Pages 504-509
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.
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Gabriel, Mr, 390.
Gage, Mr [? John Gage, of Raunds, co. Northants], 194.
Gardiner, Dr. See Gardiner, George.
Gardiner, George, former Dean of Norwich, his legacy, 53.
Gardiner (Gardner), Sir Thomas, of the Inner Temple, late Recorder of London, 158.
Gardiner, Sir Thomas, of Bourchiers Hall, Tollesbury, co. Essex, letter to Viscountess Cranborne, 449.
Gardiner (Garner), Mr, guest at Hatfield House, 1.
Gare (Gayre) [? Lamorran, co. Cornwall], 420.
Garland, Mr. See Garland, Augustine.
Garland, Augustine, M.P. for Queenborough, co. Kent, reports on Earl of Salisbury's case for compensation, 424.
Garner, Mr. See Gardiner.
Garrad, Sir John. See Garrard, Sir John.
Garrard (Garrarde), Henry, witness to marriage contract between Lady Anne Cecil and Arthur Capell, 178.
Garrard (Garrad, Garrat), Sir John,
of Lamer, Wheathampstead,
co. Herts, collects money
towards defence of King of
Bohemia, 125.
-, 192, 206.
Garrat, Sir John. See Garrard, Sir John.
Garratt, Lord. See Gerard, Gilbert.
Garrett, Mr, guest at Hatfield House, 2.
Garter, The, resetting with diamonds of Earl of Salisbury's George Garter, 272.
Garter, Chaplains of the, 7.
Garter, Order of the, King issues new regulations affecting, 210, 294.
Garway (Garroway), Sir William, of London, merchant, 100, 151.
Gatehouse, prison, Westminster, London, Williams committed by Sir Thomas Lake to, 63, 70, 71.
Gawen (Gowen), Elizabeth [? of
Norrington, co. Wilts], her
claims to part of Cranborne
Chase, 39.
-, owns coppices in Wiltshire, 41,
Gawen, Thomas, son of Elizabeth Gawen, owns coppices in Wiltshire, 41.
Gayre. See Gare.
Gaynton, co. Norfolk, 18.
Geddings (Giddings), co. Herts,
manor of, 10.
-, Earl of Salisbury's election
directive to freeholders of
manor of, 188.
Geldorp (Gildtropp), George, Flemish portrait-painter, paints portraits of members of Earl of Salisbury's family, 216.
Geldston. See Gilston.
Gell. See Gell, Sir John.
Gell, Sir John, of Whitby Abbey, co. Yorks, defeated by Earl of Northampton, 374
Geneva [Switzerland], Robert Cecil
in, 247.
-, letter dated from, 247.
Gentlemen Pensioners, oath administered to Captain of, 209.
-, 316.
-, to be organized for defence of
Queen, royal children, etc.,
-, Captain of. See Howard, Theophilus; Cecil, William.
George, King. See Podiebrad, George.
George, The, inn, Cranborne, co. Dorset, kept by father of Cornet Joyce, 379.
George, The, inn, Warminster, co. Wilts, 287.
George Garter, The, reset for Earl of Salisbury with precious stones, 272.
George Ribbon, The, bought for Earl of Salisbury, 304.
Gerard, Lord. See Gerard, Thomas.
Gerard, Gilbert, 2nd Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley, on active service against Imperialists in Germany, 128.
Gerard (Gerrard), Katherine, of Sampford Orcas, co. Somerset, 321.
Gerard (Gerrard), Robert, of Sampford Orcas, co. Somerset, wardship of, 321.
Gerard, Thomas, 1st Baron Gerard
of Gerard's Bromley, letters
to Earl of Salisbury concerning Captaincy of King's
Guard, 43(3), 45, 53, 55.
-, reference to his death, 56 and n.
Gerard (Gerrat), Walter, Warden of Blagdon Park, co. Somerset, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 459.
Gerard (Gerrard), Mr, 287.
Gerbier, Balthazar, painter, architect and courtier, in the Duke of Buckingham's (later the King's) service, 196.
German, Mr. See Jermyn, Henry.
Germany (Dutchland), Shirley in,
-, military movements in, 119,
121, 122.
-, Emperor said to have given
Spinola free hand to conduct
war in, 122.
-, King receives letter from Protestant Union of, 129.
-, Ogle's views on military qualities of people of, 135.
-, Spain begins preparations for
war in, 135.
-, 147, 341.
-, Earl of Salisbury's gift to a
scholar from, 166.
-, growing dislike of Spaniards
and foreign armies in, 190.
-, States General alarmed by
expansion of Emperor's
power within, 230.
-, map of Germany in Salisbury
House, 250.
Gesures, Louis Potier, Seigneur de, Secretary of State to Louis XIII, agreement between Louis XIII and Marie de Medici countersigned by, 124.
Ghent [East Flanders, Netherlands], attempt made to seize Prince of Orange by people of, 366.
Gibbon, Mr [? John Gibbon, of Charlton, Bishopsborne], co. Kent, his estate valued at £700, 13.
Gibbon, Mr, of Codsheath hundred, co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.
Gibson, Sir Alexander, junior, of Durie, later Lord Durie, his nomination by King as Chief Clerk of the Register expected to be rejected by Scottish Parliament, 366.
Giddings. See Geddings.
Gifford, Robert, physician, 290.
Gift of Washford, The, of Ireland, capsizes at St. Michael's Mount quay, 266.
Gilborn, Sir Nicholas, of Charing, co. Kent, his estate valued at £800, 14.
Gildtropp, George. See Geldorp, George.
Gill, John, of Wyddial, co. Herts, 188.
Gilston (Geldston), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.
Girling (Girlinge), Thomas, of Mendham, co. Suffolk, sued for non-payment of tithes, 137.
Glamorganshire, Lady Catherine Cecil's jointure provided from Earl of Leicester's lands in, 404.
Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 305.
Glass, manufactured by Frenchmen in England, 31.
Glass, John, Keeper of Salisbury
House, London, 18, 151,
-, sends household goods to Hatfield House, 57.
Glencairn, Earl of. See Cunningham, William.
Globe, The, playhouse, Southwark, London, Viscount Cranborne and his brother see play by Charles at, 264, 267.
Gloucester (Glocester), co.
Gloucester, 215, 407.
-, defeat of Lord Herbert near,
-, Royalist siege of, 375.
-, Committee of, 377, 378.
-, Honour of, 418.
Godfrey, Mr [? Thomas Godfrey, of Lid], co. Kent, his estate valued at £3000, 13.
Godfrey, William, mentioned in tract called New Magna Charta, 408.
Godolphin, co. Cornwall, letter dated from, 260.
Godolphin, Sir Francis, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall, letter to Keighley, 259.
Godolphin, Sir William, of Breage, co. Cornwall, 12.
Gold, Thomas, hunts deer in Cranborne Chase, 46.
Gold (Gould), William, of Alvediston, co. Wilts, owns coppices in Wiltshire, 41.
Goldsithney (Gouldsinney), co. Cornwall, 253.
Goldsmith (Gouldsmith), Sir [? Francis Goldsmith, of Marshal's Court, Crayford], co. Kent, his estate valued at £500, 14.
Goldsmiths Hall, London, 423, 432.
Golius, Theophilus, of Strasbourg, Professor of Moral Philosophy, purchase of his Epitome doctrinae moralis, 286.
Gondomar, Don Diego Sarmiento,
Conde de, Spanish Ambassador in England, 52, 129,
138, 170(2), 171.
-, King protests about Palatinate
to, 130.
-, offers his services to Prince
Charles in Madrid, 169.
-, made member of Spanish Council of State, 169.
-, entertains Prince Charles to
dinner, 171.
-, arranges for Prince Charles to
view Infanta secretly in
Prado, 174.
Gonthrop. See Gunthorpe.
Good, Valentine, constable of Cranborne, 137.
Goodwin, George, Latin verse writer and satirist, purchase of his Melissa religionis pontificae, 286.
Goodwin, John, M.P. for Haslemere, co. Surrey, reports on Earl of Salisbury's case for compensation, 424.
Goodwin, Robert, painter of heraldic arms, 455.
Goolde, Captain, in charge of foot company in Dorset, 354.
Goosam, Mr, of Cornilo Hundred, co. Kent, his estate valued, 13.
Goose, George, of North Tuddenham, co. Norfolk, sued for debt, 78.
Gorhambury, co. Herts, letter dated from, 87.
Goring, Colonel. See Goring, George.
Goring, George, Baron Goring
(Courin), Colonel, Governor
of Portsmouth, later Royalist
cavalry general, his answers
to interrogatories concerning
conspiracy against Parliament, 356–359.
-, his account of conversation
with King, 357.
-, claims to have revealed conspiracy to Viscount Dungarvan and Earl of Newport, 358.
-, his further disclosures to certain Lords, 358.
-, his examination read in House
of Commons, 359.
-, proposal that he should be
Lieutenant-General of King's
forces, 359.
-, 379, 386.
-, his troops supplied with charcoal from New Forest, 380.
-, his army at Cranborne, 380, 425.
-, his troops at Rushton, 388.
Gossidge, Dr [? Richard Gossage], of Walkern, co. Herts, to provide himself with new horse and pistols, 320.
Gough, Sarah, in the service of Diana, Viscountess Cranborne, 456.
Gould, William See Gold, William.
Gouldsinney. See Goldsithney.
Gowen, Mrs. See Gawen, Elizabeth.
Gower, Sir Thomas, of Stittenham, co. Yorks, arrested in Holborn, 271.
Graham, James, 5th Earl (later Marquis) of Montrose, Scottish Parliament proposes to bring him to trial as delinquent, 363, 364, 367.
Graham (Grymes), Sir Richard, Master of the Horse to the Duke of Buckingham, brings letters from King to Duke of Buckingham, 205.
Graine, Captain [? of Loughborough, Leicestershire], to take over 200 men levied in Hertfordshire, 200.
Grand Cyrus, The. See Scuderi.
Grandison, Viscount. See St. John, Oliver.
Grand Sr. See Priuli.
Grand Turc. See Osman II.
Grange Park, Greasley, co. Notts, 163.
Granger Fall (? Greasley), co. Notts, 163.
Grant, Thomas, Justice of the Peace [? of co. Leicester], witnesses Jephson's deposition, 441.
Grantham, co Lincs, taken by Royalist forces, 374.
Grasshopper, one of Earl of Salisbury's racehorses called, 166.
Grave, George, of London, 253.
Gravel Pit (Gravill Pytt), Bacton, co. Suffolk, close of land called, 16.
Graveley (Gravely), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.
Gray (Graye), Angel, of Kingston Marwood, co. Dorset, in charge of troop of horse in Dorset, 354.
Gray, —, his evidence produced at examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 98.
Gray's Inn, London, letter dated
from, 91.
-, 265.
Grays Thurrock (Gray's Thurrock, Thurrock Gray), co. Essex, manor of, 40.
Greasley (Greisley, Gresley) co.
Notts, 250(2), 264, 265, 362,
-, order from Archbishop of York
to sequestrate vicarage of,
-, William Hewitt recommended
for appointment as vicar of,
292, 293, 294, 295, 296.
-, letter dated from, 296.
-, reference to coal pits near, 304.
-, rectory of, 342.
Great Council of the Peers, meets
at York, 318, 322, 323, 325,
-, delegates Lords Commissioners
to treat with Scots, 323.
-, unanimously advises King to
transfer negotiations with
Scots to London, 327.
Great Lees. See Great Leighs.
Great Leighs (Great Lees), co. Essex, 449.
Great Seal, The, 95, 101, 334.
Great Willow (Greate Willoe, Greate Willey), co. Notts, 163, 362.
Greate Oakehill. See Oakhill.
Green (Greene), William, of Greasley, co. Notts, signs petition to Capell, 293.
Green Dragon, The, Bishopsgate, London, 396.
Green Hammerton (Grenehamton), co. Yorks, 10.
Greenlands (Greneland) co. Bucks, 116.
Greenwich (Grinwigs), co. Kent, 11,
395, 433.
-, warrants, letters, etc. dated
from, (and from Court at),
35, 86, 87, 176.
Greer (Grer), —, 287.
Gregorie. See Brandon, Gregory.
Gregory XV, Pope, Spain and
France agree to entrust
Valtelline to, 168.
-, no dispensation for AngloSpanish royal marriage from,
-, extract from letter written by
Prince Charles to, 179.
-, 181.
-, dispensation for marriage to be
solicited by King of Spain
from, 182.
-, said to be well-affected towards
France, 190.
-, dispensation for marriage between Prince Charles and
Henrietta Maria to be sought
from, 197.
Gregory (Gregore), Robert, of Greasley, co. Notts, signs petition to Capell, 293.
Gregory (Gregorie), in the service of the Countess of Devonshire, 307.
Greisley. See Greasley.
Grenehamton. See Green Hammerton.
Grenoble [Isère, France], Viscount Cranborne and Robert Cecil visit, 289.
Grenville, Sir Bernard (Sir Barnard Grenvile), of Stowe, co. Cornwall, 12.
Gresham, Dr Edward, practises sorcery with Countess of Essex and others after Foreman's death, 20.
Gresley. See Greasely.
Gresley, Mr. See Gresley, Walsingham.
Gresley, Walsingham, Steward to the Earl of Bristol, brings news of Prince Charles's arrival in Spain, 168(2).
Greville, Sir Fulke, later 1st Baron
Brooke, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, 51, 60, 84, 85,
95, 106, 118, 131, 139, 141,
-, his conduct commended by
Coke, 109.
-, his opinions and verdict at examination of Lord Treasurer
Suffolk, 110.
-, in favour of referring Yelverton
to King's clemency, 132.
Grey, Milor. See Grey, Henry.
Grey, Lady. See Grey, Cecilia.
Grey of Wark, Lord. See Grey, William.
Grey, Cecilia, Lady Grey, wife of William Grey, 1st Lord Grey of Warke, 425.
Grey, Henry, 2nd Lord Grey of
Groby, later 1st Earl of
Stamford and Parliamentary
general, commands English
forces in Lusatia, 122.
-, 372.
Grey, Thomas, son of William Grey,
1st Lord Grey of Warke,
proposed match between
Earl of Northumberland's
daughter and, 420, 422(2).
-, match broken off by Earl of
Northumberland because of
mental instability of, 423,
Grey, William, 1st Lord Grey of
Warke, negotiations for
match between Earl of
Northumberland's daughter
and son of, 420, 422(2).
-, proposed match broken off by
Earl of Northumberland,
423, 425.
Grimes or Greames, officers of the Duke of Buckingham's stables, 175.
Grimston, co. Norfolk, 164.
Grinwigs. See Greenwich.
Grisons, The [Switzerland], 104.
Grobham, Sir Richard, Sheriff of Wiltshire, summons proprietors of coppices in Wiltshire, 46.
Grofe, William. See Grove, William.
Grove (Grofe), William [? of Shaftesbury, co. Wilts], 42.
Grymes, Charles, 40.
Grymes, Lord [? James Graham, Lord Graham], later 5th Earl of Montrose, 243.
Grymes, Mr. See Graham, Sir Richard.
Guard, The King's, Earl of Salisbury's attempts to procure Captaincy of, 43(3), 45.
Guidott, Keilway, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, solicitor to the Earl of Salisbury, 439.
Guildford Park, co. Surrey, 430.
Guildhall, London, Weston's trial held in, 19.
Guise, Henri de Lorraine, Duc de, his portrait at Salisbury House, 251.
Guldford (Gulford), Sir Henry, of Hempsted, Benenden, co. Kent, his estate valued at £2000, 14.
Gunninge, John, Alderman of
Bristol and merchant,
ordered not to pay rent for
Forest of Dean to Commissioners of Exchequer, 373.
-, 393.
Gunpowder, Privy Council orders provision of shires with adequate supplies of, 291, 297.
Gunthorpe (Gonthrop), co. Notts, manor of, 163.
Gunvile. See Tarrant Gunville.
Gunville Park, West Walk, co. Wilts, 296.
Gussage St. Michael, co. Dorset, coppices within parish of, 140.
Gustavus Adolphus, King of
Sweden, Bohemian expectations from friendship of Elector Palatine with, 89.
-, to meet King of Bohemia and
German Protestant Union at
Nuremberg, 104.
-, States General disinclined to
treat with Spain without approval of, 259.
Gwyn (Gwynn), Owen, Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, Earl of Salisbury recommends Robert Carter as scholar to, 158.
Gwynn, Dr. See Gwyn, Owen.
Gwynne (Gwyn), William, auditor, 264, 265.