Cecil Papers: February 1596, 1-15

Pages 43-58

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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February 1596, 1–15

Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 1. I can be no sooner arrived but that my love makes me direct my first lines to yourself, upon whose directions my proceedings shall attend. Had I not suffered a shipwreck, and so lost all my apparel, linen, horses, money, and whatsoever else I had, and withal gotten an extreme cold by tumbling into the sea for the safety of my life, I would myself have been the deliverer of these salutations. I understand of divers bad reports raised of me since my departure, but I have neither been at Rome, nor had to do with any of the Popish or Spanish faction; neither did I ever absent myself from the camp, from my first arrival till the last; neither was I out of any service that was done all the while of my abode. The honour which the Emperor hath done me, having made me an Earl of the Empire, may in part witness of my good desert at the camp. I have a letter of the Emperer to Her Majesty, which I will either send or detain as yourself shall direct me, and when I have delivered what I can truly say of the Emperor's more than ordinary affection to Her Majesty, I am sure yourself will wonder, and Her Majesty will easily acknowledge, that I have been careful enough of my duty to her, to whose great sovereignty, and greater worth, I have for ever vowed the uttermost of my loyal attempts. Yourself knows that my licence is not expired of a long time, notwithstanding I have returned, a long, tedious and dangerous voyage, and all to do Her Majesty service, which if it be well taken I should think it all too little. Worthy Sir Robert, let me ever enjoy your love, if not for myself, yet for my love to you, and for my ever affectionate loyalty to Her Majesty. Sickness and weariness abridges the rest.—From Ivybridge, this 1st of February, Your cousin and faithful friend.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 45.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 1/11. Takes the opportunity of Sir Francis Vere's departure for the Court, according to the Queen's command, to assure the Earl of his affection.—The Hague, 11 Feb., 1596.
Holograph. French. Two small Seals. 1 p. (147. 107.)
John Charles, Marquis of Baden, to the Queen.
1595/6, Feb. 2. Whereas, upon general report of great preparations made by the Spanish King against your Majesty and realm, your suppliant, moved with an earnest zeal, and upright affection towards your Highness, made his repair hither more than two months past; at which time he presented unto your Majesty his loyal affection and dutiful service, and since that time hath attended the signification of your gracious pleasure, to his very great charge; may it therefore please your most sacred Majesty to vouchsafe him your gracious and speedy answer touching the same. The rather in regard of the present opportunity of shipping, which lost or neglected, may prove very prejudicial and chargeable unto your suppliant.—Johannes Carolus, Marchio Badensis, eques sancti Johannis.
Endorsed :—“2 Feb., 1595.” (133. 134.)
Sir Henry Unton to [Lord Burghley].
1595/6, Feb. 3. Letter beginning “The night before my last dispatch, the King returned very late,” and ending “Coucy, 3 February, 1595.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, pp. 719 to 724.]
Endorsed :—“Sir H. Unton, received by Peter Brown 14 February.”
Unsigned. 7 pp. (171. 68.)
[Sir Henry Unton] to The Queen.
1595/6, Feb. 3. Letter beginning “That immediately upon my receipt of your Highness's letters by Mr. Nanton, I presented them unto the King in his Cabinet,” and ending “Coucy, 3 February, 1595.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, pp. 717 to 719.]
Endorsed :—“To Her Majesty by Peter Browne the post. This, by the negligence of my Secretary upon my hasty departure with the King, was omitted and left behind unsent to your Lordship, which I humbly beseech your Lordship to excuse.”
Unsigned. 3 pp. (171. 72.)
Richard [Vaughan,] Bishop of Bangor, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 3. The poor estate of the bishopric of Bangor enforceth me to become an humble suitor that the writ of restitution to the temporalities thereof may include the whole time of the vacation, from the day of the translation of the late bishop, the 25th September last, until February 1. The bishops of the see, in regard of the small revenues, had ever their restitution a die vacationis, as by their writs of restitution appeareth. The mean profits due at the feast of All Saints last (her Majesty's tenths and subsidies being deducted) do not amount altogether to 40l.; and the exility of the bishopric is such that it will not yield me for these two years, during the payment of first fruits to her Majesty, 50l. yearly.—London, 3 February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (171. 75.)
Garratt Swift to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 4. I have briefly set down the contents of the Lord Admiral's injustice against me, which is most odious to be suffered under the government of a Christian prince. Read it, good my Lord, and grant me hearing after six years' close imprisonment. Mercy nor favour I crave, but justice and the benefit of a subject is all my suit. So your lordship may unburden the Queen of a great charge is spent upon me, which might be better employed than to restrain her subject from seeking what is by violence kept from me, or to labour for the relief of my poor wife and children, that are ready to starve, and if I be found an offender in any manner of crime whatsoever, let me be proceeded [against] with all extremity. I have intended to my keeper matter of State, otherwise this had not come unto your lordship, for lord Admiral hath straitly commanded that I shall not write to you, nor any other of the Council. I attend justice and speedy relief, otherwise I shall be compelled to cry forth of my windows. Take pity upon me, so will I not fail to pray for you all the days of my life.—The Gatehouse at Westminster, this 4 of February, 1595.
First.—Lord Admiral keeps an office from me worth 300l. a year, of which I have a patent during my life, which office one Nicholas Zouche, his wife's cousin, possesseth; not being capable of the same, Pope, that was my father's kitchen boy, doth execute it.
Item.—He hath kept me six years close prisoner, of which four years and eight months in irons and chains.
Item.—He hath caused me to forfeit as much land, by keeping me in prison, as cost my father 2,000 marks, for not paying 500l., and by a sinister means defeated my mother of her bonds concerning the same.
Item.—He was bound at the Council table to pay 33l. 6s. 8d. yearly, whereof, to my wife 10l. a year, and in three years she recovered 11l. in spending 16l.; my mother thereof, 20 marks a year, in six years obtained 20l., and spent 6l. in suit; my younger brother, thereof 10l. a year, a poor scholar at Oxford, hath received only 10s.
Item.—I can prove the Lord Admiral and his hath received that appertains in equity and conscience unto me, the sum of 1,800l.
Item.—He threw my wife down a piece of stairs, like to murder her, and sent her 40s. next morning; hath also kept her from my company these three years, and sought by an extraordinary means to make her a whore.
Item.—He put me in a galley of 50 lbs. weight, locked in a dungeon under water, where I could neither see hand nor foot, never came in bed the space of sixteen months, the most part of my drink, water, and 2s. a week for my diet; gave his warrant to shave the hair from my head and face, and to whip me, which was three times most cruelly executed openly in the navy at Chatham, being eaten with vermin, and no more but a shirt and an old frieze gown to cover me, and the executor thereof was one Morgan, sometimes a notorious pirate, whom my father, the Marshal of the Admiralty, brought to be condemned for divers conspiracies, and was at the place of execution to receive death, for which by my lord's warrants, most maliciously revenge the same upon my blood.
Item.—From thence I did escape, and received warrantise from my lord Admiral, which he sent to Sir John Hawkins, for my safety to meet him at Deptford House, which he falsified in not coming himself but sent his servant there to take me and bring me to the gate-house, to be kept close prisoner, and by no means to be suffered to write to any of the Council, which hath been performed this fifteen months.
Item.—My lords of the Council sent their warrants under nine of their hands, which now remains in Mr. Pickering's custody, that my lord Admiral should pay my charges, which he performed sixteen weeks, the rest of the time my keeper is compelled to put me in the Queen's charge, otherwise he should lose his money, having with great charges made suit to my lord, and cannot obtain it.
Item.—Lord Admiral hath sought my life, as by two several plots I can prove directly against him, refusing to speak with me but once this six years, yet hath my living and blood, uncondemned by law, intending my perpetual imprisonment, rejecting my letters of submission without reading them, and preventing all manner of means to seek for relief of any other magistrate, and not a clothe to my back, or a shirt to shift me.
Item.—I served the Lord Admiral, with a man and a couple of geldings, the space of five years at my own cost and charges, and for which I am at this present 200l. in debt, and never recompensed the value of 40s.
Good my lord, reform this with justice, admit me to speak with you. If I complain without cause, or charge my lord with more than I can prove, let me be punished for the same. Thus I leave it to your wisdom.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (30. 97.)
Waltham Park.
[1595/6] Feb. 4. The office of keeping the park of Waltham pertaining to the Bishop of Winchester, together with the herbage, &c., were granted by Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, to Thomas Uvedale. Anno 36 Henry VIII. the same was granted again to Anthony Uvedale and Thomas Thwaites for their lives. The keepers have enjoyed all these commodities ever since. William Wykeham, late Bishop of Winchester, granted the same office in like sort to Edward Darcey, esq., but it was not confirmed by Dean and Chapter. Bishop Day promised Mr. Darcey to confirm the same, and yet offered the value of 500l. to Mr. Darcey rather than to do it. This Bishop has eftsoons granted and promised Mr. Darcey that he should have it, and now would not grant him the herbage of the park, so as the other commodities are not worth 16l. per annum.
Endorsed :—“4 Feb., Mr. Darcey to the Bishop of Winton.”
1 p. (30. 48.)
Parsonage of Shalfleet.
1595/6, Feb. 4. Warrant addressed to Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, and Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to prepare a lease to Nicholas Brown for 40 years of the parsonage of Shalfleet in the Isle of Wight, to commence at the expiration of his present lease thereof, reserving to the Crown the yearly rent of 14l. 14s. 4d.—At our manor of Richmond, 4 February, 38 Elizabeth.
Sign Manual and Privy Signet.
1 p. (171. 74.)
Sir Henry Unton to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 4. I failed not to sound the King concerning the placing your kinsman with the Duke of Bouillon, whereof he would in no sort hear, nor allow of my reasons in that behalf, assuring me that he should be most welcome unto his Majesty, and hoped you would not wrong him so much as to place him with any other than himself, wherein he required me, as I did love him, to write unto your lordship. If you send him unto the Court, my love to your lordship shall somewhat appear in my care of him, and I will be most glad of his company. For the state of things here I refer you to my letters to the Lord Treasurer, wherein you shall perceive as much as cometh to my knowledge, and I am not a little grieved to find the success of them so bad, being assuredly persuaded that if her Majesty do not in time apply the remedy, actum est de nobis, which I leave unto your better consideration, who, I doubt not, will assist her Majesty with your best counsel and knowledge of the state here, which in my opinion and for outward appearance was never worse. I am presently to attend the King unto La Fere, where he dineth me and much desireth my company.—From Coucy, this 4th February 1595.
Endorsed :—“Concerning Mr. Vernon.”
Holograph. 1 p. (171. 77.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 4. I think myself exceeding bound unto you for your honourable dealing in this last ill-favoured matter of mine, since which time I understand the States do mean to send commissioners hither to understand the whole matter, by whom, I hope, I shall receive good satisfaction.
I understand that the Cardinal is arrived at Brussels, having forbidden all triumphs in respect of his brother's yet being unburied. He promiseth great things, but it seemeth the country hath little hope of any good to come from him and the Count Fuentes. Especially the nobility is greatly grieved that he hath cassed all their regiments, and the Prince of Scymay, which is now Duke of Ascott, is with very melancholy grown frantic. They speak again now of an invasion of England, and of 40,000 men already shipped in sundry havens of Spain and Portugal, besides this country army; but the speeches of the forces which the Cardinal brings are very uncertain, some 20,000, others but 3,000. I shall shortly hear more certainly.
I must now again be a suitor to you that now that some companies are fallen there may be some consideration had of my former suits, and that though I live here, as it were out of the world, yet that I may somewhat comfort myself that my service is not unregarded.
It may also please you to remember her Majesty's leave that I may come over for some little time, though but a fortnight, where my least errand shall not be to kiss your lordship's hands.—From Ostend, 4 February, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (171. 78.)
M. de Mouy to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 4/14. Finding the Ambassador [Unton] sending a despatch, I would not omit to protest my desire to serve you. We are in a state of alarm because the enemy threaten to relieve La Fere. I am going immediately in search of my company to take it to the Kind's army. You will know how the river was stopped and burst the causeway; it has been repaired, and in a few days good results will follow. Unton will give you all news.—Coussy, 14 February, 1595.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (171. 97.)
Sir Edward Wynter to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 5. My lord of Pembroke's demand I should yield him good security for my behaviour in the office of the Constableship of the Forest of Dean proceeds out of his dislikes, undeservedly conceived against me, rather than out of just cause, since the law itself will sufficiently restrain and punish any misdemeanours of mine, whersoever they should happen, and therefore for me to enter into bond with his lordship were but unnecessarily and fondly to give him that advantage against me, which I know he longs for. And whereas he chargeth my brother and others under me with misgoverning themselves in that office towards his lordship and his followers, which is the chiefest ground upon which he frames his complaints, I will assure your Honours, upon my credit, nothing hath ever been committed by either of us, that might savour of any manner of forgetfulness of that respect which is due, as well to one of his rank, as to the honour and greatness of that place which he holds here under Her Majesty. And as touching his followers, I know not any of them to be of such worth or worship in this country, that should look for at our hands any other measure than such as their unneighbourly dealings do justly merit, since they only, for the better effecting some malicious practice of their own, have caused my lord to pick quarrels against those who otherwise would be ready to do him all honour and service. But his lordship may proceed against us as he sees cause; we crave no manner of favour, but justice only, which in so honest a cause, I must humbly beseech your Honours that you will vouchsafe to help me with indifferency. To conclude, if please his lordship to have my 100l., he must give me that security for the quiet exercising this unquiet office as in all honour and reason he is bound; if not, he may proceed by the due course of law to displace me by over-throwing my patent, which otherwise, God willing, I purpose to maintain. If in your judgments this answer of mine be found reasonable, I have my wish; if otherwise, I humbly refer myself to be overruled in this, as your Honours think fittest.—Lydney, this 5th of Feb.
Endorsed :—1595.
Holograph. 1 p. (30. 49.)
John Vere to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 5. Thanking him for standing his friend in his unaccustomod suits and contentions in law, and hoping he will continue the same. The allegation he has charge in the Low Countries is untrue, he has none, nor ever had, but his earnest business is in the affairs of his brother, who is employed in those Her Majesty's services.—5 February, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (30. 50.)
Humfry Parkes to the Earl of Essex.
[? 1595/6], Feb. 5. The 3rd of this month a Scottish ship made wreck on the Lizard Point. Of 30 men, only two were saved. They report they came 60 sails together from Lisboone, of Flemings and Scots, in such storm [as they were] not able to bear three days sail in 18. Further, they say that four days before they put to sea there returned six great ships which had carried provision to the enemy's fleet at Farrol, being 180 sails; also that a lieutenant of a company being sick had his pass to Lisboone in these ships, who told the master of this lost ship that their fleet was ready for England, meaning to set their land army of 20,000 men ashore on our Western parts, but their fleet should pass to Calies where they should have further directions.—Guenope House, 5 Feb.
Endorsed :—“Cap. Parks.”
On the back a list of names, Sir Anthony Sherley and 21 others.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 121.)
Sir William Russell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 6. Touching the suit of George Stone, one of her Highness's footmen, for such a grant to make glass in this realm as Captain Woodhouse formerly had, I find a general consent in the Council that in likelihood no inconvenience will grow thereby, but rather much good, both by the setting of idle people a work, a matter here to be wished, and the consuming of some superfluous woods, which do otherwise give relief and harbour to such as are treacherously affected.—Castle at Dublin, this syxt of Februarie, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Copy of the Lord Deputy's letter to the Lord Treasurer.”
½ p. (171. 80.)
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 7. This morning, after eight of the clock, Mr. Michael Stanhope brought me this message from Her Majesty, that I should write unto you to speak to your father in her name that he should send and find Thomas Arundell to let him know that she is much offended that he hath presumed to take any dignity from the Emperor without her privity, and that his lordship do require to see the patent that he has, which when he has perused, he may detain, and, as it shall seem good to him, to commit him either to his lodging or to Fleet, until her pleasure be further known.—From the Court at Richmond, this 7 of February.
Endorsed :—1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (30. 51.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1595/6, Feb. 8. I have of late received from Brittany sundry intelligencies, all concurring in one, that the great preparation in Spain, both of shipping and of a strong army by land, proceedeth, and, it is said, will be in readiness, before the end of the month of April, and verily looked for to fall upon Brittany and these ports. Now the same cannot be without imminent peril unto these Isles. I am therefore to beseech, for the better defence of this isle, two bands of soldiers, to be here by the beginning of the month of May, and remain until the beginning of October, and that victuals may be brought from England to serve those companies for the time, for this year corn greatly failed in this isle. For the danger we are in, for very certain the enterprise of the galleys the last summer was for these isles, but crossed by contrary winds fell into the west country, as by a merchant of this isle, which was then prisoner in the galleys, I have been advertised. The part where it was meant they should have landed was at Rockende. Also, the other year before the galleys with 2,000 soldiers were at St. Malo, with like intention. Furthermore, about fifteen days since here arrived a ship of St. Malo, coming directly from Dunkirk, where she had been taken; the master and others of his company assured me that the Governor of Dunkirk did earnestly seek to persuade them to accept entertainment as pilots for these isles, offering to send them with very liberal conditions into Blavett for that purpose. All these circumstances considered doth minister just cause to suspect that this summer something will be attempted; wherefore again my humble request is, that it will please you to have consideration of these isles, being ancient members of her Majesty's kingdom.—Guernsey, this 8 February, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (30. 52.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1595/6, Feb. 8. About five years since there was, by certain of the jurats of this isle of Guernsey, a sentence given in the favour of one William Beauvoir against Her Majesty, concerning the payment of a certain duty appertaining unto her, called treizieme, from which sentence Her Majesty's officers did appeal before you, where, upon examination of the cause, it was found that great partiality had been used against her, in a case concerning her prerogative royal. Thereupon your Honours, by your letters of the 15th July 1591, directed unto me to signify that your pleasure was that I should make choice of other jurats, such as should be indifferent, and so the matter to be again fully and deliberately heard. But by reason that in short time I was to go unto Dieppe, in Normandy, for Her Highness' service, so as nothing was then done, whereupon since it pleased you to address one other letter unto me, dated the 13th July last, whereby eftsoons your pleasure was that I should make choice of indifferent jurats, and so to proceed unto the giving of a final sentence, pleaseth it you to be advertised that I have proceeded according to your directions, making such choice of jurats as this place doth yield, but to find a competent number that should not be partial is a thing impossible. Yet seeing Her Highness' title to be most apparently clear, I caused the matter to be dealt in, but do find that these jurats, the greater part of them having like petty 'feages,' do persuade themselves that by carrying of this pretended title of Beauvoir's 'feage' against Her Majesty, thereby each of them may challenge all kind of royalties upon their fiefs, as well as he, which have emboldened five of these jurats to give their voices with Beauvoir against Her Majesty, notwithstanding that both the Bailiff, Lewis de Vike, and Her Highness' Procureur did manifestly show unto them, as well by ancient records taken forth of the Tower of London, as by the laws of Normandy and the book of the extent of this isle made in the time of King Edward III., that this duty rightfully doth belong to Her Majesty; but in vain, for these partial fellows would neither hear nor weigh any thing could be produced for the conservation of her right; which seeing, the bailiff, a very good judge, and careful in all things to preserve Her Highness' right, hath stayed to pronounce a sentence so corrupt and prejudicial to her right and royal prerogative until your Honours be thereof advertised. These indirect dealings considered, may it please you to call the matter again before you, commanding Her Majesty's Procureur, John de Vike, and William Beauvoir, the other party, to appear before you, and so, according to the ancient custom used in all appeals from hence, your lordships to give the final sentence. But if you will not be pleased to judge the cause yourselves, then may it be liking to you to appoint the matter to be here judged by commissioners authorised by a commission under the Great Seal of England, as well for deciding of this controversy, as for the examination and preservation of Her Majesty's rights, which are by sundry of these jurats and others greatly intruded upon.—Guernsey, 8 February, 1595.
Signed. 1½ pp. (30. 72.)
Edward More to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595/6], Feb. 9. I stayed yesterday in the afternoon with my lady your wife until it was almost five of the clock, thinking it likely that my lord would advise us to shew the writings. I made the more haste to London to send to the rest to be in readiness this morning to take them out of a chest, which is never opened but in presence of us all. Your care of this cause makes us all greatly beholden unto you.—This 9 of February.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (30. 53.)
William Lucke.
1595/6, Feb. 9. The speech of William Lucke, the 9 February, 1595, at the Mitre in Cheapside, with John Wortly and others.
Wortly asking him what news, Lucke said none, but that the Spaniard would come he would lay his life of it; he may come east, west, north or south, but he will do us no hurt; for example, they came into the west country, and neither hurt man nor woman, but did lade four galleys with their goods, “but,” saith he, “what a valiant exploit it was for them to come into our own coast, under Sir Francis his nose, and that within one fortnight after they came within twenty miles of Plymouth, and there burnt a house, and after came to a gentleman's house and set a barrel of gunpowder to his gate; it was a valiant exploit and worthy to be 'cronerckled' twice or thrice.” He said that when Sir Francis Godolphin, having gathered a company of Cornish men, came against the Spaniards to give them battle, and when the Cornishmen saw the Spaniards, they ran away all, save Sir Francis and his men, and being well horsed they ran away also, and when the Spaniards saw them run away they rejoiced at it, and rang the bells and said masses in our churches.
Upon other speeches he said the Spaniards would not hurt us whensoever they come, but only revenge themselves of wrong they have received by us; for example, they took divers men of war, and some were maimed and hurt; and being hurt they cured them, and gave them pay till they were cured, and those which serve, he gave them pay, and the rest he sent home with money in their purses; for although these men came to rob and spoil them, yet they used them kindly when they had taken them, and did them no hurt, wherefore, saith he, you may see they will not hurt us, whensoever they come, except it be those which meet them in the field, and those they will kill, except they do yield, but else they will never hurt us, whensoever they come. Further he said something more, but I am somewhat doubtful of the truth of it, but it was something touching the state of our government.
Signed, John Wortlye.
2 pp. (30. 54.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595/6,] Feb. 9. Because I know not whether Her Majesty may think my stay here somewhat long, I beseech you, if it be so, to excuse me to her; I mean, God willing, to be at the Court the latter end of the next week, or the beginning of that following. I have almost settled all my things here; I have stayed the longer thoroughly to settle my matters, that I may give myself wholly to do Her Majesty service where it shall please her to command me.—At Stoke, the 9 of February. Signed.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
1 p. (30. 56.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 10. By Sir Francis Vere you shall have understood the particularities of our present affairs here, and though this bearer, Captain Lambert, knoweth what since passed, yet would I not omit the troubling of your Lordship.
We do still daily expect the arrival of the deputies of Utrecht and Overyssel to make up the meeting of the General States, when as shortly after Mr. Bodley is in good hope his negotiation will grow to some end. Albert arrived in Brussels the 1st of this month, accompanied with the Due d'Aumale and the Prince of Orange and a few others, but his train was small, and would have no pomp nor show at his entering. His troops and convoy remained beyond the Maas, in the land of Namur, where those gathered together by Fuentes shall join, and so march to the rescuing of La Fere, where it is doubted the King his camp will never abide them, being too weak. If reports be true, then hath the Cardinal already published a general pardon, with licence for all men to return to their possessions and goods, which may chance to draw some few together that cannot live abroad for want of means, but otherwise will not greatly serve his turn.
It is written from Cologne that the Elector of Tryer met the Cardinal on the frontiers of his country, and had long conference about the matter of peace, letters being ready signed by the electors, temporal and spiritual, and under their, and sundry of the Imperial towns', seals, directed to Albert and the States, to be sent, containing no other than a demand for passport or safe conduct to send deputies to open matters greatly importing the Empire and the whole Christendom, without any word or the least motion of peace. They here persevere in resolution not to hearken in any sort thereunto, and do what they can by their friends to divert and hinder the sending, so as it seems some time may chance to be won, though feared at length the Emperor will give the attempt, and if that work not that he desireth, then will Albertus try the matter with force, which will be opposed against and resisted, preparing still to defend and keep their limits and frontiers, if they shall not be able to extend the same further. Sir Francis Vere's calling away doth much disquiet them, knowing their want of such sufficient commanders. If no employment, where he cannot be spared, fall out there, I am of opinion your Lordship, in returning him the sooner, should do that would be very acceptable unto them.
Of the States writing to the Prince of Orange, I know you have understood. He received the letter, and returned an answer containing thanks for the congratulating of his liberty and kind offers, which he wisheth himself able to deserve, and that it were in him to help the releasing the countries, and ending of these long and grievous troubles, inferring thereby, as it were, a promise to employ himself for their good. But it seemeth manifestly he hath not done, nor doth, anything without the Cardinal's knowledge and liking, and consequently that the letter hath been written by him premeditatedly, and by the counsel and order of the other. The messenger that brought it was despatched the very self same day, with a note or ticket of the receipt, and what will further follow time will discover.
The mutinied Italians continue at Tylemont, at one stay, and till they be paid no service is to be looked for at their hands, and if any other would entertain them, I perceive by their deputies, that are again here, they might soon be brought to hearken to any reasonable offer, and is a very brave troop of men and able soldiers.—Hague, this 10 February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (30. 57.)
William Lucke.
1595/6, Feb. 11. The examination of William Lucke, goldsmith, of the age of 28 years, or thereabouts, taken before Sir Richard Martyn, Knight.
He serveth the Earl of Sussex as a retainer, and hath so done ever since Christmas was a twelvemonth, at which time he dwelt at Chemsford, where he hath dwelt about three years and kept shop there, which he committed to the charge of a servant, for that he was occasioned to be most of that time in London. He was 'prentice with Mr. Read, Clerk of the Goldsmiths' Hall, and served part of that time with Garrett Rickards, from whence he went over to Hamburgh, and there continued and wrought, and so from Hamburgh to Stoade, and thence to Lewingburgh, where he wrought of necessity, for want of money, in the goldsmith's trade; thence to sundry places where he did not work, until he came to Guttyng, in the dukedom of Brunswick, and wrought there half a year. During the time of his continuance there, he heard news of the Spaniards' overthrow on the English coast, and having some of his friends in service in Her Majesty's ships, he had a desire to return to England to know of their welfare, and so came to Emden, where he was shipped in a Dutch ship, and so landed in London the year after the Spaniards had been overthrown, and so went by land to Sandwich to see his brother, who was master carpenter in the Bona Venter. After two months, he was a minded to travel into France, and thence into Italy, but the death of the king being so sudden, who was killed by a friar, and thereupon great disquietness in France, he put off some half year, and thereupon travelled in England. At Lincoln, he fell acquainted with one Nicholas Cowley, sometime 'prentice in London with whom he wrought half a year, and after this went towards Scotland, and coming to Berwick, was brought before the Governor and examined, who persuaded him not to go forward, for that the King was then gone to Denmark to be married, and that there was no work there. So from thence he returned to Westchester, where, for that he wanted money, he put him forward in an imprest of soldiers, and so went voluntarily into Ireland, and there served under one Captain Woodhouse when Sir William Fitzwilliams was Lord Deputy, under which captain's conduct he continued until Her Majesty's forces were there discharged.
After his return from Ireland he came to Plymouth, where he wrought with one Harrison, a goldsmith, sometimes dwelling in London, about half a year, and at that time, being about Easter, he falling into acquaintance with a pilot, called William Lister, and a captain called Ocke, who were pressed by Lord Thomas Howard, then General of Her Majesty's fleet, to attend on him in Her Majesty's service with their ship. After this examinate and the other two were put off to sea, they got leave of their general to go into the West Indies, where they did take a 'Portingale,' laden with hides and 'brasell,' which they sent to Hampton, and so he and his company continued in the Indies till their victuals waxed scant, and then they returned to England.
Upon Monday last he met with one John Worteley, a Chemsford man, and they two went together to the 'Mitre' in Cheapside, where as they were drinking he asked Worteley, 'What news of the Spaniards?', who answered that he could not tell anything, and so asked him what he had heard, who answered that he did hear they would come. Hereupon Worteley said, if they did come, he did think they would be here at the Spring; whereupon he answered that he did think they could not be here, for he had heard they had sent fifty of their best ships to meet with Sir Francis Drake, and if they met with him, would be so battered and beaten that they could not be made ready in time, and if they did not meet with him, they must be new rigged before they came forth again, and he did not think they would be ready so soon. Then answered Worteley he did think they would not come this year, and hereupon he replied he thought they would come, by reason of their stomach and great brags, although they did no more than they did awhile ago, burn two or three little towns, and run away again. And hereupon, this examinate said he did lie with a man called John Tether, servant to William Burley, living in Gracious Street at the sign of the 'Spread Eagle', who told him that the Spaniards had been on shore in Cornwall, and had burnt a market town and two or three little villages, and stayed there two days, and rung the bells, and after about a fortnight they came up against a gentleman's house, and set a barrel of gunpowder to the door, and the gentleman being from home, his wife caused the bell to be wrung, and hereupon they ran away. And hereupon he said that if Sir Francis should go into Spain, or any other Englishman, and do such an exploit, the King's power lying hard by, it were worthy to be chronicled, which words he repeated twice or thrice, but he did not say anything concerning government.
Signed, W. Lucke. (30. 59.)
Humphrey Purefey and John Ferne to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 11. This day information was given to us that five men, unknown, did arrive at Runswick in the North Riding of this County, near to Whitby, in a coble boat, every way unfurnished, and offered the sinking or burning of the same, themselves passing by land more northward. Whereupon we have awarded commission to Mr. Bointon and others for the apprehending of them, that part of Yorkshire affronting the seas being full of many evil affected and dangerous subjects. Afterwards, the same day, about six of the clock in the evening, we received advertisement from some of credit that one Conseit hath reported that 18,000 Spaniards are landed in the north isles of Scotland. We have thought it our duties to advertise you hereof, and we do presently send for Conseit, to give a reason of this rumour, and, if he cannot find an author, to deal with him accordingly.—At York, 11 February, 1595.
In Ferne's hand. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (30. 70.)
French Negotiations.
1596, Feb. 12/22. “Extraict de quelques lettres du Roy Treschrestien et ses ministres de diverse date, 1596.”
From Villeroy, 25 Jan. :—The little account that she and her ministers made of them (the King's offers) and the continued efforts of our enemy. That we could not continue thus and would meet the danger as we best could, preserving as far as possible the respect due to the Queen. That our labours secured their tranquillity, but, being no longer able to support them, we must think of our own affairs, and since they would abandon us there was less need to think of them. That the King is grieved to have recourse to other and more dangerous remedies, but must either settle with his enemies or succumb. “Je ne vous puis dire combien toute la France est offencee des froideurs d'Angleterre, et sur cela nous sommes pressez de touttes parts d'entendre a quelque accord,” &c. If on the arrival of the Cardinal the Queen fails us, and the States are forced to withdraw the Admirals and Zeland and his forces, all France will rise againt the King if he does not make peace.
The King, 13 Feb. :—Does not want the Queen to think, as her reply (to a letter of his) seems to infer, that he is content to see himself abandoned by her, but she and her Council must not think that if he was moved to write the said letter he is bound to remain mute while they laugh at his difficulties. That the issue of this siege will be the commencement of designs, perhaps more advantageous to himself; for things cannot continue as they are, since he cannot alone bear the burden of this war, &c.
Villeroy, same date :—Similar urgent representations.
The King, 22 Feb. :—It would be too imprudent, La Fontaine, to wait for such an extremity; it were perhaps, more honourable and useful to accept the offers of peace that are made me than to put myself thus at the mercy of those who show so little love for me. I am determined to risk all in a last battle for the succour of this place. If the place be lost and I am bound to give up the campaign, I shall be reduced to buy their assistance dearly, which is perhaps what they are waiting for. “Mais je ne veulx pas envoyer pardela ni Sancy ni aultre pour estre mesprisé comme ont esté les autres. Je veulx bien que le faciez entendre ouvertement a ladite dame ma bonne seur, et a ses ministres, leur disant que je suis en estat que les esperances et bonnes parolles me font plus de mal que de bien.”
Villeroy, 25 Jan. :—If she thinks to profit by our necessity and make us receive her people into our places as masters of them she is much mistaken. One bears an injury more willingly from a foe than from a friend, and we would rather give three or four places in return for a benefit than give one to buy it.
French. 4 pp. (48. 22.)
Sir H. Unton to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, Feb. 13. Letter commencing :—“I cannot add more unto your Lordship's knowledge,” and ending, “Coussy, 13 February, 1595.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, p. 724.]
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (171. 92.)
Sir Henry Unton to Lord Burghley.
1595/6, Feb. 13. Letter beginning :—“My last was of the 3rd of this month by Peter Browne,” and ending, “From Coussye, this 13th February. 1595.”
Endorsed :—“Master to my Lord Treasurer.”
[See Murdin's State Papers, pp. 726 to 729, but on p. 727, instead of “to make understand” read “to make underhand the first overtures” : instead of “suspitious” in next line read “superstition,” and instead of “a reward of 5,000 crowns” read “50,000 crowns.” On p. 729, instead of “This is the first despatch” read “This is the fifth despatch”; and instead of “19 February” read “13 February.”
5 pp. (171. 93.)
Patrick Cumy[n]g to the Ambassador of Scotland, dwelling at Lime Street.
1595/6, Feb. 13. I have found the occasion to do his Majesty good service in this dangerous time if I be furnished of affairs, I hope to merit such reward as shall do your Lordship pleasure as well as to myself. What friendship I have and credit may have in places requisite your lordship knows. If the specials which I can declare were heard, I think [they] should be better liked than the general is; this to your lordship's wisdom, upon whose advertisement, with assurance of reward, I shall repair where your lordship is.—Edinburgh, the 13th of February, 1595.
Holograph. ½ p. (171. 96.)
Sir Henry Davers to the Earl of Essex.
1595/6, before Feb. 14. The patronage it hath pleased you to afford all my fortunes, exacteth from my duty this account of my courses, and cause of my stay behind the king, caused by sickness. Upon the recovery whereof, finding myself far cast behind the actions of that part of France, I resolved to follow this war of Provence with M. de Digueres, but being advertised that these controversies were likely to be long debated in words, I have taken the opportunity of this winter season to see Italy, and for my safer passage, the return of M. d'Epernon into Provence; who, after some discourse unto me of the state wherein he stood, and future courses he might be likely to take, with many protestations of respect and affection, he seemed to desire the continuance of Her Majesty's good conceit, and no less willing to yield her satisfaction for these his later actions, if he had already received the King's last resolution, but lest in the meantime his enemies might go about to undermine his reputation, having notice upon whom I depended, he desired me to let your lordship know some part of those he had received, and arguments that might be alleged for his better merit, assuring me that before long, and by a messenger of purpose, he would appeal to Her Majesty's judgment for his justification. And, first, he seemed to derive his desert from the good offices he performed towards this King with his predecessor, which the ambassadors of England might well witness; then, that after the decease of the last King he was the first and principal subject that raised a reputation to his party, by the employing his forces, expense of his money and loss of his blood, Chartres being in a manner besieged only by his troops; that in this province itself, for which is the dispute, he hath received wounds, buried his brother, with many thousands of their followers and friends, and spent between them both half a million of gold, expelled all foreigners and enforced all Leaguers to acknowledge the King, of whom it is no wonder though they demand other governor than their conqueror, but strange it may be thought that His Majesty should rather endeavour to satisfy them, desertless, and their demands against reason, rather than to yield him the due reward of his travail, that never yet received recompense. That the King never vouchsafed to let him know that he had disposed of the government, until that very lately he was commanded to resign, not only the Province, but also all governments therein, into the hands of M. de Guise, his professed enemy, the enmity of whose house he had incurred for the King's sake; that not so much as a safe retreat for his troops was offered, only Poitou presented, which is already in dispute between two governors not likely to give him place; so that himself and his forces should not only rest disgraced, but lie open to the mercy of those enemies he had incurred in doing the King service. Notwithstanding, so far is he carried with a desire to assure the uttermost proof of duty, that he accepteth the King's offers, only adding those conditions for his honour and safety which your lordship hath received from the assembly at Valence. That for treaty against the King on his own part, either with his own subjects or foreign princes, of which crime although he had not been openly touched, yet was he secretly accused; if His Majesty would have done him the favour, in time sufficient, to have commanded his coming to Lyons, or the honour to have stayed two days longer, he would not have failed to have shamed his accusers and justified himself; no less doubting to prove that his own death had been sought, if not by the King's commandment, yet with his knowledge, as by the examination of the Chevalier de la Mola, whom yet he retained prisoner, and the late enterprise of the Chevalier de Bluse, it might appear. True it was that he had been urged, both by foreigners and his own countrymen, with the indignities received from the King, receiving offers of succour and alliance, which, if His Majesty will neither afford him honour, reward, justice nor safety, he shall be driven to accept; assuring me for a conclusion that if his wrongs were not redressed and his reasonable demands accorded, he would not only revolt all those places he held, but also d[oub]ted not to draw into his confederacy Maine, Joyeuse, Mercœur, and whatsoever else he should find discontented in France, of which number he attended not few, protesting rather to receive succour from Spain, Savoy, or the Turk, being once revolted, rather than yield to his enemies, or be comprised as a subject by the King.
And, to make me see that his resolutions were not unadvised, I was an eye witness of his forces, which consist of 800 horse, the fairest troops that ever I saw, 500 harquebussiers on horseback, and 2,000 foot, the worst of fifteen places he holds in Provence able to endure 2,000 cannon shot, also commanded by garrisons or citadels, that they have no power to revolt his followers, so assured either by great benefits or hostages of their parents or friends in other parts of his governments, with a desire that all soldiers have of wars, that I assure your lordship they are more “opiniat” in his quarrel than himself. He hath made new levies, both of horse and foot, in Gascony, assuring me, the war once declared, to reinforce himself by one half. Daily are presented unto him from Spain offers of great relief, and there is already arrived at Nice, in Savoy, 1,000 pikes and corslets to furnish his fortresses.
The representation of these extremities, whereunto both the King and M. d'Epernon have proceeded, may present unto your lordship a probability of war, but the preparations, proceedings, and ordinary discourse in Provence will, with assured arguments, manifest to the beholder that those controversies are not to be decided but by the sword, and so did the Duke in the end acknowledge, pretending with protestations great grief for so many troubles likely to ensue. Whereupon, I presumed to say that, in my conceit, he did himself wrong not to crave Her Majesty's intercession, as a witness of his merit and a mediator for his better regard, but especially he should seem ungrateful for the favour he confessed to have received, if at least he did not make Her Highness acquainted with his designs. The first he passed over, as an advantage of reconciliation which in my opinion he will be unwilling to take, answering, for the last, that if his enemies did not proceed sooner than his expectation, he would not fail to advertise Her Majesty before he proceeded further, but being assaulted he must defend himself, and maintain his garrisons at the 'dispense' of those that will declare themselves his enemies. Thus I have been bold to hold you long with a soldier's relation of that which was delivered unto me in better terms, for which I must crave pardon, and so end your trouble, only recommending the remembrance of my hard fortune to your lordship, and remain whithersoever my destiny shall drive me.—Brignoles in Provence . . . . . . . .'95.
Endorsed :—“Sir H. Davers, from Brignoles in Provence, recd by J. le Roy. 14 February, 1595.”
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (30. 77.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 14. My lord hath willed me let you understand his opinion touching the letters lately come out of Ireland, reporting the proceedings between the two Commissioners and the Earl and the rebels, which in as much as they are various, and passing at sundry times and meetings, as well from the Commissioners as the others, and thereby without some perfect abstract hardly to be truly conceived, he thinks you may do well to appoint some one to peruse all the papers, in order to set down briefly what passed from either part to the other from time to time, and day to day, and so, being digested, their proceedings may with less trouble or error be conceived by the manner of brief or abstract than otherwise the same can be.—From my lord's house in the Strand, the 14th of Feb., 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (30. 62.)
Sir Anthony Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595/6, Feb. 14. The service to which he is commanded by Her Majesty concerns a tenant and very good friend of his, and therefore he beseeches him that it be referred to Sir William Spencer or some other of the justices, who are more near and more fit for the examination thereof than himself.—14 of February, 1595.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (30. 63.)