Cecil Papers: December 1586

Pages 199-211

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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December 1586

410. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 4. Forwards letters from the King to the Earl of Leicester, and asks him to show him (the Earl) “how hardly this matter of the Queen's death is taken here.” The laird of Restalrig is to take journey towards the south on Wednesday, 7th inst. Sir Robert Melvill and the writer himself are ready to follow.—From Holyrood House, this 4th of December.
¾ p.
411. David Macgill to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 7. Has written divers times concerning the lead ore, whereof there appears very great abundance, and as yet has received no answer. Prays Douglas to advertise him if he has made any condition of selling to any merchant, and of the price; for, if Douglas be assured to have dispatch in selling, wherethrough silver may be furnished, there will be lead ore found in abundance.—Edinburgh, 7 December 1586.
Seal. 1 p.
412. James VI. of Scotland to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 8. Revoking his late letter, sinisterly obtained by Adam Fullerton, who is not to meddle in the cause of the Scotch merchants spoiled by English pirates, redress for which is one of the heads of Douglas's Commission.—From Holyrood House, 8 December 1586.
½ p.
413. Mons. de Mauvissière to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 9/19. Has asked the bearer Jehan Wovel to convey his excuses for not writing with his own hand. Owing to medicine and affliction at the loss of his wife, who has just died in childbirth, he has not written himself.—Paris, 19 December 1586.
P.S. [sua manu].—Begs to be preserved in the good graces of his friends (Walsingham), &c.
French. 1 p.
414. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 9. Has imparted to Restalrig his whole mind, so will write nothing of any particulars. As for this commission, he cannot eschew it, for, by the refusal his “wrack” was intended; but the Queen and his friends are to be answered, that they shall find him always constant, and that in his negotiation he shall do nothing but to their contentment, reserving his duty to his Sovereign. Therefore, if Douglas can espy means for her Majesty's surety, and to their Sovereign's contentment, thinks Douglas will do a great service to both. Douglas's enemies say to the King that he will be both slayer of his father and mother. They would be glad of any honest cause to stay at home, for, except they sell land to furnish themselves, the means cannot be had.—Holyrood House, 9 December 1586.
1 p. [Lodge, ii. 294–5. In extenso.]
415. The Queen to Sir Amyas Paulet.
1586, Dec. [10]. Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our trusty and well beloved Counsellor, Sir Amyas Paulet, Knight, greeting : Where you have had, and yet have, the custody and charge of the person of the Queen of Scots, against whom sentence and judgment hath been given [whereby she hath been judged to have attempted that she hath compassed and imagined our death, divers things to the hurt, death, and destruction of our person], (fn. 1) as by our late proclamation, dated the 4th of this month, is to all persons published : And for that we have been [continually] (fn. 1) by the states of our Parliament most instantly moved, urged, and pressed, to cause further execution to be made of the said sentence, in such earnest sort, as without the same, it is by them all solemnly protested that they can by no device find any means for the surety of our person, nor for the preservation of themselves. their posterity, and state of the realm; whereupon we are, against our own natural disposition, drawn to yield thereunto, and therefore we have presently directed our commission under our Great Seal of England to our sheriff of our conty of Northampton to repair to you, and have thereby willed and warranted him to receive the person of the said Queen into his charge, and without delay to do execution upon her, as by our said Commission may further appear unto you : And therefore we do will and command you to deliver her unto his charge, as to our sheriff and public chief officer of that our county, so as he also without delay shall, in the presence of sundry our noblemen and of yourself, within that our Castle do the same execution, and that you, with such as you have attendant on you there (fn. 2) for our service, do aid and assist our said sheriff and all others that shall there be present for the aforesaid service. And these our letters patents under our Great Seal of England shall be your sufficient discharge. Given at our manor of Richmond, the — of December the 29th of our reign.
Endorsed :—10 December 1586. [Murdin, p. 574. In extenso.]
Burghley's draft. Holograph. 1½ pp.
416. Thomas Egerton to Lord Burghley.
1586, Dec. 10. Has considered the enclosed petition, and has endorsed upon the same what he finds the true state of the cause to be.—Islington, 10 December 1586.
Endorsed :—Mr. Solicitor to my Lord.
½ p.
417. Anne Twist.
1586, Dec. 11. Warrant under the Sign Manual, granting to Ann Twist, the Queen's laundress, a lease in reversion of the site of the manor of Kirton, co. Lincoln, of the yearly rent of 15l., now in the tenure of Richard Gardner; also, the tenement with the domains of Datchett, co. Bucks, together with a meadow there called “Saunder meade,” of the yearly rent of 73s. 6d., now in the occupation of Thomas Shoveler, and other lands amounting in the whole to 30l.; the said Anne to have for her own proper use the sum of 15l., and the residue to the use of the tebants.—Richmond Manor, 11 December 1586.
Signed and sealed.
One sheet of paper.
418. Edward, Earl of Stafford, to Lord Burghley.
1586, Dec. 12. Begs Burghley to read over a transcript of a letter above a year past written unto him [Stafford] by an honest plain “lawire.” At Burghley's leisure he will bring the Act of Parliament therein mentioned, which, if her Majesty would grant to be repealed (according to his petition) he will not only refuse to desire any part of those lands during her reign, but also yield to have special provisoes for all those who now have estates in the lands, and so desire nothing but the reversions according to the intent of the feoffments; which never in any prince's days before the King her father, nor in any other prince's since, were ever broken, for which some noblemen at this day have cause to “speak” great clemency and honour of her Majesty. As for the 1,000l. which he borrowed of her Highness, the truth is her Highness, in law, hath the land only by his breaking payment, which land is worth more than her Majesty disbursed.—12 December 1586.
Endorsed by Burghley :—Lord Stafford—restitution.
1 p.
419. Sir John Selby to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 13. Thanks him for his great travail and pains “in these our late troubles happened,” and prays his perseverance therein.—Berwick, 13 December 1586.
½ p.
420. Sir James Melville to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 14. I wrote long since unto you by one John Melviile, who was to pass that way with Captain Sackerstoun, but, understanding that the said Captain changed purpose, I was glad to have the opportunity of this bearer, Thomas Stuart, my neighbour, &c. I find some here saying that you are not so frank and earnest for the Queen as is requisite, whereof I thought good to advertise you, assuring you that I believe it not; though it will give some place to unfriends to speak, I doubt not you will do the duty of a faithful . . . and a gallant man. His Majesty takes the rumours sown of his mother's danger very sorely. I look that greater wisdom shall be used . . . than to tyne so friendly and . . . a prince. There should have been assembled a great convention of the whole nobility. Our ambassadors take their journey on Tuesday the 20th, to wit, the Earl of . . ., the Master of Gray, and my brother, to obtain the priory of Howdingham.—From Edinburgh, this 14th of December.
Endorsed :—“1586.”
1 p.
421. Sir Francis Walsingham.
1586, Dec. 14. Draft of a petition for a grant to him and his heirs for ever of 200l. a year; whereof 100l. to be taken out of Exchequer lands, &c., and the other 100l. out of lands, whereof the reversion is in her Majesty. “By which suit no revenue is presently taken from you, but only a bare possibility of that which it may be your Majesty shall never have.”
Endorsed by Burghley :—14 Dec. 1586. Sir Francis Walsingham's Suit.
422. Lord Howard to Archibald Douglas.
[1586], Dec. 15. Regrets the manifold and great robberies and spoils daily committed against Scottishmen. Where any offender shall be taken, they shall have justice, and wheresoever the goods be known to be, they shall be recovered, but to see that there shall be no pirates on the seas were as hard for him to do and impossible, as for the King of Scots to keep his country without pirates on the seas or thieves on the land. Complains of Scotchmen, who had leave to pass into Scotland with divers things for the King, under colour of that leave putting into their trunks divers pieces of cloth and kerseys without paying custom. Has written to Lord Pembroke, vice-admiral, touching the Scotch ship taken into Cardiff by Beer, the pirate.—At the Court, the 15th of December.
2 pp.
423. Mons. Brulart to Mons. de Courcelles.
1586, Dec. 15/25. Nous avons rien ensemble ment vos deux dépesches des dernier d'Octobre et xxx. de Novembre, que M. de Chaineuf (?) nous a envoyés. Ayant esté sa Ma fort contante et bien satisfaite, quant elle a entendu que le Roy d'Escosse, ressentant le bon naturel qui est ordinairement entre le fils et la mère, n'a pass esté vaincu de plusieurs artifices, par lesquels l'on luy voulloit habandonner sa dite mère en son affliction. A ma . . . de cela luy a faict un très-bon et louable offer, don't il s'acquivra beaucoup de louange et de réputation envers tous les princes de la Chrétienté, mesmes envers ceux qui peuvent avoir regret qu'il favorise la dite Royne d'Escosse. Et espère que oultre ce bon effect que on pourra réussir, ce luy sera aultant d'honneur (?) et prospérité plus grande en ses affaires pour l'advenir.—Paris, 25 Decembre 1586.
Noted at head :—“Reçu le xxviije Janvier 1587.”
1 p.
424. J. Lesly to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 16. After your departing from Scotland I delivered a packet of letters to the Master of Gray, to be sent to your lordship, &c. They were directed to James Hudson, to whom I had given power to appoint with Mr. Randolph for his obligation and bond, which John Gilbert had of him, as your lordship should have advised him, &c.—Holyrood House, this 16th of December 1586.
½ p.
425. William Pennycuik to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 16. Asking Douglas to cause one of his servants to get him an English saddle, round behind, of the French fashion, together with the harness “conform” thereto, “for it will do me pleasure, because I am minded to be half a courtier.” Any servant of Sir Robert Melvin's will deliver it.—Edinburgh, 16 December 1586.
1 p.
426. Secretary Davison to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 16. I have returned you such answer to the heads of your last letter as I could get from her Majesty. The reason why I have not rather satisfied you herein, you may perceive by that I have written in my letter here enclosed to yourself and Mr. Keith jointly. In truth, I found her Majesty very greatly stirred with the letters you imparted with her at your being here, and till she receive some better matter from you to repair it, I see no great disposition to satisfy any of your demands. But, for that one point of granting safe-conduct, I think her resolved to hear no more of it, and therefore you shall do well to urge it no further, though, for your particular, it hath not been amiss to do as you have done. For the letter she promised to write you concerning the Master of Gray, I find her so jealous of the present course of those in Scotland, and so doubtful in his own particular, as she hath likewise refused to write anything unto you concerning him till she hear further from thence.—The Court at Richmond, 16 December 1586.
Holograph. 1 p.
427. Robert Abercrumby and John Acheson to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 17. Remind him of the suit, whereof they are now commissioners, for the merchants damnified by English pirates. It is reported satisfaction is to be made hastily. Adam Fullerton, formerly a commissioner, has presented certain articles to the King offering, if made commissioner again, to obtain 100,000l. Scotch money to satisfy the persons damnified, &c.—Edinburgh, 17 December 1586.
428. Sir James Melville to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 18. My brother, the bearer, will declare unto you more familiarly by mouth than I have newly written by Thomas Stuart, of the state of things here.—Holyrood House, 18 December 1586.
½ p.
429. Samuel Cockburne to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 18. Being here present in the town at the departure of the ambassadors, and having the occasion offered, I could not pretermit but remember my duty to your lordship. My hope was to have seen you before my letter, for it was here once concluded in council that the Earl Both well should come into England as ambassador, and I was charged by him to accompany him, but he has been stayed. It is said that England would not grant passport to any nobleman to come, but it is suspected we are the occasion here among ourselves, that others may have the praise and the gains, if any be to be gotten. Truly, I am persuaded that there could not any have come out of this country that would better have framed with you, or applied himself more to your counsel, yea, and have made better report at his return of your good service. I will accuse nobody; you are wise, and can consider every man's matter. If I were assured that this letter would come into your hands, I would write many things which I dare scarce venture, but I persuade myself that your lordship's intelligence is sufficient. Lord Claud Hamilton is very offended against you, and quarrels the laird your brother for your cause. He thinks you the author of reports to the King of him, which being told unto the Secretary, his answer was :—“Howbeit I like not Mr. Archibald, truly he is innocent of the reports, but yet they are of verity.” Of the factions and appearance of troubles here among our nobility I am assured you will be informed. As for the Secretary's good-will you know it of old. The shameful sins and bills “cassin” in against you, with the malicious reports made against you, you have heard, and will, here. Cornwallis, for the most part, who likes to read them, shall find them in the lady Secretary's hands. What good grace you stand in the King's favour your friends will make you warning.—Edinburgh, 18 December 1586.
Signed. 1¼ pp.
430. Gilbert, Lord Talbot, to Lord Burghley.
1586, Dec. 20. I am boulde to . . . your Lordship with a clothe chayre, suche an other as I devised with my upholster not longe synce, and sente to my Lorde my father, which he liked so well, and (as it pleased him to wryte) to . . . founde suche ease therein, as I am the rather incouraged to sende a lyke unto your Lordship, besechinge Almighty God your Lordship [may] never have nede therof, nor of any other thynge, in respect of the goute; nevertheless, when your Lordship shalbe occasioned to longe in your chamber, (as sometymes you are,) I hope . . . fynde sum ease in a devise in it to lay up your leg. Thus, ashamed for the meanesse of the thynge, and suche a trifele, I troble your Lordship with the reedynge of these . . . I humbly take my leave. And pray God longe to prosper . . . every way. At your Lordship's house at Pymes, this 20th of December 1586, where I have bene ever synce within . . . on three days that I laste saw your Lordship.
½ p.
431. Sir John Selby to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 20. Thanking him for his careful diligence and pains about the troubles which writer's son is lately fallen into.—Berwick, 20 December 1586.
½ p.
432. [Archibald Douglas and W. Keith] to [Lord Burghley].
1586, Dec. 23. Upon the receipt of some letters that came to our hands from Scotland, we requested Secretary Davison to move her Majesty that we might have audience for the delivery of the letters and some other matter committed to our charge, that doth crave answer with such expedition as might be agreeable to her Highness. But we cannot understand that her Majesty is in any good disposition to hear of matters coming from us, which we take to proceed from some “difficill” terms contained in the letter presented by us to her Majesty, wherewith we suppose her Highness to be commoved.
As it was your lordship's pleasure, in excusing of the King our Sovereign, to assay to qualify her Majesty's motion the time of the presenting of the said letter, so must we now pray you to move her Majesty to hear such matter of us, as we believe shall be conformable to her Majesty's disposition, for the removing of apparent slander, if justly ours might be conserved.—London, 23 December 1586.
Draft. ½ p.
433, a. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Dec. 25. Met a packet of his yesterday at Wetherby, containing answer of that he sent by Restalrig. Where Douglas says that writer used threatening, if the Queen of Scots' life were taken, that he would die a banished man, in truth he used no threatening, but advertised what the King said. Has come here at his Majesty's command, but against his own will. Is to abide Sir Robert Melvin, whom he left at Morpeth. Minds to stay at Ware. Thinks it neetest that Douglas and Keith essay what her Majesty thinks of it, and thereafter send writer word. Bids him speak hardily to the Queen that writer thinks she has not used him according to her promise. “Where she says she knows more of me nor you do, by God, I say this far, if ever she knew me do wrong, it was for that I entered further for her service than good reason permitted.”—Stafford, 25 December 1586.
Holograph. 2 pp. [Murdin, pp. 575–576. In extenso.]
433. b. Decree of the States General of the United Provinces in the Low Countries for the privileges of the Merchant Adventurers within those Provinces.
1586, Dec. 30./1586/7, Jan. 9. Recites that many of the English merchants called “Adventurers” had gone to Emden and Hamburgh and other places because of the troubles in the Low Countries, and therefore by this Decree they are encouraged to return, all their ancient privileges being offered to them, together with exemption from any new imposts contrary to their privileges.—The Hague, 9 January 1587.
Copy. 1 p.
434. Sir Thomas Shirley to Lord Burghley.
1586, Dec. 31. Sending a cup of gold for a New Year's gift, and wishing Burghley “a good New Year and many of them.”—The Blackfriars, 31 December 1586.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“Ultimo Decembris 1586. Sir Thomas Sherly with a Cup of Gold, refused.”
1 p.
435. The Queen of Scots.
“What is to be answered.”
1586 [Dec.]. “To that which Cicero 'Pro Deiotaro' sayd to Cesar : Est ita in usitatum Regem cap. Reum esse ut ante hoc tempus non sit auditum.
“Porsenna pardoned Q. Mutius that wold have slayn hym. Remedia sanguinolenta sunt mitia . . . . . calamitate.
Sanguis sanguinem procreat.
Quamquam somnus sit necessaries, medici tamen . . . . . . . dare papaver.
Nunquam auditum est, neque ratione potest comprehendi Reginam Scotorum esse judiciabili.
“The takyng awey of the Scots' Quenn's liff cannot be a preservatyve to the Queen, but contrary, for the offence that hir frends will conceive shall provocque them.
“The Queen of Scotts is so afflicted as she can lyve but few yers or dayes, and therfor not to be douted [feared], but rather to be pitied ever.
“The French Kyng promiseth that he will impeach with his power, that ther shall be no such attemtats as ar pretended to have bene against the Queen's Majesty. He will gyve order that the Queen of Scotts kynsfolk that ar in France shall bynd themselves, and shall sign upon ther fayths, that the Queen of Scotts, nor any for hir, shall enterprise any thing against the Queen's Majesty.
“If the Queen's Majesty will propound any other meanes which she shall judg more proper for hir surety and satisfaction, and will shew the same to the ambassadors, they will employ ther power therin.”
Endorsed :—“Reasons of the Lord Threasurer Burghley's owne hand concerning the Queen of Scots.”
Burghley's holograph. 1 p.
436. Cipher.
[1586, Dec.] Letter, partially in cipher, without date or address. It appears to have been written in December 1586, as it mentions the recent arrival of Mons. De Bellièvre.
Seals. French. 1 p.
437. Execution of Mary Queen of Scots.
1586, Dec. Modern copy of the draft of the warrant for the execution of the Queen of Scots.
Noted in margin :—“Note.—That this must bear date the day after the Proclamation made;” also, “Endorsed by Burghley; the latter part writ by Secretary Walsingham.”
[Murdin, pp. 576–577. In extenso.]
438. Mons. de Fontenay to the Queen of Scots.
[1586]. Sending the articles of his negotiation with the King of Scots, and the said King's answers point by point. With regard to the answers Fontenay writes :—“Je supplie très-humblement vostre Majesté ne prendre garde à quelques impertinentes responses qu'il a faites à aucuns de mes Articles, encores que le tout soit escript de sa propre main, n'y de conçevoir moindre espérance de vostre union avec lui. Car je suis sure qu'il aime et honore en son cœur vostre Majesté ce qu'il se peut, et que si vostre Majesté avoit aupres de lui, au lieu du Conte d'Arran, un Duc de Lennox, il eust bien chanté aultre langage. Car son naturel est trè s bon, facile et persuasif à l'endroict de ceux qu'il aime.” At the end Fontenay adds :—“Madame, le mal qui peut venire de ce que le Roi a retenu l'original de ces Aritcles n'est pas fort grand. Il ne se s'en sauroit prévaloir que pareillement vostre Majesté ne se prévaille de ses responses, et en extrémité vous me pouvez désavouer en ce qui lui peut préjudicier es ditz Articles.
French. 9 pp. [Murdin, pp. 548–557. In extenso.]
439. The Low Countries.
[1586 ?] Estimate of the expenses of the garrisons requisite for Holland, Zealand, Utrecht and Frisia.
2 pp.
440.— to [Archibald Douglas].
[1586]. A servant of Master Secretary's came to me this morning, craving the letters of the Lord Scrope and Johnson's, which I showed I delivered to you. I craved him to remember his master that I might be acquainted with the answer [that] should be sent to the Lord Scrope, that I might make Johnson privy to the same. The young gentleman returned to me with this answer, that his master was this day to deal with the Council in these affairs, but he believed the matters which were moved should be found by the Council so against the hearts of the borderers, and to your prejudice, that hardly would they yield to them. I craved to understand the particulars, but the young gentleman did not understand the same, so, in general, I advised him to show his master that I looked such answer should be given as might not seem to be no “var” nor that which the Master of Gray received, which, if it be otherwise, it behoves of necessity to discredit the Master of Gray, for that he appeared to give contentment to his master in moving writing and redress to be made upon the Borders where [any] was long before, and now this will turn to no other thing but the off-casting of . . . . meeting. Wherefore, I pray you to reason with Mr. Secretary upon the ground of these matters, and let not the Lord Scrope's letter, more under pretence or colour of retaining the hearts of the Queen's Majesty's subjects on the Border, as he writes, than the good effects that may ensue, both to the borderers and all honest men, upon the steadfast continuance of a solid amity betwixt the two countries, which can never be, if the hearts of the Princes be not conjoined, both by good reports of messengers and some feeling in deeds agreeing therewith. The time is short that is appointed to the next meeting, viz., the 18th of this instant, therefore matters would be more quickly resolved on. I would be so far obliged to her Majesty to have the same granted, and refer the using of their heads to your discretion, whom I may burden humbly to be my furtherer, so far as your credit may goodly bear you.—Undated
1 p.
441. “The Wants, half-yearly” [from endorsement].
[1586]. Sums of money, arranged under years, from 1576 to 1586. Total—19,310l. 18s. ½d.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“Vernon's.”
¾ p.
442. “A note of things to be considered on, upon view of the Treasurer's account.”
[1586.] 1. To examine at what rate the silver coin transported was current in Holland before the Lord General's repair thither.
2. That a payment of 8,768l., before the Lord General's arrival in the Low Countries, was lost.
3. That the 5,000l. first imprested unto Colonel Norrys ought wholly to be answered to her Majesty without any defalcation.
4. The Treasurer asks allowance for the portage of 20,000l., but only 18,000l. ought to be allowed.
443. List of Papers relative to Babington's Conspiracy.
[1586]. “Scots' Queen ['s] letter to Charles Paget.
Babington's examination.
H.'s confession.
Ballard's examination.
H.'s confession.
Scots' Queen['s] letter to Babington.
Babington's letter to the Scots' Queen, with the subscription of Nau and Curle.
Scots' Queen to Babington.
Nau's Notes whereby to draw that letter.
Declaratio per scramentum Nau.
Declaratio Nau et Curle under their hands.
Examinations of Nau et Curle.
*Letters to the Lord Paget, Charles Paget, Sir Francis Englefield, and Baruardin Mendoza.
*Scot's Queen to Dr. Allen.
*Doctor Allen to the Scots' Queen.
Besides :
The Petition of both Houses.
Scot's Queen's acceptance of the association.
Her Will.”
444. Babington's Conspiracy.
[1586.] Such as be already taken :
Babington, a gent. of Derbyshire, of fair living.
Barnewell, an Irish gent. belonging to the Earl of Kildare.
Tylney, a Suffolk gent., a pensioner.
Tycheborne, a gent. of Hampshire, of fair living.
Gage, a young gent., son to Gage of Haling in Surrey.
Abington, the youngest son of the late Cofferer.
Ballard, a priest.
Geo. Gifford, the pensioner.
Hen. Dune, sometime servant to Mr. Dodge.
Meredith, Taylor, Mayney, priests.
Asheton, Payne and two Travises of Lane[ashire].
Such as are not taken :
Two of the Abingtons, sons to the late Cofferer.
Salisbury, the son of a knight in Wales.
Edward Jones, the son of him that was Queen Mary's tailor.”
Endorsed :—The names of such as are apprehended for the treason in England.
445. Henry Jean, of Utrecht, to the Council.
[1586.] Petition for payment for supplies to Captain John Wotton's company in 1586. Captain Wotton answers that 200l. is due to him from Sir Thomas Sherley for entertainment, which he assigns in discharge of above. Prays that Sir T. Sherley or Captain Wotton be required to pay him the money.—Undated.
[Not by Sir Thomas Sherley on the matter, and that about 200l. is due either to Captain Wotton or Captain Isley, but it is not decided to which.]
1 p.
446. Instructions delivered by the King of Scots to his Commissioners at Berwick on the matter of the League.
[1586.] That for the better interesse of the said amity betweene the twa realms and subjectis thairof, all of the Scottishe natioun to be naturalized English and as frie danizeins in the said Quenis dominionis. And all of the Quenis natioun lykwais to be naturalised Scottish as frie danizeins in the said Kingis dominionis. And that neither of the said princes subjectis be compellit to the payment of further customes or impostis in the uther princes dominionis, quhair thay sal happin to use the trade of merchandise, than the naturall borne people within the same dominionis, the force of all penal lawis to the contrary being dischargit.
Becaus ne thing has mair wounded the hartis of our gude subjectis, nor seamit mair contrarious to this gude amity in tymis bypast, nor the unalfull attempatates of pirattis by sea, we wald have all thingis, quhilk myt be cravat on ather side for bygains, to be redressed, composit, and accordit, be order of ye commissioners now convening. And for the better eschewing of all sic occasioun of piracie in tyme cuming, that ather of the princes salbe debtor to the subjectis of the uther prince, complaining upon quhatsumever piraceis to be committed efter the conclusioun of this present treat; and, for the princes relief, that all shippis and vassellis be subject to some gude town, to be debtouris for all attemptatis to be done be the shippis and occupiaris of the same shippis, before thay be suffered to pas to the sea. And that the juigement uponn the complaintis on baith pairtis, for quhatsumever piraceis to be done heirefter, may be committed to the privie counsellis of ather of the said princes. Befoir quhome in maist summair maner thir causse of complaint salbe agnoscit, decidit, and be this order redressed maid to the complaneris.
2 pp.
447. Hippolito Buramonti to Sir Francis Walsingham.
[1586.] Con ogni humilta et reverenza rimostra H. B. a vostra eccelenza qualmente, desiderando egli di fare un viaggio in Italia per condurre in questo felicissimo regno la sua moglie dalla compagnia della quale è stato absente questi dieci anni, non puol farlo per esser egli con caussioni obligato in qualche soma di danari di non uscire di qua senza espresso licenza di S. Mta. Pero humilmente supplica v. ecca che voglia degniarsi di farli ottenere detta licenza per dui anni tenendo difficile che il sudetto obligo habbi à essere discaricato. Et siando di bisogno dui fratelli del ditto supplicante che qua resteranno prometteranno per il suo ritorno, senon prima al capo del sudetto tempo. Et con questo rest ail ditto supplicante pregandp l'Omnipotente Iddio che à V. S. illma et eccma conceda longa e felicissima vita.
½ p.
448. Confession of a prisoner taken at Boulogne about the Spanish Army.
[1586.] Showing that the army before Calais consists of five regiments : one under Don Louis de Valasque, another under Don Jerome, another of Germans, another of Italians, and that of la Burlotte, and is not above 9,000 strong. La Fère is to be succoured, and therefore Calsis has been attacked as most distant, in order to take the French King thither to its relief.
449. Reasons for which the King of Scots is unacceptable to the People of England.
[1586.] “Many horrible, detestable, and crewel factis committed in Scotland since the reigne of this Kinge, whiche hathe so farre allyenated mens hartis in England from him that were well bent onto him, whiche by all just, reasonable, and convenient meanes must be repayred, or that credyte which he had will never be recovered, eyther by league, letteres, or fayer promises.
First. the horrible death of his owne father, committed by the Quene his mother, Bothwell, and otheres chief favorers of that Quene, of counsall and neare aboute the Kingis selff.
Nixt, the murther of the Earle of Murray, Regent,—manye yit lyvinge and accessarye to the same.
Thrie, the slaying of the Earle Lenox, grandfather to the Kinge and also Regent in him minoritye,—few or none executed for the same.
Fowrtlye, the unjust execution of the Earle of Moretone, bye the fals accusations of Capitan James Steward, called afterward to be Earle off Arrane.
Fyiftlie, the deathe of the Earle of Gowrye, and divers other innocent persons, whiche, by Arrane's accusacone and practise of Colonel Stewarde, wer also put to deathe.
Lastlye, that which most concerneth and greeveth all English men, was the murther of the Earle of Bedforde upone the Borders, at a day of trew, against all law justice, and honour, to the perpetual shame of that whole natione, if extreme iustice be not ministered uppone the offender.
How Maister Randolphe, her Majestie's ambassadour, that was sent to entreate for the lyff of the Earle of Moretone, had harquybushe charged with twoe bullets shot throu the wyndowe into hys bedd chalmer, at a place where he commonlye use to sitt.
What intertaynement Mr. Secretarye Walsingham had, being sent from her Majestie, wilbe a blott into that countrey so long as the memorie thairof remanethe.
All these thingis abowe named beare suche show of ane inwarde mynde full of crueltye and mortal hatred to all those of this natione that beare gude will to Englande, as without greate shew of ane altered mynde appeare in him. the hartis of all hones men in Englande will never b recovered as befoir tyme he hadd thame.”
1 p.
450. [symbol] to Archibald Douglas
[1586?] This Friday night spoke with Mr. Secretary, to send his lordship word when her Majesty might be at leisure to give him an audience at Court. His honour's answer was, that her Majesty was so t . . . . . . . . with the demission of this fleet, and so w . . . . . . . the Council (“and affermit itt with an aith”), that there would be no convenient leisure for his lordship. So soon as there was, his honour would inform him, and then he would come for his lordship.
1 p.
451. — to Lord Douglas.
[1586.] Regrets he is going into Scotland, and that another Ambassador is to be appointed in his place. Asks him to let him have the chain gilded before he goes, also to bestow on him the gilding of the bracelet.
Unsigned. 1 p.
452. James Button to the Queen.
1586. For lease in reversion of the site of the manor and parsonage of Wotton, and a pasture in Mylbrook, Beds, of which he is tenant.
Endorsed :—1586.
2 p.
Note by Dr. V Dale that the Queen grants the petition.
1 p.
453. William Owen, and other poor soldiers, to the Council.
[1586.] For their pay, for service under Captain Wootton in the Low Countries, circa 1586.—Undated.
½ p.


  • 1. The portion between brackets is struck out in the original.
  • 2. The first draft ran : “with all your power there being”
  • 3. sic