Cecil Papers: June 1583

Pages 3-4

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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June 1583

10. Account of Stock.
1583, June 3. An account of oxen bought, sold, and killed, from Michaelmas 1581 to June 1583.
1 p.
11. —to [Mary Queen of Scots].
1583, June 12. The French Ambassador in London having again informed him that the Queen of England is like to grow to agreement and accord with her, forgetting all discontents and discords past, the writer urges this will the sooner come to pass if she bestow som.3 favourable message on Mr. Secretary and Mr. Sidney, who is shortly to be married to his only daughter.—London, 12 June 1583.
Endorsed :—“A letter, since the marriage with France goeth not forward, wisheth the concord between the Queen of England and the Queen of Scotland.”
Imperfect. 1 p.
Preceded by a report of the writer's talk at supper one night with Mr. Stafford at Wigate [? Wingate], out of which the letter grew.
Unsigned. 1 p.
12. Henry III. of France to James VI. of Scotland
1583, June 18/28. Recommends Archibald Douglas to his favour and asks James not to give credence to calumnies concerning him.—Mezières, 28 June 1583.
Copy. ½ p.
13. Sir Warham St. Leger to the Queen
1583, June 20. Sends a “platt” for cutting off superfluous charges in the province of Munster, and reducing them by 6,691l. 13s. 4d. a year, and reports generally on the state of the Queen's service there, “the which consisteth, and hath done since the beginning of the Lord General's government, altogether in receiving traitors to protections.” His reasons for objecting to this patchwork government. The traitors who have submitted, it is given out, have done so by the Earl of Desmond's consent, he holding protections as they are granted to be the best device for him to maintain this unnatural and wicked rebellion. Besides, the true subject cannot so much as have law against the traitors so come in, nor arrest them for debts owing before the rebellion, nor protect any man as can the traitors. Would God her Majesty would banish protections !—Cork, 20 June 1583.
Enclosing :—
A plait for cutting off the superfluous charges her Majesty is now at in maintaining soldiers within the province of Munster,” &c.
3 pp.
14. Sir Carew Reynell to Edward Reynolds, Secretary to the Earl of Essex.
1583, June 26. The Lord Lieutenant has made a long and very honourable journey; the rebels divers times encountering his army have received great loss. At Cahir Castle were shot Captain Garret (?) and the writer's cousin, Guy Cary, who both died of their wounds. Many men sick.—Waterford, 26 June.
1 p.
15. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley
1583, June 26. Desiring him not to revoke his letters as to the Merchant Staplers, until the controversy between them and the Merchant Adventurers had been determined by the Council.—Greenwich, 26 June 1583.
1 p.