Index: N, O

Pages 389-393

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Nagy Kallo (Calo) [Hungary]
-, captured by Haiducs, 303

Naples (Napolis) [Italy]
-, naval expedition against Algiers collects provisions at, 63
-, foot and horse levied in kingdom of, 72, 122, 123
-, Sir Anthony Shirley discredited at, 189
-, 218
-, Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell paid with money out of, 221

Naples, Viceroy of. See Benavente, Conde de; Lemos, Conde de

Nassau, Count Adolph of
-, killed at the Battle of Rheinberg, 268

Nassau, Count John of
-, to command the forces of the Elector Palatine, 125

Nassau, Maurice of, Prince of Orange
-, conversation with Spinola, 29
-, his doubts about peace, 172
-, 274

Nassau, Philip William of, Prince of Orange
-, changes his attire at Brussels to avoid charge of being Francophile, 245

Natolia. See Anatolia

Navan, co. Meath, Ireland
-, lease of Abbey of, 121

Navy, The
-, Lord Admiral reports on the state of the stores of, 241

-, shipped by English factor to Malaga from Senegal, 112

Neile, Richard, Dean of Westminster
-, Willis wishes to consult, 118
-, 137
-, Bishop Elect of Rochester, 226
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 226
-, 260

Netherham(pton), co. Wilts
-, letter dated from, 117

Neufville, Rolland de, Bishop of Léon
-, receives William Dutton into Catholic Church, 25

Neuschloss (Nieuschloss) [Hessen, Germany]
-, Elector Palatine to hold musters at, 146, 158

Neuss (Nuys) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Rhine causes damage at, 71

Neville, Sir Henry, courtier and Keeper of the Game at Windsor
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 1, 2
-, King to hunt in his "walks", 205

Neville (Nevile), Thomas, J.P. for Kent
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Newark (Nuarke), co. Notts
-, letter dated from, 151
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland
-, treasonable speeches at, 176
-, letter dated from, 231
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269
-, King's creditors receive as surety rents paid by farmers of coal of, 295
-, postmaster at. See Carve, John
-, examiner in port of. See Saunderson, Henry

Newcomb, William, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Newcomen, Sir Robert, Victualler of the King's forces in Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 303
-, requests renewal of his contract and office, 303

-, Biscayans forbidden to sail to, 78
-, ships engaged on fishing voyage to, 284

Newhall, co. Suffolk
-, reversion of manor of, 122

Newman, John, a tanner
-, attempts to ship hides from Faversham, 217

Newmarket, co. Cambridge
-, King goes to, 76
-, 79, 137, 253, 287
-, letters dated from, 82, 86, 88, 89(2), 98, 102, 121, 260
-, complaint from tenant of King's lodging at, 96
-, King gallops to Royston from, 281

Newport Pagnell (Nupoort Pagnell), co. Bucks
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Newton, co. Lancs
-, 30

Newton, Adam, tutor to Prince Henry
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 274
-, his pension, 306

New Quay (Newekey), a harbour for ships at Chester
-, 292

Neyen (Noyen), Jean, Friar and General of the Cordeliers, one of the Archduke's Commissioners for treaty negotiations with the United Provinces
-, nominated to treat with Dutch, 3, 19
-, Ogle's opinion of, 29
-, to be sent to Spain on matters affecting peace negotiations, 103, 118
-, complains of Dutch terms of peace, 118
-, criticised in Spain, 122
-, 144, 153, 163, 166(2), 172(2), 215
-, at the Spanish Court, 169, 183
-, confident of peace, 177, 186
-, meets Cornwallis, 202
-, still under suspicion in Spain, 202
-, his views on Anglo-Dutch league, 207, 208
-, goes to Lerma, 208
-, reported to have copies of James I's letters to Holland and Zeeland, 219
-, returns to Brussels, 277

Nicolas, Duke of Orleans, 2nd son of Henry IV of France
-, his contract of marriage with Marie de Bourbon, 28
-, 123

Nichols, Sergeant. See Nicolls, Augustine

Nicolls, Sir Augustine, Serjeant-atlaw
-, Coke and Hobart speak highly of, 238

Nicholson, Otho, Receiver of compositions for assart lands
-, granted allowance for his services, 167

Nieu Schlos. See Neuschloss

Nieuwenhove, Dr
-, arrives in London to solicit help for the orphanage at Breda, 244

Nonsuch, nr Cheam, co. Surrey
-, 311

-, 44, 213, 239
-, corn for relief of Tenterden poor allowed to be bought in, 244
-, coarse cloth made in, 294

-, 10, 277
-, Dauphin given government of, 123

North, Sir Henry, Deputy-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire
-, King requests explanation for release of, 130
-, guilty of denigrating Scotsmen, 138

North, Council of the,
-, right of nomination enjoyed by President of, 230

Northall, co. Bucks
-, Earl of Bedford requests permission of Earl of Salisbury to hunt at, 190

Northallerton, co. Yorks
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269
-, postmaster at. See Scarlett, Christopher

Northampton, Earl of. See Howard, Henry

Northcot, John, of Uton in Crediton, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

North Stoke, co. Oxford
-, vicarage of, 121

Northern Dozens
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Northern Plains
-, coarse cloth called, 294

-, 256

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy, Henry

Northumberland, Countess of. See Percy, Dorothy

North-West Passage
-, Tomkins desires to seek for, 66

Norton, Dudley, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, Lady Sidley's papers delivered to, 116
-, 134
-, letter to Calvert, 163

Norton, Sir Richard, of East Tisted, co. Hants
-, his son challenged to a duel 110,

-, King of Denmark in, 121

Norwich, co. Norfolk
-, St. Andrew's parish in, 252

Nottingham, Earl of. See Howard, Charles

Nottingham, Countess of. See Howard, Margaret

-, 199

Nova Spania. See Mexico

Noyen. See Neyen

Nuarke. See Newark

Nugent, Father. See Nugent, Edmond

Nugent, Edmond, Capuchin Provincial of Flanders
-, negotiates Earl of Tyrone's visit to Rome, 66

Nugent, Sir Richard, 15th Baron Delvin
-, advised by the King to submit unconditionally, 88
-, 102
-, suspected of capturing forts on Logh Foyle, 192

Nupoort Pagnell. See Newport Pagnell


Oatlands, co. Surrey
-, King goes to, 121
-, letter dated from, 289

Obeny, Lord. See Stuart, Esmé

O'Brien, Donogh, 4th Earl of Thomond
-, 148, 152
-, sent to England to report on state of Ireland, 192

O'Cahan (Ocane), Sir Donnel, Irish rebel
-, reported to have joined O'Dogherty's revolt, 173

Ocane. See O'Cahan, Sir Donnel

O'Carroll, Lord. See O'Carroll, Sir Charles

O'Carroll, Sir Charles, formerly in Queen Elizabeth's service in Ireland
-, reference to his death in battle with Irish rebels, 247(2)

O'Carroll, Donell (Daniel), cousin to Sir Charles O'Carroll
-, petitions King for pension, 247
-, petitions Earl of Salisbury for pension, 247

Ocheltry, Lord. See Stewart, Andrew

O'Connor Sligo. See O'Connor, Donogh

O'Connor, Donogh, one of the Irish Lords of Connaught
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 136
-, complains of lawsuits brought against him, 136
-, Earl of Clanricarde gathers forces of Connaught against, 192

Octavio, Count. See Visconti, Ottavio

Odohorty, Caire. See O'Dogherty, Cahir

O'Dogherty, (Odohorty, Odoliartie, O'Lociert, Adortherdie), Sir Cahir (Caire), Irish rebel
-, surprises Culmore fort and Londonderry, 148
-, description of capture of Culmore and Londonderry by, 151, 152
-, foreman of the jury that condemned Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, 152
-, his rebellion, 173
-, reported to have taken to the woods, 182
-, his defeat mentioned, 219

Odoliartie. See O'Dogherty, Cahir

O'Donnell, Rory, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell
-, Cornwallis protests against his reception by Archduke Albert, 18
-, Fitzgerald suspected of subversive dealings with, 35, 36
-, his brother leaves his son in Louvain, 80
-, 152
-, reported to have received money from Spain, 167
-, in Rome, 179
-, Spaniards justify aid to, 209
-, reported to be receiving monthly allowance from Spain, 221
-, his death in Rome, 225

O'Dowdy (O'Dowda), David, late tenant to O'Connor Sligo
-, his widow marries Sir Lionel Ghest, 136

O'Doyne, Teig (Doyne, Tady), Captain
-, to be granted land in fee simple, 200

Offerduci, Mons.
-, receives instructions from Cardinal Borghese, 266

Ogle, Sir John, Sergeant-Major General in the Low Countries
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 2, 3, 28, 36, 57, 103, 144, 153, 165, 171, 186
-, his views on Dutch attitude to peace talks with Spain, 4
-, requests improvement of con ditions of English soldiers in Dutch service, 29, 58
-, sends monkeys to Earl of Salisbury, 36, 58
-, his views on Dutch trade with East and West Indies, 57
-, refers to Browne's indiscretion, 103
-, congratulates Earl of Salisbury on becoming Lord Treasurer, 153
-, adduces reasons for belief in eventual success of peace negotiations, 166
-, refers to dispute between Arminius and Gomarus, 172

O'Hagartie, James
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 305
-, petitions for redress of King's disposition of his lands, 305

Oldenbarnevelt (Barnevelt), Johan van, Councillor of Holland, Pensionary of Rotterdam
-, writes to Caron, 83, 91, 290
-, always corresponds with Caron in Dutch, 91
-, said to have attended mass in Spinola's house, 144
-, his detractor whipped in public, 144
-, deals with case of Spanish arrogance, 144
-, his indisposition, 153
-, instructs Caron to persuade King of advantages of aiding United Provinces, 290

O'Lociert. See O'Dogherty, Cahir

Ombersley, co. Worcester
-, the manor of, 143

O'Multully (Tully, alias Flood), Matthew, an Irishman concerned in Gunpowder Plot
-, reported to be in London, 2

O'Neill, Art, Captain, in the Archduke's service
-, 67

O'Neill, Henry, son of Earl of Tyrone, Colonel in the army of the Archdukes
-, leaves the Low Countries, 111
-, Redmond Burgh offers to withdraw half the Irish soldiers serving under, 180

O'Neill, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Tyrone
-, reported to have sent Maguire to Rome, 5
-, Spain reported to have prohibited further association with, 18
-, Duke of Lorraine requested to hinder passage of, 19
-, entertained by Spinola, 19
-, opinion in Rome on his cause, 24
-, 32, 35, 36
-, new company of Irish soldiers formed out of followers of, 32
-, his flight thought to have disorganised projected invasion of England, 39
-, forbidden to go to Spain, 66
-, some companies in his regiment disbanded, 66
-, reserved attitude of Archduke Albert towards, 67
-, ready to go with his wife to Rome, 75
-, leaves for Italy with convoy of horse, 80
-, leaves his younger son at Louvain, 80
-, devil invoked to give news about, 88
-, 111, 144, 145, 152, 234
-, travels through Lorraine, 118, 203
-, passes through Milan, 136, 147
-, received with honour by Fuentes in Milan, 144
-, reaches Rome, 163
-, Pope reported not to be able to assist, 167
-, reported to have received money from Spain, 167
-, 179
-, allowed monthly pension at Rome, 184
-, reported to have been given title of King of Ireland by Pope, 192
-, expected in Ireland, 192
-, compared with King Arthur, 195
-, his pension at Rome paid by Spain, 203, 221
-, Spanish justification for helping, 209
-, reported to have asked for Spanish assistance to become King of Ireland, 235

Oran [Algeria]
-, Spanish galleys to go to, 183

Orange, Prince of. See Nassau, Maurice of; Nassau, Philip William of

Orchard (Portman), co. Somerset
-, letter dated from, 133

Orchard (Orchyearde), John, huntsman
-, accompanies Prince Henry's hounds to France, 300

Ordnance, Master of the. See Carew, Sir George

-, petition by Duke of Brunswick's agent for licence to take out, 38
-, exported from England and Wales to Spain, 169, 170
-, Philip III employs German to cast, 171
-, permission given to ship old ordnance abroad upon conditions, 222
-, project to centralise at Tower Hill the sale of, 265
-, gun-casting in Sussex, 265, 305
-, request for loan of King's guns to arm merchant ships, 312

O'Reighleys' Country. See Cavan

Orford, co. Suffolk
-, a report on recusants from, 42, 43

Orginni. See Orquini

Oriel College, Oxford
-, 301

Orleans [Loiret, France]
-, French Jesuits settle in, 49

Orleans, Duke of. See Nicolas

Ormar, Earl of. See Butler, Thomas

Ormuce. See Ormuz

Ormuz (Ormuce) [Persia]
-, Persian Ambassador to travel with East Indies fleet as far as, 100

Orquini, Señor, secretary to Mancicidor
-, sent to Spain with report, 245
-, returns to Brussels with Philip III's decision, 267, 268
-, mentioned as possible successor to Mancicidor, 270

Osbaston, Robert, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Osborne, John, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer
-, 238

Osborne, Sir Robert, of Ashton, co. Northants
-, 25

Ossuna (Ausonne), Pedro Giron, Duke of
-, criticises Archduke and Spinola, 267

Ostend [W. Flanders, Belgium]
-, 19

-, brought to James I, 223, 233

O'Sullivan Beare (Beere), Irish chief of Munster in exile at Madrid
-, seeks King's pardon upon any conditions, 394

Ouldham, Jasper, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Ouseley, Sir John, of Courteenhall, co. Northants
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 1, 39, 110
-, sends New Year's gift to Earl of Salisbury, 2

Owen. See Owen, Hugh

Owen, Hugh, Welsh Catholic conspirator
-, alleged to be protected by Archduke Albert, 19
-, Privy Council protests against Archduke's protection of, 175
-, alleged plan to kidnap or kill, 222, 225, 237, 240, 242
-, 237
-, in the special protection of Spain, 243
-, reference to his condemnation by Act of Parliament for role in Gunpowder Plot, 243
-, in secret conference with Nuncio, 252

Oxford, Countess of. See Vere, Elizabeth

Oxford, Earl of. See Vere, Edward de

Oxford, co. Oxford
-, letter dated from, 213

Oxford, University of
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 35
-, Vice-Chancellor of. See King, John

-, 200, 212
-, coarse cloth made in, 294