Cecil Papers: 1639

Pages 299-307

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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The King to the Earl of Salisbury.
1638–39, February 18. The great and considerable forces lately raised in Scotland without order or warrant from us by the instigation of some factious particular persons ill affected to monarchical government, who seek to cloak their too apparent rebellious designs under pretence of religion (albeit we have often given them there good assurance of our resolution constantly to maintain the religion established by the laws of that kingdom) have moved us to take into our royal care to provide for the safety of this our kingdom of England, which is (by the tumultuous proceedings of those factious spirits) in apparent danger to be invaded. Wherefore upon serious debate with our Privy Council we have resolved to repair in person to the northern parts of this kingdom with a royal army. And this being for defence of this kingdom unto which all our good subjects are obliged, we have appointed a select number of foot to be presently taken out of our trained bands and brought to York, or such other rendezvous as the General of our army shall appoint, there to attend our person and standard. We require that you cause to be selected out of the trained bands in co. Herts. five hundred of the most able men, which with their arms complete you are to cause to be put in readiness and weekly exercised so as they may be ready to march towards their rendezvous (whither they are to be brought at the charge of that county) as soon as you or your deputy lieutenants shall receive order from the General of our army. But where any trained soldier desirous to stay at home shall offer another to serve with his arms in his place, we leave it to you or your deputy lieutenants to entertain and list the person offered by such trained man, so he be able and not otherwise. And where you shall find any belonging to the trained bands unable or unfit to be sent in the employment, cause some other sufficient man of that county, fitter to be spared, to be impressed and armed at the charge of the party so excused and listed to serve in his room. The conducting the five hundred to their rendezvous is to be performed by such persons fit for conduct as you shall appoint, who are to deliver the soldiers over upon muster to such persons as the General shall appoint. As soon as they are delivered over, they are to enter into our pay and so continue during the service. It is left to you and your deputies to give strict order to those that bring them to the rendezvous to take effectual care so to order them in their march, that they do not take anything but what they pay for nor commit any disorders in the way. We require you to give order that all the soldiers be provided with knapsacks, at the charge of that county, for the carriage of small provisions of victuals for their better accommodation in their journey. And our will likewise is that you cause to be selected out of the troop of horse in that county forty horse which with their horsemen completely armed are to be put in readiness and weekly exercised, so as they may be in good equipage and ready to march with the aforesaid foot to their rendezvous. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, 18 February in the fourteenth year of our reign.
Underwritten: Rec[eived] and copied by Sir Thomas Dacres and sent to Sir Richard Lucie, Febr. 24.
Sent the same day by Sir Richard Lucy to Sir John Boteler, Kt. of the Bath.
Sent the next day by Sir Jo. Boteler to Thomas Coningesbye, Esq, Feb. 25.
Sent the same day by Mr Coningsbey to my Lord Colerane, and by my Lord Colerane to my Lord Carerey (sic), Febr. 25.
Returned back to me the same day and sent to Sir Edward Alford, Kt.
Each of the above is in a different hand.
Sign manual. 3 pp. (131. 58.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1638–39, March 15. By his Majesty's letters sent herewith you shall understand his pleasure for levying one hundred and ten footmen in that county for the necessary defence of the realm. We therefore require your Lordship that above all things there be an especial care had in the choice of the men, that they be of able body and of years convenient for this employment and well clothed; and if an officer shall come unto you authorized for that purpose we pray you to hearken to him in this business, but none of the said men are to be taken out of the trained bands, which you are still to keep entire until further directions, and in the mean time to have so many of them exercised and in readiness as by former letters from his Majesty you are appointed. Care is likewise to be taken and express order given that the men so levied to be by their conductors brought from the place of their levying unto the town of Selby upon Ouse near York, there to be delivered unto officers appointed to receive them by the first of April next if possibly may be, but not to fail to be there the fifteenth of that month.
And for that in respect of the diversity of their several habitations it will be uncertain what conduct money will suffice for them, we think fit that they be allowed eight pence per diem sterling from the time they be delivered to the conductors under whose leading they are to march by reasonable journeys to their rendezvous, which we expect shall not be under 15 miles a day. And we require you to make choice of able conductors and make them a reasonable allowance according to the precedent of former times having a regard to the number of men they are to conduct, and to enable them with some assistance to keep their men from straggling and pilfering of the country as they go or from running from their colours. And you are to take care that they be commodiously provided of coats, all which money (to be employed for the coats and the conducting of the soldiers and pay of the conductors until they arrive at the rendezvous and the soldiers be delivered over to the officers appointed to receive them, when they are to enter into his Majesty's pay) you are to take order is disbursed to them and levied in the country according to the precedent of former times upon other less occasion of service, and the country is to be repaid the same, upon account thereof made, out of his Majesty's Exchequer in such manner as in former times. And we require you that at the delivery of the men to the conductors, the numbers and qualities of the persons be received by indenture between the conductors and such as have charge by your commandment to see the men delivered, whereof one duplicate is to be sent to the Board, to the end there may be an account given when required. Lastly, we require the justices of peace and other officers in their several divisions to be aiding and assisting to your Lordship and your deputy lieutenants in the performance of all these services as they are directed by his Majesty's letters of lieutenancy to you under the Great Seal, and as the practice has been in former times; whereof they are to take notice upon your imparting these letters unto them.—From Whitehall, 15 March, 1638.
Thirteen signatures. Endorsed by the Deputy-Lieutenants as having been received by them in turn. 3 pp. (131. 60.)
The King to the Earl of Salisbury.
1638–39, March 18. Whereas under the pretence of religion divers disorders and tumults have been raised in Scotland and fomented by factious spirits there, whose chief aim is not only to shake off monarchical government and our regal power justly descended upon us over them, but in all likelihood to invade this our kingdom as by their hostile preparations against us is apparent, which with other important considerations is by our Proclamation and declaration lately set forth more amply manifested to all our loving subjects: We, being therefore constrained to arm our self, not only to reclaim them and to set our kingly authority right again in that our ancient and native kingdom, but also to provide for the safety of this our kingdom and our loyal subjects in it with their wives, children and goods, as well as our own, against the rage and fury of those men and their conspiracy, have with the advice of our Privy Council thought fit, and do by these present require you, to cause one hundred and ten able men for the wars to be levied in our county of Hertford under your lieutenancy, and to observe in the choice and ordering of them such directions as you shall herewith receive from the Privy Council: which service we expect you cause to be performed with such care and diligence as the importance of the occasion for which these forces are to be levied doth require.—Palace of Westminster, 18 March, 14 Car. 1.
Underwritten: Received and delivered to Sir Ri. Lucy the 20th of March by Sir Jo. Boteler.
Received by [me] the 21 of March, Richard Lucy.
Received the 21 of March and sent on 22nd of March in the morning to Mr Connisbee, Esq, Thomas Dacres.
Received the 22 of March and sent to my Lord Coleraine the same day. Thomas Coningesbye.
Received the 22 of March and sent the same day to Sir Edward Alford. H. Coleraine.
Received the 22 of March from the Lord Coleraine by me. Ed. Alford.
Sign manual and signet. 1 p. (131. 62.)
The Deputy-Lieutenants of co. Herts. to the Earl of Salisbury.
1639, March 26. In care of our duties to his Majesty's service and the honour of your trust of it to us, we are bold to present to your Lordship what course we think in our levies for the trained soldiers may make it most equal and contentful to the country if they be called to his Majesty's army in the North; that if it be approved by you we may by your intercession, whilst you are here, obtain authority for it, or, if not, from your wisdom receive such other direction as shall make us the more perfect in the execution of those commands when they are required. The way that we conceive is, by making the whole work, as it is county service, a county charge by a levy through the whole county as well for arms and horse as for pay and conduct; or those that shall be employed will, we fear, too murmurously at the least complain of the spare of their fellows. And we fear men will hereafter more unwillingly enter into the trained bands, if besides their great and ordinary charges in them they be solely to undergo these extraordinary charges when they are really put to service.—Hatfield, 26 March, 1639.
Five signatures. Endorsed: "About the levy of one hundred and ten men. For York." 1 p. (131. 71.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1639, April 30. However we cannot conceive that you will omit a service so much importing the safety and defence of the realm, especially in these times of action, yet we have thought good according to our usual manner yearly to pray you to cause a general muster and view to be taken this summer, at such time as you think fittest, of all the arms and trained bands both horse and foot within that county; and for your proceedings therein we refer you to the directions of our former letters, expecting you to return a perfect muster roll and certificate thereof before the end of Michaelmas term next. And whereas by our letters of 24 March, 1636[–37] and of the last of June, 1638, we did require the muster rolls and certificates concerning musters to be returned to Mr Meautis, Clerk of the Council and Muster-Master General, we have now upon good considerations thought fit to recall that direction, and to require that from henceforth all such certificates and muster rolls be sent immediately unto the Board. Lastly, besides what is by these our letters required, you are to see that the late commands and services directed by letters from his Majesty and this Board be duly executed in every particular.— Whitehall, the last of April, 1639.
Ten signatures. 12/3 pp. (131. 72.)
His Majesty's Declaration to the Scottish Deputies with the articles agreed on.
1639, June 17.
Endorsed: "His Majesty's First Declaration, 1639." 3 pp. (131. 75.)
[Printed in Rushworth's Collections, II, 944. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1638–38, pp. 313–15, 322, 323.]
Draft of the above without the articles.
Subscribed: "Delivered to the Scottish Commissioners, June 15 (sic) 1639." 2½ pp. (131. 73.)
Algernon, Earl of Northumberland to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[1639] June 29. I esteem it as an argument of your favour that in this time of sadness you are pleased to take notice of my respects, which are far short of your deservings or what my desire is to pay unto your Lordship. It would appear a high presumption in me to go about to counsel those whose course of life may daily afford me patterns to imitate; I will therefore only say this, that I know your goodness to be such that for the advantage of those you love you will be contented to suffer, wherefore I beseech you not to grieve too much for the want of your dear child who is much happier in the other world than this world could ever make her. Long may you live to enjoy all those other blessings which God has given you and to bear with patience and resolution this great loss. You will by these new "gesse" (sic) see some alteration in the King's return, which will hasten my attendance on you a few days.
On Friday last the Parliament ended with much contentment to the King, for in the conclusion all things passed there which were by him propounded, though those acts that concerned the government of the church met with some opposition. The Earl of Rothes was the first that appeared in it, and when it came to pass gave a discreet and stout negative unto it. Many followed his example, but the greater number of voices carried it as the King desired. This last week my Lord of Newcastle went home, much to the amazement of all this Court, pretending that his wife being near her time had sent a post for him. My Lord Chamberlain about ten days hence intends to leave the King and to begin his journey towards London; by him I shall take another occasion to present my service to you. "Your lordships affectionate son and humble servant, A. Northumberland."—Edinburg, 29 June.
Holograph. Addressed: "For your lordship." 1½ pp. (131. 185.)
Charles I's Treaty with the Scots.
1639, June. "Some conditions of his Majesty's Treaty with his subjects of Scotland before the English Nobility, and are here set down for remembrance." Also, "The Army's Declaration concerning their acceptance of the King's Majesty's answer."
Endorsed: "June, 1639. Memorials of his Majesty's treaty with his Scotch subjects." 3 pp. (131. 78.)
[Printed in Peterkin's Records of the Kirk of Scotland, p. 230; and Stevenson's History of the Church and State of Scotland, II, 745. See also Cal. S.P. Dom., 1638–39, p. 360.]
Scottish Declaration against Episcopacy.
1639, July 1. "The Protestation of the Scottish Covenanter made at Edinburgh when the indiction of summons of the General Assembly was there proclaimed."
Endorsed: "The Scots' declaration against Bishops and Archbishops." 4 pp. (131. 80.)
[Printed in Peterkin's Records of the Kirk of Scotland, p. 231. See also Cal. S.P. Dom., 1638–39, p. 362.]
1639, September 29, to 1640, September 29. Inter alia:
For George ribban for his Lordship xiil xiis
For their (William and Algernon Cecil) teaching and boarding att Westminster Schoole for one yeare. 93l 1s 10d
Paid for expenses (John Thornhill's) when he went into Kent to meet Mr Robert Cecill and Mr Phillip Cecyll comeing out of Ffraunce (January 1640). xls
(Accounts 37/1.)
John Woods to Arthur Capell.
1639, December 25. "Your servant Patrick Cox tould me from you that if I had occasion to give any vennyson to any ffreinds in the Southe, that you will bee pleased to dispose it according to my request, for which I humbly thanke you. But I have a few ffee deere belongeinge to my verderorshipp and am beholdeinge to some other ffreinds for soe much vennyson as I desire; but if you wilbee soe noble as to intymate in writeinge your pleasure to your tennants aboute Gresley and Selston, to fetch me some coales in sumer from the pitts very neare them, and to bringe them to my howse at Woodborow, it wilbee a favour done to mee by you, and an argument unto them of your respect of mee. I will pay for the coales at the pitts and will grattifie them to theyre lykeinge. They may bee at my howse by nine of the clocke in the morneinge and at home againe by three. I have beene beholdeinge to neighboures aboute mee in this kinde above these fforty yeares and cann bee still; yet I desire that your tennants there may take notice that herein I am also beholdeinge to you, and I will bee ready to requite them wherein I may."—Woodborow, the five and twentieth day of December, 1639.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mr John Woods letter dated the 25 of December 1639." 1 p. (200. 116.)
"The Covenant taken in Scotland"
[1639]. I do with all my heart acknowledge the confession of faith sworn and subscribed 1580–81, and swear to the reformed religion as it was then professed in this Church of Scotland both in doctrine and discipline; and as touching any novations since introduced either in the worship of God or government of the Church, as they have been by the late Assembly indicted by the King's Majesty and holden at Glasgow in November 1638, declared to be abjured by the aforesaid confession, and that they ought to be removed out of this Church, so I acknowledge the determination of the said Assembly therein, promising and swearing by the great name of the Lord my God, and under all the pains contained in the law, that I shall with all my power assist and concur in this cause of defending religion, the laws and liberties of the Church and kingdom, and that I shall use all the means I can for promoting the same. In verification thereof I have subscribed with my hand.
½ p. (131. 77.)
Daniel Marrett.
1639–40, January 6/16, N.S. Order made by Mon. Lebailly de St Germains for the release of certain clothes, etc, seized, belonging to "Daniel Marais, (fn. 1) gouverneur de Cicile seigneurs anglais", in view of his having deposited certain moneys in the hands of his host, being the sums for which the seizure was made.— 16 January, 1640.
French. ½ p. (Legal 88/1.)
Mr Cecill and Mr Buchanan.
[1639–40, January]. "Mr Cecill sent Mr Buchanan (a Scotch gentleman living with two of the Duke of Lenox brother) to the Lord Ambassador (fn. 2) to tell him that hee desired to know what satisfaction the Lord Ambassador would require of him, and that hee had bin twice at the said Lord Ambassadors house to speeke with him, but could not. The Lord Ambassador answered that he had indeed heard of Mr Cecills being at his gate once and was gone away againe before hee (the said Lord Ambassador) knew any thing of his being there: that the second time he did know of Mr Cecills being in his house, but would not speake with him untill he, the Ambassador, might know the occasion of his coming, in regard that Mr Cecill had so ill behaved himselfe when he was there before; and as for the satisfaction required hee, the Lord Ambassador, had signified it to Mr Cecill by Mr Marret(?), nevertheless hee repeated it againe to Mr Buchanan, who went back with this answere to Mr Cecill. Some daies after this Mr Buchanan came againe to the Lord Ambassador, and shewed him a paper to which hee said Mr Cecill would sett his hand, if so bee that the Lord Ambassador would accept it. The Lord Ambassador having seene it was contented, having no desire to exact more of Mr Cecill then was reasonable and honourable. The next day Mr Buchanan brought the paper signed by Mr Cecill and delivered it to the Lord Ambassador, saying withall that Mr Cecill did acknowledge that hee had done a misse, and was sory for it. So upon Monday, 6 Jan., Mr Cecill and Mr Buchanan came to the Lord Ambassador, who having the paper in his hand asked Mr Cecill if hee did avow that which Mr Buchanan had given unto him (the Lord Ambassador signed by him Mr Cecill), to which Mr Cecill answered, yes he did avow it; then the Lord Ambassador said hee was satisfied. The paper contained this: Mr Cecill hath desired Mr Buchanan to see my Lord Ambassador from him and to tell my Lord hee is ready to wait upon his Lordship before hee goe away, to assure my Lord of his service, with acknowledgment of the favours and courtesies hee hath received of his Lordship since his Lordships being here Ambassador for the King. And for what may concerne the King in this last occurence Mr Cecill after earnest protestation that hee never had the least intention to doe or say any thing that might tend to any disrespect unto the King or to his service in any kind; as for what hath bin a misse in those occurrences, hee desires his Matie to forgive him. And for what may concerne my Lord Ambassador himselfe, hee desires my Lord to forgett it and to hold him his Lordships humble servant. Robert Cecill.
Presently after, the Lord Ambassador called for Mr Terrell and told Mr Cecill that if Mr Terrell had spoken any words which had offended him, hee, Mr Terrell, was sory for it. So having given each other some words of civility, they embraced in the presence of the Lord Ambassador and promised to bee freindes. This being passed Mr Cecill tooke his leave of the Lord Ambassador, who did promise Mr Cecill to send unto Mr de St. Luke that the guard might bee taken from Mr Cecill, that hee might goe freely into England, which was done accordinglie, for the same day the guard was taken away and the next day Mr Cecill began his journey towards England, and a day or two after, that is on the 9 Jan., the Lord Ambassador received order from Mr Secretary Windebanck to send both Mr Cecill and Mr Terrell into England, but they having bin made freindes and the one being already gone, it was not thought necessary to send the other without further order." (fn. 3)Undated. Unsigned. 2½ pp. (200. 161.)


  • 1. Daniel Marrett was travelling in France with Robert and Philip Cecil between October 1638 and January 1640.
  • 2. Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester.
  • 3. For a full account of this incident see S.P. France, Vol. 109, no. 44. January 1640.