Pages 588-591
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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D., Sir F. See Drake.
Daccombe, John, 549.
Dacres (Dakers, Dackers) :
Lord, 406, 486.
Lady, 559, 560.
Captain, 206 ter, 361.
Dacres case, the, 553.
Dale :
Dr., 257.
James Van, 350.
Mr., 31, 215.
Damport, Mr., 135.
Danby, Chr., 218.
Daniel (Danyell) :
Captain, 566.
John, letters from, 165, 398, 423, 471, 539.
Dansye, Captain, 206.
Dantzig (Danske), 65.
rye from, 377.
Danvers (Davers) :
Sir Charles, 267, 362, 489, 523.
— letters from, 163, 224, 451.
Elizabeth, Lady, letter from, 267.
Sir Henry, 69, 489.
— letters from, 56, 451.
Sir John, 268, 404.
Lady, 69.
Mr., 267, 268.
Darcy :
Lord, his case, 553.
—, nephew of Sir Francis Carew, 139.
Edward, 46.
— letter from, 314.
Francis, 349.
Darell, Darrel or Dorrell :
—, a recusant, 561.
J., 136.
Mr., 174, 322, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 368, 503, 542, 568.
Darlington Ward, co. Durham, the horsemen for, 411.
Dartford, co. Kent, 269.
postal times from, 193, 269.
Dartmouth, co. Devon, 61, 248, 368.
Dauntsey, Captain, 361.
Dauphiné, in France, 489.
Daventree, John, 23.
Davers. See Danvers.
Davies, Davyes or Davis :
Captain, 206, 361.
Geoffrey, 457.
John, 402.
Captain John, 559.
Davison, Mr., 533.
Dawney (Dawny), Sir John, 62, 72, 108.
Dawson, Miles, seminary priest, 339, 430.
— confession of, 283.
— examination of, 431, 432.
Dawtrey, Captain N., letter from, 541.
Day :
Hugh, 266.
Margaret, 266.
Dean, forest of, constableship of, 47.
Deancourt manor, co. Bucks, 489.
Deane, —, 560.
Decmound, in Flanders. See Dixmude.
Deesenburg, the lord of, 485.
Deguieres. See Lesdiguières.
Delahay, —, son-in-law of William Cecil, 316.
De la Ware, Lord, 301.
Denbighshire :
assessment of, towards charges of soldiers, 354.
sheriff of, letter to, 163.
Denmark, 53, 69, 90, 150, 227, 344, 396, 445, 465.
king of, 121, 122, 143, 212, 344, 372.
king of, lieutenant to. See Ransome, Henrick.
Denny, Sir Edward, letter from, 419.
Dennye, Fermin, 223.
Denouzville en Beausset, letter dated at, 300.
Dente, Mrs., widow, 33, 34, 37.
Denton lordship, 167.
Denys, Sir Thomas, 34.
letters from, 153, 273.
Deptford, 511.
letters dated at, 124, 265, 393, 401.
House, 45.
Strand, letter dated at, 282.
Depwade, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Derby, William, earl of, 158, 369, 389, 475.
— letters from, 3, 106, 186.
Derbyshire, 206, 558.
commission to levy men in, 114, 126.
Dermonde, 463.
Deryf, Captain, 88.
Desdiguieres. See Lesdiguières.
Detworth, 271.
Deventer, 204.
Devereux, Captain, 544.
Devonshire, 34, 35, 36, 153, 210, 393.
deputy lieutenants of, 34.
— letter from, 153.
lord lieutenant of, 153. See also Bath, earl of.
military preparations in, 34, 35, 36.
receiver-general of, 467.
spinsters, weavers, &c. in, 35.
tinners and foreigners in, 154.
trainbands in, 542.
Dewhurst, Mr Bar., 30.
Diapre, —, 413.
Dicconson, George, mayor of Lincoln, letter from, 422.
Dieppe (Deape, Deepe), 2, 50, 84, 86, 141, 191, 222, 225, 269, 281, 320, 363, 384, 416, 417, 430, 454, 487, 541.
letters dated at, 15, 70, 119, 401, 451 bis, 458.
commander of, 401, 430.
governor of, 84, 85, 375.
— letter from, 70.
—. See also La Chaste, Mons. de.
Diest (in Brabant), 74.
Digges, Captain, 361, 559.
Digs, lieutenant, 114.
Diguieres, M. de. See Lesdiguières.
Dillon :
Captain Garrett, 559.
James, letter from, 13.
Sir Robert, 185.
Dinan (Dinam), in Brittany, 116.
Diss, hundred of, 223.
Dissington, co. Northumberland, 179.
Dittmaer, marshal, of Königsberg, 489.
Dixmude (Decmound), in Flanders, 484.
Dixon, —, a Scottishman, 427.
Dobby, Henry, letter from, 220.
Dobins (Dobyns, Dolins), Guido, 188, 209, 236.
Docwra, Captain Henry, letter from, 80.
Dodsworth, Mr., 59.
Doggett, William, 501.
Dogs for hunting the wild boar, 155.
Dolins, Guido. See Dobins.
Donau (Donnau), the river, 486.
Doncaster :
high steward of, 317.
mayor and burgesses of, 317.
[Lord Hunsdon, q.v.], recorder of, 317.
Dorchester, [co. Dorset], letter dated at, 300.
Doria, Prince, 83, 123, 398, 521.
Dorlens. See Dourlens.
Dormer, Captain, 205.
Dorrell, Mr. See Darell.
Dorsetshire, 34, 161, 206, 210, 293.
deputy lieutenants of, letter from, 137.
deputy vice-admiral of. See Randoll.
feodary f. See Budden, John.
Douai, 79.
Doughty, —, 187.
Douglas, in Scotland, 177, 178.
Douglas, Archibald (Mr. Archibald), Scottish ambassador, 303, 447, 449, 513, 532.
— letter from, 70.
— letters to, 7, 10, 21, 37, 70, 80, 123, 150, 156, 216, 274, 299, 323, 539.
D., 199.
Richard, 10.
— letters from, 7, 150, 299, 323, 539.
— his brother Samuel, 150, 540, 541.
“Doul,” letter from, 370.
Dourlens (Doullens, Douraus, Dorlens), in France, 347, 414, 472, 488, 489.
Dover, 144, 146, 175, 225, 269, 285, 375, 427, 496, 518.
letters dated at, 144, 146, 192, 269, 435.
Castle, letters dated at, 182, 320, 341, 496, 528.
— lieutenant of. See Fane, Thomas.
customer of, 333.
mayor of, 175.
postal times from, 138, 193, 269.
searcher of, 341.
town clerk of, 210.
Dover Road, 138, 145, 175.
Dowdall, Sir Jo., 543.
Downall, William, servant of Lord Mordaunt, 536.
Downe, William, 300, 321.
Downehall, William, gentleman of the horse to the earl of Essex, letters to, 200, 419.
Downs, the, 140, 201, 206, 340.
Draining of low lands in England and Wales, proposed, 299.
Drake :
Sir Francis (Sir F. D.), 32, 54, 86, 119, 147, 156, 191, 192, 213, 229, 231, 259, 265, 337, 347, 396, 434, 471, 542, 552, 564.
Lady, 348, 355.
John, 34.
Mr., 123, 255, 396.
Ri., letter from, 320.
Thomas, 347, 348, 542.
— letter from, 355.
William, 34.
Drakes, Mrs., of Stubham, 167.
Draper, —, 284.
Drayton, letter dated at, 393.
Drewell, Sir Humphrey, 151.
Drogheda, 185, 544.
Droxford, co. Hants, 207.
parsonage of, 171.
Drue, J., letter from, 156.
Drumlanrich, —, 9.
Drury (Drurie) :
Sir Dru., letter from, 284.
Sir Robert, 125.
Thomas, 69.
Duar te Caboverde, Francesco, 308.
Dublin (Develing, Devillin), 283, 351, 431, 509, 530, 543.
letters dated at, 231, 437.
Castle, 555.
— letter dated at, 49.
mayor of, 529.
Duck, Robert, 99, 112.
Duckett, —, a recusant, 561.
Dudley :
Lord, letter from, 152.
Ro., 284.
Dudley Castle, letter dated at, 152.
Duisburg, 25.
Dumaresque, —, 115.
Dumbarton, 60.
Dunboyne, in Ireland, 555.
Dundalk, 185, 530, 544.
Dundee, 60, 323.
Dunenvoorde (Duynenvoorde, Duynenvoert, Duuenuoird) eta Woud (et Alroude), Jehan de, Admiral of Holland, 120, 366, 396, 418.
— letters from, 376, 482.
Dunfermline (Dumfermline), letters dated at, 340, 453.
Dungannon Castle, 530.
Dunkirk, 1, 49, 86, 132, 425, 429, 435, 476, 484, 500, 519.
governor of, 49.
Dunlanerick (Dounelanericke), the laird of, 220.
Dunlee, Edward, 449.
Dunsany, P., Lord, 543.
letters from, 220, 554 bis.
Dunscombe, Thomas, 218.
Dunye, letter dated at, 363.
Duodo, Cavalier Pietro, Venetian ambassador at Paris, letter from, 66.
Duport :
Dr., 122, 199.
Jo., 446.
Durham, 38, 39, 73, 92, 179.
letter dated at, 176.
county of, 92.
bishopric of, 108, 177, 178.
— justices of, letter from, 92.
dean and chapter of, 572.
deanery of, 117.
palatinate of, Attorney General of. See Tailboies, Robert.
— Chancellor of. See Calverley, Thomas.
Durham, Tobias Matthew, bishop of, 104, 108, 148, 177, 178, 179, 203, 412, 413.
— letters from, 21, 38, 62, 72, 92, 167, 176, 338, 441.
— letters to, 22, 141, 179.
Durron, lord of, 446.
Dutch companies, 471.
Dutton :
Captain, 558, 559.
Captain Lawrence, 361.
— letter from, 363.
Du Verger, —, 363.
Dymock, —, 256.
Dymoke :
Edward, letters from, 40, 401.
— his uncle Charles, 41.
— his uncle Edward, 41.
Sir Edward, letter from, 314.
Dynnys, E., 422.
Dyve, Thomas, 549.