Cecil Papers: July 1592

Pages 216-223

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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July 1592

Complaints by Merchants in the Low Countries.
[1592, July 2.] The opinion of the merchants adventurers touching three articles being the last of eight exhibited by Monsieur Carron, agent here for the United Provinces.
These articles refer to alleged abuses in connexion with the export of cloths and kerseys from England to the Low Countries, and pray the Queen to devise some good new order or else to cause the ancient statutes thereupon made to be renewed to prevent such abuses. In the opinion of the merchant adventurers they are framed with a view to cause either great decay or plain overthrow of a great part of the clothmaking in England.
Copy. Unsigned. 2 pp.
Men for Brittany.
[1592, July 4.] An estimate of the cost of transportation of twenty bands of footmen out of the Low Countries to Brittany.
The eight bands transported thence to Dieppe cost 45l. each, and so it is likely that the transportation of a band of 150 men to Brittany will stand in 60l. at the least.
With note in Burghley's handwriting. ½ p.
Petition of John Corbin and Henry Kogers.
[1592, July 12.] Opinion by the Lord Chancellor Lisle and Mr. Dawes, upon a petition to Lord Burghley from John Corbin and Henry Rogers, that it is not inconvenient that the officers of Weymouth permit so much of the reprisal goods as came by certificate from Tenby, and cannot be vented in the country about Weymouth, to pass upon bonds beyond seas to places in amity with the Queen, custom free, the same having been paid before at Tenby and the property of the goods not altered.
Signed. ½ p.
Richard Coningsbie to the Queen.
1592, July 15. For grant in fee farm of the manor of Henton, part of the dissolved monastery of Henton, Somerset, for his services as gentleman usher.
Endorsed :—May 1591.
Notes by Lord Burghley and W. Aubrey on the case. A lease n reversion out of the Exchequer granted instead, July 15, 1592.
2 pp.
Lease of Crown Lands for Richard Poore.
1592, July 18. Warrant to the Lord Deputy of Ireland that Richard Poore, of Poores Town, in the county of Tipperary, is to have a lease to him and his assigns, under the great seal of Ireland, of so much of the Queen's lands as shall be of the clear yearly value of 50l. or thereabouts, for the term of thirty-one years, without line, reserving to the crown the best rent that hath at any time been paid or reserved; provided that such lease be not made of any lands continued to any houses held with any ward, or meet to be annexed to any of them, nor of lands in the occupation of any very ancient tenant, or of any servitors of the Queen's garrison in Ireland.—Greenwich, 18 July, 1592.
Draft. 1 p.
The Queen to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland.
1592, July 18. As to Doulin McBrian Cavanagb's petition. His request to surrender his own proper lands, and the lands of his freeholders and followers, and to have a re-grant of the same, is granted on certain conditions. As to his complaint of the farmer of the manor of Fearnes and Cloughamon, for exactions and other disorders, the Lord Deputy is to call before him the farmer and parties aggrieved, and settle the matter. In regard to his third article, in consideration of his services in Ireland and the Low Countries, he is granted a pension of 2s. 6d. per day.
As to the petition of Donnel Cavanagh, which is also that surrender may be accepted of his lands, and the lands re-granted, this is to be granted. For his loyal obedience he is granted a like pension of 2s. 6d. a day. As to the title which he seems to pretend to some of the Queen's castles and manors, though she acknowledges no such matter, the Lord Deputy is to accept surrender of all his right and interest in the same.
If any other of the Irishry sue for surrenders and re-grants of their lands, they are to be accepted and re-granted, on certain conditions con tained in a letter which was written to them touching the granting of the country of Monaghan to the septs of the McMahounds, in January 1590.—Greenwich, 18th July, 34 Eliz.
Draft, with corrections by Burghley. 3 pp.
Richard Darmarden to Lord Burghley.
1592, July 19. Having even now received from one Emanuell Allen from Dover, who serveth there under the Surveyors of the Ports by your Lordship's appointment, a book very lately brought over to that port with two more of the same, as he writeth me, whereof one more he hath; the third was, as he heareth, escaped and brought hither to London; which book I send your good Lordship herewith. I gave this man charge when the Surveyors placed him there to take care to look after all manner of books that should be brought over to that port and to seize such as might any ways touch or concern the State. But if it please your good Lordship to give further order to the officers there for the same, the man shall be more heartened to do his endeavour therein.—London, Wednesday, 19 July, 1592.
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Robert Boys.
1592, July 20. (1.) Petition to the Queen for leases in reversion, specified, for his services as Master Avenor of the Queen's Stable.—Undated.
Note by W. Aubrey that the Queen grants a lease of the Rectory of Sand all, Yorks.
(2.) Boys to the Lord Treasurer.—Notifies the above grant, and prays him to rate the same without fine, to pass in the name of Thomas Palgrave.
Endorsed :—Jan. 1591.
Encloses :
(a.) Certificate of his services, signed by the (late) Earl of Leicester, the Earl of Essex, Sir E. Knollys and others.
(3.) Warrant by Lord Burghley to the Auditors of the Exchequer certifying the above grant, or another of like value.—26 April 1592.
(4.) Earl of Essex to the Lord Treasurer.—Recommending Boys' suit.—20 July 1592.
4 pp.
Ordnance for David Hutchynson.
1592, July 24. Warrant for David Hutchynson, a Scotchman, having had his ship lately taken from him by the Leaguers in France, to be permitted to buy in London 10 falcons, and 10 falcons to be employed for the furnishing of another ship to serve against the said Leaguers, and to transport the said number of ordnance for the purpose aforesaid without let or interruption.—Greenwich, 24 July, 1592.
Privy signet. Sign manual. 1 p.
The Queen to the Earl op Tyrone.
1592, July 26. “Although at your last being here, we did favourably, upon your humble submission, remit to you a fault of no small moment in putting to death one of the sons of Shan O'Neale without judgment by law, and thereupon you did by special writing under your hand promise to be a dutiful subject in living according to our law, and to prosecute no action by force against Tyrlogh Lenogh without complaint first made to our Deputy and Council, yet we have been informed that hostility hath been used by you against him, the cause thereof having been since that tyme heard by our Deputy and some orders taken betwixt him and you for observation of our peace, which we will that both you shall observe, or else we will not spare to cause either of you in whom the fault shall be to be sharply corrected; but now of late hearing of some other disorders lately committed, though you are not personally charged therewith as the actor, yet the circumstances are such as none may more conveniently remedy the fault than yourself. The one is that the breaking out of our castle of Dublin of Hugh Roo O'Donnell, your son in law, and for whom you have been a long suitor for his liberty and that you would be bound for his good behaviour. We understand that he hath not only taken upon him the captenry of the country, his father living, but hath made sundry raids upon Tyrlogh Lenogh's lands, and misused our sheriff in those parts. Whereupon as we perceive from our Deputy the said Hugh O'Donnell, your son in law, offereth to submit himself to such good orders as shall become him to live like a good subject, nevertheless considering he is your son in law and in all men's opinions dependeth upon you to be ruled, We cannot but earnestly charge you, as you will have our favour, by which you know how from your first beginning you have been maintained, that you use your whole credit or rather your actual service, as you shall be required, to reduce your said son to his dutiful behaviour as our Deputy and council shall require of him.”
“A second matter also is very lately come to our knowledge wherein none but yourself ought to give redress, for about the 4th of this month, whilst the Lord Slane and other our Commissioners were in the County of Monaghan, the late country of McMahon, to keep sessions, which they did hold with the great liking of all the freeholders, your son called Con did at the very day enter forcibly into the said country and the lands of Patrick McKena, and took a great prey and carried into Tyrone, to the dangerous example and nowise to be suffered unpunished. Wherefore, though we hope our Deputy hath not suffered the same to pass unpunished, yet we do charge you, that if by any escape of your son justice be not done, that you shall in your own person cause your son to be taken and delivered to our Deputy, and that full restitution be made to all the parties spoiled, or otherwise you shall cause us withdraw our former favours from you, which we would be very sorry to have occasion given by you.”—1592, July 26.
Draft in Burghley's handwriting. 3 pp.
Broadcloth for the Count Palatine.
1592, July 27. Warrant for Frederick. Count Palatine of the Rhine, to procure in this country one hundred broad cloths, to furnish livery for the servants of his household, and transport the same without payment of any customs or other duty.—Greenwich, 27 July 1592.
Privy signet. Sign manual. 1 p.
The Queen to Sir William Fitzwilliam, Lord Deputy, the Archbishop of Dublin, the Chancellor and Sir Robert Gardiner, Chief Justice.
1592, July 28. Sends answers to their letters, and instructions through Sir Jeffrey Fenton, Secretary of State there.
Draft corrected by Burghley.
Endorsed :—“28 July 1592.”
1 p.
Lord C. Howard to Lord Burghley.
1592, July 30. I send you by this bearer a letter from the king of Denmark unto her Majesty, and another from Captain Clayton unto myself. The Queen hath read them both and commanded me to send them unto you, and that you should consider of them and also frame a letter from her Majesty unto the King, that she is sorry that the parties hath offended him in their fighting at Westmoina, and that her Majesty would not that any of her subjects should offend him or any of his; but yet, for that Reymon King being a very honest man and that this hath been done not by his will and the poor man that hath done it hath rather done it by lack of understanding than otherwise of contempt, that her Majesty's request is to the King to remit this fault and that it shall be a warning to any of hers to offend in the like. If it may please your lordship to talk with this bearer; he came from Denmark and, it may be, knoweth something more than Captain Clayton hath written.
There is no news to write to you, but the Queen finding herself something paine4 in her head after yesterday's travel doth determine to stay here at Micham till Monday. I pray God send you to your health.—Micham, 30 July 1592.
P.S.—This letter had need to be sent with some speed for else it may come too late. This bearer doth mean presently to return and he may carry the letter if you think good.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
John Fitz Edmond Gerald.
1592, July 31. Warrant to the Lord Deputy of Ireland that, whereas, in May 1582, a grant was made to John Fitz Edmond Gerrauld, of Cloyne in the county of Cork, of one hundred marks Irish yearly out of the attainted and escheated lands in the province of Munster, the benefit of which he hath never yet received, any castles, lands, tenements or hereditaments whereof the said John Fitz Edmond was or is seized or possessed in fee simple, which are now or hereafter shall be found to be in the Queen's hands, shall be allowed and passed under the great seal of Ireland as parcel of the said hundred marks.—Nonsuch, 31 July, 1592.
Rough draft. 1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1592, July.] I pray be a mean to her Majesty for the signing of the bills for the guards' coats which are to be made now for the “prograce” and which the Clerk of the Check hath importuned me to write for. My heart was never broken till this day that I hear the Queen goes away so far off, whom 1 have followed so many years with so great love and desire in so many journeys, and am now left behind her in a dark prison all alone. While she was yet near at hand, that I might hear of her once in two or three days, my sorrows were the less, but yeven now my heart is cast into the depth of all misery. I that was wont to behold her riding like Alexander, hunting like Diana, walking like Venus, the gentle winde blowing her fair hair about her pure cheeks like a nymph, sometime sitting in the. shade like a goddess, sometime singing like an angel, sometime playing like Orpheus, behold the sorrow of this world once amiss hath bereaved me of all. Oh ! love that only shineth in misfortune, what is become of thy assurance ! All wounds have scars but that of phantasy : all affections their relenting but that of woman kind. Who is the judge of friendship but adversity, or when is grace witnessed but in offences ? There were no divinity but by reason of compassion, for revenges are brutish and mortal. All those times past, the loves, the sighs, the sorrows, the desires, can they not weigh down our frail misfortune, cannot one drop of gall be hidden in so great heaps of sweetness ? I may then conclude, spes et for tuna, valete. She is gone in whom I trusted and of me hath not one thought of mercy nor any respect of that that was. Do with me now therefore what you list. I am more weary of life than they are desirous I should perish, which if it had been for her, as it is by her, had been too happily borne.—Yours not worthy any name or title, W. R.
Undated. Copy. [Murdin, p. 657].
1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1592, July.] “I pray send me the news of Ireland. I hear that there are three thousand of the Burkes in arms and young O'Donneli and the sons of Shane O'Neale.” I wrote in a letter of Mr Killegrew's ten days past a prophecy of this rebellion, which when the Queen read she made a scorn at my conceit, but you shall find it but a source of a further tempest : if you please to send me word of what you hear, I will be laughed at again in my opinions ouching the same, and be bold to write you my farther suspicion. Your cousin, the dotinge Deputy, hath dispeopled me, of which I have written to your father already. It is a sign how my disgraces have passed the seas and have been highly commended to that wise governor who hath used me accordingly. So I leave to trouble you at this time, being become like a fish cast on dry land gasping for breath, with lame legs and lamer loongs. Yours for the little while I shall desire to do you services.”
Undated. Signed. [Murdin, p. 658].
1 p.
Charles Chester to the Lord Admiral.
[1592, July.] These twenty days have I thought and studied the cause of so straight and close imprisonment on me : remembering the company I have kept with now for this two year's space but Sir George Carey's, mistress Pease with whom I dine and sup, and conversant most with my lord Cobham's sons that hath helped me and ventured with me in my voyage pretended to Constantinople. If it be proved that ever I kept company with suspicious man, or to visit any in prison, seminary, Jesuit, or to have any speech by mouth or letters to foreigners, or acquaintance with any against this realm and state, I pray God I sink presently in the eternal pains of hell; and in performance hereof I can bring witness and put in sureties to obey her most excellent Majesty and her most honorable privy council in all determinations and commandments. Many have used my name and feigned troublesome tales against me, that I have desired of God to go in some far voyage, or to be banished, that I might be freed from this lying-lipped people that wrongfully accuse me and bring me to insufferable misery and eternal infamy. Therefore do I humbly prostrate myself upon the ground, desiring God to turn both your honours' hearts in the hatred of him that hath caused me this languishing and hidden death of close prison, where I am not able to abide long in health in the dropsy. I am sure of meat and drink I have none but for those clothes and apparel I bid Justice Young lay to pawn for to the keeper. He will not trust me but till night. Money I have none for my “vyadg,” I put all I can make to be paid at my return. Mr. John Stanhope knoweth my wealth : it was 18l. a year that he got me to be paid at the font in the middle Temple. That let me forfeit and my life, if ever I offend your honour or company with any man that regards you not. In sign thereof I desire your honour's cloth that I would be as glad of as of the golden fleece, to be free from corrupt people that lives by false means. If I am grievous in your honour's hearing or sight let me be bannished in the Brill, Flushing, Lincolnshire or in the worst place of her Majesty's dominions, or to some vile war without pay, so I am not left in this cage of misery, where I must spend that little I have in vile sort that should keep me in my age. God open your honours' heart with piety and justice towards me that I may be glad to pray for your honour's long life.
I renounce my baptism and the eternity and power of God, if I know any man of our nation against her Majesty, or council, or realm, and to this I set my name.
The same to Sir Robert Cecil.
Ever since I have been in this afflicted place of close prison I have tormented myself with care and thought of this strait usage and could not comprehend it, remembering the time I escaped out of the abbey in the Canaries to this hour, being a relapse, and lost 4,500 ducats, and never can come more in the Spanish dominions on pain of death : after following the Earl of Leicester for a letter of mart for to recover those goods confiscated by the Inquisition and could not obtain it, fell in disgrace by false tales; and, by Sir Walter Raleigh's friendship, fell in favour with my lord Admiral until false tongues made him forsake me. Then I went to my chief and last friend, Mr. John Stanhope, because T was forsaken of the great peers. I desired his favour lastly to my lord Chancellor for certain houses that a cousin of mine kept wrongfully from me, which came to 40l. a year, which was recovered for me and with that I went to Muscovia, in which venture I lost and was not so far as I should go; because Mr. Horsy failed to meet me, I durst go no higher in the country. Since that time now it is two years, where ever since I have kept at Mistress Pease's, at Sir George Cary's, and with my lord Cobham's sons, never all this space confer, talk with no venemous nor suspicious man against the realm, nor received a penny of papist in my life. In this realm they hate me and cannot abide me, for ever I keep company with protestants and go to church and obey her Majesty's . . . . . . and of this I bring witnesses and put in sureties of my allegiance and duty towards my Queen and country. Mr. John Stanhope can tell this August my intent was to go to Constantinople for the rarest and best things for your honour and him, where I have put most I have for my return. Therefore I humbly beseech your honour whom I never offended, let me not perish without cause to accuse those I know not. Many know me by report and I not acquainted with them. The Earl of Shrewsbury slandered me to your honour; I have his hand and writing to the contrary. Die. Candisshe told me long since I must confess of fellows that I know against her Majesty. If 1 had known any I would have told, as I did to Sir Francis Walsingham of Anthony Poynes that was sent from the king of Spain to the prince of Parma with letters, and of others. So, if I be in place convenient, I will do to your honour all diligence and industry for the good of my country, as your honour shall see if I may go out of this tropical close prison which I am put into for malice without cause : which for Christ's passion do your honour seek redress and I will ever serve you.
I pray God I sink in eternal pains of hell, and I renounce Christ Jesu that died for me, if I did know any ill person in thought, word or deed against her Majesty or her most honourable council, but I would tell it to your honour with all my heart, and will do if ever I can know it by my travel. And hereunto I put my name.—Your honour's poor suppliant, Charels Chester.
Holograph. Undated. Seal.
These two letters are written on the same sheet of paper.
2 pp.
Richard Beak to The Queen.
1592, July. Petition for a lease of the manor called Draper's, and a mill called Westram Mill, in Benfield, Berks, of which he is tenant, for his services as equerry.
Endorsed :—July 1592.
Note by J. Herbert that the Queen grants the petition.
1 p.