Pages 578-583
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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Babington :
—, 312.
Ury, 227.
Babraham (Badburham), co. Camb., 136.
letters dated at, 10, 20, 23, 158, 175.
Babtist, Captain, 544.
Bacon :
Anthony, 533.
Captain, 361.
Francis, 559.
Nathaniel, 377.
the Worshipful, 432.
Baden, John Charles, marquis of, letter from, 43.
Bagg (Bagge), James mayor of Plymouth, 244, 494, 505.
— letter from, 258.
Bagnall (Bagnalle, Bagenall, Bagnoll) :
—, keeper of St. Katherine's prison, 312.
Captain, 205, 361.
Sir Henry, 23, 543, 544, 545.
— letter from, 393.
Sir Samuel, 206, 214, 429, 475, 507, 558.
Baker :
Captain, 543.
Captain James, 558.
Baldeze, Don Pedro de, 406.
Baldi (Baldy), —, Colonel of the Swiss in France, 454.
— letter from, 461.
Balençon, Baron de, 566.
Ballagny (Balligny), Marshal, 29.
Ballard (Bullerd), —, 312.
Ballet, —, of London, 18.
Ballinasloe (Ballineslowe), in Ireland, 544.
Ballymore, in Ireland, 544.
Ballymote, in Ireland, 437.
Baltinglasse, in Ireland, 543.
Bamborough Castle, 23.
Banbury Castle, the recusants in, 516.
Bancrofte, Richard, 504.
Bande, the, in Ireland, 530.
Banff, 142, 150.
Bangor :
bishop of, 533.
Richard Vaughan, bishop of, letter from, 44.
bishopric of, poor estate of, 44.
Bannister, Captain Laurence, 559.
Banrembom, Francisco. See Rumball.
Baona, Islands of, 124.
Barbançon (Barbanson), Sieur (M.) de, 486, 566.
Barbara hides, 568.
Barbary, 362, 386.
king of, 536.
Barber, Joan, wife of Thomas, 267.
Barcelona, 565.
Bargança. See Braganza.
Bargues. See Bergen-op-Zoom.
Barkeley. See Berkeley.
Barker, John, 411.
Barloe, Dr., 122.
Barlotte, —, 276.
Barlotts, Guaston la. See La Barlotts.
Barlow, William, 483.
Barly, Anthony, captain of the Diamond, 355.
Barnal, George, 503.
Barnardeux, Mr., 369, 389.
Barnardiston, Robert, 218.
Barn Elms (Barnelemes), letter dated at, 317.
Barnes, letters dated at, 239, 388, 389.
Barnes, Bishop, 73.
Mrs., 179.
Barneveldt (Barnefield), Jan van Olden, Advocate General of Holland, 3, 4, 24, 25, 27, 39, 40, 86, 109, 318.
— letters from, 119, 346.
Barney (Barnie) :
Martin, 223.
Thomas, 223.
Barow, William, 223.
Barret, Mr., 411.
Barrowes, Robert. See Walgrave.
Barston, Edward, customer of Gloucester, 310.
Bartels, Jacob, 438.
Bartley :
Captain, 165.
Sir Richard, 287.
Barton :
Lyon, 266.
Mr., 5, 385.
Barvitius (Barvisious), Jo., 549.
— letter from, 293.
Barwell, Edmund, 446.
Barz Court, letter dated at, 416.
Basadonna, Giovanni, 59, 67, 82, 198.
— letter from, 100.
Basingstoke, co. Hants, postal times from, 322, 329.
Baskervile (Baskerfield, Basquervile) :
Captain Nicholas, 433, 434, 438, 498, 502.
Sir Thomas, 141, 152, 164, 196, 204, 213 bis, 215, 256, 315, 393, 400, 401, 402, 408, 433, 434, 441, 468, 502, 523, 554.
— letters from, 172, 173.
Basle, 237, 458.
Bass, Mr., 416.
Basse, Humfray, 15.
Bate, Mr., 5.
Bath (the Bath), co. Somers., 151, 161, 327, 466.
Bath, William, earl of, lord lieutenant of Devonshire, 35, 36, 191, 546.
— letter from, 393.
— memorials from, 34.
Bath and Wells, the Chancellorship in, 237.
Bathdrome, in Ireland, 543.
Battersea, 111.
Batthersby, John, of Plymouth, 228.
Bauchling (Barbar or Barkar), —, 457.
Bavaria (Buveray), duke of, 573.
Baxter, Jane, of Hatfield, examination of, 2.
Baynard, Captain, 361, 558.
Baynes, —, 492.
Bayona (Bayonne), in Galicia, 315, 469.
Bayonne, in France, 495, 525.
letters dated at, 18, 525.
English merchants trading in, 97.
governor of, 85.
— letter from, 97.
lieutenant governor of, letter from, 525.
Baywische lieutenant, the, 486.
Beachampcourt, letter dated at, 158.
Beale, Mr., 24, 25, 410.
Robert, letters from, 239, 348, 387, 389.
Beanland :
Ellen, wife of John, of Hatfield, examination of, 2.
John, 2.
Beard, —, 403.
Bearfleet. See Biervliet.
Beauchamp, Richard, bishop of Salisbury, 89.
Beaumalle, in France, letter dated at, 523.
Beaumaris (Bewmares), letter dated at, 354.
Beauvais, Monsieur de, Admiral for the king of Spain, 448.
Beauvoir :
M. de, 12, 191, 192.
— letter from, 42.
William, 50, 76, 77.
Beeke, John, 423.
Beddington, letters dated at, 139, 245.
Bedford, 312.
St. John's, parishioners of, letter from, 550.
St. John's Hospital, 550.
— Master of. See Lynford.
Bedford :
Coucy of, a Champaign, 128.
Lord, 335.
B., countess of, letters from, 100, 494.
Bedfordshire, 217, 558.
Beech (Beache), Thomas, 483.
Beecher, Mr., 538.
Beeley, Anthony, 209, 236.
Beeston :
Sir George, 218.
Mr., 359.
Bel, Thomas, letters to, 107, 142, 149.
Belgrade (Bellograde), 4, 5, 440.
Bellasis (Belassis) :
Henry, 108.
Ry., 92.
Sir William, 62, 72.
Belle Isle (Belliall), 116, 322.
Belle Joyeuses, Jehan Jaques de, 566.
Bellievre, Monsieur de, 414.
Bellingham, Captain Henry, letter from, 242.
Bellis, Go., 487.
Bellott :
John, customer of Poole, letter from, 285.
Thomas, customer of Weymouth, letters from, 314, 536.
Belsize, letter dated at, 209.
Belvoir Castle, 232.
Bence, William, 34.
Bengal (Bengala), king of, 129.
Benger, William, letter from, 274.
Benier, in Brittany, 462.
Bennett (Benet) :
—, a Welshman, a priest, 431.
Jo., letter from, 219.
Mr., 435.
Dr. Robert, dean of Windsor, 550.
— , letters from, 387, 391, 550.
Benningfield, Thomas, 158.
Bergen in Zutphen :
count Frederick of (Vandenbergh), 275, 367.
count Harman of (Van den Barghe), 344.
Bergen op Zoom (Bargues, Barques, Bergues, Bergensis), 237, 243, 275, 276, 418, 465, 469, 514, 570.
— letter dated at, 379.
Berington (Birington) :
John, 362, 419, 432.
— examination of, 420, 421.
Berkeley, Barkeley :
Lord, 68.
Sir Harry, 549.
Captain John, 141, 523.
R., 451.
Sir Richard, letters from, 51, 96, 196, 218.
Berkshire, 147, 148, 206, 558.
lieutenants of, 88.
Berreo, —, 256.
Berry :
Sir Benjamin, 214.
Captain, 519.
Berry Castle, letter dated at, 444.
Bertlett, Robert, 218.
Berwick (Barwick) -upon-Tweed, 53, 59, 168, 176, 177, 178, 247, 275, 277, 286, 342, 378.
letters dated at, 10, 60, 262, 298, 313, 314, 333, 339, 342, 343.
customer of. See Harding, J.
governorship of, 24, 53, 297, 298, 304, 342.
mayor of, 177.
the officers of customs at, 23.
treasurer of, 134.
Berye, Martin, 483.
Best, —, 423.
Sir Richard, 423.
Bethell, Captain, 543.
Beumond, Mr. Justice, 364.
Bevercoots, —, 364.
Beverley :
George, letter from, 477.
Mr., 78.
Bevyll, Henry, 472.
Bewcastle, —, 84.
Bewdley, co. Worc., 271.
Bichier, Mr., 527.
Biervliet (Bearfleet), 276, 455.
Bilbao (Bilboe), in Spain, 283, 431, 438, 439, 495, 513, 574.
Bill (Byll), Dr., 207, 504, 563.
Billett, Mr., 96.
Billings, Captain, 296, 361, 558.
Billingsley, Henry, 390.
— letters from, 386, 501.
Bills of Exchange, 116, 499, 503.
Bilson, Dr. Thomas, warden of Winchester College, afterwards bishop of Worcester, 117, 197, 207.
— letters from, 158, 165, 173, 179, 183, 184, 188, 191, 217, 221, 251, 265, 282, 390.
— letter to, 69.
Bindon, Viscount, letter to, 121.
Bindwhistle, —, 432.
Bingham, Sir Richard, 460, 531, 543, 544, 559.
— letter from, 459, 570.
Bingley, Captain, 559.
Birington, John. See Berington.
Biron (Byron), marshal, 66, 316, 363, 384, 396, 414, 520, 524, 566.
Biscay, 147, 226, 231, 263, 315, 381, 456, 462, 476, 487, 499, 505, 530, 574, 575.
coast of, 495.
the general of, 484.
port towns of, 284.
Bishop Auckland, 178, 412.
letters dated at, 22, 39, 64, 74, 92, 168, 338, 411.
Bishopthorp, letter dated at, 123.
Blacklock, —, 84.
Blackmore, forest of, 241.
Blackoller, Mr., 93.
Blackwoller, Richard, 248.
Blague, Dr., 122.
Bland, John, letter from, 369.
Blande, William, 136.
Blantyre, prior of, 323.
Blany, Captain, 206.
Blavet, (Blannett, Blewet, Blanwet, Bluet), in Brittany, 49, 115, 116, 138, 147, 155, 160, 322, 414, 430, 430, 439, 462, 466.
Blewett, Arthur, 34.
Blofield, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Blondel, Solomon, 115.
Blonden, Edward, a bookbinder, 264.
Bloomfield, John, 487.
Bludder, Thomas, 393, 400.
Bluet. See Blavet.
Blundeviie, Bennett, 278.
Blunt, Blount, Bluntt :
Bridget, wife of Thomas, 266.
Sir Christopher, 117 bis, 118, 125, 126, 206, 361, 570, 571.
— his case concerning the Manor of Tainton, 553.
George, 188, 209, 236.
Mr., of Hallow, 266.
Thomas, 266.
Bluse, Chevalier de, 57.
Bocher, William, letter from, 116.
Bodenham, Mr., 95.
Bodley :
Anthony, 188.
Thomas, the Queen's envoy to the States General, 24, 41, 52, 60, 74, 75, 90, 119, 343, 344 bis, 366, 482, 537, 538.
— letters from, 3, 25, 39, 108, 113.
Bodmin, co. Cornwall, letter dated at 472.
Bogas, Robert, 218.
Bointon, Mr., 54.
Bois, Captain Thomas, 559.
Bolbroke, letter dated at, 257.
Boles, John, 188, 209, 236.
Bollen, duke of. See Bouillon.
Bologna (Belonia), 420.
Bolstred, Captain, 361.
Bombert, a fort in France, 566.
Bonromeo, Cardinal le, 449, 452.
brought from Cadiz, 374, 375.
Antipappus Quartus, 237.
the Spanish book of Alosta, 257.
Booles, Sir John. See Bowles.
Boone, Guillaume, 405.
Boord, —, 537.
Boos, Mr., 37.
Borbon, Catalina. See Yuañes.
Bordeaux (Burdeuz), 70, 136, 146, 428, 516, 517.
letter dated at, 411.
Borders, the. See Scotland, Marches of.
Borough, W., letters from, 457, 542.
Boroughs, Mr. See Burroughs.
Borrell, —, 360.
Bortange, the, 367.
Bossevile (Boswell) :
Mr., late clerk of the Court of Wards, 218.
Ralph, 523.
— letter from, 378.
Boteler, Sir Philip. See Butler.
Bothby, Thomas, of London, 187.
Bothwell, earl, 225, 299, 427, 447.
— letter from, 134.
Botielius (? Bothwell), earl (comes), 514.
Boues, M. de, 130.
Bouillon, (Bollen, Boulhon, Bugliion, Bullion, Bulloigne), Henry de la Tour, duke of, marshal, 2, 14, 46, 146, 147, 163, 171, 192 bis, 221, 244, 269, 281, 285, 316, 320, 341, 344, 347, 358, 359, 365, 366 bis, 368, 369, 372, 373, 383, 384, 385, 391, 392, 396, 398, 416, 418, 438, 444, 445, 448, 453, 455, 464, 465, 469, 498, 524.
— letter from, 221.
— letter to, 363.
— charges of the household incidental to his visit to England, 510.
Boulins, Mons., 131.
Boulogne, 34, 42, 103, 131, 136, 137, 146, 171, 186, 192, 226, 269, 281, 387, 518, 525.
letter dated at, 137.
levies for, 193.
Boulton, Mr., 559.
Bourbon :
Princess Catherine de, letter from, 571.
Henri de. See Montpensier, duke of.
Bourcher, Bourgchier :
Captain Arthur, 558, 570.
Sir George, 543.
Bourdiere, Monsieur de la, Ambassador to the Pope, 401.
Boustred, Captain, 206.
Bouvel, —, 452.
Bowckclough. See Buccleugh.
Bower, John, deputy surveyor of the port of Gloucester, 310.
Bowes :
—, 283.
Sir Edward, 543.
Marmaduke, 218.
Mr., 216.
Ralph, 458, 459.
Robert, 92, 412, 413.
Robert, ambassador to Scotland, 12, 33, 70, 134, 177, 178, 309, 323, 340.
— — letters from, 51, 475.
— — letter to, 453.
Robert, the younger, 338.
Talbot, 141.
Captain Thomas, son of Sir Edward, 559.
Sir William, 64, 108, 284, 458, 459.
Bowier, Mr., 267.
Bowles (Bolles, Booles) :
Sir John, 401, 543, 558.
Sir Thomas, 376.
Bownam, Mr., 462.
Boyar, Captain, 446.
Boyle, in Ireland, 544.
Boyle :
James, 561.
O'Dougherty D., 438.
Brabant, 74, 243, 276, 366, 396, 420, 446, 459, 460, 463, 465, 495, 514.
Bradbury, Thomas, 223.
Bradghaett, Captain, 518.
Bradley, —, 435.
Brackenbury, Mr., 269.
Braganza (Bargança), duke of, 391.
Braintford. See Brentford.
Bramley, Thomas, of London, merchant, 525.
Brampton, Edward, 223.
Bradenburg, Duke of, 143.
Bray, Lord, 559.
Braye, William, 356.
Brazil, 564.
Breda, 74, 243, 244, 276, 365, 418, 440, 445, 486, 503.
Bredgate, Captain Matthew, letters from, 105, 435.
Brentford (Braintford), co. Middx., 349.
preacher of. See Carr, Allan.
Brereton (Brureton) :
Robert, 312.
Thomas, letter from, 96.
Brereton manor, co. York, 489.
Brescia (Bresia), 520, 532.
Breslau, 485.
Brest, 144, 170.
letter dated at, 85.
governor of, letter from, 85.
— See also Sourdeac.
Brett, Captain, 205, 361, 532, 544.
Bridges :
Mrs., 283.
Robert, letter from, 169.
Bridgwater :
letter dated at, 274.
charge of the port of, towards furnishing ships for the Queen's service, 274, 278.
customer of. See Benger, William.
officers of the port of, letter from, 274.
Bridson, Dr., 199.
Briges, Robert, 252.
Brigges, Thomas, 218.
Brignoles, in Provence, letter dated at, 58.
Brill (Briliensis), the (in Holland), 114, 289, 295, 311, 420, 446, 455, 468, 469, 514, 515, 539.
letter dated at, 296.
captains of, 66.
lieutenant governor at. See Turner, Captain.
men sent by, to the Cadiz expedition, 205.
Brinnen, Mr., 39.
Brisselton Hill, 411.
Bristol (Bristow), 164, 265, 311, 358, 404, 411, 501, 518.
letter dated at, 278.
aldermen of, letter from, 278.
dean of, 237.
mayor of. See Parphey, William.
ships furnished for the Queen's service by the city of, 274, 278, 310.
Britendona, —, 381.
Brittany (Britaine, Bretagne, Bryttayne), 10, 14, 19, 49, 66, 82, 86, 115, 116, 124, 147, 164, 190, 191, 192, 196, 205, 273, 281, 393, 400, 414, 423, 432, 462, 466, 468, 479, 484, 496, 565, 570.
governor of the Spaniards in. See Aquila, Don Imo dell.
Brocboro Park, 280.
Brochios (Brochero), Don Diego de, 231, 383.
Brock, Richard, of Prestowld, 406.
Brockesbury, Captain John, 559.
Brockett :
Sir John, 417.
Sir Thomas, 395.
Brograve, Mr., 440.
Bromham, letter dated at, 156.
Bromley, Robert, 227.
Brooke or Brook :
G., 407.
Henry, 227, 263, 455.
— letters from, 32, 120, 477.
John, letter from, 477.
Captain John, 523.
Mr., the younger, 111.
Robert, a goldsmith, 259.
Sir William, 310.
Brothercross, hundred of, co. Norf., 223.
Broughton, Hugh, 167.
Brown or Browne (Brovne) :
Anthony, 223.
—, a starch maker, 198.
Captain, 368, 434.
Captain, vice-governor of Flushing, 311, 498.
John, 391.
Mr., 533.
Nicholas, 46.
Peter, the post, 44 bis, 55, 429.
Thomas, letter from, 391.
Brownman, George, 293.
Broxborne, letters dated at, 96, 247.
Bruges (Bridges), 360, 416, 476, 500.
Bruniole, 13.
Brunswick :
the house of, 143.
Ernest, duke of, 27, 28, 69, 90, 98.
— letter from, 219.
— his brother duke Frederick, 219.
Brureton, Robert. See Brereton.
Brusse, the, 245.
Brussels, 27, 47, 52, 74, 75, 122, 136, 143, 263, 275, 281, 418, 426, 439, 440, 460, 463, 465, 482, 484, 485, 486, 509, 514 bis, 515, 532, 573.
Buccleugh (Bowckclough), laird of, 8, 60, 220, 339, 371.
Buck (Bucke), Mr., 292, 293.
Buckhurst, Thomas, Lord, 18, 93, 118, 122, 211, 217, 282, 301, 331, 409, 440, 475, 510, 544.
— letters from, 194, 197 bis, 426, 505, 508, 509.
— letters to, 116, 299, 559.
Buckinghamshire, 206, 558.
Buda, 5, 440.
Budden :
—, 161.
John, feodary of Dorset, letters from, 218, 238.
— letter to, 549.
Budnack, 485.
Bugliion, Duke of. See Bouillon.
Buhy, — de, 191.
Bulkley :
Edward, 504.
Sir Richard, letter from, 354.
Bullerd, —. See Ballard.
Bullock, Hugh, letter from, 569.
Bunny, Francis, letter from, 179.
Burdeuz. See Bordeaux.
Buren, count of, 466.
countess of, 27, 28.
Burgh (Burrow), Thomas, Lord, 66, 205, 289, 446, 469.
— letters from, 15, 68.
Burghley, Sir William Cecil, Lord, Lord Treasurer (father of Sir Robert Cecil), 1, 4, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18 bis, 20, 30, 33, 34, 46, 65, 68, 75, 76, 91, 96, 102, 103, 105, 106, 114, 122, 124, 134, 135, 138, 143, 145, 149, 166, 167, 170, 171 bis, 180, 185, 191 bis, 198, 202, 208, 209, 211, 213 bis, 218, 219, 222, 224, 229 bis, 238, 242, 249, 261, 265, 267, 269, 273, 279, 284, 294, 297, 299, 301, 306, 307, 312, 316, 331, 338, 348, 352, 363, 366, 374, 377, 393 bis, 399, 409, 410, 411, 422, 425, 433 bis, 434, 438, 447, 448, 450, 453, 455, 459, 463, 464, 466, 475 bis, 478, 480, 491, 502, 504, 512, 527, 537, 538, 539, 546, 547 bis, 555, 560.
— letters from, 21, 80, 141, 395.
— letters to, 3, 17, 21, 23, 25, 30, 31, 38, 39, 41, 44 bis, 49, 54, 55, 59, 62 bis, 69, 70, 72, 81, 89, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106, 108 bis, 112, 113, 116, 120, 121, 123 bis 136, 141, 143, 148, 164, 167, 171, 172, 174, 176, 197, 199, 203, 210, 211 bis, 212, 219 bis, 220 bis, 236, 238, 240, 241, 245, 246, 254, 257, 272 bis, 273, 278 bis, 282, 284, 285 bis, 286, 287, 290, 310, 316, 321, 369, 374, 376, 377, 386, 401, 419, 426, 441, 445, 449, 461, 464, 467, 477, 487, 496, 501, 503, 507, 529 bis, 542, 556, 569.
— articles against the farmers of his woods, 71.
— petitions to, 37, 217, 219, 237, 471, 505.
— privy seal to, as lieutenant of Essex and Hertford, to levy footmen, 193.
— warrants to, as lieutenant of Essex, to levy soldiers, 138, 387.
— privy signet to, as lieutenant of Hertford, to levy men, 390.
— privy signet to, as lieutenant of Lincolnshire, to levy men, 350.
— warrants to, 12, 46, 72, 212, 215, 247, 285, 528.
Burgoyn :
Mrs. Barbara, alias Rice, 399, 402, 403, 422.
Ed., 403.
Burgundians, the, 290.
Burgundy, 10, 405.
Burke, L., 558.
Burleie, Captain, 284, 432.
Burley, William, 54.
Burlings, the, 315, 468, 469.
Burnell :
—, an Irish priest, 431.
Edward, 283.
Burnham, Mr., 446.
Burroughs (Boroughs, Burrow), Mr., controller of the Admiralty, 162, 168, 169, 367, 482.
Burtall, Captain John, 559.
Burton, Edward, 218.
Busanval (Busenvall, Buzanval), Monsieur de, French ambassador to the Low Countries, 90, 91, 191, 316, 347.
— letters from, 132 bis, 365.
— letters to, 42, 91.
Busdorp, 486.
Buskell, Thomas, 10.
Buss, Humphrey, 225.
Busshop, Mr., of Oldburrow, 266.
Busshy, Mr., 145.
Bussy, Mr., 447, 448.
Butland Anne, letter from, 41.
Butler (Butlar, Boteler) :
Sir Edmund, 539, 543.
Mr., 395.
Nathan, 505.
Sir Philip, receiver of the duchy of Lancaster, 417, 571.
— letter from, 13.
William, 508.
Butten, —, 124.
Button :
—, 435.
William, letter from, 241.
Butts, John, 483.
Byng, Thomas, 446.
Byron. See Biron.