Cecil Papers: September 1608

Pages 234-247

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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September 1608

Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 2. It is my part to follow such directions as I receive concerning prisoners, and to leave the disposing of them for liberty or restraint to his Majesty, and to meddle no further. Nevertheless, in Christian charity and for my own security, I have been desirous to know what courses have been taken in former times of visitation. Finding the great danger we are in here continually, when there is any sickness, by reason of the base tenements erected part within and part without the Tower, by the infection always with the first in those houses, I learnt both of the warders and other ancient men that in time of Sir Richard Blunt, father of Sir Michael, while he was Lieutenant of the Tower, as I have formerly advertised your Lordship and other my Lords, in the great plague about the beginning of the late Queen's reign, he was directed to remove with all his prisoners of quality unto a house he had in Berkshire. And in the time of King Edward the Sixth, Sir Arthur Parcy being Lieutenant of the Tower, divers prisoners of good calling, being fallen into some infirmity of sickness, were kept in his own house out of the Tower under keepers and guard, as the other prisoners in the Tower; and after the ceasing of the sickness and recovery of those that were sick, they were returned to the Tower again, and there remained under such restraint as was formerly appointed to them.—Tower, 2 Sept. 1608.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (126 44.)
Sir William Waad to the Commissioners for the Tower Causes
1608, Sept. 2. Every year since I came to serve in this charge I have troubled you with the hard case we are in by reason of so many narrow and base tenements, which are built both within and round about the Bulwark and without the Gate, both along the ditch side and over against the same; which houses in all time of visitation are with the first infected. The rest of his Majesty's officers in this place joined last year with me in craving redress thereof. In one row of these houses, in time of the former great visitations, all the inhabitants in the same have died of the sickness. The Gentleman Porter, who receives benefit by these base tenements, ever after Midsummer term is absent, so as the danger threatens us whose attendance is tied to this place, as his ought to be. My porter, who used to bring in my provisions, and a Jersey youth I lately entertained, growing to be evil at ease last week, I severed them to a remote place in the Tower; and being told the porter walked on the hill one morning, and reasonably recovered, I sent him to a friend of his, who refusing to take him in, he wandered abroad, but came not again within the gates of the Tower. I gave order he should be sent to the Pesthouse, where being also refused, since he is dead of the sickness in a shed. The other was received there, with all his bedding which he lay in. Thus you may perceive how we are here besieged that we cannot go forth of the doors with safety any way but by water, but we must pass by the houses that are infected; and the order I have taken in this case with as great wariness as I could devise. Another footman of mine was evil at ease, and I fearing the worst caused him also to be kept in another remote Tower; but he is perfectly well, and I send him into the country to a house of mine to avoid suspicion of danger.— The Tower, 2 Sept. 1608.
Signed. 1½ p. (195 44.)
Churchwardens and Inhabitants of Ambresden to the King
1608, Sept. 4. For warrant to the woodwards of the King's forest of Barnwood, to sell them ten timber trees, required for the repair of their parish church.—Undated.
Note by Sir Daniel Dun, that the King grants the trees as a gift. Court at Windsor, 4 Sept. 1608.
1 p. (P. 2035.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 5. I am bold to acquaint you and the rest of the Lords with such occurrences as come to my hands from beyond the seas. I will omit to trouble you with any particularities of the matters I now write of.—From Towstocke, 5 Sept. 1608.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (126 45.)
The Enclosure
Examination of William Dence and Edward Cooke of Bristowe, and James Sparrow of Barnstable, taken before William, Earl of Bath, 5th Sept. 1608.
Being in Lisbon on August 8th they saw 18 great "armathoes" set to sea, reported for the Groyne. The least was 600 tons. The soldiers had 4,000 spades, pickaxes and shovels, and armour for 10,000 men. There were taken from the shore 150 pieces of brass ordnance, besides the ordnance the armadoes brought with them from Biscay. The chief commander was Don Lewes Fagartho. They had great store of wine. 4 well appointed galleys went with this fleet.
Sparrow dined at the monastery of Belyne on 9th August, and the friars reported there were 50 sail of other shipping at the Groyne in the Isles of Bayon with 25,000 soldiers, and 60 galleys should come to them shortly. They thought they were for Ireland.
The Chief Father of the friars at the Court of Madreele, who is the King's confessor, wrote to his brethren at Lisbon that the Earl of Tyrone had been at the Court, craving aid of the King to place him as King of Ireland. This was the report of Father Floud.
There arrived at Lisbon last month from Ireland one Captain Lynch, who rode post to the Court of Spain. They suppose it might be to carry news of the overthrow of the rebels there.
Sparrow, going in a merchant ship of Barnstable to Lisbon in July, was taken by a Flemish pirate named Jacob Johnson, who took from them the value of 5000l in cloth. Johnson said the King of England was a king of peace, but the pirates would teach him to bear a sword, and that the merchants should fare the worse for his sake.
Dence was taken at sea in June by Captain Jennings, who told him as a friend that he should beware of Captain Ward who, he said, was at sea with 3 Marsellian ships, 2 manned with Turks and himself with Christians. When they took Christians they either cast them overboard or sold them into Barbary as captives. He said Ward was now turned Turk himself, and was driven forth of the Straits by the Duke of Florence. He said if the King would grant them a lease of their lives for certain years, they would come home, but never for any pardon, for they might be hanged with their pardons about their necks. Also that he would not wear the King's colours any longer, but the young Prince's colours and honour him, hoping he in time would have wars. Jennings has as consorts Captain Roope of Dartmouth, Captain Bishop and Captain Sackwell, with their ships. He said that where there was now one sail of pirates, within this half year for every one there would be 20.
On August 15 last they met at sea Captain Easton, a pirate, who is exceeding rich, as the rest of the pirates be. When in Lisbon there was a restraint made of all English shipping for 15 days, and after the said fleet was put to sea they were released; but in the meantime all Scots and Flemings were not restrained.
Signed by the above named. 2 pp. (195 45.)
Sir Richard Martyn to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 6. It is my duty, in regard of my office, to signify the continual abuse by the transporting of gold and silver bullion into foreign countries, whereby the revenue of the Mint is much diminished and the realm impoverished. I am ready to attend you to perform such service therein as you shall think fit.—6 Sept. 1608.
Signed. ½ p. (195 46.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
1608, Sept. 7. Is in great debate with himself whether he should trouble his Lordship with an extravagant report newly made to him of a villainous enterprise, which should be undertaken by an English priest to kill his Majesty. One Monsieur de la Roc, a gentleman of the country, dwelling near the town of Ayre in Flanders, who pretends to be in his heart of the religion, came expressly to acquaint him how there passed lately by Ayre an English priest reporting himself to have come lately out of England, and apparelled as a layman in a suit of cut russet taffeta said mass, having in his company certain English gentlewomen who came with him from St Omers, and during his stay at Ayre imparted to Father Bertin, a Capuchin, his purpose to kill the King. He said he had furnished himself with a pistol with double wheels, and that his intent had been approved by some Jesuits at St Omers. But the Capuchin condemned his enterprise and acquainted de la Roc with his speeches. De la Roc came hither and to Antwerp to apprehend him, but has not been able to understand anything here of him. Edmondes argued against the possibility of such an enterprise, and asked whether the Capuchin might not be brought to avow what had been delivered to him of the conspiracy, but de la Roc told him it would be the undoing of himself if the matter should be discovered before the party was apprehended, and promised to continue his diligence to find him out.
Since his last letter, has been much busied in consulting of the state of Willford's case with sundry lawyers. Is assured by them all that his offence can be no way made capital. Is procuring them to set down the authorities of the law in writing, and thereupon intends to maintain his complot to be lawful in respect of the state wherein Owen stands of being a condemned person, without needing to interest Salisbury that his correspondency with him was to any such end.
Sir Edward Bainham is departed hence upon the demand given him in that behalf. It is said he is gone to Aix for a time, and it is not unlikely that it is in attending order from Spain for his stay in those parts, as Owen and James Blont did after their departure hence.
Sends an extract of the last advertisements out of Germany.—7 Sept. 1608.
Copy. 2½ pp. (227 p. 296.)
[Original in PRO. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 9.]
Brief abstract of the foregoing. (227 p. 350.)
The Earl of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 10. I am overtoiled with business and many depend upon receipts and payments of money afore my going, yet I will not depart afore I see you if I can conveniently, though I stay a day or two longer. I might satisfy you better now by writing or by Sir Wa[l]ter Cope, whom I esteemed always as an honest gentleman, though it has been his lot to make me often taste of sourer grapes than my weak stomach could have digested, if I should not receive more pleasant fruit to sweeten my mouth after them. But since I seek to give you contentment in anything you require, it is not fit for me to enter into discourse of any differences, knowing many ways my weakness in maintaining my reasons with a nobleman of your great wisdom and power, nor being able to restrain myself from speaking what I think in those things which my knowledge or conscience assures me of.—10 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (126 46.)
Dr Thomas Playfere to Viscount Cranborne
1608, Sept. 11. I cannot understand yet by Mr Kirkham whether your Lordship has acquainted your father with my case yet, or no; nevertheless, resolving always to make my way by you, though I think I might have spoken here myself with his Honour, yet I would not till I might know what you had been pleased to do for me. If his Lordship wish to pleasure or prefer any other by this place, I will never stand for the lecture more. Otherwise, if by our Chancellor's means the parsonage or some part of it be annexed to the lecture, then I shall desire, as I informed you, that I may keep it but two years more only, and then I will never trouble the University more. Howsoever, I had rather anyway be disposed by my Lord's appointment, which I know will be most honourable, than be thrust out after so long pains in the place, now some reward is likely to come by those which unjustly are enemies to me and to the college of which so long I was.—From Theobalds, 11 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 47.)
Sir Edward Coke to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 11. Concerning the double ignoramus, upon conference with Mr Attorney, we incline to be of opinion that it will not produce any such effect as you expect, and therefore think it not fit that it should be offered in public. We have added some things and amended some, and refer the remainder to you. For the success thereof we cannot judge. Sure we are the ground is just and honourable, and without inconvenience; but we fear it will not so fully satisfy you as is desired.
We have conferred of the other parts of your letters, and think it fit that where by express matter of record the lands be holden of a subject, and yet the owner by mistaking of some solicitor sued out a licence for many things where part was but holden in capite (in this case the party being helped by long pleading), that he may be eased of that charge by composition in such manner as no prejudice can grow to the King for any of his just tenures by express proviso. Touching the case of the entails, I mean that it amongst others shall be published with the great case of the post nati. Lastly, we have laid our heads together to inform you who is fit to be attorney, and think that Serjeant Doderidg, Serjeant Nichols or Serjeant Harris the younger are the fittest men for that place; but of these we hold Dodderidg the most complete man for this service and most likely to "affect" it, in respect he loves so well his ease and lives chiefly about London. But they be all three very worthy men, and such (especially the King's servant) as he that overweens most of himself can take no exception or mislike to be ruled and overruled by him. I thank God we have, the rather by your favour, been very merry, and wish Stoke to have been so happy (after so much cost bestowed) to have received such a Mecenas under the roof of it.—Stoke, 11 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (195 47.)
Sir Henry Glemham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 12. I lately received letters from your Lordship and Mr Chancellor requiring me forthwith to send unto Mr John Osborne, the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, the survey of his Majesty's manor and soke of Laiston by me and the rest of the Commissioners long since taken by virtue of letters to us directed from the Earl of Dorset, late High Treasurer of England, I did accordingly deliver the survey together with the constat to Mr Hersy, one of his Majesty's surveyors, and he promised me to certify it accordingly; which having not done I sent unto him for the survey, and he being in the country I was constrained to use means to get it in his absence, which I now have sent by this bearer unto Mr Osborne according to your commandment.—Glemham, 12 Sept. 1608.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (126 48.)
Edward Sdraina
1608, Sept. 12. Warrant for the granting of a licence to Edward Sdraina to transport out of England certain plate to the amount of 466 ounces, viz, one basin and ewer weighing 200 ounces, a salt-cellar of 80 ounces, another salt-cellar of 26 ounces, four standing cups of 24 ounces, and nine hafts for knives weighing 18 ounces.—Given at Theobalds, 12 Sept. in the sixth year of the King's reign.
Signed: James R. Ex. T. Lake. 1 p. (126 49.)
Jonas Pytt to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 13. I have received two several letters from my Lord Ambassador in Spain, both assuring me that my Lord Treasurer will add to his many former favours bestowed upon him this one more, that he would cause the 1000l, which his Majesty has bestowed upon him, be shortly paid unto my hands (his extreme necessities requiring the same). If it may please his Honour the rather by your mediation to assign me out of my receiver's place of Norf[olk] and Huntingdon to pay the 1000l and upon procuring the Ambassador's acquittance for receipt thereof against my account in March next (which I can easily do), to give warrant to the Auditor to defalk so much out of my debt, as in other ordinary assignats is usual, and give me leave in the meanwhile to be bold with so much of his Majesty's moneys which are to come to my hands, it shall be as if it were to him readily paid.—13 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (126 50).
Andrew Palmer to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 14. I attended upon Tuesday last in the morning at your house in the Strond, to have spoke with your Lordship, but then I understood you were at Hattfield; whereupon I am bold to signify by writing what I think of the Scottish ore now remaining in the Tower. Upon some private assay I have made (took now and then as the ore was in grinding). I guess it will not hold above 8 ounces of silver in the hundredweight, which may be in value (the charges of melting and fining deducted) about 30l the ton, which I fear may distaste some and be unworthily reported of others, for that it holds not one half of the value the ore did that was first brought. This happens by reason of the abundance of spar and other "baggad" which is mingled with the ore, that should through the skill and care of the miners have been divided before it came hither, for otherwise I find by the trial of some pieces that hold 200l, 300l or 400l the ton. There is some means to be used, by washing the ore from the filth, that it may arrive at far greater value the ton. And therefore (for the credit of the mine) this course may be observed, that my Lord Knyvitt and the officers of the mint be commanded not to deliver the 20 tons of ore to be wrought before we shall have made small assays to inform you of the true value thereof, and those assays to have charge to keep secret from others. If in the meantime you command my attendance at your coming to London, I shall be ready to inform you of other necessary particulars too long to be writ.—Tower, 14 Sept. 1608.
PS. The ore will be ready to be delivered forth upon Friday next.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 51.)
The Earl of Lincoln to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 14. I think nothing of my stay if I may satisfy you afore my going. It pleased you to write that you would be loth I should defer any cause of importance for a matter of no great value, which you say I value at 1000l. Truly, though I did take it and other things which you covenanted in lieu of 1000l which I paid the Treasury, yet I have great reason to value it much more if I had any hope to enjoy it with your favour; for although 10 years be past of Sir Ed. Cary's life, which was a convenient time for you to procure the present possession according to your promise, and also to have performed those other things which I offer to show your hand for, yet I ask nothing of your Lordship but to sweeten my mouth (as you termed it) with your love and favour hereafter, to season it from those bitter tastes which I complain of to none but to yourself. For the claim which I might make to it, I hold it not only from Sir Ed. Cary's right, but from an honourable man's covenant, word and writing, according to true meaning; and therefore I will never care whether it be void in law, except I dealt with Typper, and for consideration I never had any but should have the fee farm of Sweyton, which I would not give 5d for, if I feared not Typper's prying into my father's former conveyances of it. To conclude of the wonder you write of last, for that I wonder more how you can turn my writing of Sir Walter Cope's persuading me to pay the 700l demanded for the Earl of Ormar's dinner, to the payment of 700l which I neither meant nor writ except I were mad or drunk or so foully mistaken as I must be ashamed of it, which I do not believe, but think rather that you mistake my meaning and writing This letter makes me leave a good dinner and far better company than I have here. I must make me ready to come to you afore ij of the clock, and therefore pray you to bear with these lines scribbled in haste—14 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (126 52.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes
1608, Sept. 14. Touching Willford confessing a knowledge he had of his purpose to bring away Owen, and desiring it may not be concealed, but denying that he ever had speech with Willford, or thought to take away his life. The treaty in Holland of peace with Spain like to break off. His Majesty would interpose himself for some continuance of truce if so be he were moved thereunto, as France is by particular employment of some express messenger, not by the officious discourse of a "lidgier" ambassador, rather warranted by his discretion and extent of his general commission than in any other kind. Advice to draw on the treaty again if so be it should break off, but rather of himself than by direction.
Abstract. (227 p. 350.)
Letters from Spain
1608, Sept. 14. Acknowledgment of receipt by Richard Betterton from the Earl of Salisbury of 20s for carriage of letters from Brystowe, which came out of Spain from Madreill.—14 Sept. 1608.
½ p. (214 63.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 15. As I promised in my last, I sent for the officers of the Navy to understand by them what arrerages is due to the Russia merchants, what stores of cordage his Majesty now has, and what further supplies were by them this year demanded; to the end to discern whether those supplies were so necessarily required as to you was pretended. Here have been with me Sir Robert Mansell and Sir John Trevor, to whom having proposed these questions I receive from them this satisfaction. In 1604, when in regard of the low ebb of his Majesty's treasures charge was given that in all offices all unnecessary charge should be cut off, and the King charged with no more stores than of necessity was to be used, it was moved in council what stores of cordage should be thought fit to be had always in a readiness. It was with sparingness held necessary that his Majesty should have always in store so much cordage as might suffice once to rig out his whole navy, together with one year's spare moorings what chance soever might happen; of which proportion the stores have been from year to year furnished piecemeal so far in part as there is wanting the parcels mentioned in the enclosed note, to the quantity of 281 tons, 200 pounds weight or thereabouts, the charge whereof at 25s per cwt will be 7027l 10s. The cordage for the last year received from the merchants was 165 tons 4 cwt 2 qr 4 lb, for which the merchants and the officers of the Navy cannot yet agree, the merchants demanding 26d 6d per cwt, and the officers offering but 25s, at which rate it will arise to the sum of 4130l 15s 7d. The arrerages due to the merchants for former stores is 8023l 9s 2d, so that his Majesty's debts for store of cordage to the Russia Company will be, if they do bring home (as I hope they will) the quantity required, the sum of 19,191l 14s 9d. I have willed Sir Robert Mansell and Sir John Trevor to attend you, who are able in all things to give you satisfaction.—Halinge, 15 Sept. 1608.
Signed. 1 p. (126 53.)
Sir Thomas Waller to the Earl of Northampton
1608, Sept. 17. I have examined the grievances conceived against the Mayor, searcher and clerk of the Passage by the gentleman employed over by the Duke of Wirtembergh. He embarking 8 horses, the searcher's servant demanded 2s each, viz, 12d for himself and 12d for my Lord of Worcester's minister here, being ordinary fees. He refused to pay, and asked the searcher if he would stay him for those fees. The searcher told him no, he would rather give him the fees than intercept his passage if he came by his Majesty's licence, as he pretended; which courtesy the gentleman took as an affront, and yet went away without paying a penny. As to his complaint against the Mayor and clerk of the Passage, the latter, whose duty it was that none should pass over without licence, and having command for the stay of Sir Nicholas Halles and Captain Fortescue, went to this gentleman, who was giving protection to 7 persons, to desire sight of his pass. He refused to show it, whereupon the clerk informed the Mayor who sent for the master of the boat, and wished him to be well advised what passengers he carried over, as all masters and owners stood bound in 20l not to transport any without warrant. The master then desired his passengers to satisfy the Commissioners, and the gentleman with much discontentment, and the others that were under his lee, returned into the town and showed his pass, which was but for himself and two servants; and the other gentlemen confessed he had persuaded them he would carry them over under colour of his pass. No cause of stay being found in them, the Commissioners gave them also pass, and they undelayedly departed.— Dover Castle. 17 Sept. 1608.
Signed. 1 p. (195 48.)
An Affray at Waltham Cross
1608, Sept. 19. "The manner of the abuse offered to Marmaduck Chaner (fn. 1) of Waltham Crosse by Rychard Reymont and Thomas Burbeck, servants to Sir Jo. Weynford (or Wentworth), the 19th Sept. 1608."
An account of a brawl at the Four Swans Inn. [Names of witnesses: William Browne; Edward Meade.] 1½ pp. (126 55.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord Treasurer
[1608 Sept. 21.] Is more embroiled in any business than he has been in this cause which he has now in expostulation of Mr Thomas Willford, both for the artifices used against the poor man as for the stiff humours which he has had to work upon in his dealings for him. Five of the principal advocates here have set down their opinions in writing (whereof he sends a copy) that his offence cannot be brought within the compass of crimen laesae Majestatis, because nothing was intended against the prince or any of the Council; neither can it be made manslaughter nor a violation of the prince's jurisdiction, seeing no attempt was made but only the enterprise proposed. Moreover, they affirm (which is very harshly taken) that the laws allow any man to kill one that stands condemned as Owen does by the judgment passed against him, which is more than a proscription. Upon these grounds they conclude that Willford cannot be subject to any corporal punishment.
Fortified with these opinions he caused the answer to be framed that Willford was required to make for his discharge. When the answer was put into the office of the Auditor General, his judge, it made them wonder that such language was therein spoken of Owen, declaring him so infamous a person and thereby rendering him incapable of the favour which was sought to be strained for him and, consequently, taxing the violent proceedings of the Auditor General for having tortured Willford more than the law could allow. Thereupon there was underhand means to send that night two Jesuits to the Advocate's house (who was casu ally appointed by the Auditor himself to defend Willford) to let him know into what danger he had put himself by making so bitter an invective against Owen, who was received into the special protection of Spain and was also a secretary for that State, and that the Archduke and the Spanish Ambassador, being informed of the answer, much blamed him for the same. The Advocate much terrified retracted out of the answer all such articles as might most wound Owen, but both Willford and Edmondes have protested that they will not allow anything to be retracted. Edmondes first dealt with the Spanish Ambassador to know if he had professed to favour the cause of Owen, but he protested not to have in any sort stirred in the matter. Demanded also audience of the Archduke to desire in respect of the partiality which the Auditor General had showed against the prisoner, either that the matter might be revoked from him to be heard before his Privy Council, or that others might be joined with him in the judging. The Archduke confessed that he had heard of the practice used to intimidate the Advocate, which he much misliked, and had given order that he should be required to proceed in the business; but he could not believe that the Auditor had carried himself indirectly in his dealings against the prisoner, and would not then agree to the cause being removed from him, saying it was not fit to change the ordinary form of his justice for a particular cause. Edmondes told him that this matter drew with it important considerations of state, and that he should rather avoid the causes which might give his Majesty just discontentment than stand upon the defence of the particular credit of his Auditor. But after much more discourse all the answer that could be drawn from him was, that he would advise of the representations made by Edmondes and shortly give his resolution therein. Accordingly two days after he sent the Secretary Pratz to Edmondes to tell him that he was content that Willford's cause should be revoked from the Auditor General to be heard before his Privy Council. He understands that a principal occasion of moving him to take that resolution was the Advocate's speeches, who had informed him of the state of Willford's cause and of the practice used for terrifying him from dealing further in that business.
Has accepted the Archduke's offer and is appointed to be heard tomorrow afternoon before the Council. Has beforehand sent them Willford's answer as first conceived, with an abstract of the Act of Parliament by which Owen stands condemned of the Gunpowder treason; also a copy of some articles of the ancient treaties of peace, which bind princes to banish out of their countries the subjects challenged by each other to be rebels.
Sends a copy of the answer for Willford and of the exceptions against the Auditor General. The Archduke appears to be desirous to put it to a trial how far Willford may be condemned to the end to justify himself to Spain. If they could condemn him, it is thought he would afterwards send him into England.—Undated.
Copy. 5 pp. (227 p. 299.)
[Portion of the original letter dated Brussels, 21 Sept. 1608, in the PRO State Papers Foreign. Flanders, 9.]
Brief abstract of the foregoing letter under date 21 Sept. 1608, including the following portion not included in the copy.
Upon better inquiry La Roc, who gave the advertisement of intended treason against his Majesty, proves a man of little honesty and less credit. Blont purposes to put himself into the Order of the Jesuits. Bainham goes into Spain: our Ambassador speaks to the Spanish Ambassador to write that he be not sent back again, which he promises to perform.
Abstract. (227 p. 350.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 22. Desire that by their direction the bearer hereof, John Elliott, gent, may be licensed to buy and provide for the relief of the poor inhabitants of Tenterden (a member of the Cinque Ports) 500 quarters of corn in the counties of York, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk. Elliott is to acquaint the justices of peace for that part of the country where he shall make his provision, and receive from them a certificate that the same may be conveniently spared, leaving sufficient for their own store. And to the end there may be no greater quantity carried away by colour of their Lordships' warrant, direction shall be given to the justices of peace, officers of ports and others whom it shall concern, to inform themselves by certificate from one county to the other of the several quantities provided in each county by the said Elliott; and likewise they shall take good bonds from him that the said corn shall be only disposed of for the relief of the aforesaid town and not otherwise.—From Hampton Court, 22 Sept. 1608.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc; R. Salisbury; H. Northampton; Lenox; Notingham; T. Suffolke; E. Worcester. Seal (fragment). 1 p. (126 57.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 22. The magistrates of Breda have built a handsome house for bringing up the large number of poor orphans who are left there of all nations, the greater part being English and Scottish; Breda being on the frontier and sustaining great garrisons, which is the cause of so many orphans being left there. The States have granted a licence for a lottery on behalf of this orphanage, and appeal for support. The magistrates think that if the King is informed hereof, he will extend a liberal hand to the orphanage. They have sent over the bearer, Dr Nieuwenhove, on the matter, and Caron begs Salisbury to give him audience.—Suydt Lambet, 22 Sept. 1608.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (195 49.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, Sept. 26. I was in my last letter to you a suitor that what you please to afford me for recompense of my surrender of the patent of all the nations might be accelerated; which suit I continue. I do not know whether you have retained the projects which I tendered unto you, therefore I have sent the like herein.—26 Sept. 1608.
Holograph Seal. ½ p. (126 58.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, Sept. 28. His audience touching Willford at the Council table. The Commissioners being returned and the treaty not broken off, no occasion for the former negotiation. Sigr Orquini, chief secretary of Manciscidor, sent into Spain with relation of the Commissioners' proceedings. The Prince of Orange come; thought to be turned French because of his attire. He quickly betook himself to the Spanish habit.
Abstract. (227 p. 350.)
The Council of Connaught
1608, Sept. 29. Warrant under the Privy Seal to give order to the graver of the Mint to make in silver a seal for the use of the Council at Connagh, of such weight and form and with such inscription as the President and Council of Munster have.—Given at Hampton Court, 29 Sept. in the sixth year of the King's reign.
Signed: James R. Seal. ½ p. (126 56.)
[The Master of Gray] to the King (fn. 2)
[1608] Sept. 29. Although many misreports have been made of me, yet I am no less bold than if none had been, knowing best what is the truth. As for the first touching the Earl Bothwell, I am assured you know now whether in it I received wrong or not. Next, my Lord Sancher and James Graham told me at my returning from Italy that it was reported I should have made merchandise of some [of] your papers; the poorest pack that ever man did open, for I protest to God if I had all the papers that ever your Majesty wrote, I think for them all I should not get one crown. Always this shall prove as the first, and the reporter a knave, and I as honest and dutiful as any subject you have. Thirdly, that I dealt with the King of France to match with your cousin Arbella; if ever I heard any such matter, all is true. Last, touching D. Matthias, that I had dealing with Secretary Cecil for his matching with Arbella, I swear if it were not that I eschew to make them see here that your intelligence is so small, I should deal with Mr Secretary to resolve you of that folly.
Likewise your ambassador and agent at Paris hath spoken that I detract your Majesty. I wish they both could honour you as I can. The greatest credit a man can have is to be commanded by a gallant Prince; but so long as you are served with such doultes look not to have a quiet mind. They wrote to you in like manner that the Earl of Gowry was informed by me to take a course with England, and that I dealt with my other cousin Lord Hume for this effect: with leave of your Majesty they belied me, for I saw not the Earl of Gowry this 18 months, and save one letter I received at Florence yet extant I heard not from him, wherein he wrote that as I had advised him he was gone to see the Court of France, for I found fault that he was rather fashioned like a pedant than a cavalier. For my other cousin, Lord Hume, he can best resolve you himself. All these matters I commit to them and to you, Majesty's consideration, for being indeed a prince considerate the wind of any misreport is sufficient to give you knowledge whether it be truly (sic) or not.
Now, Sir, if my fortune had been to arrive here sooner at greater length I should have written, but as I came your servant was ready to part. Always having this letter of the great Duke, I did offer it to him, but he very wisely, in respect of your Majesty's prescription, did refuse the same, so I have sent it here enclosed in his company, and to him the credit by tongue. I showed the great Duke I was not hastily to return in Scotland, yet he desired me to write to your Majesty that he should be no less careful of your estate than of his own, for he had respects that moved him; first, for your greatness and promotion should be a common benefit to all the many princes, not only in Italy but through all Europe where they were in neighbourhood with the greatest, for you should serve for counterpoise to them; and he being to your Majesty as he is in blood and alliance, and never any question likely to arise between yourselfs or posterity, he thought he should be further benefited by it than the common sort of princes. Next, he showed me a letter to him from his agent in Spain, bearing that your Majesty had there an ambassador, and asked me if I knew what he was. I shewed that in conscience I knew not what any such matter was, nor could not guess at it. He willed me to write, that it was marvel in that matter not to put in jealousy your old friendship for uncertainty of others; and that now both he and the Duke of Lorraince, being allied with the King of France, should employ themselfs to the uttermost that he should remain constantly your friend. Thirdly, he asked me if your Majesty had written to the Pope. I said I knew not, for I was only en passant my time and meddled in nothing else. He answered, then he would tell me that you had written in favour of a Scottish bishop to procure him the Cardinalate, and had given credit by another letter to Crichton the Jesuit. He would have me to promise to write this to your Majesty, that he advertised you by the Laird of Bourgley and after by my Lord Sancher that you should never deal at Rome but by your friends, himself or the Duke of Lorraine. For albeit the King of France had there his ordinary ambassador, yet in any matter important he addresseth all by friends. For, he said, there was nothing there secret, and all Protestant Princes have their intelligence, specially the Queen of England. Thus far he prayed me to write. And, indeed. Sir, as for the last point, if there was anything of it, through indiscretion of your employed it was very much blazoned. It is a general rule amongst Jesuits, that which is imparted to any is common to all; first, they be instructed to impart all to the General, and he to his assessors, they to the secretaries, and immediately writes of it through all Europe to their Society in the distinguished provinces. As for Crichton being confined, he was glad to have his redemption through any subject; and, indeed, his credit was so little at Rome that what he had to do was done by Parsons, an English Jesuit, and one after his power of the greatest enemies you have in Europe, let him now say what pleaseth him.
To conclude, Sir, neither Jesuits nor drunkards be good for secrecy, and in this you did serve with both of them. I pray God send you good instruments and His grace to employ them well, which is all I crave; for although your Majesty hath wracked me in my goods, I shall live so that your conscience shall move you some day to remorse and to remember that I have done you good service many times; and that I can do you better than all about you at this time, without flattering of myself. I shall still remain your Majesty's most humble and afflicted and yet affectionate servant.
Copy. Endorsed by Salisbury: "29 of 7bre. This is a copy of ye letter which ye Master of Grey hath written to ye K." 3¼ pp. (195 50.)


  • 1. The Lord Treasurer's servant: see Cal. S. P. Dom; 1603–1610. p.658, where the proceedings have been queried (apparently incorrectly) as of the year 1610.
  • 2. This was printed in error under date [1600] Sep. 29 in Cal. XIV, pp. 139–141, but appears to be an account given to James I at the trial of Lord Balmerino.