Cecil Papers: January-June 1620

Pages 115-119

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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January-June 1620

Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619–20, January 6. I am in great longing to hear how my little Lord of Cranborne doth now since his last fit. If he be well and perfectly recovered, I beseech your Lordship make me partaker of your comfort. This letter is to no other end. I understand you are gone to Audley End, and I am this afternoon bound for London; but because I cannot well reach Bishops Stortford this night setting forth so late from hence, I go the way of Barkway and have appointed this bearer to meet me tomorrow morning at Hoddesdon. I commend my service unto you and to my Lord of Suffolk.—Newmarket, 6 January, 1619.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (129. 148.)
Recognizances for Good Behaviour.
1619–20, February 21. Warrant by James 1, addressed to Sir — Houghton, "of the judges of our Bench", and Sir Randolph Crewe, Serjeant-at-law, Justices of Assize for the counties of Kent, etc. Describes certain abuses which have grown up in connection with recognizances for good behaviour; and orders that none but good sureties be taken, and that the Justices presume not either to detain the same uncertified, or to release any persons from the same for any cause whatever before the general assizes or sessons.—Palace of Westminster, 21 February, 17 Jac.
Contemporary copy. 3 pp. (213. 56.)
Sir Thomas Holcroft (fn. 1) to [? the Privy Council].
[Before 26 February, 1619–20]. Within the realm of England and other places without the realm every ream of paper amounting to 20 quires ought to contain 500 sheets of paper perfect, and every quire 25 sheets. But by default of the papermakers most papers have but 24 sheets, and many quires but 23 and 22 sheets, especially papers of all sorts and scantling which now come from Rochell, where the paper was usually searched, perfected and sealed, until of late by occasion of the wars with France no man looking to the search there, they make up the reams of all scantlings; the most part wanting two, three and four sheets in a quire, besides the great store of broken paper. Prays that he or his deputy may have authority for 20 years to open, make perfect and seal all sorts of paper made within the land and without, and to receive one penny from the merchants or sellers of paper for every ream sealed, in lieu whereof he will answer during that term 50l into the Exchequer.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Reasons why every ream of paper should be searched, perfected and sealed." 2 pp. (197. 11.)
Balliol College.
1620, April 20. Terms of a gift by Dame Elizabeth Peryam, of Greneland, co. Bucks, of a farm called Burrowe in Hambledon, now held in trust by her brothers, Sir Nicholas Bacon and Sir Nathaniel Bacon. She directs them to convey the property, "to the maister, ffellowes and scollers of Bayllioll Colledge in the universitie of Oxon. by whatsoever name of incorporation the said Colledge standeth incorporated, for the perpetuall sustentation and maynetenance of one fellow and two schollers of my erection in the said Colledge, and the doinge of other things in some such sorte as betwene the said Colledge and me hath ben alredye treated of and in part agreed." The twenteth daye of Aprill, 1620.
Holograph. Signed in the presence of witnesses: four signatures. ¾ p. (Legal 54/6.)
The Enclosure.
A memorandum concerning the above gift of land which was made in the form of covenants enrolled on January 26, 1620–1, "and the covenants are themselves remayninge amongest the evidences of the scoole of the said Dame Peryams at Henley uppon Themes in the countie of Oxon. God ever assist with his blessings those her good actions donne manye years before she dyed and maynetayned by her diverse years during her lyfe." —Undated.
½ p. (Legal 54/6a.)
Rectory of Starston.
1620, May 13. Writ of mandamus to Robert Redmayne. George Ray, clerk, farmer of the rectory of Starston, co. Norfolk, impleaded James Aldus and Ellis Marton for non-payment of tithes of wheat on five acres of land within the said parish. The said James and Ellis, to hinder the hearing of the cause in the ecclesiastical Court, alleged a contract between one Thomas Sayer of Pulham, and the said George Ray in respect of a close called Buttons Close in Starston containing 24 acres, that the said Thomas should pay yearly on Lammas Day to the said rector 11s in lieu of all tithes, which close was afterwards demised to the said James Aldus and by him to the said Ellis Marton. Whereupon a writ of prohibition was granted to the said James and Ellis. Now the aforesaid writ is cancelled, and the hearing of the cause in court Christian is to proceed.—Dated at Westminster, 13th May, in the 18th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 21.)
1620, May 13. Duplicate of the foregoing writ of mandamus.
1 m. (221. 22.)
Baron Achatus de Dona to the Lord Lieutenant, Sheriff and Others of Hertfordshire.
1620, May 31. I need not remonstrate unto you the state of the affairs of the King of Bohemia, my master, for the fame thereof is so public and your affections so good to the welfare of your Sovereign's children that you cannot be ignorant thereof. Insomuch as I doubt not you are partakers of the general joy for those manifold blessings which God hath been pleased every day more and more to confer upon them, and will not exempt yourselves out of the number of those who, in their zeal to the service of the blood royal, do jointly contribute to the assistance thereof. The reasons are apparent and the means offer themselves to our wishes if it please you to lay hold of them, whereunto I know you are all well addicted. I have amongst other things received charge from the King, my master, to desire the Lord Mayor and the Aldermen of the city of London that, in consideration of the present necessity of the affairs of my master, it would please them to furnish him with the loan of a good sum of money. I find that they are very well disposed that way, yet so as if they desired to leave a place open for you and others the well affectioned of this kingdom to come in and concur with them in so good a work. And for example divers, together with those of the city, have already begun to enter the lists, namely the clergy and many of the nobility and others, yea some of the principal lords make no difficulty to embark themselves therein; and therefore I hope you will not be the last. That which I so earnestly entreat is on the behalf of my master and of his Queen, the only daughter of the King your Sovereign, the most glorious mother and fruitful nursery of the royal plants, the only consideration whereof, and of those heavenly blessings which so clearly appear in her, will incite you to this holy enterprise; and on the contrary, I assure myself the adverse practices or suggestions of others will no ways hinder you, especially when the examples of so remarkable persons of the kingdom and of some of the shires already encourage you; as also the entire affection of his Majesty himself whereof there can be no doubt; it being unlikely his Majesty will not consent to that which is for the good of his blood and issue. I cannot therefore but hope well of the real effects of this overture unto you, being for the assistance of those whom I assure myself you would not willingly frustrate of the hope nor of the good opinion which they have of your affections, but that you will rather oblige them by your present and worthy resolutions herein, whereof I promise you a grateful acknowledgment under the hands of the King and Queen of Bohemia, which shall also assure you of the right employment of your favours in their occasions. I will entreat you to communicate this to all parts of your country as you shall judge it most proper for the advancement of so good a work.—Westminster, this last of May, 1620.
Signed. Seal, broken. 2 pp. (129. 176.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury, Lieutenant of co. Herts.
1620, May 31. Ordering a general muster for Hertfordshire and the supply of defects.—Whitehall, 31 May, 1620.
Signed: G. Cant; Fr. Verulam, Canc.; Pembroke; T. Arundell; Lenox; J. Digbye; T. Edmondes; Robert Naunton; Geo. Calvert; Edw. Coke; Lionell Cranfeilde; Fulke Grevyll; C. Edmondes. 2 pp. (196. 74.)
1620, June 15. A list of certain articles of furniture at Hatfield. It includes, "20 picktures"; "8 pictures of the labors of Herkules"; "1 picture of your Lordships grandmother."
1½ pp. (Box A/17.)
The Countess of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1620, June 25. "I having some espetiall use for some venison, but our deere hereabouts are so backwards as yet that theye are not fitt to be spent, I am therefore bolde to request the courtesy of your Lordship to bestowe a bucke of this season on me."— Ffrom Burghley this 25th of June, 1620.
Holograph. Imperfect. Seal. ½ p. (200. 168.)
The Bohemian Ambassador and Sir Edward Cecil.
1620, June 25. The speech that passed between the Bohemian Ambassador and Sir Edward Cecil, the Ambassador coming to visit him at his house the 25 of June, 1620.
The Ambassador told me that, hearing I was to go out of England, he came to wish me a good journey.
I answered that I did much wonder to see him take the pains to come to my house, the world taking notice what disgrace he had cast upon me, and myself finding that when I expected well for the divers times of my service in person to the King and the Queen of Bohemia, with my own danger and the loss of my wife, I had at his hand received wrong.
He asked me, in what?
I said, in this; that notwithstanding my former service, and that I was nominated by his Majesty for the present employment, and that the world took notice of it, and he in particular, yet he would never declare himself till I was so far engaged as he knew it might prove a dishonour to me, and then did nominate one who never had done the King of Bohemia service, though he confessed (besides) he had no instruction for it. This, I told him, I took for a disgrace that he did purposely mean unto me, and I could not but be sensible of it.
His answer was he thought it no disgrace to me to choose another, the rather because he supposed the command was so small as I would not have accepted of it.
I returned him this, that it was not the choice that troubled me, but the fashion of his proceeding, when having been so often with him, and having directly expressed my affection to his Majesty's service, he would not deal clearly with me, nor show himself against me, till he saw me engaged to the uttermost by my Lord Admiral's promise. But considering him as an Ambassador (I told him) I would say no more, hoping he should not always be an Ambassador, and then (I would make no doubt) with the Baron of Dona I might meet and come to speak of the business upon more equal terms in some indifferent place.
He said he hoped I would not threaten him.
I replied, he mistook me; I did not threaten him; for when he should be no Ambassador (I thought), it would be no strange thing to any man to hear that I did treat with him upon equal terms. But for Ambassadors, what did belong unto them I was not ignorant of; and as the King of Bohemia's Ambassador I would give him all respect. Whereupon I waited on him down to his coach, and so left him, without any wrong (in my opinion) either to him or myself.
Signed: Ed: Cecyll. Endorsed: "What passed betwixt Baron Dona and Sir Edward Cecil." 2½ pp. (130. 1.)


  • 1. Sir Thomas Holcroft is reported on 26 February, 1619–20, to have met with a fatal accident (Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–20, p. 125.)