Cecil Papers: January 1593

Pages 278-287

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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January 1593

The Lords of the Council to Lord Burghley.
1592/3, Jan. 6. We have received from Sir Walter Raleigh, knt., the letters inclosed, desiring the release of a restraint lately made by our letters to the lord deputy of Ireland of transportation of pipe staves out of that realm; wherein Sir Walter and the rest of the undertakers in Munster are not a little interested, as by the letters will appear to your lordship. And although there be in the same many good reasons yielded which being true might induce us to allow of his petition made on behalf of himself and of the rest, yet, when we further consider that the pipe staves transported by the undertakers are conveyed only to the islands, where the trade is free for her Majesty's subjects, and they kindly used, and that there is returned a good part thereof again in vessels with wine and other commodities as well for England as for Ireland; that although it may be imagined that Spain from those parts might take some benefit of the said pipe staves, when we likewise consider what great quantities of that kind are daily conveyed into Spain out of Norway and other northern parts, whereof stay hath been often made here for a time and in the end released and suffered to pass, whereby the countries of Spain are plentifully served with those kinds, we see no cause (for our own opinions) but that the transportation of pipe staves out of Ireland, serving for the relief of so many families now planted in that part of the realm, may be spared in good quantities without prejudice, so as care be had that no planks or other kinds of timber meet for building of ships be under colour thereof transported. Lastly, forasmuch as this grant to Sir Walter Raleigh and the rest is under the Great Seal of England (the authority whereof we wish in this and all other like cases to be maintained, especially when the intention of the same reacheth to so good a purpose of benefit to her Majesty and her subjects) we for our parts, finding no apparent inconvenience, should like very well that the patties were permitted to transport the said pipe staves according to the said grant. Howbeit for that your lordship is best acquainted with the cause of the restraint (growing as we remember upon suggestion from the lord deputy) and by your particular knowledge of the state of the country can consider what incommodity might follow (if any there be) of the release of the said restraint, we have thought good to accompany the reasons alleged by Sir Walter Raleigh in this letter with our opinions, and to pray you to acquaint us in like sort with yours, that we may thereupon give such an answer to the said Sir Walter Raleigh as, with your good advice, may seem to satisfy him and the rest of the undertakers. And even so, wishing your lordship speedy and perfect recovery of health, we leave you to God's holy protection.—Hampton Court, 6th January, 1592.
Signed :—C. Howard. T. Buckehurst. Jo. Cant. Jo. Puckering, J. Hunsdon. Ro. Cecyll. J. Wolley.
Seal damaged. 1½ pp.
Giovanni Battista Castiglione to M. Beauvoir, French Ambassador in London.
1592/3, Jan. 7/17. Has received a letter from the Governor of Calais addressed to his Excellency, on a matter concerning which he wishes him to speak to the Queen. Has been prevented by a long illness from coming to London or the Court, therefore sends the letter and prays his Excellency to take the earliest opportunity of forwarding the business with her Majesty. If unable to go himself asks him to write to Sir Robert Cecil to act for him. Begs him to give credence to the bearer, Francesco Marquino.—Benham, 17 January, 1593,
Italian. Seal. 1 p.
P. Ogilvy to Archibald Douglas.
1592/3, Jan. 8. The ministry is in great fear, so far as I can learn upon false alarms. The Earl of Angus is straitly kept in the Castle of Edinburgh, upon suspicion of his lieutenancy, with having consulted with Huntly and Erroll in his north passing, but I hope he may clear himself of all they can lay to his charge. One thing I will pray your lordship to take the pains, where your leisure may best serve, to visit my hostess, Mistress Haliday, and her husband in my name, and to thank them for their great courtesies bestowed on me.—From Powrie, 8 January, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Marmaduke Midleton, Bishop of St. David's, to the Queen.
1592/3, Jan. 15. “The particular and special points of the Bishop of St. David his letter, presented unto your Majesty the 15 January, 1592, with their justifications.”
“Imprimis : That the suits against him before the High Commissioners were not undertaken for justice' sake, as by their manifold absolutions and dismissions for the one and selfsame cause, to his charges of 2,000l., may appear.”
1. For that Albane Stepneth, who married Sir John Parrott (lately convicted of treason) his sister's daughter, combining with Edmund Coppinger, the traitor, Edward Pryce, John Games, men evil affected in religion, and William Vaughan, clerk, all enemies to the Bishop, and Vaughan, a man of lewd life who at the point of death confessed his and their lewd practices against the Bishop, preferred those articles wherewith the Bishop is now, charged unto the Archbishop of Canterbury with this title, Ad animum Judicis informandum, non ad accusandum, whose commissioners, in his primary visitation in the diocese of St. David's, the Bishop then newly preferred and a stranger, privately examined witnesses upon them, not commenting him to answer them, but in the nature of a Spanish Inquisition; so as it appeareth they were first preferred of mere malice.
2.Stepneth and others procured a lewd person, one Lewis Gunter, again to prefer the same articles before the High Commissioners, against whom the Bishop, 23 November, 1587, had sentence, Quia defecit in probatione for the many contrarieties of Cunter's witnesses, being three rogues fetched one from Odiham in Hants, another from Lynne in Norfolk, and the third from Ely in Cambridgeshire, and one of whom was since hanged at Lincoln, another died of the French disease at Lynne, and the third was found dead under a hedge at Ely. Gunter was adjudged Nequiter, calumniose et malitiose objecisse et exhibuisse eosdem articulos, condemned in expenses, enjoined penance, and asked the Bishop's forgiveness, the Bishop being freed Ab ejus ulteriore impetitione, which lawyers affirm, being a criminal cause, is from all men, except there can be proved Corruptela judicis, prevaricatio accusatoris aut quis suam prosequatur injuriam, none of which was proved against the Bishop. Whereupon the second preferring proceeded of malice as appeareth.
3. Sir John Parrott divers times solicited the Bishop for all his temporalities in exchange, or at least for the stewardship of the lands, which he sought for to have command of a great number of men. The Bishop absolutely denying him both, Parrott of mere malice preferred the foresaid articles to the Privy Council, and from thence [it was] referred again to the High Commissioners, where a base fellow, John Bees, Stepneth's servant, was admitted for promoter against the Bishop, who was enjoined to answer again, which he did, though by law he was not thereunto constrained. The promoter afterwards in open court renounced the articles and the Bishop was dismissed from them all, that of pretended marriage only excepted, and that not to be heard against except the woman should come in pro suo interesse, which she never did.
4. The Bishop, after the said renunciation, being still held ex officio, was absolutely again dismissed, 2 July, 1590, from all articles preferred by Parrott and Rees, and that they should never be heard again in that Court, and was licensed to depart, having been before bound in 1,000l. for his personal appearance a termino in tenninum.
It appeareth by their manifold dismissions and absolutions that the prosecution was not undertaken for justice' sake, all the preferrers being the Bishop's known adversaries for these causes following :— Sir J. Parrott for causes before expressed : Stepneth, his ally's man, and because he could not enjoy the office of Register and Receiver to the Bishop : Peirs Wylliams, clerk, in that being doubly beneficed with a prebend and performing no point of duty in any one of them, his daily exercise being to go from tavern to tavern to learn news and sow sedition, the Bishop enjoined him, according to both their duties, to residence : John Davyes, for matters concerning your Highness, hereafter expressed : Edward Pryce, a man greatly suspected in religion and very corrupt, because he could not have the Bishop's Chancellorship : John Pratt, clerk, having divers preferments in the diocese and doing no duty for any of them, for that the Bishop by law endeavoured to constrain him to his duty; he combineth with Games and sent his servant into the church, the bishop being at evening prayer with candle light, who sore wounded two of the Bishop's servants, and himself in danger of killing, for which as it seemed they of purpose came, as one of them is fled beyond seas; for that the Bishop prosecuteth this cause at the Council of the Marches, to vex him he conspired with the rest : David Gunter, because the Bishop acquainted the Council of the Marches with his bribery and extortion under colour of a commission from the said Council for criminal causes, Gunter for abuse of the same being fined 40l. and debarred from executing any commission : William Vaughan, clerk, a wicked man and very insufficient, having two benefices, and not qualified to hold them, first voluntarily resigned one, which the Bishop bestowed at the request of the Archbishop of Canterbury; yet afterwards becoming chaplain to Sir James Crofte, procured a dispensation and sought to recal his resignation, which could not be done by law : therefore he became the Bishop's enemy : Owen Vaughan, for that he could not be head apparitor in the diocese, having mightily abused .the office when he had it and for his lewd life justly put from it, hath been principal hired instrument in all their practices : Mr. Doctor Awbrey, for the reasons hereafter alleged : Edmond Coppynger, the traitor, for that he could not have the collecting of your Majesty's tenths and subsidies of the diocese without bond or security.
“Secondly : But by malicious enemies only for my loyalty and faithful service towards your Highness.” Justified as follows :—
1. John Davyes, a pretended physician, a notorious papist and daily seducer of your subjects from their loyalty and true religion, having practised to draw a schoolmaster in the Bishop's house to become a traitor, not only in sending him books to seduce him and his servant Owen Nicholas to be taught Latin of him, and then go over seas and become a seminary, as himself confessed, but in procuring a seminary to come to the schoolmaster, which seminary the Bishop took; Davyes not only combined with certain justices of the peace of Brecknockshire, viz. John Awbrey, Edward Awbrey, John Games and the promoter Gunter, to indict the Bishop (being then in London) of extortion for receiving his own procurations, but also to indict the schoolmaster of heresy, an indictment never heard of before.
2. The further to show his malicious enmity, he threw abroad most odious and scandalous libels against the Bishop and schoolmaster, and would have had the schoolmaster accuse himself with the Bishop's wife and charge the Bishop with most horrible untruths.
3. He further practised to charge the Bishop with killing one Morgan Awbrey, of whom the Bishop had no knowledge.
4.He accused the Bishop that one Bensone, a recusant, frequented his house.
5. He said if the Bishop were not overthrown he would go forth of the land, and said to Mr. Do. Awbrey he should never overthrow the Bishop except he would take his jurisdiction from him, which was presently after done, though against law.
6. He said he and his confederates would charge the Bishop with treason and wilful murder but they would have his destruction; adding that he had dealt with one to exhibit articles of that quality against him to the Privy Council, but none but he and one other could prove them.
7. Davyes at Mi. Do. Awbrey's table not only in his hearing monstrously railed upon the Bishop, but wished he wore hanged, though he were bound to sacrifice his (Davyes') wife and children.
8. He, with Stepneth, Wylliams, and others, complotted to exhibit de novo against the Bishop the articles last by Gunter preferred, and found such favour with some of the High Commissioners as to have them accepted and the Bishop con vented ex officio to answer them, and himself and the other confederates to be examined as witnesses for proof; thereby to batter the Bishop's credit, whom he knoweth to have articles of great moment against the said Davies.
9. For that the Bishop hath been a commissioner to examine some points of Sir John Parrott's treachery, Stepneth earnestly solicited in the name of Sir Thomas Parrott such as were friends of Parrott's to set their hands to most scandalous and false certificates against the Bishop to overthrow his credit, offering all his lands and livings in wager that the Bishop shall be deprived this term.
10. The foresaid Williams, knowing John Davies to be generally reputed an enemy to your Highness and true religion, lodgeth in his house and with him solicited divers gentlemen to certify of defamation against the Bishop, that Davies may the more easily escape with his treasons, whose malice first grew for the Bishop's faithful service towards your Highness in apprehending the foresaid seminary.
“Thirdly : Manifested by their unchristian and indirect prosecution, with their uncharitable devices and horrible subornations.”
1. Notwithstanding all the foresaid dismissions, Davies and the rest procured a warrant from the High Commissioners to call in the foresaid woman and witnesses before examined, contrary to the Acts of the Court for matters ex officio depending before the Court, and yet no such matter in the books.
2.When they saw the warrant could not compel her to come, they suborned her and promised her 100 marks, to countenance her in Court and save her harmless from the Bishop, if she would come to London and exhibit such matter as they should devise against him, and by that means procured her.
3. Davies in the name of the rest willed another man to offer a priest 40l. to justify the marrying of the Bishop with the woman, adding it was no matter what rogue he were, he should be good enough to put a knave out of his bishopric.
4. Davies offered that Mr. Do. Awbrey should procure from your Majesty a licence to one for 21 years to buy and sell wool in Yorkshire and Lancashire, notwithstanding the statute, if he would witness matter to prove the said marriage against the Bishop.
5.They promised the man that fetched the woman the office of head apparitor of St. David's diocese for his pains.
6.Stepneth gave the said man 10l. to procure witnesses, &c.
7.One parson Pullen had 20 nobles and a gelding offered him to testify the said marriage against the Bishop.
8.Doctor Awbrey procured from your Majesty a benefice to one to serve the foresaid warrant upon the woman, &c.
“Fourthly : Wherein I have not only found some of the High Commissioners, my judges, partial, but parties to batter my credit, thereby the easilier to shadow the grievous faults of heinous trespassers against your Majesty,”
1.The great partiality of some of the Commissioners appeareth in that they knew the Bishop to be thrice discharged for the selfsame cause, and no matter in books against him nor any person accusing; against their own Acts of Court they sent a warrant to call in the woman again.
2. The partiality of some of the Commissioners appeareth in that, contrary to their own acts, they sent out commission to examine witnesses already examined.
3. Also in that they denied to admit the Bishop's allegation ad defendendam innocentiam, being diversly offered, in due time.
4.Some of the Commissioners sent for certain of their colleagues to be judges and present at the reading of the sentence intended against the Bishop, they having not heard any part of the cause; and to prepare their minds informed them of what they had to say against the Bishop, but not that they had discharged him three several times before for the same causes, or what he alleged for himself.
5. When they called the Bishop ex officio to answer articles he was denied the copy of them to answer by counsel, but was compelled to be examined by the Register upon them; and yet they take advantage of his answer and will not allow him his qualifications.
6. They suspended the Bishop for supposed dilapidations of a College before he had commission for his defence, and placed his enemies' officers to gather up his commodities, and such as for corruption he had displaced, whereby his whole maintenance is taken away and his enemies enjoy it, who now prosecuteth de novo the same articles in the Star Chamber.
7. After they had ex officio examined 12 witnesses concerning the pretended dilapidations, most of them the preferrers of the cause and the Bishop's known enemies, when he craved commission ad defendendam innocentiam, he could not have it in form as all others by law have had, but only he to examine one and his adversaries under the name of the office another, so as they would always have 12 more witnesses than he.
8 Though not bound by law, the Bishop offered to purge himself with two Doctors and three Masters of Arts and preachers, then with 13 other .Masters of Arts and preachers, and they denied him that benefit which the law allowed him if of right ne ought to have purged himself : Nam etsi regulare est, ut qui s se pur gat cum paribus, tamen his deficientibus, id est, quum hoc commode fieri non potest propter paupertatem vel alias legitimas causas, potest se purgare cum inferioribus, cum laicis, etiam cum foeminis, ne concussis columnis Ecclesie corruat ædificium.
9. They placed the Bishop's known enemies Commissioners against him and would not alter them.
10.Mr. Do. Awbrey, a High Commissioner and therein bearing no small sway, hath taken to his protection as his physician the foresaid John Davies, noted for no better than a seducing traitor, notwithstanding he knew the Bishop had articles of no less moment to charge him with, and the Bishop had told him Davies was not only a seducing traitor but had the French disease and so the more unfit to accompany him that was to present himself to your Highness' presence; which countenancing by one so near your Highness animated Davies to further prosecution against the Bishop, the easilier to hide his own treacheries against your Majesty, and in subornations against the Bishop he in all things used Do. Awbrey's name, saying it was his pleasure to have the Bishop's destruction, and that he did will him to offer rewards to have witnesses, &c.
Some causes that moved Dr. Awbrey to this dislike of the Bishop :—
One who had been a servant to Mr. Do. Awbrey, and since preferred to the Earl of Pembroke, finding himself grieved with Do. Awbrey and his brother John Awbrey concerning a registership he held under the said John, seeming in an agony by some grief conceived against them, used these words to the Bishop, That if he had : not been, there had not been one Awbrey to hold up his head, and he had hazarded both body and soul to save the life of the best of them; and asked with tears, Whether a man were not damned if he should, though for saving of a man's life, forswear himself ? Not long after the same man delivered the like speeches to a schoolmaster of the Bishop's, and that the cause was for a letter Do. Awbrey had written to the late Queen of Scots, wherein some treason should be against your Majesty; and if he had not sworn that to have been a blank which he had of Do. Awbrey and had lost it being a blank, and yet he never had any blank of his, as he then said, it had cost Do. Awbrey his life, and then the Awbreys had been extinct. For that the Bishop commanded the schoolmaster to acquaint the Archbishop or the Lord Treasurer therewith, Do. Awbrey has ever since maliced him for this bounden duty and service, and hath dealt as followeth :—First, to persuade the schoolmaster by messenger not only to accuse the Bishop of conspiring herein with him against Do. Awbrey, but also if he knew any of the Bishop's secrets to reveal them; and in hope of his becoming a practitioner against the Bishop he hath procured the schoolmaster a benefice from your Majesty. Secondly, he hath since taken into service the man that thus reported of him and his son. as it should seem to stop their mouths. Thirdly, he hath countenanced the Bishop's adversaries and defended the wicked ministers and notorious offenders of his diocese against him. Fourthly, his name hath been used in all causes against the Bishop, and specially in procuring the woman to exclaim against him, and he hath been the principal setter forward of all matters against the Bishop, as himself confessed, and as in this may appear, that the woman at the coming to accuse the Bishop was placed at Lewisham in his neighbourhood, the better to instruct her what he would have her do; and that as soon as he was acquainted with the letter the Bishop wrote to your Highness, though no man was specified yet he gave out the Bishop had written a most bitter letter to your Majesty against him; wherein it seemeth his own conscience accused him. Fifthly, he hath confessed he did prosecute the Bishop, and in respect thereof could not now with his credit move to the contrary. Sixthly, John Awbrey went in his brother's name to entreat one Grygges, a public notary, to be a notary in the commission procured to examine witnesses ad impediendum purgacionem Episcopi, signifying it was his brother's earnest desire to have that commission thoroughly sped against the Bishop, because he was his enemy. Seventhly, the messenger that went for the woman came to Do. Awbrey for contribution towards her charges.
The second cause [of Do. Awbrey's dislike] : Whereas the Bishop and John Morgan Wolphe were appointed commissioners to examine witnesses concerning some practices of the late traitor Parrott, Dr. Awbrey having joint commission with Sir Thomas Parrott to hear a cause betwixt the said Wolphe and one Vaughan, they, when Wolphe was upon his journey for the foresaid commission as far as Hereford East, sent a pursuivant with warrant to bring him back; whereby some that should have been examined that were supposed to be able to reveal some matter of importance, hearing as it was reported of the commission, were conveyed into Ireland before Wolphe could return : and for that the Bishop told this to the commissioners appointed for the Parrott's causes, Do. Awbrey had him in hatred. Whether the warrant was of purpose sent forth to hinder the said service may appear because the pursuivant that went with it, being sought for by authority to signify who set him on work, could not be found, and was then reported to be hidden by Do. Awbrey to keep out of the way lest the practice might appear : and in that the date of the warrant sent for Wolphe was altered and antedated and the true date defaced as though it had been sent forth long before, as by the same may appear. “Fifthly : To decipher some false hearts and disloyal practices.” “Sixthly : The occasion taken from his bounden duty and faithfulness towards your Majesty.”
And the Bishop in justification of all the premisses hath subscribed his name.
Signed : “. Menevensis.”
11 pp.
Subjoined : “Notes of the traitorous dealings of John Davies, pretended doctor of physic.”
Among the items is the following :—“Item, he persuaded her Majesty's subjects that the tortures the Spaniards had at their intended invasion were only for those that would not yield unto them, but those which would yield unto them and be of that religion they would use most kindly; and brought [as] an example how friendly they dealt with the Scots when they landed there.” 2⅓ pp.
Addressed : To the Queen's most excellent Majesty.
Sir W. Mallory to Earl of Essex.
[1592/3], Jan. 17. Since my coming down from the Court, I have daily expected to hear from your lordship what your pleasure and direction is for George Mallorie, your lordship's servant, for that I do avow myself and all mine (next her Majesty's) to be wholly at your lordship's command. I am likewise to beseech .your lordship that it would please you to make known to Baron Savill how that I think myself to have been hardly dealt withal in the bailment of John Johnson, who stands indicted by the coroner's inquest as one of the murderers of my son; and for other extraordinary favours which he received, as I did lay open to your lordship in your chamber at Richmond. All which by your lordship's advice I did forbear to make known to her Majesty. Thus beseeching your good lordship I may understand your pleasure as speedily as may be I humbly take my leave this 17th January.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
W. Waad, [Clerk of the Council,] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1592/3, Jan. 22. Having received this information this morning from a near friend of mine that doth understand the state of Ireland as well [as] any man of his calling, I thought it my duty in respect of the weakness of my lord to forbear to trouble him and to send the same to your honour, because it may greatly concern the estate of that realm.
This Bryan Reaughe was committed a twelve month since, upon complaint of Sir Charles O'Carroll, by their lordships to the counter in Wood Street; and, as it is said, is now upon his delivery by means made by Mr. Pusie Butler to whom the Queen's Majesty hath been very gracious, and Mr. Butler only stayeth to have him over with him : who, as I hear, hath been to blame heretofore to harbour this dangerous person, and I am informed, if he should be let go, he may prove more dangerous there to the Queen's county, to Sir Charles O'Carroll's country and those parts than Feaghe MacHugh. I thought it my humble duty to certify what I have received and leave it to your honour's consideration.— From Wood Street, 22 Jan. 1592.
Holograph. 1 p.
[1592/3, Jan. 21.]—Bryan Reaughe taken till within these three years to be of the sept of the clan McLaughlyns, an inferior nation of the O'Mores; yet most vile and bloody people have they always been.
About the time of three years since, the said Bryan's mother (yet living as I take it) discovered unto her son Bryan before many bad people which are to be his followers, and some of her own friends, that her son Bryan was not of the clan McLaughlyns, as he was reputed to be, but was the very son of Rory Oge O'More. Declaring for her better testimony where he was begotten, by the “Shenan “side, unto the which father the said Bryan among his followers and friends sticks unto.
This Bryan's life hath been long time thievish and murderous. At this instant there is many articles of felony “probable” against him. Some of them he cannot deny because he satisfied and made restitution of twelve or sixteen cows stolen by him unto Bryan O'Dempsie of the Queen's county, gentleman, before his coming out of the gaol of Philipstown, or soon after, upon sureties.
This said Bryan O'More is most feared in the Queen's county, King's county and Ealye, Sir Charles O'Carroll's country, of any one enemy living. With ten men, as with an hundred, he may waste the greatest part of these countries by fire and sword. The said Bryan is taken to be most dangerous in the actions of any man that long time hath been.
This said Bryan O'More being met withal by Sir Charles O'Carroll here in London, the said Sir Charles preferred his petition to the Lords of the council for the apprehension of the said Bryan, Whereupon he was committed unto the counter in Wood Street, where he hath till this Instant (being the 21 st January) remained, and new is to be enlarged, greatly to the endangering of thousands of subjects, besides the charge that will grow unto her Majesty in prosecuting of him.
Humbly beseeching your lordships that present order may be taken for his stay until your lordships be further determined for his trial in Ireland, or as shall please your lordships.
Endorsed :—“22nd January 1592. Information against Brian Reaughe O'More
Unsigned. 1½ pp.
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
[1592/3, Jan.] Most dear brother, Wonders and marvels do so assail my conceits as that the long expecting of your needful answer to matters of such weight as my last letters carried need not seem strange. Though I know they ought [to] be more regarded and speedilier performed, yet such I see the eminent danger and well nigh ready approach of your state's ruin, your life's end and neighbour's wrong, as I may not, to keep you company, neglect what I should, though you forget that you ought. I am sorry I am driven from warnings to “hide “and from too much trust to seek a true way how your deeds, not your words, may make me assurance that you be no way guilty of your own decay and others' peril. Receive, therefore, in short, what course I mind to hold, and how you may make bold of my unfeigned love and ever constant regard. You know, my dear brother, that, since first you breathed, I regarded always to conserve it as my own it had been you bare, yea, I withstood the hands and helps of a mighty king to make you safe, even gained by the blood of many my dear subjects' lives; 1 made myself the bulwark betwixt you and your harms when many a wile was invented to steal you from your land and make others possess your soil. When your best holds were in my hands, did I retain them ? Nay, I both conserved them and rendered them to you. Could I endure, though to my great expense, that foreigners should have footing in your kingdom, albeit there was then some lawful semblance to make others suppose, that cared not as I did, that there was no danger meant r No. I never left till all the French that kept their life parted from your soil, and so it pleased the Highest to bless me in that action as you have ever since reigned void of other nations than your own. Now to preserve it, this; you have overslipt so many sundry and dangerous attempte, in neither meeting with them when you knew them nor cutting them off when you had them, that if you hasten no better now than heretofore, it will be too late to help when none shall avail you. Let me remember you how well I was thanked, or he rewarded that once brought you all the letters of all those wicked conspirators of the Spanish faction, even the selfsame that yet still you have, to your eminent peril, conserved in their estates. Was not I so much doubted as it was thought an Italian invention to make you hold me dearer, and contrived of malice and not done by cause, and in that respect, the poor man that knew no other of his taking but as if thieves had assailed him, he most cruelly suffered so guiltless a martyrdom as his tormentors doubted his life; so sore had he the boots, when they were evil-worthy life that bade it. See, what good encouragement I received for my watchful care for your best safety! Well, did this so discomfort my goodwill as, for all this, did I not ever serve for your true espiall, even when you left your land and yours ready, willing, to receive such forces foreign as they required and were promised; which, if you had pleased to know, was and is too evident to be proved. But what of all this if he, who most ought, did nought to assure him nor to requite them. Now, of late, by a fortunate good hap, a lewd fellow hath been apprehended with letters and instructions. I pray God he be so well handled as he may confess all his knowledge in the Spanish conspiracy, and that you use not this man as slightly as you have done the ringleaders of this treason. I vow, if you do not rake it to the bottom, you will verify what many a wise man hath (viewing your proceedings) judged of your guiltiness of your own wrack, with a weening that they will you no harm in enabling you with so rich a protector that will prove in end a destroyer. I have beheld of late a strange, dishonorable and dangerous pardon, which if it be true, you have not only neglected yourself but wronged me, that have too much procured your good to be so evil guerdoned with such a wrong as to have a free forgiveness of aught conspired against my peace and estate. Suppose you, my brother, that these be not rather ensigns of an enemy than the fact of a friend ? I require, therefore, to all this a resolute answer, which I challenge of right, that may be deeds, both by speedy apprehension with heedy regard; not in sort as public rumour may precede present action, but rather that they be entrapped or they do look therefor; for else I may make done you would not have them trapped, and what will follow then you shall see when least you look. Think me, I pray you, not ignorant what becomes a king to do. and that will I never omit. Trust Bowes in the rest as myself. I am ashamed that so disordered causes makes my pen exceed a letter : and thus God grant you with speed to see your best. Your most loving sister, Elizabeth.
Holograph. 4 pp.
Copy of the above letter of later date. 2½ pp.
[Bruce. In extenso, p. 71.]
Anthony Loe to the Queen.
1592/3, Jan. For a grant of money in lieu of his pension.—
Endorsed :—Jany. 1592.
Note by Wm, Aubrey that the petition is referred to the Lord Treasurer.
1 p.