Cecil Papers: May 1596, 16-31

Pages 183-208

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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May 1596, 16–31

Thomas Arundel to his cousin, Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 16. Being returned out of the country full of fresh air and dutiful allegiance to his sovereign, thinks no time too soon to desire to kiss those sceptre bearing hands, which he hopes will be as gracious in raising the humble as hitherto fortunate in oppressing the proud. Has been taught there is no fault but in the will, and the articles he undertook to effect, with the whole course of his endeavours in her Majesty's service, will witness whether he were willing to deserve his best. Yet to fill up those duties by ignorance or want of force hitherto left unfinished, offers himself daily and hourly ready to be disposed by direction of his most admired prince, wheresoever her never erring judgment thinks him fit to be employed.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (40. 85.)
Dr. Bilson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 16. I have these two days treated and laboured with the fellows, first with entreaty and then with more vehemence, to proceed to the election of Mr. Cotton. I have added as much force of statute as by any means I might, and forewarned them of the danger that may ensue if they proceed not to the election of a new fellow upon the avoidance of a fellowship by the resignation of one Mr. Thomas Jeffreys. The sum of their answer and action is this, that if Mr. Jeffreys will finally depart by resignation according to the statute they will presently proceed to the election of another, but upon the conditional resignation which he offered they take themselves bound by duty to God and their founder not to proceed. For their proceeding to a new election would draw Mr. Jeffreys to the manifest breach of a statute and to the guilt of most apparent perjury. And since they stand sworn, not only to observe the statutes themselves, but as much as in them lieth to make all others observe the same, they think they are bound by their oath to keep Mr. Jeffreys from violating the statute, except he will wilfully infringe the same. But since he hath referred the condition of his resignation to their choice (for if they will not proceed to election his place is not void, as they think, and himself saved from perjury) they dare not, as they say, by their action draw him to a plain breach of the statute and danger of so great sin before God. This is the effect of their answer shortly reported unto you, as by their acts more at large may appear, which I have sent herewith that you may see the course of our proceedings therein. Truly this much I must say, which will appear to be an evident truth, that every fellow of this house is strictly sworn not to depart but after four months' warning first given. In the rest, whether they have done well or ill, I leave to wisdoms that can better judge of it than myself. They require to have their whole course certified under the literal seal of this College to such persons as they think meet for discharge of themselves to make suit unto, which will stay me here all this day. To-morrow, God willing, I mean to set forward and thought it my duty in the meantime, with more haste than I can make in person, to advertise you of our whole proceedings.—Winton, the 16th of May, '96.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (40. 86.)
Dr. Bilson, Warden, and the Fellows of St. Mary's College, Winchester to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 16. On the subject mentioned in the preceding letter.—The College near Winton, 16 May, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (40. 87.)
Enclosed were :
1. Resignation of Thomas Jeffryes.
Latin. 1½ pp. (136. 54.)
2. Certified copies of the acts of the Fellows on 14 May in relation thereto.
8 pp. (136. 55.)
[See Calendar of S. P. Dom. Eliz. under date 7 June, 1596, Lord Buckhurst to Cecil, where similar documents are fully calendared.]
Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 16. The sudden alteration of your conceit of me hath not a little distempered me and could wish it had not happened, not being one whit satisfied till I may understand that you are. This night, I protest to God, I neither slept nor came in bed, partly through the conceit of your letters, and partly for the care I had to accomplish your expectation concerning the diamond, wherein I have not slacked any moment of time, and at last have spoken this morning by three o'clock with Langley, shewed him my Lord Cobham's letter, whereat he was so far gone out of himself that for a time I knew not what to make of him, fish or flesh, wise or foolish; protesting solemnly he would rather choose to rot in prison than bewray or deliver the thing, and esteemed himself happy in that the day precedent, upon some vain chimera or fantistic conceit of his own, he had removed it from the usual place. Nevertheless, at the last the passion assuaged, and so by little and little became foolish kind, and somewhat timorous, and in the end faithfully promised that he would not fail forthwith to repair unto you (as so advised by me) and offer the thing unto you to be disposed of, either privately to gain or otherwise for good opinion, as should be thought most in your wisdom for his good, which I assured him shoulld be honourably and safely performed towards him and myself, if once you were but let to know that I was deeply engaged therein. But in any case that he should not repair to Lord Cobham by reason I utterly misliked the phrase of the letter, doubting thereby some danger intended to us both. Much ado there was before this was, and I long to understand whether he hath been with you or not. He would not be satisfied till I delivered him Lord Cobham's letter, mistrusting that it is not his. As you need not be doubtful of assured good event in this, so have you just cause more than to doubt of the like in the other of as great, if not greater, value; and but that the burnt child dreadeth fire, there is offered excellent opportunity of a profitable cheat of nature not much different. But time must work it. You will not easily imagine how beneficial the acquaintance of these coistrels sometimes proveth if they be at fit times somewhat kindly and gloriously cokest [indulged]. I departed this morning after I had despatched these businesses about four o'clock, doubting to stay longer for fear of her Majesty's displeasure, and some arrest to be made on me by my creditors, and thought it more fit to write unto you from hence than to be thought backward in this expedition upon conceit of any discontented humour that might have grown upon former cause. You see that yourself might by mine industry have made your choice in share with me of the gain of 2,000l. or 3,000l., and yet of late, such was my hard fortune that I was refused in a matter of one hundred after two years' prosecution of my poor suit.—From Harford Bridge near Hartley Rew, the 16th of May, 1596.
[P.S.] Sir, I hope you will not forget immediately upon the receipt of the diamond to cause my 315l. to be repaid to this my servant, otherwise I shall make but a shrewd match of it.
Signed. 1⅓ pp. (40. 89.)
Sir William Russell, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Queen.
1596, May 16. Since the receipt of the late letters from your Majesty and instructions for the repair to the borders of Sir John Norris and Sir Geoffrey Fenton, to make known to Tyrone and O'Donnell your pleasure touching them, their adherents, kinsfolk, and followers of Ulster, they have made a journey to Dundalk and from thence again returned, being grown to a kind of conclusion with them; which, they say, themselves did by their letters advertise to your Privy Council before they did acquaint me or the Council here therewithal, so as by that means we could neither join with them therein nor deliver our opinions thereof, and therefore most humbly desire to be held excused. The pledges they have taken of Tyrone are two sons of his brother Cormock's and Turlogh Mac Henry's, to be put in upon the delivery of Tyrone's pardon, which is ready to be sent him by Sir Robert Dillon. But those pledges being thought here very weak to restrain and tie a man of so great means from doing mischief when either any new humour of disloyalty or dregs of the old shall incite him, I crave leave in discharge of my duty, both to make known unto your Majesty that the same were taken without consent of myself or the rest of the Council here, who expected that Tyrone's own son should have been one pledge upon him, especially when we heard that neither he nor O'Donnell had any speech with the commissioners but were dealt with altogether by the mediation of Warham St. Leger and William Warren, captains serving your Majesty in this your realm; and further, with your Majesty's favour, to deliver mine opinion as followeth, which in all humility I submit unto that perfection of wisdom which the world admireth in your most excellent Majesty. That both Tyrone and O'Donnell were busily practising with Spain did appear unto your Majesty by the letters intercepted in September last at Drogheda, as they were from thence to have been conveyed by a priest. That the same was true and unfeigned themselves have both since acknowledged, and therefore no further doubt to be made thereof. That Spain hath given them hearing in their motion hath by sundry advertisements been confirmed, which from time to time I transcribed to the Lord Treasurer to be imparted unto your Majesty; and now of late it is most manifest that according to the time prefixed in the said letters, there hath been true touch kept with them by the sending both of treasure and munition, if not of men likewise, which yet some think are coming after and will be with them shortly. All these have induced me to think that these rebels should most hardly now neglect what themselves have sought by all means to procure. But be it that Spain hath no such purpose to send men, in regard he hath presently many other employments; or that Tyrone hath refused indeed to deal with them, as by his letter to Sir John Norris he maketh shew, may it in reason be thought that the Spaniard, having once begun with them, as knowing how apt and fit they are to give your Majesty incumbrance, will cease upon every opportunity to incense them to new rebellions; and then will this kingdom lie open to these very great inconveniences. First, both Ulster and the whole province of Connaught by this peace, in the judgment of all men, will be very much freed and exempted from the ordinary course of your Majesty's laws, and fail to practise their old Irish customs of Tanistry, to your Highness's great prejudice and loss in wardships and otherwise, and to the overthrow of the composition in Connaught. By that means the English will forbear to plant and settle amongst them, which before were good stays to the several parts where they remained, but now utterly rooted out by this rebellion; a matter from the very beginning thereof specially intended and practised. The Irish then possessing the whole country, all linked to Tyrone and O'Donnell and sworn followers and defenders upon their fortune, whether war or peace; the sea open to them throughout one half of the realm at the least, and liberty to practise at pleasure without restraint or note; weary of the English government, bewitched with popery and superstition, doating in the love of Spain and proud of their strength and friendship : I cannot but thereupon conclude, yet under correction as aforesaid, that I see no safety in this peace unless your Majesty continue good forces here to avoid some of these inconveniences, lest they all concurring carry with them the loss of this your Majesty's kingdom; which how dear it is to me in respect of my duty and the trust your Majesty hath reposed in me, these lines will manifest to your Highness.—Kilmainham, this 16th of May, 1596.
Signed. Seal over silk, and portion of seal.pp. (40. 91.)
Sir Thomas Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. Understanding that certain forces are to be sent into France and that her Majesty hath taken into her hands two towns, Boulogne and Monstreil, wherein standing garrisons are to be kept, my suit is, if governors be not yet set down, that I may be by you nominated to one of these places. I would ere this have waited on you but that I have been visited with an ague and am not yet clear of it.
Endorsed :—“17 May, 1596.”
Holograph. ½ p. (40. 92.)
Michael Stanhope to John Stanhope, his brother.
1596, May 17. Is daily solicited by some friends of Williamson, who is in the Tower, to entreat that he might have some liberty within the Tower for the recovery of his health, which is said to be in peril, his body being extreme weak for want of air. Prays his furtherance thereunto, for the poor man hath lain long in great misery.—This 17th May.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (40. 93.)
William, Earl of Derby to his uncle, Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. I have received your letter concerning 100l. due to you. No sooner shall my money be received but you shall be satisfied, which I expect with all expedition, for both Doughty and Ireland are in town and mean to take the speediest course herein.—Russell House, May 17th.
Signed. ⅓ p. (40. 94.)
Richard Staper and Thomas Cordell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. We have received your letter concerning a cause between Thomas Adderley and William Halleday, merchants, which we found to be thus : Adderley had ventured under Halleday's licence certain cloths and other goods to the value of 500l. to be sold in the island of Tarserus or Luishborne, whereof a part was sold in the said islands and returned in wood, and the rest of the commodities carried forth returned back in the same ship it went; and all that Adderley demanded, before us, of Halleday was for not discharging his goods wholly at the said islands or at Luishborne, according to a contract made between them upon the penalty of 500l. But for that we did not find Halleday merely indebted to Adderley, but rather Adderley indebted to Halleday for his licence, some small matter, for so much goods as was sold and returned from the islands, we wished them to make between them some friendly agreement therein, and so we left it.—17 May, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (40. 95.)
William Holliday to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. Whilst my servant was with Mr. Stapers and Mr. Cordall with your letter to certify you how they found the matter between Mr. Aderley and me, this Aderley, knowing he hath no just cause of action against me, hath now procured a very friend of his, who was with him at court yesterday to see how the matter would be taken, for arresting me in contempt of your protection. His friend, Thomas Bothby, of London, yesternight laid an execution upon me for 150l., his debt being 86l.; so now Aderley hath his will, God comfort him better than he comforts me and mine. So now I have no remedy in the world, but worse and worse, for now they put on me irons because I paid not 3d. in the $$ fine for my irons. There can be no more done to me of the th[ie]ves; this is the extremity poor men are put unto. You have done so much for me I dare not presume to crave your letter to the commissioners to call this Bothby and all the rest before them, and to take such order with me for my debts as my ability will yield.
Endorsed :—“17 May 1596, Wm. Hollyday from Newgate to my master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (40. 96.)
Stephen Slany, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. Upon receipt of your letters touching a matter betwixt Nicholas Kippling, hosier, and one Adam Mytton, a bankrupt, I have examined the matter and done therein for the poor man what I could. I find the state of the cause to be this : [enters into the details.]—17 of May, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (40. 99.)
The Warden and Fellows of Winchester College to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. They are preferred for the lease of Freelands, in the parish of Pidletrenthide in Dorsetshire, 400l., which, because they fear in the change of Wardens like to ensue, may be carried from the good of the whole College to some other that will haply make suit for it, they have presumed to pray his aid that they be not disappointed of so great a sum of money, aud to vouchsafe his favour so far that the College be not encumbered of so great a fine as this farm is like to yield them.—Wynchester College. 17 May, 1596. Signed :—Tho. Bilson, Geo. Ryves, Robert Watton, Anthony Bodley, Thomas Jefferey, John Boles, John Gilbert (?), William Matkyn, Robert Smyth, Guido Dolins, George Blount.
Armorial Seal. 1 p. (136. 42.)
Lord Cobham.
1596, May 17. Provision remaining at the Blackfriars (Lord Cobham's).
1 p. (145. 217.)
Herbert Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 17. In favour of this young gentleman, the bearer. His name is Winston, and is a kinsman of his Honour as being the daughter's son of Mr. Cecill of Alterenes, and being a Winston, should be also kinsman that way.
Begs Cecil to procure him place as a clerk (whereunto his bringing up hath enabled him) either with Mr. Fanshaw, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Milles of the Star Chamber, or such other as he shall think fit : wherein Croft would be glad that Winston's friends might see that he had prevailed so as to be a mean for his good.—“From my poor lodging in London this 17th of May 1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (173. 77.)
Lord Thos. Howard, Sir George Carew and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 18. It pleased the Lords Generals to acquaint us with a letter from her Majesty unto them touching their revocation in sort as is there expressed; wherein, because we are particularly interested by her Majesty's instructions, we have presumed to certify you of our opinions.
First, if her Majesty do recal the Lords Generals the reputation of the voyage (the advancement whereof is a special means to effect great designs) will be much blemished, for the opinion that is evermore held of the forces that are to serve under great commanders do terrify and discourage an enemy. Also, this army, being compounded of troops for sea and land service that have put themselves into this action, for the most part did enter into it out of particular love unto the Lords Generals, under whom they will be willing to serve and from others will withdraw themselves, not being possible for any other men to hold them together. This is not intended of the gentlemen voluntaries only, but of the whole troops, who, when they shall lose these great personages, will run away, whereby of necessity it follows that the army will be greatly diminished. And farther, we doubt that the revocation of the lords will be a cause of the diminution of the fleet, which if it follow, the like service cannot be effected which now we have hope of. And notwithstanding it is likely that divers of good quality in the army (voluntaries) will continue the action, yet nevertheless, considering that such gentlemen be of great spirits, it is to be feared they will not be so well reduced to obey with willingness under commanders of less quality than the Lords Generals themselves; and what peril may grow in an army by mutinous spirits, the world hath too much experience. Another doubt, and that not the least, of great importance, is to be made of the Netherland fleet, who being drawn more willingly into this action than otherwise they would have been by the reputation of the commanders, may be discouraged, to the great hindrance of the action. Moreover, the rumour which hath possessed the wor[l]d of these lords going in person with a mighty army, we may suppose hath so quickened the King of Spain's spirit as it is to be thought that he hath made all possible means of resistance throughout all the parts of his kingdom where it is likely that this fleet may or will approach, and strengthened the same to the uttermost. Which if he hath done, how perilous it will be to perform that which will be looked for, when the strength by land and sea shall be diminished, we leave to your wisdom.
The good hope and almost without fear of ill-success (if God be not displeased with us) is likely to fall out if the Lords Generals be continued, we may easily judge, besides the particular knowledge we have of their worthiness, by the good agreement that is and doth remain betwixt them. Lastly, whereas it appears unto us that her Majesty's purpose is to deject the carriage of her forces upon some persons that are now in the army, we do persuade ourselves that there is not any man willingly will undertake that charge, for the reasons before alleged.—Plymouth, this 18 of May, 1596.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Sir G. Caru to me, a generall letter.”
Holograph by Sir Geo. Carew. Signed. 2 pp. (40. 100.)
Sir Francis Vere to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 18. Though I have jointly with others put my hand to a letter concerning the inconveniences likely to arise in the withdrawing of the Generals from this action, I cannot leave in particular to make known unto you my sense of the same, as one that have cause to feel the grievousness of this change. I am nominated to the command of the land forces, and can aim what will be looked for, which maketh me very backward in the conceiving any great hope of the success. For though I would be so partial to myself as not to distrust the effecting of any exploit fit to be undertaken with the forces committed unto me, and to govern the same according to the commission should be given me, and to believe my own attempts not to be without some kind of extraordinary hope, and that I can no more be enemy to my own advancement than he that hath ever endeavoured to make himself capable of good place, yet, for the reasons maintained in the letter, and for many which depends on them and concern in general the service of her Majesty, as for that in particular I see not how to wade through so great a matter to her Majesty's satisfaction, I am enforced most heartily to wish the continuance of them. That it shall be more for her Majesty's honour I do not doubt, and without comparison of greater profit; for besides that it cannot be doubted that their authority and presence will be a chief means to achieve that which her Majesty requireth, and the burning either of the Spanish fleet or taking of some principal place would answer in the expectation of the world the charge and greatness of the Generals, it shall bring both to her Majesty's subjects and her confederates a confirmation of that belief they were in that her Majesty would royally and mightily prosecute the King of Spain, which is a matter of no small moment in this time, would draw them to a willingness to second the work begun, and cut off all those doubts and apprehensions of this sudden change which cannot but work exceedingly to the enemy's advantage. I must humbly beseech you to impute this presumptuous manner of writing to the zeal I have to her Majesty's service, wherein I had rather err than in any point of my duty and allegiance.—Plymouth, this 18 May, 1596.
Holograph. Seal.pp. (40. 101.)
Sir Ferd. Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 18. I received your letter the 18th at seven of the clock in the morning, about the which time I also delivered them unto their lordships [Essex and the Lord Admiral], desiring them to make certificate accordingly, and withal to take notice of the necessities of this place according to the effect of your last letter; for it is most like presently, after the departure of the fleet from hence, that the enemy will attempt something upon these parts, and so much the more like for that it is reported they have certain ships to the number of some 40 sails all ready upon the coast of Brittany, the which (if their lordships do fail to meet withal) will assay what guard we keep here.—Plymouth, the 18th of May, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (40. 102.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 18. To the Queen's letter and the public affairs I have written jointly with my Lord Admiral. Of my particular I have sent by Captain Conway. I will send nothing now, but pray you to rid me of this hellish torment I am in while we dwell in this uncertainty, and make me free from this army if I must not go with it. For the recompense of my noble companion you must all in honour solicit; for me take no care, for my recompense shall be without her Majesty's charge or trouble. Only, I desire to cast out with Jonas into the sea that the storm may cease.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“1596, 18th of May, E. of Essex.”
Holograph. Portion of seal. ½ p. (40. 103.)
The Same to the Same.
1596, May 19. “This is (sic) dispatch is only to tell you how unpacient we are that we are either commanded unpossible things or held in irresolution. For your friends' sakes and for the State's sake bring us to an end, for else we shall grow as unfortunate (I fear) as we shall be ridiculous. I pray you let the 2 letters in this packet be delivered according to the directions and hold me ever for your very assured and affectionate friend.
“I had yesterday a letter from Sir Walter Rauleigh from Portland. He is plying up hitherwardes.”—Plymouth, 19 May.
Endorsed :—29 May (sic). Holograph. 1 p. (41. 23.)
Dr. Bilson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 19. As I never had any meaning to delay the time longer than you should think meet and the seals might be despatched, so did I hasten to London after the receipt of your letters with as much speed as was possible for a man in my case, and had been here this week past had not Her Majesty's letter stayed me. The examining, rectifying and settling all things in that college, as again [against] my departure I was sworn to do, was a matter of more respite than four or five days could well finish, and yet with intolerable pains, after sight of your letters I slacked not time, but day and night intended to the ordering of their affairs as health would permit me. Being come to London, I bear the same mind I did before, to intreat your direction for my going forward, which shall be hasted to your liking. In the rest I repose on your goodness, knowing princes must rather been entreated with humility than conditioned with for their bounty.—London, 19 May, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (40. 104.)
Henry Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 20. These letters enclosed being on the 'forrell' directed to my lord [Burghley], as you will perceives he opened the one directed as he thought to himself, but by the contents thereof he rather thinketh the same was meant to you, and so hath commanded me to send them all to you, to be used as you shall see cause.
The other enclosed came from the Earl of Bath to my lords of the Council, shewing his liking of Mr. Champernoun to be one of his deputy lieutenants in the place of Sir Francis Drake, whom my lord prayeth you to further thereto, being a man very meet and worthy for that place. —From the Court, this 20th of May, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (40. 105.)
French Bonds.
1596, May 20. “A note of all such French bonds and contracts, &c. as remain with my lord [Burghley] in several boxes.”
8 Sept., 1589.—The assurance of Mr. Beauvoir la Nocle, de Buhy, and Buzenval for procuring further assurance for repayment of 20,000l. and satisfaction for 20 lasts of powder and 3,000 bullets. No ratification found.
30 Oct., 1589.—A bond of Mons. Beauvoir and de Fresnes for payment of 15,750l. the 30 April 1590. There is the King's bond for this, 7 July 1591.
24 May, 1590.—Mons. Beauvoir and Saleaigne's bond for payment of 2,100l. the 24 Nov. 1590, to the Lord Mayor of London. For this there is the King's bond.
25 Sept., 1590.—Mons. Beauvoir's bond for repayment of 10,000l. at 9 months end. No ratification yet found.
29 Nov., 1590.—The French King's ratification of the bond of M. Beauvoir and Saleaigne for 2,000l. (sic.) to the Mayor of London.
4 March, 1591.—The French King's Commission to M. Beauvoir to contract for such forces as her Majesty should send to his aid.
2 April, 1591.—M. Beauvoir's contract, by virtue of the said commission, for 3,000 soldiers, &c. in Brittany, whereof 600 went to Dieppe, for which other 600 were afterwards sent into Brittany. This is emologued.
29 June, 1591.—A contract for the custom of Rouen for payment of Her Majesty's forces in Normandy with the Earl of Essex, being 3,400 with a bond of the ambassadors for their payment.
7 July, 1591.—The bond for the loan of 15,750l. lent in Oct. 1589. Emologued by the French king.
14 Aug., 1591.—The contract in June, 1591. Emologued by the French king, of this there are two of one tenor for the forces sent into Normandy.
19 June, 1592.—The French King's Commission to M. Beauvoir Lancy to contract with Her Majesty for new forces to be sent into Brittany. The contract passed thereupon for 4,000.
4 Sept., 1592.—The French King's ratification of the said two ambassadors contract, made ulto Junii 1591.
10 Aug. 1594.—M. Beauvoir's bond, by force of his authority, for payment of the 4,000 in Bretaigne, with 100 horse, 50 miners, and certain munition contained in a schedule thereto.
27 Nov., 1594.—The French King's ratification of the same contract annexed for Bretaigne.
7 May, 1596.—The D. of Bouillon and M. Sancy's bond for repayment of 6,000l. at one year's end, lent the King for the relief of Boulogne.
In Maynard's hand. 1¼ pp. (40. 107.)
Charles, Lord Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 21. Upon my last coming down to Portsmouth some three weeks past and more, the mayor received a letter from my lords of the Council, wherein it was ordered that if any of the fleet of Sir Francis Drake should put in there, they should be advertised to make their course for Queenborough. Since that, the 19th of this month, there is one ship of the said fleet come into Portsmouth, as the mayor thereof giveth me to understand; the men thereon are weak and distressed and pretend by a second order of the Council to be directed to Portsmouth. I pray you let me know what course I shall take herein.—21 May, 1596. [P.S.] I pray pardon me that I come not to you myself, for I am very much troubled with sore eyes.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (40. 106.)
Count Hohenloe to the Earl of Essex.
1596, May 31. Received to-day by bearer the dogs which Essex has sent him. Profuse thanks. Wishes him all success in his voyage on the main, but fears he will have sailed before this reaches England.—St. Martensdyck (?), 31 May 1596.
Signed :—Philips graff von Hohenloe.
Endorsed :—“Count Hohenlo. Aug. '96.” French. 1 p. (44. 39.)
Sir Edward Wotton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 22. “Sir, the enclosed is from the D. of Bullion, who yet remaineth here through the tempestuousness of the weather, and I with him, with an ague on my back, which I got by standing long on the pier to see the going out of a ship bound for Plymmouth, with George Gyfford's arms and other necessaries, that made as narrow a scape as ever I saw. The French King is thought to be at Abbeville, and the Constable at his house called Chantylly, to refresh himself awhile after the long siege. The Spanish army is said to be dispersed between Calais, St. Omer and Ardres. The nearness of the two armies may peradventure hinder each of them from attempting any great matter this summer.”—Dover, 22 May 1596.
Endorsed with entries of the hours at which the various postal stage were passed, as follows :—“Delivered at Dover the 22nd, at 9 a.m. Canterbury, 12 noon. Sittingbourn, past 3. Rochester, past 5 p.m. Darford, half an hour past 8 at night.”
Sealed. Holograph. 1 p. (41. 1.)
Thomas Edmondes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 22. The chastisement he lately received from Cecil has so disquieted him that he is fain to beg for compassion. Has ever borne as reverent a mind towards him as any man can do, and although in seeking to avoid that charge which he knew to be too much for him, he incurred Cecil's displeasure, yet he has never carried himself undutifully or lewdly nor has “participated in others' factions.” To show why he desired “to be excused from returning into France;—has long served her Majesty there, and the “misery of the time” compelled him to spend there all he could derive of his friends or that he himself possessed. This Her Majesty has recompensed by bestowing on him the place he has. Cecil offered to procure him a further benevolence. The buying of a new equipage of horses and provisions for following the army will cost 200l. Explains this; must have a horse for himself, another for a servant that writes under him, another for one who goes before with the harbinger to procure lodging and provision and dress his “poor diet”, another to carry a couple of trunks containing his clothes and bed, another to carry provisions for the kitchen and servants' necessaries and, often, oats. For these horses he requires two grooms. Has ever sought to get such as would go afoot, but often cannot avoid mounting one of them, and that requires another horse, making six in all. Besides these he requires a lacquey to attend on himself and another to run with his servant to assist in taking lodging. There is “not the meanest secretary belonging to any man that hath not all “these provisions in as large and larger manner, without the which it “is impossible to follow the King.” Living in an army, where the country is so wasted, is very expensive as regards provisions; and shoeing and miscarrying of horses and clothing and sickness of servants eat up much money. Knows this by long practise and is not asking for a greater allowance than he deserves. If he wished only to serve his own interest, would make it appear that he “could live at as hard a rate “as any man, as I think also to have done.” Could have desired to be relieved from this service but submits to her Majesty's pleasure, and begs for Cecil's favour.—London, 22 May, 1596.
Holograph. 3 pp. (41. 2.)
Levies for Boulogne.
1596, May 23. Privy seal addressed to Lord Burghley as lieutenant of Essex and Hertfordshire, commanding him to prepare 180 footmen in Essex and 135 in Herts, two-thirds of them armed with pikes and the rest with shot, to be put under captains to be appointed by the Council, and shipped to Boulogne; the late surprise of Calais by the common enemy giving present occasion “to have regard to the port towns over against us in Picardy.”—Greenwich, 23 May, 38 Eliz.
Sign manual. Seal. 1 p. (41. 4.)
Lord H. Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 23. “Sir, I am very sorry that so slight an accident should move so kind and honourable thoughts as you carry. A man whose head is occupied with matters of less weight than yours might mistake more than a letter.” Would be proud to serve him. “The letter containeth only my farewell, with as many faithful wishes of his prosperous and safe return, as I can afford out of my kind affection. I fear nothing more than that he will be gone before it light into his hands; which falling out, I humbly crave for satisfaction to my own desire, and to avoid suspicion of slight account in his opinion, that it may go with the first that you send after him.” Will wait on Cecil to-morrow at the Court.
Endorsed :—“23 May, 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 5.)
Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 24. Perceives, by Cecil's letters of the 16th inst., that his letters from Hartford Bridge had not then arrived, but doubtless ere this her Majesty is “satisfied touching the diamond (having received it).” Hopes for early repayment of his 315l. disbursed for what is now fully effected; and seems to complain of Cecil's “over haste.”
Since coming hither has observed what has passed concerning the intended expedition. The mutual love of “these two honourable generals” has won all hearts, and all are animated with a desire to serve their country and Queen. Describes a review, on the second day after his arrival, of eight regiments, which were sub-divided into companies, of hundreds mostly, but Lord General Essex's company contained 200 and those of the colonels 150 each. There were, “by pole,” 3,200 men, and they were taught to march, advance, retire, file, and unfile with such dexterity, that, the raw ploughman vieing with the old soldier, all showed themselves “very sufficient and able men,” to the contentment of the gentlemen and country people who came to see them. The rest of the regiments, being quartered further away, were ordered to muster at some more convenient place. On receipt of the Queen's letters for the “dismission of the journey without further stay,” all haste was made to embark, and they expect to avail themselves of this wind, the generals being coming aboard. The day before their embarking a council assembled, to which the admirals of the Dutch squadron were summoned, and the Generals announced their purpose and delivered them copies, translated into Dutch, of the orders for the carriage of the whole fleet, being of four squadrons besides the Dutch. Orders were also set down by Lord General Essex in his own hand, copies of which were delivered to all captains and commanders, containing in brief the duty of every officer. Enlarges on the benefit of this and the zeal of the two Generals. Asks him to thank them for their kindness to the writer shown for the sake of Cecil's father and himself.
Hopes shortly to hear of the receipt of the diamond.—From aboard the Due Repulse, Monday, 24 May, 1596.
Hopes he will show as much of this to the Queen as he thinks fit and write how she accepts the jewel.
Signed :—A. Ashley.
Seal. 3 pp. (41. 6.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 24. “I have, by the space of this month and more, forborne to take physic, by reason of Her Majesty's business; and now, having this only week left for physic, I am resolved to prevent sickness, feeling myself altogether distempered and filled with humours. So as, if her Highness should miss me, I beg you in respect hereof to excuse me.” When last with her Highness, moved for the signing of the bill for the deanery of Christchurch to Dr. Ravesse. If her Majesty refuse this his suit, which is for the good of the University, whereof he is chancellor, he would give up the place. Christchurch being the greatest college in the University, it is proper that the Chancellor should nominate to it. Where others prevailed against him in the preferment of Dr. James, if they also otherthrow the nomination of Dr. Ravesse, the University will think he can do nothing with her Majesty. “If ever a worthy man were recommended to her Highness, this is he; for whom an archbishop, 3 bishops, 6 deans, 22 doctors, and 3 other grave and learned men have testified that, of their own knowledge, he is a right honest man, very well learned, discreet, sober and wise, employed often in good places and generally reputed to be of great integrity and good resolution fit for government. These be the very words of their letter in his behalf.” Annexed their names to the bill and showed them to Her Majesty “this other day,” and told her I would leave the bill with you to procure the signing thereof.—24 May, 1596.
P.S.—In this college are about 200 persons and it is inconvenient that they should long lack a head.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 8.)
Edward, Lord Zouche, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 24. Laments his unfitness to serve the Queen. “For my estate I need not now complain. It is sufficiently known. If my God did not provide better for me, it were sufficient to make an end of me. But though it may justly redound to mine own shame, I must truly confess that I have no manner of language wherein to treat of any matter, nor have had any use to bring any suits good unto me, by reason I had passed my youth in little searching for knowledge, and in that time spent my patrimony, the want whereof distracted my mind and kept me from many means to better my too late repentance.” Hopes her Majesty will choose one fitter than “so unworthy a creature” to serve her. Writes this because he would not lose time; but intends to wait upon him to-morrow.—My poor cottage in Hackney, 24 May.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 9.)
Sir Edward Stanley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 24. I thank you “for your plain speeches to me the other day, whereof I gather it is in vain for me to look for any preferment in the wars.” I am grieved at this; for I have always desired to serve my prince and country, and have done so at the hazard of my life as often as any man in England of my place. For the best part of these twenty years I have carried charge as captain, lieutenant colonel, and colonel, and can show my patents under the hands of the generals, and my men under me have never found themselves aggrieved.—Signed, Ed. Stanley.
Endorsed :—24 May 1596. 1 p. (41. 10.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 24. “Sir, If her Majesty do find fault with the cutting out a piece of the sheet wherein our joint letter is written, her unruly admiral must be punished for it, who cut out my name because he would have none so high as himself. We are now aboard and do see all men bestir themselves to leave the shore. Here is such joy in all the fleet, both of soldiers and mariners, English and Dutch, as it would please her Majesty well to see th'effects of her own work. By my cousin Grevill I will send a larger dispatch. He stays but to see us under sail, which will be ere this can come to you. Till then I pray you excuse me first to yourself and then to all other my friends. And so I rest
Your most affectionate and assured friend,
“I pray you let my lady Cecill receive my humble thanks for her commendations, and assure her I would be proud of any occasion to do her service.
“Sir, I pray you favour Sir Tho. Baskervile. You shall find him give a better account of his actions than Traughton did for him. He is a very worthy gentleman and as honest as any man that lives.”—From aboard, 24 May.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (41. 11.)
1596, May 25. Draft in Sir Robert Cecil's hand of the answers made (as appears by the endorsement) to demands of Sir Thos. Leighton, article by article, viz.:—
(1) Her Majesty has sent a fleet to sea to prevent invasion of these parts by armies. “If sudden invasions cannot be prevented from galleys out of Brittany the island is ill looked unto.” (2) The increase of 50 soldiers is superfluous; men for an emergency may be drawn out of the island. (3) The proportion stated, some imprest may be given, with bonds for repayment. (4) “Licence shall be given where it shall be demanded.” (5) The governor may use whom he will, and draw the islanders to some contribution, as in the shires of England. (6) “For the commission. The matter would be stayed and the party would be bound to appear here and answer the contempt before the Q. should be put to charges to send down such persons as ye would have to have it.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Sir Tho. Leighton,” and by his clerk : “25 May 1596. Copy of the answers made to his demands.”
1 p. (41. 12.)
Sir Richard Barkeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 26. Lest the cause of his absence from Court, these 10 or 12 days, should be mistaken, is bold to send word that last Sunday he had “an extreme fit of an ague” which lasted 24 hours. Has had no more fits and hopes the ague has left him. Imputes it to the closeness of the house and air where he lies, he having been “used to a more large house and open and sweet air.” Trusts to be at Court again in a few days and begs Cecil, if the Queen ask for him, to explain his absence.—My lodging, 26 May.
Signed :—Rd. Barkeley.
Endorsed :—Sir Rich. Barkley. 1 p. (41. 13.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 26. Has written to Dr. Caesar in behalf of Mr. Wm. Hilliard, M.A., to move her Majesty for letters to the Dean and Chapter of Exeter to admit him to the next place of a prebend and canon there that shall be void. Begs him to forward this suit.—Plymouth, 26 May, 1596.
Signed :—W. Ralegh.
P.S., in his own hand.—“Sir, I beseech you for my sake, because it standeth much on my credit, to favour the suit and I shall evermore acknowledge it in the highest degree.
“W. R.”
Endorsed (by Lord Buckhurst ?):—“Needeless.”
1 p. (41. 14.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 26. I have no thanks that this short letter can express, but reserve them to our meeting. I pray you keep the enclosed safe for me. D. Raves is bound to you, “or else he were unworthy of his deanery.”—25 May 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 15.)
Anthony Felton to Lord Burghley.
1596, May 26. Has, according to his letters, with the aid of a skilful workman, surveyed the decays of Hexham gaol and Harbottle castle. Encloses a paper of particulars with the estimated cost and “of such money as Sir John Foster, late Warden of the Middle Marches against Scotland, hath been allowed, and of the employment thereof.” — day of —, 1596.
Endorsed :—“26 May 1596, Anthony Felton, surveyor of Northumberland.”
Signed. 1 p. (41. 16.)
Thomas, Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 27. Hears this morning that Dr. Eades gives out that his one hope is that Mr. Grevell promised to bring a message from my lord of Essex urging her Majesty to give him the deanery of Christchurch. “Now therefore, doubting what effect this may produce, I do desire you, even per virtutem amicitiæ nostræ, to hasten D. Raves' bill, by motion to her Majesty before his return. And if you, in your judgment, shall think it fit to tell her Majesty that I pray you to inform her of this hope given forth by D. Eades, I think it a moot point whether it may do good or hurt, but I leave it to you who can better determine of her Majesty's motive by the same than myself; but I assure you, if her Majesty do yield unto him herein, I am utterly disgraced in the University of Oxford, and, by God's grace, I will yield up the place. For I, whose office it is to recommend the worthy heads and governors of that place, having first named D. James to Worcester and her Majesty assenting thereunto, and after my lord of Essex naming D. Bilson, he prevailed; then, I naming D. Lilly and he D. Eades, if not only D. Lilly shall be refused but also Eades accepted, and especially her Majesty having promised me that whomsoever I would name being of the house should be preferred, and now having named D. Raves, and he by so great a testimony recommended most fit, if now he also should be refused and Eades advanced, I must think my credit of no value and his to possess all; which, peradventure, will not be found best for her Majesty to let the balance weigh all on the one side. I commit all to your love and wisdom. 27 May 1596.—Your very loving and assured friend T. Buckehurst. Burn this I pray you.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 17.)
Thomas Wylsford to Lord Cobham, lord lieutenant of Kent.
1596, May 27. Thanks him for his letters of the 26th. Wrote to the Lord Treasurer expressing his desire to serve the Queen if it pleased her “to give me means to pay for my meat and drink, and would not demand a penny wages, or that by her Highness's means the same might be defrayed. I desire not to make an art of gain by the war, but to live by it, and not to undo myself. And seeing I cannot, in dutiful sort, I crave leave, with her Majesty's favour, to leave it to them that will.” Mr. Lieutenant and I have taken order for the present levy of 90 men, according to Cobham's letters, the arms are already delivered, and they will write to the captains, by whom they must learn what is wanting and what behind unpaid.—May 27, at night.
Endorsed by Sir Robert Cecil's clerk :—27 May 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 18.)
Sir William Courteney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 27. My lady, your mother, a little before her death, unknown to your father, bequeathed to me the 100 mks. a year “which you most honourably granted unto her during the lease of young Mr. Jarningam's lands; with which her meaning my uncle Roger Manners was well acquainted and can inform your honour at full. May it therefore please your honour to continue that goodness to me.”—Cambridge, 27 May.
Endorsed :—“1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 19.)
Robert Legh to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1596, May 27. Certifying the arrest of one Browne, a starch maker, according to letters from his Grace and five other of the Queen's Council, directed to the justices of the peace nearest to Laighton, Essex, dated 9 May. Found his wife “newly delivered, the child yet unbaptised, and six small children hanging about the father's feet, deploring and lamenting his departure from them.” Sends him up. His suit is “that he may not be thrown into prison before his cause be heard.” Any mercy your Grace may show him will redound to the relief of many.—Chingford St. Pauli, 27 May 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 20.)
Dr. Ch. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 28. When the cause of “the Venetian prisoner” was first committed to me, Eliano Calvo dealt with me in his behalf, and I thought I had convinced the prisoner that he “might easily satisfy Signor Bassadona his demands with some good effect for himself, and yet, for some old grudge he seemed backward.” I then sought for Calvo to persuade him, but heard he was gone to Flanders. Shortly after I met him landing at Iron Gate on Tower Wharf and dealt with him. After that, hearing he was ill, I visited him yesterday. “I could have nothing but tears from him, with protestations of his devotion to her Majesty and her estate, and that by my meeting him at Iron Gate he was called unworthily into suspicion; and at the length he declared that upon your honour's displeasure he was commanded to keep his house.” If his doings are suspicious I leave it to superiors, but if his displeasure be for some slight omission I beg favour for him, as “an old diseased man, full of other afflictions, well esteemed of by some of your great allies.” Begs that he may be suffered to resort to the Venetian prisoner; and reminds him of letters of yesterday.—28 May 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 21.)
On the back is a list of names headed “Doctors of Divinity,” viz.:—Parkyns, Cowell, Raynold, Dougles, Saralia, Lewes, Langton, Mountenye, Whittaker, Richardys, Duport, Lyllye, Thompson, Mownt, Goad, Gostbye, Sharpe, Chippingda[le], Webster, Moultbie, Ridley, Nevell, Abbot, Vaughan, Bridson, Carey, Tucke, Marberby, Neale, Swane.
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 28.—Mr. Watson, out of Sussex, makes suit that you will deliver the “congz de lier” [congá d'álire to Mr. Alcocke and his servant, this bearer John Ripen, who shall hasten with it to Chichester. “Himself (by God's grace) shall return the answer from the Dean and Chapter, and perform all duties that shall become him.” His delay in coming up he esteems needful.—28 May 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 22.)
Lord Cobham.
1596, May 28. List of linen left at the Blackfriars (Lord Cobham's).
1 p. (145. 218.)
The Archbishop and Council at York to Lord Burghley.
1596, May 28. The Lord Scroope hath sent unto us, the 25 of this month, the bodies of Walter Grame, Esquire, William Grame, John Grame alias Wills Cocke, Richard Grame, William Grame of the Rosetrees, and Hutchin Grame alias Richies Hutchin, gent., being the chief of the Grames of Eske and Levin, to be sent to the Lords of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council; and hath by his letters desired that they might be conveyed from sheriff to sheriff. Now forasmuch as many delays may be used in such manner of convoy, as they must pass through many counties and the sheriffs of each county dwell far from the ordinary way, and all without the limits of this Commission, and the Grames were all unfurnished of horses and money for discharge of their own expenses in the journey; we, having no knowledge by his Lordship's letter of any especial cause or prescript course from their Lordships of their manner of convoy, have therefore kept them here two days till they could provide themselves of horses and money fit for that journey, and have sent them up by her Majesty's pursevant here attendant upon this Council at her least charge, and have given warrant to all her subjects and officers to assist him in the way with a sufficient number.—At York, this 28th of May, 1596.
Signed :—Matth. Ebor, Humfrey Purefey, Jo. Ferne.
½ p. (173. 78.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 29. Did not think to write to him before the fleet were ready to sail for he has been very unfortunate in losing letters sent to him and by him, “whereat I do not much marvel the time and occasion being now as it is. Our long abode in this town hath so consumed our hearts and purses that we are grown extreme dull, and occurrents here is none. Our generals do yet hold their good corresponditie, and I do not find any doubt of the continuance of it. All the fleet is almost ready to weigh anchor, many of the land soldiers shipped, insomuch I think assuredly we shall be gone, if the wind serve, within four days. Your honour's letter by my l. Admiral's man I have received and will before I go observe that which you wish me to do. In my absence I beseech you to protect me in such causes as may concern me. If I die in this service then is my debt payed unto you, for I depart England loaden with gratitude, which is all you have required.” With “duties” to him and to my lady.—Plymouth, 29 May, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 24.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 29. In favour of Mr. John Randoll, deputy vice-admiral of Dorsetshire, considering “the good opinion that is hereabouts generally conceived of him,” in any suits he may have.—Plymouth, 29 May, 1596.
Signed :—W. Ralegh.
Seal injured. 1 p. (41. 25.)
Harry Wotton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 29. Understands by his brother, Sir Edward Wotton, that Cecil promises to procure the Queen's letters to New College in his behalf, “upon the satisfying of Heiton.” Has written to his brother to satisfy him and to acquaint Cecil with “a point or two” which he begs may be put in the Queen's letters. In “this busy time of embarking” is constrained to be short.—Plymouth, 29 May, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 26.)
Henry Cuffe to William Downehall, gentleman of the horse to the Earl of Essex.
[1596,] May 29. Expresses thanks for his letters and courtesies. You have no friends who ever since our first acquaintance more esteemed either your devoted and affectionate mind towards him whom we all honour, or your kindness towards those whom you know heartily addicted to his service. Commend me to Mr. Pitcheforde. As for my fellow Ed. Reynoldes, I have been so impudent for him as I durst not be for myself, for whereas I have delivered commissions without one farthing profit, yet for him I have gotten something.—From the Due Repulse, 29 May.
[P.S.]—Sends dutiful commendations to Lord Mountjoy and Mr. Ateye.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 73.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 30. “Sir, you may imagine how this gentleman is affected, being both given to action and having followed my fortune, to be turned back and see us parting with this glorious fleet and army. It is her Majesty's will that it should be so, and he and I must obey it, but I hope her Majesty will both enable him to live, and grace him in his attendance, since she takes him from all other hopes or fortunes, which I pray you very earnestly to further, and besides that, you shall find him very honestly thankful, you shall do me a very acceptable office. And so, wishing you all happiness, I rest your most assured friend.”
Endorsed :—“30 May, 1596, by Mr. Carewe.”
Holograph. (41. 27.)
Robert Crosse to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 30. Sends the numbers of ships and men “now arrived “for the intended service,” as follows,—soldiers, from Wales and elsewhere, besides those of the Low Countries, 6,200, and out of the Fleet, 1,200 English and 90 Dutch mariners; the Queen's ships, 15 of London and the coast towns 77, and from the Low Countries, 28.—From aboard her Majesty's ship, 30 May. Signed.
Endorsed :—“1596. Captain Crosse to my master, from Plymouth.”
Seal. 1 p. (41. 29.)
Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 31. Wrote in his first letters of the good effect to both soldiers and mariners derived from directions purposely drawn up by the lords Generals. Now at a council this day assembled aboard the Arke in this road, the lords Generals delivered their said directions to the writer that he might forward copies to Cecil by bearer, Mr. Grevill. “The devout prayer so divinely conceived by Her Majesty, and sent hither by your last, is so thankfully and cheerfully accepted that there is no less hope of good effect thereby than was wished at what time it was conceived in the depth of her sacred heart, and is to be usually recited in the army at fit times (by order from the Generals) as a prayer and invocation unto the Lord purposely indicted by His spirit in His anointed Queen, His instrument in this action.” Set sail this afternoon and expect a more favourable wind when they get to sea. Begs him to save his (the writer's) credit “with the parties that are touched in the diamond.”—From aboard the Repulse, 31 May, 1596.
Signed :—A. Ashley.
1 p. (41. 31.)
Thomas Webbes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 31. Has viewed the Queen's ships which are at Chatham, except the Garland and the Adventure which are yet in the Downs coming about, and has seen how “her Majesty may save in the payment a round sum with small discontent.” The number will be under 600 men and their last pay was about 8 July. “If their pay begin now from the first of August, they will be reasonably contented considering the hardness of the journey, by which will be saved near 300l., besides they, for the most part, have received apparel, hose, shirts, shoes, which are to be defaulted in their pay, being given unto them unto the adventure. The parcels are ready to be at your honour's commandment. It will rise to a good sum, so as I think if 3,300l. be sent, it will discharge the whole ships of Her Majesty returned in this Indian journey. The other ships to be paid at your honour's discretion. The captain of the Defiance craveth your honour's discharge, now that the ships be come in harbour, except your honour will command him any service for the preserving of the powder and other the ship's store, which he hardly can do, and stayeth only for that purpose, which in the whole will be more worth than 2,000l. to the journey, besides the saving of the powder to her Majesty's better use, with near 1,000 muskets, which, without speedy order to some particular person, will be embezzled.”—31 May, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (41. 30.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 31. Cannot too often thank him. “I do not know that man that I am so much bound unto as unto your honour, and therefore I were a damned villain if I did not love you most,” whereof I hope to give testimony. “As you willed me I have written to my L. all truths and nothing more; and that course I mean to hold for so much as I mean to write. To yourself I have a desire to write as was purposed, but not yet. I know not how time may alter in foreign parts the disposition of great commanders; hitherto I do find myself exceedingly well dealt withal and nothing in their governments but that which deserves all praise and honour, and no otherwise do I doubt of that which is to come. Letters now written would be forgotten; hereafter the memory will be more fresh and do as much good.” The troops are all shipped. According to man's reason, can only prophecy good, for at sea they are “strong enough to abide the proudest fleet that ever swam, and by land our army, both in numbers and gallant men, is of strength sufficient to march and retreat in safety from a more puissant enemy than we are like to find; for in his own country, by the wisest, he is held to be weakest.” The only fear is want of victual. The Queen's ships are in good case; would that the transports were no worse. Expects to write his next letters from the coast of Spain.—Plymouth Sound, aboard the Mary Rose, 31 May, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (41. 32.)
Sir Edward Hobby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May 31. Apologises at great length for not taking leave of him and for not writing. Except to my lord, his (Cecil's) father, bade farewell to none (his mother would not vouchsafe it), not even to his wife until she “overdearly” sought him out; for fear her Majesty might stay his going. Although the eldest knight in this army he takes an inferior place to show what is in him. Is most grieved that he did not take leave of Cecil's lady, to whom, of all the Court, he is most bound. For him to write “of the folatries of this army had been too ridiculous; besides, having served a prince (worthy of all memory) in his White Cornet 18 years ago, and in some royal armies since, I know it might have bred more jealousy than cause, very well acquainted with dispositions of generals in the like.”—From aboard the Arke Raleigh “in the Sound of Plenemouth, from whence, I think, it is too truly derived”, [last] of May, 1596.
If I perish in this action, I beg you to sue that George Carew may have the keeping of Q. Castle. “Though it be nought worth, yet as it delighted me, so do I think for my remembrance it would be agreeable to him. But what! I mean to come home again and play the wag once again. But no more writing of books.”
Endorsed :—“Ultimo Maii, 1596.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (41. 33.)
Matthew [Hutton,] Archbishop of York, to Lord Burghley.
1596, May 31. I have received of late two letters from your Lordship, the one of the 15th, and the other of the 20th, of this month. In the first were three little books containing the causes that moved her Majesty to send forth her navy royal, which your advice was I should cause to be published, which I did presently, and, I think, effectually : for on the morning after I and the Council here sent for the Lo. Mayor and aldermen of this city to the Common Hall, where we were sitting to hear causes, and after some speeches uttered by me touching that matter, I caused one of the books to be openly read; which was received with great applause. I did also forthwith give direction in my diocese that at the times of service and sermons prayers should be made for the good success of her Majesty's forces both at home and abroad; and did write my letters to the same effect, with copies of the said declaration, to the three Bishops of this Province, Durham, Carlisle and Chester, whereof I make no doubt but they will have dutiful consideration.
In the other letter, you willed me to send for some of the town of Hull to know the present state of the blockhouses and furniture there. Mr. Cole and Mr. Chapman, two of the aldermen (wise and discreet men) came to me and told me divers things, but I willed them to commit to writing what was the truth of their certain knowledge that I might send it to you. They went back to confer with the mayor and his brethren; and, after conference, they sent me this certificate enclosed, whereby I hope your Lo. will perceive that things there are in better case than perhaps hath been reported.—From York, the last of May, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (173. 80.)
Enclosure :
State of the Town of Hull
Whereas it hath pleased your Grace to send for us, requiring us to deliver in what state and force our fortresses and town at this present stand and be, may it please your gracious Lordship to be advertised upon our own knowledge that, for the forts or blockhouses, they be in very good and sufficient repair as ever heretofore, with yearly and almost daily costs bestowed upon them, well looked unto, with sufficient watch and ward as occasion requires, in good sort furnished with muskets, calivers, great iron pieces, bows, bills, and things thereto appertaining, with powder sufficient, though much of the aforesaid furniture be decayed by rust and time, not being sufficiently serviceable (especially the great pieces); by reason whereof and a late exchange where it pleased her Majesty to take some brass ordnance from hence, in lieu whereof we had iron, we are not so well furnished in that behalf as our desire is, requesting your gracious favour herein to be a means, as occasion may require, that there may be a supply of brass pieces again as before, with some moe, as the times are now more dangerous.
And as for the state of the town. There is a continual watch nightly, and hath been all this last winter, of forty or fifty men, night by night, every householder himself in person and the alderman of the ward setting the same and continuing with them; likewise every householder having in readiness all such furniture for war as by law they stand chargeable, as from time to time they are warned and divers times viewed.
And for some further fortification to our town and pieces there lying : the town is now at no small charges (above 100l..) in making of platform at the openest and weakest place of the South part of the town, with many other daily charges (as lately of the setting forth of the ship), some men of the best sort being already assessed thereto 70l. and above, with proportional charge to the meanest inhabitant, and yet a great part of that charge towards the said ship rests to be newly assessed and taxed, far above the present ability and poor estate of the inhabitants : wherein we are likewise, in our whole town's behalf, humbly to crave your Grace's furtherance (when cause shall be) in the relief and easement of the same, by contribution or otherwise as shall be thought meetest.
Thus briefly we have set down the present state of our town of Hull and the forts there as commanded.—The 29th day of Maie 1596.
Signed :Anthony Cole, alderman.
Jno. Chapman, alderman
1 p. (173. 79.)
The Archbishop and Council at York to Lord Burghley.
1596, May 31. The sitting here ended the 26th of this month, and the next sitting is appointed to begin the 5th of July. The 27th and 28th days we delivered the gaol, saving some few that the justices of assizes at their being here in Lent gave direction to be reserved to their own hearing. The country (God be thanked!) is in reasonable good quietness; the Lord long continue it !—From York, the last of May, 1596.
Signed :—Matth. Ebor., Jo. Gibson, Humfrey Purefey, Jo. Ferne.
Seal. 1 p. (173. 81.)
Sir Thomas Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May. Recounting at great length his services, complaining that they are not rewarded, and asking that in these dangerous times he may be preferred to some employment in field or garrison. Has served continually 15 years, most of them under Sir John Norreys, who best knows his deserts. Has been a captain ever since the Queen sent him to the Low Countries. Was soon afterwards a colonel of both horse and foot when Sir Francis Vere, Sir Thomas Baskervile and others were but captains of 150 foot. At that time had charge first of Ostend (in his brother's absence with my lord of Leicester before Zutphen) where he commanded 12 companies and suppressed a dangerous mutiny at midnight, “the enemy offering an attempt without and the soldiers mutinying within the town.” Secondly, of Lockum, in the edge of Friesland, whither he was sent, at the time Stanley gave up Deventer, with 5 companies of foot and 2 cornets of horse. Was never one of those who lived upon the spoil of the poor soldier. When he calls to mind how he was put aside in the government of Ostend (and had to resign a company of 150 to Sir John Conway who succeeded him) the services done by his own cornet of horse, especially in saving Lockum, when it was overthrown, after fighting seven or eight hours against seven cornets of the enemy (who lost over 100 horse while the writer had his lieutenant taken prisoner and lost 47 of his best horse), how after all this, at the Portugal voyage, his said cornet was cashiered, he wonders to think how few have equalled him in deserts and how many have outrun him in rewards; not that he envies them but that he grieves to see himself so utterly passed over. It were tedious to recount his last service in Brittany, his labours, dangers, hurts, sicknesses, &c. His charge, after being 300 long ago in the Low Countries and 150 in Brittany, is now last in Ireland 60; and from a colonel he is preferred to be a corporal, which is contrary to all military discipline.
Endorsed :—“Maii, 1596.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (41. 39.)
Lady K. Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, May. Is ashamed to presume so often on his favour. “My lo. before he went in a nother manes nane but in Tiper boocke ten pounde a yeare in conselmentes land that was left him by my Lo : Audly his grandfather whech he bought of the king. My los (lord's) inherytaunce is very good, but a lawyer hath asured my lo. that if it weur put in a conselment my lo. mought overthrow sum leass that were graunted by the Abott; which if he could, sum money mought be maed to helpe pay for thes journey. I wold fayne move the Q. to geve me so much but that I feare she will think I goo a bought to get sum great matter from hir. Tiper, as he sayeth, is not like to have hir hand yet to his boock, if he have he well use my lo. very harly. I pray advis me what course to take.” Will see him at his leisure.
Endorsed :—“May, 1596.”
Holograph. 1 p. (41. 41.)
“Preparations for the Voyage to Calles.”
[1596, May.] Notes by the Earl of Essex of the captains and their companies.
Flushing sends 500, viz.:—
Sir Conyers Clifford, Colonel, 100; 50 others to be added.
Capt. Savage, Lieutenant Colonel, 100.
Capt. Masterson, Sergeant Major, 100.
Captain Morgan, 100.
Captain Hopton, 100; and two companies of hundreds to be added to the regiments.
750; of which Brille sends 400:—
Lord Burgh, Colonel, 100; to be increased here.
Capt. Conway, Lieutenant Colonel, 100.
Captain Turrett, 100.
Captain Williams, 100; and three companies to be added to the regiment.
750; Sir Fras. Vere's regiment sends 500:—
Sir Fra. Vere, Colonel, 100; 50 others to be added.
Capt. Horace Vere, Lieut. Colonel, 100.
Capt. Bagnoll, Sergeant Major, 100.
Captain Constable, 100.
Captain Fairfax, 100.
Capt, Dormer to make 100 here and another to be added.
750; Ostend sends 600:—
Sir Matthew Morgan, 100.
Capt. Hinder, 100.
Capt. Throgmorton, 100.
Capt. Laurence, 100.
Capt. Brett, 100.
Capt. Fludd, 100, and mine own company to be added.
750; the three companies send 200:—
Sir Jo. Wingfield, Colonel, 100; 50 to be added.
Capt. Lambert, Lieut. Colonel, 100; and 5 companies of hundreds to be added.
Sir Samuel Bagnoll 100 All these are out of London, and to be shipped at the Downs.
Capt. Ellys Jones 100
Capt. Blany 100
Capt. Roe 100
Capt. John Salisbury 100 Out of Middlesex.
Capt. Dakers 100 Out of Hertfordshire.
Capt. Price 100 All these out of Essex.
Capt. Roger Harvey 100
Capt. Tolkerne 100
Sir Nicholas Parker 100 All these out of Sussex.
Capt. Wm. Williams 100
Capt. Cawfield 100
Sir Thos. Gares 100 All these out of Kent.
Capt. Wilford 100
Capt. Wyatt 100
Capt. Conway 100 Of Berkshire.
Capt. Waynman 100 Buckingham.
Captains to go with Sir Tho. Gerrard :—
Capt. Cunye Out of—
North Wales,
800 men. These to be brought to Plymouth by Sir Thomas Gerrard.
C. Collier
C. Ashenden
C. Harvy
C. Billings
C. Salisbury
To go with Sir Christopher Blunt :—
C. Wilson Out of—
800 men. These by Sir Christopher Blunt to be conducted to the same place.
C. Harecourt
C. Williams
C. Ffoulkes
C. Boustred
C. Hambridge
To go with Sir Math. Morgan :—
Captain Meyrick Out of—
South Wales,
800 men. These Sir Math. Morgan is to bring thither.
C. Morgan
C. Dansye
C. Mansfield (?)
C. Jackson
C. Dakers
To go with Sir Conyers Clifford :—
Captain Fowkes Out of—
800 men. These Sir Conyers Clifford.
C. Davyes
C. Tolkern
C. Dakers
3 pp. (47. 91.)
[Expedition to Cadiz.]
[1596, May.] “A proportion for the right honourable the Earl of Essex for a voyage to the sea for 5 months containing 140 days, with the number of 200 men, gentlemen, and his own servants. Total estimate, 2,606l. 7s. 4d., beside plate and linen.
2 pp. (47. 96.)
Warden of Winchester.
[1596, May]. Notices for Mr. Cotton to Her Majesty, touching the Wardenship of Winchester.
1. He hath served her these sixteen years, and been a preacher before her these fourteen years. 2. He never received any preferment of Her Majesty's gift, neither desired anything at her hands, but only the Deanery of Winchester in his own country, which, although she was graciously inclined thereunto, was prevented by her promise made to another. 3. The Wardenship lying in his own city, where he dwells, is the only thing he desireth and esteemeth as fittest for him, accounting more of the quietness of the place than of the commodity, which to an honest man cannot be great. 4. That he is wished to the same by the town, country and church, as the place where he may do best service. 5. He continueth this suit not so much for any benefit to himself, as for the disgrace he shall receive if he miss of the same. 6. Whereas others that be competitors make many friends and seek many means to attain thereunto, he, desirous to keep the modesty of his place and calling, only relies on her Majesty's favour, and maketh no other mean objection made against him, because he is not of the Foundation.
1. Although the ordinary Statutes bind the Fellows of New College in Oxford to choose one of the same foundation, yet in this case, which is extraordinary, her Majesty's prerogative is not bound, but that she may at her own choice make election of such as she shall think fittest for the place.
2. It shall wrong her prerogative to bring the same within the compass of their ordinary statutes, that she may not, as her progenitors have done, bestow the living of a person whom she preferreth to a bishop upon what person she shall think best, especially on her own chaplain.
3. That she giveth all the livings of the persons whom she preferreth, to whose gift or election soever they may appertain.
4. That her progenitors have placed, in their memory, in Eton College Sir Thomas Smyth, and also Dr. Bill, in King's College in Cambridge Sir John Cheeke, in Magdalen College in Oxford, being of the same statutes] as Winchester College, Doctor Haddon, in New College in Oxford Mr. Skinner, none of all these being of, those foundations, and some of them neither priests nor ministers as in their statutes is strictly required; and many such precedents more may be found.
5. That upon the preferment of Dr. Still, her Majesty hath given to Dr. Nevill, her chaplain, Trinity College in Cambridge, himself not being of that foundation.
6. That at this time there are three fellows in the College of Winchester which are not of that foundation.
7. That it may haply be that one being not of that foundation, and living so near as he hath done, may see and reform more abuses than those that have lived in them and suffered them.
Touching Mr. Harmer, a competitor.
1. That he hath received at her Majesty's hands two bills signed already within this year and quarter, the one for a prebend in Winchester, and the other for a benefice thereof, and yet he never served her Majesty; neither hath he been in the ministry above one year and a half, besides that he is schoolmaster there, a place of good account and gain.
2. It is reported and known that he hath a promise of a benefice called Droxford, which by the preferment of Dr. Bilson is now in the lord Keeper's gift.
3. That if any preferment had been conferred on this petitioner, he would not dare to open his mouth again so soon, in any other suit to trouble Her Majesty.
1 p. (136. 59.)