Cecil Papers: September 1580

Pages 340-348

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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September 1580

888. Simier to the Queen.
1580, Sept. 1. “Madame, vostre maj sera fidellement advertye par monsieur de Buy, que son altesse vous despêche exprès pour vous comunyquer ses intantions, et n' entreprandre chose qui vous puisse desplere, vous pouvant assurer que le plus grand désir qu'il est en se monde est de se voyr bien tost près de v[ost]re ma, pour vous randre les servisse qu'il vous a dedyé, duquel vous seres toujours assuré par ces desportementz qu'il n'a ryen de plus cher que de se conserver leur de bonnes grasses. Je ne fais aucun doubte que v[ost]re Ma ne soit différenment advertye de mon absence après de son altesse, et parce que m'aves faict tant d'onneur de me recognoistre pour v[ost]re très humble serviteur, j'ay pančé ne devoyr falyr à vous en mander la cause, qui procède d'une querelle qui m'est aryvée en la maison de monseigneur, de laquelle je désire tyrer rayson et contanter mon esperit avant mon retour près de son altesse, et parce, madame, que je say qu'ordinèrement l'absence que les serviteurs fon de leurs mestres les faict oblyer. J'ay prins l'ardyesse de vous suplyer très humblement me vouloyr reconmander, sachent que cella me peut grandement ayder, cognoisent l'affection que monseigner vous porte estre si grande, que je m'asure que vostre Ma ne le requera james de chose qu'il ne fasse en v[ost]re faveur. Surquoy je continnue à pryer Dyeu vous conserver, et acroystre en toutes choses l'aconplisement de vos désirs, et vous donner, Madame, en santé très hereuse et longue vye. De Bouryeul, se premier jour de septanbre, 1580, v[ost]re très humble, très obéisent à james, très fidelle serviteur, serviteur (sic), Symye.”
Addressed :—“A la Royne d'Angleterre.”
Holograph. 3 pp.
889. The Duke of Prussia.
1580, Sept. 3. Warrant, signed by the Queen, and addressed to Lord Burghley, High Treasurer of England, for the transportation of eighty broad cloths, for the household servants of the Duke of Prussia, as requested by the said Duke.—Oatlands, 3 Sept. 1580.
Seal. 1 p.
890. James Banister.
1580, Sept. 10. Charges laid out in going to the Court, “for me horse and me selfe” from 1 to 10 September. Hire of horse from Chester, 13s. 4d. “To be at London and to go to Chester, 6 days at 2s. 6d. a day, which is 15s.
Endorsed :—“10 Sept. 1580. James Banister sent from Chester; his bill of charges.”
¾ p.
891. Advices from Antwerp.
1580, Sept. 12. “Antwerp, 12 Sept. 1580. The greatest and most important news from here concern the action of the Duke of Anjou with the Estates, whose deputies having gone, as you have heard, to wit, without full and complete resolution of the Breedenraede of this town, it has happened that the council (i.e., of the Breedenraede), (fn. 1) held on the 5th inst., resolved, as well the four members who are deans of the guilds as the others, to give power and authority to the said deputies to conclude a treaty with the said Duke, for, up to the 5th, they had not wished to give any other power to those deputies, than that of presenting the proposed articles, whereon they were to make report here, before coming to a conclusion, which would have occasioned two journeys. Now, the present resolution is despatched to-day by special messenger, so that what remains is, what the said Duke ought on his side to do, since our deputies have both articles and power to conclude on the same, as is requisite in such a case. We shall see what the said Duke will do on his part, about which we can in no wise judge as yet, by letters from our deputies, for we have received none since they reached the said Duke. Only yesterday we have news from them from Dieppe, where (as they write) the Governor of the place, on behalf of the King, gave them all welcome, honour, and good cheer, with offers of everything they would need for their journey.
Meanwhile, the town of Bouchain, which held at bay the countries of Artois and Hainault, and the siege of which by the enemy the Sieur de Rochepot had promised to raise, after having been battered by eighteen cannon, and a breach having been made, surrendered on the 5th of the present month, on condition of safety for lives and goods. About which they say, that the strength of the enemy, and the small appearance of means for being able to resist him, compelled the Sieur de Villers, Governor of the place, to yield. Others say that there were means of resistance, at least for bearing an assault, and that the French soldiers who were there, would not hear of it. By the first comer we shall hear who is to blame. Meanwhile, we have heard this morning that the said Sieur de Villers, seeing himself obliged to evacuate, had the town mined in certain places before his departure and in those places had all his stores of powder put, with fuses, which succeeded so well, that, three hours after his departure, when the enemy had already entered, the whole town was blown up and ruined, with the loss of the inhabitants and of the enemy who had entered. However this may be, it does not increase the reputation of the said Duke of Anjou, who, through Rochepot, nad promised to succour it, and to raise its siege by the enemy.
Throughout Artois and Hainault has been published an edict by the King of Spain, by which all the rest of us belonging to the Union and to the Estates here, are declared enemies, and contracts, trade, and business with us, are forbidden, and 50,000 florins [are promised] to him who can kill or capture the Prince of Orange, of which edict I will send you one of those [copies] which are being printed here by the order of his Excellency, to be seen by all the Provinces of the Union, and by which you will know several other particulars too long to mention here.
I send you herewith a copy of the letters of the Emperor promised by me on Saturday last. The reply, hastily drawn up and drafted for sending, is, that if matters have come to that pass that the Emperor had neither reckoned on nor hoped for, that arises through his fault, who neglected our grievances and advice to redress them; and as to the tacit menaces of the Empire contained in the said letters, that we impute them rather to the private interest of the said Emperor (as he belongs to the family of Austria), than to the said Empire, to which no prejudice is done by our change and passing to the Duke of Anjou, for everything is done with the real charges due to the said Empire, and such as the King of Spain recognized.
The Diet has adjourned to the 28th of the present month; notwithstanding, it is considered that it will not meet, because the ecclesiastical Electors, hearing that their reformation is meant to be treated of, are unwilling to go to it, and by reason of their default and absence, the other Electors decline to appear.
The Ambassador of the said Emperor and Electors, who was to have gone by this place, was recalled, as soon as they heard that our deputies had started towards the Duke of Anjou, well knowing that it would be folly to think of breaking our negotiation, since it has proceeded so far.
At Utrecht, the inhabitants have driven away the provincial Council as suspected, inasmuch as all the Councillors had taken the oath to the King, and been formerly instituted by him. We hope that here as much will be done with the Privy Council, and with that of the Chancellery, or at least that they will be made to renounce their oaths, on pain of being dismissed, and to take them either to the Estates or to the Duke of Anjou, when he shall be here, at which time new money will be coined with a new impression, and the arms of the King of Spain will be obliterated.
I forgot, in speaking of the affairs of France, to inform you how the Duke de Guise commanded the Marquis de Risbourg and the malcontents not to give up attacking places and advancing where they might find it convenient; for, if we prevent their designs, he will take good care that, on the side of France, no one shall pass to molest them or to help us.
On the other hand, we have discovered, by intercepted letters, all the names and surnames of those in France receiving pensions from the King of Spain, and the increase of the pensions, for the purpose of preventing the King from joining the Duke of Anjou his brother on our side. Amongst other pensionaries, there is found in the number of the principal ones, the Sieur de Cymier [Simier], who was ambassador in our country of England for the said Duke. I leave you to think what good success his master was to expect therefrom, or the Queen either, since the said King of Spain is not well-affectioned to her, any more than to the said Duke, whatever face or fair appearance he may assume.
Of the designs of our enemies I cannot write you anything else, except that it is expected that they will attack Oudenarde or Nivelle, against which all diligence should be taken, to divert them from their enterprise. His Excellency is preparing a flying camp, with twelve pieces of artillery, which will prevent them from staying in one place, awaiting the result of our negotiation with France, whereby the Duke of Anjou promises and binds himself by his ambassador (who has departed hence), to pursue the enemy, and by force to establish here peace and repose such as we desire.
The said enemy have sent into Friesland fifteen companies of Germans, who crossed the Rhine as soon as our gunboats had gone. This will occasion our men to strive and perform some exploit, for hitherto they were camped and lodged so far from one another, that they had not refrained from railing; and they abandoned the castle of Linguhs [?] which they were besieging.
From Portugal we have no certain news; for some say that the King of Spain, by capitulation, has been elected its King, and Don Antonio his Viceroy; others maintain that the said Portuguese are in better spirits than ever, for the King of Fez has offered to the said Antonio the aid of forty or fifty thousand men, which has been accepted, and is awaited, much cordiality being shewn.”
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—“12 Septemb. 1580. a discours uppon the matters of the Low Countreys, sent to me by Mr. Tho. Cotton.”
[In Murdin, p. 344, there is merely the paragraph relating to Simier.]
French. 3½ pp.
892. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1580?] Sept. 15. Can never thank her Majesty with sufficient humility and submission for her remembrance of him. She does him too much honour in giving him credit for the happy success of her own captains. Regrets that his condition has taken away from him the power of serving her. Hopes some day to be able to do so when he will spare neither his blood nor his life, “coume patiounemant la grenoulle adore les vertus dont par tant de sorte Dieu vous a ornée.”— Paris, 15 Sept.
French. 1 p.
893. Memorandum to Sir Henry Cobham.
1580, Sept. 18. “Sir, Her Majesty hath willed me to signify unto you that whereas the inclosed packet containeth two letters, her pleasure is that you should open the first letter, and to use the other or both according as you are directed, or according to the direction (sic). You may upon view of the letter, and opening of the packet, gather more light to direct you in a clear course than I can give you, and therefore in this behalf your own discretion will be the best guide. Moreover, her pleasure is that I should signify unto you that whereas, by your late letters to her Majesty, you gave an advertisement that some great personage should advise Monsieur, 'Que si le mariage ne se face, on doibt faire tuer Symiers,' she would have you, in your next letters unto her, let her understand the author of that advice. After the receipt of this direction from her Majesty touching these two points, I showed her that it would be looked for, both by the King and his Mother, that you should acquaint them with the cause of de Buye's repair hither. Whereunto she willed me, in case any such thing should be demanded, that you should answer, that this bearer was dispatched before de Buye had his access unto her.
Her Majesty being somewhat perplexed with this matter of Portugal, and yet not altogether persuaded that the King of Spain is so fully possessed thereof as by the Spaniards is given out, would have you of yourself (in case you find not the matter altogether desperate) enter into some speech with Queen Mother, and to let her understand that you do greatly marvel, considering what both she herself hath let fall touching the peril that might grow to both France and England by the Spanish greatness through the access of the Crown of Portugal unto Spain, that the King should deal so coldly in a matter so greatly importing him, bending himself rather by the continuance of civil war to weaken his own estate than to bridle his competitor. That you cannot but let her understand that the world giveth out that she is greatly affected to Spain, and that if she had been otherwise inclined, a matter so greatly importing that Crown would not have been neglected in such sort as it was. That it is also noted, both abroad and within that realm, that the most part of the Privy Council, whose advice the King doth now chiefly use, are greatly addicted unto Spain, which maketh other Princes, who otherwise would have been contented to have entered into some course and association with that Crown for the stay of the matter of Portugal, for whosoever either hath or shall impugn the impeaching [hindering] of the King of Spain in that enterprise, cannot be a good and sound member of the King of France. That the King could not have made a peace with his subjects (how hard so ever the conditions had been) that could have touched him either in safety or honour, as to suffer his competitor to grow so great as he is now like to do, whereby both honour and safety may be in peril. That you learn by some of your good friends here, who are not unacquainted with her Majesty's disposition, that if the King would have dealt frankly in the matter, and called such about him of his Privy Council as are not suspected to be affected to Spain, her Majesty would most willingly have joined with the King in assisting the Portuguese against Spain. That you perceive yet (if the matter shall not be found desperate) that her Majesty, so that the King would deal roundly and frankly with her, can be content to join in the action. These and the like speeches, as growing from yourself, tending to the furtherance of this cause and the sounding of Queen Mother's disposition, her Majesty would have you, upon some apt occasion, with as convenient speed as you may, deliver unto her. And in case you shall, upon the delivery thereof, find her inclinable to the matter, then shall you of yourself advise her to give commission to their Ambassador resident here, to deal plainly with her Majesty in the cause, and not to stand upon general terms, but particularly to let her understand what forces they themselves will send, under whose conduction, and what they would require her Majesty to do in that behalf. On the other side, in case that you shall find her coldly affected, or that you shall learn for certainty (as it is given out here) that the King of Spain is entirely possessed of the country, then would she have you forbear to deal therein. And so, committing the matter to your good discretion, I end.—Richmond, the xviijth Sept. 1580.”
Endorsed :—“18 Sep. 1580.—M. to Sir H. Cobham.”
Draft. 2½ pp. [Murdin, pp. 345, 346. Imperfectly.]
894. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1580?] Sept. 24. Being banished from her fair presence he is never content nor at his ease unless he has the pen always in his hand to remind her of “her grenouille.” The King he is glad to say is very well and in as good health as ever he was for which he praises God. He sets out to day from Dolenville on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Chartres. Would gladly do the same himself in order to obtain her Majesty's favour. Has written to Simier many particulars which the latter will communicate to her. Begs her to take all in good part “coume de vostre grenoile avec les petis dois.”—Paris, 24 Sept.
French. 2 pp.
895. [“Moine”?] to Du Bex.
1580. Sept. 25. “Puisque avies tant demeuré, vous ne debvies vous en aller à Paris, si n'estes de retour. Vous perdez toute l'occasion pour laquelle l'on vous a retenu de vostre nez, pourquoy sčait [c'est] si estes là, revenez. Car le Mr vous despeschera, ou je suis trompé, trois heures, sčait à dire ung jour après ce porteur, pour le plus tart. Vous aurez si bon nez, que vous doubtez pourquoy sčait j'ay supputé que seus de retour. Il y auroit deux jours, et sans cella je eusse haste. Ne faillez à faire dilligence, et sachez si aurez à retourner. Au reste, ma malladie m'a espuisé : remonstrez ung peu cella, et que l'on ne pouvoit moings que m'en envoyer des cinqte mil escus, et le veoiage du pouchet, que l'on luy a . . . . si l'occasion estoit pron bonne que l'on ne vienne pas. Au. moings, . . . . il y a pron de tous que la royne vous attend. Faictes souvenir le mr de vous dire s'il a faict quelque chose aveq les estatz pour en faire rapport à ceste princesse, s'il ne luy escript. Au reste, j'ay oublyé de luy escrire de guarde des seaux. Je le supplye, luy direz, de fere eslection d'ung homme de bien : vous sčavez toutes (?) choses. Ce xxv jour de Septembre 1580.”
Signed : $ P. D. $
Addressed :—“A Monsieur, Monsieur Du Bais, la part où il sera.”
1 p.
896. Agreement for Sale of Fish at Chester.
1580, Sept. 26. Between Wm. Massie and Thomas Tetlowe, merchants of Chester, and Wm. Gale, master of the William of London, for sale of 34,000 new land fish at £10 per thousand, and four tons of traine at £12 per ton, with proviso that the ship shall serve for Rochelle and Burdus [Bordeaux].
Copy, ¾ p.
897. [“Moine”?] to De Marchaumont.
[1580], Sept. 28. “C'est la 3 que je vous fais, n'ayant ozé ni peu continuer pour ni avoir veu résolution quelconque en vostre voyage, ayant esté changées de la pre et la 2 par le voyage de Mr de Belièvre, et sa proposition de plusieurs choses, que persone ne peut entendre que par conjectures, que quelques uns veulent luy avoir proposé les afferes, qui se manioient en court contre . . . . ran . . . et combien soit esloigné . . . . hors de la France luy pourroit préjudiciel. Mr le Prince Dophin yra prendre et le serement et la possesion, mais les autres désirent S[on] A[ltesse], y prévoyant un merveilleux changement sans sa présence. Il pourra être que soit après luy nous y passerons par mer. Cependant à Diepe, Mr Destrosse et la Comte de Vimiose, qui attendent le Roy Don Antonio, dressent leur équipage pour la navigation. Nous attendons Mr Perrot, nostre garde des seaus, mandés (sic) avec Mr de Vrai, et croi que, dans peu de jours, nous romperons l'armée, pour que le Roy a commencé de rompre la sienne. C'est trop mangé, le bon homme, de espargne l'ennemi. Je vous laisse à penser s'il en sera très ayse, puisqu'il ne sčavoit de quel bois fere flèches. Cependant il m'est tumbé entre mains une lettre du Roy d'Espaigne, cončernant Ja prison et délivrance de cest Ambassadeur de la Royne, qui est détenu par le Prince de Parme, qui m'a semblé estre très profitable à sa M, d'autant [q]u'on y descouvrira par leur confession mesme qu'ilz ne sčauroient nier la délivrance dudit prisonnier, et en outre, les doubles faitz de l'Espaignol. Si vous le trouves bon, il vous plairra la luy présenter de ma part, car ce ne sera pas la première et importante qu'elle a eue de moy, ainsi que s[a] M mesme confesse, et bien qu'elle n'en ayt asses mal recogneu à mon dernier voyage, ainsi que sčait Mr Staffort. Non que pour ce je reste nullement de luy fere service, suyvant le désir et commandement du maistre. Il m'asseure trop que vous la luy feres trouver bonne, et en outre a Messieurs de Walsinghan et le grand thresorier, vous reservant toujours l'entière puissance que vous aures sur moy, et vous disant . . . . jamais nous maisme faute de gens de conseil près S[on] A[ltesse], comme . . . . . evant ses . . . . . eus y veoir bientost et . . compagnie, et a tant pour ce que Mr de Bais m'a surpris. Je vous baise bien humblement les mains, vous recommandant encore en ceux . . . . les de la Royne. Du camp à Blangi, ce xxviij Sep. . . . .”
Signed :—“D. F.” (?).
This paper is much decayed in parts.
1 p.
898. Simier to the Queen.
[1580], Sept. 29. “Madame, v[ost]re Ma croyra, si luy plest, que j'ay toujours' fouy toutes occasions de discourir et d'escripre, qui me pouroient nésessiter ou containdre (sic) de reprandre autruy, ou de me louer moymesme; me sanblant l'ung estre office de malisse et d'anvye, et l'austre de témérité et de vayne gloyre. Mais, puisque pour vous esclersir mon innosence envers les qualonnyateurs, il est besoing que je meste ung peu de mes mérites avec l'ingratitude d'autruy, je prandre ceste ardiesse avec le plus de modestie qu'il me sera possible, pour satisfere et respondre particulyèrement sur tous les pointz de la v[ost]re, que monsr Coban, anbassadeur de v[ost]re ma, m'a faict tenir par home exprès en se lyeu de Bouryeul se jourduy, penultyème septanbre. Je recognois et confesse à v[ost]re Ma que la semence de mes servisses envers mon mestre est bien petite, au pris de mon désir qui est grand, et à l'esgard de ses mérites qui sont infinis; mais, considerent se qui est en moy, je n'ay peu fayre davantage. Car quelle plus chère et plus prétieuse chose luy eusse je peu donner que ma fidélité, avec la disposition de ma personne, laquelle, conme ung checun faict, je conmanse de perdre, et le tanps, avec quinse ou sayse années des plus belles et plus florisentes de mon aage, que j'ay desrasinées de toutes aultres naturelles inclynations, pour les establyr et planter avec fatigues et travaulx de corps et d'esperit à son servisse, sens y fayre james faulte. Car, si je sentois en ma consience avoyr faly en la moindre partye du monde, je ne serois cy [si] presontueus à vous suplyer de prandre la defance de ma cause, vous suplyent ne me vouloyr fayre errer en mon espérance, ny en la seureté que je tyens de v[ost]re perfaicte bonté, et qu'il vous plese non seulement impetrer envers mon mestre ma jutification (sic), mais l'exécusion d'icelle, afin que, mon innosence bien vérifyée, je sois rétably, ou, ma faute cognue, si bien chastye par mort, que l'exenple soit remarquable à seus qui vyendrout après moy. Je ne m'estandre davantage pour vous desduyre les raisons qui son de mon costé, m'asurent que v[ost]re Ma ara maintenant resu une personne confidente, qui vous ara peu dyre la vérité de l'istoyre, oultre ce que je vous en escripvois, qui contyen toute vérité, sur ma vye et sur mon honneur. Si v[ost]re Ma estoit persuadée à quelque chose au contrere, se malheur me seroit pire que tous les aultres, parse que la perte de vos bonnes grasses me feroit présipiter la mort par mes mains propres. Je suis en fyèvre continue, parse qu'en la dernyére des vostres qu'il vous a pleu m'escripre, v[ost]re Ma ne faict aucune mansion de son singe. Cela me donne crainte et une peur extrême que ne soyes aucunement altérée contre luy; toutefois je me repose sur le tesmogniage qu'aves de mes actions passées par la cognoissence de tant de chérités que l'on m'a volu souvant prester en v[ost]re androit, vous suplyent, madame, me continuer ceste bonne volonté, et ne ryen croyre à mon préjudisse et désavantage. Je vous rans čant mylions de grasses du refus que faictes de boyre de ce maudit fleuve de lettre, m'asurent que vous en estes pressée souvant par l'artiffice de mes henernis, lesquelz vous pouroit bien surprandre sens v[ost]re bon jugement, sur lequel j'ay mis et fondé toute mon espéranse. Je confesse que v[ost]re Ma m'a souvant dit et amonesté à me donner garde des amis fardes, mais j'estimois que ma fidéllité au servisse de mon mestre me seroit garand contre toutes sotes de tanpestes, qui faisoit que j'etois ordynèrement ocupé en ses plus inportantes affaires, de quoy mes enuyeux ont prins jalousye et occasion d'estres asidus à l'orayle de mon mestre, et ont tant faict qu'ilz m'on procuré ses mauvesses grasses, quand à la vision de la quelle vous m'cscrires en v[ost]re lectre les motz qui suivent, m'en aportent l'interprétation. Je ne veus que vous dyre xxiiij parolles pour vous fayre juger du reste, et savoir si la parolle de la vision est vraysanblable. En premier lyeu, j'avoys par v[ost]re moyen et mile servisses aquis le premyer degré d'onneur en sa maison, et davantage le plus aymé de tous les siens, de sorte que je ne pouvois james espérer d'alyeurs chose aprochante à sela. Seulx qui me cognoisent diront toujours que je n'avois aultre dyeu que le servisse de mon mestre et l'avansement de sa grandeur, de fason que pour subvenyr à ses affayres, qui se trectent avec les Flamans douse jours avant ma disgrasse, je luy presté argent contant quatre ving dis mile escus, sens en prandre aultre recognoissence que sa parolle, ayent oultre sela faict le voyage d'Angleterre à mes propres despans, qu'il me doit ancores. Est yl croyable par v[ost]re foy, madame, que si j'eusse heu quelque mauvesse volonté à son servisse que je me fusse volu deffayre de mes comodités, et que moy qui pouvois disposer de ses facultés n'usse mis ordre à mon ranboursement. Je n'en veus autre juge que vous mesme, aucus (sic) pardelà pouroit dyre, ce que plusieurs ont dit ysi, que le mestre m'avoit donné tous ses moyens que je ne pouvois moins que les luy prester en ses affaires. Quand j'euse volu m'escuser, je le pouvoys fere sens l'offacer (sic) [l'offācer], et vosdrois de bon ceur l'avoyr faict, vou3 assurent, madame, qu'il tyen aujourduy en ses mains tout se que j'avois quasi de valyant en se monde, oultre le tanps et l'aage de ma jeunesse. Toutefois mes affayres son despuis quelques jours en asses bons termes, ayent son altesse prins grande considération sur vos lectres plesnes de reconmandations en ma faveur, de sorte que je me puis à bon droit nonmer v[ost]re créature, quar je vous suis oblygé de la fortune, des biens, de l'onneur, et de la vye, que mes henemis ont recherchée par tous moyens, mes v[ost]re aspect m'a garanty de l'inclynations des astres, son A.T. ayent despuis deus jours chassé de son servisse Fervaques, le plus grand et le pire de tous mes henemis, mes je redoubte fort que le voyage que son A.T. va fayre vers la royne de Navare le remete en grase à mon préju-disse, d'autant qu'il est sa facture. Mon Dieu, Madame, que v[ost]re singe est oblygé à la bonne fortune qui l'a james faict cognoistre à v[ost]re ma. Je vous suplye le bien reconmander la venue du S. Je m'asure, pour-veu que vous l'ayes agréable, qu'il me randra hereus et contant. Je ne vous en dyray aultre chose, si n'est que si je vous pouvoys envoyer mon ceur, en lyeu de se papyer, vous y veryes le surplus de mon intantion, vous suplyent me tenir au nonbre de vos esclaves, conme si j'etois digne de vos bonnes grasses vous contanter de la seureté, humilité, foy et hobéissence perpetuelle de v[ost]re très humble singe et infalyble serviteur,
$ E $.”
Holograph. 7 pp.


  • 1. In margin.