Cecil Papers: April 1595, 1-15

Pages 161-173

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 5, 1594-1595. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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April 1595, 1–15

Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 1. Sends him such news as is come lately into Plymouth of Sir W. Raleigh. As it makes mention of the welfare of himself and his little fleet, knows it will be welcome to Cecil. Received it from Carew Raleigh, being sent unto him from the Lady [Raleigh] at Sherborne. Prays the Lord Admiral may have knowledge thereof.—Salisbury, 1 April, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (31. 67.)
Encloses :
The 20th of this present March there came in a prize at Plymouth, of fourscore tons and of Portugal, laden with fish from Cape Blank, brought in by one Rowe and taken 27 February near Cape St. Vincent. The Portingals of this ship being examined affirmed that their ship, with 5 other Portingals of the same lading and from the same place, were all taken before by Sir Walter Raleigh the 28 February betwixt the Cape and the Islands, and that he had some of the principal men aboard him for two days, and finding their lading to be but fish, as mullets, bonitoes, and purgose, he took some small quantity out of every ship, also a pipe of wine and a pipe of water, and so let them pass.
One of these Portingals, John Gonzalicis, boatswain of the prize, affirmed that he had served Don Antonio at London and there knew Sir Walter Raleigh very well, who by divers descriptions gave sufficient testimony of knowledge of him. He also affirmed that when he was prisoner abroad him he saw a pinnace in two halves, with other particular tokens of his ship; whereby we doubt not but that he saw him. He affirmeth also he was merry and in good health with all his men, that he was in all 7 sail, of which two were carvells that they deemed he had taken before them; and when Sir Walter had put them off, they observed he with his fleet set their course south south-west.
Endorsed :—“An advertisement of Sir Walter Rawlegh.”
1 p. (31. 66.)
The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 1. As I promised you to send a resolute answer, I do advertise you that I will make up the custom which already her Majesty hath, that is, as I perceive, 3,000 and odd pounds, 10,000l.; and for her assurance to put in such merchants as among these here named, and some others which I shall hereafter nominate, your lordship shall choose. Most earnestly desiring your favour I do crave her Majesty's resolution, that I knowing the same may haste the assurance the sooner.
Underwritten : The names of the parties, Roberts, Taylor, Somes, Smythe of Exeter, Stapers, Cacher, Moody, Glover, and all the usual merchants for the tin, and that are customers to the tinners, whereby there needeth no loss of coinage by clearing the same, for these have already paid for their tin and to whom the tinners are indebted.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“1 April, 1595. Ea. of Oxford. Tin works.”
Holograph. 1 p. (31. 68.)
[W. Chaderton,] Bishop of Chester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 1. Yields him most humble and hearty thanks for his manifold favours; there is no man in the realm of his calling whom Cecil may rather command and use than himself. Prays continuance of his favours : God grant him his father's years and acceptance with her Majesty.—Manchester, 1 April 1595.
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (171. 119.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 1. Since I sent you Hull's letter to me from Antwerp, I have by a captain of Breda sent unto him two very good guides and resolute soldiers, so as he shall be assisted by them to perform the desired service if the least opportunity be offered them. There have been of late with me certain Flemings about an enterprise of importance, and will within few days open all the particularities, affirming the performance thereof to be very easy and sure. When I shall understand further I mean not only to confer with Mr. Bodley thereabouts, but also to acquaint you withal, to the end by your special favour the same be furdered.
Huy Castle, as I wrote in my last, was yielded to the Spaniards, who still possess it, and have for the keeping thereof placed there three companies, so as, till the King of Spain's pleasure known, the Bishop is not like to have it again. He hath sent hither great complaints against Harraguieres, as well for ransacking the country as yielding the place to the Spaniards, nothwithstanding he had requested the contrary with offer of a great reward. It seemeth it was abandoned without such cause as he wrote, for the breach was not saultable, and within it he had two retreats and defences; besides, could have spoiled the enemy very much for the divers difficulties he should have found in the assault. It is now thought cowardice had possessed him, and [he] is condemned of all, yet his Excellency makes fair weather, and such as favour him excuse the matter; but the Bishop, insisting for reparation of the damage done him and his, requires justice.
The enemy is not yet passed into Luxemburgh, as was thought he would have done, but remaineth about Tungerey, where his forces increase, and a bruit is spread he will have a saying to Breda, towards which charge the said bishop will contribute, for that the garrison of the said place doth so much trouble his country; and since Huy was taken by the States' men, his towns keep watch and ward, and will not suffer any of their men to enter or pass. It is supposed when opportunity shall serve, Haraguieres will be called to answer for his doings, and the whilst, to divert and prevent the enemy's designs, order is taken to reinforce the garrison of Breda into 30 companies and provide the place with all necessary provisions, so as if the enemy come afore it he will be met with, and consume his forces without effecting anything.
His Excellency is gone into Zeeland to induce Middleburgh to obey the States, and publish the placard about the mint, as hath been done by all other, or else, according to an article in the Union, their persons, ships, and goods will be arrested wheresoever they shall be found until they have conformed themselves, and repaired the interest (sic) the States in general and others in particular shall have sustained. In Embden also troubles are towards, the burghers having taken arms to assure and defend themselves, doubting the Earl practiseth to alter the religion and place the Lutheranism. They have made three colours and ranged the inhabitants into companies, being also thought that the magistrate is altered by them, being composed of the said Earl's creatures. He sent hither his chancellor to show the States of all, and that they would not favour nor assist his subjects against him. The Count William of Nassau wrote in the town's favour, and that they desire to keep all neighbourhood and friendship with those of Groningen. As yet no answer given.—Hague, 1 April 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (171. 120.)
Intelligence from Spain.
1595, April 2. Being bound out of the Bay of France in a French ship for Bristol, laden with salt and other merchandise, whereof I was merchant and pilot for the voyage, the 16 January last was taken by the galleys of Spain's pinnace, whereof was captain Casharon; which carried our ship for Blewet in Bretagne, where they made prize of it. I being not known for merchant but as a mariner, was put into the galley Royal which is at Blewet, and was four days in chains because I would not serve them of voluntary; but being in such great misery I thought good to yield unto them and serve, whereby I might procure liberty, and was appointed a pilot in place of one Douting, an Englishman, and was appointed to go to Belle Isle to descry a fleet of English ships which were there. Being at sea, by foul weather was put into Castro in Spain, where I shifted away by land to Porteugalet, where I found a ship of Ireland which passed me presently for England. I was 20 days in Blewet, where I did understand that they fear greatly being besieged this summer. If not, and they scape this small time that they be stronger, they desire to come for Bristol Channel or Scilly at Lands End, to burn and spoil, with 12 galleys and other ships, whereof 4 were ready at Blewet and the others were to come from Passage in Spain. Being in Spain there came from Lisbon and the Groyne 40 sail to Passage, all men of war, whereof 8 were great ships between 500 and 1,000 tons; and the governor of the country made proclamation in Bilboa and Portegalet for soldiers and sailors that would serve should have 10 pyes beforehand paid. So that all the barks there did daily carry victuals and provision to the army, and they did appoint to be ready in 6 weeks after, which will be about the 12th inst. The report was that they would for Ireland, others said for Blewet, for the fort of Blewet.—2 April, 1595.
Holograph, signed—“Benedick Harvey.” (31. 69.)
1 p.
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to the Queen.
1595, April 3. Whereas in the six shires of North Wales, being the half of all Wales, there is but one school for the virtuous and godly education of children in their duties to God and her Majesty, whereby they may be able to serve in God's church and the commonwealth, he lately built a schoolhouse in Ruthin, co. Denbigh, where he was born, no school being near by 40 miles; in which place a school has been kept many years and maintained by one portion of Llanelidan parsonage, in co. Denbigh, which consists of two portions, one being able to maintain a sufficient man to discharge the cure. The late and present bishops of Bangor, at his instance, have bestowed the other portion to maintain the said school; which godly intent and disposition cannot take effect without her Highness's letters patent. Prays her Majesty to accept of a grant of the patronage of that portion of the said parsonage which now is employed for maintenance of the said school and wherein Richard Parry is now incumbent, and to appropriate the same into the hospital of Ruthin, for the perpetual maintenance of the said school; and that petitioner may make laws and ordinances for the good government of the school.
Endorsed :—“3 April, 1595. The Queen's most excellent Majesty being made acquainted with this petition, and graciously considering and commending the charitable meaning of Mr. Dean of Westminster, the founder of the school and hospital of Ruthin within mentioned, is pleased that a book be made in form by her Highness's learned counsel, ready for her gracious signature, according to the effect of this petition. Wm. Aubrey.”
1 p. (171. 121.)
Sir Thomas Cecil to his brother, Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 4. I pray you deliver this book unto her Majesty for me, which for that they are hard to be gotten in London, I have lent mine own book which I read in. I could wish her Majesty would undertake the translating of it into English, for in my opinion, and in the opinion of the best learned, there was never any translation so well done in poetry as this is; nor do I think any will come near to equal it as herself, if it will please her to undertake it. So desiring you to be the deliverer hereof, I wish you that fortune yourself doth desire.—This present Friday.
Endorsed :—“4 April 1595.”
Holograph. ½ p. (31. 70.)
1595, April 5. “A brief declaration of the issue of part of a privy seal of 8,000l. dated 13 January, 1594.”
There is spent by payments made in England, 456l. 19s.; ready money borrowed of several persons within named, 2,420l. [margin : this sum was wholly paid to divers of her Majesty's garrison here for imprest and diet money and certain extraordinary charges due for part of the month of December, January and February, 1594, by warrants from the Lord Deputy remaining in my custody, Cha. Huet]: payments made for full pay and diet money to the parties within named for the month of March last, 832l. 11s. 4d.; for the Lord Deputy's entertainment, 1,510l. 4s.d.; also paid to the companies of horsemen and footmen and others within named for full pay and diet money for April, 1595, 1,128l. 11s. 10d.; and lastly, paid and imprested to the several persons within named, 681l. 13s. 10d. Total of payments, 7,030l.d. Remaining unissued of the privy seal, 969l. 19s.d.—5 April, 1595. Per me Cha. Huet, deput. Thesaur.
7 pp. (31. 71.)
Ordnance for the Low Countries.
1595, April 5. Warrant under the privy signet for Count Maurice to cast and transport 16 pieces of cast iron ordnance for defence of the town of Breda.—Westminster, 5 April, 1595, 37 Elizabeth.
Sign manual. 1 p. (31. 75.)
E. Lady Ralegh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 7. Fears to be troublesome, yet cannot but write in behalf of the bearer, he being to Sir Walter as he is, which she knows is a sufficient reason for Cecil's favour and care of him. Desires he may be graced and helped by him in his desire of going to sea.—Sherborne Lodge, 7 April.
Endorsed :—“1595.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (31. 77.)
Jo. Sparhauk to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 8. Having mustered the companies of the garrison of Ostend, I have sent you a certificate of the several strengths of the present, absent, and deficient officers and soldiers of every company.
I received a letter from Sir Francis Vere the 16 March to repair to Bergen-op-Zoom for mustering the late company of Sir John Polye, knight, deceased, which the 4th of this present April I performed accordingly. The abbreviate and check for this half year I have also sent you.—Bergen-op-Zoom, 8 April, 1595.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“Sparhauk, with the musters off Ostend and Sir Jh. Poole's troop.”
Holograph. Seal of arms. ½ p. (31. 78.)
Foulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 8. I am not well and so at good leisure to peruse the letter you promised me, or any other besides that you may conveniently trust me with.—From my lodging this evening. [P.S.] The parsonage in the Isle of Wight, which I moved Her Majesty for Samuel Danyel, and which she was pleased to be certified of by you from your father, is called Shawflete. There is some 12 years to run; he desires so many in reversion as she shall think fit. Sir, you shall do a good deed to help the poor man; many will thank you.
Endorsed :—“8 April, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. (171. 123.)
The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1595, April, 9. I have laboured so much as I could possibly to advance her Majesty's customs of tin, and had performed it if mine undertakers had kept promise with me, on Monday last to have set to their names with their own hands to the bargain. But through the cunning-dealing of some they are dissuaded, and I cannot bring them back again to their former purpose. Wherefore, if you think my lord of Buckhurst have undertakers, I think it best for her Majesty to take that course which is best for her service. But I doubt our merchants were all one, and that he will find them as backward now to him, for I see and I believe your lordship shall find it true that the Turkey Company have so packed that her Majesty's intention will find no issue. Nevertheless, when you have made trial of all, if it please her Majesty to employ my service, I will use all diligence to further her profit. And if my Lord Buckhurst be able to bring forth undertakers, which I do not believe, yet whereas I was the first that offered 3,000l. to her Majesty when as there was but 1,000 marks proposed by others, and thereby was an occasion to cause her Majesty to stay until she was better advertised, I desire you yet to further my suit for the transportation, whereby I shall advance her Majesty 1,000l. by year more than she hath. The great matter I have followed ever with a mind to bring all the profit thereof to her Majesty, and brought it on so far as the undertakers, as I have said, were ready to set down their hands, yet so dissuaded by certain persons which they have named unto me, that they have gone from their word and promise.
Endorsed :—“9 April, 1595”: and by Lord Burghley, “His merchants have gone back.”
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (31. 79.)
The King of France to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 10/20. On behalf of two merchants of Cambray, sent by him into England, to purchase 20 geldings for his stable; praying he will assist them to obtain the best, and will help them with their passports.—Paris, 20 April, 1595.
Signed. French. ½ p. (147. 109.)
Lord St. John to Bernard Deoux [Dewhurst ?].
1595, April 11. Prays him to move Lord [Burghley] again to grant him a lease of the woods belonging to the heir of his late cousin Sir John St. John, during the ward's minority.—St. Bartholomew's, 11 April, 1595.
1 p. (132. 20.)
Sir Ed. Anderson, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 12. I am not able to advertise you anything certainly in the matter between Sir Edward Hobby and the Dean of Powles, neither have I examined the attorneys in that suit to my remembrance, or know their names. But if I may have knowledge of them I will understand the cause and certify you accordingly.—12 April, 1595.
¼ p. (31. 80.)
Thomas Bodley to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 13. Has refrained from writing upon hope every day to receive the States' answer to her Majesty's demands. The answer is set down in writing but not yet exhibited to him, for knowing what the tenor will be, that they are not yet in state to satisfy her Majesty, has dealt to such effect with some of the chiefest as he is done to wit upon it that they bethink themselves further what special offer they may make that would be grateful to her Highness; whereof he hears they will make an overture to him within four or five days. Colonel Stuart earnestly requires despatch, which they purposely delay till they hear what Bodley says upon his letters out of England. Stuart diligently prefers the Earl of Orkney's suit to Lady Emilia, sister to Count Maurice, who has answered flatly she will not dwell so far from her brother and kindred. Since the death of Ernestus letters have been addressed in very secret sort to the Marquis of Haverey, and to such nobility in the enemy's country as were commonly reported most discontented with the Spaniards' government, to insinuate that if they were desirous to cast off the yoke of their Spanish servitude, they had the fittest opportunity that could be expected, and might make account of the uttermost assistance those of this Union could afford. They returned answer they would willingly join if they might obtain these points : their accustomed religion, a peace in France, and any course for banishing the Spaniards directly or indirectly procured. The States replied that for religion they had never any intention to bereave any Province of liberty of conscience; for France, they made no doubt of inducing the King to accord a good peace; and lastly, they could like to have the Spaniard chased home by all the means they could devise. The Marquis, with the rest of that side, sent to Count Maurice in Middleburgh M. Lilfvelt, heretofore a Chancellor in Brabant, and M. Mause, in times past a huissier of the Chancery. In the delivery of their message it was apparent to Count Maurice that the Marquis had acquainted De Fuentes with this practice; insomuch as, when they spake of expelling the Spaniard, they proposed to do it with consent of the King of Spain and by means of De Fuentes; which being perceived by the Count he bid them presently depart. This he told Bodley all himself, being very desirous it should not be published, lest a matter, well meant but perhaps misreported by passing many mouths, might turn to their rebuke by whom it was contrived. The Duke of Pastrana is arrived at Brussels, it is supposed without commission to command in the country, for it is written from Brussels that when he came to De Fuentes, the upper hand being offered him he would not accept it.—13 April.
Endorsed :—“Copy of my letter to my L. Treasurer, 13 April, 1595.”
Unsigned. 2¼ pp. [Murdin, pp. 686,687. In extenso.] (31. 81.)
The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1595, April 13. I do not know how my Lord Buckhurst doth proceed with her Majesty for that which she expects to be made of her tin. But it may be it falleth out as I have thought, that he would as hardly bring in his undertakers as myself. If so, and her Majesty and your lordship will like of what I here write, I will neglect no diligence that may do her Majesty service. The undertakers are to be either those which have already the trade in their hands, or such strangers as upon good consideration will soon be willing to farm so good a commodity. When the present ingrossers did verily think that her Majesty would have nominated me to the farm of this commodity, then, lest I should agree with other strangers, I found [them] determined to agree with me, saying they rather would command than be commanded. But when they found her Majesty stood in suspense and that Lord Buckhurst was to have it at a lower rate than myself, then they hung off from both.
Another occasion is an especial let to her Majesty's purpose, that there is a suit which hath been of long time mentioned for the pewterers, that they might have a second melting and casting of the tin into bars. This suit, by reason so many rivers run out of it, hath many friends, and all these are enemies to the great matter, for, say they, it swallows this up. But this suit, if her Majesty grant it, is called a little suit, but so little it is as whosoever shall undertake the great leaseth [loseth] 3,000l. or 4,000l. a year thereby. Then how is it possible they can give so much to her Majesty as she looks for? First, seeing they must lay out 40,000l. stock, and then pay her Majesty 4,000l., then her custom; further to him who shall obtain the farm some 2,000l. or 3,000l. This they cannot perform if her Majesty shall pass before or accept hereafter the suit of the pewterers. But if her Majesty will nominate me for the pre-emption and transportation, and give me time to make my bargain, I do not doubt [not] only to get her Majesty the 4,000l. which is offered, but to get myself 2,000l. or 3,000l. more. And further it is to be thought, if in the little suit of bars they can provide for themselves so well, they may be as good husbands to her Majesty in the great. Also, sythe the merchants have dealt so frowardly to cross her Majesty, if it shall please her upon the grant to me to deal somewhat roughly with them in the matter of transportation, for that they cannot and ought not to transport but to Calais, and now in this month and next when they have taxed their tin to make a stay as a thing forfeited, it will make them the more greedy to come to composition.—This 13 April, 1595.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (31. 83.)
Renold Capcot, deputy, and the Associates of the fellowship of Merchants' Adventurers at Middelburgh, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 13–25. Upon receipt of his letters of 8th March last on behalf of Gabriel Richmond, were ready to hear the cause between him, Mr. Keynell and James Boyle, and called the parties before them. Mr. Keynell made answer that although he were, as he supposed, sufficiently discharged from Richmond, as by copy of a release herein enclosed by him exhibited appears, he was contented and at all times ready to submit to the determination of their court. James Boyle offered to do the like, notwithstanding that, as he alleged, he never had to do with Richmond. Which answers they signified unto Richmond, advising him to proceed against one or both according to the orders of the fellowship, and he should find them ready to give him what expedition in right and equity they should find to appertain.—23 April, 1595.
Signed. 1 p. (31. 102.)
Thomas Bodley to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 13. The want of some answer to my former letters, whereof the only cause I think is a contrary wind, hath almost brought me to a non plus in mine own negotiations. And for the occurrences of this country, it hath yielded nothing of moment for a great while together; and that little which is now I have written, as you see by the copy here enclosed, which I know your lordship will accept till better matter be presented.—From the Hague, 13 April.
Endorsed :—“13 April, 1595.”
Holograph. 1 p. Seal, broken. (171. 124.)
Sir Edward Norris to the Earl of Essex.
1595, April 15. As to the practices and bad courses which have been held in this garrison of late. The principal points are these. Captain Lambert, of whom I shall not need to write more unto you, the man and his courses being already sufficiently known unto you, having been absent from hence with his Excellency above four months without either my leave or consent, as soon as I had made known to the States my desire to go for England, came hither in all haste with a passport for me and a commission to command in my absence, and brought with him a man-of-war to carry me over : which I found very strange, considering the States had never before meddled with the appointing of any lieutenant in my absence, referring it only to her Majesty; yet I said little to Captain Lambert, but that before I went I would know her Majesty's pleasure; only that I marvelled he would enter into such a matter without making me privy unto it, or any wise knowing her Majesty's or your pleasure. But Captain Lambert, being much moved that I went not so speedily as he looked for, entered straight in farther practices; told the captains that the garrison should be discharged, but that means might be found to hold them in the States' pay if they would be ruled by him and obey the States' orders when they should send for any companies; told that it was but a craft of me to say that I would go, only to stay the States from complaining of me, which they would presently do if I went not; that they should live better in the States' pay than in her Majesty's, and should be sure to be recompensed with pensions for their services; that I had done many things which her Majesty would disavow, and be served as Sir Thomas Morgan was, who would still know her Majesty's pleasure before he sent out companies, and at last lost his government; that there was no means for me to avoid thrusting out of my government but only by going into England, whither if I went quickly I should find Mr. Gilpin, which should assist me to make it a cautionary town. To some he told that if I went I should come no more again, that presently the States' forces should come hither and make them all rich, and that the States ought to command their own town and the companies therein at their pleasure; so that if I had gone, neither I nor any had ever returned hither to command the town for her Majesty, and that was the purpose of all. A great deal more he hath both done and said to these purposes. But seeing that for all this I went not, then under pretence of much good which the States would do for the town if I were out, and of his credit to bring things to pass, he associated himself with, some burghers and the States' officers, where all their griefs were rehearsed, and nothing left out whereby they might advise to frame matter for the States to complain of me, and great expectation of matters and changes, and packets sent and received every day. Of all this I never took any knowledge, and now upon a sudden all their counsels are broken up; the burghers weary of the matter, the States' officers have cleared or excused themselves, and all is hushed, I know not why nor whence, and I receive hitherto letters from the States without any mislike.
If your lordship had in this time seen what humours and minds of men were discovered during this practice, I think you would have marvelled at my patience, and in your experience both of wars and counsel easily perceived how unfit such practices and such spirits are to be suffered in frontier garrison towns, where of small beginnings do often arise very great mischiefs. Yet in respect that all was fathered upon the States, I thought fit to deal thus temperately in it, leaving to her Majesty and your lordship in your wisdoms to ordain of it; not doubting but your lordship, as well for the safety of the place as for your accustomed favour towards me, will make known how much you mislike these courses, and so I most humbly beseech you to do.
The Count Fuentes, as I wrote unto you in my last, doth command against the liking both of the nobility and States of the country, so that I do not see that anything can be done by them, and yet they seem more violent against this garrison than ever they have done of late, taking prisoners all such as have been accustomed to come hither with contribution or otherwise, not granting any passports, no, not for any to-come to redeem prisoners; whereat I do greatly marvel, but I hear it is because they have discovered divers practices which the Quatre Membres were about to make with her Majesty, whereof they think I should have been a worker. What this will grow to I know not yet.
There is also a fresh bruit of peace and of deputies going for Holland, whereof, if it be so, your lordship shall be better advertised from other places.
I am again bold to recommend the bearer hereof unto your lordship, humbly beseeching you to procure him somewhat from her Majesty for recompence of his lost limbs, and he shall be bound to pray for you and I ever to serve you as long as I live.—Ostend, this 15 April 1595.
Holograph. 7 pp. (31. 84.)
[Richard Fletcher,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 15. Contrary to the signification of her Majesty's good pleasure of late unto me for the execution of the Almoner's place at the Maundy, I have this morning a commandment from her Highness, that I shall not deal in it; a thing so grievous that I want words to express it. The cause I hear is a suggestion to her Majesty that both myself and my wife have used insolent speeches and words to be wondered at; a great wonder to me, in whose thought and heart, I assure you by the living God, there hath not since the first denunciation of her displeasure arisen an undutiful cogitation, and out of whose mouth hath proceeded nothing but blessing and prayer to and for her Majesty. Unto whose presence because I cannot have access to clear me, I do rest and set myself to the judgment seat of God, and in mine innocency in all things to her excellent Majesty comfort me; and for my wife, I trust I may vow the like. If I may desire you that where malice in some hath causelessly abounded, I may find favour in you to superabound, let me desire you to stead me herein as but to let fall thus much to her Majesty, and I will rest in her pleasure. The warrants are signed unto me, the money by me received, the thing almost impossible to be done at this warning by another, the great confusion it will bring to all and discontentment to many, the notice of her Majesty assigning me to the service taken by all men, my innocency in the charge laid against me, and many other things, may be your arguments.—From Fulham, 15 April.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (31. 88.)
Sir Henry Palmer to the Lord Admiral.
1595, April 15. I have been these fourteen days to the westward, off and on between Beachy and the coast of France, that none should pass through, either outward or homeward bound, such as your pleasure is should be stayed, but that I might meet with them. I have met with divers Scots and Hollanders within these three days, coming from Rochelle and Burwage laden with salt, who do say that there are many men of war of the Spaniards come to the coast of Brittany, and that they have taken three Hollanders and one bark of Guernsey, coming from Bordeaux. Yesterday the skipper of a flyboat of Flushing coming from St. Malo's, told me there was one bark of Guernsey taken by the Spaniards and the men belonging to it all sent home when he was there, saving four ancient men and good pilots for that coast; the detaining of whom, as he saith, hath put the people of that country in great fear of some attempt by the Spaniard. He saith there are at Blewett and upon that coast 17 fly-boats, men of war, and three galleys. I came this day into Dover Road to see if our victuals were come down, and there was brought aboard of me a letter from you dated the 6 of this April at Whitehall, wherein you write that her Majesty findeth great fault that there hath not been any ships of the east parts stayed by me, considering what numbers have passed through, in all this long time of easterly winds. If it please you to remember. I wrote unto you that I had met, with Hollanders, above 100 sail, all light ballast men bound for salt to Rochelle and Burwage, and not a corn-laden man amongst them, nor any laden with merchant goods. Since which time there hath not any passed to the southward. And for those of Hamburgh and the east countries, I think this long time of north-east winds hath so continued the frost there as they cannot yet get out. When any such shall pass I will do my best to stay them by the grace of God : whereof, and of all other your directions, what care I have to accomplish God doth know. Your Lordship writeth that her Majesty objecteth that her ships do not attend anything but to lie at an anchor and to waft over merchants' ships for private gain; whereby I may suspect there are some that would discredit me by untrue informations. For I dare say and will prove that her Majesty's ships in the Narrow Seas have not lain so little at an anchor (in such tedious weather) these three years as they have done since I came last to the sea. The Dunkirkers do not know now (as in times past) where her Majesty's ships are moored, and dare not look abroad this way; and that her Highness's subjects do find and report, I thank God. And for making any benefit of waftage, if ever I have done it to the value of one penny since my coming forth, I renounce God. Yet have I run over with divers who offered me consideration, but I hold it a dishonourable thing for him that shall command here under you to take hire for waftage of her Majesty's subjects; or to use many other paltry courses that this service hath been discredited with of late. But I will be true and honest to your lordship, without concealment of anything from you for bribery, which course hath not been always taken here. Your Lordship wrote unto me in another letter of certain ships that are to pass into Spain from Hamburgh, whereof also I have heard by one of Flushing who was at Hamburgh this winter. He saith there are six great ships making ready there for Spain, appointed warlike, and it is like they will come away as soon as the ice is dissolved. When I have taken in my victuals I mean to lie about Beachy or Dungeness, and so off and on between the coasts, for there is the place to meet with any that passeth through these seas, either outward or homeward bound. It is like that when the wind cometh westerly some shipping of the Low Countries will come out of Spain (for I think there are some there). I would gladly know whether I shall stay any such, what lading soever they have. And likewise for such as go from the Low Countries for Spain, with merchants' goods only, not having your pass. I already know your pleasure for such of the Low and East countries as I shall meet homeward bound with sugars, and for the two fly boats that are to come from Brazil, who, I hope shall, not escape me.—Aboard her Majesty's ship the Vanguard.—15 April, 1595.
Endorsed :—“Dover, the 15 April, half an hour past xi in the night.”
“Caunterbury, past 2 in the morning.”
“Syttyngborne, past 6 : mornynge.”
“Rochester, past eyght in the morninge.”
“Dartford, the 16 of Aprill, at past 10 afternoone.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (31. 89.)
The Dean of St. Paul's to Sir Robert Cecil.
1595, April 15. Understanding by my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury that your Honour did wish some good end to be made between Sir Edward Hobie and the College of Brasennose, I who have been a dealer for the College to my utter impoverishing, would gladly have attended on you, had I not been both very weak and sickly by reason of extreme age, and also feared that in so great multitude of your most weighty affairs, I might come out of time. Wherefore I thought it best to declare the state of the cause in writing, which may stay your good leisure—15 April 1595.
Signed :—“Alexander Nowell.” ½ p. (136. 29.)
Bernardino Binelli de Caresana to the Council.
1595, April 15/25. Details his troubles. Having, to his own disadvantage, undertaken to serve the Queen, if after so many sufferings he arrived too late, it was not for want of will. The Council made an order to the master of a ship to convey him to Miltburg, but the master afterwards demanded payment, and took from him 4 reals that Mr. John Moor and Mr. Horniman had given him. Having no money left, had to sell his cloak in Miltburg. Is in Zealand and is told that he must have another passport to go into Flanders. Does not deny that in London he was received with the greatest courtesy both by the Queen and them, and he still hopes to do good service.—25 April, 1595.
Italian. 2 pp. (171. 129.)