Cecil Papers: June 1593

Pages 327-334

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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June 1593

Ed. (? Hareuardo) to William Holt.
1593, June 1/11. Commending the bearer, who desires instruction in the worship of God. In his absence has commended him to William Baldwin, who is, he believes, in Brussels, and who at the time he was with him in Rome, shewed himself a good Catholic.—Rome, 11 June, 1593. Signed. Italian.
P.S. (in Latin). Desires him salute in his name Father Nicholas Smith, to whom he has addressed the letter, if both he and Baldwin are absent.
Addressed (in Latin) Father William Holt, priest of the Society of Jesus, and in his absence to Father William Baldwin or Father Nicholas Smith, at Brussels.
Holograph. ½ p.
W.—C.— to Sir William Stanley.
1593, June 1/11. Good Sir William, this bearer is not at all otherwise known to me but by Mr. Wodward's commendations, nor to him otherwise, I think, but as old school fellows and countrymen, and by his eight or ten days' abode here in Rome, where truly the poor gentleman hath used himself very well, and in all points Catholicly. And there- upon, having compassion of his poverty, and yet no means much to help him here, according to his own and the said Mr. Wodward's earnest desire, I could not but accompany him with these few lines, praying you to further his good pretence as you may and find him meet. His name is Goldsmith, and would serve in those wars; more I cannot say in his behalf.—Rome, 11 June, 1593.
Signed :—“W. C.”
Addressed (in Italian) to the Cavalier Stanley, Colonel of the English in Flanders.
Holograph. 1 p.
Philip W[odward] to Doctor Worthington.
[1593,] June 2/12. Mr. Goldsmith, the bearer hereof, come lately out of England, hath remained here some ten days, and desirous for lack of more convenient means to maintain himself by following the wars, taking his journey towards Flanders' desired my letters, which I could not deny him for old acquaintance' sake at the grammar school many years since. He came hither a raw Catholic, having only in England by reading of good books conceived a good opinion thereof, but the courting life of England, whereof he hath under the late Chancellor been a follower, would not let such seed take any deep root. He hath here for that little time diligently frequented the sacraments. The work is begun here, your charity there will finish the rest, wherefore I commend him unto you body and soul. I pray you remember my duty to good Sir William Stanley.—Rome, June 12.
Signed :—“Philip W.”
Addressed to Dr. Wor tiling ton in Brussels.
Holograph. 1 p.
Philip W[odward] to Henry Gervase.
[1593,] June 2/12. Touching your coming hither, I have conferred with a kinsman of yours here, Mr. John Thatcher, and we be both of one mind that in no wise you leave your place there, with hope to get any here in our Court. Marry, if you come to Loretto upon devotion, I could wish you so to arm yourself with money, that whatsoever chance fall, you may make an honourable retreat. This I write not to that end that you should think that either of us both be not most willing to pleasure you to the uttermost, but lest you should be deceived in making of a wrong reckoning, and repent yourself of an unadvised adventure. Marry, if you have any intent to follow a scholastical kind of life, as divers of your camping cameradoes have done to their great comfort, albeit, in my judgment, not so fit for that as you be, then I would not think your journey ill spent, but I know not your inclination that way.—Rome, 12 June.
Signed :—“Ph. W.”
Addressed, Henry Gervase in Flanders.
Holograph. 1 p.
Philip W[odward] to John Pitt.
[1593], June 2/12. I ensure myself that before the arrival of these letters, you shall receive your letters for Liege, with the suit of good Mr, Fulgham, whose soul Christ Jesu take mercy of. Your Flemish miseries surpasseth the Alps, and come hither with open cry. God of his goodness send a speedy calm, after so long and sharp a tempest, and send us a soon and merry meeting at Canterbury.—Rome, June 12.
Signed :—“Phil. W.”
Holograph. Addressed, John Pitt in Flanders.
1 p.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 2/12. Par mes dernieres depeches du vingt huitieme Mai, je vous ai adverti de l'état en quoi étaifc lors l'armée qui se dresse au passage, et de Parrivee des forces d'Aragon aux environs du dit passage.
Il est arrive ici un soldat basque venant d'Espagne, qui a servi long temps sus les armées Espagnoles, qui dit que les dites forces ont été rappelées en Aragon, sauf huit cents hommes en tout qui sont deineures pour s'embarquer sus la dite armée, laquelle pourra être prete dans le dixieme du prochain mois. Les Espagnols, ayant été advertis de la venue des navires de guerre des Etats à la Rochelle, croissent leur armée de six navires qui s'aprestent à Saint Andel et doivent joindre ceux qui sont au passage. Ils continuent leur dessein pour cette riviere; toutes-fois s'ils tardent deux mois à y venir, Mons. le Marêchal espère que avant ce temps-là il aura emporte Blaye, parceque ceux de dedans sont reduits a l'extremité, et ne peuvent que sie plus longuement durer s'ils ne sont secourus, à ce que raportent ceux qui en sortent. Je crains neantmoins qu'il soit contraint de lever le siege, parcequ'il n'a point d'argent et ceux de cette ville ne lui en veulent point donner et seraient bien marris, au moins la plupart, qu'il fut maitre de la place. Il est arrive un gentilhomme de la part du roi d'Espagne vers le Marquis de Villars, pour savoir les forces qu'il pourra assembler en cette province, et les commodites que les Ligueurs ont pour favoriser l'armée Espagnole avenant qu'elle vienne en cette riviere, afin que le dit roi d'Espagne puisse, avec plus d'assurance et sus le fondement de ce qui lui sera raporte, disposer ses affaires et batre ses desseins. Nous n'avons encores peu savoir la reponse que Ton lui a fait. J'étais sus mon partement pour m'en aller a Bayonne, mais je l'ai diferé pour savoir la substance de cette negotiation. L'on est en alar me en Espagne du bruit qui court de la paix en France, et que le roi se rend Catholique, et craignant fort que les Yenetiens, les dues de Florence et de Mantoe se declarent en sa t'aveur et entreprement sus les etats de Milan et Naples. Quant aux affaires de Flandres, le roi d'Espagne les tient comme desesperes, et a mis en deliberation d'y envoier son nefveu qui est en Portugal et le Prince d'Orange pour y gouverner, esperant qu'ils auront assez de credit dans le pais pour mettre les choses en bon état. Il avait convoqué une assemblée générale à Lisbonne, mais sa maladie lui a empeche son voiage. Il y envoie son fils pour le faire jurer et recevoir, comme il a fait en Navarre et Aragon.
Trois des gallions qui sont au passage se doivent rendre à Lisbonne pour porter avec d'autres forces le dit Cardinal en Flandres. S'il y va il ne saurait partir que au mois d'Aoust. Il n'est pas resolu encore mais il est mis en deliberation. Je travaillerai pour savoir ce qui en sera et du chemin qu'il tiendra, et aurai le soin de vous advertir. Je vous ai écrit comme Antoene Standen était passe en Flandres; j'ai appris depuis que dela il doit passer en Ecosse. Il y a Douvelles que quelques navires de la flotte du Peru estaient arrivés aux Tercieres.—De Bordeaux ce 12e Juin, 1593. 1¼ pp.
Emanuel d'Andrada to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 3/13. In spite of the small recompence he has received will not fail to advertise her Majesty of all matters prejudicial to her service. Has come from Zeeland to procure assistance from a relation towards his support. Arrival of an English gentleman called Anthony Standen from the Court of Spain, who says he left the kingdom twenty years ago, a great papist and traitor; he has received many letters from that kingdom since his arrival 12 days ago, and has written often, sending shallops express to Dover, where he has correspondence. All the advices Standen receives come through a gentleman in Dover Castle, whence also money has come to him. It is determined to send into that kingdom a person of much understanding who can cause disturbance, as he hears from the “espariente” of Sir William Stanley, a stout man 50 years of age, clothed in yellow fustian with lace in the English fashion. Will endeavour to get information from the governor as to his designs.— From Calais, 13 June, 1593.
[P.S.]—Has since learnt from some Spaniards returning to Spain that Standen has 30 crowns a month entertainment from King Philip, and received much money in Madrid for secret services; he is going without fail to that kingdom, no doubt with evil designs, for all his negotiations at Calais have been with Jesuits, and he constantly attends mass.
Spanish. 1½ pp.
Anthony Hode to Francis Dacres alias Lord Dacres.
1593, June 4. Finding fit commodity to have his letters brought by this bearer, John Whitfield, his honour's ancient man and servant, he salutes him, and thanks him for the favour he has received of the lord Cardinal, by his commendations. The bearer can tell him in what state he and the rest of these quarters stand. The trunk with the stuff was delivered by Master Creig to the master of the William of Leith, whose names is James Jameson, who promised to deliver the same at Calais, according to his honour's will.—From Bordeaux the 4 of June, 1593.
Holograph. Endorsed : “Anth. Hode to Mr. F. Dacres, whom he nameth Lord Dacres; of no moment.”
1 p.
M. Jacomel to M. Beauvoir la Nocle.
1593, June 4/14. La malice d'un nommé Berthelemy Taillafevre, demeurant à Londres, m'a contraint de le faire convenir en justice au dit Londres, comme se porteur le vous fera entendre, s'il vous plait; et par ce que le bon droit de ceux a qui les biens de defunct Baptiste Petinary appartiennent, fortifié de votre faveur, en pourra etre plutôt eclarci, je vous supplie bien humblement de m'en vouloir departir lors que le Sieur Baptiste Castillon vous en fera la requeste de ma part, afin que le procès en puisse etre plutot jugé. Calais, ce 14 Juin 1593. Signed.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“The President of Calais to the Ambassador.”
½ p.
Emanuel d'Andrada to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 5/15. Refers to his letter of the 13th inst. concerning Anthony Standen, who had recently come from Spain. Gives particulars of Standen's said voyage.—Calais, 15 June, 1593.
Spanish. Seal, 1 p.
A. Standen to Antony Bacon.
1593, June 10/20. You may justly muse my appearance there to be drawn in such length, whereof I write to advise you of the cause, which hath been through the treason and villany of a Fleming who, at the time I delivered the answer to the first packet Mr. Faunt did send me over, did “dogge” me to the seaside, and when my back was turned did pursue with a shallop to sea the mariner to whom I had consigned the letter, from whom he violently bereaved the same, brought it back to this town, translated it into French, and made certain Spaniards here attending passage for Spain acquainted with the sense. Through this discovery I have been forced to stay here to look to my sure passage over, as also to deal with Mons. de Gourdan about the search of the truth thereof; which in time having bolted out, I must be forced to change my course, and yet no great matter, for I was resolved at my coming out of Spain at no hand any longer to serve that King, all my care now consisting in the safety of poor Mr. Rolston there left behind me, whom surely they will dismember with torments if speedy remedy be not applied by advising him of this accident, by writing to him by one Joseph Jackson, a merchant resident at St. John de Luz, by whose means he may be quickly advised that presently he pass over to the French side, and stay at Bayonne till her Majesty's pleasure be further known. Needful is it also that Mons. de la Hilliere, governor there, be advised to receive him; all which may be signified thither by way of Alderman Broke or one Richard Cradock, of London, who do write thither to Rochelle and to Bordeaux. Herein I am bound in conscience to have the more care for that I embarked him in this action, knowing the service the Queen's Majesty is to receive by calling him home. The intercepting this letter, besides the grief of mind, hath been cause of my longer abode in this town than otherwise it should have been by ten days. The wind coming good, I intend, God willing, on Tuesday the 28th, to march towards you. In the meantime the letter that goeth herewith to Lord Willoughby is from Captain Giergio Cresis, an Albanoys and a tall soldier, who in time of the late Duke of Parma commanded a company of light horse in the Low Countries; he writeth to the Baron about a passport of my Lord Admiral for himself and servants to pass by sea to Spain, whither he goeth to pretend recompence of the King, and from thence to Italy to serve the Duke of Tuscany. The French King's passport he hath already. I shall entreat you to deliver this to the said Lord, and in his absence to the Lord North who is also his friend.—Calais, this Sunday, 20 June 1593, new style.
[Birch. Memoirs, i. 102.]
1 p.
Hurst Castle.
1593, June 14. Warrant directing Lord Burghley to give order to the woodward of the Forest in the county of Southampton to fell and convey forty trees, each to contain one ton and a half of timber at the least, to Hurst Castle for the reparation thereof, under the charge of Sir Thomas Gorge, knight; and to give order to have the necessary lead conveyed to the castle. “The charges whereof may be supplied by the benefit that is to grow by the lops.”—Manor of Nonsuch, the 14th June, 1593.
Sign Manual Privy Signet. 1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to Lord Burghley.
1593 June 15 By reason of your lordship's letters, and the rest of the lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council, written to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland for a restraint of transportation of pipe staves out of that realm to the islands, we have a great quantity of barrel and hogshead boards already cut and made up, which for want of venting and expending will rot upon the ground, if we may not receive some order for their utterance. Besides, we must be forced to draw home a great number of able men from thence, which are appointed to serve Her Majesty with their weapons upon any occasion, which will prove to be a great weakening of the province of Munster. Wherefore, if it may please you to write that, according to your meaning signified in your former letters, we may be licensed to transport from thence into England such as we have made, the rather because those of the west country here have great want of these casks, we will put in such bonds to Her Majesty's use before the officers of the ports where they may be laden, as are required in your said letters, for the assured transporting thereof to England and to no other place.—From Dirrham House the 15 of June, 1593.
P.S. (Holograph.) For the bringing of cask into Ireland, I hope we shall rather deserve thanks than that we shall need to make any great suit for it, yet so much it hath pleased the Deputy to malice my particular as I know, without your lordship's help given, so much will hardly be afforded. I do humbly desire your lordship to favour me so much as to write your own letters unto him that I may receive justice at his hands.
Seal. 1 p.
Richard Carmarden to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 19. True it is that by the book of orders made in the 7th year of the Queen, it is set down that one of the waiters should half yearly keep the book, fill up the warrants and deliver the same book up into the Exchequer. Since then, in the 26th of the Queen, when she advanced the rent upon Smythe's farm, some other orders were by your lordship and Mr. Chancellor, that then was, published to the Custom House, among which one was that John Saunders, one of the waiters, should for that year be the keeper of the book and warrants. Since which time they hire a man to keep it, not according to that order, but as best might serve their turns and some others, smally to Her Majesty's benefit. Therefore I must confess your lordship has looked into a matter that is fit to be reformed.—Chiselhurst, 19 June, 1593.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Against the waiters' exceptions to your lordship's grant to Plonipton.”
The Earl of Cumberland to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] June 23. Bear with me that I took not my leave of you, for in truth I was hastened away by such a sudden occasion so as by no means I could without coming to the Court, where I durst not be seen.—From aboard the Lion, under sail, this 23 of June.
Signed :—George Cumberland.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
1 p.
Emanuel d'Andrada to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 29/July 9. Advertised him on the 5th inst. of the arrival of one Boswell, brother of Mistress Smith, accompanied by a Frenchman, whom Burghley directed to be seized, although he says he has a license from the Queen. His said sister has come to speak with him accompanied by two clergymen; their meeting will not advance Her Majesty's service. Boswell and the Frenchman are going to England; the latter is much troubled at the imprisonment he has suffered in that kingdom. Offers to serve the Queen in Spain or elsewhere.—Calais, 9 July, 1593.
Spanish. Seal.
1 p.
Nicholas Spicer, Mayor, and Nicholas Martyn, a justice of Exeter, to Lord Burghley.
1593, June 30. Having found within this city a young man lately arrived from the Court of Spain, named John Whitfield, servant to Francis Dacres, late of the county of Cumberland, we did examine him, and find that his master in suspicious manner fled out of this realm about four years past, first into Scotland, then unto the Court of Spain, thence to the Court of Rome where he still remaineth, leaving this servant behind him. His examination, with the party himself and sundry letters, in number five, we have sent you by William Harry son, servant to Peter Hawton, one of her Majesty's “Imposters,' 5 who hath taken upon him to present him safely unto you. We found also in the custody of Harry son sundry letters by him brought out of Spain and directed as in the schedule herewith sent doth appear. We thought good you should be made acquainted with all, before their delivery to the parties to whom they are directed. —Exeter, 30 June, 1593.
Injured. 1 p.
Enclose :
(1.) Schedule of letters above mentioned.
To my Lord Treasurer, Mr. Peter Hoston, Sir Thomas Hennage, Francis Jennes, Alderman Offely, Alderman Batcliff, in French. Doctor Lopas, Dego Bottitlis, in Portuguese. Slip of paper. (2.) Examination of John Whitfield, born at Whitfield in Northumberland, Servant to Francis Dacres. Saith he departed with his master out of England into Scotland about Michaelmas next will be four years, and stayed there about two years and a half; thence departed in a Scottish ship to Bordeaux, thence to Bayonne, and thence to the Court of Spain, where they stayed three months, and had allowance of the King every month 100 crowns for him and his son Francis who is now in the university of Douai. His said master departed thence to Rome where he now remaineth, and left examinant with Don Martyne d'Allagone, a Spaniard in the Court there, to learn Spanish, and there they remained 11 months. His master did send letters unto him divers times that when he had learned the Spanish tongue he should depart thence unto Douai. After that, about 13 May last, examinant came from Madrid to St. Sebastiens, from thence to Bayonne, and thence to Bordeaux above five weeks past, where he stayed four or five days and departed to Rochelle; and thence came to Plymouth in' the Black Lion' the 27th June, and came to this city the 29th June.
Injured. 1 p.