Pages 540-546
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.
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Babington :
Anthony (executed 1586), his conspiracy, 78, 79.
— one of his sisters, 229.
—, his land, joint purchasers of, 227, 228.
Gervaise, bishop of Landaff, translated to Exeter (4 Feb. 1595), 18, 29, 487.
— a servant of, 487.
Babraham (Badburham), in Cambridgeshire, 234.
letters dated at, 248, 257, 263, 306, 366.
Back, —, 224, 263.
Bacon :
Mr., 61.
Anthony, letter from, 97.
Badburham. See Babraham.
Baden :
Margrave of, son of Margrave Christopher (who died in 1575), 346, 372, 398, 400.
Edwardus Fortunatus, Margrave of, 372, 399.
Cecilia, Margravine of, 372, 400.
Baden-Durlach, Margrave of, 372.
Baelen, Captain, 345.
Bagg, James, mayor of Plymouth, 433, 488, 490.
— letter from, 489.
Bagnall or Bagnoll :
—, 305.
—, of the Ordnance, 347.
Captain, 439.
Sir Harry, 369, 371, 379.
Bagolt, Richard, 524.
Bainton, Mr., of Wiltshire, 288.
Baker :
John, of Presteign, pardon for, 212.
Tobie, 153.
Balagni or Baligny, Meréchal de, governor of Cambray, 317, 328, 368, 392, 401.
Baldes :
—, 209.
Don Pedro de, 449.
Bald Head, near Tichfield, 86.
Baligny. See Balagni.
Ballet, Mr., 359.
Balye. See Baylie.
Bamfort, Mr. Leonard, 227.
Bancroft, Dr. Richard, afterwards (1604–1610) archbishop of Canterbury, 141.
Banester, Edmund, 241.
Bangor :
bishopric of, 18, 215.
Nicholas Robinson, bishop of (died 1584), 164.
Hugh Bellot, bishop of, (1584–95). See Bellot.
Bannyng. See Bayning.
Baon. See Beaune.
Barbaro, procurator of Venice (died 1595), 269.
Barbary, 1, 94, 397.
hawks and falcons, 340, 480.
slaves from, 189.
Barcelona, 57, 185, 220, 409, 529.
Bargues. See Berghen-op-Zoom.
Barham, in Norfolk, 263.
Barkley :
Sir Henry, his dispute with the Earl of Pembroke, 121.
Maurice, his case in the Court of Wards, 265.
Barmondsey. See Bermondsey.
Barnet, —, 315.
Barneveldt :
Jan van Olden, Advocate General of Holland, 111, 115, 266, 428, 471, 512.
— letter from, 197.
— receives a letter from the King of Scots, 145.
Baron, George, 387.
Barques opt Zoom. See Bergen-op-Zoom.
Barrely, in Lombardy, 127.
Barrett, Mr., of Cambridge, 268, 465.
Popish sermon by, 247.
Barrowes, Robert, a priest, 25.
Barry, Captain, 254.
Barscoum, Edward, customer of Gloucester, 393.
Bartellot, William, letter from, 309.
Barwell, Edmund, master of Christ's College in Cambridge, signature of, 268.
Barzon, Lieutenant, 345, 346.
Bascarto, Alonzo de, 209.
Basinge, 387.
letters dated at, 12, 214.
Basingstoke, 214, 418, 433, 473.
examination taken at, 211.
Baskervile :
Captain, 260, 286.
Sir Thomas, 240, 297, 358.
— letters from, 319, 332.
— passport by, 178.
— demands of, 318.
Bassadonna, John, 21, 22, 349.
Bassano, Andreas, water bailiff of Brill, 240.
Basse, Humphrey, of London, 151, 429, 434.
Bassett, Richard, 55.
Bastagna, in Luxembourg, 19.
Bath or Bathes, the, 323, 333, 386.
Earl of, 467, 523.
Battell, Berks, lands at, 203.
Bavaria, Duke of, sends presents to the Jesuits at Douay, 124, 126.
Bawiria, confession of, 130.
Bawtry (Bawtre), 239.
Bax, Captain, 345.
Baxe, Sir Paul, Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, 383.
Bay, the, in France, 164.
Baylie or Balye, —, an English friar in Italy, 446, 447.
Baynham or Beynham :
Mr., Queen's receiver in Salop, 268.
John, 79.
Bayning (Bannyng), Paul, Alderman, pepper imported by, 94, 96.
Bayonne, 28, 185, 220, 274, 488, 489, 490, 520.
meeting of Catharine de Medicis and Philip 11. at (1565 ?), 135.
plot to betray, 274.
Beachy Head, 171, 172.
Beacons, 295.
Beale, Robert, secretary to the Council of the North, 395, 506, 509.
— letter from, 18.
— certificate by, 31.
— would resign his office in York, 195.
Beauchamp (Becham), Lord, 344, 359.
Beauchamps Lane, letter dated at, 197.
Beaulieu (Bewley), 88.
Beaumont, Mr. Justice, 493.
Beaune (Baon), in Burgundy, captured by Maréchal de Biron, 190.
Beauvoir la Noele, in France, letter dated at, 434.
M. de, French ambassador, 1, 2, 44, 217, 254, 401.
— letters from, 47, 105, 146, 178, 216, 434.
— ratification of a contract with, 44.
— his passport to return, 48.
— his successor, 179.
Beaworth, farm of, 31, 55.
Becham. See Beauchamp.
Becher, Alderman, 219.
Beckhamsfeld, 61.
Beckingham, parsonage of, 381.
Beddingfield Manor, in Suffolk, 279.
Bedford, Francis Russell, earl of, Governor of Berwick (died 1585), 192.
Bedfordshire, lieutenant and muster master of (named), 523.
Bedwell, Mr., his death and successor, 191, 200.
Beer :
for the fleet, 49.
for the King of Scots, 148.
export of, 108.
— list of licenses, 396.
— restraint of, 396.
Beestone, Mr. Hu., 277.
— letter from, 390.
— letter to, 114.
Belgium, 69.
Bell, Beaupré, of Queen's College, Cambridge, 448.
Captain, 156.
Bellamy :
Richard, his petition, 238.
Thomas, letter from, 238.
— his sister-in-law, uncle, and others, in prison, 238.
Bellegarde, Rogier de. See Le Grand.
Belle Isle, 164.
Bellievre, M. de, 190.
Bellott, Hugh, bishop of Bangor translated to Chester (May 1595), 164, 210.
Robert, brother of Hugh, letter from, 210.
— a brother of, 210.
Belmaker, Peter, of Middelburgh, 415.
Belvoir, Earl of Rutland's evidences at, 187.
Bennett :
—, a priest, 185.
Hugh, painter stainer, petition by, 63.
Benstede, Richard; 55.
Berck, Berke, Bercke, or Bercq, 339, 344, 346, 529.
Berck, held by the Spaniards, 140.
Bercke. See Bergen.
Berg, Duchy of, in Germany, 182.
Bergaw, Marchese di, commander in Croatia, 190.
Bergen in Zutphen (Berke, Bercke) :
Count Frederic of (Vandenbargh, Vanden Bergh or Berke), 257, 282, 284, 364, 486.
Count Hendrick of (Van den Berghe) taken prisoner, 466.
Count Herman of (Vandenburgh, Van den Bergh or Berke), brother of Frederic, 212, 257, 271, 282, 284, 285, 345, 346, 423.
Bergen op-Zoom (Berghes, Barques opt Zoom, Bargues), 10, 19, 166, 183, 204, 220, 382, 383, 491.
letter dated at, 60, 166.
relief of (in 1588), 6.
Berghe, Count of. See Bergen in Zutphen.
Berke. See Bergen and Berck.
Berkley or Berkeley Maurice, letter from, 494.
Sir Richard, letter from, 503.
Berkshire, lieutenants and muster master of (named), 523.
Bermondsey (Barmondsey), letter dated at, 133.
Bernardt or Bernarde, captain, a Dutch captain, 345, 346.
Bernart, Captain, English refugee in Flanders, 225.
Bernhere, Thomas, 489.
Berry :
Captain, in the Low Countries, 129.
Robert, Queen's surveyor in co. Salop, 268.
Bertlet, Father, 449.
Berwick upon-Tweed, 91, 192, 459, 521.
burgesses of, 137.
garrison of, 261, 521.
governor of, 4, 14. See Hunsden, lord.
surveyor of victuals, R. Varnon, 526.
treasurer of, 261. See Bowes, R.
Besançon (Byssansons), in Franche Comté, 289.
Bessell, Martin, 433.
Bethell :
Mr., 205.
Hugh, letter from, 260.
— his wife, 260.
Bethune (Betune), in Flanders, 388.
Bettue, the, in the Low Countries, 142.
Betune. See Bethune.
Beverley, College of St. John of, 15.
Beverley, George, letter from, 128.
Bevill or Bevyll :
Henry, signature of, 419.
Philip, of Cornwall, 285.
Bewcastle, captain of, 65. See Musgrave, Sir S.
Bewley. See Beaulieu.
Bewleyon. See Bouillon.
Beynham. See Baynham.
Biarnois. (i.e. Bearnais). See France. King Henry IV. of.
Bienen. See Binen.
Bilbao, in Biscay, 164, 185, 226, 504.
Billett, Thomas, customer of Poole, 70, 393.
Billot, Mr., 233.
Billingsley, Henry, alderman, 40, 130.
— letters from, 96, 98, 145.
— letter to, 94.
— signature of, 296.
Bilson, Dr. Thomas, Warden of Winchester College, letters from, 281, 436.
Bindon. See Howard, of Bindon.
Bindon :
Frances, viscountess, widow of Henry, 436, 48.
Thomas Howard, viscount, 481.
— letter from, 93.
Binelli, Bernard. See Caresana, B. B. de.
Binen or Bienen inde Heter, in Cleves, 314.
Biron (Byronne), Maréchal Charles de, 217, 278, 316, 456.
— captures Beaune, 190.
Biscay, 29, 311, 322, 473, 504.
a proclamation in, 164.
Bishopp, —, captain of a man-of-war, 520.
Bishopric, the. See Durham, bishopric of.
Bishops :
appointments of, 7, 11, 18, 31, 48, 50, 51, 79, 84, 92, 106, 107, 122, 148, 177, 210, 215, 250, 254, 291, 333.
— in commendam, 369.
Bishopstoke (Stoke Episcopi), farm of, 55.
Bishopthorpe, letter dated at, 226, 505.
Bislick (Bislike), in Cleves, 328.
letter dated at, 314.
Bittinweme. See Pittenweem.
Blackborne alias Thomson, priest, executed ten years past, 25.
Blackmere manor, 75.
Blackmore Forest, 128.
Bland, Mr., surveyor of customs in Ipswich, 49.
Blank, Cape, 161.
Blantyre, the prior of (Walter Stuart); 416.
Blatt, Hughes. See Platte.
Blavet (Blewet, Bluit, Bluet), in Brittany, 164, 171, 290, 311, 322, 366, 367.
Spanish fortification of, 164.
Bletchingley (Blechyngly), the Lord Admiral's house at, 307.
Bletsoe. See St. John, Lord, of B.
Blewet. See Blavet.
Bleyswyk, in Holland, 513 (? Lyesuelt).
Blount or Blunt :
—, in Ireland, 347.
Sir Charles, 240.
Sir Christopher, 524.
Edward, 534.
G., 255.
Sir Michael, lieutenant of the Tower, 347, 475, 476, 524. See also London, Tower of.
— letter to, 476.
— signature of, 476.
Blue Mantle Pursuivant, Robert Treswell, 518.
Bluet or Bluit. See Blavet.
Blunt. See Blount.
Blynkoe, John, petition of, 265.
Blynne, Comte de, slain, 275.
Bodegraven (Bodegrame), in Holland, 513.
Bodeley or Bodley :
Josias, 446.
Thomas, the Queen's envoy to the States General, 100, 107, 133, 139, 156 (Lord Ambassador), 163, 182, 196 bis, 197, 202, 203, 221, 258, 259, 263, 272, 321, 331, 344, 353, 363, 373, 379, 380, 383, 410, 411, 416, 420, 438, 466, 485, 490, 512.
— letters from, 102 bis, 110, 111, 115, 116, 122, 129, 130, 142, 144, 147, 167, 169, 179, 237, 275, 327, 329, 352, 373, 388, 421, 428, 470.
— letter to, 388.
— handwriting of, 109, 125, 126.
— death of his brother, 275.
— petition of, 275.
Bodmin, 419.
Boduel. See Bothwell.
Boglione. See Bouillon.
Bohemia, 195.
contribution against the Turks, 190, 194.
Bois le Due (Bolducq) :
governor of. See Coquel.
Count (?) of, 345.
Bold, —, of Lancashire, 242.
Bolducq. See Bois le Duc.
Bologna (Bolona), 264, 447.
Bommels Wert (Bommelre Weert), in the Low Countries, 142, 466.
Boniface (Bonifasse), M. de, 366, 456.
Bonn (Bunna, Bonne), in Germany :
held by the Spaniards, 140.
like to have rendered to the Hollanders, 94.
a tumult at, 94.
Bonner, Humphrey, mayor of Nottingham, speeches by, 135.
Boocher, —, 520.
Books, 165, 364.
lists of, 62, 138.
Bale's History of the Popes, 141.
Carion, 141.
Grafton's Chronicle, 256.
Guevara's Diadem of Princes, 254.
Machiavelli 99.
Omphrius, 141.
Rastall's Collection of Statutes, 202.
Sanders, De Schismate, 141.
Satire Menippée, 124 (? “play made against them”).
seditious, 62, 98, 99.
Spanish, 97.
Boost. See Boste.
Borculo (Borcklo), in Gelderland, 282.
Bordeaux, 207, 520.
merchants trading to, and their fleet, 98, 130, 171.
Borders, the. See Scotland, Marches of.
Borgonians. See Burgundians.
Borough or Burgh :
Thomas Lord, governor of Brill, 237, 272, 281, 490.
— letters from, 266, 283, 285, 299, 303, 314, 321, 337, 349, 375, 384, 405, 406, 416, 438, 485.
— his suit for a debt, 154.
— his lieutenant governor. See Brill.
(Burrough), Sir John, 240 bis, 262.
William, letter from, 399.
Boroughbridge, 135.
letter dated at, 182 (?).
Boroughs, Mr., 174.
Borows, —, claims collectorship of the bishopric of Exeter, 33.
Bortkay, Stefano, “the Transylvanian,” to marry the daughter of Archduke Charles, 190, 194, 263.
Borwright, the meeting at, 409.
Boskennon, in Cornwall, 514.
Boste or Booste, a seminary priest, 83.
Bostock, Captain, 524.
Boston, 251.
customs return, 393.
Bothwell (Boduel) :
Francis, Earl, 10, 14, 17, 41, 74, 124, 129, 130, 416.
— in hiding in Liddisdale, 7, 10.
— his offences, 18.
Lady, and her sons, 416.
Bottell, Giles, 18.
Boucher, Captain, 523.
Bouillon (Bullion, Buglion, Boglione, Bewleyon, Bowllyone, Bowlyon, Buillon, Boullon) :
Duke of, 11, 19, 20, 21 bis, 211, 257, 258, 263, 275, 289, 292, 300, 308, 316, 317 bis, 327, 333, 366, 374, 379, 384, 385, 401, 402, 404, 409, 429, 456, 463, 536.
— his cipher, 1.
— his marriage, 11.
— campaigns in Luxembourg, 103, 107, 108, 112, 140, 147, 182, 183.
Boulogne, 449, 481.
governor of, 292, 472.
Boulton :
Mr. 145.
James, arrested, 139.
Bourbon :
Charles de, Count of Soissons, son of Louis, Prince of Condé (who died in 1569), by Francisca, his second wife, 263, 308, 316.
Charles de, letter from, 231.
— letter to, 232.
— his mother. See Condé, Madame de.
François de. See Conti, Prince of.
Henry de, letter from, 487.
Bourchier :
Arthur, 240.
Sir George, 53.
(Bourgcher), Henry, 267, 529.
— his sister, 267, 529.
Bourn, in Lincolnshire, 69.
Bourn, Gilbert, bishop of Bath (1554–1560); 122 (?Burne).
Bourne, Mr. Anthony, forfeited goods of; 138, 195.
Bouth, Mr., 227.
Bowes :
Mr., 399.
Robert, treasurer of Berwick, ambassador to Scotland, 6, 10, 14, 261, 526.
—, letters to, 17, 153, 199.
—, symbol for, 199.
Sir William, 431, 458, 460.
Bowllyone. See Bouillon.
Bowne, Mrs., 532.
Bows, export of long bows, 174, 204.
Bowyer, Robert, of the Middle Temple, 55.
Boxall, —, 122 (qu. J. Boxal, dean of Windsor and Peterborough under Queen Mary ?).
Boxley, Kent, 129.
Boyce, Mr. James, 488.
Boyle, James, 169.
Brabant, 118, 168, 204, 224, 266, 267, 271, 272, 285, 405, 420, 423, 466, 491, 494, 512.
Brackenbury or Braconbery :
Anthony, 297.
Captain, 523.
Richard, 297.
Braddockes. See Wiseman, of Braddockes.
Bradwell manor, 68.
Braganca (Brigantia), Theodosius, Duke of, whose mother was sister's son Henry king of Portugal (who died in 1580); 3, 252.
Brainford. See Brentford.
Brakanhill, 18.
Brakyn, Richard, and Alice his wife, 64, 65.
Brandenburg :
Electorof, 474.
House of, 416.
Brandsburton, John Constable vicar of, 99.
Branton, 65, 66.
Brasenose College. See Oxford.
Braye, William, 440.
Brazil, 172.
Breda, in the Low Countries, 118, 163, 165, 491.
Harauguieres, governor of and commander in Huy, 107, 112, 131, 140, 147, 163, 331, 405, 420, 423, 466.
a captain of, 163.
Brederode, Mr., of the States General, 145, 490.
Bredevoort (Brevoordt, Brefoord), in Gelderland, 257, 271.
Brehac :
in Brittany, 378.
letter dated at, 378.
Bremen, Archbishop of, 484, 529.
Brend, Margaret, 214.
Brentford (New Brainford), 151, 152.
Brereton, Sir William, 524.
Brescia (Bressia), 269.
manufacture of harquebuses at, 189.
Brest, 173, 329, 371.
letter dated at, 321.
seige of, 28, 34.
governor of. See Sourdeac, M. de.
Bretagne. See Brittany.
Breton, Chevalier, 44.
Brett :
Mr., 289.
Captain Arthur, 241, 261.
Brevoordt. See Bredevoort.
Brewen, Mr., servant to the earl of Southampton, 88.
Brewes, Mark, 460.
Brewster, —, a priest, 25.
Bricherasco (Bricorasco), near Pinerolo in Piedmont, taken by the duke of Savoy, 46.
Bridgewater, 468.
Customs return, 393.
Brigantia. See Braganza.
Briggwood park, 66.
Brigondy. See Burgundy.
Brill or Briell, 23, 240, 251, 266, 267, 337, 405, 438, 485, 490, 525.
letters dated at, 237, 281, 376, 407, 486.
governor of. See Borough, lord.
lieutenant governor of; 237, 266, 315. See also Gorges, Sir F.
state of the garrison and fortifications, 350, 485.
oath given by the magistrates; 490.
Brimfield manor, Hereford, 177.
Brissels. See Brussels.
Bristol (Bristowe), 27, 164, 209, 322, 324.
aldermen of, 324.
customs return, 393.
Bristol Channel, 164.
Bristowe :
—, a Papal writer, 141.
John See Moody, M.
Brittany, (Bretagne, Britanie), 1, 2, 11, 41, 85, 90, 313, 318, 322, 333, 334, 366, 378, 380, 401, 402, 449, 467, 468, 514.
English troops in, recalled, 44, 286, 413.
Spaniards in, 28, 34, 44, 164, 171, 221, 311, 313, 318, 322, 328, 329, 367, 378, 467.
Britton, Mrs., 234.
Brogden, John, arrested, 139.
Brokesmouth, Ralph, alias Brookes, York Herald, 518.
Brombridg, Captain, 523.
Bromley, Sir Thomas, lord Chancellor (died 1587), 66.
Brook, Brokes, or Brookes :
Robert, goldsmith, 33, 37 bis, 38, 39, 68, 280, 281.
— deposition by, 33.
Brooke :
George, younger son of lord Cobham, 35, 50, 174.
Henry, son of lord Cobham, 347.
— letters from, 1, 339.
— letter to, 407.
John, 370.
Captain John, indenture with, 406.
Brookes, Ralph. See Brokesmouth.
Broome :
— 288.
Mr., 407.
— his wife, 407.
Brouage (Burwage), in France, 171, 172.
Broughton, letter dated at, 419.
Richard, 267.
— letter from, 218.
William, of Furnival's Inn, 148.
Browne :
Captain, 182, 450.
Henry, his journey in Spain, 55.
Robert, 174.
William, 241.
Broxbourne parsonage, 32, 42.
Bruce, (Brusio, Bruscio, Brucio), Robert, 34, 73, 74.
Bruges, 196, 204, 484, 512.
intended enterprise on, 133.
Brumfield, Mr., 89.
Brun, in Westphalia, 285.
Brunswick and Luneburg, Ernest, duke of, 445, 474, 513.
— letter from, 215.
Brusio. See Bruce.
Brussels, (Brissels, Bruxelles), 8, 11, 20, 58, 62, 63, 69, 79, 97, 102, 103, 107, 122, 130, 131, 160, 168, 210, 213, 225, 244, 254, 257, 266, 272, 305, 328, 339, 340, 376, 380, 392, 423, 432, 464, 466, 478, 479, 484, 512, 515, 536.
letter dated at, 35, 124, 126.
council at. See Flanders, Council of. postmaster. at, 225.
proposed embassy to. See Wilkes, Sir T.
refuses entry to Spaniards, 224.
Buccleuch, Laird of, 10, 416, 459.
Buck :
Mr., to succeed Mr. Necasious, 189.
Captain, 523.
Buckden, letter dated at, 38.
Buckenham.Castle, 392.
Buckhurst :
Thomas, Lord, 2, 16, 29, 106, 149, 154, 157, 166, 168, 174, 175, 192, 203, 236, 475, 476, 514, 523, 535.
— letters from, 175, 192, 198, 310, 312, 475.
— letters to, 51, 175, 309, 507.
Buckie, (Bukkie), laird of, 6.
Buckinghamshire, sheriff's assistants (named), 523.
Buckle, Sir Cuthbert, his heir's inheritance, 113, 114.
— his executors, 114.
— his wife, 114.
Buda, in Hungary 45, 190
Budden, Jo., letter from, 217.
Bueren, Buren or Bure, in Holland, 102.
Countess of, marries Count Hohenlohe, 102.
Count of, 261, 267, 429.
Buffalo, Mons. del, 258.
Buglion. See Bouillon.
Buillon. See Bouillon.
Bullion, duke of. See Bouillon.
Bunna. See Bonn.
Burborowe, in Flanders, 133.
Burd, Mr., 25.
Buren or Bure. See Bueren.
Burges, Katharine, letter from, 146.
— her late husband (Thos. Morris), 146.
Burgh, Lord. See Borough.
Burgh barony, Cumb. :
stewardship of, 65, 66.
steward of. See Leigh.
Burghley, 69, 70, 333.
letter dated at, 333.
Burghley :
Sir William Cecil, K.G., Lord, Lord Treasurer and Master of the Wards, Chancellor of Cambridge University, father of Sir Thomas and Sir Robert Cecil, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 24 bis, 25 bis, 26, 28, 35, 36, 40, 47, 48 bis, 50, 52, 53 bis, 63, 65, 68, 75, 76, 83, 84, 93, 95, 96, 100, 101 bis, 102, 107, 108, 110 bis, 111, 112 bis, 115, 120, 122 bis, 127, 130, 133, 135 bis, 144, 147, 148, 158, 162, 167, 173, 176, 177, 181, 182, 184, 185, 188, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 203, 205, 206, 210, 213, 214, 218, 222, 223 bis, 224, 226, 233, 234, 237, 243, 246, 247, 248, 255, 256, 260, 263, 265, 267, 270, 273, 277, 278, 290, 293, 296, 300, 302, 303, 326, 331, 333, 340, 353, 360, 363, 364, 365, 368, 369, 370, 371, 376, 383, 386, 389, 392, 401, 407, 408, 409, 413, 415, 416, 417, 424, 425, 426, 431, 432, 434, 436, 439, 440, 442, 450, 453, 454, 462, 472, 476, 483, 485, 488, 489, 494, 495, 496, 497, 509, 511, 512, 521, 523 ter, 534, 535.
— letters from, 80, 138, 177, 247, 381, 388, 400, 458, 484.
— letters, &c. to, 2, 16, 20, 29, 43, 47, 49, 76, 81, 92, 93, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 111, 116, 127, 130, 135, 138, 141, 142, 145, 149, 152, 154, 157, 162, 166, 167, 168, 174, 175, 179, 191, 192, 195, 196, 198, 221, 222, 262, 267, 269, 275, 276, 280, 291, 295, 312, 327, 352, 373, 388, 399, 409, 415, 421, 428, 449, 453, 489, 493, 503, 505.
— handwriting of, 14, 51, 54, 59, 62, 64, 69, 72, 76, 80, 81, 138, 158, 162, 166, 175, 268, 318, 325, 382, 519, 528.
— illness of, 46, 191, 203, 273, 360, 370, 380, 381, 465, 511.
— his notes on his own history, 69.
— opinion by, 99.
— forged signature of, 185.
— poem in praise of, 368.
— his sister Anna, wife of Roger Cave, 69.
— his sister Elizabeth, wife of Robert Byngfeld, 69.
— his first wife, Maria Cheke, 69 bis.
— his second wife, Mildred Cook (died 1589), 69, 71.
Burghley, Burlay, Burley, or Bourley :
Richard, in the Spanish service, 207, 226, 349.
Robert, 354, 355, 356.
Burgos, archbishop of, 504.
Burgundians (Burgonians, Borgonians), 305, 479.
Burgundy (Bourgogne, Brigondy, Bourgonye), 19, 44, 140, 151, 190, 259, 261, 278, 328, 362, 456, 499, 529.
— government of, 248.
Burke, Richard, 440.
Burlaco, Mons., a Frenchman at Rome, 269.
Burlay. See Burghley.
Burne, —, 122. Qu. Gilbert Bourn? q.v.
Burnell :
George, suspected of cozening, 82.
— confession of, 83.
Burray brigge (qu. Boroughbridge ?), letter dated at, 182.
Burrell :
Mr., 218.
John, letter from, 57.
Burrowes, Mr., his house at Limehouse, 193.
Burwage. See Brouage.
Busenval. See Buzanval.
Buskell, Mr. Thomas, 529.
Butler :
Captain, imprisoned in Spain, 504.
Mr. James, 347.
Sir Philip, letter from, 500.
Thomas, 64.
Butlers, the rebellion of, 266.
Buxton, in Derbyshire, 70.
Buzanval (Busenval), Mons., French ambassador to the States General, 144, 147, 156, 183, 364, 372, 375, 379, 441, 472, 491, 513.
Bygrame, John, prisoner for felony, 37.
Byndon. See Bindon.
Byngfeld, Robert, brother-in-law of Lord Burghley, 69.
Byrde, —, 490.
Byron, Sir John, 524 bis.
Byronne. See Biron.
Byssansons. See Besançon.
Byzarto, Alonzo, a Spaniard at London, 186.