Cecil Papers: 1659

Pages 434-437

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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1659, July. Settlement made by the Earl of Salisbury upon the marriage of Algernon Cecil with Dorothy, daughter of Sandford Nevile. Besides the Earl of Salisbury, the parties concerned are Francis Nevile, Sandford Nevile his son, Humphrey Shalcrosse, Algernon Cecil and his wife, Francis Shalcrosse and Gervase Nevile, the younger son of Francis Nevile. The properties named in the settlement are those of Alterennys, in the parish of Walterston, co. Hereford, and two tenements within the parish of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, co. Middlesex.
3 deeds. (Deeds 135/2.)
1659, August 13. Warrant issued by the Commissioners for the Militia for the county of Hereford, whereby the petty constables of the parish of Walterston are directed to provide a list of all inhabitants possessing real estate of £10 and upwards or personal estate of £200, to be sent to the Commissioners "att the newe Markett House in the citty of Hereford". The same warrant also summons the Earl of Salisbury and John Delahay, charged with a dragoon horse, to pay 56/- for the maintenance of the horse and rider for one month, in respect of lands in Alterennys, co. Hereford. August 13, 1659.
At bottom: Receipt signed by Henry Delahay, dated 5 March 1659–60, to the Earl of Salisbury for the sum of £3:8:0, for his moiety of a militia horse.
1 p. (Legal 101/9.)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1659, September 11. "Beeing by the providence of God braught uppon my deathes bead, I have noe other way, seeing I am at this distance, to make my requestes knoen to your Lordshipp. First, I desier my duty to my mother, and my last farwell to all my relations and acquaintencess. Next, my request is that your Lordshipp will have a care of my poore children, who for aught I know hath noe mother soe well as noe ffather. In the next place, that I may leave this worlde for a better with joy and the least scrupple of contions, that your Lordshipp will take care and presentt order to pay all debts what soever, where it doth appeere I have receved any bodys mony or any ones commoditys, that thay may bee sattisfied to the full. I have only one more, which is to commend my sarvant Sebrough to your Lordshipps consideration, haveing bine this tenn yeares and more and never receved but one fiftine pounds in all this time of his beeing with mee: now all his hopes beeing lost by my death, who cartainly should have recompenced him to the full when it had plesed God to have put it in my power. That failling, tis my last request to your Lordshipp that you will supply my intentions, not only to pay him all that appeeres justly due, but to give him such other recompence as his faithfullness and paines att all times hath desarved tords mee, and espechally now in this my extremytie of sickness. I pray God to bless your Lordshipp and my mother, wishing you all happiness in this worlde and in the worlde to com, and as I have all wayes bine soe all soe I dey, your obedientt sonn."
Signed: C. Cranborn. At bottom: "Signed in the Preasenss of Rich. Sebrough and [? Saneavy] the 11th day of Sept, 1659." 1 p. (200. 25.)
Death Certificate of Viscount Cranborne.
1659, Septembre 14. "Nous Richer de Belleval, Conseiller du Roy et Chancellier en l'Université de Medicine de la ville de Montpeller; Pierre de Saillens, Doyen de la Faculté des Medecins de Montpeller; Phylippe Benezet, maistre chyrurgien juré et l'un des quatre majeurs; et Henri Verchand, maistre appotre juré de laid. ville: Certiffions comme ayant esté appellés le vingt et quatrieme doust dernier pour visitter et haitter Monsieur le Visconte de Cranbourne, Anglois, l'avoir trouvé gisant dans son lit travaille d'une double fiebure maligne continue et intermittente que nous appellons fiebure hoemitsitée accompagnée de plusieurs et grands symptomes tels que sont le fleux de ventre continuel et bilieux, soif et alteration inestinguible, longues veilles et importunes, avec legeres reveries et frissons le surprenant en divers jours et diverses heures. Et finalement d'une grande tumeur au derrier de l'oreille gauche dure et dolente accompagnée d'une autre tumeur luy couvrant le joue et l'oeul du mesme costé. Pour la guerison de laquelle maladie et soulagement de tous les susd. symptomes appres luy avoir ordonné en plusieurs et diverses consultes a la presence et assistence de plusieurs Docteurs en Medicine de la mesme faculté soubsignés, non seulement le regime de vivre mais aussi tous les remedes necessaires tant pharmaceutiques que chyrurgicaux que l'art nous pouvoit fournir tant internes que externes. Nous avons recogneu la plus part de tous les susd. symptomes presque entierement appaisés sauf la tumeur ou parotide de l'oreille gauche qui appareut le diseseptieme de sa maladie jour fort considerable et indicatoire du vingtieme suivant, nous faisant esperer que le vingtieme luy seroit favorable comme critique, la nature particulierement aydée des remedes tant internes qu'externes, tant resolutifs que suppuratifs, pour parvenir par ceste voye a la fin de la resolution ou suppuration qui devoit estre la parfaitte guerison. Mais la grandeur de la maladie forte et rebelle aux remedes surmontant la vertu des remedes et medicaments n'ayant peu resister et gaigner le dessus, a succombé soubs la grandeur de la maladie estant decedé a l'entrée du vingtenieme d'icelle par les regres et retrocession de la matiere maligne jusques dans le gosier et poitrine qui luy a causé enfin la mort par voye de suffocation. Et parce que ce dessus contient verité nous avons souscript ceste presante relation de nos seings manuels et ordinaires. A Montpeller ce quatorzieme Septembre mille six cents cinquent et neufs."
Signed: Belleval, Chancellier et Juge de l'Université; Saillens, Doyen de Medecine; Benezet, Jure; Burnet, Docteur en Medecine, Escossois; Werchand, maistre appotre juré; Tomaredess, Docteur de Medecine; Carnegy, Escossois, Docteur en Medecine. 2 pp. (200. 26.)
1659, September 29 to 1660, September 29. Household expenses, etc, in the hand of Samuel Perceval. Inter alia:
For the loan of two damaske beds when the King was att Hatfeild. 15 0 0
To the Sunn Musicke for their attendance then by agreement. 25 0 0
To ffowre Treumpeters to sounde up the Kings meate then. 4 0 0
64 pp. (Box M/10.)
Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
1659, September 30. "Your Lordship is to prudent to neede consolation from any upon the death of friends, and I the most unable to administer any thing of that kinde unto you. Therefore all that I shall offer by this messenger is my haveing a very deepe sence for your losse of so neere a relation. I shall both wishe and hope that it may in some measure be supplyed by the posteritie he hath left, and that your Lordship may long live to receive much comfort from them."—Sept. 30, 1659.
Holograph. 2 pp. (200. 27.)
1659, October to 1660, October. Household expenses, etc, compiled by George Evans. Inter alia:
October 12 Paid my Lords goeing by water several times to the Parliament. 0 8 0
October 15 Paid a messinger that went on purpose with a horse to London for all the mourning for my Lord Cranborn. 0 7 0
April 20 For applying leeches to my Lords feete. 0 5 0
Paid Mr Moody, writing Mr, for 3 months teaching the Lord Cranborns children. (fn. 1) 3 7 2
June 8 Oyle of amber for my Lords eares and oyntment for his feete. 0 4 6
June 13 Given the ringers at Hatfeild when the King was proclaimed by my Lords command. 0 10 0
July 12 Paid for his Lordships goeing into the [bowling] greene at Marabone, and given the greene keeper. 0 2 0
August 24 Paid when the King was at Hatfeild. 0 9 0
62 pp. (Box M/8)
Short Notes of Civill Conversation.
[? Interregnum].—"To deceive mens expectations generallye which (Cautile) argueth a stayd minde and unexpected constancie (viz) in matters of feare, anger, suddaine joye or greife, all thinges which maye effecte or alter ye minde in publique, or suddaine accidentes and such like. It is necessarie to use a steadfast countenance not waveringe with action, as in moovinge ye head or handes too busilye, which sheweth a fantasticall lighte and fickle operation of the spirrittes and consequently such a mind; onely it shalbe sufficient with leisure to use a modest action in either. In all kinde of speeches, either pleasant or grave, severe or ordinarie, it is convenient to speake leasurely and rather drawingly then hastely, because this laste confoundeth ye memorie: and oft times besides unseemlynes driveth a man either to a (non plus) or uncomely ratlinge in the throate, his voice harpinge upon that which should followe, whereas that other kinde of speeche confirmeth ye memorie, addeth a conceite of wisedome to the hearers besides a seeemlynes of speeche and alsoe a countenance.
I thinke bashfullnes a greate hinderer to a mans conceipte both for utteringe what hee conceiveth and understandinge what is propounded unto him: for remedye whereof it is moste meete to presse himselfe forward in discretion both in speeche and companie, of the better sorte I meane, such whose companie for countenance and extraordinarie wisedome maye moove bashfullnes, as for an example:
Usus promptus facit
Unsigned, but in a 17th century hand. 1⅓ pp. (242. 23.)


  • 1. These were Edward, Henry and Penelope Cecil.