Pages 710-717
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.
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Udall, Sir Edmond. See Uvedall.
Uffingham, letter dated at; 596.
Uffington, letter dated at; 345.
Ugara or Ugieru Salvagina, a prize ship; 93, 101.
Ulster :
disturbances in; 310.
rebels; 338.
“Umfray, Godfather,” letter signed; 421.
Under Treasurer of the Exchequer; 133.
Undertree, the Puritan, analysis of letters from; 48.
United Provinces :
Council of Estates in, mentioned; 51, 57, 60.
towns of, Queen's letter to; 56.
ordnance supplied to, from England; 166.
agent for; 167, 216.
States General of, English levies to be paid by; 468, 469. See also States General, Flanders, Low Countries.
Unton (Umpton) :
Sir Henry, the Queen's disposition towards; 68, 154, 362, 452.
Sir Henry, correspondence with the Earl of Essex; 116, 134, 154, 276, 353, 362, 452, 499, 506.
— letter from France to Lord Burghley; 186.
— gift of money by, for furtherance of his affairs; 276.
— mentioned; 291, 387.
— a candidate for an office; 499.
Upcerne, belonging to the see of Salisbury; 507, 508.
Uppingham, Hospitaland Grammar School in; 107.
Uppom, John, a prisoner in Spain; 259.
Urre, Sir Francis; 295.
Usetyse Capt., at Antwerp; 156.
Ushant; 294.
Uvedale, Mr.; 455.
Uvedall, Sir Edmund :
lieut.-governor of Flushing; letters from; 503, 512, 581.
pay of, as marshal; 293 (2).
Vachell, Stephen, of Burreton; 270.
Valck, —, a member of the States General; 33.
[Valdez], Don Pedro; 303.
Valencia; 622.
Valentinoise, Madame de; 21.
Valladolid; 104:
a letter from Parsons at; 69.
College of English Jesuits at; 288.
Vand, Mr.; 487.
Vanden Bus or Vander Busse :
Josephus or Jacobus, murder by; 539, 540.
Joyce, a Fleming resident in London; 540.
Vanden Ende, Alexander, a Dutch merchant; 248.
Vander Nyernbenborch, le Palatin; 606.
Vanderwans, —, bearing letters from the Queen to Denmark; 72.
Vanetico, Andrea, an Italian; 51.
Van Ingen, M.; 504.
Vanne, the; 8.
Vasato, Lewes; 93.
Vatteville; 39.
Vaughan :
—, Milford Haven; 63.
Captain; 567.
Dr., mentioned in connexion with bishopric of Llandaff; 561.
one; 284.
Mr. D., “his own lords,” church preferment, etc.; 610.
Owen, apparitor in diocese of St. David's; 280.
Reynold, of Whitchurch; 265.
Walter, petition; 161.
William, clerk, concerned in a conspiracy against Bp. Midleton; 279, 280.
Vavasour :
Sir Thomas, letter from; 81.
Mr., and Mrs. Southwell's lame leg; 153.
Veare, Mr.; 86.
Veles, Marquess de los; 173.
Velvets, trade in; 91.
Vendosme :
Cardinal de; 40, 97.
— favours the Royalist party; 44.
Venetian :
argosies; 4, 85.
ship, reports as to goods on a; 93.
Venice :
impost arrangements at; 181.
agent for the city of; 470.
wheat exported from England for; 470.
news from; 607.
mentioned; 359, 412.
declares war against the Turks; 607.
the English come to, to sell their booty; 607.
money raised at, on counterfeit authority; 610.
“Venice gold”:
the matter of the, of great worth; 552.
almost two years in handling, &c.; 586, 609.
difficulty with regard to, as being a monopoly; 615.
Verdugo (Vadewege); 535.
Vere :
Sir Francis, instructions to; 57, 58, 60, 224, 225.
— commanding troops in Low Countries; 129, 276, 325, 466, 534.
— — reinforcements for; 468, 469.
— a suitor; 199.
— Governor of Brill : 464.
— Serjeant-Major, H.M. forces in the Low Countries, etc., pay; 293 (3).
— mentioned; 613.
Lady; 395.
— Cecil's niece, rumour of marriage; 527.
Vernon, surrendered; 83.
Vernveil; 31.
Veron, Mademoiselle; 159.
Versingham, Mr., printer in Antwerp; 499.
Vestegan, Richard; 498.
Vice-Admiral, the, searching of ships by; 316.
Vice-Chamberlain; 35, 133, 147, 296, 423.
gift of money to, by Sir H. Unton; 276.
an agent abroad in communication with; 550, 551.
Viclosayn, M. de; 422.
Victor, Richard, the elder, of Creed; 274.
Victuallers, amercements assessed upon; 453.
Vienne, reduction of; 30.
Vienna :
advices from; 492.
the Turks threatening; 586, 622.
Villa Magra; 492.
Villaris, M. de, Governor of Newhaven; 45.
Villars, Vilars :
Duke of; 186.
Marquis de, movements of; 307, 321, 329.
— brother of; 482.
Mons. de; 83.
Villeck, fort named; 425.
Villequier priory; 39.
camp at; 149.
Villeroy :
Mons. de; 82.
— negotiates settlement of affairs in France; 192, 371.
Villevisgoze, —, Spanish commander; 474.
Villissingues, see Flushing.
Vincent, Richard, of Watton; 264.
Vinebaynge, Capt., nephew to the Clerk of the Signet; 422.
Vinegar and aqua vitœ , grant of a monopoly of making; 457.
Vint Voeles; 416.
Vintners; 17.
Virgil, a comparison from the Æneid of; 544.
Viscay, route to England from the ports of; 69.
Vitei, Mons. de, the late; 178.
Vitelines, M.; 158.
Vitry :
governor of; 202.
— taken prisoner; 437.
Vittoria; 288.
Vivasone, Mr.; 320.
Vivien, Hannibal, Vice-Admiral of Cornwall; 256.
Vizleben, Count; 586.
Von Oysterwick :
Gomaer, one of the Queen's musicians; 76.
Alfonsus, his son, education of; 76.
W., Sir one that sent Hesketh; 462.
Waad or Wade :
W., clerk to the Privy Council; 52, 161, 242, 390, 525.
report; 78.
letter as to state of Ireland; 285.
documents in handwriting of; 390, 408, 409.
letter to; 407.
examinations taken by; 408, 409.
account of Hesketh's trial; 423.
asks for a wardship; 488 (2).
search for the Franciottis; 539.
Wade, Thomas, a prisoner in Spain; 258.
Wages, rates of; 455.
Wakefielde, Mr., alderman of Hull; 122.
Wakering, Gilbert; 524.
Wales :
Catholic Welshmen abroad; 8, 9.
Lord Lieutenant of Principality of; 14.
(North) and Chester, receiver of; 522.
Walker :
John, of Nether Stowey; 274.
— a scrivener; 158.
— a lease made to; 244.
Thomas, of Liverpool; 266,
William, controller of the port of Berwick; 138.
Wall, Mrs., dwelling at the Anchor in the Strand; 402.
Walloon and Burgundian, engaged in conspiracy against the Queen's life; 607, 608.
Wallpoole, Father, and his brother, rumour of their apprehension; 500.
Wallwin, Edward, of Bullingham; 265.
Walpol :
Sir Henry; 11, 64, 65, 194, 565, 599, 624.
— instructions to; 62.
Treasurer at Wars in Ireland, mprest; 129.
— payments to; 184.
Walpoole, I., suspected of conspiracy against the Queen; 607.
Walsingham (Wal), Sir Francis.
mentioned, 1, 3, 6, 63, 86, 87, 102, 444.
relations with the Lord Chamberlain : 3.
letters from; 3, 10, 11.
letters to; 3, 19, 86.
a letter relating to Bothwell, mentioned; 26.
a bond of; 34, 35.
death; 29, 35.
debt due to; 35.
Walsingham House, letter dated at; 160.
Walter, William, a deputy chamberlain of the Receipt of the Exchequer; 455.
Waltham Abbey; 362.
Walton :
—, 144, 467.
Baron of, see Newton.
Roger, letter from, French news; 325.
Thomas, of Battesburow; 274.
Wanstead, letter dated at; 525.
Wapole; 156.
War, an offer to mediate to prevent; 301–2.
Warburton :
Mr., a gentleman pensioner; 386, 388.
Mr. Serjeant; 522.
Peter; 240.
Warcoppe, Parson, in Oxfordshire; 416.
Warcup, Mr., seminary priest; 258.
Ward, Capt. Luke; 137.
Wards, Receiver of the Court of; 497. See also Goring, George.
his accounts to be viewed and settled twice a year; 528.
candidates for the office; 529, 531 (2), 534.
Wardships ; 292, 297, 353, 384, 418, 435, 488, 521, 522, 524, 532, 554, 557, 558, 562, 597.
Warford :
Father William; 104, 496, 497.
— said to have made many converts in England; 497.
Warmington :
Agnes; 477.
Eame; 477.
Eve, at Wimborne Minster; 473, 477.
W., an Englishman abroad, letters from; 473, 477.
parsonage of; 516.
Warnford, Richard, of Winchester; 270.
Warre, Mr.; 473.
Warren :
Edward, of Warren; 241.
Mr.; 295.
Warwick, County of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
levies ordered in; 507.
muster of trained bands in; 64.
Warwick :
Earl of; 14.
— and the Countess of Leicester; 12.
Countess of, or Lady; 199, 616.
— letter from; 514.
— report of gift of money to, for sale of an office; 558.
— an exertion of her influence; 571.
manor of, tenants of lands of; 485.
Washeford, trade to Spain from; 464.
Washing bill for linen; 61.
Waterford; 72.
trade to Spain from; 177, 464.
Waterworth, John; 409.
Watkins, Mr., Dean of Hereford; 9.
Watter, Robert, Mayor of York; 122.
Wattes, John; 239.
Watts or Wattes :
Mr., prizes taken by; 204.
— mentioned in connexion with certain Civert Cats; 581, 604.
Way, Sir Robert, expedition to Brest; 563.
Waynman, Edmund, Captain of footbands; 293.
Weall or Veall, Mr., an English preacher, in prison “by the malice of the Bishops;” 25, 26.
Weare, Castle of; 325.
Webb, Webbe :
one, of Salisbury, usurer; 277.
— instigator of coining; 490, 537.
Sir William, Lord Mayor of London; 564.
Webster :
Richard, of London; 269.
Richard, of Southwark; 272.
Dr. Richard, requests for church preferment; 526, 561, 610.
Wedderburn, laird of, sister of; 31.
Wedoc farm; 207.
Weeke, Mr., at Hampstead; 408.
Wells :
Gilbert, of Twiford; 270.
Henry, of Bewlie; 271.
John, a prisoner at Rouen; 59, 76, 78.
Welsh assizes; 426.
Wemyes, Earl of; 524.
Wenman, Capt. Edmund; 630.
Wentworth :
Lady (Anne), letters from; 380, 426.
Lord, grant of a parsonage to; 452.
— (Henry), extent of lands of; 392.
— (Thomas); 392.
John, of Lincolu's Inn; 477.
West :
John, of Mangotsfield; 275.
Sir Thomas; 292, 295.
West Borders, wardenry of, emoluments, etc.; 240.
West Country, a regiment raised in, reasons for the movement; 4.
Westby :
John, of Malbreck; 266.
Mrs.; 242.
Westernhall, laird of; 175.
West Indies :
treasure for the K. of Spain from; 180.
Spanish fleet, officers apprehended; 357,
Westminster :
S. Stephen's, occupied by the Auditor of the Exchequer; 168.
— lodgings in, plan of, 449.
maimed soldiers and mariners wandering about; 300.
inquisition to be made upon the statute of Inmates, etc., in; 382.
Receipt of the Exchequer at, removal of; 399, 401.
gatehouse, a valuable prisoner in; 587.
Westmoina, fighting at, complained of, by the K. of Denmark; 219.
Westmoreland, Earl of, in good account with the Spaniards; 145.
supposed design to invade England; 156.
mentioned; 403, 501.
wishes to make his peace with the Queen; 551.
Westo, within the bishopric of Durham; 78.
Weston underwood; 571.
Westropp or Westrope :
Ralph, petition; 198.
— farmer of the parsonage of Hunmanby; 237.
Weymonth :
pepper discharged at; 88.
reprisal goods net sold, to be exported; 216.
money, jewels, and merchandize landed from the Carrack at; 237, 243.
letter dated at; 384.
victualling of troops at; 563.
the birthplace of William Randall; 588.
Weymonth and Lyme, reply to the Council's demand for a ship; 123.
Wharton, Sir Thomas; 54.
Wheat, etc., see Corn.
Wheler, Humfrey, alias Humfrey Milles; 7.
Whetefield, Robert; 241.
Whiskinges, master of a ship that took the Carrack; 255.
Whit :
Anthony, of Broade Gidling; 264.
Edward, of Shipdam; 269.
Thomas, of Titchfield; 270.
Whitake, William, master of St. John's College; 334.
Whitall, Walter, recusant; 79.
Whitchurch, Bucks, rectory of; 76.
White :
Andrew, letter from; 538.
Anne, aunt of Sir R. Cecil; 355.
— letter about his children, etc.; 444.
D., of Fleet Street; 162.
George, born at Hutton in Essex, examination of; 533.
Sir Nicholas; 117.
Richard, of Runwell, examination of; 533.
— Edward, George, and Richard, his brothers; 533.
— Susan, sister of; 533.
Robert; 211.
Stephen, at Flushing, letter to; 352.
— the matter of; 503, 512.
Thomas, student at Lovain; 118.
William; 334.
Whitefield, Whitfield :
John; 330.
— lately arrived from Spain, arrested, examination, etc.; 333.
— letter to; 480.
Whitemore, —, of Chester; 242.
Whitgefte, Mr., seminary priest; 258.
Whitlock, Captain; 567.
Whitmoore, John, of Thurstaston; 267.
Whitteren, Herr Nicholas de, at Antwerp; 10.
Whittingham, letter dated at; 93, 549.
Whittingham, —, of Wh—; 241.
Whyte, Stephen, at Flushing, confession; 580.
had to the rack; 581.
Wibberton, manor of; 10.
Wickman, Harry, servant to Lord Essex, letters to; 625, 626.
Wigan, parson of; 407.
Wight, Isle of, said to be threatened by the Spaniards; 467, 577.
Wilbram :
Mr., volunteer with Lord Essex; 129
— of Weddean; 435.
Wilbraham :
Ralph, feodary of Cheshire; 522.
Thomas; 240.
— letter from : 522.
Wilcock, Thomas; 192.
Wiles, William, of Ratlif, in the Spanish service; 259.
Wilf, Mr.; 425.
Wilford :
—; 35.
Thomas, of Leucheham; 264.
Wilkes :
Mr. —, [H.M. agent] in the Low Countries, letter to; 50.
Thomas; 10.
Sir Thomas; 317, 402, 453.
Wilkinson :
Mr., drowned in the River of Burdens; 310.
Robert, purchaser of a licence to transport barley; 315.
Wilkynson, Gilbert; 152.
William, Count of Nassau (Netherlands) 125, 130.
Williams :
Edward; 619.
— in Munster; 310.
John, of Llansanfrine; 273.
John, of Maudlin; 274.
Morris; 7.
Philip, and Sir John Perrott; 194.
Reynold, of Throgmorton; 272.
Richard, confession; 607.
Sir Roger, dispatched to England with news; 133.
— his procedure disapproved of, by the Queen; 143.
— letter to Lord Essex from Caudebec; 148.
— returns to England; 157, 546, 547, 549, 559.
— mentioned; 134, 139, 149, 150, 154, 175, 394, 547.
— Marshal; 169.
— account of expenditure on the French Expedition; 170.
— horse shot under, etc.; 186.
— letter from Dieppe; 605.
Sir Thomas; 117.
William, of the Inner Temple; 267.
Williamson, Nicholas, a recusant; 181, 183.
Willmott, Francis, letter from; 108.
Willoughby :
Lord (Peregrin), late General of H. M. Forces in France, etc.; 10, 51.
— certain requests of; 15.
— charge against Sir T. Sherley; 50.
— desirous of attending Lord Essex; 131.
— cost of the expedition under; 172.
Lord, mentioned; 331, 466.
Mr.; 298.
—, letter to; 52.
Capt.; 496.
Wilson, Francis, of Worcestershire; 573.
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
Sheriff of; 554.
soldiers levied in; 321.
Wimbledon :
manor of; 10.
warrant dated at; 187.
letter dated at; 532.
mentioned; 587.
Wimborne Minster; 473.
Winchester :
Bishop of, a plot to kill; 48.
Bishopric of, alleged concealed lands, grant by Edw. VI., etc.; 575.
city mentioned; 377.
letter dated at; 546.
Dr. Lopez's son a scholar of; 501.
warden of; 529.
diocese of, recusants in; 270, 271.
Marquis of, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire; 597.
Windebank :
Mr.; 402.
Thomas, letter from; 485.
— in a burning fever; 534.
Windham, Mr. Justice; 460.
Windsor :
Castle, letter dated at; 55.
— the Court at; 67, 365, 407.
Forest, Keepers of; 79.
a prebend of, request for; 527.
Dean of, parson of Hamilton, etc.; 555, 610.
Lady; 321.
Lord, letter from; 376.
— a purchase from; 418, 423.
Wines, prisage of; 469.
rates on imports of; 558.
Wingfeild, Jacques, Master of the Ordinance in Ireland, administration of goods and lands of; 66.
Wingfield :
Sir John; 295, 496, 498.
Sir Thomas, Master of the Ordnance; 169.
— expedition to Brest; 563.
Wingham Barton, lease of; 397, 398.
Winter, George, of Hoddington; 272.
Winsam; 534.
Wisbech Castle, letter dated at; 526.
Wise, Mrs.; 394.
Wiseman :
one, unfit for the office of clerk of the outlawries; 511.
Thomas, beyond sea, information about; 533.
Thomas, of Wymbish; 268.
William, land bought from; 533.
Witchcraft, a case of, reported by Sir A. Sherley; 81.
Witchurch, an action for tithes by the parson of; 84.
Withicomb, Devonshire; 131.
Witton, East; 84.
Wodde, William, of Ledburie; 265.
Woddryngton, John, letter from; 188.
Wodward, (Woodward):
John, priest, at Rouen; 38.
Mr.; 327.
Philip, at Rome, letters from; 328.
— his treacherons speeches, etc.; 335, 336.
— brothers of, mentioned; 335.
Wogan, Sir John, a charge against; 62, 63.
Wolesley :
Erasmus, of Southwark; 271.
— of Wolesley Bridge, 272.
Wolf, Richard; 558.
Wolfer, tenement called; 193.
Wolhous, Ralph, bailiff of Yarmouth; 124.
Wollascot, Richard, of Richard's Castle; 265.
Wolley, Sir John; 33, 52, 131, 166, 229, 239, 244, 278, 296, 318, 571.
letters from; 49, 302, 318.
letters to; 309, 392.
writes the Latin letters; 603.
Wolmer :
Anthony, of Kington; 272.
John, of Kington; 272.
Wolphe, John Morgan, a commissioner to examine witnesses against Sir J. Perrot; 284.
Wood, export of; 416.
Wood :
Mr., an office of, in Tower Street, for registering apprentices; 364, 385.
Mr., Clerk of the Privy Council; 161.
Cheneam, murdered; 171.
John, Clerk of the Signet, petition; 502.
William, of Bosbury; 265.
Wood Street Counter; 285.
Secondary of, the sheriffs reject the Queen's nomination for; 386, 388, 390, 391, 400, 410, 414, 427.
Woodhey, letter dated at; 523.
Woodhouse :
Henry, a Justice of Norfolk; 14.
Captain; 195.
Woodland, Devonshire; 131.
Woodstock, letter dated at; 226.
Woodward, at Rome; 359.
Woolridge :
Henry; 370.
John; 384.
Woorthe, Hugh; 473.
Worcester, Bishop of; 446.
Worcester, County of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
Catholic converts said to be numerous in; 497.
recusants in; 272.
Worksop; 115.
Worslie :
Hugh; 268.
Ralph, of Chester; 266.
Worthe, Arthur, Captain of levies in Devon; 130.
Worthington :
Dr., in Brussels, letter to; 328.
— mentioned; 407, 424, 607, 608.
John; 241.
Mrs., of —; 242.
Richard, of Cophull; 266.
Wortley, William, Yeoman of the Queen's Countinghouse; 516.
Wotton, Sir John; 154.
Wranforde, Thomas, of Longdon; 272.
“Wrattwartin”; 22.
Wray, Lord Chief Justice; 460.
“Wraybitters”; 128.
Wrey or Wraye, George, Captain of footbands; 293, 295.
Wright, Wrighte :
a lime burner; 44.
Capt., company of, at Flushing, debts of; 32.
Edward; 73.
Lawrence; 404.
P., letter from; 158.
R., letter from; 132.
Richard, Clerk to the Commrs. For the Carrack; 239.
Robert; 340.
Thomas, of Thames Street; 50.
Writer of Tallies and Counter Tallies; 377.
Writs, Register of, in a new livery; 533.
Wrothe, Mr.; 291, 295, 440.
Wryght, Hotsoune, at the taking of the Carrack; 233.
Wyborne, Henry; 267.
Wylfry, Mr., assumed name; 421.
Wylie, William, letter from; 138.
Wylks, Mr., clerk of the Privy Council; 157.
Wyllan, Leonard, of Hull; 122.
Wylliams or Williams, Peirs, clerk, character, &c.; 280, 281.
Wynchcombe, Capt. Thomas, killed by a brother officer at Arques; 150.
Wyngfield, Mrs. daughters, maids of honour; 153.
Wynne, Griffith ap John, of Llanpedroke; 273.
Wynter :
Mr.; 614.
Edward, his debt to Richard Drake, direction to, to settle, etc.; 302.
— letter from, in his defence; 313.
— dilates on his extraordinary wrongs; 314.
William, at Portsmouth; 210.
Wytham, letter dated at; 377.
“X,” letter signed; 160.
Yate, Francis, of Kencot; 270.
Yardley, R.; 6.
Yarmouth :
reply to the demand of a ship for the Queen's service; 123.
bailiffs of; 124.
— letter from; 532.
Customs at; 379.
works in progress for the haven, request for aid from the Council; 471.
Yates, Mr., a relative of Beard; 432.
Yaxeley, William, of Yaxeley; 269.
Yaxley, Captain; 567.
Yelvertofts, Northampton, manor of; 192.
Yelverton, Serjeant; 291.
Yeman, one; 309.
Yeo, —; 537.
Yeoman of the Scullery; 508.
Yonge, Mr., the patentee for starch; 499.
Yonger, Mr., a priest going to England; 69.
Yorcke, Edmond, fortifications under direction of; 2.
York :
Castle, recusants in; 273.
City, reply to the Council's demand for the furnishing of a ship; 121.
— mayor and aldermen of, named; 122.
— mentioned; 352.
— letters dated at; 439, 479, 481, 482.
county of, Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
— seminary priests in, untaken; 258.
— county clerkships; 439.
— recusants in; 273.
Dean of; 380.
Duke of, son of Edward IV., a saying of his mother, when he was taken from sanctuary; 350.
Yorke :
Capt.; 167.
Edmund, confession; 607.
Mr., return from France; 97.
Youghal; 154.
Young :
Eustace; 433.
John, servant to Archibald Douglas; 34.
Richard, Justice of the Peace, London, letters from; 210, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 351, 392, 419, 448.
— mentioned; 221, 403, 416, 432, 433, 614.
— his licence for starch, mentioned; 251, 261, 556.
— examinations taken before; 310, 393, 497, 498, 500, 534.
Mr.; 102, 401, 614.
Yoward, Raphe, seminary priest; 258.
Ypres (Ipere); 465.
Yvarra, Estienne d', [K. of Spain's] secretury of war, letter to, intercepted; 568. See also Ivarra.
Yve (Ivy, Ive):
Paul, surveyor of the fortification works in Guernsey and Jersey; 276, 336, 360, 365, 493, 561.
— letters from, as to the fortifications; 361.
Yvetot, I', letter dated at; 196.
Zealand, States of :
to be urged to aid the French King; 58.
ordnance for; 198.
a letter of, mentioned; 465.
ships of, seized by K. of Spain; 357.
fraudulent export of wood, etc. to; 570.
Zouche :
Edward, Lord, letter from; 443.
— K. James's terms for Bothwell, delivered to; 513.
— a writing from, to be delivered to the K. of Scots' secretary; 519.
Francis, keeper of Meer Park; 32.