Pages 492-493
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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Naill, Marquis de; 408.
Nancy; 66.
—Assembly of, articles of; 392.
Nantes; 63.
Naples; 23, 80, 262, 271.
soldiers of; 289.
Naples sickness, the; 75.
Narrow Seas, the; 8, 286, 342, 381.
Narve; 403.
Nassau :
C. de, letter of; 381.
Count Lewis or Ludovic of, dec; 21.
Count Maurice of (Count Morris); 149, 291, 298.
—, letter to; 180.
Nau, —, secretary of Mary Queen of Scots; 46, 95, 96, 111, 116, 121, 142, 208, 232.
—letters to; 47, 59.
Navarre :
King of; 22, 25, 27–29, 36, 37, 43, 44, 63, 66, 70, 75, 80, 87, 96, 130, 119, 220, 255, 279, 280, 290, 304, 315, 316, 321, 331, 361, 362, 364, 369, 375, 379, 382, 397, 398, 405, 407. See also France, King of (Hen. IV.)
—ambassador of; 239.
—counterfeit letter of; 37.
—his men at arms; 25.
Princess of, sister of the King; 28, 31, 390.
Queen of; 9, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 37, 44.
Navestale; 311.
Navy. See Ships.
Nazareth, Bishop of; 148.
Neall, Mr.; 424.
Neal Oge; 284.
Nelbon, Mr.; 193.
Nemours :
Duke of; 65, 76, 84, 139, 432, 461.
—his mother; 461.
—his two sons; 76.
Madame de; 27, 64, 76.
—her son; 27.
Nerac; 44.
Nerac, Mons.; 20.
Nesbet or Nesbitt. See Nisbett.
Netherlands. See Low Countries.
Netterfeld, Mr.; 459.
Neumor, Count, Duke Casimir's lieutenant; 19.
Neuwschloss; 227.
Nevers; 289.
Duke of; 83, 364, 387, 397.
Nevill, Nevyle, or Nevell:
Mr.; 367.
Sir Edward; 395.
Sir Henry; 457.
—letter of; 431.
Sir Thomas; 395.
Sir William; 395.
Newbottel, abbot of, dies; 61, 73.
Newcastle; 72, 73, 99, 116, 167, 290, 444.
letters dated; 165, 287, 436.
magistrates of; 436.
Scottish troops at; 72.
New Forest, the; 338, 365.
Newfoundland fishery; 266.
Newhaven. See Havre de Grace.
Newington, letter dated; 107.
Newland fish; 114.
New Marsh; 311.
Newry, letter dated; 67, 269.
Newton, Sir Henry; 303.
New Year's gifts; 206.
Nicholl, James; 240.
Nieuport; 22, 286, 288, 305.
Nimiguen; 270.
letter dated at the camp there; 141.
siege of; 144.
Niort, in France; 362.
Nisbett (Nesbet, Nesbitt), John; 273, 374, 418.
Noailles (Noyalles), Madame; 44.
Noell :
Henry; 424.
Martin, a French merchant; 427.
Noircarmes (Northkerme), —; 408.
Nonsuch; 267.
letters dated; 105, 107, 109, 423, 424, 426.
warrants dated; 105, 424.
Norfolk; 47, 402.
Norfolk and Suffolk, vice-admiral of; 291.
Norfolk, late Duke of; 68, 269, 457.
Norimberga. See Nuremberg.
Normandy; 22, 25, 27, 28, 87, 338, 364.
shipping to; 62.
Norris (Norrys):
—; 22.
Colonel; 208.
General, his articles with the States; 266.
Sir Henry, letter of; 393.
Henry and Margaret; 393.
Sir John; 168, 169, 393, 424, 458.
—letter of; 414.
—letter to; 134.
—memorandum of; 233.
North :
Roger, Lord; 457.
—letters of; 168, 428.
Northampton, marchioness of; 109.
Northamptonshire, sheriff of: 200, 217, 232.
Northern Rebels, the; 68.
Northkerme. See Noircarmes.
North Pole, the; 128.
Northumberland :
sheriff of; 198.
—his brother killed; 199.
Northumberland, Earl of; 32, 233.
Lady; 431.
Norway; 62, 438, 439, 441, 455.
Norwich; 266, 291, 391.
letter dated; 292.
Nothed, Maud; 394.
Noyalles. See Noailles.
Noyon; 271.
Nuremberg (Norimberga); 131, 229.
Oatlands (Ootelands); 125, 278.
letters dated; 8, 9, 11, 427.
warrants dated; 47, 62, 67, 275, 276, 278.
O'Chaine's country; 67.
Ochiltree, house of; 73.
Ockinge. See Woking.
Odiande; 178.
O'Dohertye, Sir John; 286.
O'Donnell :
—; 284, 285.
Sir Hugh; 284, 285.
Hugh; 285, 286.
Hugh Roe; 285, 286.
Odyne, in France; 429.
O'Flaherty :
Sir Morogh ne Doe; 410.
Sir Morrogh; 401.
Teague; 401.
O'Gallahores, the family; 286.
Ogilvie :
Lord; 360.
Young Powrie. See Pury Ogilvy.
Ogle, D.; 236.
Oglefield's marsh; 310.
Oglethorpe, Owen, letter of; 106.
O'Hanlon, Sir Lyehoe; 284.
Olboltone (?); 230.
Oldcastle, Sir John; 396.
Oldinshed, John vom; 4.
Oleron (Alrond), in France; 462.
Olerons for the Navy; 427.
Olivarez, Count of, Spanish Ambassador at Rome; 82, 83.
O'Neill (O'Neale):
Con, late Earl of Tyrone; 07.
T.; 142.
T., baron of Dungannon, letter to, 67.
Turlagh; 284, 285.
Ootelands. See Oatlands.
Orange :
Prince of; 12, 21, 68.
—death of; 45, 46, 67, 69.
—sister of; 21.
Ordnance, &c.; 352, 354.
iron pieces; 426.
export of; 25, 105, 332.
master of the; 340.
office of the; 280, 364, 409. See also Armoury.
Ore; 462.
O'Relie, Sir John; 284.
Organist of the Queen's chapel; 393. See also Musicians.
Orkney :
Isles of; 300, 318, 335, 373, 417, 421.
the feu of; 282.
sub-deanery of; 247.
Orkney, Sir Robert Stewart earl of, “Lord Robert”; 282, 318.
Orkney (Orkenay), Mademoiselle d'; 58, 128 (? damoiselle escossoise).
Orlando (Ottoman); 435, 438.
Orleans; 31, 36, 37, 331.
governor of; 36.
rebellion in; 387.
Ormestone; 373.
Ormond :
Earl of; 265, 270, 452, 453.
—letter of; 25.
O'Rourke, Sir Brian; 410.
Ortell :
M.; 177, 332, 389.
—letter of; 358.
Joachim, license to; 25.
Orton Longville, letter dated; 195.
Osland :
Chr., letter of; 456.
—his book; 456.
Ossory, John bishop of, letter of; 264.
Ost, Capt. Adrian, letter of; 378.
Ostend; 22, 45, 297, 305, 408, 458.
letter dated; 110.
garrison of; 303.
Ostyrwick, Gomaer van, musician, letter of; 362.
Otley, Mr.; 330.
Ottoman, —; 435, 438.
“Outremer, le Sieur d”; 441.
Overyssel, letter from; 302.
Ovington, Captain; 236.
Owen; 349.
Hugh; 271.
Nicholas; 112.
William, petition of; 211.
Oxen; 3.
houghing of; 246.
Oxford :
letters dated; 11, 407.
Magdalen College, president of; 407.
Queen's College; 338.
St. John's College; 153.
Oxford, Earl of; 377, 378.
my lady of; 250.
Oyraghtie; 67.