Pages 653-657
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.
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Daccombe, Dackombe :
James; 168.
Robert, captain of footbands; 293.
— letter from Ostend; 464.
Dachstein; 492.
Dackes, William, of London; 176, 179.
Dacre :
Elizabeth; 181.
Francis, letter from; 181.
— late of the co. of Cumberland, a refugee; 333.
Leonard, attainted; 184.
Mr.; 517.
one of the name “will bear rule again”; 451.
Dacres :
—; 145, 156.
Francis, alias Lord, letter to; 330.
D'Aguilar :
Don Juan, the nephew of; 416.
— character of regiment of; 422.
Dlaby, Mr.; 386.
Dale, Captain; 567.
Dalison, John, of Irenham; 264.
Dalkeith :
letters dated at; 20, 230.
Earl Bothwell at; 504.
Damport, Damporte :
one, of the Temple; 500.
Reynold; 240.
William, serving under Sir W. Stanley; 500.
Danby, Sir Thomas, illegal enclosures of common by; 83.
Dane, Mr.; 527.
Daniel :
Mr.; 118.
one, an Irishman, with a great beard; 499.
Edmund, of Belchmap St. Paule; 268.
Danvers :
Sir John, letter from; 416.
retries from candidature for Court of Wards; 534. See also Davers.
Danyell :
Mr., Writer of the Tallies; 455.
John disclose a plot; 474.
Darcy, Darcye :
Mr., a witness of occurrences at siege of Rouen; 140.
—, obtains money for getting an office; 511.
Sir Francis, committed to the Tower; 155.
John, circumstances of his death from the plague; 426.
Robert, catches the plague but escapes; 426.
D'Aremberg, Comte; 83, 305.
D'Arques, Darques :
Thomas, arrest, letters from papers seized, &c.; 245, 246 (2), 248, 249, 251, 403, 432, 569, 573, 580, 603, 613, 618.
— arrested at Southampton; 561.
— his accomplishments; 573.
— destitution in prison, etc.; 580, 618.
— an ode to Cecil; 603.
Darrell, Darell, Marmaduke, victualler for the ships; 52, 53, 562.
Darthford; 243, 529.
Dartmouth; 88, 356, 598.
the prize carrack at; 227, 230, 231, 235, 236, 237, 238, 562.
gauger of the port of; 517.
mayor of; 231, 299.
officers of the customs at, letter form; 479.
trade to Newfoundland from; 479.
ship chased by Spaniards to the mouth of; 566.
D'Ascoly, Prince; 83.
Datary (Dactere) the, from the Pope; 475, 495.
D'Aumale, Madame. See Aumale.
D'Aumont, Mareschal, see Aumont.
Dauphiny :
progress of the war in; 145.
threatened; 327.
Dautrey or Dawtrey, Captain W., pension, government in Ireland, etc., letters; 566, 605.
Davars, Davers :
Sir Charles, books sent to, from Venice; 412.
— in the Marshalsea, etc., letters from; 436, 447, 449, 600.
Davies :
—, 200.
Captain; 582.
John, Captain of men for Normandy; 341.
Leonard, Gentlemen of the Queen's Chapel, petition; 31.
Mr., clerk to Mr. Fanshawe; 614.
William, groom of the chamber; 62.
Davila, Gomes; 491.
Davilo, Don Alonzo; 130.
Davyes or Davies :
John, a pretended physician, proceedings against Bishop Middleton; 280, 281, 282, 283.
— “notes of traitorous dealings of”; 284.
Dawes, Mr.; 216.
Dawse, John, surveyor for customs causes in the outports; 479.
Day, Mr., the contingency of his not being preferred; 561.
“Dead pays,” customary deduction of, in levying men; 565.
Deane :
Mr., of Durham; 209.
—, and Sir Edward Hoby; 444.
Dear, Mr.; 389.
Dediguieres. See Desdiguieres.
Deer sent into Scotland; 456.
Defence of the kingdom, forms of loans for; 75.
“Dehorte,” the word used; 419.
Delabere, Henry, letter form; 1.
De la Fin, Mons.; 31.
De la Lune, Capt., holding an English prisoner of war; 76.
Delamere, Forest of, Cheshire; 159.
Delange, Adrian, said to communicate with the enemy at Flushing, etc.; 581.
Delaresson, John, tailor at Bordeaux; 308.
De la Shute, M.; 605.
Delowe, —, to make a new treaty of peace; 551.
Delves, —; 446.
Denbigh :
county of, a soldier adventurer from; 466.
lordship of; 182.
town of, and the Castle Park; 375, 376.
Denbury, Devonshire; 131.
Dengy, parsonage of; 393.
Denistoune, Alexander; 571.
Denizens in England, remarks on the Act dealing with; 257.
Denmark :
the answers of; 53.
a ship built in, for the French King; 103.
King of, a letter from, mentioned, and instructions for the reply; 219.
— reply prepared; 239.
— suggested courtesies to the Ambassador from; 239.
Queen of, a mission to; 72.
relation to England and Scotland; 82.
relations with Spain; 27.
Dennes, Gabrell; 156.
Denns, Thomas, Frenchman, of Lyme; 256.
Denny, Dennye :
Sir Edward, resignation of his company; 19.
mentioned; 356, 362.
Dennys or Denys, Sir Thomas; 292, 295.
Denoine, Christopher, at South Shields; 352, 353.
Denton :
Captain; 170.
Capt. Thomas; 133.
De Plessis :
Mons.; 166.
— discontentment of; 185.
Deptford, mentioned; 552.
Deputies, the Queen disallows; 471.
Deputy Lieutenants, duties of; 16.
Derby, Co.:
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
levies ordered in; 507.
no recusants in; 273.
Derby, town; 183.
Derby :
Alice Countess of, letters from; 427, 508, 527.
Earl of (Henry); 14.
Earl of (Ferdinando); 507.
— letters from, as to chamberlainship of Chester, etc.; 378, 392.
— other letters from; 411(2), 427, 467, 500.
— Hesketh's visit to; 408, 427.
— —, the day of the Earl's decease; 408.
— the letter brought by Hesketh to, enquiries about; 409.
— evidence against Hesketh's brother; 411, 425.
— “his uprightness and honourable carriage”; 427.
— courteous conduct of; 437.
— Hesketh's instructions for treating with; 461.
— sickness and death; 508.
— —, persons appointed to enquire about; 515.
— —, supposed cause; 517.
— secretary to; 517.
— contest for a wardship; 522.
Earl of (William), rumoured marriage; 527.
Dereham, John, of Corsey; 269.
Dernestal; 39.
Derrick :
one a brewer's son of London; 602.
Francis, letters form Antwerp and Brussels; 625, 626 (2).
Desarpans, M.; 83.
Desdiguieres (Dedigueres, La Diguiere, de la Digheria, de Dighuerre) Mons., General in Piedmont, etc.; 151, 146, 304, 372, 476, 492, 545, 607, 628.
Desmond :
Earl of, attainted, lands of; 98.
— his rebellion, mentioned; 505.
— seduced by Dr. Saunders; 564.
Sir James of; 599.
D'Espernon. See Espernon.
D'Este, troops of, mutinied; 145.
Devon, County of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14, 49, 130:
captains of levies in; 130, 131.
clerkship of the peace of, dispute about the grant of; 507, 517.
musters in : 171.
recusants in; 274.
state of the forces in; 223.
Vice-Admiral of; 479.
can spare men better than Cornwall; 566.
Dewhurst :
Barnard; 49.
— letter to; 337.
Diaques, Don Juan y. See Idiaches.
Diar, Mr.; 480.
Die, Bridge of; 431.
Dieppe; 20, 65, 101, 149, 189, 197, 393.
letters dated at; 3, 20, 76, 96, 134, 136, 137, 154, 155, 157, 160, 174, 179.
prisoner of war at; 76
trade to; 87.
governor of; 135, 137.
— letter to; 124.
disordered state of the town, etc.; 137.
English troops at; 150, 154, 155, 549.
— cost and manner of burying the dead; 156.
Reformed Church at, memorial to Essex; 171.
army victualled from; 187.
timber exported to; 212.
serjeant-major of the garrison of; 212.
the “boys” set out from Dover for; 403.
plan to burn English and French ships at; 588.
Dier, see Dyer.
Digges :
James, Muster Master General, audit of accounts; 3.
Thomas, letter, etc. from, as to his ungrate brother-in-law; 396, 397, 398, 399.
— a false report mentioned to; 558.
William, his conduct, etc.; 396, 397, 398, 399.
— the dean, brother of; 396.
Digheria, Signor de la. See Desdiguieres.
Dighuerre, Mons. de. See Desdiguieres.
Diksone, —, avows himself a Papist before the General Assembly; 205.
Dillon, Tibbutt, merchant, of Dublin; 159.
Dinan, River of; 337.
Dingley, one, a learned man, committed to the Compter; 403, 432.
Dinrom, Sutherlandshire; 553.
Dirrham House, letter dated at; 332.
Dixie, Lady, wife of William Hickman; 531.
Dockwra, Henry, Captain of footmen; 377.
Dockwray, Captain; 169.
Dogs; 356.
the only “killing dog” in England; 362.
Dolman :
Mr., a grave priest at London; 9.
Mr., of Mafferton; 84.
Dolu, Mons., principal Treasurer of the Queen of Scots' dowry in France; 48.
Dombes, Prince de (Henri de Bourbon), letter from; 142.
proceedings in Brittany; 186.
defeated in Brittany; 202.
Dongione near Canterbury; 169.
Donhall, William; 162.
Donnington, Suffolk; 107.
Donnyngton, Lincolnshire, parsonage of; 176.
D'O, or Doo, or Do, Mons.; 150 (2), 153, 155.
Dopfin or Doffild, a prisoner in the Tower; 416, 420, 428, 432.
And see Duffield.
“Dopps,” to make brushes; 457.
Dorchester, the assizes at, Sir W. Raleigh at; 487.
Dorell, Mr.; 79.
Doria, Andrea; 607.
Dorset, county of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
recusants in; 264.
soldiers levied in; 321.
“Dortine”; 568.
Douai; 127, 156, 305, 419.
Englishmen at; 306, 334, 335, 408, 496.
Doughty, Anto., of Boston; 503.
Douglas :
—, letter to; 553.
Archibald, Scotch ambassador in England, letters to; 3 (2), 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 38, 51, 53, 54, 59, 61, 64, 68, 72, 75, 76, 88, 93, 96, 99, 101, 103, 108, 109, 111, 116, 131, 148, 152, 179, 183, 201, 204, 208, 228, 232, 244, 247, 252, 279, 294, 334, 344, 345, 364, 381, 489, 542, 547, 571.
— the King of Scotland's disposition towards him, etc.; 19, 89, 90.
— dispute with Nicholas de Gazzi; 33.
— debt to Sir F. Walsingham; 35.
— a complaint of; 38.
— one committed to prison at the desire of; 54.
— his friends and foes in Scotland; 89, 90.
— efforts to get his commission as ambassador in England renewed; 89, 90.
Archibald, matter taken in hand by the Justice Clerk on his behalf; 110, 111.
— private affairs; 111, 148.
— a servitor of; 124.
— Lord Burghley brings his suit to the Queen to a conclusion; 126.
— mentioned; 147, 406.
— opportunity of reconciliation with the Chancellor; 152.
— his lodging in Lyme Street; 208, 247.
— presents of money from the Queen to : 334, 365.
— the plague attacks his servants; 345.
— a debt long owing by; 489.
— enmity of the Chancellor of Scotland against; 572.
— a benefice of, in Orkney; 572.
E., letter to his uncle Archibald on withdrawing from “Mr. Secretary's” service; 101.
George, Bishop of Murray; 41, 47.
James, takes refuge in the Borders, letter from; 183.
— in trouble; 228.
Jerye; 572.
John, at Dover, letter from; 33.
John, in the house of the Scotch ambassador; 33.
Sandy, robbed in France; 33.
R., letters from; 99, 131, 134, 152, 179, 547.
Richard, sent by Bothwell, arrival in England; 3.
— to wait on the Queen; 11.
— in communication with the King of Scotland; 19.
— letters from; 15, 23, 26, 61, 88 (2), 109, 111, 252, 571.
— mentioned; 101, 179.
Thomas, brother of Archibald, means of support, letters; 51, 93.
William, of Cothebyres, on his travels; 131.
— of Whittingham; 13.
Dove, Captain; 567.
Dover, mentioned; 196, 322, 506.
books concerning the State brought to, arrangements for seizure of; 217.
Lieutenant of, letter from; 529.
— named; 530.
mayor of; 305.
Commissioners for restraint of passing at; 305, 419.
Waste's house at; 530.
(or Dover Castle,) letters dated at; 317, 404.
harbour, provision of funds for repair of; 419.
pier; 379.
Dow, Robert, collector of customs in the port of London; 109.
Dowdall, Captain; 19.
Dowe, Mr., payment into the Exchequer; 401.
Dowds, Harry; 72.
Downes :
Robert, of Great Milton; 268.
George, of Great Milton; 268.
John, of Roughton; 268.
Downhale, Downhall, Downall :
O., his devotion to Essex, etc.; 135.
“Old”; 153, 154.
Mr., departure from Dieppe; 154.
Dowryche, Thomas, misdemeanours against his mother, Mary; 555.
Dowtie :
—, Lord Derby's secretary; 517.
Richard or Robert, his younger brother; 517.
Draicot :
John, of Poyneslie; 272.
Philip, of Leigh; 272.
Drake :
Sir Francis; 52, 53, 79, 81, 228, 249, 291, 295, 303, 457, 478, 563, 580.
— “a most fortunate man;” 204.
— a commissioner for the Carrack; 234, 237, 238.
— effect in Spain of the rumour of an attack from; 307, 349.
— letters from; 473, 479.
— expedition to Brest; 563.
Richard; 184.
— grant of a vinegar monopoly to; 457.
— one of the Queen's Equerries, Edward Wynter's debt, etc.; 302–3, 313.
Draper's manor called; 223.
Drayton; 346.
Drencebairt, —; 106.
Dreux; 21, 22.
Drewe, Serjeant Edw., letter from; 597.
Drinkell, Mr.; 228.
Drogheda, news brought by a man of; 372.
Drury :
Henry, of Lawshall; 269.
John, of Goodewicke; 269.
Thomas, discharged from prison, letter; 357.
— committed for abusing my lord chamberlain, letter; 366.
Roger, bailiff of Yarmouth; 532.
Dublin (Develline):
trade with Spain : 177.
letter dated at; 354.
Ducke, William, surveyor of the Queen's ways; 32.
Dudley, Lord Guilford, attainder; 311.
Dudley, Dudly :
—; 474.
Mr., a priest going to England; 69.
Mr., kisses Mrs. Candish in the Queen's presence; 153 (2).
Duerte, Don Frauncis, of Seville; 357.
Duffield, Duffeilde, Duffeld :
one, suspected; 200.
Capt. Henry, a prisoner in the Tower; 411.
— letter from; 499.
And see Doffin.
Dumet, Mr., of Yarmouth; 532.
Dumfries; 30.
Dunbar; 13.
letter dated at, 26.
Dunbrodye, Abbey of, claim to; 538.
Dunche, Wa., letter from; 376.
Dundee; 12, 46.
Dunfermling; 25, 111.
Dungarvan Castle, repair necessary; 20.
Dunglas, letter dated at; 233.
Dunkirk; 106, 568, 569, 588.
an offer made for, alluded to; 60.
preparations at, meaning of; 324.
K. of France urges that it should be besieged; 372.
successful adventures of ships of; 452.
design for French and Dutch forces to besiege; 560.
an old lame villain at, teacher of the poisoned “Conclucyon”; 588.
“Durkirkers” capture ships; 248.
Dunowe [Dunmow], letter dated at; 479.
Dunybrisill or Dunbarsills, Earl of Murray slain at; 180.
Du Plessis, Philip de Mornay, Seigneur; 82.
letter to Essex; 171.
discontentment of; 191.
negotiations with Mons. de Villeroy; 192.
Durandvile, Sieur; 38, 39.
Durde, Edmund, of Gillingham; 264.
Durham :
Bishopric of, lands belonging to; 70.
— Queen's Receiver General for; 70.
— lease of lands in; 174.
County of, recusants in; 265.
Dutch and French ships, engagement between; 65.
Dutch Church in England; 258.
Dutton :
Mr., volunteer with Lord Essex; 129.
John, of Dutton, Cheshire, petition; 159.
Duyson, Sieur; 38, 39.
Dydimum, a pamphlet, circulating abroad; 423.
Dyer (Dyar, Dier):
Edward, letter from; 306.
Mr.; 291, 295, 450.
Mr. Justice; 460.
Dymoke, Dymock :
Sir Edward; 291, 295.
— practices against the Earl of Lincoln; 567, 577.
Charles; 295.
Dytton Park, letter dated at; 408.
Dyve; 48.
Dyxe, William, Esq.; 107.