Cecil Papers: April 1581

Pages 384-388

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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April 1581

967. R. Graham to [Archibald Douglas (?)].
[1581 ?], April 1. Concerning the payment of a debt. Begs his Lordship to accept of 40 l. “in gud part, tyll better cum.”—Isle of Wight, 1 April.
The letter has been much injured by damp. The only words of the address legible are :—“To my gud lord . . . . . . . Imbassador . . . . . . majestye of . . . . . ”
2 pp.
968. Bullion in the Exchequer.
1581, April 2. Consisting of ready money, gold bullion, pistolletts at. 6 s. a piece, double milreis and double ducats each at 13 s. 5 d. a piece, and amounting in all to 263,790 l.
½ p.
969. Dalloiseau to Du Bex.
1581, April 2. Du Bex remembers no one, when in England, but please God, the writer will see him again in the old Rue du Temple, with the young lady Du Bex knows of. Mentions some things he promised to bring for him, and asks for others. Has been unwell since his son-in-law left. Du Bex is not to be too proud to answer him. Took his horse to the hunt.—Dalloiseau, 2 April 1581.
French. 1 p.
970. The Lord Deputy of Ireland to Lord Burghley.
1581, April 6. Thanks him for his letter by Mr. Fent, and will ever cherish his good will. Marvels at Ned Denny's report. Is much contented that Burghley is satisfied with his assertion in a matter that none of Denny's instructions touched. Thanks Burghley for his care about the victuals, and wishes the under officers were as careful in executing as he in directing. None of the victuals lately sent have arrived; prays for honest officers to issue them, when they do come. “The little service in Munster I cannot altogether excuse; and yet, my lord, there hath been more done than I perceive is conceived. For my part, without it be of some importance, I take no delight to advertise of every common person's head that is taken off; otherwise, I could have certified of a hundred or two of their lives ended since my coming from those parts, but indeed some hindrance it brought to the greater service that the garrisons would not remain in some of the places appointed first of, by reason that their victuals could not be as readily conveyed to them, as was hoped of.” The imperfections of the bands due to the evil choice of the men sent, and to a pestilent ague prevalent during the whole winter. Hopes it will soon cease, and that the fresh men to be sent will be maintained in better state. Agrees that the peril of Ireland lies most in foreign aids, chiefly in the north. The disquiet and mischief of the land will grow daily more and more, unless speedily looked into and prevented, as he has often certified. “To force the rebel from the seaside we need not, for the inward country is his own seeking, finding there all his relief and sustenance, and all our travel is to drive him to the coasts, where neither fastness for himself, nor succour for his create (sic), but seldom is found.” Removal of the garrison of the Dingle to Castle Magna, where the rebel Earl of Desmond hath walked most of the winter. The said garrison so visited with sickness that not forty able bodies were left in it. Hopes ere the summer goes that the enemy will be otherwise “layed unto.” Has heard nothing touching the removal of Collman. Doubts not his Lordship is acquainted by his late advertisements with the good estate of Connaught, through Sir Nicholas Malby's services. The occasion of sending the bearer, Justice Dillon, is that further instructions may be received regarding the trial of the meaner prisoners, there being objections to the ordinary course of proceeding. Desires all credit for the bearer. The infiniteness of his toil prevents him writing as often as he would.—Dublin, 6 April 1581.
Endorsed :—“6 April 1581. The Lord Deputie of Ireland to my lord by Mr. Dillon.”
3 pp. [Murdin, pp. 346–348. In extenso.]
971. [Madame de Marchaumont] to Du Bex.
[1581], April 10. Will have heard her news by Pigalle. Stayed such a short time at Paris, that she learnt nothing, and was unable to see his good friend. Was bound to attend the funeral of M. de Voysimlieu, where she saw the two mothers. Saluted the one who is a neighbour of Du Bex, and was very sorry not to see her daughter with her. Went to look at his house. All is well at Préau. Particulars of money matters. Is very glad to hear of the favours he receives. Could not be rendered more content than by hearing news of the health of her husband. Will expect M. de Véry.—Couramse, 10 April.
Signed, [symbol].
French. 3 pp.
972. De Faronville to Du Bex.
1581, April 12. When the messenger from the Earl of Northumberland came with letters for his son, he found him at Villelomgeon (sic), where the writer had taken him with a good company, to pass the time. Read Du Bex's letter to his cousins. The young Earl was thanked for the welcome his father had given Du Bex. The Duke commanded his son to go and pay his respects to his Highness. Thinks of accompanying him, in order to present him, since de Marchaumont and Du Bex are away from the court of his Highness. The latter is still near Bordeaux, but nevertheless on his way to meet the King, who is at Blois. Is to assure de Marchaumont that he will not allow the young Earl to be in need of anything, that he himself or his friends can supply. His honourable and virtuous youth has so attached the writer to him, that he would gladly serve him all his life. His wife and daughter are so grieved at the departure of the Earl from France, that they cannot speak of it without tears, so much had he gained their hearts. Believes that the Earl and himself will soon start to salute Monsieur. Begs to be remembered to de Marchaumont.—Orleans, 12 April 1581.
Addressed :—“A Monsieur, Monsieur Du Bex, mon cousin, estant près de Monsieur de Marchaumont, agent pour Monseigneur le Duc en Angleterre à Londres.”
Seal. French. 1 p.
973. Pasquier to Du Bex.
1581, April 12. Had he been sooner advertised that Du Bex had crossed the sea, he would not have delayed so long in doing his duty towards him. His obligations to Du Bex, and deep regard for him. Begs for a continuance of his friendship.—Paris, 12 April, 1581.
French. 1 p.
974. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1581 ?], April 19. His mind will have no rest until it shall please Her Majesty to give him a certain and definite answer as to her wishes for the fulfilment of the marriage so long treated of. Sends therefore the present bearer, M. Veray, expressly to beseech and conjure her in recompence of his faithful affection that, putting aside all doubts ambiguities and irresolutions, she will give expression to “la derniere de ses volontes” in this matter. If Her Majesty shall approve of the setting out of the Commissioners to conclude all matters concerning the marriage, as soon as by her reply to the present despatch he has learnt her wishes in the matter, they shall be despatched with instructions to obey and satisfy Her Majesty rather by deeds than words.—Bourgeul, 19 April.
French. 3 pp.
975. Hardy to Du Bex.
1581, April 20. “Monsieur, je reçeuz dernièrement vos lettres ensembles celles que escripvyez à vos amys, que je ne failly incontinent aporter. Monsieur de Very a esté fort bien reçeu en vostre logis. Je baille par le commandement de Madame de Marchaumont à vostre servante dix escuz sterlins en attendant vostre venue. Monsieur vostre frère a esté icy au mesme temps, qui a esté en grande collère que ne luy avez escript, quelque excuse que je luy aye sçeu faire, & encores sur ceste collère il este advenu qu'ayant quelque querelle sur le pont aulx changes entre quelques petitz gentishommes de Beausse, & le prevost d'Estampes, il se seroit trouvé, sans coup frapper, pour son regard, mais quel petites esgratigreures d'espées de la fueille en poincte entre les aultres, qui auroit esté occasion, comme je croy, que, voullant faire retirer ses gentishommes, auroit envoyé en vostre logis, pour prendre par son homme vos chevaulx, qui auroient esté resfuséz et ostéz hors de vostre estable, de craincte que les vint querir, ou son homme, assez mal advisé, auroit usé de quelques propos ligues, qu'il ne fault croyre : et croy que par la première veue ou lettres vous vous accorderez bien. L'on désire bien vostre venue. Monsieur Blutte diet qu'il désireroit bien que eussyez reprins après que sçavez, et que l'eussyez mandé à vostre présence, n'estant la présente à aultre fin. Je priray Dieu, Monsieur, après avoir sallué vos bonnes graces de mes très-humbles recommandations, qu'il vous donne ce que désirez. De Paris, ce xxe avril, 1581. Vostre bien humble à vous servir, Hardy.”
Addressed :—“A Monsieur, Monsieur Du Bex, gentilhomme servant de Monseigneur, à Londres.”
1 p.
976. The Lord Deputy of Ireland to Lord Burghley.
1581, April 22. Fresh advertisements from the north confirm the rebellious attempts of Tyrlough. Finding his [the writer's] demands for the preventing thereof not met, he could not but despatch a messenger of purpose, with letters to the Queen, and also to the Council, soliciting a “soon despatch.” Burghley's furtherance is a special hope with him. Prays the matter may be well weighed and answered, or else that he may be removed. Has set down the whole matter at some length in his letter to the Council, so need not repeat it. Thanks Burghley for the victuals, whereof a great part has arrived, and the rest is hourly expected. Begs that some money may be sent or it will go hard with them.—Dublin, 22 April 1581.
[Postscript.] Understands that some go about to get estates in certain things about him. Begs that, by Burghley's continued favour, the caveat may be renewed. A servant of his shall bring a note of the parcels.
1 p. [Murdin, pp. 348, 349. In extenso]
977. A “Discourse” concerning the Queen's Marriage.
1581, April 25. The propositions are three in number :—
(1.) That Her Majesty should live unmarried;
(2.) That she should marry the Duke of Anjou;
(3.) That she should enter into some strait league with the French King.
The consequences that would follow each of these determinations are :—
To the first : Her Majesty must strengthen herself by all lawful means and weaken her opponents directly or indirectly; that is to say she must attempt either by fair means or otherwise to reduce the King of Scots and his realm to the amicable disposition that existed there before the arrival of D'Aubigné in that country; and she must do what she can to impeach his marriage with Spain or elsewhere, lest his alliance should be dangerous to her Majesty. Also she must have good regard to the surety of the person of the Queen of Scots. She must forbear no means to reduce Ireland to quietness, for Scotland can offend her much more through Ireland than by any frontier incursions. She must also take care that the King of Spain do not make a full conquest of the Low Countries, whereby he might notably interrupt her people's trade; and must make some league of friendship with France, or if that cannot be, with some Protestant Princes of Germany or with the King of Denmark.
In the second case, if Her Majesty should resolve to marry the Duke of Anjou, she must not delay any longer, but by conclusion with the present Commissioners provide that Monsieur shall be so effectually aided by his brother the French King, in the prosecution of his enterprise in the Low Countries, that this realm may not be put to any great charge thereby; which is but reasonable, for the acquisition of those Countries by France would be nothing profitable to England but rather the contrary. There must also be great care taken that by Monsieur's marriage there be no alteration attempted in the cause of religion, “nor that the obstinate Papists be comforted in their obstinacy.”
On the other hand, if the marriage shall not take place, it must be foreseen that the breach do not induce hatred and offence in Monsieur against her Majesty and the realm, causing him to become the head of a faction to offend her by means of Ireland or Scotland, to this end, the following reasons may be alleged as causes to dissuade the marriage, without making the lack to proceed from her Majesty's person.
First, that since this overture was made, yea, since the treaty with de Simier, many accidents have happened to make this marriage with Monsieur ungrateful, yea rather hateful to the people of the realm, as the invasion of Ireland by the Pope's means; the determination of the Pope to stir up rebellion in this realm by sending in a number of English Jesuits, who have both by public books of challenges and by secret instructions and seductions of a great number of people, procured a great defection of many people to relinquish their obedience to her Majesty, and to acknowledge the Pope as a person able by his power to transfer this Crown from her Majesty to whom he will.
Likewise, there is happened a manifest “practice” in Scotland by D'Aubigné who came out of France, to alienate the young King of Scotland both from favouring the Protestant religion, and also from the amity with her Majesty and her realm, “notwithstanding he hath been conserved in his crown only by her Majesty's charges.”
Draft by Lord Burghley. Endorsed :—“25 April 1581. A discourse upon the Queen's Marriadg.”
6 pp.
978. The Earl of Lincoln.
1581, April. Sadler's bill of the Earl of Lincoln, between Dec. 1580 and April 1581, amounting to 16l. 9s. 10d. The articles mentioned comprise “a Frenche pad of Spannishe Lether with a seate of downe, sett with gilte nailes,” xlijs.; “a slope coveringe of cawfes Lether,” vis. vjd.; “a paire of Frenche sterupes and dowble Lethers,” vs.; “a velvett Steele saidle all readie to the coveringe,” xs.; “ix ounces and a hawlfe of Spannishe silke frenge for the same saidle at ijs. the ounce,” xixs.; “a paire of blacke Spannishe sterupes of the beste makinge and dowble Lethers,” vs.; “xxiiij dozen of gilte powdringe for the same [a velvet] harnes, at xd. the dozen,” xxs.; “a tassell and a cawle of Spannishe silke and ij butnes for the raines,” vjs.; “a paire of gilte Spannishe sterupes of the best gildinge,” xxxiijs. iiijd.
Endorsed :—“My Lorde Admirall his Bill.”
2 pp.