly be sent up with all speed to your Lordship.—23 Dec., 1598.
1 p. (66. 101.)
Da. (?) Foxe to Edward Reynolds, secretary to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 23. I have of late been much abused by Mr. Udall, who to clear himself of some matters wherewith he was charged by the Lord Chancellor, accused me underhand to his lordship so far that he said that I wrote to my Lord that the said Lord Chancellor joyed much at my Lord's late causes of discontentment and absence from Court. Wherein as he hath much wronged me, so in other things he hath very dishonestly used himself in my house towards some of my nearest friends, namely, my brother Peyton, H. M. Auditor of this realm, and my sister his wife, as the bearer Mr. Piers can tell you.
Prays Reynolds' favour for Piers' suit for the place of commissary for Carrickfergus. Is in hand with the building of a house, in which he hopes to see Reynolds with speed.
I hope my Lord will not take Udall's dealing with me in good part. I would not deal with a Turk as he has done with me.—Dublin, 23 Dec., 1598.
1 p. (66. 102.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1598,] Dec. 23. I have appointed this bearer to receive the money for the levy of the horsemen. I thank you for the expedition already used in getting it signed. Fowkes shall attend the receipt of it at the Exchequer. If I be missed at the Court this day or to-morrow I pray you excuse me, for I have to do with so many merchants for my private provision and with so many artificers for our public provisions as I cannot attend these two days. If there fall out any extraordinary occasion, upon summons I will appear.—This 23rd of December from Walsingham House.
1 p. (178. 46.)
Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, Dec. 24. Describes his illness, which confines him to his house. His long absence from the comfort of her Majesty's presence, and from attending her service, is a double sickness to him. Desires not to live longer than he may serve her.—24 Dec., 1598.
1 p. (66. 103.)
The Mayor of Boulogne to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 23./1599, Jan. 2. J'ay tousjours eu ceste esperance que le temps feroit naistre quelque bon subject pour vous faire parestre la voulonte que jay de vous servir. Je n'ay rien obmis pour en rechercher les occasions comme vous l'avez peu juger par les adviz que je vous ay donné de l'espaignol qui estoit icy, comme il establissoit ses affaires a Bruxelles, de ses desseings et de qui il s'aydoit a Boullogne et a Calais pour servir ses intelligenses et de qui il se falloit donner garde et comment il me sembloit que cela se deubt faire. J'ay doubté que n'eussiez aggreable mes lettres et que pour estre trop frequentes elle ne vous fussent importunes. Cela m'a fait ung peu refroidir de ceste premiere voulonté pour la crainte de vous offencer. Je ne desirerois portant me desister pour l'envye que jay de servir en ce temps vostre estat, auquel je puis faire quelque office digne de luyet de vous ce sera quand j'auray asseurance que ne le trouverrez mauvais. Je vous ay escrit beaucoup de foys de choses importantes, je ne scay sy vous aurez eu mes lettres, et mesmes depuis sept sepmanes lune, lautre depuis ung moys. Je serois marry que vostre grandeur eust este frustree de l'offre de ma bonne volonté et que ces escritz fussent venuz en mains de gens qui en eussent fait leur prouffit. Il vous plaira que quelqun des vostres par vostre commandement m'esclarcisse de ce doubte pour ce que j'ay commis quelque chose a mes lettres que je m'asseure vous eust contenté.
[P.S.] J'oserois importuner vostre grandeur de voulloir prendre le service d'un jeune garson, mien frere, pour page, ou le bailler a quelqun de voz amys. Il sera et moy aussy obligé a jamais de vous servir. J'en ay encores ung qui a porté les armes qui desire veoir. Je desirerois aussy le placer par vostre moyen affin qu'il vous peult servir.—A 77 [Boulogne ?] ce 2me Janvier, 1599.
Holograph. Seal.
1 p. (178. 102.)
Lord Russell to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 24. With much more willingness could I have waited on you myself than now to have sent this bearer to know your further pleasure; but it seemeth by your letter that you would not wish me to come up till after the holidays. But if sooner, I rest as willing to be commanded by you as any follower your lordship hath, wishing you as happy success as ever I have begged of God for myself, knowing that he hath endued you with many notable great gifts both of body and mind, who will preserve you against your enemies with much honour to yourself and great shame to them.—Comberlogrene, December 24, 1598.
Holograph. Seal.
1 p. (178. 47.)
The Mayor of Boulogne to the Earl of Essex.
1598, Dec. 24./1599, Jan. 3. J'ay eu depuis mes lettres escrites ung adviz par lequel je desire que cognoissiez le soin particulier que j'ay de vostre estat par celluy qui a servi en grandes affaires et qui a part des conseilz Espaignolz. Il m'a adverty que son maistre envoye le Conte d'Odonel avecq hommes, armes, et canons en quelque lieu mais apparement en Irlande, ou il luy sera donné tel nombre d'Irois qui se peuvent trouver dignes de commandez ez provinces des Pays Bas. Oultre ce le Conte luy mesmes a este despeche pour Paris ou il a esté qui a accordé avecq tous les cappitaines et soldatz de sa nation pour le suivre en Flandres, en leur promettant doubles gaiges. Il a promis de lever deux mil hommes les plus idoines de sa nation pour telle guerre en tel endroit que son Roy ne le pourra empescher. Cest en Caitness a ce que je suis adverty. Il y va trois navires avecq luy, on envoye quatre grandz heuz au rendezvous du Conte qui partiront quelques jours devant luy. Ilz seront chargez de munitions. Sy vous avez aggreable nous pourrons estre advertiz de nostre homme de leur partement lequel je vous pourray faire scavoir moiennant la grace de dieu, a point nomme, et de tout aultre chose qui se passera. Cependant je vous supplye me faire scavoir par ung mot de response ce que desirerez en cest affaire. Je ne manqueray de debvoir de rechercher tous moyens d'en tirer la quinte essence.—A 77 ce 3me Janvier, 1599.
Holograph. Two Seals.
1 p. (178. 103.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, Dec. 25. I pray you let me have this night a copy of the two privy seals you spake of; the one, as I have noted, for the sum of £12,885, the other for the sum of £14,875, of either of which I was never till this day made privy; and if it shall be much trouble to copy them out, if it please you to lend me your book of privy seals, I will safely deliver the same to you to-morrow.—25 December, 1598.
½ p. (67. 1.)
The Merchants of the Intercourse to M. de Caron.
1598, Dec. 25. In pursuance of your request and of the answers we have had from the Court, we have considered what we can do to gratify Her Majesty's wish. But in conscience we must tell you that although there are three or four of us who might lend four or five hundred pounds apiece, and seven or eight others who might furnish about one hundred or one hundred and fifty pounds, the rest could do nothing without great prejudice to themselves.—London, the 25 December, 1598.
Addressed to Clapham. French.
1 p. (67. 2.)
The Privy Council to the Archbishop of York.
1598, Dec. 25. About a month since upon advertisements we then received that certain Dunkirkers were put forth to the seas in ships of war, and had a purpose to attempt to land men on the coast of Yorkshire, or to surprise some gentlemen whose houses did border upon the sea coast, we gave direction to your lordship that there should be watches kept all along the coast and that the town of Hull should set forth two ships in warlike sort to impeach the landing of the enemies and to secure that coast; which they have performed very readily, to their great charge. As the service was especially commanded for the defence of the country rather than for any doubt of any attempt the enemy could make upon the town, it is reason the charge should be borne by the country, and the town of Hull doth deserve commendation in performing our direction with so great speed. You are therefore to take order that the accounts in victualling, furnishing and setting forth those two ships, and the mariners' wages and other necessary expenses, may be perused by such as you shall appoint; and that thereupon the sum disbursed by the town may be speedily collected in the East and North Riding, wherein as well the clothing towns as the gentlemen for whose good and security this care was taken ought to contribute, and the money collected to be delivered to the Mayor of Hull.—From the Court at Whitehall, 25 December, 1598.
1 p. (178. 48.)
Don Luis de Carillo to —.
1598 Dec. 25./1599, Jan. 4. This is to inform you that his Majesty has sent me a letter ordering me to advise you that he has received your letters, and further to inform you that, after the departure of the fleet of Flanders, which is ready to start, the utmost haste will be made to send to you; and if there be any delay, all the men possible will be sent in the ships here, and of this you may be sure, that I will do my best to content you, and before May you shall have help both in men and in money. I send all the news by this messenger, who on his return is to have four hundred ducats for his trouble. I know you will send him back speedily.—Corunna, 4 Jan., 1599.
Spanish. Holograph.
1 p. (84. 39.)