Cecil Papers: December 1593, 16-31

Pages 437-464

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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December 1593, 16–31

Edw. Phyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 16. My mother was in some trouble as concerning such lands as she hath here in the country of her own inheritance, some gentlemen endeavouring to join her adversaries with her in possession, but my lord of Derby did and doth as yet cause the possession kept in quiet and sole to my mother. I beseech you to write to my Lord giving him thanks for his courtesy already shewed, and to entreat a continuance thereof towards my father and me.—Groosworth, 16 Dec. 1593.
Holograph. ½ p.
Sir Charles Blount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 16. I protest I determine to bend all my endeavours to the care and keeping of this place. None shall be lodged in the Tower without a billet from me, and none enter but I will know their names and number. For shipping I will have a diligent eye; and having somewhat better advised upon it, what I think fit to be done I will present to her Majesty; but my head and heart is a little too much troubled now to give counsel. I confess I did take her Majesty's favour herein as the most absolute and extraordinary grace that was ever done to any, and full with the joy thereof, and more, I protest unto you, with the manner than the matter, out of the abundance of my thankfulness I did presently and not before my Lord of Sussex's death, acknowledge unto some of my friends her Majesty's goodness, who there is no doubt have spread it far enough, every man's ears being now open to hear the event hereof. And I was so far from thinking this a fault that I held myself bound to do it after my Lord's death when no man had interest to be offended with it; since I protest to you before the Eternal God I took it that her Majesty had absolutely given it me, and I can scarce doubt the contrary, although her Majesty out of her great wisdom may have just cause to do what she commandeth me by you; but because this place is a gift even according unto my own heart, because I may herein practise my honesty, the only occupation (though against the opinion of the world) I trusted to get my living by, I pray, Sir, give me leave to speak somewhat for myself and let her Majesty know it. I know nothing to be objected against me but either my want of honest}' to be willing to keep this place, or want of wit to be able to do it, or want of living to be as it were a gauge for it. For my honesty, I will not refuse to be tried by a jury of my enemies; for my wit I confess I am scarce resolved of it myself, but I am sure I am as wise as Mr. Munns, to whose discretion for the most part of this 20 years this charge hath been committed; and I confess I am poor and therefore the more unlikely to be false unto her that hath made me what I am and may make me more rich. And yet, if you will remember, there have been more traitors of rich men though more thieves of the poorer sort, since ambition is as great a spur to the one as want to the other, and he that is not honest in himself will no more be satisfied with either than he that is sick of the dropsy with drink. If it please the Queen to have more security than my faith, I will engage in the highest degree as much land as any one of half the Barons in England have, and that is 400l. a year, if either by fault or folly I but adventure to lose this Tower, to be tied in what bond her Majesty shall appoint. I most earnestly desire you to put me out of a miserable doubt what her Majesty is resolved, for, by the Eternal God, if I miss this hope, I will leave the place safe in Sir George Carrow's hands, but, as I think, I will never see her Majesty or you any more, but ever while I live pray for her and wish you well.—16 December, 1593.
Holograph. 2 pp.
Roger Coppez to John Harmar at Winchester.
1593, Dec. 18. Look to Anthony Coppez, your scholar, and command him not to write unto 'my' but to make you privy to it, for his hand is very bad and the manner of writing worse, as you see by this letter that “he send unto 'my,'” and from henceforward let him not write but in Latin when he can do it of himself, and not else, and I pray, good Mr. Harmar, speak to one which may teach him to write very fair ('fear'). The bearer hereof is my brother, and he shall tell you my mind at large.—London, 18 December. 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Benjamin Beard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 20. In continuation of former letters, to which he had received no answer since Cecil's servants had been with him; renewing requests as to Mrs. Shelley's trunks.—Fleet, 20 Dec., 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Sir Thomas Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Dec. 20. Presents a very small remembrance of his love and duty, acknowledging his continual goodness. Beseeches him to continue his honourable course towards his poor kinsman who is visited with great infirmities of age and sickness.—Shelford, 20 December.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Sir Charles Blount to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Dec. 20. I pray excuse our slow return of the estate we find the store in, for sooner we could not do it, and very shortly we will send it up. For myself, there be many things that might move me to be a present solicitor for myself, but no private respect shall make me neglect Her Majesty's service, and in truth I think it unfit that as yet I should be absent from this place, since it were almost impiety to discourage a man of his age and continuance that now commandeth under me, yet to leave him here absolutely is more than willingly I would adventure. His own desire is, that if I depart, I will have some other assistant to him, which may supply his slow providence and diligence, which he confesses to be altogether impaired by his age, and without great deliberation I should be loth to choose any other.
I am enforced to desire you that you would let the Queen know that as she hath, by an extraordinary grace, bestowed this place upon me, that she will give it me as entirely and with those helps as others heretofore have enjoyed it. My lord of Sussex long since bought Porchester, to which the forest of Beere belongeth, of one that had an estate in it but during his own life, and is dead some fourteen years since, so that it is now in the Queen's gift, and is so necessary for the provision of the place I hold that hardly it can be missed. If that I have that I doubt not but to live honestly upon it, since the having of this place will advance my commodity in the New Forest almost two hundred pounds by the year, as I am credibly told.—20 Dec. Signed.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1593. From Portsmouth.”
Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 21. Relative to an enclosure despatched “by post.”—York, 21 Dec. 1593.
Signed. ¼ p.
A. Ashley, Clerk of the Council, to Sir. Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 21. I received your letters of the 9th at Okeover, my father-in-law's house in Staffordshire, where, since my coming, I have had no less cause of heartgrief by the death of my child (being thereby to have inherited better than 1000 marks per ann. after my old father's decease), than I have received comfort and relief from her Majesty by your means, wherein I account myself most bounden to acknowledge deeply beholden to you, and humbly entreat assured interest in your good opinion. I purpose within a few days to attend you in person, after I shall have in some sort shaken off a melancholy mourning cheer. Meanwhile, if any in my absence shall go about to pass any bill touching my poor office of the County Clerkship in Yorkshire, I beseech you to make stay thereof till my repair to Court, for I understand there is some such matter intended underhand, taking advantage of some nice quirk in law, to defeat my patent by non-residence, though of small value, yielding no more than 24l. per ann., yet would I be loth to lose it, both for the disgrace, and for that it was the only help that my father by his purse procured me towards my maintenance in the place I serve her Majesty when I was first sworn extraordinary and had no manner of wages, fee or reward. Base men and of no desert have enjoyed it without interruption these 70 years past, and therefore would touch me the more if, being her Majesty's servant etc., I should be of less strength and countenance than others.—Okeover, 21 Dec, 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
Prohibition of Import of Pepper.
1593. Dec. 21. Warrant directing that no pepper be brought in from foreign parts for one year, or longer, according to the Treasurer's discretion, the merchants that bargained with the Queen for the pepper taken in the carrick this last year, being greatly hindered in the sale thereof, partly by the sickness in the city and elsewhere where the pepper ought to have been sold, and partly because the grocers of London have daily brought in great quantity of pepper and utter it at lower prices than the said merchants are bound to pay to the Queen : the said merchants entering into a bond to make good the loss of customs' duty.—Hampton Court, 21 Dec. 1593.
Sign Manual. Addressed to Lord Burghley. 1 p.
Jo : Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 21. As to the connexion of two men, Lowen and North, with “the chace,” North, my lady Warwick's man, who had bought Lowen's “part,” being a great company keeper, who had often frequented the chace in unlawful sort, and Lowen a very disorderly fellow, given to drinking. Stileman has been with the Chancellor of the Duchy, finding him very willing to see those disorders redressed, and that there shall be a commission presently granted. As to the Commissioners to be chosen, the desire of the tenants is that Mr. Wrothe, the Woodward, should not be one, and that Cecil himself should.—From my poor house, 21 Dec. 1593.
Holograph. 1½ pp.
Sir Thomas Leighton to Lord Burghley.
1593, Dec. 21. The 19th of this present, I received advertisement from St. Malo and from a person of good account, that there is now lately arrived at Blavet in Brittany about 5 or 6000 Spaniards. Now, this strong supply sent by the King of Spain so near unto these isles doth minister unto me just cause to look the more carefully unto my charge, wherefore I beseech you, that whereas the works appointed by Her Majesty to be done upon her Castle were the last year begun and well advanced, but yet not half finished, her pleasure was to grant 1000l. for the performing of the said works, according unto the plat I shewed at St. James', your lordship being present, 500l. whereof I have received, all the which, saving 60l. is already employed, that you will move Her Majesty for the other 500l. to be sent unto me with speed, so as in March next I may proceed with the finishing of the works.—At Guernsey, 21 Dec, 1593. Signed.
P.S.—(Holograph.) I thought good to send unto your Lordship this enclosed note of the several advertisements, concerning the arrival of this large supply of Spaniards into Brittany.
Encloses :
Note of three letters written from St. Malo of the 22 December, French style, by three burgesses of the town. By one it is reported that there are arrived at Blavet, in Brittany, 6,000 Spaniards, of whom 4,000 are landed, and having 200,000 crowns in money. Another reports the arrival of the said Spaniards, with the like amount of money, and the third, of 3,000 Spaniards and the same money, the men having, according to the account of a merchant of St. Malo, embarked at Biscay, and the same letter also states that vessels have arrived at St. Malo from Spain, which reported that when they left Spain 27 days ago, there were rumours of the death of the King of Spain.
French ½ p.
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 21. Not having ended my business I know not what to entreat of, but yet lest I may be thought faulty that I do negligently spend my time and do not hasten my despatch, as is requisite, I thought good to address these unto you, praying you to answer for me that since Monday at noon, at which time I did begin to take the remains, I have not lost one hour fit to work in. At this present the view is finished, at the which a man of my young lord of Sussex, sent by him to that purpose, kept a book, and is a witness of all my proceedings. When this business is finished, I beseech you, as from you I received my direction to come hither, so that you would send me further notice of Her Majesty's pleasure which if it he to return, my poor neighbours at the “Mynorits” will give you thanks, with whom I purposed after my attendance on Her Majesty on the holidays, the rest of work days to spend amongst them. Besides the Queen's store in Portsmouth, before I depart, I will take the remains of Southsea Castle and three of the ships that are here. As touching the new Governor, I protest to your Honour without affection or flattery, I do think the Queen could not have made choice of a more worthy man as well for her service as for his sweet and noble demeanour to the townsmen and garrison, who are so well pleased with the same as they think his coming amongst them to be their year of Jubilee, having now some hope to grow rich, which heretofore was impossible by reason of the great dislike between them and the dead Earl.—Fortsmouth, 21 Dec. Endorsed—“1593.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 21. Though somewhat long, yet at last my business is finished. When you have perused the book of the remains, which now I have sent to my lord your father, your honour will say I have made good expedition, as may appear by the infinite number of sundry natures of munitions which is contained in the same, whose names, out of Vulcan's academy, are not to be interpreted. The remains to your seeming, as no doubt it is, will appear to be very much, but in respect of the place wherein it abideth, it is so little as it is needful to be supplied, for the circuit of Portsmouth your Honour knows to be great, in so much as the ordnance in the same, if occasion did require, are few enough to guard it, and yet as few as they are, the munition and especially the powder is too weak in proportion for so may pieces. I have viewed Southsea Castle, whereof I will forbear till I see you, but this far I thought fit to advertise you, that the platforms there are exceeding ruinous and the carriages so very weak and rotten as they are hardly able to sustain the weight of their ordnance. I will not depart from hence till I know Her Majesty's further pleasure.—Portsmouth, 21 December, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
The Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 23. Announcing his having entered upon the business directed by the letter of the Lords of the Counil, with regard to the examination of certain witnesses to be produced by Mr. Either.—York, 23 Dec., 1593.
Signed. ½ p.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 23. Praying him to further a certain matter for which the warrant from Sir John Hawkins had been long since at the court. “The poor men whom it concerneth exclaim upon me daily for their money, and every week I receive unpleasant letters out of the country.”—London, 23 Dec., 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
“42” to Mr. de Colvill, “a Scotch gentleman at present, in London at the Court.”
1593, Dec. 24./Jan 3, 1594. Vostre si grande tardance a fort despleu à votre phenix qui n'a reçcu aucune de vos nouvelles jusqn'au dernier du passé. La volonté de (2) lui a servi de contentement touchant la marchandise. Vray est qu'il expectoit la responce de ce que vous estoit commis de la main de celuy à qui vous fust addressé, et au pied de la sienne (comme il a requis par vostre charge) il estime que la faute a este en ce que vous ne I'avez demandé, dont je ne vous estime coulpable, Il y a venu de Compiegne icy ung messagier extraordinaire qui n'avoit affaire que de vous dire deux mots. Il a demeure icy quatre jours et est party presque hors des sens de collere, qu'il n'avoit trouvé celuy à qui il avoit esté addressé. Vous pouves juger si, par faute de n'avoir donné meilleur ordre à voz affaires en partant, et n'ayant faict plus subitement retour, voz affaires manquent on ont manqué du soing. Vostre phenix trouve fort estrange ce que luy escrives avoir donné vostre commission en escript, veu qu'il vous avoit tant prié de le ne faire. Je luy fays entendre que c'est l'orde du lieu, et que outre cella, si (2) le requiroit, ainsi l'honneur que vous luy debuies vous le commandoit. Tout cella est bon, ditil, mais que la conclusion arrestée par vous aussi bien que par celuy qui vous commist en cella debuoit estre ou avoir esté inviolablement observé, aussi est il vray qu'ung de son estat et lieu a de regarder à telz registres, car le monde roulle de force qu'il est round, dictil. Je luy donne pour chose assurée que tout ce qu'il expectoit touchant responce aux siennes n'est que differré à vostre despeche, pourtant que possible (2) vous donnera semblable credit qu'il a faict, et c'est ce que je ne doubte point, come je vous supplie de ne manquer en ce que pouves de luy apporter contentement. Vous me pries de vous faire scavoir si mon garcon a esté employé versnoz amis, de quoy je vous avois advertis devant vostre partement de Callais, selon l'apparence qui n'a apporte autre effect, mais veu le besoing qu'il y a de resolution en cella, on peut envoyer d'assez bon heure à votre retour. Ma promesse faicte a (26) m'empeche de vous ouvrir le Fein sur ce que nous est advenu, encores m'assurant que votre prud'homie ne me manquera en câchant ce que je vous descouvre à tous hazards. Avez à scavoir donc, que (38) a esté en ceste ville avecq autant d'hazard que vous laisse à estimer, car il est venu de sa propre notion, ce que je prends de Dieu pour une singuliere grace, car en ce il a desgagé mon honneur qui vous estoit suspect comme à (26), ce que je remets du fond du cæur, car il y avait de l'apparence en voz resons, et peu en ce que je disoys, jusqu'à present, que 26 est contente en plus qu'il pouvoit requerir comme celluy que 38 estime aussi propre pour le regard de sa capacité eh telz affaires que homme à qui on pourroit avoir parlé. Il est vray que j'eux bien de l'affaire à le faire consentir au parlement avecq le dict 26, mais en fin il a faict voir à 26 son intregrité, en luy espluchant le fonds et la moelle de ce que 26 souhaittoit, de sort que In portu sumns à l'apparence que humaine reson nous peut donner, et, pour vrais dire, 38 s'est monstré tant flexible à toute reson que luy ay proposée, que si on ne peut se defaire autrement, il est content.que on vende le bien à celluy qu'il appartient, qui cognoissant la bonté de sa beste sera tousjours le dernier et plus offrant. Je prie à Dieu que 2 enst veu et ouy ce que 26 et moy avons, car je m'assure que celluy qui est si friand de l'honneur n'auroit rejetté ung tel morçeau, mais je presume que la diversité d'oppinions a empesché la disposition de ung si accompli que 2, car le corps de l'assemblée ne consent pas volontiers à autre chose que ce qui touche à la grosse corde. Il est vray que ce n'est pas à ung tel que moy d'en juger es resons que les grands out, encores moins de captiver en mes folles apparences l'estendue de leurs ambitions, ce que je ne fays autrement qu'en ne comparant autre à celuy qui est singulier. Or, saches que si (26) n'avoit desja escript à (2) des intelligences que (38) nous a faictes, je les vous envoyerois nonobstant ce qu'en pourroit surgir la dessus par le mescontentement de votre phoenix sur mon default en promesse que luy ay faict, de ne vous mander avennement touchant de 38, ny de ses nouvelles que je vous assure méritent le grandmercy pour 26 qui les presente à 2. Saches que 35 est grand seigneur et s'agrandist de plus en plus. J'ay receu une lettre de (120) qui m'envoye assurance de la part de Secretaire Manjijidor de venir la, ce que je ne peu faire jusqu'à ce que mon frere sort de retour; non que d'jcy on d'ailleurs je sois pour autre regard empesche, car je rn'assure que pour le moins mon prisonier, sera delivré, qui pour sa bonne volonté et la mienne au service d'ung autre estat s'y est tenu la et é Callais dix et neuf mois, estantz allez à mes despends et fretté ung navire a Londres à prepos, de quoy celuy à qui j'escris par vous n'est ignorant. Mais, ad alia, hastes vous si vous voulles faire vostre proffit. Je ne veux dire plus au propos qui plus nous touche jusqu'à vous voir. Je vous supplie ne faillir de me rapporter ce qu'est icy contenu avecq le mesme papier, pour me donner le contentement d'assurance que 26 ne le voit jamais, car ce me serait desplaissant, non que je luy veuille couvrir le different respect qu'ay à vous et à luy, mais affin que ne luy que pour le peu de chose que luy avois promis j'aye failli.—Bollogne, le 3 de Janvier, 94.
Sir Charles Blount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1523, Dec. 26. As to proceedings he has taken about his patent and Porchester. Porchester is assuredly in the Queen's gift. The dead lord when he bought it got a patent renewed for his own life; he paid about nine score pound for it and enjoyed it about 30 years. Commits himself to Cecil's good favour, etc.—Portsmouth, 26 Dec. 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
Lord Zouche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 26. Intreating that he will afford him those good instructions he last gave him, in his next letters, as he desires to have them before his eyes for his direction.—London, 26 December, 1593.
Signed :—Edward Zouche.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p.
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 26. I most humbly beseech your Honour to protect me in an honest cause against an insatiable prelate, who seeketh but my disgrace that he may possess my house, and after his promise, religiously passed, hath betrayed me in other causes. I understand that, in my absence, he hath occasioned Her Majesty to enter into hard terms of me, upon a report the truth whereof I leave to an enclosed paper; the effect whereof, I most humbly desire you, may by yourself be delivered to Her Majesty, especially the last particle. It is no more than I have offered to the three lords in a conference, among whom I never made choice of any one. But if from yourself I may have the honour to understand her pleasure, the case being truly opened unto her, as hitherto I mistrust, the order shall be yours. I will obey what you set down, remain bound unto you, and, except it please you, it shall never be discovered that you have entered into the cause.—From the Isle of Sheppey, 26 Dec., 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Encloses :
I was never unwilling, as conveniently as I could, to answer of arrearages past, wherein the College is unsatisfied, but have often sent the rent, but never they would receive it. I have condescended from this rent day forwards to pay 80l. a year, albeit the College never received above 100 marks yearly, nor all my profit this year amount to 40l. above the rent, towards 1500 which I bestowed on the house and lease. I never understood that it was Her Majesty's pleasure to relieve Mr. Deane, his wife and son; rather I have doubt thereof, but trust that in any matter where any of them shall stand concerned, it shall be referred to the Common Law or Chancery, the sooner for that I know Mr. D. hath most contemptuously refused to satisfy Her Majesty in my lady Stafford's case, notwithstanding that Her Highness vouchsafed twice to write unto him; and hope that my long services will be as much respected as Mr. D. in his private cause. Notwithstanding, though the college be fully satisfied of all arrearages, as I can prove, and that by my not paying the hindrance is like to grow to Mr. D. only, yet if a price may be set upon the lease in reversion, which is passed over to his son Blunte, I will be ready to repay what he hath paid, and further as shall be thought convenient. My humble desire is to know whether the College being satisfied Her Majesty will take Mr. Deane, his wife and son's cause in hand, or no. My life, lands and goods have long been bestowed in her service, only if she do, I must confess, for all my services and time of thirteen years passed, operam et oleum perdidi.
Signed. 1 p.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 26. Praying him to desire Her Majesty to appoint before the 1st of January a commission to the Lord Treasurer and others of her Council, to treat with him for the extinguishment of her debt. The matter would best be obtained by the Lord Treasurer or Mr. Fortescue. Will be put to much trouble if the day is passed and his coming up will be of little avail : will however come up shortly after Epiphany. The debt is now 28,948l. 10s. 6d. The like commission was made in 1580, when the Lord Treasurer, Secretary Walsingham and Signor [Sir Walter] Mildmay were appointed.—Badburham, 26 Dec., 1593.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p.
Mrs. Anne White to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593], Dec. 27. Your son, God be thanked, is merry and well, and your daughter in health, yet I could wish she did suck better milk or none, for truly that which she doth get is but wind. I speak but of duty I owe to you and my Lady, and love and goodwill I bear unto the child. If it please you so to think of it, at your last being at Theobalds I could have said my mind, but I did find you so altered that I was doubtful in what sort I should answer you. Since that time your child hath not bred teeth, yet is not the flesh increased, but doth decrease by means of her fretting and beastly sorrowing, and a shame to all women. She fretteth away her own flesh and waxeth blear-eyed which is given her by nature. I have heard that it hath not been good for a child to look upon any such. Whereas you wished her to eat pottage and drink posset ale, that which is wanting in these she taketh in beer. She is not a woman to be persuaded to do anything but what shall come of herself. It is not her milk that hath brought up the child hitherto, but good spoon meat, and where you are doubtful for sweetmeat, if I were so ignorant [as] to give it her, she would not take it. It cannot be more unquiet than it hath been for a month together, day and night, by means of fruit, raw and roasted, which breed a wind colic. I do think that [if] you and my lady be fearful to wean her till she have all her teeth, then you will have her suck till she be 3 years old. Your son had not more than she hath now, and but weak, and since prospered well and so continueth. Her continual course hath been to the leads to spy if she might see him come, and now fretting herself because he came not the same morning that you did appoint him, she did swoon, that we were forced to cut lace, girdle, apron strings, to give her waters to drink to save her life as we thought, and so did not let it suck for a good space. If it had been mine or any that I might have been bold withal, it should not have sucked again. If she would have followed my counsel and other more, she might have lived in better sort and more credit. She is known what she was before she came here. Thus I crave pardon for my rude writing, resting ready to do your pleasure in anything.—From Theobalds, 27 Dec.
[P.S.]—She cannot but he must be in the chamber, dinner and supper, otherwise she will die. No respect with her to bear the child at any time, as yourself hath seen. It is yet, thank [God], very well. John Stileman found fault with her. I do, but to discharge my conscience. It will sooner come to the woman than to the nurse, which is a sign it getteth little of her.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Holograph. 1 p.
Tho. Bellot, the Lord Treasurer's Steward, to Sir RobeRt Cecil.
1593, Dec. 27. Jennings, the boy, came here yesterday. I told him to keep with the porter and in nowise to come into the nursery or any place within the house, but only in the hall, and coming from the gate I met her in the court going to him, and willed her to go in, and that she should have him to come into the hall to her, but to the nursery he shall not come. I thought good to make this restraint for to see whether she would be therewith pleased, but this so misliked her that so soon as she came up she cried and howled like a stark bedlam and swooned withal, or rather, counterfeited a swooning. Thus you may see what a beginning of a Christ[mas] we have, but I trust you will take order that we shall have a better ending. And now that he is here she must and will have him all day long in the nursery with her, and to dine and to sup with her, and there he must be most part of the night also. And what an unseemly and ungodly thing this example of theirs is in such a house, I refer it to your honour's consideration.—From my Lo House at Theobalds (Thib~.).—27 Dec. 1593.
Holograph. ½ p.
Office of Chamberlain of Co. of Chester.
1593, Dec. 27. Report of Sir Thomas Egerton, Attorney General, addressed to Lord Burghley, upon the office of chamberlain of the county palatine of Chester, and its rule, authority and other incidents.
In that county, very ancient and grounded on prescription, there is a court called the Exchequer, which of ancient time hath had the jurisdiction and authority of court of chancery and court of exchequer for that county, with a special officer called the chamberlain, who hath the keeping of the seal of the county palatine and also of the records in the Exchequer there. He is the mediate officer to all her Majesty's superior courts of justice, and so as all writs and processes (other than some few which by late statutes are otherwise guided) are awarded and directed to the chamberlain of Chester. Whereupon he is to make process of like effect to the sheriff of that county, under the seal of the county palatine, returnable before him in the court of Exchequer at Chester, upon which he is to return and certify the writs to him directed into the superior courts from whence they were awarded. There is another officer called the Baron or Clerk of the Exchequer who hath the making of all writs of the court, whether of causes originally growing within that county, as of those from the superior courts. The Chamberlain hath in this court of Exchequer jurisdiction belonging to a chancellor for suits and causes in equity only happening within the county, but not for matter of common plea or pleas of the crown, for those are determinable before Her Majesty's justices there. And for suits in equity the council in the marches of Wales did greatly intrude upon the jurisdiction of the county palatine, until the 11th year of her Majesty's reign, when this and other questions were submitted to judges named, who found that the, jurisdiction in equity of these suits did appertain to the chamberlain of the county palatine and to the said court of Exchequer—which certificate of the Judges was entered of record in the High Court of Chancery, and afterwards confirmed by letters patent. The chamberlain is also by virtue of his office conservator of the peace within the county, but since stat. 27 Hen 8 cap. 5, hath had little dealing in that behalf. Also of ancient time the sheriffs and all other officers of the county palatine accountable to the King, did account to the chamberlain and he had receipt of all the revenues. But of late H.M. Auditor and Receiver have the dealing therein, and the chamberlain accounts yearly to the Queen for the profits of the seal and profits and casualties of the court of Exchequer only. Albeit of late years the office hath been conferred upon noblemen, as well by Queen Mary as by the Queen's Majesty, yet in ancient time men of much meaner sort for the most part had the place, viz., Sir Richard Mansfield, Sir Randall Brereton, one Delves, one Burnam, and others of like quality.—Lincoln's Inn, 27 Dec. 1593.
Signed. 2 pp.
Richard [Fletcher], Bishop of Worcester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Dec. 27.] This Newman I find very insufficient in learning to maintain his obstinacy in any point. He quoteth St. Austin, but the books being placed before him he can show no place to the purpose which he avoucheth, neither can he as a scholar conclude any thing. I do take it that he is within the compass of the Statute, for that having been a recusant, as he confesseth, a year or two, he is not confined within some certain place, which he seemeth to have had none, since he left his college at Michaelmas last. I have advised him to submit himself, and I do think it good he be restrained either from passing over, or being here in secret.
Endorsed :—“27 Dec. 1593. The B. Almner to my Mr. : He hath examined Andrew Newman and finds him insufficient.”
Episcopal Seal. 1 p.
Sir Charles Davers to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Dec. 28.] Your Honour shall receive hereinclosed my letter to my lord B. and my lord Cobham. You will please to peruse it, and if you think it fit after you have caused it to be sealed with my seal, which I have sent by my man, you may command him to deliver it; if otherwise, I will desire you to send it back with the messenger, and vouchsafe me your better advice against tomorrow I will write again. I have followed as near as I can the instructions you gave me, both for the brevity and inclusion of the very words of your letter. I came not hither till Christmas eve, for divers businesses which stayed me in the Marshalsea three days longer than otherwise I needed. The cause I desired your letter to do was only to have graced me where I was unknown. I have received the money of fortune, it shall not fail to be discharged at the time you have appointed. My lord of Essex wrote unto me that he had sent his footman to my father long since.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“28 Dec. 1593.”
Seal. 1 p.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 28. Expresses his affection to him till the last day of his life, whatever be his fortune, which will not, it seems to him, be good in time to come, seeing that Her Majesty has suspended his payments of her own motion; doubts it will be much to his prejudice unless the commission is obtained soon. (See 26 Dec. 1593.) Sent to Lady Ratcliffe the New Years' Grifts for Her Majesty and prays God that they may be well received.—Badburham, 28 Dec. 1593.
Holograph. Seal. Italian. 1 p.
J. Guicciardin to the Earl of Essex.
1593, Dec. 28/Jan. 7, 1594. The disorder wherein I found my estate here by reason of my uncle's death, and shortly after some sickness wherewith I was overtaken, hath hitherto held me unable to give you any testimony at all of my devotion; and so much the more as having lost my chiefest means and principal stay here, whom it pleased God to call to his mercy some few weeks before my arrival, before he could receive the contentment of your letters. Nevertheless, wherein my poor endeavours may be any way profitable to your service, you shall find me always ready. I delivered both your letter and the other to the party to whom they were directed. With what reverence and affection they were received, his answer may happily testify. As I found in him a singular devotion to the other, so towards your lordship I perceived a particular and entire devotion, finding him already so possessed with the report of your worthiness as I needed not to make any other relation thereof than that which might spring of my duty and reverence to the same. I find him resolutely bent to run one course and fortune with the French King, between whom and himself, so far as I can perceive, both by his own speech and enquiry of others, there seemeth to be very good intelligence. He greatly desireth the King's absolution, with assured hope that that once obtained, the Pope would quickly after forsake the alliance with Spain, which would be an “entratureto greater matters. Howbeit, it seemeth the King hath not been overforward in the pursuit thereof, fearing lest the grant might include some hard conditions, whereof these seem to be most important, and which he will never be tied to, viz., to make peace with Spain, to leave the amity of our Queen, and to prosecute the Protestants. Thus much I thought good to advertise you of, though some part thereof may happily have come to your knowledge before. Other occurrents we have none in these parts of any moment, save only the preparation of shipping in the King's ports for the conducting of the Indian fleet, which is thought to have laden above 24 millions, and we hold here for certain will not be in Spain before the end of April at the soonest. The party above-mentioned hath here a workman accounted by him singular in the tempering of armour, and is desirous you should make some trial of his cunning. And therefore willed me to write for your measure, etc.—From Florence, 7 January, stilo nuovo, 1594.
Holograph, part in italics in cipher. 2 pp. [Murdin, p. 669.]
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 30. Cannot come before 10 January, as these two gentlemen and the Signor di Scelton are coming to Badburham one day next week, and he must remain at home until the 7th. After that will come immediately. If he would show his letter of the 25th to the Lord Treasurer, hopes that his Excellency will do him the favour to take it as written to himself. If however it has not been kept, begs him to deliver the accompanying letter. If Her Majesty is not well disposed he can hope for nothing. It would be better to take the course of the commission; which can only be proposed by the Lord Treasurer by virtue of his office.—Badburham, 30 December, 1593.
Italian. Holograph Seal. 1 p.
Mr. Justice Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 31. According to your direction I did send the 10 Irish soldiers away with 40s. each, declaring unto them of her Majesty's gracious mercy, and also certified them of the Queen's pardon, sent to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, which was a wonderful rejoicing unto them, and they have written to their company in what gracious manner the Queen hath dealt with them, admonishing them to come from the traitor, their captain.—31 Dec. 1593.
Holograph. ½ p.
The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley, Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Lincoln, Hertford, and Essex.
1593, Dec. 31. Warrant for inquisition to be made what gentlemen within the counties of his charge have any sons, etc. whom they do relieve or maintain out of the realm, being sent over under colour to learn languages or for any other respects, not being notoriously employed in Her Majesty's martial services or trade or merchandize as apprentices or factors to known merchants, and to send a catalogue as well of the names of the fathers and parents etc. as of the sons etc. so sent over, and in what parts they are, and how long they have been absent. And to take bonds from the fathers etc., if any of them be recusants or have been evil affected and on your knowledge are but feignedly reformed, for their personal appearance before the council to enter and make search within their houses for seminary priests, Jesuits, and other auspected persons, and to search for and seize books, letters and writings concerning matter against the State or the Religion here established and send them hither unto us forthwith.—Hampton Court, the last of December, 1593.
Signet. 2 pp. [Murdin, p. 667.]
Sieur de Ste Marie de Mount.
1593, Dec. 31. Warrant granting licence for the Sieur Ste Marie de Mount, a good subject of the French King, to have one culverin of brass to be cast within the Queen's realm and transported for his own use.—Hampton Court, last day of December, 1593.
Sign manual. Signet, 1 p.
Sir Charles Davers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Dec. 31. I presume I shall not need to make any further suit by my letters unto those lords that committed me, therefore have only sent this alone unto your Honour, whereby I desire to understand whether the prefixed time appointed for my deliverance be like to hold. My lord Chamberlain to my last letter sent me back a very kind answer, which gave me great hope of speedy liberty, which I hope the answer to this letter will bring me included.—From Streatham, this present Monday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“31 Dec. 1593.”
2 pp.
St. Stephen's, Westminster.
1593, Dec. Two plans of the lodgings, late Mr. Peter's, within St. Stephen's in Westminster—drawn by John Symonds.
2 pp.
The Earl of Northumberland to the Privy Council.
[1593, Dec] May it please your Lordships to pardon my absence since the receipt of your letters, wherein I understand Her Majesty's commandment for my present repair unto the north parts; my want of health hath been the cause, and not yet fully recovered. According to Her Highness's pleasure, I will be ready to perform what I am able, and, in the meantime, according to your directions, have sent down such orders as you have appointed till mine own going, which shall be as soon as I may provide myself. The country is ruinous and very weak, especially my poor tenants; myself can witness it no otherwise than by report, and their poverty, which partly I taste of, but howsoever I will do my best to execute Her Majesty's will, thought it be impossible in short time to bring it to that pass I desire.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“December, 1593.”
1 p.
Henry Leigh.
[1593, Dec.] The answer of Henry Leigh, touching a letter directed unto him from Prague by one Thomas Stephenson, a priest, out of which may be inferred some presumptions of his undutiful demeaning to Her Majesty and the State, whereunto, in all singleness of heart, in the presence of Almighty God, he answereth the full truth as followeth :—
First.—I, the said Henry, do confess that after I had overspent my whole estate in Her Majesty's service, without any recompense, and by the cause of my fortune was driven to go to Prague, to seek some favour of Sir Edward Kelly, I did there see the said Thomas Stephenson in the company of one Richard Tankard, an Englishman, who did divers times resort to Sir Edward Kelly his house. And not long after the surprising of Sir Edward Kelly and all the Englishmen that were then at Prague, it was my chance to meet the said Stephenson upon Prague bridge, where he began to dissuade me from that melancholy wherewith it seemed to him I was oppressed, offering unto me all love and service to stead me in that so dangerous a time for all Englishmen, the rather because, he said, he had been brought up as a boy and found favour of one Mr. Leigh of Brandon, in the Bishopric of Durham. All which his courtesy and offers of friendship at that time I was content to accept of, the rather for that Mr. Dyar was then close prisoner, with whom I could have no conference, nor receive direction what I might best do for the furtherance of Her Majesty's service in that behalf. And I thought it not amiss to entertain him at that time, as well for my own safety and liberty, as also to understand by him from time to time the proceedings in Sir Edward Kelly's case with the Emperor, for that one Methar and one Aquensis, which were in the College with him, were confessors and special inflamers of the Popells, the great family of Bohemia, against Sir Edward Kelly, and the said Popells were as it were in sinu Cæsaris; so as I purposed by that means to await the best opportunity to do Her Majesty's service. And as touching any other conference with him or any other, tending to the lessening of my faith and allegiance to my most gracious sovereign or the damage of my country, I defy the whole world, yea, I defy my own thoughts, and for the resolved errors therein, without presumption may I speak it, I will neither ask God nor Her Majesty forgiveness, for even He who gave me patience and constancy to endure and withstand the temptations and assaults of extremest necessity can and will plead my innocency for my delivery, for he hath promised never to leave me finally destitute. For assured proof whereof I have these testimonies, for even when I was almost in despair of any comfort in mine own country, and as it were plunged in the depths of desolation abroad by the change of Sir Edward Kelly's fortune, having then neither money nor means to maintain me, yet even at that time when all Englishmen in Prague were in prison and none durst speak, did God of his grace renew in me the remembrance of my love and duty to my natural and most gracious prince, and gave me courage to challenge the combat against two insolent Italians, who had depraved Her Majesty with dishonourable speeches, and also to resist and disgrace a chaplain of Maximilian's at Vienna for the like; and notwithstanding the extremity of my want, God never suffered my heart to slide, so much as to harbour a thought to receive entertainment in any service contrary to Her Majesty, but did rather study which way to do her acceptable service, as may appear by a note of the course of my time delivered to my lord Treasurer.
As touching the contents of the letter sent from Stephenson unto me, which it hath pleased your Honour to show me, I trust to discharge myself, for though I cannot let or prevent any man to write unto me, yet doth the very first part give testimony to the world that he had not any way bewitched or entangled me with any covenants of secret love or intercourse of friendship, for that he seemeth to complain I left him suddenly and unsatisfied, without taking my leave of him, which is a sound argument of the little account and small regard I gave to his charming; for in very truth when I had wrought him so far as I could in Sir Edward Kelly's case, I left him and all his “accomplises” with their trash to themselves; and according to my duty I returned to serve my natural prince and my country. It followeth in the letter that he thinketh I do all for the best. God hath spoken truth out of his pen, I had rather live with bread and water, and grind in a mill all the days of my life with a true heart and unspotted faith to my prince and country, than to be a favourite or minion to the greatest foreign monarch of the world. It followeth in the letter that he is advertised from London that I am become a good subject for the current time, out of which words some nice construction may conceive jealousy, but I trust Her Majesty will not impute his opinion as my fault, for other than a good subject I never was, for a comfortable proof whereof, since it pleased Her Majesty to extend her gracious relief unto me, a little to enable my estate, for the present I have not in common policy employed it to my own private profit and laid watching with a full purse and a discontented heart for the advantage of a changing time; but to manifest the zealous desire I have to do her service, I have already disbursed almost the one half of that which Her Majesty bestowed upon me, even in horses and armour and other necessaries for her service, and to my great charges have in some sort repaired Roclyff Castle, and ever since my coming into the country have been resident there at my charge, the benefit whereof Her Majesty's poor subjects have so well tasted, as without ostentation be it spoken, they have not all from Carlisle to Cockermouth, lost the value of 6d. This may be a good argument that I await not a changing time, neither that I distrust my own deserts nor Her Majesty's reward hereafter, albeit I came very hardly by that little which I got of late.
For more assurance that my conscience is settled, and my heart resolved to die Her Majesty's most faithful servant, I did about the beginning of January last, indeed, beyond my commission for which I crave pardon, call before me Her Majesty's tenants within my charge of Burgh, and because I had heard that divers in the country had muttered amongst themselves, that they doubted not before they died to see a Dacre bear rule again, I gave them admonition of their duties to God, their prince and country, and did exhort them with the old year to put off their old evils, and with the new year to put on newness of life, and withal I did entreat them to confirm their faith and obedience to Her Majesty by oath, whereunto they were all most willing and did agree.
And whereas the said Stephenson doth open his pack of occurrents as to Sir Edward Kelly's liberty, he and all men know it was the only matter I managed or dealt in, in those parts. As touching the commendations he willeth me to make to divers, I do understand them to be to Mrs. Hedworth, some time the forenamed Mr. Leigh his wife, and to her nephew Thomas Lawson and her son Wilfred Leigh, whom I never saw that I know. That Her Majesty may be better assured of my loyalty, I beseech you to make enquiry of my demeanour in the country, whether I keep company or be familiar with any recusants, and I trust it will appear far otherwise, for it is well known there is no day passeth but divine service is said twice in my house, and I have called the prebends to preach within my charge “ofter” than they have been accustomed. This is the first time that ever I had occasion to answer for my allegiance, therefore I pray you pardon my tediousness.
Holograph. Endorsed :—Mr. Leigh's answer to Stephenson, the priest's, letter sent from Prague.
4 pp.
Benjamin Beard to Lord Burghley.
1593, Dec. The Queen granted to Lord Wentworth the parsonage of North Cave, Yorks, which he assured to petitioner's father on payment of 1,200l. Walter Cope having procured a new grant of the parsonage from the Queen, prays for restoration of the purchase money.—Dec. 1593.
½ p.
Paul Bayninge and Edward Homden to Lord Burghley.
[1593], Dec. ? Of a parcel of pepper, which, on account of the restraint on the bringing in of pepper, they are not allowed to take up. Pray for permission, as it was bought in grand Cayro 18 months ago before they had knowledge of the restraint.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that Mr. Alderman Bellingesley is to confer with Sir John Hawkins and the Contractors, for favour to be shown to the petitioners.
1 p.
News from Abroad.
[1593.] La Mott and Count Charles are made friends. Divers bands of soldiers are levied, to the number of 15,000, but the simplest that ever was seen. The Spaniards that were mutinied at St. Poole, are paid, as also the Burgundians that lay at Namur. The ships of Dunkirk are returned home, very rich both in goods and prisoners. Good store of pikes, munition and ordnance is come to Gravelines. The Count Charles and La Mott are both gone to Brussels to take their directions.
½ p.
Earl of Essex to Sir Henry Unton.
[1593 ?] I have had great and long discourse with the Q. in your cause. I pleaded for you how first of all men you moved in the House a treble subsidy, how when you knew by Mr. Vice-Chamberlain what would content her Majesty you did concur with them for the days of payment. I told her if you did err in anything you were no heretic, for you did reform yourself unto her will as soon as you did understand it. I told her it was an ill-example to other men that for one displeasure or misconceit all the merit or service of a man's life should be overthrown. I found that these reasons did make good impression in her, but she stands much upon the bitter speech against Sir Robert Cecil. There is no word in the House which you speak doubtful but is told her and a comment made upon it. I do wish you did come up towards the end of the week, for I do think by your absence they would take more advantage, interpreting it to a discontented retiring of yourself before the Parliament, and therefore, what success soever we have when you come, I pray you be here on Thursday or Friday at the furthest and then we will confer further on all points.
[P.S.]—You are much beholden to Sir Thomas Wilkes, for he is very careful of you in all things.
Holograph. Signed. Undated. 1 p.
The Queen to —.
[1593.] Si l'amitie se trouve la plus asseuree entre les volontes le mieux accordants, je croy que à ceste heure la nostre se trouvera tres firme. Je ne puis imaginer que vous, estant tel que tousjours vous ay cogneu, ne vous resentez en vostre ame de ce disgracee accident de la perversion de vostre maistre. Dieu tournera, s'il luy plaist, ses misericordes yeux à si signale offense, et de sa bonte non par merite, supportera la foiblesse d'un si monstreux acte. Si vous en estes du party, c'est bon que n'estes Anglois, aultrement le supplice tomberoit sus les subsistants. Je me trouve si à fin de mon francois que je ne scay que dire sinon avertat Deus malum a quo lavabo manus meas. Dieu vous inspire le mieulx, et croies que je n'aime remuer par compagnie, mais telle qui je suis demeureray la mesme qui vous me laissastes. Vostre tres asseuree, presté à vous honorer.
Copy. 1 p.
Victuallers and Alehouse Keepers.
[1593.] A note of the sums of the amercements assessed upon victuallers and alehouse keepers in the several counties underwritten :—
Suffolk : in the 35th Eliz, before the Clerk of the Market, 13l. 5s.; before Justices of the peace, 110s. 8d.
Essex : in the 35th Eliz., before the same, 29l. 20d., and nil.
Kent : in the 35th Eliz., 13l. 6d., and nil.
Beds : in the 35th Eliz., 6s. 8d., and nil; in the 34th year, before the Clerk of the Market, 8l. 9s.
Norfolk : before the clerk of the market and justices of the peace, nil and 7l. 4s. 4d.
Somerset : nil.
City of Norwich; nil.
Memorandum : that in former years there [were] many amercements set upon victuallers and alehouse keepers in the aforesaid county of Norfolk.
Endorsed by Burghley. 1 p.
[1593.] Note of the request of Phillippe de Carteret, Seigneur of St. Ouen, and of the Isle of Sark, concerning munition and maintenance of Ordnance in the Isle of Sark : and concerning the erecting of a fort or strong house, and the grant of customs and anchorages for a certain rent towards the building and maintenance of a piev or causeway in the said Isle.
1 p.
The Channel Islands.
[1593.] Request of Anthony Poulet in the behalf of the Isles and for their relief : That their lordships give order, if the troops of Brittany be brought into the Isles, that there may be provisions of beer, biscuit, beef, bacon, fish, butter, cheese, and firewood, which may be spared, the isles being not able to furnish these things. That the rates of the provisions be sent that the country may know what to pay; that there may be a quantity of oats sent, and always a quantity of the kind of provisions above named in store to supply all wants, and that the country may know Her Majesty's allowance to the soldiers, for their weekly lendings.
2/3 p.
Requests for Jersey.
[1593.] That the Queen would entertain 20 or 30 soldiers in pay, as well to the advancement of the works, as for guarding the place; give warrants for the exchanging of two brass pieces, a culverin and demi-culverin, which are doubtful and dangerous, and that there may be a proportion of six pieces of ordnance of culverin and demiculverin to place upon the new platform, with powder, shot and carriages, for them to command the road, &c.; a warrant to the woodward of Hampshire for one hundred tons of oak, a warrant to take up lime about Portsmouth; to press a “causeyman” and a skilful mason.
[1593.] Requests of Paulet unto the Privy Council :—
To move Her Majesty to bestow a sum of money upon the fortification already begun at the islet. To give order how this place shall be guarded and with what number of soldiers, as also to grant him allowance for a lieutenant, ten gunners and soldiers, entertained in the new fort, since Michaelmas was twelve months. In regard of the pretended assault of the Spaniards on this Isle this last summer, together with their near neighbourhood in Brittany, and great preparation for an invasion this next summer, to appoint for Jersey, two or three companies of English soldiers, to live in garrison during the summer season, and to lay in a proportion of victual for them. To move the Queen for a warrant for 60 tons of timber, towards the building of houses in the new fort. To direct a warrant for munition for the new fort. To set down a rate what shall be allowed to officers, artificers, labourers, and carriages. To advise whether it be convenient to let any of the ground within the islet to any of the inhabitants for building of houses there.
[1593]. Proportion of munition necessary for Her Majesty's new fort of the Islet of St. Helier's.
1 p.
[1593.] Promise of representatives of the three estates of the Island of Jersey, in consideration of the bestowal by the Queen of 500l. on the fortifying of a small island lying before the town of St. Helier, called the Islet of St. Helier, to contribute by the hire of workmen, labourers and costs to the amount of 400l. No workman to be allowed for his day's work above 8d., no labourer above 6d., no cart, with four beasts at the least, above 2s.
Copy. No signatures attached.
½ p.
Draft of the above, corrected by Burghley, with certain notes added in his hand—viz. : The islet had 2000 quarters of wheat. St. Gevuran yield 2000 quarters, besides the demesnes. The dismes of the corn of all the isle, excepting very few. The proper, the ancient rent, being 140 quarters of wheat. Philip Carteret, Seigneur de St. Ouen. Amice de Carrell. Hugh Lampreur. Heliar de Maresay. The curates hath the tithes of cider, wool, fish and flax.
1 p.
1593. A note of the charge of Her Majesty's works in Jersey, anno 1593.
1 p.
Robert Petre, Writer of the Tallies.
[1593.] By my patent, I am writer of the tallies and countertallies.
By my oath, I am tied to make all certificates, as well of the money coming in and going forth of the Receipt, and to look to the laying up and safe keeping of all leagues and other compacts from foreign countries, besides the writing of the tallies and countertallies.
William Walter, a deputy chamberlain in the receipt of the Exchequer under the Earl of Shrewsbury in the 25th year of King Henry the Eighth, sayeth that Mr. Danyell was the writer of the tallies and countertallies, the taker of the Teller's accounts, and the only maker of all certificates and declarations of the money coming into the Receipt or paid from thence unto the Lord Treasurer and Under-treasurer, etc. : and had the custody of the Teller's Bills and accounts, and of all privy seals and warrants, and of the keys of the Treasuries.
Further he saith that Mr. Danyell, at that time, was the first officer in the Receipt next unto the Under-treasurer, and had his place accordingly : and that the said Mr. Danyell had upon customers' and sheriffs' tallies, of reward, all the sums payable by them, saving that Mr. Uvedale or Claidon, his son-in-law, had for him, of some customers ten shillings, and of some other customers, five shillings, and of sheriffs, only two shillings.
Thomas Burrowe, anno 37 Henry 8th, and yet one of the deputy chamberlains in the Receipt, saith by writing under his hand to that effect; so do William Staunton, Richard Stanley and Nicholas Craif-forde.
These things were showed unto my Lord Chief Baron, under the parties' hands, at the time of the conference; how they are remembered, your Lordship may judge by his and his associate's report, a thing I was never called to, and have not seen to this present.
When he that was called Clerus Thesaurarii ceased, and an Under Treasurer erected, the Pelle of Exitus discontinued money for the Lord Treasurer, and so downwards, since the tellers became accountants.
Of late, not past two years since, your Lordship committed this cause unto Mr. Chancellor and my Lord Chief Baron, wherein was more travail taken than in the former, with more judgment and equity, the which remaineth with your Lordship.
If this Pell shall be revived in my time, that so long hath discontinued, I must think myself an unhappy man, having served for this twenty years past more painfully and as uprightly as any that hath preceded me in that place : the world will judge and say that the same could not take effect without some great fault committed by me, the which would shorten the few days I have to live.
Endorsed :—“What Mr. Peter's office was to do, both by the tenor of his patent and virtue of his oath; with testimony of divers lately serving in the Receipt, and best able to declare the usages touching the execution of his office, under their hands, shewed to the Lord Chief Baron; who with Mr. Chancellor, that last was, took great travail and set down their opinions, which remain with your Lordship.”
1 p.
1593. List of “goods saved and received to the merchant's use out of the first ship, called The Peter of Amsterdam,” and of “goods saved from the other two ships and delivered to the merchants' use”; with the names of the various places [at which they were obtained], and their value.
Endorsed :—“Ao. 1593. An estimate of goods saved upon the coast of Kent.”
Abuses of Purveyors of Corn.
[? 1593.] “A Breviate opening the abuses practised by the purveyors and transporters of corn etc. by colour of her Majesty's licences : and how the same may hereafter be performed.”
The proposed remedies consist in the appointment of a certain officer to grant licences who should keep a register of the same, etc.
Undated. 1 p.
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom. 1591–94, p. 362.]
Deer for Scotland.
[1593.] Warrant, on the application of the King of Scotland, for the delivery of deer to persons to be appointed by Robert Bowes Esq., the Queen's ambassador with the said King, in order to the storing of some ground of the King in Scotland—viz. for Marwood Park, ten; Marwoodhag Park, ten; Little Park called Wollouse, five; West Park and Langley pertaining to Raby, ten; Brancepeth Park, the East and West Park, thirty five.
Sign Manual. No signet. Date omitted. Endorsed :—1593. Addressed, To the Lord Treasurer, “there being then no Justice of the Forests, etc. northwards.”
1 p.
New Buildings.
1593. “An Act against new Buildings.—35 Eliz. c. 6.
Imperfect. Draft, corrected by Burghley and others.
3 sheets.
[See Statutes of the Realm, Vol. IV., Pt. II., pp. 852, 853.]
Petition of Maimed Soldiers to the House of Commons.
[? 1593.] There are a great number of lieutenants, ensigns, sergeants, and inferior officers and others that were appointed to be relieved either in the countries where they were born or where they were imprest; which cannot be according to the Statute, but [the relief] is detained from them. The fault only resteth in the High Constables which hath the collection thereof, by which default many of the poor suppliants are forced to live in great want. Besides, a great number of the said “stypenters,” contrary to the true meaning of the statute, liveth by continual begging, and taketh away the poor living of many poor and maimed men which are not within the compass of the statute. Pray that the treasure so collected may be paid into Exchequer, the men to be paid out of it to bring true certificates of their services and a testimonial of good behaviour from the nearest Justices, and that a further penalty may be set upon all that offend as now they do.
Endorsed :—“The humble petition of the maimed marshall men allowyd by the last session of Parliament.”
1 p.
Brushmakers Company of London.
[1593 ?] Petition. Whereas in former times your suppliants and others of their trade, having their dopps and heath from beyond the seas at moderate and reasonable prices, transported by merchants in great abundance, whereby not only themselves had thereby competent living and gain, but also did and might afford their wares to the Queen's subjects at very easy rates and prices, until now of late about a year past, Henry Nowell, Esquire, obtained from Her Majesty a grant, amongst other things, that he and his deputies and none other should utter, sell or bring into this realm any heath to make brush of. Ever since which grant and by means whereof, not only great scarcity hath ensued of that commodity, being turned into one man's hand, but also an excessive and unusual dearth is procured, the price of wares being now enhanced. For whereas heretofore they bought dopps to make brushes for 44s. the gross, now they pay 3l.; and for their heath they paid but 24s. the hundred, now they pay 30s.; so that neither your suppliants can live by their work, nor utter their brushes anything near the rates and prices before accustomed, which is not only the utter spoil of your poor suppliants and their trade, but also a loss to the whole realm, and is so like to continue with greater increase, if your Honour of your accustomed goodness do not speedily prevent the same; forasmuch as Mr. Nowell's grant is conditional, by special proviso, that the prices shall not be raised, but kept as they were one year before, otherwise his grant to be void. Pray that the grant may be repealed, or else the abuse reformed.
Endorsed :—“To be answered by Mr. Nowell. Ro : Cecyll.”
1 p.
Petition of Richard Drake to the Queen.
[? 1593.] In regard of his long service, and in consideration of recompense of a portion due to him in Sir Francis Drake's voyage, she was pleased to grant him, a year since, the brewing of such stuff as serveth for making of vinegar and aqua-vitæ, being now compounded, be it spoken with reverence, of the most noisome of washing of tubs, coal backs and hogwash and worse, to the great infection of numbers of persons, as was well proved then to her by divers of the makers themselves, who joined in the complaint. The grant being fully passed and order for a book drawn, the Lord Treasurer would in no wise give his consent, unless every poor subject might have liberty to make it in his own house, and for their own use of what stuff best liked them, and that it might also be lawful for any to make vinegar of wine lees, to sell as they did, both which clauses diminished the goodness of the suit so much as it was hardly worth the adventuring of a man's stock in the same; nevertheless, seeing he cannot find any other suit to relieve himself, his suit is, that it might pass with these conditions inserted which his lordship would needs have inserted, than to fail in all, wherein as for that he is not able to abide the venture himself of the stock to be employed in it, it may please her to join Mr. Michael Stanhope in the same, who shall abide the hazard of loss and gain jointly with him, and there shall be a yearly rent of 20l. answered to her during the continuance.
Found with papers of 1593.
1 p.
Robbery of Church Plate.
[? 1593.] The first report made unto your Honour was that one, naming himself Egerton, being a Cheshire man, and two others, his companions aboard of a ship then lying before Erith, had gold and plate and pearls which had been taken out of a cloister, as appeareth by the circumstances : upon search it is found that a ship called the Bray. . . . was at that selfsame instant before Erith. Captain Poole, which did send aboard the said ship two trunks full of plate, was a Cheshire man. That the plate was Church plate, Captain Clerk's confession of the massiness of the same, having offered 100 marks for one basin, giveth likelihood; that there was gold and silver, Captain Clerk's confession that Captain Poole had a bag sealed up, as much as he could lift, giveth likelihood; that there might be the parcel of pearl sought for, it agreeth with the circumstances of the plate and gold and pearl all locked in the Cheshire man's trunk, then aboard one of the ships before Erith that set sail thence, 22 August last; that the two other companions in the circumstances may be these, Captain Clerk's confession of one Cansfeeld aboard of the Bray . . . who sold to the said Captain Poole a chain of massy gold, and one . . . . . . a Yorkshire gentleman, their “comparte” master, may give likelihood.
No date; found with papers of 1593.
1 p.
Sir John Gilbert's Allegations.
[1593.] By my choice of keeping two hundreds of five, which these three years I have done, who once had all, Mr. Cary shall have three hundreds, which though they be somewhat further off, yet are they near to the place where the country should all meet, and when I had all, I went to the farthest. Seeing therefore I once had all, and now have but half, with which I am well satisfied, if any go further it should be Mr. Gary, and not I, who am aged, sickly and have longer served Her Majesty. One of the reasons why Mr. Cary would have these parishes, besides his glory to have the victory, is because he would have the credit of having most of those parishes which are to answer Torbay, a dangerous road, where if any attempt of landing should be, it is most likely to be there, and by this division which he requireth, he should have ten parishes lying upon Torbay, and I should only have three. If Mr. Gary say that Cockington, his house, is nearer by three miles to Torbay, it is true that it is nearer by three miles to his house than to one of my poor houses called Grenewaye, but Compton, my house, is within two miles of Torbay, where I lie a great part of the year, and in these services, three miles have not been stuck at by me, when I was able in body.
Although I have these two hundreds, yet shall he, out of those my two hundreds, have Cockington parish, in which his house is, and tenants; he shall have entirely the other three hundreds of the five, which I had of six, and as many men in them as I had. When I had them all I was to ride to all, and therefore so may Mr. Cary, having but half, take the pains. In consideration whereof, because I first had all, and then had only the choice of these two hundreds, out of five, by the Queen's letters, and am aged, sickly, and now not able to travel, have divers of my friends and gentlemen in those parishes, and did not refuse all services eight years together upon spleen as Mr. Cary did, because he could not have his will, but did, as my lord Admiral can tell, and the country, bring 1000 men to that road of Torbay, when the Spaniards were upon the coast, when Mr. Cary lay quiet. And for as much as now he taketh advantage of an unfortunate accident, for which in my soul I have good reason to be grieved, all things considered, I do humbly presume to appeal to Her Majesty's grace, for benefit of her former letter, written by Mr. Wolley, whose favour I hope I have not not lost, and if it be her pleasure I should forego it hereafter, I will submit myself to her will, who, not without cause I confess, hath reason to mislike those for whose sake the rather I was favoured.
Endorsed :—“1593. Sir John Gilbert's allegations.”
l p.
Supply of Ordnance.
[1593.] William Grosvenor of Bellaporte, in the County of Salop, Esquire, offers to deliver all manner of munition for Ireland at Westchester, and as good as is now served into Her Majesty's store at London, and to abate in every 100 of muskets, 15l., and in every 100 of calivers 3l., 6s. 6d., whereby Her Majesty shall save all charges of carriage and conduction, and ease her subjects, now greatly charged therewith. In regard of this service for Ireland, he desires Her Majesty's warrant for ten years to put yearly into her store at London, 1000 muskets and 1000 calivers, at the same prices he demands for Ireland, wherein she shall enable him to keep his workmen together, which, to his great charge, he has procured from sundry countries for the making of small ordnance, armour, and all other munition, whereby he shall out of his store be able to supply the want of divers countries, next adjoining, to the furtherance of her service upon any occasion and ease the subject in carriage from London, being 100 miles at least, and save them half the money they have paid heretofore upon sudden occasion of service.
Endorsed :—1593. 1 p.
Illumination of Arms.
[1593.] Petition of Hugh Bennett and Samuel Thompson, painter and stairier, to Lord Burghley, showing that they have done divers works for Her Majesty, his lordship and others under Clareucieux, and as yet do all the works about funerals under him, and have been brought up in the same office from their infancy, and that divers unskilful do daily intrude themselves into divers works of arms set upon coaches and otherwise, in placing and appointing to divers such arms as do not to them belong, and praying he would be a mean for the obtaining of Her Majesty's grant that they may, during their lives, by the consent of Clarencieux, have the works incident to the offices, and the appointment of such skilful workmen in the doing thereof, and to keep the ignorant from the same.
Endorsed :—'93. ½ p.
Lady Russell to Lord Burghley.
[1593.] Good Lord, the term draweth near, and nothing done touching my humble suit to Her Majesty in the right of my daughter's cause, for the judges' opinions to be delivered singulatim to Her Majesty's own self; which was all I craved at the first, for that I hear that among the judges when they be all assembled, some being inferior be loth to oppose their opinions against their superiors. But if Her Majesty shall be pleased to have their speeches singulatim, I hope Her Majesty shall receive their reports to better purpose. For howsoever the Lord Chief Justice Anderson, Pirriam, and Gawdey, that now be judges might seek to prevent the Lord Chief Justice Wray in opinion since my lord Russell's death, in that they three were my lord of Bedford's counsellors in law, sure I am that in my lord Russell's life, both Lord Chief Justice Wray, Dyer, Man wood, Sir Thomas Gawdy, Shute, and Windham, all judges then, were of opinion that it was flat a remainder in law, and that the inheritance should be in nubibus, meaning the feofees, till there were heirs, if my lord Russell should die before his father, and not a reversion in his father, the Earl of Bedford. Good my lord, since your lordship is sick and the term so near, that I and mine be undone by delays of so many years to my charge, no less than I think the land worth for these eight years past, for God's sake let me have sentence one way or other by Her Majesty's most gracious and grave wisdom. I dare in my very soul put it to her own censure for justice when Her Majesty shall have heard particularly to herself their reports, she shall be my Solomon to direct your sentence, my lord, by my desire. Good Lord, let Sir Robert Cecil move Her Majesty in your absence, that it being by end of law despatched, I might be gone and hide my head that owe more than I am worth. Good Lord, have compassion of me for further charge by law in this matter. None better than yourself knoweth how it hath irked my heart to have been delayed so many years by want of sentence from the judges. I have done fully the part of a wife and mother in bringing it thus far. Her Majesty is my last refuge for justice, if the throne of Justice give it from mine I am no more, but leave all the rest to God. Your loving sister-in-law, E. Russell.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1593. 1 p.
Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593.] My cousin, Morrice, hath been with me this afternoon, poor man. I told him what course, by Her Majesty's commandment, was taken in letters to the judges for final end of my uncomfortable cause. He wished that with their opinions, their reasons which lead their opinions had also been added in setting down their opinions. He saith that Her Majesty for her own information may require this singulatim, though a thing not usual, in that it is in her own case; for that otherwise she cannot know what to grant livery of. Neither is this like Stafford's case in Henry VII's time, wherein the judges might deny to tell the King their judgments beforehand, for that was for treason and requisite to have been hanged in respect of the estate : though not by the Common Law, and therefore they refused to set down their opinions, but hanged him as soon as he came before them. Oh, good nephew ! the gravity, wisdom, care of maintaining law of the land, learning and piety of the man I find such as in my very heart I could be content to live with bread and water as long as I might with life, on condition, in publicum bonum in respect of God's church and maintenance of the State by the laws of the realm and not by rigour, as well as for private good of your good father, that lacketh such a one to back him, and in his absence to supply, this man were a Counsellor and Master of the Rolls. But I fear God, in his providence disposed to plague us for our unthankfulness and wickedness, will not have England so happy for such a public magistrate as Morrice, nor long to enjoy your worthy father's life, or make his credit with the highest so much to his own comfort as to have such and so wise a man and kinsman and friend of his own of the Council Table. Himself wished no better, he said, but that he might have been called to answer and to have been chidden of Her Majesty than of the Council, for he thinketh it hard measure to be committed two months only upon Her Majesty's displeasure and not to answer it to Her Majesty's self what he had done. He com plaineth greatly that the laws of the realm be not kept, by abuses as well temporal as ecclesiastical. I would it might be your cause of glory by soliciting, in my lord your father's absence, Her Majesty for recompense of this disgrace to make him Counsellor and Master of the Rolls, to your own comfort in absence of my lord your father to aid yourself. I heartily thank you, Sir, for your pains in my judges' letters. Your loving Aunt, Elizabeth Russell, Dowager.
Holograph. Endorsed :—1593. 1 p.
Names of Gentlemen fit to be Treasurers at Wars.
[1593.] Sir Nicholas Bakon, Sir John Harrington, Sir Richard Barkley, Sir George Carie, of Cockington, Sir John Luson, Sir Thomas Throgmerton, Sir Thomas Parye, Sir Anthony Cope, Sir William Spenser, Sir Moyle Fynche, Sir Robert Jermyn, Sir John Peeter, Sir Hugh Cholmeley.
Endorsed by Cecil :—1593. 1 p. Injured by damp.
Hesketh's Instructions for treating with the Earl of Derby.
[1593.] 1. Signify unto him in general you have a message of importance to import unto his lordship, from special friends of his, which you have sworn to do with all fidelity and secresy, and therefore you desire his leave to utter it, and withal his promise of security to yourself, that at least you incur no danger for your travail and good will, but if he list not to like to hearken to it, get you away safely whence you came, and for his safety also you shall swear, and the same assure him, also for those who sent you, who wish all good to him.
2. Receiving and giving mutual promise of fidelity and secresy, declare unto him in general that your message concerneth the common good of all Christendom, specially our own country, and in particular himself.
3. By this he will guess easily what it meaneth, and thereupon here pause, and see whether he will encourage you to speak out or not.
4. If he utterly reject you, desire, as before, his favour to depart as you came with safety, and let him know all was meant for his singular good, by those that love him, as their own hearts and souls.
5. If he be content to hear, though drily and with small desire, yet name unto him S. W., one that-sent you, and add that there is another of greater authority than he is, and then know expressly whether his lordship will hear the message, or no : if not, either take leave with his favour, or, if you suspect any harm, appoint another day, and in the mean, shift away.
6. If he be willing to hear, declare unto his lordship, that whereas many ways have been thought upon, divers proposed and some attempted, for the reformation of our country, which hitherto have not prevailed, now about a year or move a certain plot was proposed, and had been resolved upon, but that it was also in good time, and with great affection and diligence also alleged, that the same would be prejudicial to his lordship's right and title, of whom there is some good hope, and thereupon it was stayed till his lordship might know what friends and helps he may have, if he will be capable of the good they wish him before all other in the world, and that therefore you are sent unto him to offer him all their endeavour, services and helps that they can employ or procure to advance him, and by him the Catholic faith and religion, and to know if he will accept thereof and agree thereto.
7. To be capable it is necessary that he be a Catholic, and that he will bind himself to restore, advance and perpetually maintain the Catholic religion in our country.
8. That this is absolutely necessary, these be the reasons :—first by the law of God and the Church, and also the particular laws of our realm, the King must keep and maintain the Catholic faith, and the same he sweareth at his coronation, else he cannot be lawfully crowned, and if after he forsake or perform [not] the same, he is to be deposed. He can have no help of the P. K. Carey (?) (fn. 1) S. W., etc., except he be Catholic, but will have them and all English Catholics against him; he is the fourth competitor in road, but if he be Catholic the first.
9. To assure these here of his sincere meaning, it is requisite he send one of credit to declare his full mind and meaning.
10. Let him signify what help he requireth, and when, and it is by God's help to be provided; of 4,000 or 5,000, it may be done within seven or eight months conveniently.
11. Touching the whole matter proposed, let him consider for whose sake or commodity this offer is made to him, whether it be not chiefly for his own good, no man seeking to advance himself by his lordship, but rather to advance him than any other, themselves not expecting any commodity, especially temporal, thereby, but more pain, more travail.
12. Touching religion, let him consider whether he think himself only knoweth the truth, or other as well or better than he. Among all that challenge Protestanism, if the Catholics or Papists have not reason to challenge it, read their books, confer with some whose sincerity and honest life he cannot mistake, see whether he or they be in the right way of salvation, considering always there is but one right way.
13. He needeth not to doubt any severity or rigour to himself, or others, but all humanity, and as long time as they will to see and learn.
14. Not to fear strangers, first, for that neither King of Spain doth; now seek it to himself, neither can in conscience, if any one of the blood be Catholic, which was the hindrance so long as the Queen of Scots lived; secondly, Pope nor Cardinal do not agree to it, if there be any other remedy; thirdly, he seeth and it is evident to all of experience, that though he might invade and conquer the realm, yet he can never possess it in peace, our nation being most impatient of foreign government of any, perhaps, in Europe, besides being an island, very populous, being of very great spirits, being for art, skill in warfare and government, inferior to none. And the Pope holdeth it better for Christendom, to have many Christian Catholic Kings, than one too great and monarch of all; and the Cardinal is a true Englishman and so be those that depend on him, all which do daily pray in the sacrifice for his lordship's conversion.
15. The example of the King of Scots makes those here to look for good assurance that he mean sincerely.
16. It is better now before her death, because he may prevent of competitors, the Cardinal and S.W. are now able to assist, the Pope is willing, perhaps another will not be so, the state of France cannot hinder, but rather further, for now he may have some Spaniards, but not too many; it is like some other is provided to challenge it after her death; he hath many enemies that daily seek his overthrow.
17. For more assurance of your own true meaning, it will not be amiss, if you perceive he deal faithfully, if you stay with him till he send one hither; if he send one he must be of credit, or else these here will not entreat with him.
Three small seals (fleur-de-lis). Endorsed by Hesketh, “Good father, if anything happen that I die in this journey, let this packet be burnt without being read of any man, for my oath standeth thereupon.”
pp. of minute handwriting.
Draft (apparently) of Paragraphs 1–10. Endorsed :—“1593. Some letters concerning Richard Hesketh.”
Three small scraps of paper, continuing the draft from Paragraphs 11 to the end.
Export of Tin.
[1593.] Petition to the Queen by the Company of Pewterers of London, with their families to the number of 2,000 persons, complaining of the decay of their industry through the export of unwrought tin, and praying that no tin in blocks shall from henceforth be transferred out of the realm, but first cast into bars or ingots by the Company, or wrought into pewter vessel by the pewterers of England, to the increase of her Custom and the relief and setting to work of her subjects.
Endorsed :—“It may please your lordship to be advertised that this petition being preserved to Her Majesty by some of the Company of Pewterers, and I being required by Mr. Alderman Catcher and the wardens to know her Majesty's pleasure therein, she commanded me to deliver the same to you, to the end your lordship and my lord Buckhurst might consider thereof and certify your opinion therein.—T. Stanhope.”
1 p.
Trade in Pipe Staves from Ireland.
[1593?] The merchants of Waterford, Washeford, &c. have long sent pipe staves to the King of Spain's countries without any restraint.
Sir Walter Raleigh, Henry Pyne, and their partners have transferred only pipe staves and no other commodities.
There have been transported in these three years about 340,000 pipe staves, laden in 12 ships, the trees whereof they were made, there to be sold, were not worth 40l., and yet her Majesty hath received in custom by 2 ships returned from the Canaries “for account” above 300l., and by the ships laden by others 6 or 700l. Out of the woods of Moggeleygee and Kilcoran where this timber hath been felled, there hath not been taken the hundredth tree. Those woods lie from the River of Lysfenny above 3 English miles. The wrought timber is carried by horse and on men's backs, to “our” extreme charge. The Undertakers of this business have disbursed above 5000l. whereof there is not returned the one half. Her Majesty having granted to the Undertakers for 14 years free liberty for transporting any wares or commodities, “so well licensed as inhibited,” gave the parties encouragement to enter upon this extreme charge. These works maintain there above 200 persons, besides the great benefit it bringeth to the inhabitants in Lismore, Tallowe, Corryglasse and Mogeley, being all or the most part English. The loss from the planks sawn for the service of Her Majesty's Navy and there stayed by the Lord Deputy, exceedeth 200l. It is therefore prayed that the workmen may proceed in the works and traffic If this trade be long stayed or altogether dismissed, there will be more than 200 English withdrawn from thence. This action no way concerns the lands in question between Mr. Arthur Hyde and Patrick Condon.
Undated, but found with papers of 1593. 2 pp.
Faith in God.
[1593.] Pious reflections on faith in God in spite of all adversities, interspersed with passages from Scripture.
Endorsed :—“1593. A pl. of a Jesuit.”
Wm. Smythe to Sir R. Cecil.
[? About 1593.] Has authority from Sir Francis Vere, Governor of Brill, to make provisions to be transported to Ostend to the value of 100l., but is refused by the Customer of Ipswich to make provision there without the Lord Treasurer's warrant. Prays Cecil to cause the Customer to permit him.—Undated.
½ p.


  • 1. In the draft, Sir W.