Index: L

Pages 675-680

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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L., Thomas, 425.

L., Mr., preferment; 616, 617.

Laborne in Kent, letter dated at; 356.

La Chapelle, see Chapelle.

Licie, William, of Sherborne; 273.

Lacks, Thomas; 553.

La Croix, M.; 83.

Lacy, John; 118.

La Digierre, see Desdiguieres.

Ladom, Henry, of Benforthe; 266.

La Faye, Mons. de, a name for Standen; 349.

La Fontaine, M. de; 142.

La Force, Mons. de; 307.

La Forre, Mons. de; 37.

Lagny; 31.

the taking of; 82.

Lagula, Don Juan de; 562.

Laighton, Lady; 73.

Lakes, Thomas; 35.

La Lande, M.; 83.

La Latte, Chateau de; 353.

La Marche, Mons. de, commands as a nautral at Moncontour; 361.

Lambert :

Capt., sent to Ostend; 225.

Clement, of Bishop's Middleton; 265.

John, born near Colchester, Pilot Royal of the Spanish army; 259.

Oliver, captain of footbands; 293.

Lambeth, recusants sent to; 241.

La Motte, M.; 150, 305, 320, 407, 452.

taken prisoner; 497.

— cause of his imprisonment; 500.

Lampreur, Hugh; 455.

Lanballer, camp by; 126.

Lancashire :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

levies in, ordered; 507.

recusants in; 241, 242, 265, 266.

subsidy for, collection of; 411.

Lancaster :

clerk of the Crown at; 242.

Duchy of, Vice-Chancellor of; 199.

Lance-knights; 22.

Landerneau, Landernao; 198, 199.

Landestage, the; 425.

Landlords profit by foreign expeditions; 4.

Lane :

Henry, keeper of Widsor Forest; 79.

John, petition; 192.

Sir Ralph, letter from; 1.

— a plan for fortification by; 2.

William, as to a muscat brought home for Cecil; 604.

Laneman, Henry, yeomen of the chamber; 76.

Lanerayn, Mons.; 421.

Lange, Langhe :

Adrian de, at Flushing, letters to, intercepted; 503.

examination of, sent; 512.

Langforde, John, of Ludgate; 267.

Langinge, Peter, skipper, a prisoner in Spain; 258.

Langley, Philip, alderman of Bristol; 119.

Langres, mayor of, letter intercepted by; 185.

Langton :

Robert, of the Lowe; 241 (2).

Edward, his brother; 242.

Langton, manor of; 10.

Languedoc threatened; 327.

Lannoste, Messieurs de; 197.

Lansac, Mons. de, Admiral de Mer de Bretagne; 191.

Lanternam; 8.

Lantriguet; 340.

Laon; 593.

the French King's camp before, letters dated at; 546, 547, 560.

effects to the League of the loss of; 589, 591.

Laredo; 307.

La Roque Blanche; 562.

Lasbrook, —; 161.

Latham; 409.

—, of Mosbrey; 241 (2).

Thomas, schoolmaster at Rickston; 242.

Lathom :

(Lord Derby's house); 437, 465, 500, 508, 527.

Latimer, Nevill de, a prisoner in the Tower; 308.

Latin Secretaries at Court, customary to have two, etc.; 584.

La Tras, Lupercio, letter from; 1.

Lattone; 22.

Lauarayne, Mons.; 414.

Laude, a messenger; 422.

Laugharn, Carmarthenshire, castle and manor of; 262.

Laund, Court de, at Ivry; 21.

Laurence, one, a bookbinder in Antwerp; 499.

Lavall; 22.

Lavergne, —, wounded at Ivry; 21, 22.

Lawlie, Thomas, of Anneypeter; 275.

Lawnde, letter dated at; 407.

Lawson, Thomas; 451.

Layton, Justice, Justice of Assize of Merionethire; 301.

Lead, export of; 177.

Leaden Hall;

the Carrack's goods at; 251, 252.

the spices in; 252.

League, The, in France; See France.

Leaguers change sides; 31.

Leake, Francis; 420.

Leben; 366.

Ledigne, —; 22.

Lee; 324.

Lee :

Capt.; 206.

— in connexion with “the cause of Recognizances”; 608.

George, of Waton; 266.

Henry; 498.

Sir Henry, unable to follow the Queen's progress; 136.

— letters from; 206, 301, 529, 576.

— a house at Greenwich belonging to the office of the armoury; 576.

Mrs., brought abed in the Court; 155.

R. Brackenbury's cousin; 142.

Sir Richard; 87.

Richard, wishes to serve Lord Essex; 169.

— letter to; 206.

Alderman Robert, letter from; 615.

Leedes, John, of Steanyng; 263.

Leeds, Thomas, of Leed Hall; 273.

Leeman, Michael, rice supplied to the navy, petition; 53, 79.

Less, Henry, of Mims, near Barnet; 602.

Leese, Doctor, of Bath; 274.

Le Fort, Francis; 92.

Legge, Robert, expelled from an office; 11.

Leghorn mentioned; 4.

Leicester :

Countess of, letters with regard to her husband's debts; 12, 19.

Earl of, government in Low Countries, mentioned; 50.

— daily pay of, as Lieutenant General; 68.

— had Chamberlainship of Chester; 378.

— mentioned; 80, 222, 371, 466, 469.

Leicester and Rutland, Counties of, Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

Leigh :

Henry, connected with Hesketh; 424.

— detailed defence of his conduct at Prague and elsewhere; 450–3.

— letter to Cecil; 480.

— Lord Huntingdon's interviews with; 480.

Mr., of Brandon, in Durham; 450.

Wilfred; 451.

Leighe, Sir Thomas, lately arrived out of Lancashire; 517.

Leighton :

Sir Thomas, in France; 139, 154, 167 (2), 175.

— in charge of Lord Essex's troops, disgust at his position, etc.; 147, 150.

Sir Thomas not to be troubled further; 166.

— Captain of Guernsey; 276, 321, 379.

— letters from; 340, 440, 550.

— his demands for fortifications; 361.

Thomas, of Croffton; 266.

Leipsic, letter from; 492.

Leith; 46, 504, 583.

Leithington, letter dated at; 570.

Leman, Michael; 299.

Lemster,” borough of, Lord Essex's connexion with; 94.

Lennox :

Duke of, letter to; 42.

— mentioned; 46.

— Bothwell's offices granted to; 178.

— dangerous position; 583.

Margaret, Countess of, lands of; 83.

— books, muniments, etc. of; 244.

Matthew, Earl of; 84.

Lenogh, Tyrlogh; 218.

Lent, order for observance of; 12.

Lenton, Hugh, a prisoner in the Queen's Bench; 573.

Leominster, Bailiff and Brethren of, letter to; 65.

“Lerpoole” in Cheshire; 259.

Leserhot, Mons. de; 198.

Leslie, Lesley :

Madam Helen, of Preston Grange, letter to; 43.

Alexander, of Balquharne; 48.

Andrew, of New Leslie, letter to; 45.

Gawin, son of Andrew; 45, 46, 48.

George; 44.

John, Boshop of Ross, see Ross, Bishop of.

John, son of Andrew, nephew of Bishop of Ross; 41, 45, 46.

— in prison at Westminster; 59, 76.

— interrogatories for; 78.

Thomas, servitor to the Bishop of Ross, letters from; 48.

William; 29, 30, 44, 46.

— a brother of Johu, “our young Canon”; 45.

— of Cinildye, of the King of Scotland's household, letter to; 47.

Lespine, Phillipe de, verses composed by, at siege of Steenwick; 212.

Letters intercepted; 6.

Levant trade; 126.

Leven, Captain; 567

Lewen, Edward, mayor of Newcastle; 210.

Lewes, letter dated at; 502.

Lewis, Lewes :

Mr., of St. Pore; 8.

Mr.,; 292.

John, of Norton; 265.

Lewknor, Lewkner :

Mr., acting for Lord Lumley; 490.

Mr.; 291, 295.

George, of Exton; 270.

Lewis, newly arrived from Bohemia; 603.

— asks for the return of a treatise in written hand; 604.

Richard; 295.

Lexlip, letter dated at; 538.

Leyborne, James, of —; 273.

Leyth :

Patrick; 46.

Richard; 46.

Leyton :

Robert, captain of the ship Samson; 228.

Sir Thomas, in France; 137.

Leytonstone; 115.

Lichmoore, Edmonde, of Hanley Castle; 272.

Liddisdale (Lidesdale, Liddisdaille); 24.

the attempt of, ringleader delivered up; 431.

raids of himself and men; 553.

Lieben; 424, 425.

Liege; 328.

Bishop of, treating for peace; 488.

Liegh, Mr., servant of Lord Derby; 515.

Ligon, Rafe; 9.

Lille, Rue de St. Nicholas at; 498.

Limerick, Bishop of; 118.

Lincoln, County of :

mentioned as a place for banishment; 221.

discontinuance of the beacons; 239.

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

recusants in; 264.

diocese of, recusant in; 264.

Lincoln, Earl of, ill practices against, letters from; 567, 577.

Lindsays, the, clean gone from Court; 252.

“Linen cloth” and linen draper, defined with regard to denizens; 257.

Lingen, Richard, of Donnington; 265.

Lingham, John, of Bullingham; 265.

Linhares, Dom Fernando de Neronho, Conde de; 159.

Lisbon; 93, 118, 350, 356.

Cardinal of; 103.

English priests in; 104.

English ship towed into; 155.

an Englishman constructs a dock in; 259.

warships, &c. collected at; 306, 540.

a general assemble at; 329.

Misericordia of, bequest to; 494.

Spanish operations at; 557.

report of execution of the chief men of, after a banquet, by the K. of Spain's order; 562.

Lisle, Lord Chancellor; 216.

Lisle, town of; 554.

L'Islebonne, camp at; 150.

Lislens, an arbor of the succession to the Crown by; 498.

Lisley, William, of Wotton; 271.

Lismore and Waterford, Bishopric of, held in commendam by the Archbishop of Cashel; 223.

Lismore, benefit of trade in pipe staves to; 464.

Lister, —; 241.

“Listory” at the battle of Ivry; 21.

Lithguhoue”; 61.

Litig, Jacob; 303.

Littledon in Scotland; 188.

Little Lye, felling of trees in; 337.

Liveries, Clerk of the, profits, etc.; 193.

Llandaff, diocese of, recusants in; 274.

Llanstephan, parsonage of; 10.

Loans to Government, privy seals for; 75.

Lobel, Jehan de, letter intercepted; 15 Locke :

—, an Englishman desirous of entering service of K. of Scotland; 112.

— bearer of offer to Bothwell; 514.

Henry, letter from; 600.

Lockwood, Mr., a priest going to England; 69.

Loe, Anthony; 287.

Lofredo, —, soldiers from Naples in charge of; 327.

Loid :

Richard, of Oswester; 273.

Thomas ap Edward, of Gilesfeild; 273.

Lok, Henry, letters to, on Scotch affairs; 517, 523, 527.

letter from, on the same; 530.

London :

Bishop of, and the Puritans; 48.

city of, shire of prize Carrack allotted to; 287, 289.

conversation heard at a dinner table in; 4.

Custom house, registering of warrants, etc.; 304.

diocese of, recusants in; 267.

garbler of, mentioned; 297.

gaols of, full of seminaries and other traitors; 512.

Ill cessing in; 262.

Imports of stone pots and heath brush; 230.

Inns and woodstacks in, a plot to set them on fire; 474.

levies in, conduct money for; 117.

— expense of equipment; 119.

Lord Mayor and Aldermen, authorise a certain office to be set up; 364.

— letters to, as to an appointment; 386, 414.

Lord Mayor of, letter to; 60.

— mentioned; 64.

— (named) letter from; 521.

— dying, wardship of his son; 554.

maimed soldiers and mariners wandering about; 300.

merchant adventurers in the Low Countries undertake to deliver moneys for pay of soldiers; 579.

musters to be taken in; 60.

Places, buildings, etc.:

Ape near the Savoy; 7.

Bull Head without Temple Bar; 6.

Sign of the Ragged Cross in Blackfriars; 74.

Compter in the Poultry; 245.

New Inn; 290.

Clements Inn; 290.

Lyon's Inn; 290.

Compter in Wood Street, see Wood Street Counter.

“the Mynorits”; 441.

port of, collection of the customs in; 19, 109.

— rates in, on import of French wines; 558.

— — considered; 613.

— waiters in; 32, 470.

— — registering of warrants by, etc.; 332, 335.

— import of silks for one year, with subsidy thereon; 574.

recorder of; 291, 295.

registering apprentices in, an office set up for; 385.

searcher of; 323.

sheriffs of, ignore the Queen's nomination for an office; 386.

— letters on the subject; 388, 390, 400, 427, 521.

— the Queen's decision; 410, 414.

— improper conduct towards the Mayor; 521.

Skinners of, petition; 91, 94.

Streets mentioned :

Blackfriars, Lord Cobham's house in; 108.

Crooked Lane; 50.

Fenchurch Street; 393.

— “The Bottle” in; 255.

Gracious Street, the “Harrow” in; 543.

Lime Street, the Scotch Ambassador dwelling in; 134, 208, 247.

Lombard Street, sign of the Bull's Head in; 255.

Mark Lane; 539.

Minories, Dr. Nowell's house in; 386.

Moorgate, the “Boar's Head” at; 543.

Philip Lane, property in; 73.

Salisbury Court; 159.

Seething Lane; 352, 364.

Strand, Lord Burghley's house in; 72, 108.

— “The Anchor” in; 402.

St. John's House towards Clerkenwell; 108.

Thames Street; 50.

Tower Hill, Lord Lumley's house at; 490.

Tower Street, an office for registering apprentices set up in; 364, 385.

Warwick Lane; 153.

Londoners :

repayment of loan from; 132.

“hammering about recognizance of debt;” 352.

Longe, H., letter from; 479.

Longford, Nicholas, letter to; 471.

Longueville, Duc or Mons. de; 22, 37, 82, 97.

Lopez, Dr. Roger; 20, 333.

a Spanish agent at the house of; 248.

plot to kill the Queen; 485, 491, 501, 630.

an Antwerp merchant, supposed brother of; 501.

a son of, a scholar at Winchester; 501.

Queen wishes to delay his execution reasons against, etc.; 512, 513, 515.

Sara, widow of, petition to the Queen; 601.

Anthony, son of, a parsonage given by the Queen for education of, forfeited; 601.

Inventories of his plate, jewels, etc.; 601.

Lord Keeper, the see Puckering, Sir J.

Lording, Thomas; 419.

Loretto; 328.

Lorraine :

Cardinal of; 492.

Duke of; 105, 145, 146, 627.

towns in, likely to revolt; 136.

Loudron, Compte de; 327.

Louis, Emanuel, see Luis Tinoco.

Louvain, 8.:

residents at; 9.

English student at; 118.

Irish scholars at, a decree proposed for; 128.

Love, Samuel, of Sevenoaks; 264.

Lovell :

George; 168.

Robert, of Beech Amwell; 268.

Lovit, Lady, death of; 30.

Low Countries :

dependence of, on the Queen, her objection to any change; 560.

Duke of Parma in; 151.

English Catholics in; 500.

English forces to be sent to, musters etc.; 60, 77.

English soldiers in, unpaid; 50.

— payment of; 182, 293, 579.

— pay and names of officers; 68, 293.

— in a state of mutiny; 488.

— brought to Guernsey and Brittany; 550, 562.

export of cloth to; 216.

government of; 142, 145.

military operations and progress of, events in; 124, 129, 133, 325, 452, 467, 514, 534.

ordnance exported to; 198.

Scotch regiments in, preacher to; 600.

towns in, letter from the Queen to; 56.

treasurer for the wars in, and paymasters, emoluments; 579. See also Flanders, States General, United Provinces.

Low Country causes, commissioners to decide; 53.

Lowe :

—; 514.

John, friend of the Douglases; 179.

Lowen :

Killegrew; 349.

—, connected with the “chace”; 440.

Lowise, a bearer of letters; 504.

Lowther, Richard, warden of the West Borders; 240.

Lubeck; 103.

seizure of an Englishman's goods in; 263.

Lucca; 539, 540.

Lucerne, regiments from, in the French war; 304.

Lucy, Sir Thomas; 64.

Ludloe, John, of Cams; 271 (2).

Luif or Luf, John; 51, 93.

Luire, letter dated at; 354.

Luis Tinoco (Leuys, Leuis, Louys, Lewis):

Manuel or Emanuel, baggage brought from Calais; 487, 488.

— plot to kill the Queen; 491, 494.

— execution; 512; 513, 515.

Lukener, Lukenor, Mr.; 366, 424.

Lukeyser, Andrew Alfante, of Cologne, murdered; 539.

Lumbard, Paul, letter from; 118.

Lumley :

Lord, letters from; 356, 490, 618.

— his “Bess” has ague; 490.

— his house on Tower Hill; 490.

Lupo, Ambrosio, one of the Queen's musicians; 19.

Lusan or Lussan :

Mons.; 78, 337.

— brother-in-law of; 306.

Luscombe, William, master of a ship from Dartmouth; 582.

Luson, Sir John, 461.

Lutherish towns aid the K. of France; 304.

Lutte, Jacob; 304.

Luxborough; 115.

Luxembourg, Mons. de, K. Henry's emissary to Rome : 22.

Lybonne, Camp at; 149.

Lydd; 475.

Lydisdale, see Liddisdale.

Lyg, one, design against the Scotch Kirk 201.

Lyger, Jacob, of St. Malo; 256.

Lyme, letter dated at; 232.

residents of; 256. See also Weymouth.

Lymington; 379.

Lynbey, Mr.; 162.

Lynd, Thomas, goods of, seized in Lubeck; 263.

Lyndsay, John, letter from; 148.

Lynn :

fraudulent coinage in; 53.

sale of salt at; 134.

Lyons :

Spanish forces to be sent into the kingdom of; 71.

a rising in : 372.

movement of the K. of France to, advised; 476.

said to have lent the King money; 605.

mentioned; 605, 628.

the king of France's journey to, means to be provided for, etc.; 620, 621, 622.

Lyons Inn, London; 290.

Lysson, Thomas, mayor of Portsmouth, letter from; 210.

Lytilldate; 31.