Pages 404-423
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.
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August 1581
1006. T. Bochetel to Du Bex. | |
[1581], Aug. 1. | “Monsieur, je vous remerssie de la penne que prenes d'escrire à vos amis, et de la souvenense que vous aves d'eux. Je suis bien ayse de se que Monsieur de Movissière est souvent en vostre conpanie, encorre que ne fasies pas for bonne garde de vostre patron. J'ayme mieus que le gourvies que le capitene Augustin. J'a donné les letres, que vous m'adresies, à la dame que saves, qui ont esté bien resue (sic). Elle fet réponse; je vous prie les fere tenir. Je désireroys bien que le voyage qu'aves anvie de fere pardesa fut bien tout, ou je ne vais vayre point, car je croy qu'il me tandera aller au bayn. Je doute que je ne vayre avent que partir la dame, de coy [quoy] vous dit que vous voudries voyr la borlée d'elle, et, de moy, je say bien pour coy vous le dite. Si elle savoyt l'anvie que j'ay de l'emer [l'aimer] et servir, elle ne me vousdroyt point de mal. Je n'ay point anvie de rien fere à son préjudise : elle a bien plus d'aucasion de se plindre d'aute que de moy. Je vous prie de me tenir au bonnes grase de tous mes amis, me recamendant hunblement au vostre; priant Dieu, Monsieur, vous donner an santé hureuse et longe vie. De Paris, le premier d'Aoust, Vostre bien hunble et afectionné.amie.—T. Bochetel.” |
Addressed :—“A Monsieur, Monsieur de Bex, gentilhomme ordinaire de Monseigneur, estan de présent en Angleterre.” | |
Seal, with yellow silk. 1 p. | |
1007. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 3. | “I have thought it necessary to advertise your Lordship of such proceedings in Her Majesty's service, as hath been passed since the approaching of Sir Francis Walsingham into these parts. Because I do understand it liketh her Majesty that for the present your Lordship should be troubled with the information of these affairs. I therefore will not leave to signify unto your Lordship how, the thirtieth of the last month, understanding that Sir Francis purposed to traverse the next way towards Monseigneur, afore he resorted to the King. I and Mr. Somers went to meet him at Luzarche, where he declared to us both, how it had liked the Queen's Highness for to direct her commission uuder the great seal, whereby we were authorised to join with him in some affairs, which were to be negociated with this king, and because he found the time, limited for the reservation, to be almost expired, he caused a writing to be made, whereby it was signified that the Queen's Majesty had consideration of the contract, which she would not but respect, as also the time and the circumstances, and therefore had authorized us to assign a further day, since that Sir Francis' journey had been slacked by his indisposition of health, as also that these causes required he should first (with the King's favour) communicate with Monseigneur, about certain points which particularly concerned him. The which writing, framed in good sort and signed by us, I sent to Monsieur Pinart at my return to Paris, by whom it was then incontinently shewed to the King, being accepted and liked of by his Majesty. Since Sir Francis' parting, I have received only this his inclosed, and the other letter directed to him from Monseigneur. |
Now this day the Queen Mother is parted from St. Maur towards Monseigneur, accompanied with the Marshal de Cosse and Bellièvre, so as I suppose she will be privy to the negotiations which shall pass. | |
I think how this day or yesterday Sir Francis had his first access to Monseigneur. They which do belong unto the Marshal de Cosse have informed me how his tents and armour, with his furniture for the camp, is sent to Monseigneur's court, so as it is conceived he will there remain. And in the late conference I had within these two days with the Marshal Matignon, he shewed me that he was despatched by the King to take the charge of the government of Guienne and those parts, where he shall first address himself to the King of Navarre, and so continue in that government. As for the Marshal Biron, the King hath sent for him to command (as I hear) in Picardy, or else in some other frontier provinces. The which Marshal, in discoursing further of Monseigneur, shewed to desire the King should embrace the Queen's Majesty's amity, whereby he might the [more?] prevail against King Philip; therewith wishing Monseigneur had more personages of better conduct, or else two Marshals of France. So as this humour seemeth to be in their thoughts well fixed, and their minds bent to embrace the foreign wars. Howbeit there hath been now a news come to the Court that the Catholics should have surprised Perigeux in Perigord, a town granted to them of the religion by the King's edict; but this is not confirmed nor believed. | |
The King of Navarre was lastly at Nerac, where in those provinces the peace is established, and so throughout this realm. | |
The Vicomte of 'Toureyne' [Turenne] hath been in this city, and repaireth to Monseigneur. He is cousin and entirely beloved of Monsieur d'Arx, one of the minions, which is to marry the young Queen's sister. | |
The King hath shewed gracious dealing towards sundry of those principal of the religion in private sort. | |
The King hath sent for Monsieur Strozzi, from beside Bordeaux, where he is at Bourg in young Lansac's house, and they two do prepare some ships for to repair towards the Islands d'Assores [Azores]. There is opinion conceived the King would have him to be Admiral of France, so as that thereby La Valette, one of his minions, might become 'Coronel Mayor' of the French footmen, which office Strozzo now enjoyeth. | |
The Queen Mother hath bought of the Count Château Villaine, the best and fairest Spanish horse in France, the which she hath now taken with her, to present to Monseigneur. | |
It is understood here how the Spanish King doth send to the sea about twenty ships for to conduct in safety the Indian fleet, and so to see if he can therewithal assure the Islands. | |
I do herewith send to your Lordship a letter which is conveyed to me from Constantinople. The King hath appointed Madame de Carnavalet's house, beside my lodging, to lodge Sir Francis, where he shall be cheered by the King, and the officers do daily attend on him. Monsieur La Mothe Fénélon is assigned to receive and entertain him.”—Paris, 3 Aug. 1581. | |
[Postscript.]—“I beseech your Lordship that you will vouchsafe to move her Majesty for to be pleased to bestow on me my suit of one hundred pounds a year in fee-farm, wherein I have so much importuned her Highness, and so long hoped after : assuring your Lordship it cannot be given me before I have need thereof, nor yet afore that I have sold of my own, nor sooner than I shall shew myself grateful to her Majesty by dutiful services and otherwise.” | |
[Murdin, pp. 349–351. In extenso.] 2 pp. | |
1008. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen. | |
[1581], Aug. 4. | Begs her to pardon him if by his affection, wounded in such an unexpected manner, he is carried away into saying more than he ought. Her Majesty well knows his great desire for the accomplishment of their marriage “car sans intermition durant sinc ou sis annees je le poursuyvi tres ardanmant, refuzant et negligant toutes autres ouvertures et partis, a quoy je ne portere quoy qui puysse advenir jamais de regret.” Sees by the proposals of M. de Walsingham that her Majesty's goodwill thereto is diminished, which he can only impute to his evil fortune for he is well aware that there is no fault in himself which could afford her a pretext for departing from the contract resolved on in the negotiations with the Commissioners. If any one has made an evil report of him is assured that he could prove to her Majesty that it is an invention of those who envy him his good fortune. Has informed M. Walsingham of the disposition in which he will find the King and his council, of which he had neglected to advise her Majesty. Begs her to take the matter into consideration, and to send Walsingham such a despatch as is necessary for the welfare of the two kingdoms, and as he has always expected from her kindness.—“Fayrese,” 4 August. |
French. 2 pp. | |
1009. Pe La Fougère to Du Bex. | |
1581, Aug. 6. | Thanks him for news of himself and of their good friend. Will never lose the part that friend has given him. Wrote some news of the [French] army which Du Bex will doubtless hear. His friend is welcome to the use of the writer's horse. Wishes to serve in this war, please God.—Fere, 6 Aug. 1581. |
French. 1 p. | |
1010. [Sir Francis Walsingham] to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 6. | At the making of this dispatch I was so sore troubled with the headache and the megrim that I could not myself set pen to paper scarce to sign the dispatch, which caused me to use the hand of another for the letter I write to her Majesty, wherewith if she conceive any dislike I pray your Lordship to make my excuse. For either must I have so done, or made some longer stay of advertising her, which would not, I am persuaded, have been taken in good part. For the same cause it may please your Lordship to have me excused in your own behalf, being desirous to use my own hand in writing to you rather than another's. And for that her Majesty doth oft mislike long letters, I humbly beseech your Lordship in that behalf likewise to make my excuses with this ground of my meaning, which was because the matter was of moment, and the speeches that passed consisted of many parts and circumstances it seemed most pertinent to set it down, though not so largely as I might, yet not oversparingly, notwithstanding that to mine own liking and for the place I am now in shortness could better like me than publicity. |
I am now with all the best expedition I can to make my repair to Paris, where I mean to be, God willing, with so good speed as that upon Wednesday I will demand audience of the King. What matter shall fall out therein your Lordship shall be speedily advertised.—[From Fere this 6 of August 1581.] | |
Copy unsigned. [Original in State Papers, France, Vol. 70, p. 238.] | |
1 p. | |
1011. Sir Henry Darcy. | |
1581, August 8. | Warrant to Lord Burghley, under the Queen's signet, to prepare a grant to Sir Henry Darcy, or such as he shall nominate, in exchange for Sawley Abbey and Manor, co. York, which he is to assure to the Queen in fee simple, and which is certified to be worth £400 a year, of lands in fee farm which consist of parsonages, impropriated tithes, prebends, &c. worth £300 a year, and of manors in fee simple amounting to £100 a year.—Greenwich, 8 August 23 Elizabeth. |
Sign Manual. | |
Endorsed :—“An exchange for Sr Henry Darcye.” | |
Vellum sealed. 1 p. | |
1012. The Queen to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 8. | Warrant authorising the purchase and transport from the port of London of 200 fine broad woollen cloths for the use of the Duchess of Saxony.—Greenwich, 8 Aug. 1581. |
Signed by the Queen. | |
[Burghley himself inserted the number “two hundred” in this warrant, but a note on the back says :—“This letter lacketh these words (dressed or undressed) and is to be amended, or a new signed to that effect. That which new (sic) it is desired by the Duchess of Saxony to have the number of 200 increased, the Duchess having written for 600.”] | |
1 p. | |
1013. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 9. | “I have been, and like your Lordship, advertised, by the Counts Yymios and de Torres Vedras, that the King had, in their last audience on Saturday, the fifth of this present, not only assured them of his good disposition for the advancement of their desired aid for the enterprise of the Azores, but likewise that he purposed to send for me to the intent he might shew me his affection in the behalf of those affairs. Whereon the next day the King sent Monsieur Gondy for to will me to wait on his Majesty the said afternoon about two o'clock, which I performed. When as his Majesty did will me for to advertise the Queen that he, hearing tell that she was inclined to succour Don Antonio with aid of ships, he did think the same manner of dealing would be profitable as well for France as England, considering it should be a ready means to impair the increasing greatness of the Spanish King, and that he had for his part some months past sent Captain Escalyn with men into the island of Tarserys, and now he did send from Bordeaux three or four other ships, commanded and guided by Captain Gourgons, and because he was informed the Indian fleet was to repair presently into Spain, he wished her Majesty would be pleased to appoint those ships which were assigned for to part presently. The which his Majesty's message delivered me in this sort, I rehearsed to him, so as I might the better make true impression thereof; and I did further inform him how the Queen's Majesty, in consideration of the pretence the Queen his mother had to the realm of Portugal, and also for that it had pleased his Majesty to show many ways his affection to Don Antonio, the Queen's Majesty had been moved upon these considerations to harken to the abating of the Spanish usurpation of Portugal, and had likewise rather received Don Antonio as into a sanctuary or place of refuge, being a person descended of royal parentage, and as touching these his commandments delivered for to be written unto her Majesty, for his desire that the English ships might with the first commodity depart, because he found their voyage would not fail but become beneficial to both the realms of England and France, I did thereon assure him to signify the same at this present, beseeching your Lordship her Majesty may understand hereof. I further humbly requested his Majesty it might please him to let his mind be known, what order he would have taken for the commanding of those fleets of England and France, and to what end they were to be employed, the particularities whereof the Queen's Majesty would willingly understand for the better proceeding. He said how at the return of his Mother he would confer therein. I took occasion in this conference to desire his Majesty to give me license to move him in a matter whereof I had no particular commission to deal. But that the Queen's Majesty had heretofore willed me at sundry times to entreat his Majesty for to embrace the repose of his subjects, and to favour those of the religion betaking themselves into his hands. And since lately it hath pleased God to bless him with such a peace, as he hath had all his subjects become willing for to render him their due obedience (the which the Queen's Majesty was glad of, desiring his happy and peaceable reign), I therefore now did, as her servant, beseech his Majesty, according to the purposes it had pleased him to hold often unto me, that he would chasten such as did first break the Edict, as these late interprenders of the surprising of Perigeux, which is one of the towns allowed to the Protestants by his Edict. The King said how, eight days past, he had heard the bruit thereof, but did not believe it until the last night past, having then received from his Seneschal letters of advertisement thereof; therefore he stayed to give order until the coming of the King of Navarre's secretary, Monsr La Marseillière, which is now arrived with the certain report whereby it is understood how Marshal Biron had intelligence with certain of the citadel, by whom it was betrayed, aud many put to the sword and spoiled. This enterprise was governed by Monsr de Burdeyle, remaining there now Governor in Perigeux. The King of Navarre, presently upon the knowledge thereof, sent letters unto those of the religion to stay them putting them in hope the King will cause the town to be rendered again, and the malfactors punished. |
There are advertisements come out of Dauphiné how about the end of the last month the Duke de Maine with his army should depart towards Romans in Dauphiné, where the assembly of the camp shall be. The deputies of Gapt and Livron are departed for to cause the citadel of Gapt and a bastillon of Livron to be dismantled. The Duke de Maine will send to those towns incontinently garrisons for the King, the which they have promised to receive. The peace is held for assured in Dauphiné, notwithstanding the army is not dismissed, but is increased daily, and there are now arrived 1,200 Swiss, besides that shortly 2,000 Italians are looked for, which the Pope sendeth. There are, moreover, commissions delivered for other levies of men. The Duke de Maine maketh all manner of provision for munition and artillery. There are arrived 2,000 pioneers, at the least the greatest part of them, so as the rest do follow. There are bought likewise 400 mules, which preparations show meaning of a further war. Moreover, the regiment of Monsr de Brissac, which was dismissed, is again newly supplied. | |
I have thought it convenient to let your Lordship further understand how I have been informed that the Queen Mother did not only depart hence with intent to persuade Monseigneur to leave off the treaty of marriage with her Majesty, and not to hope further that way, but likewise to dissuade him from his further proceeding to hasard his person and friends in the action of relieving of Cambray; but also hath propounded to his Highness the offer of one of King Philip's daughters, with the continuance of the Spanish amity, with large benefits besides; that the king his brother will presently augment his appanage with the gift of the Marquisate of Saluzzo and the country of Provence, with the principality and regality of these two estates, and for the saving of Lis honour, the Prince of Parma should retire from those forts and places he had fortified nigh Cambray, which city should remain in some neutral government, neither subject to the Spanish nor French. Which offers made by the Queen have been, as some do advertise, hearkened unto. Nevertheless, Monseigneur is parted from Fere to Soissons, with show of his continued purpose, which is yet to be rather hoped, considering the conceived opinion and assurance many ways given of his loyal princely nature, whose wisdom can well judge how little those Spanish offers be to be had in estimation, if thus much have been passed, as I have been informed. I hope this letter which I do herewith inclose to your Lordship directed from this Spanish agent Tassis to his king, being well deciphered, will be a means to discover to her Majesty the dealing and meaning of the Spanish king with this king. I suppose the cipher is the same which Mr. Phillipps, my Lord Ambassador's man, did decipher me a letter the last year in the Spanish tongue. I required Mr. Sommers for to take pains with this letter, but he cannot undertake it, for the pains of his eyes.”—Paris, 9 August, 1581. | |
3 pp. [Murdin, pp. 351–353. In extenso.] | |
1014. De Marchaumont to Sir Fras. Walsingham. | |
1581, Augt 11. | Monseigneur m'a escript qu'il avoyt beaucoup de contentement de ce que vous achemines auprès de lui, mais que ce luy a esté du desplaisir d'entendre que l'on vouloit traicter de ligue laissant son mariage arrière, de quoi ayant bien discouru p[ar]ticulièrement à la Royne du dommage qui luy pourroyt venir, venant à rompre le voyage de Flandre, et par là fumissant les deux grans Roys les ungs avec les aultres, à la ruyne et du prince d'Orange et de ce pauvre Roy de Portugal, dont l'Angleterre ne se porteroit pas mieux. Il * * * (fn. 1) tomberoyt et sur vous aultres et sur mon maistre, je ne vois pas que n'admène si le mariage se rompt, estunt ung peu S. M. faschée de quoy vous n'avez traicté du mariage, et que c'estoyt l'occasion pour la quelle elle vous avoyt envoyé vers luy, pour luy faire entendre son intention d'accomplir le mariage, en cas que le Roy se chargeast du reste de la despence de la guerre après les Estats, et ce que pourroyt porter monseigneur pour faire paroistre à son peuple qu'elle ne les amene à une guerre, et s'il ne le vouloit faire en tous cas que vous regardissies ce qu'elle pouvoyt faire pour luy, pour y faire entrer le Roy à son secours. Elle m'a commandé par trois fois d'escrire à monseigr, me l'ayant asses répété de fois et à d'autres depuis des conseilliers, n'entendant à ce que mon dit m~re a escript entrer aucunement en ligue, sinon en conséquence de mariage. Je vous prie, Monsr, de juger ung peu s'il seroyt honorable à mon maistre se departir de ceste cause de faire que fust recompense de ses frais pour aller en Angleterre espouser ceste princesse, et ce afin de ne les amener à la guerre. Vous voyez asser clair si cela touche à cest estat et à nostre relligion. Après la faulte faicte se repentir n'y apporte de rien. Je vous prie apporter au mariage tout ce que pourrez, pour ce que de deça vous voyez ce que l'on en dict. Je m'asseure sur ce que m'en avez dict et n'en veux davantage. La Royne escript à mon maistre et croy que sur la lettre il vous escrira vous serez adverty du reste. Estant, pressé ce porteur, vous priant de me departir de voz nouvelles etc.—Grenwc, xi August 1581. |
Endorsed :—“Coppie of Monsr Marchaumont's letter to Mr Secretary Walsyngham.” | |
Contemporary (?) copy. | |
1 p. | |
1015. [Madame de Marchaumont] to Du Bex. | |
1581, Aug. 11. | Has arrived at last at “la bonne ville.” Will stay indoors for three days to finish her business matters, and hopes to begin going about on Sunday. Will gather some news for him. His horse is not yet sold; has spoken about it. Is attending to the finances : remarks on the same. Begs to be informed when this packet is received. Her husband is to burn her letters. Did not write to Hausdeterre.—Paris; 11 Aug. |
Signed :—“[symbol].” | |
Endorsed :—“1581.” | |
French. 2 pp. | |
1016. Gardet to Du Bex. | |
1581, Aug. 11. | His assurance that Du Bex will see what he has written to M. de Marchaumont, and the little leisure he has, will keep him from making this a long letter. Desires always a place in his regard. Has informed M. Jacques that he has satisfied Lambert.—Paris, 11 Aug. 1581. |
French. 1 p. | |
1017. Gardet to De Marchaumont. | |
1581, Aug. 11. | Received his letters of the 21st July, when about to o and see his Highness at Château Thierry, for the purpose of obtaining he papers for the 10,000 crowns in return for Meaux, and the necessary etters from his Highness to their Majesties and his council. M. de Quincé had referred him to Château Thierry for the letters, although he had promised to send them, as the writer had written to De Marchaumont by Du Bex. So, at his departure, he had no means of replying nor of informing him of what he had done in Paris respecting General de Beaulieu and Le May. Was sure Madame de Marchaumont had written about them, and of the trouble he had had therein. Particulars of these matters. His Highness made a very short stay at Château Thierry, and had gone by the time the writer arrived, so the latter was obliged to follow him to Fere in Tardenois, where he told his Highness all the particulars De Marchaumont had written, even the small amount of money he had, and the expenses he would incur if he had to follow the Queen of England in her coming progress. Whereupon his Highness was pleased to order further money to be sent to De Marchaumont. Without him [De M.] nothing would have succeeded. With respect to De Marchaumont's desire to know whether his Highness wished to keep him always there (which could not be done without money, 18,000 (crowns?) having already been expended), his Highness replied that he wished him to stay until the receipt of further orders, and that he would give instructions so that De Marchaumont would be satisfied. But for the present, seeing the necessity of his affairs, his Highness begged him to have patience, and to be content with the money he was to receive from Le May. This was all that could be done. As to the other papers above spoken of, the arrival of the Queen at Fere, where she remained until the departure of his Highness on the previous Monday, had prevented his obtaining them. Had followed to a place eight leagues beyond St. Quentin, but M. de Quincé advised him to return, promising to send the papers to him or to M. de Réaulx within four or five days. He said he had not been written to about them, which, the writer thinks the cause of the delay. Advises De Marchaumont to write to him and to the Keeper of the Seals. M. de Quincé's delay. Thinks De Marchaumont should, in writing to him, say that the affair was for the interest of his Highness and of de Quincé, as well as of himself. Asks De Marchaumont to send him the letters, and he will add his own. M. Brulard will be a help. Arrived at Paris on Wednesday, the same clay as Madame de Marchaumont. She has written to M. Lesler to come and see her about the sale of the wood. M. de Marcel's promises of assistance. Further steps necessary. Has seen M. de Ja Coste, who has given him the address of a man in Paris, to provide for the payment of the rent, and who desires his remembrances. Has not been able to see M. du Fargis or M. de la Beaulse. The English ambassador, who recently arrived, had left Fere to go and find their Majesties, but the coming of the Queen had made him return, whereby affairs are a little embroiled. It was said the Queen had gone there for the marriage of the Infanta of Spain, but he has learnt in Paris that it was for the marriage of the Princess of Lorraine, which they say has been agreed upon, and that the Queen gives in favour of the marriage her goods, which are estimated at 300,000l. Marshal de Retoie (?), they say, remains in his house by command of the King, who does not wish him to go to the war in Flanders. The controller Bodin came on Sunday to Fere from the reiters, who were nearly joining the army. The same day the Marquis d'Elbeuf also arrived in a litter, very ill. Met on the road the Genissat regiment. Assures him that his Highness has a very fine army; not less than 10,000 foot, and 2,000 French lancers, all gentlemen, well mounted and armed; and it is not thought that Spain is aware of it. There has been no provision market held as yet, which has occasioned much disorder and crowding to the poor people, who have been obliged to quit their houses. Awaits De Marchaumont's commands.—Paris, 11 Aug., 1581. |
French. 4 pp. | |
1018. Memorandum to the Queen on the Anjou Marriage. | |
1581, Aug. 13. | “It may please your most excellent majesty, I know you cannot but find the alteration of the king's former resolution very strange, and therefore would be glad to know the true cause of the change, wherein I would to God I could satisfy your majesty with truth. To think that the same proceedeth upon the two causes alleged by the king, whereof we have in our general letter made mention, I have many reasons to lead me to be of a contrary opinion, and have rather just cause to think that the ground of the change grew upon advertisements received from thence, being put in hope that either your majesty (they insisting still upon the league with marriage) will yield thereunto, or else in respect of the doubt they are put in that, the marriage not taking place, your majesty will not go resolutely forward in the prosecution of the war against Spain (in case it should be so found expedient) to enter into a public and open action. If your majesty have conquered the difficulty in your own nature, as also other difficulties of state, touching the marriage, and shall be disposed to proceed to the effectuating thereof, then we, your poor ministers here, do hope that we shall not receive that disgrace as that your resolution therein shall rather be delivered by others than by us. On the other side if that your majesty shall not be disposed to enter into open action against Spain with this crown in respect of the charges, then were it good that any further proceeding therein were forborne, for to give them occasion by the entertaining thereof, to think that your majesty dallieth with them in both marriage and league, cannot but greatly exasperate them against you. How your majesty shall be able alone to bear the malice of Spain, France, and Scotland (for such a concurrency against you is to be looked for) I do not see, otherwise than to depend upon God's goodness. The consideration of this matter doth . . . . ster two necessary questions in state; the one whether it were not better for your majesty to join with France against Spain, or to have them both with Scotland to assail you; the other whether it were not better to convey the wars out of your own realm by the intended association with this crown, or to have this crown with the rest of your ill-affected neighbours to assail you within your own realm. The solution is very easy, for, as in the cure of a natural body being diseased, it were ill advice to counsel the application of inward medicines when outward will serve, so were it no less dangerous to attend a war at home, the inward corruption being thoroughly looked into, when that the same by some provident course to be taken by your majesty may be put off. The only difficulty then resteth upon charges, which, if the likelihood were, would grow greater than your state or crown might bear, forbear the same for that ultra posse non est esse, then were it reason for your majesty to depend upon God's protection and to stand upon your own own defence. But if the charges may be reduced to such a convenient proportion as the crown may bear, then were it very hard that treasure should be preferred before safety. I beseech your majesty that without offence I may tell you that your loathness to spend even then when it concerneth your safety is publicly delivered out here. We find also the doubt thereof by the Commissioners' particular and private speeches with us, a principal impediment why the king here is loath to join in association with you. For the love of God, madame, look into your own estate, and think that there can grow no peril so great unto you as to have a war break out in your own realm considering what a number of evil subjects you have. And therefore your majesty cannot redeem the peril that is like to grow thereby at too dear a price. I hope your majesty will bear with my boldness, and interpret the same to proceed of a care I have of your highness' preservation in that happy estate you have lived in these three and twenty years, which I pray God to continue your majesty in double those years. According to your majesty's commandment I moved the king for the Marshal de Cosse to attend upon Monsr in this voyage, who promised me that the rather at your highness' request he would see his brother assisted not only with the said Marshal, but also with divers others whose counsel and advice in these martial affairs should, he doubted not, serve greatly to the furtherance of his directions. And thus, craving pardon for this my length in writing, I humbly beseech the Almighty so to bless your Majesty with the prosperous reign of many years as that your enemies may have cause to envy your highness' happiness, and your faithful servants and subjects cause to rejoice and to render unto Him therefore their humble thanks.” |
Endorsed :—“13 August 1581.—M. to her Majesty.” | |
Draft. 5 pp. | |
1019. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 14. | Perceives in the Lord Ambassador's letters the treaty of the league has received a cross through words delivered by De Vrey in behalf of Monseigneur. The King seems willing to enter into the league, but Monseignr doubts it may bring him as little profit as the long treaty of the marriage hitherto. The King has sent money to the Duke of Maine in Dauphiné, and 4,000 crowns to the Marquis of Miranda in Italy to pay his soldiers. This Court and chief courtiers are busy exercising on horseback to make show of their gallantry at the marriage of M. D'Arx. Monseigneur means to review his forces at St. Quentin. Advertisements out of Spain are that Philip has returned to Madrid, having given the Duke of Braganza the Duchy of Medina del Campo in Castille in exchange for the Duke's living in Portugal.—From Paris this 14th of August. |
Endorsed :—“1581.” | |
2 pp. | |
1020. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 16. | “I hope afore this time your Lordship is thoroughly advertised of our proceedings with the King and with his counsellors appointed to confer with us about the treaty of the league. The which was by the King accorded at the first access of my Lord Ambassador, but, through his Highness' earnest entreaty to their Majesties, the King's counsellors, at their conference had with us, the first and second time refused, by commandment from his Majesty, to enter into the treaty of the league, dwelling upon their desire of the proceeding in the marriage, fortifying this their purpose with many arguments known to your Lordship, using (“yowsing”) earnestness in their speeches, but De Vrey more than the rest. So we are thus constrained to rest at a stay until we may receive her Majesty's further commandments, attending to hear shortly, at Mr. Sommers' return, what Monseigneur's meaning shall be for the proceeding in the treaty of the league, or else that her Majesty may be certified of his further intent, which is to be accorded and ordered as please her Highness. |
As for the affairs of this Court, they remain in the same manner they did at my last writing. | |
The surprising of Perigeux is confirmed, which passed without slaughter, occasioned through the disorderly dealing of the garrison of those of the religion. | |
A captain Catholic belonging to the King of Navarre did essay to take another town, but failed of his enterprise, so as the King's Majesty is advised to have the one and the other party chastised. | |
The Duke of Maine, having razed the walls of Gapt, is parted without placing garrisons in Livron or Gapt, advising the Papists to live in peace with the Protestants, declaring that such was the King's Majesty's will, which proceeding hath given good satisfaction, and lessened the conceit of fear which they of the religion had conceived in those parts. | |
Monsieur hath taken a view of his camp, which is beside St. Quentin, at a place called Riblemont, whereabouts his forces are encamped, having sent to the frontiers Monsr Lavalle with Monsr La Chastre for to affront the enemy, and to discover how he may approach to Cambray. | |
It is understood that Monsr the Marquis d'Elbœuf doth command the vanguard, having with him Monsr La Chastre and Monsr Lavalle. La Chastre is assigned master of the camp; Monsr Lavalle, Captain of all the Gendarmerie; Fervaques, Marshal of the camp. | |
Monsieur leadeth in person the battle, attended on by the Vicomte de Turenne, with the Count St Ayngneau, the Count Montgomery, St Luc, Rochepot, and with much other nobility of value. | |
The victuals for Cambray are in a readiness at a little town called Castellet. | |
I have certified your Lordship in my late letters as much as the King delivered me touching his desire for the setting forward of those ships to the isles of the Azores, which the Count de Torres Vedras shewed the King were prepared in England. | |
It is certified that King Philip should have a meaning to take to wife the widow of Rugonnes; she was of late in prison, and in displeasure, so as it seemeth hard to be believed. She is of the house of Mendoza. | |
It was bruited in this town, upon the king's parting so privately this morning, that he was gone towards Picardy, or to confer with Monseigneur; but I have been otherwise given to understand he went towards Lusarche, for to see a house which he would buy for Monsr d'Arx. | |
For my own particular cause I received but heavy news, perceiving by your Lordship's letter her Majesty's unwillingness to grant fee farms, wherefore I find my hap to be thus framed, as that after three years' suit, or more, my hope is almost taken from me, so as I remain in grief, returning only now once again for to beseech you most, humbly to move her highness for to consider of me in so gracious sort as the fee farm of one hundred pounds a year may be bestowed on me in parsonages or in quilletes, or else in such sort as will best like her highness, and be least disprofitable to her, assuring your Lordship how by the protracting thereof, my death will be the more intolerable unto me, having already sold land, lease, and annuities to my great grief in these my further years, when as I should be past begging. I refer me to her Majesty and to the ordinance of God, praying for your healthful life.”—Paris, 16 August. | |
Endorsed by Burghley :—“16 Aug. 1581. Sir H. Cobham with advices from France. By Walsingham, 20 Aug.” | |
3 pp. | |
1021. [Sir Francis Walsingham (?)] to the Queen. | |
1581, Aug. 16. | “Most gracious Sovereign, the particular letter it pleased your highness in your princely favour to vouchsafe to write unto me, did minister unto me two singular comforts; the one, that your mislike conceived of my dealing with the Duke is in part qualified; the other, for that it hath pleased your majesty to lay open unto me your disposition touching the charge committed unto me, whereby I may use the same as a loadstar the better to direct my course. Touching the first, I hope when your majesty shall be thoroughly informed of my proceeding, you shall find that I swerved not from the direction I received, nor yet had cause that in discretion might lead me to take another course. The principal cause why I was sent over, as I conceive it and as I trust your majesty can call to remembrance, was to procure a straiter degree of amity between the king and you without marriage, and yet to carry myself in the procuring thereof, as might not altogether break off the matter of the marriage. And, though these two points were very hard, considering the determination they had put on here not to yield to a league without marriage, so long as there was hope of marriage, yet the success of my travail fell out so, through God's goodness, as I did assuredly, not without good ground, make account that the amity would have taken place, had it not been crossed by some practice, as your majesty may perceive by former advertisements not yet discovered; and yet both the king, his mother, and Monsieur resolved to continue their former determination in the prosecution of the marriage, which if I had made the case so desperate, as I perceive your majesty hath been informed, then surely would they not have continued their disposition to follow the matter. I was sundry times pressed both by them and their ministers to yield a resolute answer whether I had power to say that your majesty would not marry. Whereunto I answered, as I was directed, that I had no such authority, otherwise than to lay before them the impediment that made your majesty doubtful to proceed in the marriage, which was, to have the same accompanied with a war. This being then true (as the effects do shew) I hope your majesty, in the goodness of your own princely nature and the uprightness in your own judgment, will rest satisfied. For otherwise, if either I or any other minister, employed in like service, shall be condemned unheard, it cannot but minister great cause of grief and discouragement. Touching the other benefit received by your majesty's particular letter, by the which you have so far forth opened yourself, as if you shall of necessity be thrown into a war, you find it more agreeable with your surety to have it accompanied with marriage than without, I cannot but let your majesty understand (as I declared unto you before my departure) that if your majesty shall be content to yield to marriage, I am fully persuaded that the king here will be induced to covenant with you that you shall be discharged of such burden as the war may cast upon you, which is the only matter that we have presently to deal in, considering that your majesty hath now so far forth opened yourself unto Monsr Marchaumont as to let him understand that if the impediment of the charges that the war may cast upon you may be removed, your highness seeth no cause why the marriage should not proceed. For, this thing being known to their majesties, all hope to procure the league without marriage is utterly excluded. |
I beseeeh your majesty, therefore, we may receive your speedy direction in this case, as also what other thing you would have annexed unto the marriage, besides the removing of the impediment above mentioned. And so, with all humbleness, do beseech God, of His infinite goodness, to bless all your majesty's proceeding with that happy success as may be to your highness' particular contentment and the comfort of your best affected subjects.” | |
Endorsed :—“16 August, 1581. To her Majesty.” | |
Draft. 4 pp. | |
1022. The Dure of Anjou to the Queen. | |
[1581] Aug. 19. | Can assure her that he will effect the victualling of Cambray without the danger to his person which her Majesty fears, for he is already there and the enemy have fled with every appearance of terror to a distance of four leagues having refused the battle which he offered them. Feels sure that M. de Soumer [Somers] will have given her Majesty to understand what he told him the day before yesterday, and has further given directions to M. de Marchaumont to acquaint her more fully with what cannot very well be written.—Cambray, 19 August. |
French. 2 pp. | |
1023. Notes of letters from the Lord Deputy of Ireland to the Council. | |
1581, Aug. 19. | The two sons of the Baron of Lyxsnawe being escaped, either he will break out and declare openly for the rebels, or he will suffer all the forces and followers of his country to draw to his sons. The remedy for this is that the Lord Deputy write speedily to Sir Warham St. Leger and Colonel Zouche to lay hands on the Baron if he show any disposition to revolt. The like to be done to Rory McShee whose son is also escaped. |
The rebels having refused to take the benefit of her Majesty's pardon, should it be again proclaimed amongst them? The cause of the Earl of Kildare. | |
Con O'Donnell's house called the Liffyn being wrested from him it may be feared Tirleogh will revive the quarrel, but rather than the composition should not proceed the house should be redelivered to him. | |
Endorsed :—“19 August 1581, . . . . to be considered of.” | |
1½ pp. | |
1024. John Somers to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 21. | “My very good Lord, that the same may understand after what sort the Vicomte of Thurayne was taken prisoner, thereof to inform the Queen's Majesty, I have thought it meet to set it down, as the Duke told it to me. |
On Wednesday the 16th of August, Monsieur coming that night to lodge with his army at an old abbey called Hombrecourt, four leagues from Cambray, the Vicomte said that, with Monsieur's leave, he would ride that night to Cambray, saying he had heard that the way was free without danger of the enemy, he being encamped beyond that town at a place called Nave. Monsieur prayed him to stay, but, he insisting still to go, Monsieur commanded him to stay, whereunto he said that, by his commandment, he would not go : and then three several times promised to tarry. Which notwithstanding, the Vicomte going to his quarter, about half a league off, towards the town, in the night about eight of the clock, having concerted with divers gentlemen to go with him, as, the son of M. de Bellegarde, the young Comte de Ventadour, Beaupré, Tiiligny, Chasseron, the Baron of Viteaux, La Feullade, Montreterre, and many other gentlemen of mark, in all about 70 horses, only curtalls, and not their best horses of service, they without lances, having only pistolets, swords, and their curaces, [cuirasses] adventured that ungracious voyage. And having passed the enemy's scout about a league from Cambray, there met with about 40 or 50 lances within half a league, and being then advised to return, for fear of other company in ambush, he would needs charge them. And being entered, they had 200 lances Albanois upon them, before they could look about them. Thus was he, and the young Comte de Ventadour, and two more, taken, the young Comte sore hurt on the head and in the face with a curtelace. Bellegarde, and five or six more gentlemen, escaped into the town; therefore all put to the sword, saving two; the one, being unhorsed and hurt, saved himself in a little coppice wood, till the enemy was retired, and that next morning came to the camp. Another gentleman, in shifting to save himself, fell among certain Burgundians that kept Marcoyn upon the passage, who the next day was rescued, when that port, (being but a church), was taken by Monsieur. | |
The loss of the Vicomte and other valiant gentlemen is much bewailed, being lost in such poor sort, without attempting any good service. Monsieur determined to have gone to Cambray on Thursday the 17th, or else to give the Prince of Parma battle, who lay between him and the town, but was empeached by two churches fortified on the passage, [“Marcoyn, Crevecueur taken ye 17”—marginal note] and by a little brook running through a low meadow. | |
On Friday he passed by Marcoyn, leaving the brook on his right hand, and then had he all champaign to the town. And though I were despatched in the morning, yet, being desirous to see what that forenoon would bring forth, and to see the order of the march that day, which I found to be set broader, with more advantage to fight, and to set more awork without troubling one another, than they were the day before, for the place did afford it better, (pardon me, my lord, for I speak like a gown man), and after I had gone among them, within two leagues of Cambray, full in sight of it, and had heard that the Prince was retired, Monsr de La Chastre with the light horse, and the Marquis d'Elbœuf with the vanguard, within a league and a half of the town, whereby I saw no difficulty of Monsieur's entering, I came away, because my charge required diligent return, as your Lordship shall see by the report of my negotiation with Monseigneur. Since, it hath been advertised that Monsieur entered there without impeachment, about three in the afternoon that day [“Friday 18”—marginal note]. Surely, my Lord, there are with Monsieur a great number of gentlemen, even the flower of this realm, most of them young, very well mounted and armed, all at their own charges, bringing their companies, all voluntary. So as they say in the camp that this army is rather spiritual, as come out of the clouds than otherwise; for herein was used neither commandment nor sound of drum, and yet in a small time there are about 3,500 lances (many more able horses) and 8,000 shot, very proper men. It was told me there from good part that on Thursday last there were given ten crowns to every company, which was but a small “adfreshing”; and yet, all very quiet and of good will. Monsieur had no pikes then, but since I met many in carrying thither, and also corslets; neither hath the Prince any. This army was made so suddenly, that there was no leisure (say they) to make companies, and miraculous they call it that it is thus well. There is nothing of the king's in this army. He hath about 1,500 horses now about three leagues from Noyon, and Compiègne, and Pierpont, and certain footmen under M. de Puisgaillard, but no speech of their joining with Monsieur. The opinion of persons near, is that Monsieur will go forwards, if he be able, but that they lack the sinews of the war. He bringeth no store of victuals in his army, until he hath made all clear. And now they are going apace with them from St. Quentin, Heu (sic), and Chastelet, which I saw, being my way. He had with him 12 pieces of artillery and certain 'organs,' six upon a carriage. Among many good things worthy good report in that army, one and not the least is, that there are no women, other than victuallers, that carry wine, bread, and such like. Thus have I troubled your Lordship, but I trust not unnecessarily, as with these few notes, whereof I am sure your Lordship is curious to know.”—Paris, 21 Aug. 1581. | |
[Postscript.]—“It was told me by a person near about Monsieur, that the Marquis of Risbourgh had bought the Vicomte of Thurayne of the Albanois, before he was discovered, for 3000 crowns.” | |
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“21 Aug. 1581. Mr. John Sommars.” | |
Seal. 3 pp. | |
1025. The Queen to the Duke of Anjou. | |
1581, Aug. 22. | “Mon trescher, n'ayant pençée en mon âme qui ne retient quelque mention de vous ou voz affaires, vous me permettrez par ceste çy de voussouvenyr d'ung action, qui à cest heure se mène, que voyant l'envie que le pay a de retrencher vostre autorité au Pais Bas souz l'ombre du mariage, je vous prie de considérer que si vous accordez de patizer aveq le Prinse de Parme si avant, pour la retraicte de voz forces & les siennes, que fissiez par là ung droict sentier pour vous esgarer du droict chemin de ceste supériorité, non seulement protection, qu'avez desià embrassée. Si vous leur en pourriez honorablement respondre selon la fiance grande qu'ilz vous ont miz en la main, ja Dieu ne plaize qu'à mon occasion je fiz tant de tort à la France & à moy mesme avecq. A qui je ne doutte nullement que le Roy d'Espaigne s'attaque le premier. Nostre mariage en ceste endroyt feroyt plus de mal à vostre pais qu'il ne feroyt de plaisir à nous deux, voyant que ne sommes néz à nousmesmes. J'ay donné charge à Walsingham de dire assez au Roy sur ce point. Je suis trèsfàché de moymesme, que i'empeschoys quelque troupe de gentizhommes, que je vous eusse envoyé en pensée, que seriez assez en peine de contenter cez volontaires Françoys sans vous molester d'Angloys, qui autrement, je vous prometz, n'eussent failliz de vous servyr d'aussi bon cœur que quelque françoys qui y seront ou sera. Aussi je me doutoys que le Roy vous retardast trop ce voyage. Ce me semble trop estrange que le Mareshall de Cosse, ne quelqu'autre de son qualité, vous sert de lieutenant, en ayant escript moymesme au Roy, & luy l'ayant promis à Walsingham. Mais encores, j'espère voyr contre-espérance qu'il vous plairra vous souvenyr de la promesse que me fistes par Sommer de n'y bazarder vostre personne, de qui je doybz avoyr plus de soing. Vous avez tant d'affaires que je finiray de vous fascher de trop longue lettre. Seullement je souhaitte que moymesme fiz le contecharge de vous, quand seriez en plus de péril, & m'aseure que mon cœur me serviroyt de ne vous en deshonorer par ung receuil parceux, [?] combien que l'éguielle sert plus aux femmes que l'espée. Si ne seroys la première avvider ung tel preil [? péril]. Et plust à Dieu que j'y fusse, comme Dieu sçayt, &c.” |
[Postscript.]—“Il me donne assez de regret que le porteur dust prévenyr quelqu'ung des miens que j'ay retardé en attendre d'ouyr quelque meilleure response du Roy pour le vous mander. Je pense ung jour mille que n'oyr quelques bonnes nouvelles de vostre journée.” | |
Endorsed :—“Coppie of a letter sente from ye Queene to Monsr by Du Bez, from Grenvyg, the 22nd of August, 1581.—No. 8.” | |
1½ pp. | |
Modern copy of the preceding; very faulty. | |
1½ pp. | |
1026. The Lord Deputy of Ireland to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 26. | Finds the whole store at Cork utterly spent, and the garrison thereby in no small penury. Prays for speedy supply, and that the ships bringing the proportion for those parts be directed henceforth to Youghal and not to Cork, the staple there fitting far better the garrison's turn. Through the great defaultments & allowances of old dues, scarce 3,000l. of the last treasure allotted will come unto them, whereof necessary payments for corn and beeves being made, not 2,000l. will rest for the officers, soldiers, and himself. What that sum will do amongst so many, & where so much is due, he leaves to Burghley's consideration. Begs that suits upon private affection and favour may not be allowed to hinder the service there. The great need of money : “without ready coin, I put not one bit of meat into my mouth, nor feed my horses.” The “not overhastiness” of Her Majesty to afford the supply. Knows not what in the world they shall do without it. That now to be received is “none other than as good never a whit, as never the better.” Expects to write again ere two days be ended.—Dublin, 26 Aug. 1581. |
[Murdin, pp. 353, 354. In extenso.] Seal. 2 pp. | |
1027. The Lord Deputy of Ireland to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 28. | “Your Lordship shall understand how peaceable we grow now in these parts. God hold it, which yet I will give no warrantize for, though it shall not a little content me to have my expectation deceived; nevertheless the winning of time, if no better come of it, will be no loss, considering our many loose ends to be looked to, and Her Majesty's dislike thoroughly to deal with them, as the certainty of the cure would require.” Begs for money and victuals. Is prepared to go into Munster, for which journey he has not one penny, nor, as he last wrote, is any scrap of victuals left in those parts on this side Limerick, which too wastes apace. Beseeches the sending of good proportions to Youghall, Limerick, and Dingle. Dublin too must not be forgotten, where there is but a small “remain,” owing to the store only having been used, through the extreme scarcity in the country.—Dublin, 28 Aug. 1581. |
1 p. [Murdin, p. 354. In extenso.] | |
1028. [Sir Henry Cobham ?] to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 28. | “My very good Lord, I most humbly thank your Lordship for the advice given my wife to stay the ring in her hand until I may receive some satisfaction for such money as I have disbursed and am become surety for. And whereas 1 perceive, by a letter sent me from my servant Francis Mels, that towards the preparation of the four ships intended to be employed in the former voyage, I am taxed to be at a thousand pounds charges, I desire your Lordship's honourable favour therein, and to provide that it may be otherwise borne, for that neither my state can bear it, nor, if it could, the hope of the success of that voyage doth not carry any such probability as may allure me thereunto. |
Whereas I am greatly blamed by her Majesty for that the charges do exceed the first proportion, which was the sum of 8,000l., it may please your Lordship to understand that the cause thereof grew upon an earnest request made by the king that the number of the ships might be increased, for that he thought those that were agreed on not of sufficient force, and for the defraying of the charges thereof, as well of the said ships as of the rest increased, there was hope given that there would come both money out of the Isles of Terceira, as also out of the Low Countries, upon such jewels as were sent thither to be sold. And as touching the contract by the which he saith it was agreed th at the satisfaction should be made of such money as should be taken of the Spanish goods, the same contract was rejected by the Count Vimoso in the beginning of the spring, and afterwards upon motion to have had the same revived at a conference between the Count Ruramide [?] De Silva and me, in Mr. Wil. Aboroughes house, in the presence of Sir Fr. Drake, Mr. John Hawkins, and D. Lopes, the same was rejected, for that the time was so far passed, as such as before were willing to adventure, refused the same. I hope, the premisses being true, I have not deserved for any the dealing that hath proceeded from me in that cause, that I should be charged with a thousand pounds venture. The only cause that moved me to be so forward in the voyage was in respect of her Majesty's safety, but finding now that the time is overslipped, and that this employment of those four ships is to no purpose, I hope by your Lordship's good commands that (if the setting forth of the said ships shall be thought necessary) that the charges thereof shall be otherwise supplied.” | |
Endorsed :—“28 August 1581.—For the Lord Treasurer.” | |
Draft. 2½ pp. | |
1029. Ireland. | |
1581, Aug. 30. | “Articles that Feaghe McHughe is bound to accomplish upon his coming in.” |
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“30 of Aug. 1581.” | |
p. ½. | |
1030. The Lord Deputy of Ireland to the Privy Council. | |
1581, Aug. 30. | Preparations for his expedition to prosecute the “rebels of the mountains,” near Dublin. Submission of the O'Birnes. Reasons for accepting the submission of Feaghe McHughe, notwithstanding his notable misdemeanors. Submission of Connor McCormack O'Connor, head of one of the two septs of the O'Connors. Endeavours to intercept Captain Garrett and Viscount Baltinglas, and measures taken against Phelim O'Toole. The aforesaid pacification of the rebels is a course “not the surest for the state, because the Irish are so addicted to treachery, and breach of fidelity, as longer than they find the yoke in their neck, they respect not either pledge, affinity, or duty.” Probability of a fresh insurrection after the harvest. Departure of Sir Warham St. Leger for England. Is going to Munster. Tirlough Lennough bound only by his oath, which “is in his religion to be dispensed withal by any of his Romish priests, as soon as he spieth an opportunity to break for advantage.” Expected submission of other rebels. Necessity of a President for Munster, whither he must proceed without delay. Leaves behind him in Leinster and Ulster the Lord Keeper, the Treasurer, and Mr. Marshall. Sir Lucas Dillon appointed to have care of Westmeath. Takes only Mr. Waterhouse with him. Great want of victuals for the troops, begs that good quantities may be sent to Limerick, Youghal, Cork, and Dingle. Captain Macworth appointed to look after the O'Mores and the rebel sept of the O'Connors. Sir William Stanley and the Seneschal of Wexford to look after the Kavanaghs. Will write further after he is joined by Sir Nicholas Malby. Testifies to the good services of Sir Warham St. Leger.—Dublin, 30 Aug. 1581. |
5 pp. [Murdin, pp. 356–359. In extenso.] | |
1031. [Sir Henry Cobham?] to Robert Beale. | |
1581, Aug. 30. | Finds that her Majesty has not altered her resolution touching her marriage, but is still determined that he should follow such instructions as he received before his departure. Her Majesty would have made him and his associates acquainted with any change in ber wishes. This is signified in her own particular letters, for which they are infinitely bound to her highness. I am sorry that a cause importing her Majesty so greatly as the matter of Portugal should be overthrown. The French king greatly to be blamed. Seeing the preparations were so forward, the enterprise should not have been given over. The course of all their doings tends to offend, without regard had so to proceed as that the persons offended may not be able to prosecute their revenge. Strange to see the friendship acquired by Spain in the courts of Europe by corruption. It behoves all Princes to choose honest men, who will esteem more of honour and conscience than of profit. Has great cause to think that the French king's not assenting to concur with her Majesty in the action of Portugal grew by practice from thence [? Spain]. Some seek to lay the fault on her Majesty, but these he has made to excuse her. Will be fully able to answer the fault laid upon him as to the greatness of the charges. Fears the Queen and the realm will feel the harm, when it is too late to remedy it. |
Is infinitely bound to her Majesty for letting his wife retain possession of the ring, until such time as he may receive satisfaction for the money he has become creditor for. The diseased mind of the “poor Prince” may have let slip somewhat to offend her Majesty, but he doubts not that she, in her princely goodness, will, instead of displeasure, yield comfort to the “poor afflicted gentleman.” Has given warning to them of the religion to look after Rochelle. Cannot hear that any such person as is named in Beale's letter is remaining in the town, notwithstanding the warning can do no harm, especially when there are many tokens of the renewing of the former troubles, whereof he will be able to inform her Majesty particularly at his return, which he trusts will be shortly, for he hopes on the morrow to take leave both of the King and of the Queen Mother. | |
Endorsed :—“To Mr. Beale, 30 August 1581.” | |
Draft. 2½ pp. [Murdin, pp. 355, 356. In extenso.] | |
1032. [Sir Henry Cobham] to Lord Burghley. | |
1581, Aug. 31. | The Duke [of Anjou] desires all expedition in the transport of the money, so the writer sends the bearer with all speed, who will report on the state of the camp and on the enterprise the Duke hath in hand. Great judgment and thankfulness shewn in enclosed letter of the young Prince, who promises exceedingly well. The better part there offended to see so much treasure spent in preparation for masques and other vanities, and the “poor Prince” forced, unless otherwise relieved, to give over an enterprise so profitable to the Crown [of France]. Care taken of the Prince's person. Instructed the bearer to ascertain whether the Duke desired the King and Queen Mother to be made privy to the loan, and how. The Duke referred the matter to her Majesty. Thinks they should be informed, or the King's jealousy might be increased as to some inward intelligence between her Majesty and the Duke. It would also serve to remove the idea of the King and the Queen mother that her Majesty's friendship consisteth altogether in words. |
That day he had long speech with the Queen mother both about the Portugal causes, and about the stay of their proceedings in the treaty. For the first, he finds that the King will attempt nothing with the Queen against Spain without the marriage. For the treaty, the King is resolved to stay until he hear from his ambassador. The Queen mother earnestly recommended the marriage, without which she said she saw there could be no sound friendship. She also renewed her request about the support to be given to Don Antonio, letting him [the writer] understand that the four ships were departed from Bordeaux with 600 men at least, and praying him to recommend the same to Her Majesty. Perceives by Burghley's letter of the 21st, that her Majesty is offended at not receiving fuller information of the state of both armies. Trusts her Majesty will conceive better of his service. No care lacking on his part, or on that of the Ambassador resident, to obtain information, but they are loath to send any news, until they can attain to some certainty thereof. As for information from the Duke's ministers, he finds they are not so thoroughly instructed, nor so willing to impart their knowledge as her Majesty has been persuaded they are. Has prayed the Duke to give order that by his ministers they may be informed from time to time of his proceedings, and he has promised accordingly. Hopes her Majesty will forbear to condemn them until they be heard. Is presently given to understand that their treaty shall be stayed, until her Majesty's full resolution to the marriage be known. Prays therefore for her Majesty's directions. | |
Endorsed :—“31 August 1581. M. L. Tr~er.” | |
Draft. 4½ pp. [Murdin, pp. 359, 360. In extenso.] | |
1033. [Réau] to Du Bex. | |
[1581?], Aug. 31. | “Monsieur, j'ay esté très ayze de veoir vos lettres & de sçavoir de vos nouvelles ensemble de Mr de Marchaumont, mais je confesse que Madame de Marchaumont, qui estoit en peine de vostre voiage & de la raison d'iceluy, ne ha passé en cela de contentement. Vous vous estiez trompé en la susception de vos lettres; toutesfoys j'ay envoié celles de Mr de Granvelle, mais ouvertes, & n'importoit pour cela, n'y ayant nul secret. Je n'entendz rein aux affaires d'Angleterre; toutesfoys je ne vous veulx celer que il y ha quelques tens que Mr de Mauvissière escrivit au Roy, que la Royne estoit du tout résolue au mariage, & plus que jamais cela ha accroché la négotiation de la ligue, jusques à ce que les ambassadeurs ayent nouvelles de leur maistresse, & encores de Monseigneur, vers lequel ilz ont envoyé, et ne ha, I'on dict, que ce seoir leur courrier est venu. J'adjousteray à cela que quelcun de vostre armée des premiers ha escript icy que Monseigneur s'en alloit en Angleterre dans huict jours après avoir forcé le chasteau Cambrésy, & licentié son armée; et il y en ha plus d'un qui l'ha escript. Je vous I'ay bien voulu dire, affin de vous esclaircir de toutes choses : or, à vos amys aussi ne faictes trop le secret. L'ambassadeur Coban [Cobham] me dict hier qu'il désireroit fort que Mr de Marchaumont eust faict résouldre la Royne, affin de sçavoir certainement ce qu'ilz ont à faire, n'ayant volonté que celle de sa majesté. Si semble il pourtant qu'ilz désireroient plustost ligue sans mariage; mais il m'en parla ainsi, et vous puys asseurer que des grandz d'icy tiennent que le mariage est le plus asseuré moyen de sa grandeur, et vous promectz qu'encores y poussent ilz à la tour. Cela est vray, tellement que vous avez à prendre garde à vous. Vous seriez honneste home si veniez passer icy, et croyez que ce ne seroit sans y estre désiré, principallement par la dame que sçavez, qui alla hier à Poissy, & vous baise, comme je faiz, bien humblement les mains. Je vous ay escript en Angleterre; si vous y allez, vous les trouverez; mais avant, dictesnous ung mot. A Dieu, Monsieur, qui vous conserve. De Paris, ce dernier Aoust, par vostre serviteur. |
“Ne devenez trop grand guerrier, & vous gardez pour vostre maistresse. Certes n'ay purement, quand vous vous lasserez d'avoir ung hoste.” | |
1 p. |