Pages 362-387
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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September 1596, 1–15
Sir Edm. Uvedall to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 1. | On 28 Aug. came a ship to Middleborough from Barbary, which brought four or five Barbary falcons and tassels. Sends him a present of “a cast of the choicest falcons, the one an inter mude hagarde, the other a sore hawk, both whole feathered.”—Vlishinge, 1 Sept. 1596. |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 44.) | |
Count Hohenloe to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 1. | Wrote before to thank him for dogs he sent, but fears the letter may not have reached him, as he was just on the point of starting on his voyage. Takes the opportunity of M. Valck, now despatched by the States General to the Queen, to congratulate him upon his happy return and also to thank him again for his favour. Offers services in Germany or elsewhere.—St. Martensdyck, 1 Sept. 1596. |
Signed, Philips Graff von Hohenloe. | |
French. 1 p. (44. 45.) | |
Herbert Croft to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept, 1. | Seldom writes, because he would not waste Cecil's time with reading idle compliments, yet he is loth to be forgotten. Writes now in behalf of a poor young gentleman, John Birington, who is committed to prison by the lords of the Council. It is six years since the writer saw him, or any of his friends heard of him, and he held him dead. The last news of him was by Sir Charles Danvers, who saw him in Rome. “He was my servant till the instant of going over [sea], and, I assure your honour, of so civil conversation as could be, yet very valiant, out of which humour (as I took it) he was desirous to follow the wars in the Low Countries.” Desires to know whether his offence is such that his friends may solicit for him without impeachment of their own credit. “His eldest brother is a gentleman of good haviour and of such condition as is not to be excepted against, his mother married to a very honest gentleman, and his youngest brother, bearer hereof, my servant in household; so as I know no second respect but his own deserts can anyway be hurtful unto him.”—From my poor house, Croft, 1 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 127.) | |
M. de Vileroy to the Duke of Bouillon. | |
1596, Sept. 1/11. | “Monseigneur, je ne seray des premiers a vous donner advis de la bonne fortune de M. le Maréchal de Biron, car j'ay entendu qu'il vous a este envoye de Diepe. Toutesfois j'ay estime vous devoir faire savoir ce que nous en avons recueilly des lettres que M. le Conte de St. Pol nous a escrites. Cecy est arrive tres apropos pour remettre nos gens de guerre en courage et nous resveiller voire nous eschaufer sur la resolution que nous vous avons mande par Du Verger que nous avons prise, sur laquelle il est necessaire que nous sachions au plustost ce que vous avez arreste pardela, principalement pour le passage des gens de guerre dont on nous voudra assister. Nous allons fermer les mains a tous nos frontiers (?) pour tirer quelque argent de nos receptes. Cest un prenge (?) pour ce qui se resoudra contre eux en ceste assemblee qui est retardee jusques au commencement d'Octobre a cause de notre voyage de Rouan pour la reception de M. le Conte de Scherausbery, auquel nous avons delibere nous acheminer dedans le fin de ceste sepmaine suyvant ce que nous vous avons mande par ledit Du Verger depuys le partement duquel il n'est survenu chose qui merite vous estre escrite.”—Monceaux, 11 Sept. |
Endorsed :—1596. | |
Copy. French. 1 p. (44. 84.) | |
Lawrence Dutton to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 2. | Cecil is informed that he had much treasure at Cales, and that great treasure of Captain Lawrance, deceased, was brought aboard his ship, especially a hatband valued at 2,000 marks. No treasure of Captain Lawrance's came aboard his ship. Has heard from Captain Lawrance's soldiers that one of them delivered such a hatband to their captain, but has not seen it and knows not who has it. Has two pieces of a hatband, one containing a diamond and the other two pearls.—2 Sept. 1596. |
Marginal note in another hand :—“The name of the ship wherein Captain Lawrence went was the Elizabethe Jonas of Hull, wherein went Captain Furbusher chief commander.” | |
Endorsed :—“Captain Dutton.” | |
1 p. (44. 46.) | |
George Goringe to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 2. | One Mr. Pellate of Trewby, Sussex, my neighbour and kinsman, is very sick and like to die shortly. His lands are holden in chief and he has 200l. a year, and 140l. a year more in reversion. “I desire that your Honour would beg the wardship of his son for yourself; and if your Honour please I shall like that your Honour do use my name and yet your Honour to take the benefit. If my lord Treasurer have promised it already, then, if your Honour so please, my lady Cecill may get him of the Queen's Majesty. If the ward prove well, I would be glad to buy him, at the full value, of your Honour for one of my daughters.”—Dunye, 2 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (44. 47.) | |
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 2. | His evil fortune in being sick at this present may lead to his being thought negligent of duty, but he hopes for a better construction. “I have had a poor fortune brought by the travail of a company of poor mariners to my hands, amounting to the value of four ton of quicksilver, and being a commissioner to examine others, I thought it my duty, in honesty and conscience, to declare against myself, but, as your Honour may perceive by my letter to your Honours, there will be small hope of recovering anything back again. But yet my desire is her Majesty's gracious opinion may not for this be drawn from me, neither yet that their Lordships will conceive the worst, sith I had a desire to satisfy my creditors with this fortune.”—Plymouth, 2 Sept. 1596.—Signed. |
Endorsed :—“Concerning his prize of quicksilver, being four ton.” | |
Seal. 1 p. (44. 48.) | |
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 2. | “The deputies of the States General, who have been so long expected in England, are now passing the sea; and Monsieur Valck being one of them, I would not fail to accompany him with a letter to your lordship. His companions in this journey are Monsieur Leoninus, Chancellor of Gelderland and one of the worthiest men of this side, Monsieur Lorem, whom your Lordship hath often seen both here and in England, an ancient counsellor of this state, and Doctor Frankena, a man of very good reputation in Friesland. As for Monsieur Valck, your Lordship knows him so well as I need not say any more of him. This only I will say that truly he is the honour of this province of Zeland, and one whom I am as much beholden unto as to any of all these countries.” Asks him to favour them in their mission. “They need at this time to be thought of; for the loss of Hulst hath much amazed the minds of the people here, and it will be seen that if the Queen show not her countenance, matters will not go so well as they should, not only for them but for England also.” Begs him to let M. Valck see that Sydney's recommendation has done them no hurt.—Flushing, 2 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 2 pp. (44. 49.) | |
Margaret, Lady Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 2. | Is glad he and his father have vouchsafed to be supervisors of her late husband's will. Perceives by their joint letter to her and the other executors, “that some have informed some sinister courses already to be endeavoured by some of us” whereupon the executors are advised to the direction of Mr. Justice Beumond, “to a joint proceeding in the inventorying of the goods, proving of the will, and taking administration.” Long before receipt of these letters she had an inventory taken, by six substantial persons, of the goods in her possession. Has now “consented to the rest of the executors, viz., my brother Ed. Stanhope of York, my cousin Bevercoots and Lawrence Wright, to a new pricement the goods, and also delivered them a true copy of my inventory and the will, examined by themselves with the originals; wherein how we differed and how unreasonable their requests were, and refusals to my offers and desires, I have expressed in a particular herein closed.” Begs favour.—Shellford, 2 Sept. 1596.—Signed. |
1 p. (44. 50.) | |
M. Buzanval to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 2/12. | Thanks for his favour when in England. Sending his nephew the bearer to his Excellency of Bouillon, has charged him to wait also upon Essex and offer his services. He will be eternally indebted if “sous vostre puissant aisle il a cett' honeur de contempler de loin ce grand et beau soleil de tous les princes qui illustrent le monde par leur rayons.” Thanks God for his glorious return.—Middelbourg, 12 Sept., 1596. |
French. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (44. 86.) | |
John Sanderson to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 3. | This 3 Sept., “I received the enclosed from the honourable lord Ambassador; of whose prosperity the Almighty be praised, for surely as his lordship's voyage is of honourable fame in these parts, so is to be hoped thereby many worthy services, especially in respect that his lordship shall be resident in place where the forces of the East and West empires shall be in balance of their uttermost valeure, which urgeth assuredly extreme and large expense.” Doubtless the Queen will provide for that. Wrote lately of affairs here.—Pera, 1596.—Signed. |
1 p. (44. 51.) | |
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 3. | Thanks for comfortable words sent him by his brother. Will do his best to avoid Cecil's anger in future, and begs him to procure his release. “I have delivered upon sight of your warrant all mine own plate (which I have had of long time), and some other pieces of plate, to Mr. Middleton, to her Majesty's use; and would willingly also deliver whatsoever else I have in this world to yield her Majesty the least contentment, and do hope yet that, by your honourable good means, she will not deal in extremity with me, her poor servant, that never justly offended her in thought or deed, but have done her as painful and true service as ever my man of any sort.”—The Fleet, 3 Sept. 1596.—Signed. |
1 p. (44. 52.) | |
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 3. | Has, as required, surveyed the “Owld Parke,” and finds it very much overgrown with bracken, and the wood so wasted that there will be none but for firewood for the keeper. There are two little “pytles” of meadow of 2½ acres each, which “serve for the relief of the deer.” With the dwelling house it is worth 20l. a year, but if reserved “for your own geldings and my lord's,” will be worth less. Pecoke, at his first coming, gave 80l. in money and paid 15l. rent and had the whole commodity “until now that Mr. Ashliey died.”—My lord's house at Theobald's, 3 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 53.) | |
Susan, Countess of Kent to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 3. | Is emboldened by his kindness when she wrote to him before to presume again now that “it hath pleased the Lord to lay this heavy cross upon me in taking my husband from me, who hath not only lost all his wordly substance in her Majesty's service, but confirmed his faith and the great desire he had to serve her Majesty with ending his life therein, by which losses he hath left me and his poor child in most miserable estate, for truly, Mr. Secretary, I have sold and mortgaged all, so I have neither plate nor jewels left, but only three score and ten pound a year to help myself and my poor child, and that but during my life so as my child shall have no benefit by it.” Besides this, she, owes to poor men for household charges, for they have lived on credit for seven years, 900l. Had not “one penny in my house when this most heavy news came to me, to buy meat either for myself or child, till her Majesty, most like a gracious princess, hearing of my misery, sent me xl pound.” Begs his favourable word to the Queen to give her enough to keep them from beggary. Has written also to Cecil's father. Has delayed so long fearing to be troublesome “in this time of the duke of Boulen being at the Court.”—Sion, 3 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 54.) | |
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 3. | By Gilpin's of the 20th and by the report of Mons. Regenmorter, he will have heard how his service at Cadys is here taken. Most men speak of it very honourably, and allow that the way to annoy the King of Spain is to trouble him at home. Longs to hear what is said to those that make suit for the restitution of the money taken from them at sea. Admiral Duynenvoorde, who came home a few days past, reported all, and has “spoken very honourably of your lordship; yet I perceive there is some little discontentment whereof I have touched somewhat more to Mr. Bodly, and with a small matter is to be removed.” The news at Amsterdam of the arrival of part of the Indian fleet in Portugal makes men say the English navy should have stayed their coming. “The States' deputies lie ready in Zealand to take the opportunity of the first wind, and is wished that they had been there ere the duke of Buyllion's departure, whose coming hither is now so certainly looked for that the Princess altered her purpose to go into Zealand, and will attend and welcome him here; where the Count Maurice is also come, having severed the troops he kept together about the land of Tergoes in ships to see what the enemy would do, and placed the same in the frontiers of most importance, which the Cardinal seemed to have a purpose unto, who might have done the States much harm with th' endangering of special places, as th' island of Tertole and such like, if he had followed his victory. But, whatsoever the cause may be, he hath not done anything since the getting of Hulst, but made shows then as if he had meant to pass the Rhine another while towards Breda, and had brought part of his forces into Brabant, which since are returned again into Flanders, where most be placed in garrisons towards Arthoys, and sent the greater part of his horse, with four regiments of foot, unto the frontiers of France, and his ordnance and provisions unto those magazines whence he had drawn it, so as we hope he will be quiet a while and give these men leave to reinforce their weakened companies, to which end they have taken order, and will ere the next year be better enabled to withstand their enemies, both by their fortifying and increasing of their strength otherwise. The States of Holland are met about the furthering of like matters and (as I hear) have granted to increase all their contributions by an eight penny, besides have taken so strict an order to mulct those [who] seek to defraud the paying of their duties, that it is thought, so it be well observed, a great benefit will be procured thereby. The Count of Solms hath delivered over in writing his report, but is not yet absolved, though all he did was with the knowledge and assent of the Colonel and captains; whereof is still spoken diversely, requiring time and patience ere such blemishes will be taken away. The Count William of Nassawe is returned to his government, Count Frederick van den Bergh who commands in Linghen and that quarter, having of late been busy about the Bortange and got from us 2 strong housen which stood on the passage, whereby he will daily trouble those of the fort and come into Friesland by the morasses, so to bring the boores under contribution; which to provide against, they have written hither for their men which his Excellency had about Hulst.—The Haeghe, 3 Sept. 1596.” |
Signed. 3 pp. (44. 55.) | |
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Oliver Lambert. | |
1596, Sept. 4. | I sent to your lodging in London for you to come and speak with me, which you did not. Again yesterday, when you came to Court, I sent for you, and since then have sent again, forbearing to send a pursuivant lest you should take it ill. “It was not for any particular cause of mine that I sent for you but for her Majesty's service, wherein you might regard my place though not myself. I pray you therefore, either to make your present repair hither or let me receive your answer.”—The Court, 4 Sept. 1596. |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 57.) | |
Ric. Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 4. | I hear that “Mr. Burrough is come from Chetham and that notwithstanding the charge I gave, in her Majesty's name, to stay all ruske, wines, and other things on board until further order came from your honour and other the lords, yet the same is taken out of the ship.” The officers of the navy should be commanded to scrutinise what is discharged, “for it is said that under the wines in the ballast is store of quicksilver. It may be it [is] so thought because store was taken out of th' other ships that were burnt.”—Chesilhurst, 4 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 58.) | |
Edmond Fenner, Justice of the King's Bench, to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 4. | “Right honourable, I have received letters from my lord of Essex and your Honour touching one William Jeames, indicted with his mother before my lord Anderson for murdering of two infants of his sister, unmarried. The mother was arraigned before my lord Anderson and found guilty. After, the said William Jeames was arraigned before me, and likewise found guilty and had judgment, and was reprieved by me, not in respect I either thought him innocent, or for that there appeared any indirect practices to seek his life, as your honours seem to be informed, but for that upon perusing the indictment I found the indictment rased; for whereas the truth was the indictment was that the murder was the xxvjth of May, the same xxvj day was made by rasure the xxxj, and May was rased and June made, and so erroneous for that June hath not xxxj days; and that was the cause I reprieved him. And since, for that it was apparent that the same proceeded, by corruption of such as had access to the records, to a dangerous example, the indictment was removed into the King's Bench to th' end the better there, by examination of the clerks, to find out, if it might be, the raser of the said record, to th' end that, for example to others, he might receive such punishment as the cause required.” As the indictment is not now with the justices of assize, but in the King's Bench, cannot, without the assent of the rest, sign the pardon even if his conscience would allow it; but as there is vehement presumption (though no direct evidence) of his guilt, the writer begs to be spared signing a pardon.—Hayes, 4 Sept. 1596. |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 59.) | |
The Cadiz Expedition. | |
1596, Sept. 4. | A tabulated “abstract” of goods seized by officers of the Customs “in sundry port towns,” giving in columns the nature of the goods, the ports, the goods, and the “owners or ships.” The ports are London, Yarmouth, Dartmouth, Rye, and Faversham; and the names in the last column, Sir Gilly Mericke, Mr. Partridge, the John and Francis, Mr. Warcop, Mr. Copcot, the John of Milford, the Gift of God, Sir Robt. Mansell, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir Chr. Heydon, Sir John Shelton, a bark of Dartmouth, Captain Browne, a bark at Rye, merchants of London, Mr. Jones, master of the Arck, Sir Robt. Crosse, Sir Miles Corbet, Mr. Darrel, the Mary of Barking, Captain Rames, and Captain Roe. The 54 items of goods include 12 chests and trunks “unseen,” a number of “pieces” of brass and iron, muskets, powder, wine and vinegar, sugar, linen, beef, sweet oil, capers, rice, tunny, paper, wire, alum, gum arabic, 30l. in money (“reals of plate”) and copper. |
Endorsed :—4 Sept. 1596. 2 pp. (44. 60.) | |
The Queen to the King of France. | |
1596, Sept. [4]. | Introducing the bearer as her Ambassador. |
Endorsed :—“Her Majesty's letter of credence for Sir Ant. Mildmay to the French King.—September, '96.” | |
Draft. ½ p. (133. 154.) | |
The Queen to the King of France. | |
1596, [about Sept. 4.] | Combien que j'ai toujours estimé que les volontaires bienvueillances, et non liées par autre ligature que l'affection sincère, fussent assez suffisantes pour sure fondement de longue durée, si est qu'entendant le desir qu'aviez bien grand qu'une ligue se fit publique entre nous deux, j'y suis consenti, et selon les coustumes entre les grands princes y ai adjousté ma foi et parole; qui, comme elles n'ont jamais encore reçu tache, telles, si Dieu plait, j'ai l'ame sincère de les conserver en même mode. Et combien que j'ai avancé la vielle coustume des rois pour être la première à commencer le parti, si espère je que ne me tiendrez pour impudente, étant de ma sexe, pour commencer la danse d'amour, ne doutant que me donnerez une risée pour telle hâte ainsi que mésurerez par la que ne serai jamais paresseuse a vous honorer. J'ai reçu par le duc de Bouillon vos lettres toutes remplies de protestations de fidèle amour en mon endroit, avec un ardent desir de m'honorer de votre presence, chose que vous ôterait toute créance de vos ministres qui vous ont abusé, Je doute, par tant de louange de ce que, quand vous serez l'oculaire juge, vous ne trouverez nullement répondre au demi de qui vous font à croire qui ne feront une disgrace en cuydant m'advancer le respect. Mais d'une chose ils ne se trouveront oncques falsifié, s'ils vous réprésented la purité de mon assurée amitié et le vif sentiment de quelqu'un honorable accident qui vous arrive, avec une promptitude de vous aider comme mes commodités me permettront; comme je ne doute que le sieur de Bouillon vous réprésentera, à la suffisance duquel je me remets. |
Endorsed :—“Her Majesty to the French King.—September 1596.” | |
Copy. 1 p. (133. 153.) | |
John Bland to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 5. | Asks him to take into his service the bearer, “being a young youth and a son of an honest man of this town, who hath hither unto brought him up in learning, and doth write very well, understanding the Dutch and the French tongues.”—Plymouth, 5 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 61.) | |
Edm. Norton to the Lord Treasurer. | |
[1596,] Sept. 5. | “Whereas I won in fight, saved from fire, and brought away the ship called the Saint Andrea, which was the first ship that was taken, and I assure your Lordship, had I not been she never had been taken (which hereafter your Lordship may understand more at large), since my departing from her my trunks and goods I brought aboard her be stayed, myself being unable to go unto her. My humble suit therefore unto your Lordship is that you will grant me your Honour's warrant for such things as I have aboard her, upon sufficient deposition and proof that I brought them unto her, as three tun of wine and a small bell, being the whole benefit I made of this voyage, which will no more than discharge my necessary charges and surgery since my coming to London.”—5 Sept. |
Endorsed :—“1595. For his things stayed in the St. Andrewe taken by him at Cales.” | |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 62.) | |
Edward, Earl of Oxford, to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 6. | “The writing which I have is in the country, for I had such care thereof as I carried it with me in a little desk. To-morrow or the next day I am to go thither, and so soon as I come home, by the grace of God, I will send it you. The Earl of Derby should have set his hand and seal to this copy as he had done to yours, but, his promises being but delays and shifts, in the mean season I caused his officer Irland and another to set their hands unto it, to witness that it was a true copy.” It was Mr. Barnarddeux, and not Mr. Hykes, as I wrote in my last letter, whom my lord employed in the matter, doubtless it is as firm as the law can make it, for “the master of the Rolls then, and now lord keeper, and others of my lord's learned council in law, who I hope are sufficient to pass greater matters than it,” were consulted.—Channon Row, 6 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 63.) | |
Paul Elleyett, Mayor of Southampton, to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 6. | Received about 1 p.m. by “foot post” Cecil's letter of the 4th enclosing one for Sir Oliver Lambert; which he returns, as Sir Oliver left for London three days ago.—Southampton, 6 Sept. 1596. |
Beneath the address is written : “Southampton 6 Sept. At afternoon. Post haste. Constables, posts and tithing men see this letter conveyed accordingly at your utmost perils.” | |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 64.) | |
Ric. Topclyffe to Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Fortescue. | |
1596, Sept. 7. | Begs that he may be pardoned if he seem importunate to have Charles Topclyffe brought to trial. The matter touches the Queen and his own nature and reputation, to know whether he has a guiltless son still living, or the custody of a guilty person born in his house whom he never begaf. Thinking over this in his “lame course,” has thought out certain questions whereupon examination is to be made. Details the questions, 10 in all, giving in the margin the names of the persons to be examined upon each, i.e. Charles Topclyffe, the Corridiador and his men, Sir Ed. Conway, Sir Geo. Caroe, Sir Arthur Savaidge, Sir Gilly Merrik, and Sir Anth. Asheley. The questions are, as to whether the door of the low room where the treasure was buried was locked, or, when the lady (wife of the Corridiador) and the merchant of Cherez brought Charles to it, why it was open and the treasure unburied; how Charles alone prevented the Spaniard and his 12 armed men from taking the trunk away; what persons came to Charles between the time he came in with the lady and the arrival of the Earl of Essex; whether the bags seemed full or empty; why the Corridiador did not challenge the iron coffer as well as the trunk to be his; why was the iron coffer, after taking two hours to break open, thrown into the well; why the money was not weighed, and numerous other questions. The last, which refers to the Corridiador and the trunk, has the marginal note, “Corridiador is to be streined to this point.” Is constrained to be tedious as the slander of his name is more to him than the loss of two sons.—” At Mr. Wayer's house near the church, with my crutches,” Tuesday, 7 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (44. 65.) | |
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 7. | The enclosed shows “the way that Martinluge hath made for his address on the other side. From the Portugall priest that was chaplain to the duke of Parma he is to have, as he telleth me, another private letter, which he will also acquaint your honour withal. I would there might be that hope of his honest dealing as there is not want of cunning in him to handle his matters. It may please your honour to return them and resolve to send him away with what little you shall think good, and a passport.”—My house in Wood street, 7 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 67.) | |
On the back is a draft for the commencement of a letter, “Reverende Pater, quae a nostris Anglis in insula et urbe Cadis perpetrata.” | |
“Doul” to [the Kings of Scots]. | |
1596, Sept. 7. | “Sir, Please your Majesty, sen my last unto your Majesty, I have been ever attending the Queen's will for my despatch and to have been the only messenger of my own mind. But in end, finding a stay far passing my expectation, I am, for discharge of my humble duty, yet once again to give your Majesty advertisement of such few things as I think necessary to be known presently before I shall be able conveniently to return. |
Your Majesty's late answer to the Queen seemeth to be the more agreeable to her humour (As I conceive) because your Majesty did not justify the point which did greatly disquiet her before, that is, the just and lawful title which your Majesty may pretend to the lands that ought to descend to you from your grandmother. I doubt not but your Majesty found cause to forbear the following of that advantage, given by her exception, to which I humbly submit myself. But yet, considering the danger of the time, the custom of the enemies to raise a smoke of jealousy upon every offer that your Majesty maketh, and to suspect all motions that spring merely from yourself, I thought your Majesty might have touched that matter very plainly and directly, rather at this time being as it were promised by the Queen, than at any other upon voluntary earnestness; which made me call to mind those arguments that have been long debated over all the world, and to show strong reasons why the Queen of England and her Council should not hold a motion so strange, whereof the meanest page in your Majesty's court is not altogether ignorant. Your waking enemies do what they can to suppress all reasons, to prevent all occasions, and to deface all memories that may give clear light of your title to the world. They blame the papists worthily for holding the people ignorant in points of Faith, and yet do what they may to keep them more blind and ignorant of the chief grounds of their own security. They set all factions a foot that may bid you 'a bace' at your own doors. They give men leave to look what way they list, so their eyes be deturned from the North. They shuffle up records that your title might remain in doubt. They make pretenders of all other kinds as it were coadjutors to the present estate, yourself only a most dangerous competitor. The Queen allowing very well of your Majesty's kind and gentle vein of writing, added further that she held you wiser a great deal than others that both here and there advised you take another course, which glance, coming directly home to myself, did make me guess that, by some indirect means about your Majesty, notice have been gotten of those reasons which I alleged in defence of your Majesty's demand. But, Sir, albeit I never meant in my advertisements to satisfy [the] (fn. 1) base minds [of those that have already set their 'reste upon other caietes,' though the Queen herself be nothing privy to their pack,] (fn. 1) yet would I wish all suspicious causes of discovery to be so removed from about your Majesty as that all my letters might be only subject to the censure of your Majesty's own wise judgement and to none other. Notwithstanding your Majesty's sweet style, the vive character of your accustomed affection, and your Majesty's princely word given that Bucleugh should be 'waiedit' for satisfaction of the Queen's honour, yet all this moves not one grain nor helps you any whit the sooner to her benevolence till the party be fast, whereby all men of understanding may persuade how small account is made of your promise, which in all your undertakings hath been inviolate. Your Majesty had been very fortunate if others in this kind had dealt as kindly and respectively as your Majesty has done with all princes that have had to deal with you, but the surest course is ever to love the Queen of England as your Majesty's sister and cousin, but yet to stand firm upon your self and to make all the world to know that your Majesty is neither ignorant of your own clear strength nor of your neighbour's imminent necessities. | |
[The Queen is in her own affection both gracious and kind, but they that ruled Scotland like a grange so many years under the title of a regent sway cannot yet digest a king of Scots to reign in the seat of his own Majesty]. (fn. 1) My own observation and experience in your Majesty's affairs since my coming to this place hath teached me that, for want of a 'vesie' to level at an honourable mark and a lawful end, every man, almost, erects unto himself a golden calf or other for particular politique and idolatry; that divers shadow their own despair with the Queen's suspicion. That under the colour of 'snedding' of foreign tops, they raise higher tops at home; that the better part is drawn to fear what the worse will feign; that your Majesty may be ever kept hungry that you may be made agree to apprehend, your hopes discouraged to keep you weak at home; and, which in duty grieves me most, that all the princely and kind offices your Majesty can devise to perform toward the Queen and her state, which your Majesty hath ever tendered as your own, are imputed rather to a kind of awe than to the force of your affection. Wherefore, although it be most certain that England and Scotland being at this day as it were the bark and the tree, it is not possible for any man to love either of the realms faithfully and loyally that wisheth not a perfect union of both, yet in my heart I could desire that proportions of correspondency, not in bare profession but in effect and fruit, were more evenly kept and measured between your Majesty and the Queen than they are, and thus she might out of good ground assure herself that, notwithstanding all her leagues and treaties round about (which I would not like to prove like false fire in giving more blaze nor heat), yet no prince in the earth at this day doth so surely settle her in her estate as your Majesty's self, nor any combination as your neighbourhood. This demonstration would easily appear if your Majesty were as apt to be taken with golden baits as the state of England is unwilling to relieve you with a toy not worthy the speaking of. | |
The prosperous success as this late action of Cales hath been so strangely carried by bad advice of late, some ransacking the vessels for the Queen's advantage, some accusing their companions for their own advancement, the Queen complaining of want of care in the generals to conserve the treasure, the generals excusing themselves by impossibility in so great confusion upon the sudden taking of a town, and part of the Spanish fleet [arriving safe and rich (that might easily have been met withal if the ships had made some ten days longer stay)], (fn. 2) while the last adventurers are disputing and quarelling about the loose ends, the profit of the voyage is exceedingly spent, if not lost in the chiefest part, and the world inclined rather to find fault with that which was left undone than to praise that which was done. | |
The xxix of August the league was 'consummed' in all solemnities here in Greenwich. The Duke of Bouillon that day dined with the Queen at her table and most honourably entertained the rest of his, staying here upon the Queen's expenses, and graced with a princely propine at his leave taking, and now is to part presently to the Low Countries to ratify the same league there. Some dissuasion hath been made to invite your Majesty and the King's Majesty of Denmark. Whether it be done to obscure your name and to set your expectation light in the eyes of the world, or not, I will not judge, but it hath been alleged that your Majesty may be hereafter easily brought in to join, per accidence, as it were, in respect of others' proceeding, and not per se as these that will be only called the chief members. It is greatly wondered at that, seeing your Majesty's name and assistance is no less able to strengthen the cause in general and this state in particular than others who is particularly 'interest' to crave such a league to be made, why these that should seek their own security will seem to the sight of men not to stand in need of such a convenient and necessary help as yours, rather than your Majesty should receive your due honour to be invited in your own rank to this action. I can but lament and not mend, for the present, to see your Majesty so often weighed in false balances and put forth in sale to those that knows not your weight and yet thirsteth after your virtues I think that whensoever it will please your Majesty to value yourself at your own rate, you make them easily to confess [(without doing of them any wrong)] (fn. 3) that the putting of your face in the storm for the particular quarrel of others may deserve further friendship than they have ever yet made show of to be bestowed upon your Majesty. | |
The Earl of Shrewsbury is to part this week for France for the same effect that the Duke came here, and for the glories to (fn. 4) the ceremonies he carries the Garter to the King. Monsieur Ancell, who is presently in the Low countries, immediately after the Duke's there being, shall be directed to your Majesty for your conjunction in this league, and by the way shall make a pause here, where his instructions shall be seen and considered. I will be bold, with your Majesty's permission, to leave the comment hereof to your Majesty's own wisdom. The Queen is to send her commissioners, whereof I am certain your Majesty hath heard by her ambassador with your Majesty, with all possible diligence for quieting of the Borders according to her proclamation made for that effect. | |
My long stay in writing hath moved this my prolixity, which I hope your Majesty will excuse willingly. And yet before I end, I will crave pardon to make your Majesty laugh at a notable jest. After the Duke had taken his leave of the Queen, and almost ready to part, he receives a letter from Mr. Secretary putting him in remembrance of the payment of the six thousand pounds he had before of the Queen upon his own bond and sureties; whereunto he answered that the sum was not so much to be accounted of in so great an action as to have been remembered thereof at such a time, yet that as he was not forgetful of it so should he press to see it repaid with convenient speed in the 'owne' time, and wished that her Majesty should have spared so much of his charges as here being spent in his entertainment and rebated the same of the principal sum rather than to have been so extraordinarily curious in the craving thereof. The manner was thought very incongruous to be remembered of his debt [before the day of his payment was expired] (fn. 3), and he found it somewhat bitter to the taste to receive such a 'deuche doresse' after so sweet and royal a banquet. The particular ceremonies of this solemnity I will crave pardon as fitter for a verbal discourse than to be contained in a letter.” | |
London, 7 Sept. 1596. Signed, Doul. | |
6 pp. (44. 71.) | |
2. Another copy, with some omissions noted above within square brackets. | |
6 pp. (44. 68.) | |
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 8. | Asks furtherance of his petition to the Queen. “Being still busied with many important affairs, my little scroll may well be forgotten.”—Durram House, 8 Sept. |
Endorsed :—1596. Seal. (44. 74.) | |
Holograph, 1 p. | |
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 8. | “Sir, I am bold hereby to put you in mind to move her Majesty for the 2 letters which her Highness said she would write with her own blessed hand, the one to the King, the other to his sister. Also for Mr. Th. Mylls' leave, wherein Sir Jo. Stanhope will second you, if need be. And last, touching that point in my commission which I was bold to offer to your consideration when I sent the copy thereof to you this other day, with a copy of that to the old Earl of Lincoln which he carried to the French King Henry the Third. If Mr. Garter attend on you to-day, I beseech you bestow a few words to scold him a little, for the temperate carriage of himself in the business he hath in hand; for it is said that he hath given out already that after he go from hence he will take the advice of none, that he will take place before all that goes with me, for being joined in commission with me he ought to have precedence next me, that he will set up his scutcheons on the inn where he comes, as ambassadors used to do; and many such like tricks, they say, he hath in his head. I pray you let me not be seen in this information of him; but I am in some fear we shall hardly agree, unless my lord Treasurer or yourself, Sir, will take some pains to qualify his humours by some good admonitions. Pardon my boldness, and be assured that I am faithfully your affectionate and most assured friend at your disposition, Gilb. Shrewsbury. |
“I confess I said I would go hence to-morrow, but now I swear that Friday shall be the day that I will lodge at Rochester, if God permit.” | |
Endorsed :—“8 Sept. 1596. Garter, the herald, to be admonished of his folly.” | |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 75.) | |
[Sir Ferd. Gorges] to the Lord Treasurer. | |
1596, Sept. 8. | We have examined many upon oath, and some who were “careless both of body and soul” we have punished. Most that was sold here was out of shipping which arrived here three or four days before the whole fleet, and those ships which had aught of value had licence from one or both the lords generals to sell what they had. All goods brought by vessels belonging to this place had been freely given them by the generals. All they could do, therefore, was to take a note of the goods and order that they should be forthcoming “at your lo. pleasure.” Many superstitious books were brought from Cales which are dangerously spread abroad.—Plymouth, 8 Sept. 1596.—Not signed. |
1 p. Seal. | |
In the hand of Sir F. Gorges' clerk. (44. 76.) | |
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 8. | In his last, certified their proceedings touching goods brought hither from the late service, wherein Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Mr. Chr. Harris and himself are still employed. “We find the business very troublesome, through many disorders in those with whom we have to deal. Some of them, being sent for to be examined, either come at their pleasure or not at all. Others that will limit us how far we shall understand your honour's commission with them. Others that care not how falsely they swear to anything that is demanded of them. And some others using contemptuous speeches as are not meet to be suffered.” Although their commission warrants them to imprison only such as refuse to deliver their goods, Mr. Cary and the gentlemen have committed one of this town for false swearing and misbehaviour. Of plate gotten in the action and sold here they have discovered about 3,000l. worth, and near 1,000l. worth that was taken in at Cales, besides Sir Ferdinando Gorges' quicksilver. The gentlemen have not taken anything into their hands but await Cecil's answer to theirs of the 2nd inst. |
“There hath been brought from Cales, by sundry persons, a great number of printed books, as well Latin as Spanish, of which although some may be used, no doubt there are others that may do very much hurt, and especially such as are in Latin, whereof I have thought it my duty to put your honour in mind, to the end such further order may be taken therein as in your better judgment shall be thought meet. I have had some conference with Sir Ferdinando Gorges herein, who, I think, will signify so much in his letter unto my Lord.”—Plymouth, 8 Sept. 1596. | |
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (44. 77.) | |
Sir John Leveson to the Lord Chamberlain. | |
1596, Sept. 9. | Has received answer from Dover, from Mr. Lieutenant of the castle there, touching “the abuses offered to the governor of Dieppe at Gravesend and Rochester.” It appears that the governor complains that they could not obtain horses or carts at Gravesend, and received opprobrious words from the hacqueney men there, and that a certain woman dwelling in or near to the sign of the Horn took a gentleman of the governor's company by the beard with extreme violence, and had struck the governor himself had not a gentleman put her back. |
On receipt of this, repaired this morning to Gravesend and took examinations; which show that “there were two horses in the stable of William Clarke of the Horn, which horses two gentlemen of the governor's company were desirous to have, and because they were the horses of strangers left there, and no hacqueneys, they were locked up in a stable, the door whereof two Frenchmen did break open to take out the said horses, and the wife of William Clarke, whose husband was then out of the town, came into the stable and would have stayed the said horses there; and thereupon the Frenchmen thrust her from them and overthrew her, as she saith, and took out the said horses.” The wife denies that she pulled any by the beard; but says she “was so amazed with the blow that one of the Frenchmen gave her, that she would have stricken him if she had found any staff or cudgel readily.” There are no witnesses, but one who saw the governor come out of the stable holding his hand on his beard “as though one had been pulled by the beard.” As for the Rochester men, the horses which had been taken from Gravesend to Rochester being taken on to Sittingbourne and payment only made as far as Rochester, the hacqueneymen stayed the horses in the street there for the horsehire to Sittingbourne, and some disorder ensued. Has three or four of the men in custody, and asks what punishment he shall inflict upon the woman and them. Has forborne to send up the portreeve of Gravesend, for, the constable being sore sick, “there would have been much disorder, and the Duke and his train could not have been accommodated of such horses, carriages, and other things as was fit.”—Gravesend, 9 Sept. 1596. Signed. | |
Endorsed by Cecil's clerk. 2 pp. (44. 78.) | |
The Queen to the King of France. | |
1595, [about Sept. 9]. | Ayant parachevé de ma part la finale conclusion de notre ligue, avec les ceremonies convenables à tel acte, ayant prévenu avec ma précédence la sequele qui me convia à telle haste, je ne doute nullement que daignerez séconder ce fait avec votre foi donnée à Comte que j'ai ordonné la recevoir comme donnée à moi. Et par ce moyen ombragerez si non couvrirez mon erreur, si telle puis nommer, qui fus la premiere à vous presenter la mienne, vous assurant que si toutes pactes fussent aussi inviolés que cestuici sera de mon coté, tout le monde s'étonnerait de voir si constant amitié en ce siècle. Pour vous, je me figure que jamais logera en un cœur si genereux une seule pensée d'ingrat, ainsi me persuade que n'aurai raison de me pentyr d'avoir honoré, favorisé et aidé un tel prince, qui non seulement pensera de ce qui lui convient mais tiendra soin de ce qui m'appartient. |
Endorsed :—“Her Majesty to the French King.” | |
In Essex's handwriting. 1 p. (133. 152.) | |
Jehan de Dunenvoird et a Woud to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 9/19. | Being returned to this country, writes at the request of the bearer's brother, “qui s'est employé quant et nous au susdit voyage en gentilhomme d'honneur,” to request that Essex will take the said bearer, Balthazar de Meteren, into his service as a page, or else recommend him to some good gentleman. He is of one of the best families in the duchy of Gelre.—La Haie, 19 Sept. 1596. |
Endorsed :—“Commending a Dutch page.” | |
Signed. French. 1 p. (173. 133.) | |
The Privy Council to the Lord Treasurer, lieutenant of Lincolnshire. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | With reference to the Queen's letters to him for the levy of 94 able men in Lincolnshire for service in Ireland, in which letters her Majesty referred him to the Council for further directions. Men of known good behaviour are to be chosen, “and not vagrant nor of the baser sort,” which kind of people commonly run away from their captains at the first chance. To encourage them, Sir John Bowles, a gentleman of that country, is appointed their captain. As to armour, there shall be 47 corslets with pikes, 24 callivers and 23 muskets, and they shall have coats of some mixed colour, well lined, because winter approaches, for which the accustomed allowance of 4s. for each coat shall be made. Their captain shall pay them conduct money at ½d. a mile as far as Chester, where they enter into their monthly wages. A roll of their names and parishes is to be delivered to the captain, and another sent hither; and diligence must be used, for all levies are to be at Chester by the last of September. “Lastly we do think meet, because in every employment we find such loss of armour as is very chargeable unto the countries, that bonds be taken, to the double value of the armour delivered, of the captain or lieutenant receiving the soldiers, to see restitution made of the armour or to make good proof, by witnesses, how the same is wasted or lost in her Majesty's service.”—The Court, at Greenwich, 10 Sept. 1596. |
P.S. It may be added to the bond that the attestation by a superior officer of the loss of the said armour will be sufficient discharge to the captain. | |
Signed by Burghley, Essex, lords Cobham and North, Sir W. Knollys, Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Fortescue. | |
2 pp. (44. 79.) | |
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | Considering the meanness of his “estate and reputation in this place,” begs Cecil to favour his suit for the place of vice-admiral, void by the death of Sir John Gilbert.—Plymouth, 10 Sept. 1596. |
Endorsed by Cecil's clerk :—“Sir Jo. Gilbert dead.” | |
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (44. 80.) | |
Officers of the Port of Lynne Regis to the Lord Treasurer. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | Have, according to his letters, made search in the man of war of Lynne which lately returned from Cales, but find they have brought nothing but three chests of sugar. Examined the mariners severally, but could not find that they had landed anything before coming hither. They say their captain would not suffer them to take anything aboard, and grudge very much that we detain the sugar. |
In May last Mr. Nathaniel Bacon and other justices certified the great plenty of pease and beans in Norfolk, and obtained your letters for transport of the same. Thereupon divers of Lynne and the coast towns laded ships to Newcastle with some barley, but mostly beans and pease. Finding the markets there utterly down by reason of a great arrival of Danske rye they went on to Scotland. Returning home they altered their entries and paid the custom which “I” accepted. Mr. Howe, our mayor of Lynne, has since, for some private grudge, obtained a commission to know what barley was carried, “because upon the alteration of the weather that grain afterwards grew dearer” the poor men, therefore, fearing informers in the Exchequer, daily clamour to me to repay them their custom, or else re-deliver to them “their bonds which they gave from port to port.” It is better to keep what they have already paid than sue them upon their bonds, for most of them are poor men. They desire your warrant that they may have their bonds up. | |
Ask favour against the mayor who has, all this year, intruded upon their office, and sends officers aboard every ship, “so that a poor man cannot carry a barrel of beer for his own provision without his leave,” and requires a certificate, such as is brought into the custom house, from every ship that goes from one port to another. Have not gainsaid him for fear of some broil, although his proceeding is to their discredit. Beg him to write to the mayor to surcease this dealing; for they are his Lordship's officers and “sworn to her Majesty upon our accounts and can do nothing without the surveyor his presence.”—Lynne Regis, 10 Sept. 1596. | |
Signed by John Owen, collector, Robert Ashwell, comptroller, John Smith, searcher, and John Richardson, deputy surveyor. | |
2 pp. (44. 81.) | |
Ant. Atkinson to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | Promised to write how the Queen is deceived in her customs, but asks that his name may be kept secret, or he will be in as great hatred as has been for 10 years for advancing the customs of the port of Hull from 1,300l. to 2,800l. yearly, since 27 Eliz. Corn, victuals, guns, and other prohibited goods, are entered in the Customers' books to go from port to port of the realm, and bonds taken of the merchants, which bonds are afterwards, for a bribe, redelivered to the merchants, who then carry the goods to foreign nations. Further, the merchants, by bribery, get certificates of the discharge of the goods from the officers of the ports to which they are shipped, whereas they merely go into the road or haven to be seen, and then pass on to Scotland or foreign realms. Last year a licence was granted, by the Council at York, for corn to be carried from Hull to Newcastle, Berwick, and Holy Island; and certificates were brought that it was so discharged, but most of it went into Scotland. Woollen cloth is conveyed into Scotland by Carlisle and the waste lands upon the Borders, and by five or six creeks or havens in Lancashire, Westmorland, and Cumberland, above 5,000l. a year, and the custom of Carlisle port and creek is but 20 marks a year, it being farmed to Thomas Grame, a borderer. |
Has set down 25 articles for reformation of these abuses, which Essex shall have to show to the Queen; but if any of the Exchequer or any officer of the ports know that he has revealed this, he will be in great danger of murder or banishment. | |
“There is sundry places in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire that are well known to me, that harboureth Joseph Constable, and sundry traitorous priests, that are kept in houses by servants and friends belonging to the Lady Constable, and all under her charges, as I am credibly informed, Da. Engleby coming and going among them; and, as is reported by such as are of that crew, that he hath gotten of the Earl of Westmoreland his whole title of his lands, and sundry in the North are in belief that he shall have all, at his pleasure; so that seminaries comes over seas daily, and are more harboured and accounted of than ever they were, and the number increaseth and grows headstrong since my lord of Huntingdon died, and they expect a day for their purpose as they imagine.” Will, with Essex's warrant, venture his life for their apprehension. Has none to countenance him since Huntingdon died.—10 Sept. 1596. | |
P.S. If the Queen wishes he can tell more, but, without protectors, he “cannot escape the wolves.” | |
Holograph. 2 pp. (44. 82.) | |
Ralph Bossevile to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | I “crave your honourable opinion of me for a company into France, of which I have long depended, and for which I have been kept back from a better voyage after a long time spent in a bad one before. I would have been glad to have gone with my lord of Shrewsbury, as well to have done her Majesty service as to have attended his lordship. I ever did employ my head as well as my hand to serve her Highness, as my lord your father can witness. I am determined now to stay and receive that hope of good which hath been promised me. If our military Callesions should keep me from my preferment, I must not say it would much discontent me, but it must needs much grieve me, my poor estate remembered and my former deservings not forgotten. Thus most humbly craving pardon for my presumption, [I] rest a true Citcilian, your honour's at command, Raffe Bossevile. |
Endorsed :—“10 Sept. 1596. Captain Boswell.” | |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 83.) | |
Charles Chamberlain to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | As to the bad dealing of Captain William Smith. It may be some in England have confederated with him, for there was one Richard Poulye, who hath been a messenger employed by him divers times into England, and since to the enemy. I will lay wait to apprehend him, and if it be your pleasure, if I can take him I will bring him over. He hath practised with the enemy to have gotten one of our “sconces,” and Captain William Smith having the watch should have received them, and have taken him and his company away with them into France, and would have cut the throats of Sir Horatio Vere's company; but as God would have it, the enemy did not come in according to promise that night. Whereupon this William Smith got up the next morning by the port's opening, and made as he would ride to breathe his horse, but he rode to a place within two miles, and there did confederate with the enemy, to bring the Governor and all the captains out on hawking, and so to have had them taken, but the Governor having intelligence that the enemy lay in ambush, he drew out 700 foot and 5 cornets of horse, which when Captain Smith saw, he told the Governor that if he would go with him and take but 30 horse with him, he would venture his life he would overthrow them, but it pleased God to put in the Governor's mind otherwise, and so Smith seeing that he was prevented, the enemy being gone, he slipped away from the companies with his men, and both being well horsed, rode away and did overtake the enemy, and so rode with them into Antwerp, and it is reported here they be all gone into France.—Bergenop-zome, 10th September, 1596. |
Holograph. | |
Endorsed : “Charles Chamberlain.” | |
1 p. (64. 8.) | |
— to [the Earl of Essex]. | |
1596, Sept. 10. | “The care Ja : Cu : had to comply with you according to his promise and your promerit, caused him (being scarce as yet full freed from the hands of those that detained him, under colour of inclining too much toward his own clime and country) to delegate me to supply his place then as there, to give you report and relation of such occurrents as imported in that place he and I then resided in, which, by reason of the absence of William Mylbourne from Esc., the man appointed for that purpose, could not be so conveyed, but that a new inconvenience rising of the contriving of that message through the too great circumspection and double diligence of your friends in those parts, did disable your said servant from prosecution and performance of his said desires in far deeper degree than before. The letters were directed to Mr. G. Curwin, the inclosed were to Mr. William Craven at the sign of the Sonne in Watling Street, or to Mr. Wade in Woodstreet. In these you were advertised of the state of things in those parts and of the proffers and projects of 2. to carry out of England other 2. great persons whom neither then I named nor now I specify, fearing the miscarrying of these, as I found and felt of those, for so it pleased Mr. Curwyne to open read and communicate with divers your secrets and, as I am informed, to send up to the Council. Things in those parts stand still in the same estate. The most of the nobility I will undertake to make assured, as I then made proffer, if you will condescend in that point of liberty of cons., only one excepted whose dictamens are far different from the rest of his marrowes, and he only hath been heard, accepted, regarded, and well despatched in these parts; howbeit all other dismissed with hopes and he . . . . little or great. How you may serve yourself of these men and these means that either are already there or presently are to follow (only one excepted), James Cumyns in person will come to the place you shall appoint, and either by worde or writ inform you more at large. And thus stand the affairs in those parts. For your own house and hermitage, certain it is the fast pilgrimage you made, if you look out well about you, will put it in danger. For albeit in that your pilgrimage you gained honour, love, estimation, opinion of a mild moderate and merciful inclination and disposition of valour and resolution of government, and so forth, yet on the contrary part, such as were almost desperate and driven to dangerous dilemmas for their affairs in that Court thanked God on their knees and plainly avowed that an angel from Heaven brought you thither to rouse up their dull spirits in those parts, and the K. himself that languished before and slept and died living, holding all suits in suspense without any kind of despatch, was so nettled with the news of your success that presently he awaked out of his dream and despatched more in 3 days at that time he was done in 3 years before. J. Cumins that was at that time present in Toledo, willed me to advise you what passed in particular in the Court upon that accident. All men's reasonings, reports, and relations of you were such and so honourable that from the first to the last omnes omnia bona dicere. The K. verdict was, Tal hydalgìa no si a visto entre herejes; the Infanta's, Si de enemigo tan bien nos tracta este Conde que haria siendo amigo; the rest of the Council, en verdad es hombre de grand govierno; the common people, Grand amigo de Españoles deve ser este conde que os tracta con tanta hydalgia. And D. Sancho de Llieva being in haste despatched for Mestro de campo and sent with good provision down in all haste, he said to the Council, Yo no agradesco a vosotros por este dispacho si no al conde de Essex; por que si el no viniera moreria de hambre. Your giving your hand to kiss; your remaining in conversation with 8 or 9 Spaniards alone and unarmed; your protection given to all religious; your clement, courteous, moderate, and modest behaviour towards nuns, virgins, and dames of honour; your easy impositions and ransomes, especially in dismissing the president of the Contractation House and the Indian bishop of Cusco, hath procured you such fame, love, renown, and honour in all these parts that with no treasure, no millions, no Indies, it is to be exchanged, tibi scire si placet, and hereby you may see how far they err that are so peremptory and permanent in that opinion of persecuting the poor Catholics at home, and so stain, blot, and blemish other their heroical acts with this foul note and cruel characteristicon of heading, hanging and havocking their own blood and bowels. It is thought your conquest was to you in valour of 5 or 6 millions, and the loss of this part above 10. Howbeit the greatest part of the treasure of the cathedral church and town you missed, as hidden under the graves and vaults of the church. What you did at Lagos and Faro and the Coronia at your return was very closely concealed and to few communicated for the turpitude of their own fact. Only this passed that the Almyr. sent the D. of Medina a man without ransom, that you would have set aland the Corr. of Cadis when you set aland Villaviura and he would not. A regidor of Cadiz did a message from An. Standen to a friend of his in the K. palace in the hearing of divers great men, which was, Que el era cati. y anzi pensava de morir, mas por sel el Cond. de E. su protectore no pudo dexar de seguirlo en esta empresa y por no estar a la puerta de D. Xpovalde Mora y D. Juan de Iddiques sī hallava entonces en Cadiz. They were once in deliberation, hearing of your noble proceedings and honourable portament, to have sent unto a man to you known to have entreated upon certain points which by mouth he will tell you, and half a year before another resident in Biscay had his despatch to go and by way of Antony Standen to entreat with you of the same affair, but D. J. Id. resolution in fine was that being now in the pride and ruffe of his victory, it is no time to deal by way of treaty or capitulation. And thus much for your part of the play, only forgotten that in a ship taken with sick men and letters, their letters, being interpreted, were the first true and certain relations of the damages done and received; for till then all was extenuated and made less. |
“In the Court great rumors, mutinies, privy meetings of the grandees, deliberations either to take the prince from his father and proclaim him king, or the K. from his privados which are now reduced to 2, viz. Don Chr. de Moro and D. Juan, the one of the which, as is said commonly, lacketh a head as incident to his nation, the other a heart, in so much they put up upon the corners of the streets, Oy si representa la nobile defençia de Cadis por D. Juan de Iddiaquez y D. Christoval de Mora. And the K. coming out in public and the P. in his regality in procession, a truhan cried out, Alegremos nos oy porque dos medios reys tenemos, un vejo que no quiere y un moço que no sabe. But this was pacified, partly with your departure and partly with the K. and his privados' promises and protestations to dilate no longer the jornada of England; and to that effect presently a contribution was made of 30 millions, not in money but in men, paid to the number of 70,000. | |
“The D. of Medina is like beside the shame and dishonor he suffered, as being generalissimo of the Ocean and of Andaluzîa, to have D. Pedro de Velasco, cap. of the Guard, sent to confront him with title of general de Andaluziâ and adelantad. with the title of general del essercito. But besides this the merchants and contractation house crave the restitution of their goods for that he burned the flote before order was come from the Court, which was to pay the ransom. So that with promise and with demonstrations made that the K. was of force with all expedition to follow out the voyage for England or to lose his estate, matters near settled. Adelantado that was ny Lisbone confirmed for general por mar y tierra, with ample authority to his content, a man secundum cor eorum etc. With him Don Gabriel Exino of the council of war for miestro de campo, el Marches de Montesilaros, el Counde de Palma, and divers other great men. Seboire and Britendona are now joined with him, and he hath there, as he writeth, more men than soldiers; for the half he hath cannot tell how to handle an archubus. When he came down to Lisbon, the 4 governors having order to confer with him in a place for that purpose, they in great majesty in their chairs, provided for the Ath. a little stool. He entered, saluted them in order and, seeing the stool, asked what it meant. They answered that that was his place. He, in choler, spurned the stool with his foot and gave them de espaldas, saying, Locos y locos todos y los que os a qui pusieron por gubernadores. What passed on his part with the favourites, with what mind, provision and resolution he cometh, what Cap. Cisneras did in Ireland, what is the bait to draw men to their lure, what means is proposed to pacify all Christendom and satisfy all parties, what books are in the forge to accompany this potent army, and what is the sum and contents thereof, I am willed not to commit to such danger as this letter is like to pass, as also how you may prevent divers or the most of these dangers and difficulties, if it please you to relent a little in your hard form of proceeding against Cath.; for but upon that hope and with that condition, J. Cumins will not be induced to stickle further herein, but retire himself into some corner, where he may save his own soul and pour forth prayers daily and effectually for the remedy and redress of his poor brethren in England, the most part of the which he knoweth to symbolize with him in the aversion from foreign government or invasion. | |
“If you think him necessary and give him hope to prevail in this point for some mitigation and oversight for such as sincerely seek their salvation without mixture of other menagements of estate, if you think the matter worth such expedition, send in post and he, upon my advertisement, will be with you in post. And this he assured you that the only means to settle and confirm your credit gained in this voyage, to win the hearts of your compatriots as your hate of externes, is to use that courtesy and clemency with the one as you have done with the other. | |
“The East India fleet entered the bay of Lisbon without reknowledging the Cape 2 days after your departure. | |
“Here hath been great dealing and capitulations this June past for the K. of Sc. Who was his agent, what were as heads, what his proffers, what his dispatch, what his projects, in case his K. performed not, because it importeth and you may serve yourself wonderfully hereof, he deferreth till he hear from you and be nearer you. | |
“Mr. Northe gave the most particular relation of all the ports, shipping, forts and forces of England as hath been seen. He made proffer to take Hull Castle and carry his mistress out of England. He is like for all this to kiss the Inquisition; for his second wife he hath in Toledo. Cap. Creps is so miserable that he hath not a shirt to his back. Mr. Fizer is called from Lisbon, as a man too much accounted of there of the governors, and too great a friend of his countrymen, and is in a manner committed to the B. of Seguenza. D. Stap., for saying he would defend the book of succession with his tongue and pen, is now received into grace, and the Pope writ to to call him to Rome; and touching this book there remaineth somewhat in the incorne [inkhorn?]. | |
“For helping and defending one Holyday and Nosely, Mr. Fizer was commanded to return no more to any port, but was recommended to the B. of Seguença. | |
“In the answer to this I pray you write what is my l. of Erol and Angus, both whose good intentions and minds, without prejudgement of their prince or our country, I can and will show you testified with their own hands. It importeth to gain them; for you will have need of all as the world goeth. | |
“He hath likewise certain letters to show you for the further liquidation and certainty and further particularisation of such important points as here specified.—Escurial this 10th of 7bre 1596.” | |
In the margin are the following (but where they are intended to be inserted in the text is not very clear) :—(1) “The putting to death of F. Micael Sanctos and the history of D. Ana de Austria is stale, and therefore I write it not; though De Feria, D. Barnardin de Mendoza, and almost all the grandees are extremely discontent.” (2) “You might as easily have taken Lisbon and Sivyll as you took Cadiz, had you been so advised, as appeared by the fear and flight out of Lisbon at your coming.” (3) “D. P. Valdes hangeth on for a charge, but his pride cannot accept any but that of almeral, which D. Diego Brochero of the Order of St. John already hath. His visage towards young Raclyfe is barbarous; but he saith that you have taken some of his friends in this voyage, for whose sake he must alter his style. He is the most rude, gross, ungrateful, inhuman, and barbarous Biscayan as ever you dealt with, and a capital enemy to all our nation without exception. If ever he come in your fingers again let him find it.” (4) “D. Joyosa, the March, of Villars, Pernoune, and Lorayne and Mercury retain still their agents and correspondence.” (5) “It was once resolved that man, woman and child should be perpetually exiled out of Cadiz, religious only excepted, and that the rents of that place should serve only for to maintain a garrison; but upon better deliberation it was altered.” (6) “Adel. is 'houlde' of the common sort for cruel, covetous and nothing beloved of his soldiers. D. Gaspar Paredes asketh helps against the D. of Mercury and M. Turnibone, the D. agent, the contrary.” (7) “I would gladly you write what Scot. nobility are in France. The man you met first and last within Wood street. This rhapsody of records rather serve to call to memory things past than to imprint novelties and to that end it shall do well you reserve it.” | |
[The English passages in Italics are underlined in the original.] | |
4 pp. (139. 59.) | |
Wm. Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 11. | In answer to Cecil's letter of the 7th inst., asking what he knows of Sir Anthony Ashley's behaviour in the Portugal voyage, knows little except in matters concerning his accounts. As Ashley charged himself with all corns and goods which came to his hands, at a valuation made by persons of this town, and afterwards sold the same for much more, the writer required him to make his account according to the sales and not according to the valuation. Indicates that Ashley did not account for all he received, but as the accounts of the voyage are at London, must come up if he is to certify further.—Plymouth, 11 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (44. 85.) | |
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 12. | “My lord, my other letters were already gone before I received your Lordship's of the 8 of September, which you sent by a servant of mine own. I humbly thank your Lordship for it, and am very proud of the title you give me in the beginning of it though I know I cannot otherwise be worthy of it than by the faithfulness of the affection I will ever bear unto your service. The Duke of Bouillon landed here yesterday, and is now at Midleborrow, and to-morrow goes towards Holland, and I with him; for he hath desired me very earnestly to accompany him thither. A journey I was to make thither, and in a fitter time could not have done it, to inform myself of the humours which now are in these countries. What I shall find worthy to advertise your Lordship of you shall understand by my next. The Duke professeth great love to your Lordship, and acknowledgeth the great honour he received of you. To the Count Lodwick I have delivered what you commanded me, and he took it very thankfully, and saith that while he lives he will acknowledge you to be his master. The two chains to the Admiral and Vice-admiral of Holland I take along with me; the third, as I wrote to your Lordship, I have already delivered. If there have been any time lost in the delivery of the said chains, I will take the fault upon me; and already I have written to the Admiral that I have such a token from your Lordship unto him. And since I was to go into Holland myself, I thought it best to take the delivering of them myself. I cannot write your Lordship any news but that it is said here that the Cardinal is at Lisle in Flanders, and his army towards the frontiers of France. The old Chancellor of Gelderland, Longolius, was with his fellows at sea, but put back again. The poor man was very ill after it, and I think will scarce perform the journey, and have thereupon sent for further directions to the Haghe, for the which they stay. Here was a speech this day that the mariners are mutinied at Antwerp, and that some of them are hanged and many run away. It is a thing they have done often and hope conceived that some good might be drawn from it, but hitherunto without any success. I do not see any appearance that the Count Morris (whom now they call the prince Morris) will do anything this year.” |
Professes his devotion to Essex. Knows that he has the Queen's favour, as she showed him at his departure, but he will not be beholden to those who have used him so ill. “My cousin Robin Vernon carrieth himself very well in this company, and if he go forwards as he begins I doubt not that your lordship will have comfort and ure of him.”—Flushing, 12 Sept. 1596. | |
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (44. 87.) | |
M. de Reau to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
[1596, Sept. 12/22.] | Je vous envoye une lettre que M. le Duc de Bouillon ecrit a la Reine, que je vous supplie lui faire voir le plutôt qu'il sera possible, par laquelle sa Majeste connaitra davantage la necessité que le Roy a de la prompte assistance des deux mille hommes, pour empêcher que les ennemis ne contraignent son armée de repasser la rivière de Somme, et lui donner cependant loisir de pourvoir a l'établissement de son entretènement par l'ordre qu'il se délibère mettre en ses finances, ainsi que Monsr. de Villeroy lui ecrit derechef, chose qui lui sera plus difficile si ce secours ne s'advance pour ne pouvoir si promptement tirer le fruit de ses finances; suppliant tres humblement la Reine considérer que si sa Majeste dilaye de faire passer ses gens de guerre jusques a ce qu'elle ait eu advis de l'acheminement du Roi en sa dite armée, suivant votre dernier ecrit combien il se peut écouler de la bonne saison, à cause de l'inclemence du vent, dont nous avons maintenant bonne preuve, et les dangers par consequent que son armée peut encourir : dont je m'assure que la Reine recevrait par aprèes regret et déplaisir. Tenez au reste pour certain que le Roi n'aura si tôt satisfait à la venue de M. le Conte de Scherosberey qu'il ne s'achemine en Picardie; et pouvez juger quel contentement et avantage ce lui serait de trouver ce secours si à propos, qui lui donnerait loisir de respirer et attendre les ennemis en cas qu'ils tournassent la tê;te a lui, comme y en a apparence par la victoire obtenue par M. le Mareschal de Biron, dont je vous envoie maintenant le discours, plus au vrai que celui qui venait dernièrement d'nn marchand de Dieppe. J'attendrai votre reponse, et la resolution dernière de sa Majeste, pour en faire incontinent une depeche en France.—[London, 22 Sept. new style, 1596.] |
Undated. Endorsed :—“Copie de lettre du Sr. de Reau a Mr. Cecile.” | |
1 p. (174. 75.) | |
[The original is in S. P. Foreign, Eliz. France, in the Public Record Office.] | |
The Company of Turkey Merchants to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 13. | In acquainting them with Mr. Barton's letters to the Queen for supply of his charges in the journey with the Grand Signor, Cecil seems to think that it behoves them to see him furnished, as their minister. Have supplied him by exchange with a whole year's pension in advance till August next and with 500l. besides. “This great and exceeding charge being already laid upon the Company (howsoever Mr. Barton by the necessity of the Grand Signor his will and commandment, and for the honour of her Majesty, is thereto holden) the same being in excess of charge above the Company's covenant with her Majesty, and above all means that can be devised to be raised out of the trade, they do not doubt but it will be supplied by her Majesty, and the rather by your honourable and favourable means, who do partly see how far we have been urged to supply the ambassador above our covenant and agreement, and otherwise how we have been of late charged with a present of great value, and very shortly are to be charged with another chargeable present to the Grand Signor.” Beg for his aid.—London, 13 Sept. 1596. |
Signed :—John Spencer : Richard Staper, Governor : William Garway : Thomas Cordell : Thomas Symond : John Eldred : Andrew Hayning. | |
1 p. (44. 89.) | |
M. de la Fontaine to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 13. | Towards evening yesterday M. de Reau sent Mr. Secretary a letter, of which he here encloses a copy to show what is passing. Asks to see him when he comes to London.—London, 13 Sept., 1596. |
P.S.—This letter written, I received that of Mons. de Reau, enclosed, which will show you his opinion. | |
Signed. French. Seal. 1 p. (173. 129.) | |
M. de Reau to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 13/23. | Sends copies of the Duke of Bouillon's letter to the Queen, and of his own to Mr. Cecil, upon the letter M. de Vileroy lately wrote to the Duke of Bouillon, of which he also sends a copy. Thinks he will allow that their request is reasonable, and begs that it may have his favour; so that they may the sooner profit by their treaty, which depends on the transport (the sooner the better) of the 2,000 men, without which the King's army must retire. The danger of such a retreat is manifest, and it lies with the Queen, by her prompt succour, to give the King leisure to establish his affairs.—London, 23 Sept. 1596, new style. |
French. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 134.) | |
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Fortescue. | |
1596, Sept. 14. | Understands by his brother that he must answer a new objection raised by the Corrigidor of Cales, touching a chain which Ashley took from him, with promise to the lord General to restore it. It is true he had a chain, which he took from one who would have conveyed it away, at the “general dismission of the inhabitants;” but he made no promise to restore it, “which should be a thing in any man's judgment, especially such as know the wars and what it is to enter a town with the sword, as strange and rare as had been heard of.” Offers, if the lord General charge him so far, and the Queen command it, to restore 530l., the amount for which he sold it to a goldsmith in Cheap, and which he can prove to be the value. “And if it be not lawful to take things of that nature but with caution to restore, I should think it (under correction) scarce warrantable to offend the public enemy. The day before this general dismission I saved and rescued the Corrigidor himself, with his chain, gilt rapier and cloak, from the fury and violence of many mean soldiers that set on him passing through the market place the day after the town was taken, with intent to take both chain and all the rest from him, if not his life, having gotten him purposely grovelling on the ground; and myself not able to prevail with my servants in the rescue had not some of my lord General's guard happily assisted. I did hear that he hath heretofore charged me likewise with great masses of money and other wealth gotten in the house (not his house, as it is given out) whither he (sic) for fear he suddenly withdrew himself the night the town was entered. I would willingly it had been so.” Begs to come to his answer and to be released from his long imprisonment.—14 Sept., 1596. |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 90.) | |
Henry Billingsley, Robert Harrye and Richard Carmarden to the Lord Treasurer. | |
1596, Sept. 14. | Upon his letter of the 9th in behalf of bearer, Mr. Thomson, have examined his information touching the ship Marget George, laden at Barbary and now arrived in the Thames, and find by openly examining the master and owner, in the Custom House, that the same is true. Have moved the governor and other of the Barbary merchants to permit the goods to be here customed and landed, but they, considering their private commodity rather than the Queen's customs, raise objections.—The Custom House, 14 Sept., 1596. |
Signed. 1 p. (44. 91.) | |
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 14. | Thanks for his letter. “It is certain that the Cardinal's chief design is and hath been chiefly upon Ostend; but the matter seemeth still, the nearer he comes unto it, the more difficult. This winter doth now free us from all danger, by the grace of God, and by the next year it will be far stronger than it is, though, as it is, I think it a place for your Lordship to win more honor in than any that ever I saw. Your Lordship knows that governors must still solicit the fortifying of their charge, considering that times may be such and so troublesome as that succours shall slowly come. As the town is I would not doubt, by the grace of God, and your Lordship's presence, with such English as I know your Lordship would easily bring, but to break the neck of the greatest army that can be brought before it; but by the next year, if it shall please God, her Majesty shall have leisure enough to send her forces of succour, and then I will not make any difficulty to wish your Lordship to put yourself into it, for it will be a fit place for you to defend against all the world, and I do verily persuade myself that the Cardinal will try us, for he hath so assuredly promised it, both to the King of Spain and all these countries, that he must needs do it.” The States have granted 2,000l. for materials to fortify and he expects to get 2,000l. more for the working and will lose no time. Hopes that he may then have leave to come over to kiss the Queen's hands and recreate himself after this long while of care. “These parts do now yield very little news because the Cardinal is gone towards France, where we know not yet what he doeth; I think your Lordship shall better hear from thence. The plague is very great in all those parts, but the Cardinal, in his pride and young experience, seemeth to fear neither God nor man.”—Ostend, 14 Sept., 1596. |
Holograph. 4 pp. (44. 92.) | |
Levies in Essex. | |
1596, Sept. 15. | Warrant to the Lord Treasurer, lieutenant of the county of Essex, to levy 150 able men in the county for service in France, where the King of Spain, after taking Calais, intends to attempt Boulogne and other maritime places adjoining the Narrow Seas, and the French King has asked for assistance to be sent thither. The Council will give further directions.—Greenwich, 15 Sept., 38 Eliz. |
Sign Manual. Seal. 1 p. (44. 94.) | |
Filippo Corsini to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 15. | Enclosing a letter from the Grand Duke to the Queen. Sends it by Mr. Englebert as he is unable to come himself. Begs his favour that the Grand Duke's request for a safeconduct for those ships with corn which his factor has already provided may be granted.—London, 15 Sept. 1596. Signed. |
Addressed :—“At the Court.” 1 p. (44. 95.) | |
Ma :, Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 15. | “Good Mr. Secretary, I thanke you for you leter and sending my lo :, the wer both exceding welcom to me. I pray you geve me leve to troubel you wt reding sume papers wch I men or long to send you, and make me so much further beholding to you as to lett them goe on or returne them to me agayn as you shall think fett.” Commendations to my lady. |
Endorsed :—15 Sept. 1596. | |
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (44. 97.) | |
Robert Bennett, Dean of Windsor, to Sir Robert Cecil. | |
1596, Sept. 15. | The lord keeper, being visitor of this college, challenges an interest in the writer's lodging, but Parker, one of the petty canons, has a lodging where Cecil and the Earl of Shrewsbury lay the last time the Queen was here, with a chamber for two servants. “Because there is furniture and the man poor, there is some consideration expected.” If that be an objection, the lodging which Lord Mountjoy last had can be had for nothing, but there is no bedding.—Windsor Castle, 15 Sept. 1596. |
Holograph. 1 p. (44. 98.) |