Cecil Papers: November 1596, 1-15

Pages 465-479

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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November 1596, 1–15

Geo. Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 1. “The Duke of Buillon hath despatched all his business, staying now only for wind and weather. The States have accepted of the league, and the acts signed on all sides, whereof I send presently over the one, and, at the said Duke his desire, was also firmed by me, whereof it may please your Lordship as occasion shall fall out to take knowledge, and favour me so that my dealing may be interpreted in good part. As for the particular points whereupon the said Duke hath agreed with them, I have read the same, and are divers, but the chiefest be these :—That, this spring, if the King shall come with his camp into Arthoys and those parts to make wars against the enemy, they will, with 7 or 8,000 foot and 1,500 horse, be ready to assist and join with him there; Item, for the year to come, will aid him with 4,000 footmen, to be paid monthly by their pagador, with this condition, that if the enemy should assail them so strongly that they should be forced to call away these men, in such case the King shall without difficulty suffer them to draw and send for the same away, to be used as they shall see cause; and if necessity should so require, and they desire it, that the King shall aid them in these provinces with 4,000 foot and 1,000 horse at his charges. These points are reciprocal for mutual aid, but I do not see any yott or sparcle in these men, and less in the people, to incline or affect the French, only to serve their own turns, and by keeping of the two kings at wars to be the more freed or eased.
“The Count Maurice is returned hither again, having deferred an enterprise he had of importance until another time and that the Duke be returned into France, to be seconded if need be. There are now certain troops of horse and footmen assembled in Bargues opt Zoom to make a raid (roade) into Brabant, so to amuse th' enemy and stay him from sending of more forces towards the frontiers against the French. The Cardinal lieth still in Bruxels, busied to settle order for the reinforcing of his regiments, which are grown very weak, and the men very disordered, so as the country, wheresoever they come, cry out upon them. The payments fall out short, credit diminisheth, all things grow dear, the trade decayeth, great dearth and sickness, most towns infected with the plague and flix, and the disorders such that further inconveniences are very like to follow. The States' deputies that were in Denmark are returned, were well used, and sped indifferently. The two young Counts of Embden that came hither with the Duke of Buillon are departed more than half discontented, because he had put them in hope to be employed, and now, it seems, Count Lodowicke of Nassawe hath got the start of them.”—The Haeghe, 1 Nov., 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (46. 25.)
The Earl of Northumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 1. Recommending his chaplain, the bearer. “His audiences at Pawles can witness for his sufficiency in his function, his neighbours at the Bathe for his honesty and good life.”—Sion, 1 Nov.
Endorsed :—1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 26.)
Foreign News.
1596, Nov. 1/11 News letter headed, “Nouvelles de par les Comptoirs d'Amsterdam, date du 11me de Novemb. 1596.”
“Monsieur, nous avons de Roome du 12 d'October :—Ici sont venuez lettres du 22me passato de Parys qu'il y avoit aulcunes astrologiens qui ont advise au Roy qu'il voulsist quicter tous ces entreprinses d'armes a cause de sa nativité, qu'il est apparant de ces jours venir en peril de sa vie. Et que est en la diete de Rouen seroit este traicte sur les moiens pour finer argent pour mener la guerre contre Espaigne; et pour resouldre (vue la grande instance que sur ce faisoient les Hugenots sur les articles par eulx presentes, ayant entre eulx aussi tenu plusieurs assemblees) sont resolu de participer a tous estats et offices concernans la couronne, aians aussy cependant fortiffiez les places qu'ils tiennent.” Also the duke of Mercœur had prolonged the truce for three months. Don Jan d'Aquila, the Spanish general in Brittany, (fearing an agreement between Mercœur and the King) had made Blauwet impregnable, provided himself with ball and powder, and was fortifying Vener and Ambon, the best harbours of Brittany. On Saturday night Captain Tarquino, in opening a window, fell out and was killed. Other Roman news.
News from Venice of 18 Oct. From Lyons the last letters reported that the Count of Soissons, having lost hope of marrying the King's sister, was about to join the Huguenots as their leader and so force the King to give her to him. Thereupon the King had sent to the assembly of the Huguenots at St. Jehan d'Angel to ask their intention; who replied that seeing their enemies prevail with the King they had met to advise how best to defend themselves if attacked. News from Vienna of the 5th inst. of the siege of Agria; also from Cologne of the 2nd touching the same siege, the marriage of Count Hanau with the daughter of the late Prince of Orange on Tuesday next, the proceedings of the Prince of Orange, Count of Buren, and other German matters. The French fortify St. Pol, and live there in the country like enemies so that the peasants in despair say that if peace is not made with the King of France (for so they begin to call him) they cannot dwell there. They write daily from the Walloon towns that it is pitiful to see how the strangers are perishing of want and sickness, and that the soldiers “sont campez devant et soubz les villes.”—Amsterdam, 11 Nov. 1596. Stilo novo.
Below in another hand :—“I am bold to present your lordship with such occurrents as these parts afford, though I presume Mr. Gilpin's copies of the same will prevent their arrival.”
French. 4 pp. (46. 45.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 2. Learns by letter from my lord, Cecil's father, his care of this place and favour towards him (the writer). Thanks him. Now when it is certain, by report from the coast, that the enemy has assembled a great power against this place, a greater proportion of men should be resident to prevent sudden surprising. Shipping of all sorts comes here and lies three or four days together in Canson Bay, and there is no means to understand what they are or to command them. Some shipping of good force should be appointed to lie here always; or if it seem dangerous for the Queen's shipping to lie here for “the doubt of fire or any other misfortune,” some other might be provided, for pay, with a reasonable company of men.—Plymouth, 2 Nov. 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 29.)
The Queen to Lord Burghley.
1596, Nov. 2. Has appointed Sir Ferdinando Gorge to take charge of the new fort at Plymouth and the island of St. Nicholas, for which 100 able men are required, besides the forces of the adjoining country. Gorge already has 50, and the Queen will allow the pay of 25 of the remaining 50, “not doubting but the rest of the charge for the other xxv will be defrayed by the inhabitants of the said port and by the benevolence and contribution of the richer sort dwelling near thereto, for whose safety the said fort and island, being defended against the enemy, shall serve for their security.” Requires him to give order for the quarterly payment of 25 men, by the receiver general of Devon and Cornwall, or customers of the ports there.—Richmond, 2 Nov. 1596, 38 Eliz.
Countersigned :—Windebank.
Sign manual. Seal. 1 p. (46. 27.)
Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 2. Has desired to write for more than five months; makes excuses for not doing so, and humble acknowledgments of the many favours bestowed upon him by Cecil.—Florence, 2 Nov.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Edward Cecil to my Mr., 2 Nov. 1596.”
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (174. 13.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 2. Jay traicte une fois a Stretham les deputes de Messrs. les Estats (au commenchement de leur venue); et les voudroy bien voluntiers traicter une autre fois (pour leur adieu) en men petit logis a Londres. Qui me fera faire l'hardi a vre Srie, pour brimber d'elle une femelle de daim (qu'on appelle ung doo), car je les voudroi voluntiers faire manger de la venaison. Si Vre Srie a afaire d'encores ung couple (ou deux) des jeusnes faisans, elle les aura quant il lui plaist en revanche. J'avoi presqnes prins l'hardiesse d'avoir faict mon addresse a Monseigneur le Grand Chamberlain (votre Beaupere), pour aussi par ce moien commencher a entrer en possession, puis que Monseigneur son predecesseur m'en fist pnt tous les ans d'un Boucq.—Londres, 2 November 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 16.)
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 2. Ever since I saw you I have kept my house, troubled with an extreme cold, and have been in doubt of a fever. The remains of the office of the Ordnance, unless I should deliver a lame and uncertain report, is impossible to be done in so short a time. Gives his reasons.—Mynoriss.
Endorsed :—“2 No. 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 17.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 3. Enclosing minute of a warrant for a provost marshal for Picardy, according to Cecil's letter received this morning.—London, 3 Nov. 1596.
Not long since Cecil wrote to him to examine a matter between Sir Harry Norryce and one of Bryll. Sir Harry has been with him but not the other, whose name he takes to be Fryhe (?) Cornelyus.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (46. 30.)
The minute enclosed :
Draft warrant for the payment of 6s. per diem to—who is appointed provost marshal of the forces in Picardy under Sir Thomas Baskerville, to keep the soldiers in better discipline and obedience. To date from 14 days before his arrival beyond seas.
(46. 28.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 3. Since his last, of 27 Oct., has conferred with Sir Ferd. Gorges and acquainted him with Cecil's “pretence concerning matters of intelligence, wherein he hath promised to join with me; not doubting but to set down such a course as that your Honour shall from time to time be sufficiently advertised of all things concerning the parts of Brittany, and oftentimes from the coasts of Spain and Portingall. But, forsomuch as such like services cannot be performed without some extraordinary courses, as the times and places shall require, we humbly pray your Honour's warrant for the doing thereof, lest our good intents should be any way hereafter misconstrued. And for that there may be sometimes occasion, as well for that service as others in these parts, it were very convenient we should have her Majesty's commission for the taking up of any pinnace or other vessel, with men and victuals, for the better performing thereof, with authority to punish any that shall be disobedient or negligent in the service committed unto them.” A pinnate is appointed for the Burlinges, and a carvell for Cape Finisterre, and a pinnace shall go to Silley with all speed, as notified in their general letter. Sir Ferdinando has doubtless written about shipping to remain here. If it were so, few ships could pass without being spoken with, and the enemy would not be so bold on this coast as of late he has been. If any provision is to be made in these parts, all grain which shall arrive here should be staid; and malt should be sent from Sussex, for the barley in this country is commanded by the justices to be kept for bread. Good store of beef can be had very reasonable, and there is sufficient fish. Has no great desire to be employed in victualling, but if he is, begs for a warrant direct from the Queen or Council, so that he may not have to give a reason of his doings to so many as in this last service.—Plymouth, 3 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (46. 31.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 3. “Sir, the Q. yesternight signified her pleasure to me that she would have a meeting of such persons as were experienced in martial courses, that by them some advice might be given her, as was in the year '88. She hath named my I. Willoughby, my l. Burrow, my l. North, my l. Norrys, Mr. Comptroller, Sir Fra. Vere, and Sir Conyers Clifford. These are named. I will move her also that Sir W. Rawleigh and Sir G. Caro may be named, whom I pray you to warn as men already appointed, for I will procure them to be so. The place I moved might be at my l. your father's, who shall be our president. The time is 3 o'clock this afternoon. I pray you signify thus much to my l., and hold me for your very affectionate friend, Essex.
“I am hoarse and almost dead of a cold, so as I have a privilege to be only a hearer.”—3 Nov.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 32.)
The Mayor of Plymouth, and others, to the Council.
1596, Nov. 3. Have taken order for three vessels to serve the Queen, according to their instructions. The one appointed for the Burlinges, a pinnace of 45 tons, owner and captain, Captain Legatt, is victualled for three months and sails to morrow. Captain Legatt adventures himself in the hope of the third part of what may be gotten in the journey, and it is not yet settled who is to pay for the victualling and men's wages. For Cape Finisterre is appointed a carvell of 16 tons, under Thos. Neson of Plymouth, which sailed last night, victualled, for the 18 men, for two months. The carvell and company “go upon their thirds only,” victualled at the Queen's charge. For Sillie a pinnace of Plymouth is taken up and shall be ready with all speed. The captains mentioned in the Council's letter are not in these parts, and the importance of the service would not permit of waiting their coming.
Hear that, 30 days past, 30 Spanish ships of war were at Baion in Galizia bound for Lisbona to join an army for England or Ireland, or, as some report, for Plymouth. They bring with them “at the least 40 seminaries priests, the most part of them Englishmen.”—Plymouth, 3 Nov. 1596.
Signed :—Humfrey Founes, maiore : Fard. Gorges : Wm. Stallenge.
Stallenge's seal. 1 p. (46. 33.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 3. “My lord, there are no news here worth the writing. Count Moris maketh a head at Berghes of both horse and foot, to what intent I am not yet acquainted. By sea also the States make ready apace, and the general opinion in the country is that the Spanish army will be at sea very shortly. The enemy doth nothing. The last day he had an enterprise upon Axel, but that failed. I think this wind will carry away the Duke of Bouillon from the Briel. I cannot hear what the Count of Solms doth since he was discharged. Such an example I think was not expected from the States. This is all the news : but I wrote to your Lordship some days past to beseech you to obtain a commission to go to sea for one of this town called Philip Vhan Shalck; I beseech your Lordship to have it in mind.”—“The 3 of No. 93” (sic).
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 34.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 3. Received by Colonel White the advertisement which Essex had order from the Queen to convey to him, and has looked to the strength of the guards, and keeps such a hand over the soldiers that none dare wrong any townsmen. “But I would it would please her Majesty to command them that gave her this advertisement to show unto her some more particulars, as either who shall be the instruments of making a quarrel between the townsmen and us, or by what means or at what times they will do it. For then, to the orders observed already, there might be some further watchfulness applied. And truly if the said advertisers can give no further knowledge, they say but the same which hath been ever said; for from the first it hath been known that the King of Spain would by his ministers seek to put us together by the ears, being indeed one of the best ways he can think upon to come by the possession of this town; but truly, as long as matters be handled as they be, and that the inhabitants be not too much wronged, either in the havens in England or at sea, I do not find any cause to fear a revolt in them. Yet, on the other side, I must beseech your Lordship to show her Majesty that to be well settled here she must not sit between two stools. For partly she trusts unto the contract, which is in this point often insufficient, and partly to the garrison she maintains, which is nothing provided as is fit. The defaults of the contract are many, and some I set down in the letter I wrote to her Majesty; as for the garrison, though against any ordinary occasion it be strong enough of men, yet is it unfurnished of all things necessary. Powder we have little or none; of artillery not store sufficient; no magazine of arms other than the soldiers carry; no victual at all; the fortifications very imperfect. All which wants being, and being known to all men that such are, how can opportunities fail of doing a mischief whensoever any such resolution shall be taken? Neither is it to be trusted upon that these things may in time be sent out of England; for the way is long and resolutions oftentimes slow, and the wind often such as either the news cannot be sent or the relief not returned, so as while the medicine is providing the patient is dead.” Begs him to tell the Queen that he will look to the safety of the town more than to his own life, but that if there is danger of alienation of the people, she must provide for the garrison otherwise than hitherto.—Flushing, 3 Nov. 1596.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (46. 35.)
Sir E. Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 3 There has been a great alarm that the enemy had an enterprise against this town, for they assembled men from all their garrisons towards Gaunt; but they are all dispersed again. Their design may have been against this town. “The Cardinal hath dispersed all his camp to refresh themselves upon the villages until the spring.” News of a fleet of Spain is very fresh again, but there is little to fear if the Queen provide for it; “for these coasts are not fit for their great shipping, their lesser will be easily beaten.”—Ostend, 3 Nov. 1596.
“The States have sent for three English companies and three Dutch, which I would not fail to send considering they write it is for some great service.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (46. 36.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 4. Three days ago one Paul, a Fleming, whom I have known these 3 years, “told me that your Honour employed him heretofore for some service into Lysborne, and that your Honour do send him thither now, to remain there as an 'intellenger' to certify from time to time of th' occurrents thereabouts, and that your Honour do allow unto him 4s. per diem. He also told me that your Honour would have had him to bring hither a ship out of his country to be freighted and laden with English goods from hence into Portugall, and to discover the same whereby he might remain secure and with good credit there; which (as he said) he refused to do.” Protests that he loves the man, but “being large of his tongue and given to drink,” he is not meet for that service. “There are some advertisements come of late from my good lord the Earl of Ormond, touching his nephews and others. If it shall please your Honour to question with me concerning them, or any other there, or of any Irish suitor that shall come from thence, I will deliver my knowledge touching every of them plainly and truly, without respect of persons, which I hope shall be always to your liking. I have been this morning before day at your Honour's house thinking to deliver the contents hereof by word of mouth. Your Honour's porter told me that your Honour took physic and cannot be spoken withal this day.” Writes this, as he cannot go abroad by daylight. Begs for protection for a year and meanwhile he will satisfy his creditors; also to be taken into Cecil's service and wear his cloth.—From my chamber, 4 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (46. 37.)
Sir Francis Drake's Voyage.
1596, Nov. 4. Petition of the Widows of Captain John Merchant and Captain Anthony Platt, to Lord Burghley, Sir R. Cecil and Sir J. Fortescue, Commissioners for the pay of Sir Francis Drake's last voyage for the Indies.
Ask for the sea and land pay of their husbands, who lost their lives and adventures in the voyage.
Endorsed :—4 Nov., 1596.
Various memoranda, and a certificate enclosed, as to the matter.
2 ½ pp. (621.)
Justices of The Peace of Cornwall to the Council.
1596, Nov. 5. Have, as lately directed, levied and armed 94 men in Cornwall and delivered them to Captain Covert for Ireland. Now, hearing that the enemy pretends a speedy invasion of these parts, beg that they may be stayed for home defence, their country being barren and unpeopled and meanly provided of furniture and far from places where it may be obtained.—Bodmin, 5 Nov. 1596.
Signed :—Fra. Godolphin; Heny Bevyll; D. Hopcumb; R. Carew, of Antony; W. Harris.
Endorsed :—“Justices of peace of Cornwall.”
1 p. (46. 38.)
William Lylye to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 5. Since arriving in France our troops have stayed at Arques, whilst the King sent for our general to consult where to lodge and wherein to employ them. The first is St. Valery, for no other place within our contract is free of the plague. The second seems doubtful, but apparently Dorlens is designed. If their bruits of Spanish weakness be true, our coming will profit the King; but the chief councillors are loath to do anything that would hinder the peace with Spain, and we are welcome only to such as can do least in the state. The King is troubled, in this assembly for the establishing of his estate, household, finances and men of war of both sorts, by some who cunningly devise for peace with Spain. Gives some of their arguments, but thinks they will not persuade the King, who is much troubled to satisfy them of the Religion. The Pope is content to have toleration of many things. The Legate and Nuncio “find St. Paul's sword to have hurt much,” and show themselves very French. The King assembles a great Court De Mayne is looked for every day. Momorency is there, but is become a financier and looks to nothing but his own profit and making love with Madame de Symyeres. “He loseth much reputation in so much as the French term him un Busoa.” Espernon is there but does little. Joyeuse is “very contradictory in his actions to his old Capusinarie.” Montpensier marries presently his daughter; and heir, because he cannot marry again. A marriage is talked of between Count Soissons and the widow of Longueville, but the ancient love “of Madame to him” breaks it off, whereat the King is angry with the Count. Essex's voyage is variously spoken of. Will write of it in his next. The treaty with the Savoyard is continued. Schomberg is gone to Angiers to conclude with Mercury.—Arques, 5 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 3 pp. [Murdin's State Papers, p. 741.] (46. 7.)
Dr. John Jegon, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 5. Presents his duty to him, as it hath pleased God to appoint him Vice-Chancellor, and solicits their late petition on behalf of their privileges, much prejudiced by the town.—Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 5 Nov. 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (136. 44.)
Lord Cobham's Household.
1596, Nov. 5. “Names of my servants and their lodgings together”? Cobham's).
1 p. (145. 188.)
Captain Christopher Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 6. On the way down Captain Harper fell sick and had to stay at Crowthorne and it was Friday morning when I reached Plymouth, where I found Captain Leggett plying out to sea at the command of the commissioners who two days before had sent forth a small carvell, both which are driven back by contrary wind. A third bark of 30 tons will be ready in five days. It is agreed that Captain Harper shall go in the carvell and lie about the Northern Cape, Captain Leggett, in his own bark, about the Rock, and I in the other “to dwell in the Sleve.” In that place “winter affordeth much foul weather and great storms, besides many enemies to the state will look there upon me, and being such as overtop me I can but gaze upon them, and therefore leave the consideration hereof to your honourable wisdom.” The day I came to Plymouth, Sir Ferd. Gorges, the mayor and masters “viewed the town and have appointed to barricade with all speed all places behowfull; this day they draw and mount the ordnance at the forge.” Commends their diligence.—Plymouth, 6 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 39.)
The Dutch Deputies to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Nov. 1/16. Remind him of the instances they have made, by command of the States, for the deliverance of Pieter Olfertson and his men, who was compelled to serve with his ship in the Queen's army and was taken prisoner by the Spaniards. Ask that in the meanwhile his wife and children may have some relief. Beg also his favourable remembrance of the pitiable case of Captain Willem Henrich, who with his two sons and his ship was destroyed by fire, that his widow and orphans may have reasonable satisfaction.—London, 16 Nov. 1596. Stilo novo.
Signed :—Sebastian Van Loozon; Jaques Valche; Æran Leena.
Endorsed :—“Deputies for the States of the Low Countries.”
French. 1 p. (46. 58.)
Coast Defence.
1596, Nov. 6. Principal points contained in their Lordships' letters to the lords lieutenants of the maritime counties, the 12 November 1595:—
The whole forces of the country of horse and foot to be reduced into bands, with all necessary furniture.
To repair to the sea coast where there may be any likelihood and appearance of the enemy's approach to land.
Choice to be made of a certain number, under most principal conductors and leaders, to repair to such havens and landing places as the enemy shall have purpose to attempt, to withstand the same.
The conductors and leaders to take with them so many of their own family, well armed and weaponed, as shall be necessary for the assurance of their own persons.
Upon signification from the Lord Lieutenant to the lieutenant of certain counties adjoining, he is to be supplied by them of certain numbers of horse and foot.
One hundred pioneers to be sent with every thousand foot, with necessary instruments.
Provision to be made of carts, carriages and small nags for the more speedy conveyance of the forces.
Some provision of victuals to be likewise sent with the forces, and of powder, lead, match and weapons.
If the Lords Lieutenants of certain other maritime counties require aid of him what supplies he shall afford.
All persons having habitation upon the sea coast or near thereunto, or being owners, farmers or officers of any castles or houses of strength, to reside on their habitations to attend the defence of the country.
Inquisition to be made of such as within one year have left their said habitations, that they may be commanded to return to their dwellings, or for default the same to be seized into Her Majesty's hands.
Direction given to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for ecclesiastical persons to find horse and foot, &c. according to their livings.
A list follows of various counties, with numbers appended.
“Extract out of your Lordship's letters written to the Lords Lieutenants of the 6 of Nov., 1596.”
They are required to increase their provision of powder, match and bullet, whereof they may be furnished out of Her Majesty's store at the Tower at reasonable rates. No principal gent or others of ability to be suffered to depart out of the country but to reside there for the maintenance of hospitality and defence of the country. The armour and furniture of recusants and ill-affected persons, with their serviceable geldings, to be taken from them and put into the hands of others of better trust. Such as spread forth false rumours to be committed to prison. Such as do furnish horse to be commanded to keep them in their stables, and in state and readiness fit for service.
Endorsed :—6 Nov. 1596.
2 pp. (174. 20.)
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 7. Received yesterday his letters by Captain Craftes, who is to take charge of a pinnace with 20 men for Silley, victualled for one month, which shall be ready in six days. Captain Leggat is still detained by contrary wind. The carvell that departed for the North Cape is driven back; so that if Captain Harper please he may go in her. The hulk laden with wheat which they released on Cecil's letters is still detained by contrary winds. “This country people do very much grieve that she should be suffered to pass, considering the want of corn in these parts, which is like to be much greater if from other places we be not relieved.”—Plymouth, 7 Nov. 1596.
Postscript in his own hand, on a separate slip.—“For the better effecting of your honour's commandment I have placed with Captain Leggat a servant of my own, and will take such order in the rest, that your honour shall be advertised the truth of what does pass. At this instant Captain Leggat is setting sail to proceed on his voyage. God send him good success!”
Seal. 2 pp. (46. 41.)
Richard Carew, of Antony (Cornwall), to the Privy Council.
1596, Nov. 7. Having notice of one Peter Lemmon's return from the coast of Spain into these parts, I sent for him and received from him the enclosed information.—Antony, 7 November 1596.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Rich. Carew to my Mr.”
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 25.)
The Turks.
1596, Nov. 8. A paper headed, “Praga, 8 Novemb. '96,” giving some notes of the movements of the army in Hungary from the capture of Agri by the Turk on the 14th Oct. until the total defeat of King Maximilian and the Prince of Transylvania on the 26th Oct. Concludes with some verses, “In Javarini et Agriae deditionem.”
Latin. 2 pp. (46. 42.)
Sir W. Ralegh.
1596, Nov. 8 Lease by the Earl of Derby to Sir Walter Ralegh of the site, capital messuage, or farm of Hasilbertree alias Haselbery, to commence after the determination of Ursula Sidenham's estate therein.—8 Nov. 38 Eliz. (1596).
Copy. 2 sheets. (209. 6.)
Defence of the Isle of Wight.
1596, 9 Nov. Estimate of the cost of the 900 soldiers levied in Hants and Wiltshire and sent to the Isle of Wight,” to remain there for the defence of the said Isle, being distributed into six bands, of 150 in each band, under captains Lord Hunsdon, Sir Samuel Bagnall, Latham, Williams, Elmes and Cotton, each of whom is to have “by way of imprest” 20l. for himself and his officers, to be deducted out of their entertainment. Rate of wages :—Sir Samuel Bagnall, as colonel of the whole, 10s. a day; Frederick Genebelly, an engineer, 10s. a day; captain 6s., lieutenant 3s., ensign 1s. 6d., serjeant 2s., drums 2s., surgeon 1s., men 8d. Amount of each of these items for one month, the total being 14l. each for colonel and engineer and 970l. 3s. for the rest.
Signed by the Council, viz., Lords Burghley, Essex, C. Howard, North, and Buckhurst, Sir W. Knollys and Sir Robert Cecil.
1 p. (46. 43.)
Robert Bowes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 10. As directed in the Queen's letter of 23 Oct., enclosed in Cecil's, sends an account of his proceedings in his letter to her Majesty “hereinfolden.” The King was purposed to have written, and prayed me to stay mine that he might send his with them, “but hitherto neither his letter to her Majesty nor for Border causes are ready.” Pressed the King and Council for the execution of the commission for Border matters, to stay the present troubles on the frontiers and redress the wrongs done in England “since the publication of the proclamation in those causes,” but can get no answer but that they will with all speed give their resolution in writing. Hopes to receive it to-morrow and will then write to the Lord Treasurer. “I have made known to the King and Queen that her Majesty is pleased both to be witness at the baptism of the young princess his daughter, and also to direct me to be at his commandment in the performance of all things therein, in sort to be agreed upon, like as I have at length signified unto her Majesty. The solemnisation of this baptism is appointed to be at Holyrood House the xxviij of this month, where the principal sort of the nobility, barons, and some burghs, shall be assembled, and it may peradventure be looked that her Majesty will employ and send some present to the child, and reward amongst the nurse, rockers and such like. Therefore, that all things may be done herein agreeable to her Majesty's pleasure and directions, I beseech you heartily procure, and send seasonably to me, all requisites in this behalf, and as I may well accomplish her Majesty's will in the same.”—Edinburgh, 10 Nov., 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (46. 44.)
The Bailiffs of Yarmouth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 10. In August last the Council ordered that their town should enjoy divers ancient liberties impugned by the town of Lowestoft until they should appear again before their Honours in the term of St. Michael. Now send the bearers to give attendance accordingly, and beg Cecil's favour that the town may enjoy the liberties confirmed to it by sundry acts of Parliament and charters which, in the opinion of the judges, remain “still in force,” and that they may not “be drawn into further expenses and trouble by this occasion upon such frivolous questions as they of Lowestoft now devise,” being such that their ancestors for 200 years have never pretended.—Yarmouth, 10 Nov. 1596.
Signed by John Coldam and Henry Ebbottes, bailiffs.
1 p. (46. 44 2.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 10. Since you left me I have thought of nothing but the charge you gave. I spoke to Giustiniano to know if he could make the journey, but found that he expeets a ship from Zeland, to be laden for Italy, and is too much occupied to go, He does not think the matter of the passports, for the ships of grain to go to Genoa, a sufficient excuse. His going should both make sure whether the Cardinal is making naval preparations and serve to treat with some Genoese or Italian through whom to be advertised of affairs of Spain. For the first of these services I hope men will not be wanting who will do it more expeditiously; the second requires more time and I will write to find a suitable man at Antwerp, or Lyons, or Genoa. There is one William Spire, Fleming, ordinary post, who has a passport from the Cardinal for six months and offers to go to Ghent, Bruges, Dunkirk, and perhaps even to Calais, and return in a few days to report whether there are ships and boats prepared to transport many men, whether there is infantry moved near to the coast, and whether the Armada of Spain is expected at Calais. If this man does not please you, I am put in hope of one or two others, and I can also get a friend in Middelburg to send someone to Ghent. I have found a Frenchman who, under the name of Loreno, will go forthwith to Nantes, and thence into Biscay or to Santander, to learn what is intended. He is not a man of sufficient quality to be given the full charge, but will serve for the present. Considering when the Spanish Armada arrived at the Grogne, it is either not ready yet or does not come hither until spring, otherwise it would be already come, having had a most propitious wimd.—London, 10 Nov. 1596.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (174. 27.)
Geo. Beverley to Lord Burghley.
1596, Nov. 12. The whole money “imprested” to him between 1 Feb. 1594 and 30 Sept. 1596 for provision of grain and victual in England, to be shipped to Ireland for the victualling of the soldiers, is 9,248l., of which he has delivered an account, ending 31 May 1596, for 8,248l., omitting the entertainment of himself and two others, “measuring, grinding, boulting, lading and turning of corn and victuals in the storehouses in Chester.” Was referred, by Burghley's letter, to the Lord Deputy and Sir Henry Wallop for this, and is now by them referred back to Burghley. Encloses an account of the bestowal of the other 1,000l. delivered him in September. Has certified Sir Henry Wallop that Chester and the countries round can yield no supplies of bread corn to Ireland, but only some butter and cheese.—London, 12 Nov. 1596.
Marginal note in another hand.—“Between Feb. 1594 and the end of May 1596, the account declareth 28 barks sent by him from Chester and those parts with corn and victual to be arrived in Ireland, the most part wheat and wheat flour.”
1 p. (46. 47.)
Henry Brooke to his brother-in-law, Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 13. “Sir, if I thought the Queen would not come on Monday I would wait upon you to-morrow to the Court. If my man mistook not your speech unto him, you sent me word her Majesty would not come at all. What you hear, I pray you let me know.”—My lodging in the Black Friars, 13 Nov. 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (46. 48.)
John Brooke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Nov. 13. As yet these has been no service done, but their Colonel has just intimated that the King will be at Abbeville in two days and the companies are to be ready. “By reason the plague is so great in St Valleres, we are lodged in the villages thereabout, some three or four miles out. The people are all gone out of them, and have taken all the goods with them, saving their corn which we have good store of. Our men are yet strong; very few sick, and but one dead in all the companies.”—13 Nov., from Sheppi, four miles from St. Vaillires.
Endorsed :—1596. Captain Brooke.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 49.)
Matthias Holmes to Lady Walsingham.
1596, Nov. 13. “It is not long since I wrote to you, knowing no better means for our letters to come to my lord's hands. I humbly crave pardon of my boldness to your ladyship this way, and desire you to give my lord, with the other, the enclosed; and as occasion shall serve I beseech your ladyship to remember my lord and the countess of me, that if it may be, considering the craziness of my health, I may live in the ministry in England.” Sends duty to the countess. “God continue your favour and friendship to His church.”—Middleborowe, 13 Nov.
Addressed :—“At Walsingham House by Market Lane.”
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 50.)
Matthias Holmes to [the Earl of Essex].
1596, Nov. 13. On October 29 I opened by writing my estate here in Middleborow and the craziness of my health by reason of this infectious air, with a request that I might enjoy my ministry in England, which suit I still continue. I exhort you to be careful to take foreign intelligences, and to encourage one John Gyles to send his intelligence, which he did the 29th of Oct., I enclosing it in my letter. I rejoice at all your honourable proceedings, your fame abroad and favour at home with her Majesty. All men's eyes are upon you now at home and abroad, and your eyes must be upon all men, spying out home treasons and foreign plots. You are now expected to be as the steersman or master of the ship for counsel, if God call my Lord Treasurer. It behoves you to foresee tempests, which will hardly be without much intelligence. Your honour now is renowned for many outward things, nobility, age, stature, favour with the prince, valiant acts, and for many inward gifts, learning and such like, unto which if you add insight into men's devices within and without the land, knowing their secret thoughts, and seeing the things done in their chambers, your fame for wisdom will be greater, the prince's love towards you will abound, whom by intelligence you shall be able to inform and direct, your enviers will hold you like Joseph who could divine, and the enemies will more fear you. Therefore I have encouraged this John Gyles, who was much employed by Sir Francis Walsingham, to send you foreign occurrences. Send even two words by Middleborow post of liking or disliking.—Middleborowe, 13 November.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 30.)
1596, Nov. 14. Some memoranda relating to war preparations commencing, “He hath delivered to the Ordnance afore the first of April xij last of powder, for which he had 1,491l.” Among other items Evelyng “is to bring monthly” 20 last, and Furneis will deliver 6 last, and the ships have 36 last. One thousand men to lie at Chatham one month will require 125 qrs. of wheat and the charge will come to 1,053l. 17s. 6d. “Another provision against April for 15,000 (?) men for 3 months for which provision is to be made in wheat 3,750 qrs.
In Sir Robert Cecil's hand.
Endorsed :—“14 Nov. 1596. Memoriall.”
2 pp. (46. 51.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Senate of Cambridge University to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596,] Nov. 14. Thanking him for obtaining remission for them of certain taxation.—Senate House, 18 Kal. Decem.
Latin. 1 p. (136. 50.)
William Waltham, Mayor of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, to the Council.
1596, Nov. 14. I have received your letters, wherein you require to be certified what fire works were here provided in the year 1588, by your order then given, to be in readiness and employed as occasion should require. I have had conference with the mayor which governed in that year, as also all which have been mayors since 1588, who answer that they never received any such order.—Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 14 Nov. 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (174. 31.)