Cecil Papers: May 1598, 16-31

Pages 168-187

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 8, 1598. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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May 1598, 16–31

Fulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 16. Be pleased to give me leave to put you in mind of sending for Mr. Combes to wait upon you. The work is for a kind and loving cousin of your own, and that a man of power to bring all your desires to pass with the grandfather. Good Sir, do like yourself in it, which is like one of the worthiest and kindest friends that ever I knew, either free or under prompting.—From the Court.
½ p. (61. 23.)
J. D. to —
1598, May 16. After I gat knowledge of the departure of the Earl with whom I spake before, I addressed me to the second, and have found in him wisdom, valour, and willingness to enter in this action, so that this nobleman's sufficient qualities and readiness assured me of the good event of our designs. And because he cannot now come from his country, he has given instructions to his servant, John Achinrosse, and power from him to confer with you, transact and conclude, as ye will know by himself at more length. With whom I have set down to meet the 28 of this instant, and immediately to take journey towards you. I trust the good disposition both in the master and servant shall content you, and giveth me assurance of happy success. In this all further I refer to meeting. But to cause our affairs go more prosperously, it is expedient to keep his Majesty with good terms, and though small commandment shall serve, yet it must have his Majesty's general consent, not knowing the courses of our matters. Also Argyle must be lovingly entertained, and conjoined in firm friendship with your master, and, if it can be so done, to honour him with the open praise of our actions, but the life and whole proceedings of them must be committed to Makalens, whose service I hope in the Lord shall answer our expectations. Argyle must be kept in London with pleasant delays till I see you.—The 16 of May, '98.
½ p. (177. 17.)
Dr. Julius Caesar to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 17. I have, according to your letter, moved her Majesty for John Daniell, and having taken knowledge of the man, her Majesty resolved to await your return home, that she might be certified as to his services, and advise of a suitable reward.—Doctors Commons, 17 May, 1598.
1 p. (61. 24.)
The Earl of Essex to [? Lord Henry Howard.]
1598, May 17. My very good lord, I do send your lordship a letter here enclosed, which I pray your lordship to send to John Udall to Carleton's house. I must give your lordship many thanks for your frequent and speedy address of his former letters, and I must entreat that my continual employments without leisure or rest may plead excuse for my not answering your letters. I do lament to think of the desperate state of that North country, that hath dangerous, malicious, and active opposers; weak, disagreeing, and unactive defenders; but I cannot help it. I helped to send your lordship one little man that hath a brave heart, though a lame pair of legs. I pray dispose yourself to hold a good correspondence with him, as I will conjure him to do the like with you. I do assure you he is a plain, true, honest man. If you desire or expect to hear anything of the general state of our affairs, I must say you turn me to the most unpleasing argument that I could write of, for there is no one part of our sky clear. Our neighbours there towards the North are as envious of our peace and plenty as impatient of their own beggary. Our rebels to the North-west brave every day more and more, killing and spoiling her Majesty's good subjects, and scorning her pardon and grace offered to them. Our late good neighbour of Denmark hath stayed our merchants' goods to a great value upon a made pretence. Poland hath already braved us by embassage, and will either arrest or banish our merchants shortly. The Emperor hath exiled our nation from all trade within the empire. The Hanse towns are our professed enemies. The French King hath broken the league and abandoned us; and our counsellors at home persuade what they can that we should abandon the Estates of the Low Countries, our only constant and able friends. Of the other side, Spain, that had malice and pride enough to attempt at one time the conquering of England and France and the reducing of the Low Countries, now sees that the Northern people have better hearts and arms, though the Southern have the better wits; and, therefore, he resolves to treat, wherein already he hath so far prevailed as he hath made France break the league, forget all past benefits, and the late oath taken at Roan; and now by treaty with us he hopes to sever us from the Low Countries, and so to force them by arms or their own despair or his practisers' industry to revolt : when already we have intercepted his letters, which shows that he shoots at the extirpation of religion, and the breaking of all bonds that are made against him, without purpose to keep faith or come to a sound peace with us. Your lordship sees what tediousness my desire to satisfy you in this one letter for many which I owe you hath drawn me into. A confused hasty work should have an abrupt end, or else decorum were not observed. I will conclude therefore.—17 May, '98.
Draft in a secretary's hand. Endorsed :—'Util.'
pp. (61. 36.)
A Copy of the preceding Letter.
(61. 25.)
The Earl of Essex to John Udall.
1598, May 17. John. I have deferred my answer to your letters by the Q.'s commandment, because upon the Earl of Argyle's coming we looked to have had some matter on which her Majesty might have grounded a negociation. But now, since it is so long since he entered England, and that we hear nothing from him, I am commanded to return you this answer. That the offers for this Irish service were at the first very large and confident, but were carried still in general terms. That the progress in it since your arrival in those parts hath been slow, uncertain, and full of circumstances that do one cross another. Which her Majesty observing, is resolved to give no more credit to the overture, but is sorry you have taken so much pains in it. Therefore, you are at liberty to come away when you will.—Greenwich, this 17th of May.
Addressed :—“To Mr. Jhon Udall at Brampton.”
Endorsed :—“The E. of Essex to Sir John Udall.”
1 p. (67. 36.)
John Udale to the Bishop of Durham.
1598, May 18. Vile paper suits well with a vile hand and a vile journey. I plead my excuse. Not of will, but of force for the more expedition. In the expedition I travel in, if any occurrences come to your Lo. directed from above, vouchsafe to return them back unto the hands of your honourable Earl and friend. Posting this way for the nearest, my host told me of a foul outrage done upon a preacher. The matter not so foul as foully handled, in my opinion, by the Lord Archbishop, his Grace, to suffer one of his coat to bear so much disgrace. Your Lo. hath since called it in question, to your ever memorable honour, whose divine hands I heartily pray it may not pass unpunished, to the example of all suborned “vaccabowndes.” It will not be long before you shall receive thanks for your honourable expeditions done for me, wherein I will not be limited.—Greta Brigg, this 18th of May.
¾ p. (177. 20.)
Court of Wards.
1598, May 18. Certificate by — Hare, clerk of the Court of Wards, of money received by Mr. Fleetwood for fines, &c., for wardships from Nov. 17, 1597, to May 18, 1598.
1 p. (2147.)
Dom Juan de Castro to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 19, My family is well known, not only in Portugal but also in Spain. In December of last year I passed from France into England, desiring to serve her Majesty, and had speech with your Excellency, then on your bed of sickness. I expounded my mind to impart a business of no little moment, for which you thanked me, and bade me return on the morrow. But, though I returned on that and on many other days, I could not gain the desired access to you, as your noble attendant, so courteous to strangers, called, I think, Heisman, can testify. Wherefore I bethought me of approaching Sir Secretary Robert Cecil, to open to him the matter, but, being unknown to him, I betook me to Sir Anthony Milme [Mildmay], her Majesty's ambassador last year in this realm, who had known me in France. He, by order of Sir Robert, sent me to Sir John Estanape [Stanhope]. Albeit amazed at such order being taken in a matter of such moment and secrecy, I resisted my understanding and obeyed. Then Sir John, by the Queen's command, bade me tell all to a certain privy secretary of the royal council, called Mestre Waad, at whose will I wrote all these secrets out with my own hand in Spanish, and delivered them to him, as I had before done in Latin to Sir John Estanape. By this time I judged a matter so handled to be unworthy to be offered to your excellency, and I thought to go to France and write to you. If all English eyes are fixed on you, no less are those of many strangers, especially the people of Portugal, who look to receive their liberty from your Queen by your means. This thought has encouraged me to write to you as well of the former as of a yet greater matter, so that her Majesty, who doubtless hath been falsely informed, shall by your means come to another opinion both of me and my matters, and be ready to use them against the common enemy. Nor is it in my mind to disturb the general peace, but rather to make possible the same by the curbing of the Spaniard, which in no wise can more easily, safely, usefully and gloriously be accomplished than by means of Portugal. So long as Portugal shall remain subject to Spain, so long will it be a hot bed of wars and treasons. Wherefore I think the present treating for peace will not endure, but this point I leave to time to decide. And, albeit many of those who followed the faction of King Anthony speak much of a middle way, yet, perchance, I being heard shall be adjudged better than them all. All the Portuguese who remain in this realm, save three or four at the most, are exceedingly suspected and secretly most ardent favourers of Spain. To remove any distrust of myself, I offer to remain shut in any castle or prison while the secret is being dealt with, and to suffer torture and death if my conduct appear treasonable or my counsel be found bad. By next year I trust to see the Portuguese, for whose liberty I have endured such travail, restored to their pristine condition, either by God's help, or the Queen's and yours.—Paris, 19 May, 1598.
Holograph. Latin.
3 pp. (177. 21.)
The Licence for Starch.
1598, May 20. 1. The same granted to Sir John Packington for eight years by letters patent. 2. Sir R[obert] C[ecil], knight, his whole assignee, who assigns it to (3) George Rivers and John Ellys, who assign it to (4) George Berisford, John Crewe, Thomas Fuller, and William Nottingham, reserving £4,200; after, Mr. Rivers and Ellys grant the same £4,200 rent to (5) the L[ord] B[urghley] and Sir R[obert] C[ecil]. 6. The said Berisford and the 3 others are bound each in 1000 marks for the payment of the rent, (7) and are bound each in £1,000 to renew sureties for the rent if any die, and to commit no forfeiture of the patents.—20 May, 1598.
½ p. (61. 27.)
Court of Wards.
1598, May 20. A View or Estimate of the Money remaining in the hands of the receiver-general of the Court of Wards and Liveries since his last account at Michaelmas 1597, and until the end of Easter Term 1598.
The total is £2,351 14s.d. and ¼th part of a farthing, due from the Accountant.
1 p. (61. 28.)
Ripon in Yorkshire.
1598, May 20. Remembrances for Sir Robert Cecil touching Ripon in Yorkshire.
The church consists of 6 prebends, each with cure having 1,500 communicants at the least. These six have scarce one good preacher among them, her Majesty giving always for six ministers, so that (that being the worst part of Yorkshire for recusancy) the people continue in extreme obstinacy and are feared to become very dangerous. It may therefore please you to take some such course with Mr. Dawson, the farmer, as honest preachers may be placed in those churches, whose doctrines and lives may do good there.
The church of Ripon being the fairest monument in those parts is said to be exceedingly wasted; that it would please you to direct commission to have a true certificate of the waste and decays thereof, that order may be taken to restore it. For I think the evil handling of these matters through covetousness of the farmer makes the people worse than they would be. These be the greetings I have had out of those parts, which you wished me to set down for you.
Endorsed :—“20 May, '98. My Lord Chief Justice.”
1 p. (61. 30.)
T. Hesketh, Attorney of the Wards, to the Lord Treasurer.
1598, May 20. On receipt of his letters, he conferred privately with the Auditor and Clerk of the Wards, to see what treasure will be in the Receiver's hands at the end of this Easter Term, and has desired the Auditor to wait on him with the brief thereof, but the truth and certainty must come from the Receiver himself, unto whom he has imparted nothing.—May 20, 1598.
1 p. (2132.)
Joseph Maye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 21. On the first day of May we took this flyboat which is here sent home by my Lord Admiral's servant Thomas Meredeth. Out of him we have taken certain unlawful goods to the value of twelve or sixteen hundred pounds or thereabouts, which goods remain in our ship, the one half without impeachment, and these goods we had not taken out but that there was present with us at her taking a ship of Apsome, called the Dolfyne, and a small pinnace, of which one captain Leach was commander, of Hampton. At that very instant we took another flyboat laden with (?) currants, which ship, as we were riding in the harbour of Mogador, cut both her cables and put herself through such a sandy shallow rodey place that we durst not adventure your ship through, whereby we lost her. The letters I have sent you, praying that some one inhabiting about 'Anserdam' may peruse them, for by the confession of a Portingale which came in her as passenger, most part doth belong to Spaniards of 'Anserdam' and Brussels, and other places there adjoining. And some other goods are sent unto Dutchmen dwelling in Spain, for the return of wine and other goods. If your Honour find that any goods be not lawfully ours, that is taken out of the ship, I think it convenient that in the harbours after these ships shall arrive you cause stay to be made, before it be parted to the companies, for here the men of the captain of the Dolfynes were marvellous unorderly, and the merchant of this flyboat was a counsellor in the going away of the other. We could not learn of any fleet a providing in Spain, but that certain of the ships and gallies were cast away. There has been such a mortality in Barbary that there have died in Morocco 3 or 4,000 a day. And now the news is that the King is dead, but not of certainty.—21 May, 1598.
Holograph. Seal.
2 pp. (61. 31.)
Mons. Monet, Mayor of Boulogne, to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 21/31. The honour shown to my brother binds me to you; and I hasten to inform you that two ecclesiastics or Jesuits have passed here for England. I have informed M. Colville of this, who made a note of it to send to you. I will let you know if the two persons for whom they send embark here, so that you may take them on their arrival. Here we think peace to be made, at any rate the armistice continues for June. The King has made an edict in favour of them of the religion in France; it is supposed to be the one called the January one, which those of the League caused to be broken off.—Boulogne, Dernier Mai, 1598.
Holograph. French.
1 p. (61. 42.)
A. Monet to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 21/31. Your courtesy has made me yours till death. My brother has taken the liberty to advertise you with M. de Colville of what passed at our arrival.—Boulogne, this last of May, 1598.
Endorsed :—“Mayor of Boulogne's brother.”
Holograph. French.
½ p. (177. 30.)
William Winston and John Parry to Lord Burghley.
1598, May 22. William Cecil, late of Allterenys in Herefordshire, Esquire, by jointure at his marriage conveyed his mansion house of Allterenys with the appurtenances to the use of himself and Oliffe Parry, his wife, and to the heirs of their two bodies after them, whereof are eight daughters living, and forty persons descended from the said William Cecil and Oliffe Parry. But William Cecil, wishing to continue the name of Cecill in that house, conveys the property to Sir Robert Cecil and his heirs, to the disherison of his own issue; and also, whereas the said William was possessed of personal property of great value, Paul Delahaye and Hugh Monyngton, his sons-in-law, have seized them under a disorderly will, which was written by a servant of the said Delahaye's, and by the advice of the said Delahaye. Of all which we ask your consideration, that some order be taken.—22 May, 1598.
Signed.—William Winston, John Parry, sons-in-law to the said William Cecill.
½ p. (61. 32.)
Gilbert Godfraye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 23. In the Island of Plymouth there was lately broken a brass piece of ordnance, which now belongs to Sir George Carye, which is a thing of small estimation with him. I have been a workman of my lady, your mother, and now live as a poor soldier in Plymouth with my poor wife; and would ask your interest with Sir George Carye to bestow this brass upon me; and also that you would ask Sir Ferdinando Gorges to give me leave to follow my science in Plymouth town.—Plymouth, 23 May, 1598.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Gilbert Godfrey.” Seal.
1 p. (61. 33.)
Thomas Bellot to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 27. According to your letter received from Captain Watson, I have paid him £9. But the charge that I, amongst others, had sold for £9 the salt which was worth £140 is most untrue. By your orders and those of the Lord Admiral the salt was delivered to one Mistress Waltham, who in regard of her pains in fitting out the Francis, commanded by Captain Watson, was to be allowed to buy the salt as it was appraised. And this is the truth of the matter.—Melcombe Regis, 27 May, 1598.
Holograph. Seal.
1 p. (61. 36.)
John Colville to Mr. Hans.
1598, May 27. My good host, please you also send these enclosed [see below] to his Honour, which will be welcome to him, and this fail not to do. Please receive my comrade's commendations to yourself and good bedfellow.—Boulogne, 27 May, 1598.
Addressed.—“To Mr. Hans in Dover, at the Sign of St. George.”
½ p. (61. 37.)
John Colville to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 27. Since my arriving here nothing has occurred, except only that (65) the Mayor of Bullen has tried the overgoing from hence of two of your countrymen from Douay in Artois in such form as is contained in this other information. Sundry presumptions be that these persons have neither been abroad nor returned home for good offices, but what your pleasure is in this purpose, after persuing the informations and letter therewith sent, please you advertise (65) the Mayor of Bullen, who will prove in my absence both diligent and faithful.
There is here one M. de Faillie for the States, a man of very liberal discourse, a great extoller of (43) the King of France above all other, which still confirms me in my former opinion of a secret dealing between the King of France and (68) the States of the Low Countries, and I have given information to the Mayor of Boulogne to tend on him, the better for trial of this purpose, leaving behind me some “attirant amplastres” for that effect. Of this abstinence and peace expected men speak differently, but out of doubt it is a thing concluded with the King of France as of a matter that shall yield unto him double profit; for on the one part, seeing a peace settled, an it were but for one year, his people will no more murmur against his unwillingness and evil disposition to their quietness; on the other part, is offered to him the assistance of the Roman Church to marry either (48) the K.'s mistress or (46) the Infanta, who, as is now affirmed, will rather die nor marry a priest, but I think within a month to say more to the fall of this and other matters. What other commandments (60) the E. of Essex please send to (66) Colville, the Mayor of Boulogne will put safely to him, and for matters in (7) Scotland, I hope (quondam) his friend Primrose shall acquit himself as becomes a perfect honest man. Thus for the present I humbly take my leave, beseeching the Lord preserve (41) her Majesty, your Lordship, and all theirs.—From 77 [Bullen], the 27 of May, 1598. 66 [Colville].
Endorsed by Essex's Secretary. Seal.
1 p. (61. 38.)
Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 27. I suppose one John Dumaresque, of the Isle of Jersey, will be to-morrow attendant at the Council table about a matter of a ward. I trust to make it appear that he unjustly detaineth her Majesty's right, and hath wronged her prerogative. Of this I thought it my due to give you some taste, until I may be happy to wait upon you, which I shall be within a very few days, and then what course your honour and the Lords shall set down for the trial of these things shall be followed. In the meantime I crave pardon to again recommend my former requests for the Isle.—From my poor lodging, this 27 May, 1598.
Holograph. Seal.
1 p. (70. 62.)
John Udale to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 27. I am grievously sorry I should, unknown unto me, be any ways displeasing unto you, or that my travails have no better applause. That I have done anything out of partiality, malice, or practice, I call the heavenly God to witness, but truly to set down unto your lordship the present condition and state of those frontiers, their corruptions, and redress. If untruly I have suggested anything, let my head pay the debt. If out of presumption anything have begotten error, I beseech your lordship to pardon it. Desiring to know whether I may with your favour and leave depart hence.—This 27th of May.
Endorsed :—1598. Holograph. Seal.
½ p. (177. 23.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 28. With respect to the order made by you in the Duchy Court on May 20 in the matter of the tithe of Wimborne, I am persuaded it was your intent to enjoin Simson in favour of the Queen's tenants only and those who were parties in court; not in favour of those who are not tenants within the Duchy and ask no relief. But the order is so worded as to prevent him from suing any of the inhabitants of the parish, of which the greater number are not tenants of the Duchy, and lie not in the jurisdiction of that court. And I therefore humbly ask you to answer that point.—28 May, 1598.
1 p. (61. 39.)
Edward Peke, Mayor of Sandwich, to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 28. According to your command I send up with your servant, Mr. Eliott, the bearer of this, Robert Roades, one that has long dwelt in this town, who served Sir Roger Alanwood in his life time. He has brought with him his nephew, James Roades, a young man, not knowing if it be he your Honour would speak with.—Sandwich, 28 May, 1598.
½ p. (61. 40.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 28. The Admiral Nassau and Barnefielde being arrived here on Tuesday last, the day following visited his Excellency and others. The next morning all the deputies met at Barnefield's to prepare their report, which they made on Friday in his Excellency's presence. As I am privately informed, they wrote the substance thereof to the Provinces, requiring them out of hand to meet, so that deputies may be sent to resolve on the course fittest for the preservation of the State. Divers pamphlets are already in print to stir up the people, both by commending a peace and laying forth the miseries caused by the war, which it may be will not as yet occasion great harm, but is to be considered, that if they dare to begin with these courses already, what will be likely to follow if the Cardinal shall be in field with main force, and drive them to some strait for want of sufficient numbers to resist him. To prevent these harms they still affirm that the only countenance and favour of her Majesty will suffice. Those of Holland do meet on the 5th of June. The Cardinal hath appointed the ordnance and provisions to be ready at Namur the 4th of June new style. The Count William of Nassau came hither yesterday, and Count of Hohenlo is returned out of Germany to Buren, being looked for at Delft daily. Sir Francis Vere's presence is much wished for. The marriage of the Duke of Cleve with the daughter of the Duke of Lorraine is held for certain to be concluded.—From the Hague, this 28th of May, 1598.
P.S.—I am told by some that it is meant at the meeting of all the Provinces, which will be within very few days, to handle matters most earnestly about the yielding her Majesty contentment.
Signed. Seal.
pp. (177. 25.)
1598, May 29. Warrant to Lord Burghley for making and transporting to M. de Surdiac, governor of Brest, four brass cannon and ten demi-culverins of iron.—Greenwich, 29 May, 1598.
Sign Manual and Signet.
½ p. (61. 41.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 29/June 8. J'avais bien desire de vous respondre a ce qu'il vous a plu m'escrire par ce porteur, si la haste qu'il avoit de retourner, et aussi que Messieurs les Estats Generaulx de ces pays n'estoient pas encore tous assembles pur resouldre sur leurs affaires, ne me l'eussent empeche. Mais je vous prie de vous assurer que je ne fauldray aussitost qu'ils m'auront fait part de leurs intentions de les vous communiquer.—La Haye, 8 Juin, 1598.
1 p. (61. 62.)
Lord Henry Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 29. The term being now ended, and Sir Matthew Arundel's men ready to return, I presume more saucily to put your Honour in mind of that kind promise to write somewhat with your own hand for the quieting an old man's thoughts. His chiefest comfort resteth in yourself, which makes him the more fearful of all drifts and devices underhand to weaken your approved kind conceit, or to divert your eye from apparent instances of his indulgent affection to the pretended shadows of exception without injury.—This Monday morning at 6.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“May 29, 1598.”
¾ p. (177. 27.)
Humfrey Plessington to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 29. For the wardship of the daughters and heirs of Philip Gratwicke, of Bedingham, Sussex.—29 May, 1598.
1 p. (1905.)
Edward Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 30. I found at my last waiting upon you that I have been very troublesome unto you; I had therefore vowed silence had not this accident happened. “I hear an inkling of a motion made to her Majesty for three months' victual for one of her ships for the convoy of me and Mr. Doctor Parkins some part of the way towards Denmark, a thing nothing profitable to us, as I take it, and yet that charge shall be thought to be employed for our good. I might very willingly wish that either shows might prove deeds or that we wanted the shows.” If the ship went with them and waited for their return, it would be honourable both for the Queen and them; but for himself he seeks no honour.—Hacknay, 30 May, 1598.
1 p. (41. 28.)
M. Noel DE Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May 30. The enclosed request has been recommended to me by certain honest people of the Flemish Church, who say that upon similar complaints the late Sieur de Walsingham often afforded help.—Clapham, 30 May, 1598.
Holograph. Seal. French.
½ p. (177. 28.)
Mich. Molyns to Richard Percival.
1598, May 30. At the request of Lord Wharton, he reminds Percival of what was agreed on touching the days of payment for the wardship of Lady Wharton's daughter; namely, to pay £100 at the sealing of the books, and the residue within a year.—30 May, 1598.
½ p. (2283.)
The Examination of two Spaniards taken at Sea by Captain Jhobe.
1598, May 31. These Spaniards came forth of Lisbon the 7 of May, stilo vet., 1598.
They say that 5 carracks laden and bound for the East Indies were unladen again because my Lord of Cumberland lay on the coast, and a courier is sent over by land that they should not look for the carracks to come from Spain this year.
My Lord of Cumberland hath taken Launcerot, one of the Islands of the Canaries, and victualled himself very well with the King's provision kept there for his ships. What is become of my Lord since they know not.
At the Groyne and Farol there is 50 or 60 sail of ships great and little. They think they shall go for the Islands to meet 5 carracks that are to come home this year. There came two great hulks from the Groyne to Lisbon to fetch sails and cables and anchors, which are hard to get, as they say, at Lisbon.
The St. Paul brake her main-mast when they were coming for England last with the Adelantado, and as yet they have not been able to mast her.
The one of those two was boatswain in the Sta. Catalina, a ship of 400, in the Adelantado's voyage for England.
Since which voyage there were 6 ships of that fleet full of soldiers sent for Brittany, and all drowned, being 1,500 men.
It is generally hoped that there will be peace, for the country people desired it much, and were afraid that our fleet would have gone for Spain this year. If it had, it had taken them wholly unprovided, as they say. The one of those two Spaniards is a merchant, the other a mariner.—This last of May, 1598. Ge. Carie.
Endorsed :—“7 of May, '98.”
pp. (177. 29.)
Officers of the Port of Berwick to Lord Burghley.
1598, May 31. They complain that the Scotch merchants, who used to pass their goods by land here and pay the Queen's due, now send them by way of Carlisle; and pray for redress. If the farm continue there, the Queen will not only lose her due here, but in other ports where they did frequent.—Berwick, last of May, 1598.
Signatures defaced. Much damaged.
pp. (213. 28.)
J. Colville to the Earl of Essex.
1598, May 31/June 10. The fashery with (86) Earl Bothwell since my hither coming, and the attending to try (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow his doings since he was made (pater) ambassador, be causes of my long silence, but now, all thanks to God, I am at point with the one, and can write certainly in the other.
From Brittany was sent to (43) the King of Scots one called William Sibbett, with divers letters, specially one from (42) the King of France assuring (43) him of renewing the old alliances in all points and of assistance when he shall have ado. The others were from (50) the Constable, who, above the rest, protests a great kindness to (43) the King of Scots, from (terra) the Duc de Mayenne, (et) the Duke of Guise, and (panis) the Admiral, and from sundry captains; but (55) Mons. Villeroy has only written to the secretary of (71) Scotland, and that but generally. This was done from Brittany, and the messager is not yet returned, but daily looked for. The 18th of last one other was sent to (43) the King of Scots, called Betoun of Westhall, a cousin of (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow. His errand is to request (43) the King of Scots to haste (hodie) the Duke of Lennox hither as the most acceptable that can be sent thence to (42) the French King, for confirming of all matters and hearing out of (42) the French King's own mouth and of the rest more nor can be written, and (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow has caused make against his coming an abridgement of all the special services done by (71) Scotland to (70) France, and of all the privileges granted to (71) Scotland since the beginning of the alliance, which they count to [be] of 800 years, in doubling whereof I am presently, and shall send it in my next.
So since the chief practices for (43) the King of Scots will come from hence by means of (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow and the house of (et) Guise, (42) the French King being disposed to do no more for (69) England nor shall be for his own weal, for this cause after I have made a course to (da) Brussels, which I shall begin the 12 hereof, being of mind to return back hither before this bearer can return from thence, I purpose still to attend here to see what (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow does; for his ordinar speech is, if he can do anything or he die against them that has bereft him of his mistress, he will think himself happy; so when as (66) Colville shall haunt him and travel in (da) Brussels or in any part of (70) France, which be all your mortal enemies except (58) the Protestants, he may seem no friend to (69) England, which must not be jealous to you, otherwise it shall be impossible for him to do any service.
I trust the marriage between Madame and the Marquis de Pont shall take effect, but shall not be solemnized within but without the church, and she immediately thereafter go to her ordinary sermons and he to mass.
The Legate will yet remain two or three months, and so will the General, albeit within these four days he have received letters of revocation from the Pope; for they think to broach some matters against the Protestants before they part, and there has been even now within the great Cordeliers of this town a Chapter of all the Cordeliers (who now supply the place of the Jesuits) for that same effect, but his Majesty is so desirous of peace that which of the two parties shall make the first moot shall be severely punished; yet the fire that is betwixt the parties shall not long be smothered.
Of (86) Earl Bothwell I have sustained great 'boist,' yet in end he was made to understand all he could object against me either to be false or frivolous, so very quickly we were drawn to speak alone, and after he had attested great sincerity to (69) England, promising to do any service which (41) the Queen would command him, we did fully accord. He goes presently with (Voluntas) the Duke Darscot to (da) Brussels, where he promises (being kindly used) to make the intelligence he can, and to go, if (41) the Queen think good, to (73) Spain. He is poor, and therefore what is thought meet herein I would speedily know, desiring the matter may be reserved for (60) the Earl of Essex's own private knowledge.
“In” complains much that he is not respected there as his services merit, who albeit he be but too earnest for (43) the King of Scots, yet is ever grounded upon the good causes of religion and th'amity, and by his aver we may know all that (Cato) the Bishop of Glasgow can do. He has with him a discreet and well-affected person called Ja. Colville; the one I do honour as my lord and chief, the other I love as my son, yet I beseech (60) your lordship that neither of them know what I write.—Paris, 10 June, stilo novo, 1598. (C.) Colville. P.S.—Please you eke to our cipher these names enclosed. It is true that the King here is wearied of Bothwell; yet he doth pretend to desire Bothwell absent himself “allanely” for satisfying the King of Scotland. Addressed, “To 60.” Holograph.
3 pp. (61. 68.)
John Borrell to —
1598, May. “In the year 1586 I went from London with a ship of merchandise into Spain, unto the Groyn in Galicia, under the colour of an Almain, saying I came from Hambrow.” After being at liberty a month and a half was made prisoner, and his goods, over 3,000l, confiscated. After 8 years and 9 months in prison, in one castle and another, he was sentenced to loss of goods, as belonging to merchants of England, and his person to be at the King's pleasure. Appealed to the Council of Wars, who commanded him to be set free, and to come to Court to follow his suit. Took with him to Court 1,700 pistolets of gold which had been kept secretly for him by a friend. “Being in the Court, I came acquainted with Sor Francis Ingilfild and Joseph Cressoll, a seminary, and other traitors of our countrymen, and perceiving by them that they went about treason against her Majesty and country, and I most desirous to know their pretence and proceedings, the which I could not prevail with them to learn by no means possible. And, seeing I could not, I came acquainted by the means of one Alonso Romero, with Peter Martines, who is the chiefest clerk of the head postmaster in Spain; and all the letters which cometh from Flanders and Lyons in France, and from Rome and Lishborn and other places, they do come first into his hands. And I informing him that I have a process in the Court concerning certain goods which were taken from me, and that Father Cressoll and Sir Francis Ingilfild be my contraries therein, and they have sent into Flanders to make a new 'provans' against me concerning my goods, and that it behoved me to take up their letters for to know their pretence against me, and that I am not able to take up their letters without your favour. Whereupon he and I came to an agreement that I should give him 28 ducats every month, and also pay the weight of the said letters; and such letters which were not of any profit to me, after I had read them, I should make them up again and deliver them unto him, whereby that the parties should have them. This did I proceed while Samwell Wharton came for the space of 9 (word omitted), the which Samuell Whartoun came into Spain by Sir Robert Ciscill order about such affairs; and also came commend unto me from my brother Richard Stevens. And after three days that he came to the Court of Spain I met with him, and found him desolate of money, and, thinking him to be a very honest man, I carried him to my host's house and paid for his diet, for 2 months, some 30 crowns, and also gave him some money for his way and a passport to go free for France.” Gave him also a letter for Richard Stevens written in Spanish, with a message that the letter was to be taken in the opposite sense to what was written in it. Instead of going to France, Wharton went to the English College at Valladolid, and the writer was apprehended, “they thinking to have taken me in the 'luch' for to have taken my life, which God would not; the which I refer me unto the relation which he made unto the Council of Spain, and also by his letter which he did write unto Sir Robert Cicil, all written in his own hand.” Was then imprisoned 21 months, with two pair of irons and a great chain in a most odious dungeon, and racked to confess the letters which Wharton charged him with taking up. Confessing nothing, he was banished from Spain, “as by my pass your Honour hath doth make mention.” The 700 (sic) pistolets he brought to the Court of Spain are all spent, and he has no friend to relieve him. Begs that “your Honour” will inform the Queen what misery and trouble he has passed in her service, and get him some employment. If that were put into effect which he “lately sent unto your Honour” it would cut off the “goers and comers,” and give intelligence of what passes in Denmark, Flanders, France, Spain, and Italy. “Your Honour do know that in Ireland the cause of such treason as there is amongst them have been by such persons which goeth and cometh into the country in merchant ships, and if it had been looked into in time there would never have been such treason amongst them as there is.” If her Majesty and the Council consent to have it looked into in the way he proposes, and levy 6d. a ton on all merchandise, the shipping of London alone will yield 3,600l. a year. The 3d. a ton charged for Dover pier yields 1,800l. a year. This money might well be bestowed on Lord Buckhurst in consideration of his licence to export 1,000 tons of ordnance to Flanders, France, and Scotland, which licence should be called in as the ordnance is re-transported into Spain and Portugal, and used against us. Ships from Spain going to the Enges [Indies] and Brasill mostly carry “cast pieces of iron;” and all sea-faring men agree “that they never see no cast ordnance of iron but such as be made in England.” Men of small experience will say that if they could not get iron pieces they would carry brass; but one piece of brass costs as much as 12 pieces of iron, weight for weight, and few owners could afford that. In Spain ordnance is only made in Malaga, Lishebourne, and the Groyn, and the amount is not enough for the King's wants, who daily provides for himself out of the Straits, so that merchants could get none there.
4 pp. (41. 34.)
[The Sayings of the said Burrell.]
1598, May. “He saith he intercepted a letter which came from Rome for Joseph Cressold, and among other the contents he had care to carry in mind these words”:—
Sept. 1595 :—His Holiness perceiving the persecution of our poor countrymen, where heretofore he enjoined them not to deny their profession, “hath now thought good to licence them to deny the same by word, so it be not in heart, thereby to clear themselves of the justices.”
May 1596 :—A letter from Lisborn to Cressold from two Jesuits. They wait but for a fair wind. They had had some variance with Mr. Cary, but are friends again. “Mr. Cary must of force know these parties, for they came from Lisborne here into England wfth him.”
Feb. 1596 :—From Lyons, for Cressold, asking when the fleet would be ready, and praying “that the good Prince of Spain might be placed with the gentlewoman in England that they (the writers) might go into their country and there end their lives.”
Feb. 1596 :—From Rome, for Cressold, that they had received no letter from him by last post, and greatly desired to know “how the King's fleet went forward for that they had newly received letters from England, from such Catholics as offered to kill her Majesty when they knew the King's forces to be landed in England,” petitioning that, since they should suffer death for the fact, his Holiness would give them absolution for all their sins since the day they were born. His Holiness had referred the matter to the Cardinals, and by next post Cressold should know what was decreed.
Nov. 1595 :—A packet of letters of Sir William Standleye's, one from the Conde of Fuentes to his Majesty certifying that Standeleye had served “as well as any captain in Flanders,” and requesting a “cedull” to the paymaster for his pay; another, from Standleye to his brother not to forsake him, he “not having in this world no other joy but him;” another, to Sir Francis Inglefilde requesting him to get Don Juan de Ydiaquez to further his brother's despatch, and using “most villainous words against her Majesty;” another, to Ydiaquez to the same purport, and complaining of the paymaster, who, when he demanded his pay, angrily “bade him depart, and that it was sufficient he was an Englishman, which words his honour knew the meaning better than he could declare.”
April, 1596 :—From Rolstoune for Sir Francis Inglefild announcing that he had “determined, for the service of his King, to depart and do the matter which his worship knew of,” that there was no news, but that my Lord of Cumberland having sent two great pieces of brass ordnance from London to Portsmouth in a small bark which was driven to sea to St. John Deluce, where a gentleman had taken them to his own use; also Anthony Perez was come out of England into France.
May, 1596 :—From Ydiaquez for Inglefild from Toledo, where the King was, saying that, yesterday, letters came from Lisborn “from those good fathers,” who had received their money, and waited only for a wind, that Inglefild and Father Cressold should write to those fathers the King's commendations to all the Catholics of England, whether they lived by the possessions of the monasteries or not, bidding them be of good comfort, for he would shortly send his power, and if he took any lands to restore them to the church he would give lands of double value in return, and those who best showed themselves for the church should have most rule in the land, for he had kingdoms enough, and only intended “in the service of God to plant the true religion in it and ease their sorrowful hearts.”
The Adelantado and Cressold were very familiar; Don Juan de Ydiaquez comes to Cressold's monastery two or three times a week, and they hold long conversations in the garden. One Harborn, a West country gentleman, aged about 46, has Sir Francis Inglefild's place. “Cressold and he do all in Madrid; they have three or four Englishmen which go and come.”
There is one Bodman that comes, as a merchant, into Flanders, who at Madrid is much with Ydiaquez. Saw a great packet of letters for him, and offered to pay the postage and deliver them; but he who had them said he was to present them himself and get a receipt. One Haseltopp, an ancient grey headed man, left Madrid 6 months since; he was servant to an Englishman who served at Malta, and left him all his money. “Rolstoun knoweth the man, and peradventure can say somewhat of him and about what business he is come.” Alderman Skinner married a widow that had a son, a merchant, who became a Jesuit, and left Madrid for England with other Jesuits two years past. Don Juan de Porto Carrero, general of the galleys at Cadiz, was in the prison with me for his bad service done upon our English fleet there, and told me the Conde de Palma, general “of the horsemen that were in the fleet,” was his brother's son, and had written that their general's voyage was to possess certain port towns in England; for if they once got a hold there all Spain and all the English Catholics would join them.
There go daily, “in private sort,” young scholars and gentlemen's sons out of England to learn languages. They often go to Denmark or Holland and thence to Spain or to France, where they stay at Lyons or go on to Rome. In time they become Jesuits and priests, and return to England to “win the hearts of others.” There are two colleges in Spain with about 100 scholars in each, also colleges in Lyons, Brabant, and Rome. By comers and goers Ireland is so troublesome as it is. I intercepted divers letters out of Ireland, some from the Earl of Tyrone to an Irish bishop in Burgos, asking him “to be a means to the King for speedy despatching away of the 26 pieces of ordnance and the rest of the provisions which he expected from his Majesty, saying that he had sent a priest that had been prisoner in Dyvelyn with his letters to the King, which he conveyed by the way of Waterford.” This bishop had other letters for copes and other things for mass saying. He was sent for from Burgos by the King, about February last, and is to go to Ireland or elsewhere “to work mischief;” coming through Burgos I heard that he “had let his beard grow 6 months uncut or shaven as the churchmen use theirs, and was thereby very much disguised.”
Jesuits going from Spain to England go first to Denmark or Flanders. Some are shipped from Bilboa to Nantes. One Hilles, an Englishman in Nantes, conveys Jesuits, and has a pension of the King of Spain. I spoke with him “when I came through Bilboa about the fyn of February last,” and he had a Jesuit there ready to carry over to Nantes. Saw a small “flibott” in the river there bound for Calais with money; four new ships were building there and twelve were to be ready by June. “The postmasters in Spain use to weigh their letters to their servants which causeth them to be easily corrupted. Both in Antwerp and Lyons they have the like order. They use to keep the letters one day or more to weigh them and add their bills. In the meanwhile in Madrid I had them delivered to me, and so kept those which might concerne.” Paid Martinez, one of Don Juan de Taxis' clerks, “28 ducats a month besides their port,” and so had all letters for Inglifild and Cressold delivered to him. Said he had a suit against them, and would only stay such letters as might do him harm.
Endorsed :—“John Borrell.”
3 pp. (41. 36.)
Thomas Wingfelde to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1598, May.] Lately, upon the receipt of Sir George Carew's letter, it pleased you to grant me favourable respect of my cause; the effect whereof I preferred in a petition to the Lords last Sunday, yet remaining with the clerk of the Council unanswered. I am credibly told that the Irish Council has been stirred up by my adversaries to charge some manner of contempt on me, and therefore send you the substance of my suit. As my father's executor (the Queen's demands on his accounts since being satisfied) I received his goods on surety to the Queen's use. Yet some in Ireland by purchased title of arbitrament made between me and another, yet arbitrable in law, therein appearing to be utterly void, do by their greater means hold me out of the same by an order of the Councils there made against me in my absence, which gave them according to arbitrament the third part, which I refusing am driven hither for succour, for letters that I may continue my estate by custody in quiet possession.
Signed.—“Thomas Fitzjaques Wingfeld.”
1 p. (61. 8.)
[See letter of 13 May.]
Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1598, May. Lord Burghley granted him the wardship of the son of Mr. Brighouse, whose wife the bearer, Sheffield's servant Warrocke, married. Prays him to procure a lease thereof to Warrocke.—Normanbie, May, 1598.
½ p. (204. 73.)