Cecil Papers: July 1596, 26-31

Pages 286-309

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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July 1596, 26–31

George, Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 26. I am so earnestly entreated as I could not deny it, to move you in the behalf of the Baron of Walton, arrested upon an action and so committed to the Counter in Wood Street. He doubts not but he may take order for his own enlargement well enough, for any actions already entered against him, so there be no executions laid upon [him]; from which danger (he is informed) he may be freed by a letter from any one of her Majesty's Privy Council. Himself and his friends have much importuned me to entreat that favour from you.—London, this 26 of July 1596. [P.S.] I must needs pray your present resolution either this night or in the morning, otherwise he will be undone.
Signed. 1 p. (42. 89.)
Sir Edmund Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 26. Though it hath pleased God to lay this great and grievous cross upon me, yet I must humbly thank Him He hath raised me so honourable a friend as yourself, for I understand by my cousin, Sir Thomas Gorges, how greatly I am bound to you. I beseech you to continue me still in your good favour, and as you have begun, so doubt I not but it will please you to effect that which it hath pleased her Majesty to bestow of me.—The 26th of July.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (42. 90.)
Thomas Heton, Edward Maxey, and John Capelin, officers of Southampton, to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 26. We received your letter of the 10th of July the 21st of the same, requiring us to certify you of the shipping set forth with the Lords Generals of her Majesty's now employed forces out of this port, &c. We, not having had to deal therewith and so wholly unacquainted in the matter, made the mayor and aldermen (who managed the business) privy to your letter, requiring from them certificate which we might return to you, who promised speedily to effect the same and deliver it us; but sithence, upon what occasion we know not, and contrary to their promise, denied the certificate to us and have sent to you themselves without our privity.—From Southampton, the 26th of July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (42. 91.)
Paul Elleyett, Mayor, and the Aldermen of Southampton to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 26. In reply to the letter referred to above. We, in discharge of our duties have framed a book containing the particular charges and expenses disbursed thereupon, and the same do present unto your lordship by this bearer, our town clerk, sent of purpose; beseeching you, that insomuch as the charge thereof is so great, the contribution received from the inland countries so small, and divers of our neighbours (of good means and ability) charged to this taxation not having as yet satisfied such sums as they are appointed unto, being no more than the meanest of us have been set unto, according to one ordinary rate, it may please you to send unto us by this bearer some special order with authority to compel them to yield unto us their several taxations : divers of us of any reasonable ability having disbursed extraordinary sums of money for the speedier despatching the ship to the sea.—Southampton, this 26th of July, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Elizabeth of Hampton, 514l. 5d.
Signed. 1 p. (42. 92.)
The Enclosure :
Certificate of the shipping set out by Southampton containing account of the cost of victualling “the Elizabeth” wherein goeth Captain Lawrence Prowse with 65 men for the service of Her Majesty, begun in the month of April, 1596.
Endorsed :—26 July 1596. 7 pp. (139. 65.)
Sir William Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 26. Having received a letter from Mr. Stanhope this morning I thought good to make you privy to the contents thereof. Wherein it seemeth her Majesty hath had divers times speeches with him of my father and his fidelity to her, adding withal some good speeches of myself; whereupon Mr. Stanhope replying that my supplying my father's place might be both a comfort to my friends, and an exceeding witness of her Majesty's special favour both to my father and his, her Highness' answer was that she had determined that place to my Lord North, and would place me either Controller or Vice-Chamberlain, but hath told him since once or twice that she meant to make me Vice-Chamberlain, and either Sir Richard Bartley or Sir Henry Lea Controller. Now may it please you my opinion is that if my Lord North be make Treasurer (a thing never seen before) it is likely there will be no Controller in haste, or if it be, it will be nothing pleasing having such a superior; but if her Majesty be settled in that humour, I wish rather to be Controller than Vice-Chamberlain. For as I desire to continue my father's place if it be possible, so will I by all the means I may shun to be Vice-Chamberlain; persuading myself rather to a solitary country life than to remain a courtier in that place. Herein do I put myself wholly under your protection, and desire to be supported by the good favour of your father; humbly beseeching you both to continue me if it may be where I am, or if it will please the Queen to make Controller without delay it is possible a Lord Treasurer will not be so suddenly made. Whatsoever you shall effect for me I will ever acknowledge thankfully.—This 26 of July.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (42. 93.)
Sir Edward Stanley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 27. It should seem by your speeches to myself you had forgotten, by reason of your other great affairs, my suit in my last letter, which was not for a serjeant-at-law, but for a place in the Court of Requests, which is fallen by the death of Mr. Rookebie, which must be supplied by a common lawyer. And whereas you pleased to make doubt of his honesty for his proffering money for the place, there shall be sufficient testimony of his virtue, both by Mr. Attorney and other grave gentlemen not unknown to yourself. And if this stand not to your good liking, then my humble suit is you would move her Majesty in my behalf for the keeping of Norham Castle, which is now fallen void by the death of my lord of Hunsdon. If neither of these, somewhat else that shall seem good to her Highness to enable me to do her service, which, God knoweth, is the thing I most desire though I live very idle at this instant, greatly to my grief, seeing so many employed that were in their cradle when I lay in a cold trench.—From my lodging in Great St. Bartholomew's, 27 July.
Signed. ½ p. (42. 95.)
“The voluntary confession of John Lewys.”
1596, July 27. Upon familiar conference with one [Thomas] Salisbury, a bookbinder dwelling in Powles churchyard, and understanding that I was towards Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, he asked me how Mr. Wentworth did, whether I was familiarily acquainted with him, or had often conference with him, commending the man to be sound and zealous in religion, godly in conversation, and a good subject; concluding that he was a very wise man, and such a one as he wished and prayed me to be acquainted withal. I answered that Mr. Wentworth was as well as a prisoner might do, that I was not a fit man to be familiar with him, nor spoke with him but when I was sent from my master unto him, saying that I did my duty in saluting him when I passed by him, and that I was loth to trust myself into his acquaintance, being but a poor servant to the Lieutenant, lest I should be suspected to be overbold or overbusy, and so incur a displeasure. Hereupon he encouraged me to make myself known unto the said Mr. Wentworth by these means or the like in effect, to signify unto him that one Salisbury, meaning himself, (cousin to Mr. Salisbury, my kinsman, also, as he said, parson of —, that parish where Mr. Wentworth dwelt, a man that he loved for his zeal and good doctrine) had him commended unto him, wishing to [be] acquainted with him, and thereupon to pray the sight of the book which Mr. Wentworth exhibited in the Parliament house, commending the book to be learnedly penned, &c.; and to get a copy of it if I could, and that he might have a copy of it also. Whereupon being encouraged by him, as my hardhap was to incur your lordship's displeasure doing these com[mandments, I] requested to see the book, and to have a copy of it, who for parson Salisbury his sake granted it, charging me to keep it secret; which I writ unknown unto anybody but Mr. Wentworth, Salisbury and myself, meaning (as I protest before God) to keep it secret after that Salisbury had the reading of it, who made such vows and protestations and giving me his hand that nobody should see it but himself, and to redeliver it back again to me without making any copies of it. When I had written it, it repented me and [I] thought to burn it, but because I had written it, I locked it up and kept it a good while, intending not to shew it to him; but meeting with him sometimes he was very earnest to see it, promising me to give it a new coat for the reading of it—I use his own term—continuing in his protestations for the redelivery of it back again secretly. At the last, relying upon his promises, as my hardhap was to incur your displeasure, [I] delivered it unto him upon those conditions, and came for it within two or three days after for fear of the worst. He answered that he had not read it all, offering to fetch it that I might know it to be in his custody, and so continued till Friday at night, that he told me it was discovered. Then I thought it my duty to impart my mishap first of all to my late master Mr. Wade, but being employed by my master about his business came not home till it was late yesternight being Saturday; then came to the Court hither to submit myself upon knees craving pardon; protesting that I meant to do no more than to take such phrases as were fit from my instruction, being somewhat trained up with my pen : thus acknowledging the truth, being very penitent seeing your lordships do take it an offence, contrary to my meaning.
Endorsed :—“27 July 1596. The confession of John Lewis concerning Mr. Wentworth's book.”
12/3 pp. (42. 97.)
Deposition of Thomas Salisbury.
[1596, about July 27.] Coming to the company of Mr. Lieutenant's man I talked with him, to know if he knew Mr. Wentworth, and he told me that he was sick; and I told him that [I] heard great commendations of a book that he had written, which I wished to see if possibly I might. He answered he knew not what he could do for it, for he was not acquainted with him, and told him that “you are a kinsman of the parson of Loulingston, and it may be that you shall see it.” He told me that [he] was loth to meddle with it, but I, knowing no danger in it, the more entreated him the more earnestly; and so to both our grief I had it, and am sorry at the heart that I was born to give offence to any body, and, as the Lord knows the innocency of my heart, I meant no harm in it. By me, Thomas Salisbury.
Holograph. 1 p. (42. 96.)
The Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 27. I have not written to you, having no matter worthy the troubling you. By my letters to Lord Borow (Burgh) I think you understood of our long stay at Yarmouth and beating back twice by contrary winds, being more than half way over, yet not in such danger by the report of all men as we were this last day in passing over a small shallow water from Brille to Masland Sluse, where we had a sudden pery of wind that made the sea rougher than ever I saw any, and had almost sunk our boat with the water that was taken in. This day at the Hague I received advertisement that the sconce called 'Moore vert,' which the Spaniards had gotten, is recovered by them of Hulst, and yesterday and the day before they have abiden divers furious assaults by the Spaniards, Burgundians and others; and now there is great hope that the Cardinal, who hath vowed to win the town, though it cost the lives of all his army, will depart with shame, for he hath lost the best leaders and the most part of his best soldiers in these last assaults. He hath given fifteen assaults within these few days. Whilst I was writing I am certified credibly by the Estates remaining here at the Hague (who dined with me this day) that the ravelin or rampier which was won by the Spaniards (which most dismayed and offended the town) is recovered this day. I have sent you the plot of the town herein enclosed and crossed the places I write of with my pen, that you may the better know them. If you will bestow such good advertisements as you have from Cales Males, or otherwise upon me by the next messenger that you can conveniently send, that I may speak thereof more certainly than the reports are, you shall do me a favour. Your letters came to me to Yarmouth too late to do therein what was fit; but time and truth shall hereafter serve me sufficiently in greater matters, maulgré le maldisant. I received this day a letter from you by Mr. Cranmer.—Hague, this 27th of July, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Received the 12th of August at Greenwich with a plot of Hulst.”
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (42. 98.)
William Marwood, Customer, and the other officers of Plymouth to Lord Burghley.
1596, July 27. According to the effect of your letters of the 10th July, received on the 19th, we have endeavoured to accomplish your commandment.—From the Custom house of Plymouth, 25 July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (42. 99.)
The enclosure :
The particular charges about setting forth one ship out of the harbour of Plymouth by the inhabitants of the town for the Queen's Majesty's service, and under the conduct of the right honourable the Earl of Essex, 3o die Junii Anno regni Regine nostre Elizabeth 38o, 1596.”
The ship called the Prudence of Plymouth, a new warlike ship and rated of the burden of 120 tons, was hired to serve in this present voyage during the space of five months for 1s. a ton per mensem; with furniture, victuals and wages as herein specified. Total 561l. 6s. There was also another ship appointed and made ready but upon later direction dismissed again, in recompence whereof and of the owners' hindrance there was given them by composition 50l. Sum Total 611l. 6s. The whole charge, excepting only the wages of the ship, hath been defrayed altogether by the townsmen without any help at all from the country or any port, towns, or creeks, for all do refuse to contribute towards it : and at the return of the ship the said wages of 60l. must be also paid.
Endorsed :—“27 July 1596.”
1 p. (42. 94.)
Sir John Norris to the Queen.
1596, July 27. If the unconstant humours and ill disposition of these barbarous and perverse rebels do not suffer us without delays, or not at all, to bring to good effect your Majesty's resolved purpose of pacification, I beseech the same to consider in your princely judgment, that we have to deal with a subtle and malicious generation, that will not spare to serve their turns of all occasions, and I fear are made too much privy of your Majesty's intentions and the disposition of your supremest governors here. Your Majesty shall (before this can come to your sacred hands) have understood how variable the appearance of our performing your Highness's pleasure hath been, neither yet dare I presume to deliver your Majesty any assurance what will be brought to pass; for we find what we labour to bring to ripeness in a week is overthrown in an hour, but by what means time must discover to your Majesty. The Lord Deputy hath ever seemed to despair of any pacification, and confirmed in that opinion by many advertisements, demandeth from your Majesty great forces for suppressing of the Irish rebels, as by common report I understand. What my unworthy opinion is in that matter I have by instruction delivered to my brother, with some other notes declaring the state of this country; wherein if there be anything that may be interpreted to be set down for any particular respect of benefit to myself or my brothers, I beseech your Majesty to believe that the greatest hope of gain shall never make me imagine anything prejudicial to your Highness's service, or to wrong any that is employed by your Majesty. I must confess, that presuming that your Majesty would have thought it necessary for your service to have altered the government of Connaught, I did recommend one of my brothers to that charge, whom I doubt not but your Majesty should have found as capable thereof as any I know in either of your realms; but I will deliver it here with protestation before your sacred eyes, that I should hold it the greatest happiness that could come to us that with your favour and without disgrace we might all do your Majesty service somewhere else than in this ungodly country. I must further in the greatest humility beseech your Majesty that if by the hope of succour from Spain or any other sinister device, whereof this country is too plentiful, this treaty take not such effect as your Majesty expecteth, that it may not be imputed to our faults that have not spared our uttermost travail and industry to bring it to your Majesty's desired purpose.
And lastly we both humbly beseech your Majesty to give us permission to complain of the usage we receive in this country, which for fear of farther troubling you at this time, I refer to the world's testimony and my brother's relation; continually praying that the Omnipotent God will preserve your Majesty in long and happy reign, perfect health, and desired success in all your royal enterprises.—At Alone, this 27th of July, 1596.
Holograph. 3 pp. (42. 100,101.)
Sir Harry Knyvett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 28. Congratulates him on his “instalment into the place of her Majesty's principal Secretary. By a Scot lately arrived on this coast, the taking of Cales, St. Mary Port and St. Lucas is confirmed, and that our army doth mightily prevail in all their enterprises, which God grant to be true and continual; the which at large, with as much more as may certainly be learned before the departure of this bearer from Plymouth, I refer to his report. My Lord Mountjoy, not upon the old ground, which sure would have wrought the former event, but upon a new point unlooked for, which by counsel I could not therefore prevent, hath obtained a verdict against me at these last assizes at Exeter; wherein if my tractable course prove ungratefully requited I shall hereafter complain how ever I speed. I beseech you if occasion require, the rather in regard of me something interested in the cause he hath in hand, to assist this bearer, Mr. Anthony Larder.—At Walreden, my wife's house in Devon, this 28th of July, 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (42. 102.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Gelly Merrick and Mr. Cuff.
1596, July 28. I know you take it somewhat unkindly (though causeless) that I left you, being better horsed than you; but necessity hath no law, for my hard fare did enforce my extraordinary haste, and am now gone lingering a little before out of that town of Plymouth by very easy journeys, not doubting but you, Mr. Cuff, will easily overtake me, considering I never ride by night nor more than forty miles by day till I come to the Court. Where, if I should arrive before yourself, I dare undertake to make you a sufficient excuse when it shall need, serving all turns till I see you and may have further conference.
I purpose, Sir Gelly Merrick, to haste my return to effect our commission and other things to both our contentments in furtherance of this great expedition. Meantime I pray you give good hand to the search and stay of all whatsoever that cometh in this fleet with you till my return, with whatsoever else you know, we may release it at leisure. I have left my commission with Sir Fardinando Gorges to impart the contents to Mr. Cary of Cockington, that they may be the more ready to accomplish what is commanded.—From Ashburton, the 28th of July, 1596. [P.S.] Mr. Cuff, you shall be sure to find me at Salisbury, or at Andover at the furthest.
Addressed :—“To the right worshipful my very loving friends Sir Gelly Merrick, knight, and Mr. Cuff, and to either of them. I pray you haste King away if he be not drunk, and the oil prize, that I may dispatch all ere my return.”
Signed. 1 p. (42. 103.)
Sir Thomas Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 28. Recommending his cousin, William Coke, who is more than desirous to go into France, and whose humble suit is that Cecil will procure his leave for that he has been told that the Queen has referred the appointing of such gentlemen as shall attend the Earl of Shrewsbury thither unto his honour, amongst which he humbly prays he may be one.
Thanks him for his favour to the writer at Chelsey, the fruit whereof (as he thinks) his mother will entreat him to be a witness of.
This 28th of July, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (43. 1.)
Sir Thomas Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 28. Your Honour will excuse my not being tedious unto you and for matters to yield you satisfaction my means is not to come by it. What I would, if I could, to your service is not now, I hope, to be believed of you. My own weakness I still discover to my Lord, your father, and, therefore, need be the less long to yourself. My letters to my Lord were first written to be brought by Mr. Bucke. Since, councils changed and I protest to your Honour, for what you may divine, I neither dare nor will write. I would I were at home with stripes, more displeasing to me than the enemy's encounter. I hope my chamber at Chelsey be ready by this time, but my poverty in this voyage bringeth no pillage to furnish it with but my virtue, which is wonderful rare. This bearer is so able to impart to you all that, if I knew much, it would be but obscured, in his presence. I humbly beseech your honour to excuse my letters to your father, for I wrote them as if Buck should have brought them. And so humbly desiring I may be remembered in all duty to my best lady and cousin I end, bound to your Honour for bearing with all my infirmity.—From Her Majesty's Royal Ship the Ark Raleigh, 28 July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (43. 2.)
Jo. Barvitius to Thomas Arundel.
1596, July 28/Aug. 7. Naufragium quod passus es serenissimæque Reginæ offensam cum accepimus vices tuas doluimus. Mirabatur Cæsar primum, de iis quæ tibi in Anglia acciderant, nuncium, cum de serenissima Regina non nisi honorificentissime prædicaris. Postea rem Cæsar e Reginæ literis intellexit, ad quas modo respondetur. Itaque mitius tecum et benignius actum iri neque occasionem defuturam spero ut amicitiam quæ inter nos inita fuit deinceps libere colamus.—Praga, vii Augusti, 1596. [P.S.] Serenissimæ Reginæ secretario quem mihi multum prædicasti ut me commendes rogo.
Addressed :—“Perillustri Domino domino Thomæ Arondelio, S. R. I. Comiti.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (47. 72.)
1596, July 28. Certificate of Richard Jourdayne, mayor, that the inhabitants of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis set forth the Great Catherine, with 30 men, for the Queen's present service, the charge whereof amounted to 160l. and upwards, which hitherto has been borne by the said inhabitants only, without the help of any of the inland or port towns or creeks of the county of Dorset. Moreover there are gone in the same service out of this town, of voluntary and pressed men, more than 130 mariners and sailors, besides the others. The owner of the ship and the men in her have referred themselves to the consideration of the Earl of Essex and the Lord Admiral for their pay.—28 July, 38 Eliz.
Signed. 1 p.
The Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. We received your letter on behalf of one George Brownman to be admitted into the freedom of this city of London, whereupon, having called a common council, they willingly and freely admitted Brownman. Withal, we entreat you to be a means to her Highness for the obtaining of an ordinary and anniversary suit. We have a grant from her most noble progenitors, confirmed unto us by her Majesty's charter, wherein is permitted to the Mayor, aldermen, and principal citizens to hunt in all her Majesty's forests and parks about the city, which was afterwards turned into an ordinary number of two stags and twenty bucks, for which we received warrant from the Justice of Oyer. That place being vacant by the decease of the late Lord Chamberlain we entreat your good favour to her Highness for the obtaining of her warrant for these stags and bucks, which as it may yield us some recreation, so it will give us occasion to remember our thankfulness due to her Highness for many other benefits of far greater importance.—From London, 29 July, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (33. 60.)
Lord Cromwell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. I beseech you let the protested love of myself and mine to my good Lord, your father, and all his, give assurance of the interest that your honourable self hath in me; and as by my late father I was wholly bequeathed unto his Lordship's disposing, so would I be most glad by all good occasions to give testimony of thankfulness for former good favours, and to desire the continuance of his Lordship and your good opinion as one that doth wholly rely and depend upon the honourable kindness of your Lordship and yourself. I hope it is conceived that my former time bestowed abroad in her Majesty's service hath not been fruitless, but that experience hath enabled me for the service of my Prince and country in anything whereto I may be called. If in any occasions, either at home or abroad, I may by your good means be remembered in anything fit for one of my sort, you shall find both my endeavours for her Highness' service and my thankful acknowledgment to his Lordship and yourself to be such as none shall more loyally serve the one nor more faithfully honour the other. Amongst other occasions, the lieutenancy of Norfolk where I live is not yet disposed of. There liveth not within the county any other of my rang, and for me to live there as a private Justice of the Peace, subject to the commandment and directions of others, I doubt not but you will conceive how unpleasing a taste it may have.
My humble suit in that behalf particularly, as in other occasions generally, I have already made known to his Lordship who hath promised to remember me both therein, and therefore I address the like request for your good favour. I will at your better leisure attend upon yourself.—This 29 July 1596, Ed. Crumwell.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (43. 5.)
Christopher Keynell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. Upon receipt of your Honour's letter, being the 26th present, I went to the tapestry man, to whom I offered 24s. ready money, but he would in no wise hearken thereto. Next day, I offered him 24s. 6d. but no acceptance would he thereof. This day I have agreed with him for 25s. and am to pay him ready money; the whole is 150 ells Flemish, which cometh to 187l. 10s. In the other suit of 140 Flemish ells, I have bespoken the stuff, and because I would have it exact to the depth of the room, may it please your Honour that a small lyme be sent of the depth, and how long every piece thereof. The whole shall be with borders, and if with any arms or other story, the same being drawn and sent, shall be set in. I have caused a case to be made for the better transport of these pieces and keeping them in threefold, and with the first good convoy for England will send them.
Seeing I am occasioned to write, I will presume farther for the imparting the occurrents this place and time giveth. Haerste is the object of all men's speech, being a near neighbour to us of Seland. Sir William Stanley is slain before this town, also Mounser de Roen, Lieutenant General to the Cardinal, and one Labalot, Colonel of the Wallones, and one of the valiantest in his whole army. On Monday last the enemy made three attempts to gain a ravelinge without a port, but were put by to their great loss. On Tuesday, the Cardinal commanded the Italians that should on horse to serve on foot, which they granted unto unwillingly. There were of them about 500, which had the first charge, and were many of them entered upon the wall, but were enforced to leave it to their exceeding great loss; the enemy had made a mine under part of this ravelinge, which he blew up, where there were lost of our men well near an hundred. The enemy attempted again, and were put off, and a mine made in the town by the Governor was fired, which slew many of the enemy. Here is writing come from Antwerp that the enemy lost that day thirteen captains and six hundred men at least. In the town they lost three captains and an hundred men. I dare not almost write to your Honour of the report that is here, how many men the enemy hath lost, but it is written from Antwerp, since his coming before this town, he hath lost six thousand men, which report is confirmed by a prisoner taken into the town on Tuesday last. The States have the river open, by which they send daily into the town men, munitions, and whatsoever is needful, and every day the hurt men are brought from there. There are remaining here at this present in this town above three hundred hurt men, for which the town taketh care. What is happened since Tuesday we do not yet know. Thus craving pardon for my bold attempt in presuming to write I humbly end.—Mydelboro, 29 July, 1596. (43. 6.)
Henry Knowlis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. Having matter (to my thinking) of some importance to deliver for the good of the commonweal, I stood not in a little doubt what I were best to do. First, for a man to put his finger in the fire and need not, I thought were mere folly : then again, to conceal that which in revealing might haply do much good, were neither fitting the mind of a good subject nor an honest man : and thus, being holden in doubtful balance a good time, danger holding me back on the one side, and love and duty to my prince and country pricking me forward on the other side, at length I concluded that, happen what should, I would disclose what I knew, and so have taken my journey out of Ireland hither to that purpose, and have, for divers considerations, made choice of your Honour (although unknown unto you) to deliver my mind unto. Wherefore, when it shall please your Honour to command me, I shall be ready to give my attendance.—29 July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (43. 7.)
Sir Richard Fenys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. By God's permission, my Lord, through the diligent care of Captain Goore who hath long attended at Yarmouth for him, arrived safely upon 28 July at Brill by 2 in the afternoon, putting out from Yarmouth about 4 of the clock upon the 27, being Tuesday; which day there arrived here a ship that came from St. Lucas, which confirmed the taking of eighteen galleys, the sinking of two and the escape of four, with the burning of the Great Philip : as also the taking of eighteen great ships more the next day following : further, the quiet possession of the Isle of Cales, won without any great resist ance, save only the bridge was defended by five hundred gentlemen who were also defeated. He saith also St. Marye Port is burned and St. Lucas (although with the loss of a thousand men) taken, the Duke of Medina departing but two hours before our Generals came to the castle. He further saith that the galley slaves (all which were enlarged) do great service and that the Moors by thousands come in and offer their services to our commanders; and by this ship it is here very confidently affirmed that our men have very lately taken Gibraltar.
For the news of Hulst, it is credibly reported here that the Spaniard hath been thrice repulsed from the assault, but hath not before the 27 (all which day they might hither hear the battery) lost above five hundred men, although it be reported many more. But there is a confident hope that the Flemish will hold it out for that they are fully supplied with all things and three thousand strong within the town, Count Solmes and Count Hollock being within and his Excellency hard by them : but the Spaniards won a scons wherein there were nine hundred men without any resistance. But the Cardinal having been twice sent for, it is thought he will forthwith remove into Artois, where the French King intendeth to attempt the winning of some town of importance; neither had the Spaniard continued thus long, if he had not won the scons.—From the Brill, this 29 July, 1596.
P.S.—This morning, the 29 July, the Lieutenant Governor, Captain Turner, told me he received a letter from Middleborowe that the Spaniards have gotten within the rampiers of the town of Hulst, and that they were twice repulsed, but the third time, with the loss of 500 men, they won the rampier.
2nd P.S.—At Hulst they sent the Cardinal word that he had more need to go to the rescue of Cales Males; the winning whereof (with as much more as the States can learn certainly to be true) is already imprinted here in these parts. My Lord intendeth this 29 to go to the Haege, but the Lieutenant Governor here hath most honourably entertained us all.
Second postscript holograph. Signed. 1½ pp. (43. 8.)
Zacharias Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 29. Right Honorable. Curœ loquntur leves, ingentes stupent. I have lost an honourable lord and master and fifteen years' service of the flower of my time. My case is very lamentable, not having wherewithal to relieve myself half a year to an end. If it had pleased God to have lent him life, I know he had determined an honourable recompence and stay of living for me, but his untimely death (to me and many others) hath cut off that expectation. I am not ignorant of the honourable regard you have had of my lady and her children since my Lord's decease, which argues the true respect your Honour had of him in his lifetime : and, therefore, (upon the assurance you pleased to give me the other day of your honourable intention to do me good) I have taken the boldness most humbly to pray a timely remembrance of me to her Majesty's gracious consideration, in such sort as it shall be pleasing to her and your H. to think fittest, without whose princely regard, I am a man utterly overthrown and of all others that ever served in her Majesty's Court of my rank the most miserablest. I beseech your Honour pardon my humble desire herein and further me to some relief.—Somersett House, this 29th of July, 1596
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 106.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596], July 29. Sir, What greater trial could I have of your honourable favour than already I have received, in that it pleased you, upon my unworthy letter, to grace my suit to those who chiefly could relieve the same; and, although the duty of kindred doth tie my love unto you, and those honourable parts which are in you are motives sufficient to make me reverence and esteem you, yet Sir I must confess such a favour as this doth work in me as sure effects of perfect love and true observance as, God willing, you shall ever find in me to my power. To whom have I to fly unto for favour and protection but to yourself, whom I must needs account as one most fortunately raised by God to strengthen our house : and as my account is thus of you, so I humbly pray you account of my service, not according to my ability, but according to my sincere affection, congratulating with the same the honourable title lately bestowed upon you, and wishing the accomplishment of the rest of your honourable desires, I humbly take my leave, from St. Leonardes nigh Nuark, this 29 of July, your nephew humbly to command, William Cecil.
Endorsed :—29 July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 107.)
Mrs. Mary Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596, July 30.] My father-in-law, Sir Matthew Arundell, is now at length contented to receive my husband with his family to live with him at Warder, only excepting against myself, upon some unkindness that passed between us at my last being there, neither (as I understand) is he otherwise to be wrought in this matter than by the advice of some especial friend. Wherefore, knowing yourself to be one on whose friendship he doth rely above any other, I am bold to entreat your letter, wherein, if it please you to assure him that I will not behave myself otherwise towards him than as shall become a kind and respective daughter-in-law, I am persuaded that such your persuasions will affect as much as I require of him. Myself will remain beholden to you for this courtesy, and be willing to deserve it in what I may. And so for this time I commit you to God, your well-wishing friend, Mary Arundell.
Endorsed :—“30 July 1596.” (43. 10.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 30. I have written to my Lord, your father, how great need there is that an officer be appointed from her Majesty to govern these marches, and to entreat that there might be one presently appointed; the country will soon run to ruin and decay else.
My humble request is that you will esteem of my credit, and as heretofore so now you will shew your love to me. My fear is that I shall be commanded from the Queen to stay here, and execute the place I had in my father's time by him till she appoint one fit to be Governor of Berwick and Warden of these marches. Sir, my trust is that you will not suffer me to be so disgraced. If Her Majesty shall think me worthy of the place and grant me a patent for the continuance thereof, I shall ever acknowledge myself most humbly bound to Her Majesty, and endeavour my best to serve her and my country; but to be appointed for a time and then to resign it to another, good Sir, I beseech you suffer it not to be so; for either absolute or not at all is my humble desire. My trust is in your Honour that I shall have your favour in this my reasonable request. God's mercy be with you ever and send you to live long and happy.—Barwick, the xxxth July 1596.
P.S. If the Queen bestow of my Lord, my brother, the government of Berwick (as reason would), I know he will look for the East March likewise, against whom I do not mean to oppose myself in anything; and therefore, good Sir, if you knoweth he shall have Berwick, speak not for me in the other office but that I may be dismissed, and hope to taste of your favour in some other things.
Postscript and signature holograph. Seal. 1 p. (43. 11.)
Lord Cromwell.
1596, July 30. Going from Fish Street to take boat at the Old Swan, and seeing a company assembled about some brawl wherein Captain Latham was, who was known to him, came amongst them to understand and pacify the matter.
Neither himself nor any of his had any purpose, nor made shew of quarrel or offence, neither drew any rapier, dagger or other weapon. While he was seeking to appease the matter, one Newman, an old man, being in choler, and (as it seemeth) not knowing him, and in all likelihood conceiving him to be a partaker of Captain Latham's, did strike him with his hand on the face. Upon which indignity, Lord Cromwell taking hold of his beard (which was long) said that his years and gray hairs should privilege him from striking, but his beard should not be excused, and therewith pulled away some part of it.
Hereupon, by command of Alderman Gurney, violent hands were laid upon him and he was carried into the house of A. B. There being haled and pulled by many on every side to take away his rapier (which he not so much as once offered to draw), he by chance with his hand struck the said A. B., the goodman of the house, upon the face, whom he knew not but being one of those that were then so busy about him. The said Alderman Gurney thereupon sent for the appointed marshals of London and their guard, to whose custody he offered to commit Lord Cromwell, protesting that if he would not go quietly, he should forcibly be carried away. He, thinking himself unworthily dealt withal, refused to yield therein, whereupon he was there holden prisoner by Alderman Gurney, with a guard upon him, and a great multitude of people gathered together, while the sheriff was sent for. On the sheriff's coming, Lord Cromwell went with him to the Lord Mayor's house, where he tarried two or three hours until the coming of the Lord Mayor and some of his brethren, and his recognisance in 500 marks was taken to appear before the Lords of the Privy Council on Sunday next in the morning.
Many unworthy speeches and deeds were done to him by Simpson, one of the Marshals (late a glassseller), under colour of his authority.
Headed :—“Memorial of wrongs done to the Lord Cromwell, 30 July, 1596.”
1 p. (43. 12.)
Sir William Russell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 30. I have written so lately as I have presently nothing to trouble you for the service, but having occasion to send my man thither with hawks, I have appointed him to deliver a cast unto your Honour, and to present you with an Irish nag, which (though he is not answerable to my liking) I hope you will take in good part, considering the scarcity in these times of extreme trouble. For I do assure your Honour I do hold myself so much bound unto you of late as I was most desirous to shew my thankfulness by something of better worth if this country and time would afford it.—Killmaineham, this xxxth of July, 1596.
Signed :—Will : Russell.
Seal. ½ p. (43. 13.)
R. Douglas to Archibald Douglas.
1596, July 31. Commending to his favour this bearer, Thomas Johnstoune, who is recommended to them both by the Earl Bothwell and certain other gentlemen whom he would be glad to pleasure wherein he might, the said Thomas having to travel in London in his lawful affairs of merchandise and, as occasion shall serve, to stay there.—From Edinburgh this last of July 1596.
Addressed :—“To my very good Lord and loving uncle Mr Archibald Douglas, one of His Majesty's Privy Council.”
Holograph. ½ p. (43. 14.)
Captain Thomas Lovell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 31. Concerning an offer made by Lovell to drain all the low lands.
Whereas Lord Burghley did say it was not convenient that all should be freed of their water, by reason that in drying some other some should be annoyed, by the leave of God he will not burden any man's ground with water dyke or water course, but rather it shall be an unburdening of any course or dyke that shall next butt and bound unto them. Likewise, he will not turn nor hinder any river, stream or water course, but rather will be a furtherance to all sewers, drains, rivers &c., and to passages for boats, and to amend the fishing for poor men, and make plenty of corn, pasture, and other provision for the poor commonalty. And whereas they have said that he asked many shires, thinks it were better he had the whole of England and Wales, being so good and godly a cause that it were better it should be freed in one year than to stay two years the doing : it will yield 10s. where now there is not ½d. made by the year and every man well contented. As Lovell has already told Cecil by word of mouth, for every 1,000l. laid out by his advice, he will in three or four years make it worth 1,000 marks a year for ever, and so proportionably. Begs Cecil to be a mean unto Her Majesty and Lord Burghley for expedition of his suit, and he will make sufficient proof on his charges.—This last of July, 1596.
Seal. 1 p. (43. 15.)
William [Day], Bishop of Winchester, to Lord Buckhurst.
1596, July 31. In your letter you have set down Her Majesty's pleasure in three points. The first is, that the Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, should proceed to the election of a warden in Winchester, according to their Statutes. The second is, that they should name and elect Mr. John Harmar. The last is, that I should forthwith give him admittance and approbation according to the form of the founder's Statutes. Unto the two first points, the Warden and Fellows are to give answer themselves. Touching the last, it may please your honour to understand that, under the Great Seal of England, Her Majesty hath commanded me to admit Mr. Cotton, to whom by virtue of Her Highness' prerogative she hath given the wardenship of the said College of Winchester. Which thing I have performed, albeit in the execution thereof, the sub-warden and the company did openly resist me, shutting the gates against me. I pray you consider whether without danger I may admit another upon your letters. If it please Her Majesty to revoke those former letters patent by some sufficient other deed, I shall be very ready to admit any lawfully chosen or named. To undo that done already is not in my power, and I wish your lordship would advisedly consider whether, Mr. Cotton's right standing as it doth, the acts and proceedings of another warden coming in after this manner may not hereafter be called into question. For the matter itself I stand indifferent, only my desire is, before I admit any other warden, I may have my sufficient warrant from Her Highness.—From my house at Waltham, this last of July, 1596.
Seal. Signed. 1 p. (43. 16.)
Sir George Trenchard and Sir Ralph Horsey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July 31. To the purport of your letters we have received into our hands the plot or discovery of the Indian voyage, with other books which your honour wrote for, being in the custody of one Samuel Mare and William Downe; who, upon delivery of them, made great moan and complaint unto us that the same should be taken from them, doubting thereby that other men should take the benefit of their travel, and so defeat Sir Walter Raughley and themselves of the prosecution of their hard and dangerous adventure begun. Insomuch that upon moanful complaint—being poor men and had great charge this voyage, being the only thing they rely upon for their good, having been employed divers times before in the action to their great loss and hindrance—by themselves and friends have intreated us to solicit this—that you will let the plotts remain in our hands till Sir Walter Rawleigh return, upon whom it should seem they wholly stand, to be to him in safety delivered, hoping thereby to be further employed, for whom they judge your honour undertakes this that is done. In regard whereof they hope your Honour will afford them this favour : if otherwise, things that are in our custody shall be addressed to you with all conveniency that may be.—From Dorchester, the last of July, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (43. 17.)
Monsieur N. Pillart to the Earl of Essex.
1596, July 31/Aug. 10. The praise of his Lordship's wisdom resounds throughout the world, but particularly in France, where he knows it by hearsay only, not being now in England as at one time he was, when he had the honour to be in his Lordship's service, with Monsieur De Mongomery. Being ever mindful of many benefits received from his Excellency, and from the late Monseigneur his father, has an extreme desire to go to England to see Essex, and hopes that it may be gratified before he dies.—Denouzville en Beausset (?), 10 Aug. 1596.
Holograph. French. Seal. ½ p. (43. 71.)
Lady Margaret Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July. Though my present state and misery be fittest only to continue in prayer to God for His grace that I may with patience endure this rod of my afflictions, yet doth the “feeling” knowledge of my brother Robert's estate and despairs when he shall hear of this desolate news, added to her Majesty's former undeserved displeasure, so fright me that I am forced to be a mediator to you that he may not be forgotten. Alas! Sir, his desires were such at his going down as both his wife and I had much ado to make him stay in his own country. Judge then what this new assault of sorrow will work in him; for besides his natural grief, his office of the wardenry which he had under my lord is gone, his office of Norham is no avail to him, his brother having (by her Majesty's commandment) the commodity of it, so as in that country both countenance and commodity is lost now, and if her Majesty with some remorse do not “begene” comfort in him that was first overthrown by her, I fear we shall have cause to bewail the untimely misfortune of my brother with the unfortunate loss of my father. “She that is nothing but grefe and misery, Margarete Hoby.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (42. 34.)
Lord Hunsdon.
1596 [July]. “A note of the charges of the funerals of the right honourable Henry late Lord Hunsdon, and late Lord Chamberlain to the Queen's most excellent Majesty.”
Note of the price and quantity of cloth allowed to the Lords Keeper, Treasurer, Chamberlain, Buckhurst, Rich, and De la Ware, Banner bearer, Standard bearers, and their servants; to Knights, Gentlemen, Doctors of Divinity, &c., &c., on the occasion of Lord Hunsdon's funeral : e.g.
The Chief Mourner 8 yards @ 23s. 4d. the yard.
6 servants 1½ yards apiece ” ”
Concluding :—
Garter King at Arms agreed with for the charges of the hearse with the banners and banner rolls and other necessaries to it belonging, in gross 100l.
The duties of the church 20l.
The dole 14l.
Expenses necessary 13l. 6s. 8d.
Bayes hired to hang the church, &c., and lost 8l. 16s. 3d.
Sum total of charges, 1,106l. 17s.
2 pp. (42. 77.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596, July.] If I do over much importune, blame not me but that passion of mind that doth importune me. I crave that one kiss of those grace-giving hands may be a confirmation to me of Her Majesty's favours, the enjoying of which I have made the scope of all my life's actions. And if in this I shew more passion than Aristotle doth allow to seven-and-thirty years of age, lay it to her charge, the irresistible force of whose virtues may easily overcharge my mind, too weak a vessel for so strong a liquor. It may please Her Majesty to think that there is no fault but in the will, and then (beside my own protestation that I never had will to offend) the matter itself will manifest that this honour was given not for my sake but for Her Majesty's—not to Thomas Arundell (though descended of blood not unfit to bear such a title, if so Her Majesty allow it) but to her kinsman, so as in all this action nothing is properly to be called mine, saving my desire to deserve well of Her Majesty, my labour to breed a good opinion in foreign princes of my country and myself, and lastly, my humility used, and ever to be used towards my sacred Sovereign. And though I had attained this honour by suit (which is not by suit to be attained), yet do I assure me that her deep piercing judgement would soon censure so natural a desire to be error and not scelus; which errour either my shipwreck, my imprisonment, Her Majesty's disfavour, or my father's determination to disinherit me, may by this time have been [sic] sufficiently punished, and had I not been somewhat strengthened by your persuasion that time and humble demeanour would at length reconcile me to my prince's gracious acceptance, my poor reason had made but weak opposition to so many miseries. Wherefore let me conjure you to solicit my cause as that Her Majesty may rightly conceive of my course of life wholly bended to her service, that she give not over easy ear to such tales or talemakers as shall inform her that my wife hath assumed as yet to herself any higher place than she was borne to, or that I have broken my promise of submitting myself and my claim to this honour to her consideration; both which accusations I have at large answered to my cousin Stanhope, and do now openly own that they are most untrue. Truly, my honourable cousin, my thoughts of my father's birth and worth were never so base but that I might hope in time Her Majesty would advance him to some higher degree; from whose sacred hands the least addition of honour would be much more clear than any foreign title, and therefore now can I not be brought so far to despair as to look for less from my most admired Queen than justice with favour. Hers I am whatsoever I am; her kinsman, though unworthy; her subject, her sworn servant; whom God ever direct and prosper whatsoever become of me or my fortune.
Holograph. 2 pp. (43. 18.)
John Edmonds to The Queen.
[1596, July.] The great happiness which your subjects have enjoyed under your Majesty in their love, in the trial they have received that your Majesty hath been ever willing to favour them in uttermost clemency and mercy, and allowing to the least to come themselves and beg it of you, maketh me thus to presume to press and creep hereby to the same your Majesty's grace, to beseech you in all humility to withdraw from me the cloud of your heavy displeasure, and to be pleased to be informed of my reverent affection and desire to do you all humble service to my uttermost possibility.
Your Majesty's commandment being signified unto me to return into France, I desire it would please you to take notice of my ruined estate, and, in respect of my unableness longer to support the burthen of that service, that either I might be spared or enabled to serve your Majesty as I am bound. Whether I did therein make a false suggestion of my estate and the insufficiency of your Majesty's allowance to make me to live there, I must humbly beseech your Majesty to be pleased to refer the examination thereof either to one of your Council or such as have been your Ambassadors in that country, to take straight account in all particularities of the manner of my living there, and if it appear that I might suffer more for your Majesty's service than I am willing to do, let me receive sharpest punishment. My fear also to be engaged there for a long season in respect of the unaptness of the time for your Majesty to send an Ambassador thither, and now likewise, wanting that relief which heretofore I derived from Sir Henry Unton's purse, made me the more importunately to beg that I might so return as I might, without further troubling your Majesty, afterwards be enabled to serve for the time it should please your Majesty to continue me there, and whereby, freed of that care of mind, I might the better serve. And since it is behoveful that your Majesty be well served, I hope it will please you to allow it to be an honest and necessary duty to be zealous and provident to satisfy that care. I know how great a happiness I have (being so unworthy a wretch) to be employed in the service of so rare and perfect wisdom, and God is my witness, my mind hath no other apprehensions than to strive to serve you as appertaineth to so great a merit, as I hope ever to make faithful proof in all occasions that it shall please your Majesty to use my poor service, and do hold myself most unhappy that the miseries of my condition, in unableness, maketh me to incur other suspicion of an unwilling disposition. And where your Majesty doth conceive further offence against me in that I did not acknowledge my most humble thankfulness to you for the office which it pleased your Majesty to bestow on me, I were a very unworthy wretch if I should not therein hold myself highly bound to your Majesty's gracious favour, as a place much too good for me, but the poverty of my wracked estate, enforcing me on the one side to entreat your further compassion and relief to enable me to serve you therein, and more fearing on the other side to offend you, made me in that ecstasy to lose both judgment and speech, and to commit so great a fault, for the which I most humbly crave pardon, which you have been ever accustomed to extend towards greatest offenders, whereby you have made yourself most glorious, in that yours do as respectively love your own person as they do fearfully apprehend the rigour of your laws. And I most humbly beseech your Majesty to be pleased to join to that grace the releasing of the stay made by you of your grant to me, that I may sustain myself by the relief thereof, being not otherwise longer able to subsist, to attend the occasions of your service; the which having been ever of virtue to gain to all men their making, I hope it will not please your Majesty to make me the first example of misery after my painful endeavours therein, but that with others I shall as well magnify you for your goodness as in bounden duty I do affectionately daily pray to God to bless us in the continuance of your Majesty's happy long life and most prosperous Government.
Endorsed :—“July, 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (43. 21.)
William Kennedie.
1596, July. Whereas complaint hath been made by divers persons that they cannot keep their servants nor others of their retinue without molestations and grievances done unto them, as well by ordinary messengers as others, upon colourable searches, vexations, and feigned causes of inmates, papistry and such like : Know ye to whom these presents shall be shown that William Kennedie, servant unto Mr. Archibald Douglas, resident in London, is by his said master avouched to be a man of good and honest conversation, and therefore not by any whosoever to be molested or troubled without special warrant from the Lords of the Council. The Court this—of July, 1596.
Draft. ¼ p. (43. 22.)
G. Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596, July.] I understand by some of my good friends your honourable opinion of me and good affection towards me. It is no more than my love hath ever been desirous to deserve and no less than my present estate needeth, who, besides the loss of a good father, must bear the burden of a naked honour, which yet I could the better bear if the world did not expect that I who have lived honourably without honour should increase my charge with my title, and equal him in greatness who had many more hundreds by office than he hath left scores in land, and though I make no doubt but that Her Majesty, in her love to him who was more careful to serve her than to provide for his, will be mindful of that house which is so near unto her, yet, because I would not be prevented by the opportunity of suitors, I heartily pray you to play that part of a friend to me and of a faithful councillor to her as to put her in mind what the nearness of my blood, what the ripeness of my years, what my former service in meaner places, what the poor estate of my barony, what the opinion of the world expecteth in those offices of my lord's, for the which I hope to be found as meet as others; in which respect I send a brief of all his lands and offices, as well to make known the truth of his estate against the overslanderers thereof, as also in hope her Majesty will think them no less fit for me than necessary for my estate. Wherein I shall owe you much and yet no more than I will be ready to requite.
Enclosure :
The state of the lands and offices whereof the late Lord Chamberlain died seized.
In Lands.
Per Annum.
£ s. d.
Of all he had and was born unto, he only left to his wife, heir, and all his children 366 0 0
In Offices.
Governor of Berwick and Warden of the East Marches, in value to him or very near thereabouts 1,050 0 0
Lord Chamberlain, whereby allowed a table and fee of 166 13 4
Justice in oyer on this side Trent, his fee thereof 133 6 8
Captain of the Pensioners, with the fee of 365 0 0
Carver, with the fee of 33 6 8
Master of the Hawks, with the fee of 33 6 8
The keeping of Hyde Park and Somerset House. Matters of honour and pleasure not of profit.
Lieutenant of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Gentlemen of Her Privy Chamber and of Her Council.
Summa 2,147 3 4
(43. 23.)
Ships furnished by the City of London.
1596, July. Account of the charge of the setting forth of the twelve ships and two pinnaces, with twelve hundred men in them, by this city in this their present voyage with the Earl of Essex and Lord High Admiral.
£ s. d.
The city appointed committees who made provisions of beeves, fish, bread and cask; but, being contended with by the owners in hiring of their ships, they were enforced for more expedition to leave the same to be ordered by the Lord High Admiral, who set down that the city should pay to the owners 15l. per man and they make their several ships provisions, and to bear their own freights and to pay men their wages, limiting to every ship their several numbers of men, and every ship to take of the provisions aforesaid their proportionable parts; so the charges of 1,200 men at 15l. per man amounted to 18,000 0 0
The city do find in losses by making the said provisions, for that the owners made some variance in receiving of the same, and in other charges about that voyage, it will stand them in some 400l. or 500l. 500 0 0
Sum of the whole charge 18,500 0 0
Endorsed :—July, 1596. (43. 25.)
The States General and Sir Horatio Palavicino.
1578, July 2. The States General of the Low Countries, recognising the benefit done unto them by Her Majesty in yielding to grant her assurance to the behoof of Sir Horatio Pallavicino for the sum of 16,636l. 7s. 3d., payable by moieties in February and October 1579, do by instrument of 2 July 1578 bind themselves, their subjects and goods, for Her Majesty's indemnity, and to give their sufficient further caution and assurance in that behalf so soon as they may be sufficiently informed that the said Sir Horatio, or his factor, shall have received assurances from Her Highness for the same.
Nov. 3.—The same States acknowledging, by another instrument dated 3 November 1578, that Her Majesty by six several obligations under the Great Seal, dated 3 September 1578, for payment of that sum of 16,636l. 7s. 3d. by two payments, viz., the last of February 1579 and the last of October following, had given her security, and that the Mayor and Commonalty of the city of London stood also bound to the said Horatio as principals, by Her Majesty's assent, by their letters obligatory under their common seal dated 5 September aforesaid; the said States for Her Majesty's indemnity, and the city of Loudon, do for themselves and their successors bind themselves and every of them, their subjects and their goods, for the true payment of the said sum to Her Majesty, or to the said Sir Horatio, or to such as should be thereunto authorised, at the time and places of payment in the said letters contained.
The like instruments are made by the States for 12,121l. 4s. 0d. to Babtista Spinola.
And these two sums, being by the said States received of Sir Horatio and Babtista, amounting to 28,757l. 11s. 3d.
1581, July 1. The States by another instrument reciting that Her Majesty, as above, had given security to the said Sir Horatio and Babtista for the said sum of 28,757l. 11s. 3d., as also in respect that she had obtained some respite of time for payment of the principal, and therewith also in default of their payment thereof at the days and times prefixed, had in the manner of interest, after the rate of 10l. in the 100 yearly, paid to the said Sir Horatio and Babtista out of her own Treasury, at the instance of the said States, the sum of 4,616l. 13s. 1d.; by their said instrument, dated 1 July 1581, do add and unite the said sum to the former sum, so as their debt by such incorporation grew to the sum of 33,374l. 4s. 4d.
For the interest of which sum, Her Majesty, by letters patent dated 15 March, anno 23o of her reign, did grant to Sir Horatio a yearly annuity of 2,942l. 11s. 4d., by virtue of which letters he received for two years ended the last of December in her 25th year 5,885l. 2s. 8d.
But the annuity being less than the due interest, Her Majesty by other letters patent, dated 8 June in the said 25th year of her reign, for the full interest for the said two years, doth grant unto him the sum of 789l. 13s. 2d., and by the same letters doth increase the former annuity by a second grant to the sum of 3,337l. 8s.d., by virtue of which second letters patent, Sir Horatio hath received in nine years, ended last of December 34 Eliz., the sum of 30,036l. 15s. 9d.
He hath further received also of the executors of the late Lord Chancellor, as parcel of his debt to Her Majesty, in discharge of so much of her debt to Sir Horatio as in behalf of the States by a privy seal, dated 13 February 24 Eliz., whereupon one of her letters patent obligatory and of the City's bonds to that same were cancelled, 4,425l. 13s. 10d.
And so the principal debt of 33,374l. 4s. 4d. became reduced to 28,948l. 10s. 6d.
Whereby the interest also, notwithstanding the second letters patent for continuing the second annuity until he received his full debt of 33,374l. 4s. 4d., or were otherwise compounded for, became, rated proportionably to the debt, diminished to 2,894l. 17s.
After which rate, he hath received for one year and a half to 1 July 1593, since which time payment of any annuity for his said interest hath been discontinued, 4,342l. 6s. 6d.
And so he hath received in all, 45,479l. 6s. 6d.
Burghley's note :—The debt was but 28,757l. so more paid than the Xth—16,722l. 11s. 11d.
Memorandum : This view is taken upon consideration of the reckoning as it standeth betwixt Sir Horatio Pallavicino and Her Majesty, to whom Her Highness hath paid part of the principal as above, in respect of which the interest is also for the sum and rate abated accordingly.
But in account betwixt Her Majesty and the States, who for any thing appearing have not satisfied any part of the principal or interest, the sum remaineth entire the full sum of 33,374l. 4s. 4d. according to the instrument of incorporation, and the interest seemeth answerable accordingly as Her Highness doth stand chargeable with the same.
Burghley's notes :
Interest unto July 1596 at 2,894l. 17s. from July 1593 — 11,576l.
Nota :—If the States shall answer to Her Majesty 33,374l. 4s. 4d., then Her Majesty shall lose by her payments of 45,479l. 11s. 3d.—12,105l.
Endorsed :—“July, 1596.”
And by Burghley :—“The States' Bonds for Palavicino's debt.”
Draft.pp. (43. 27.)
Particulars of Bonds entered into by the States in 1578 and 1581, referred to in the foregoing view of Account.
Endorsed by Burghley :
“Bonds of the States for Palavicino's debt.”
Undated. Draft. 1 p. (43. 26.)
Lady Riche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July. Worthy Sir Robert; The obligation you have tied me in by your noble and kind friendship doth increase so much as though I know not how to acquit myself of so great a debt, yet my affection to honour and esteem you ever shall be as assured unto you as your favours hath been to me, who desires to merit them and yields you infinite thanks for the grace you vouchsafe my uncle, hoping that his fortune cannot be hard so long as he shall be happily favoured by you. When you hear any more news of my brother, I pray you let me enjoy the sound of it, which I trust will be pleasing to all his friends, among which number, as you are the worthiest, so have you been in his absence the most honourable and kindest. He, I am sure, will faithfully requite it, and myself will deserve your noble affection by being ever firm in loving and honouring your virtues.—Penelope Riche.
Endorsed :—“July, 1596.”
Holograph. Seals. 1 p. (43. 30.)
John Sanderson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, July. The 3rd present the Lord Ambassador departed towards the Great Turk's camp; the Vizere much hasted his departure, for so it was the Grand Signor's pleasure. I being here resident, factor for Mr. Cordell, his Lordship required me to remain his “Vichele,” being needful that one be here in his absence to answer both to matters that may occur concerning the merchants, for their better quiet trafficking and proceeding in their affairs, as for conveyance of letters; also ordinarily to advise his Lordship what passeth here. Matter worthy to be noted at this present I have not whereof to certify you, other than that having accompanied his Lordship some forty miles on his way, the great numbers of people bound to the camp, their quiet progressing without giving any manner of disturb to the towns and villages wherethrough they pass, the abundance of all kind of grain by the way untouched of them, with so great plenty of all things, is to be admired, shewing the great love the people bear or fear they have of this their Emperor. Certain news here is not of any thing passed since the Grand Signor's departure. When I hear any matter worth the writing, I will not fail to certify your Honour thereof, for so my Lord Ambassador hath ordered me, and I shall be the readier if I might know it so standeth with your liking. I was at first very unwilling to have troubled your Honour with my letters, but his Lordship alleged it to be no less than my duty in time of his absence and in a manner commanded me.
Endorsed :—“July, 1596. John Sanderson to my master from Constantinople.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (43. 31.)
Lady Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596, July]. Sier, I understand that the Darling, wherein Lemish went to Gueano [Guiana], is come into Yarmouth safely some eight days past. As yet I hare not heard one word from him or any of my men there, which I wonder at, but that I think they are returning about with the pinnace for London. As soon as I hear where they are, if it please you to send down a man to them, as I will send them on to them, that you may know what they have brought; which cannot be anything, as I think, much worth, for that the Spaniards are already possessed in Gueano, I mean along the shore, so as they durst not land, and also Topeaware, the king that was Her Majesty's subject, is dead and his son returned. This, Sier, you hear your poor absent friend's fortune, who, if he had been as well credited in his reports and knowledges as it seemeth the Spaniards were, they had now been possessed of that place. Thus humbly taking my leave in haste,—Milend, this Wensday, your poor friend, E. Ralegh.
Endorsed :—July, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (43. 29.)
Lord Admiral Howard to the Earl of Essex.
[1596, July.] I have received your writing by the “cocson.” I perceive your lordship will not be before night at the place to embark; our boats have attended there all yesterday and all this day, for that your lordship did write you would be there. I sent my boat yesternight by Morgan who returned this morning, saying they were aground and were fain to return, for they had no water to pass. My lord, all men are tired with continual rowing either up or for water, but there hath been great abuses, for when the boats have been sent up for the ordinance and to bring weak men, they have been sent back with luggage, every man seeking for his own profit. I have not had the leisure with any of my boats to water. I do send your lordship my boat by Morgan, and I think there is the Lion's boat and your own, with the Mere Honour's, gone to you, for so I commanded, and two boats will carry all the ordinance that I hear is there. Where your lordship doth write to have the sick men in their own ships, I do think your meaning is that the soldiers shall all return to the ships they went out of, and so have I sent to the boats to do; but you shall do well their officers may go with the sick men that may best order it, but you shall see that the luggage will pester the sick men, and that some will have more care of that than of the men. Divers boats yesterday and this night are come with luggage that might better have brought sick men. I send the boats with all speed, and God send you and your company well aboard and me some fresh meat.—The Ark, 10 o'clock.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (47. 101.)
The Expedition to Cadiz.
1596, July. Memorandum of the names of persons who were in the town of Cadiz and have left it by (he favour of those who were lodged in their houses, viz :—The Petty Canon (raçionero) Chiviaga with six others named, Jeronimo Jayna with five, the Vicar-General (provisor) with five, Dr. Cuellar with four, Bartolome Sufia with six, Canon (Canonigo) Termineli with five (among them the bishop of Cusco), Hernando Deguemel Castellano, Francesco Duar te Caboverde, and four others.
At the foot in another hand.—All these were in the bulwark of San Felipe, which was and is included in the agreement “y nos toca, y no sabimos que sean fecho.”
Endorsed by Essex :—“Names of the pledges at Cales.”
Spanish. 1 p. (47. 112.)
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
[1596, July.] The more I see your letters, read your answer, and weigh your resolution, I ever rather impose the fault on our Ambassador's neglect, in not touching the material groundwork of this our unkindness, than can imagine that, for your own honour, though all respect of us were debarred, you should not weigh so the balances awry as that a mean man's taking, whether right or wrong, should weigh down the poise, that our treacherous castle's breach should have no right redress. Neither, if you understood it aright, can we believe that, if all the council of Scotland would tell it you, they might cause you be persuaded that commissioners should need or ought try whether any subject of yours should take out of any our holds a prisoner, however taken, and, therefore, do not beguile yourself nor let them make you believe that ever I will put that to a trial as a matter doubtful. But for the truth to be known of the first taking of that silly man, and divers other points fallen out betwixt our wardens, I agree very willingly to such an order; but let the matter of greatest moment, which is the malefact of the larceny, be first redressed. And if such a treachery had been committed by a man that either ought for dear affection (won him by his demerits), nay, if not by such as whose deeds in public (whatever in private) hath well shewed his small regard of your commands, I might have borne with your partiality; but if you remember his former foregoing deeds, as well in your realm as without, I shall need the less to solicit my honour and his right. Where you yield that, if such causes be not ever adjudged by such like manner of commissioners, you yield to what censure of you I shoul choose, I would lothly take such advantage; for, if you ever found that it were put to trial whether such a violent entry were lawful, or that the malefactor was not rendered, I will wage my credit of that wager. And when you plainly now do see my true meaning of repair of honour, which so lately hath been blotted, and how no desire of quarrelling for trifles, nor backwardness in faithful affection, which you never shall find to quail but by your own desert, I hope at length you will postpose your new advisers, and remember her who never yet omitted any part that might concern a most faithful friendship's love; and for such one hold me still that whatever she hears (yea, by your own) will never trust but you, as God best knows.
Endorsed :—“July 1596. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scots.”
pp. (133. 148.) [Printed by the Camden Society, Ed. Bruce, p. 116.]