Cecil Papers: September 1575

Pages 103-116

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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September 1575

275. Sir Wm. Cordell to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 1. Desires to know the certainty as to the Lord Keeper's coming to the Star Chamber, where provision is made for him. He hears he excused his absence for that he was pained with the stone and could not travel. Sends a book for Lady Burghley, 1 Sept. 1575.
Endorsed : “My Lord Keeper's appointment to bee at the Starr Chaumber.”
1 p.
276. Sir Edw. Fytton to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 1. Writes a second time to acknowledge the receipt of certain treasure which arrived safely at Chester on the 28th August, He intends to pass over with the Lord President, but they both think it wise to delay their departure for a few days, partly on account of the continuance of the Scottish and other pirates upon the coast, and partly the extremity of the plague being such that the Lord President has not yet determined where to land. The latter however purposes to be at the water-side within six days, there without any other stay to abide the wind. Has written this much both to the Lord Deputy in Ireland and to the Earl of Essex lest they should accuse either his lordship of carelessness or himself of neglect of duty. Chester, 1 Sept. 1575.
2 pp.
277. Sir W. Fitzgibbon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 4. Albeit he writes daily to his lordship, the Earls of Sussex and Leicester, and Mr. Secretary Walsingham individually, and not collectively to the Council because ofthat which concerns the sending over of Allen and Dillon, yet as he is sending back Henry Forrest, he acknowledges Burghley's continual goodness. From Maryborough the 4th of Septr 1575.
P.S.—Acknowledges Burghley's letter of August 19, concerning his entertainment and of the remainder of the money sent over to cash the garrison, for which he thanks him.
Endorsed. 1 p.
278. John Heywood to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 4. Entreats him to forward his suit to her Majesty for “that part of his living which has not been granted away,” together with the arrears thereof, to help him in his old age, he being weak and unable to travel. Mechlin, 4 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
279. Thomas, Viscount Bindon, to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 5. Understands his son Henry Howard complains of not being paid his portion at his hands as he promised Burghley. The fault is his son's for not sending him proper acquittances. As to the £30 encloses a letter (see July 4), showing what order he had taken for that payment. Thanks Burghley for his kindness to his nephew of Surrey and his other nephews. Asks him to send word whether there be any Parliament, that he may provide himself accordingly. Byndon, 5 September, 1575.
¾ p.
280. Richard Martyn to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 5. Having received his lordship's commandment to provide the sum of £3000 in angels, purposes to make the same in readiness within two days.
With reference to his lordship's order for the payment of the yearly fee of £25 to Eli Westrell, points out that he is only authorized to pay such fees as are mentioned in the schedule to his Indenture in which this is not included and moreover that by the late attainder of the said Eli he hath forfeited his fee.
Has also thought it his duty to advertise his lordship that one Hopkins a smith who is employed within the Mint in the making of coining irons and other necessaries, has been in the habit of making there calivers, and great iron pieces to the great detriment of his house and forge, and of the Mint generally, and that for the purpose of trying and shooting of calivers such quantity of lead is cut and stolen from the buildings that £200 will hardly repair the damage caused thereby. Prays his lordship's order that the said Hopkins, who is well paid therefore, shall confine himself to the Mint business only and not undertake any other workmanship. 5 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
281. James Hawys, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 6. The good order lately taken for the reformation of tipplers and alehouse-keepers within the city and liberties of London and in the borough of Southwark is put in execution by him and others the justices of the peace, and bonds are taken accordingly. As he cannot take the like order with divers tipplers and alehouse-keepers dwelling in St. Martin's, St. Katherine's, and other exempt places within the said city, and near adjoining thereto, he thought good to signify the same, to the end it would please his lordship to direct his letters to such as have the government thereof, to take like order in their precincts for the same, “otherwise our doings within the said city will smally avail. As knoweth God, who preserve your lordship in health and honor. From my house in Cornhill, London, this sixth day of September, 1575.”
Seal. ½ p.
282. Philip Gunter to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 6. Complaining of the lamentable estate of his son-in-law, George Southacke, by the rigorous dealings of those of Flushing. They have of his to the value of £1,600 sterling, and have made no restitution at all. Begs Burghley to write to Master Rogers to take some order for him. He has a wife and eight children, the eldest not nine years old, all cast upon the writer's charge and finding. London, 6 Sept. 1575.
½ p.
283. The Marquis of Winchester to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 7. Is loth to trouble him with matters so vain as by outward show the enclosed is, but some mysteries may lie hidden from him which Burghley's wisdom and experience may decipher. Though his name is abused therein it was never meant for him, as he has neither son, kinsman, nor familiar acquaintance in those parts [Italy]. Some other thing is intended. Basing, this 7th of Sept. 1575.
Endorsed :—“From the Marquesse of Winchester, dated the 7 of September, to the Lord Threasorer.”
Enclosed :
Agraymond Dormer to the Marquis of Winchester.
Complains that after receiving 5,000 crowns from his sister the Duchess of Feria, he was at Milan accused by the Spaniards and imprisoned in the Inquisition, his men being condemned to be burnt. He brake out of prison and came to Innsbrück, where his money failed, and was taken lame with the gout in Augusta [Strassburg]. Begs his lordship to send some men for him, and to write to the Council of Augusta of the estate and honour of his house “which do stand at this present in doubt.”
Headed : In Augusta this viii of August.
Endorsed :“From Mr. Agraimond Dormer to his father in lawe the Marquesse of Winchester dated in Augusta the 8 of August.”
Both very much damaged. 3 pp.
284. Griffith Curteys to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 7. The bearer, William Smith, hath married Margery, one of the daughters of John Cecil, of Newbury. Knowing his Lordship's pleasure is willing to prefer the said William and his wife to the reversion of a copyhold now in the tenure of one William Bushnell, and part of the late Sir Francis Englefield's lands. In order to do this, requires his Lordship's letters to himself and Mr. Tredway, who is joined with him in the stewardship of those lands.
There is in Newbury a hospital called Bartholomew's, the yearly rent of the land belonging to which is £23. Certain persons of that town have the occupation thereof, who provide therewith for only four poor people, each of whom receives a stipend of 20s. a year. Moved his Lordship at Sarum to have had the preferment thereof for John Cecil of Newbury, to whom it would be worth 20 marks by the year and yet relieve ten poor people. By his Lordship's means he may be preferred thereunto the next term.—Newbury, 7 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
285. Peter Kempe to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 7. Can make no bargain as yet for his lordship's works. Divers freemasons have sent word they will talk with him, but as yet they come not; in the meantime he raises stone so as to be in readiness. If his lordship is too hasty he will but hinder himself in their prices, “for they be subtell in their doings as any craftesmen in this lande.”
The town of Stamford is very sore visited with the plague. There have been buried forty since the 8th August, and the town is so rudely governed that they have so mixed themselves that there is none that is in any hope of being clear. It is in 17 houses and the town is in great poverty; but that the good people of the country send in victuals daily, there would be many die of famine. St. Martin's Parish is clear, God be thanked.—Stamford, 7 Sept. 1575.
286. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 7. Informs him that the whole fleet consisting of but four ships were fully freighted on the 17th of last month, departing on the 20th, and are at Bruges (?) long ere this. The mass to be transported may most safely pass from Dover to Dunkirk and thence by land. There is yet to come in of the loan 4,280l.—Westminster, 7 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
287. Robert, Earl of Leicester, to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
[1575], Sept 8. Has been oft about to write, but always at the time of the departure of Cobham's messengers. Was letted specially whilst her Majesty was at Kenilworth, but doubts not that, notwithstanding this, Cobham makes full reckoning of his friendship and goodwill. Has no other matter at this time to write but of her Majesty's perfect health, and of his [Cobham's] wife's earnest desire to visit him to res her weary bones awhile, if she could get leave.—Woodstock, 8 Sept.
½ p.
288. Robt. Petre to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 9. Reports that £5,000 is already converted into gold, and he is promised £6,600 by Mr, Martyn on Monday.—From Westminster, 9 Sept. 1575.
½ p.
289. The Plague.
1575, Sept 9. A certificate of such as died and are buried within the City and Liberties of Westminster in one week ending 9 Sept. 1575, viz. :—
In St. Margaret's Parish, 25, whereof 13 with the plague.
In St. Martin's Parish, 3, of the plague.
In the Savoy-with-Strand Parish, null.
In St. Clement's Parish, 3, of whom 2 were with the plague.
1 p.
290. Lord Hunsdon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 10. Leaves Bowes to report of the proceedings in Scotland with the Regent. Thought to have heard of the new victualler long ago. There is a great mass of corn, by estimation some six or seven thousand quarters. Browne has disbursed but £500 of the whole £5,000 he has received. Hopes Vernon may receive his charge as Browne's ministers victual as they please. Asks that letters be written to the Lord President and Council of the North, that when any matters of controversy arise between any man and the Queen's tenants in Northumberland by virtue of any lease, they should be referred to Burghley. They are much impoverished by leases taken over their heads. Complains that the Sheriff of Hertfordshire had a writ to seize on all the writer had there for payment of £50 for the wardship of Robert Dennye; and also to apprehend his son George Carey and his nephews Harry Knowles and Morgan.—Berwick, 10 Sept. 1575.
291. Henry Seckford to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 10. Has received letters from his brother Thomas Seckford out of Ireland, dated 25th August, by which he understands that the captains and soldiers will no longer accept Bland for their victuals, but will needs have him to take that service in hand, wherewith my Lord Deputy is very willing, and says he never had advertisement from the Council of any victualler but his brother.
Having given his bond for ten thousand pounds to render a true account of all monies received by his brother or himself for the victualling of Ireland, thinks this very strange, and begs that letters may be obtained from the Council to the Lord Deputy to the effect that his debtors may end their service on the delivery of the remaining victuals. St. John's, 10 Sept. 1575.
292. Sir Thos. Smith to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 10. Sends a packet of letters newly come from France. The news therein is not great, but rather certain fear that the Reiters will come there than certain news that they be come already. They have also a suspicion that they are paid with our money, because they think that all other princes want money as well as they. Monsieur de la Mothe seems very angry that he is not suffered to visit the Scottish Queen, but the Queen's Majesty will none of it.—Woodstock, 10 Sept. 1575.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 288. In extenso.]
293. W. Patten to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 10. Has this day received instructions from the Master of the Requests for the suppression of a book complained of by one Langham. With the exception of six copies to Mr. Wilson, and two to his lordship and the Lord Keeper has not let three copies pass him.—London, 10 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
294. Lord Cheyne to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 11. Complains of the careless and dishonest behaviour of one Combes, to whom he had left the ordering of his house at Asheridge.
295. Lord Mayor Hawys to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 11. Has received Burghley's letter for some charitable relief to be made by him within the city of London for the redemption of eighteen Englishmen lately taken captive by the Turk in the ship “Swallow.” Has moved the Court of Aldermen, and although the citizens be many ways charged with contributions, and very often, yet are they content to cause collection to be made. Albeit the merchant strangers, whose adventure that voyage was, and who sustained no loss of goods, should be charged to make some good collection amongst themselves; which they would do, if Burghley would be pleased to direct his letter to that effect.—London, the 11th of Sept. 1575.
½ p.
296. Lady Katharine Buckler to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 12. Is a suitor to his lordship on behalf of Andrew Buckler, Comptroller of the Port of Poole, a nephew of her late husband, Sir Walter Buckler, against whom a verdict has been obtained in the King's Bench with a heavy fine for alleged concealment of customs. The said Andrew has exhibited a bill of perjury in the Star Chamber against one Edgar Thomas and other conspirators by whose means the verdict was obtained. Prays his lordship to obtain a speedy hearing of the said cause, and in the meantime to restore the said Andrew to his office.—Fairford, 12 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
297. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 12. Thanks him for visiting his wife whom he left in hard company and place if it were not for her duty to her Majesty. Was in hopes to have seen his lordship here, but now perceives it will not be at this time whereof he is sorry with all his heart. Will therefore, God willing, see him at Tybalts on Thursday at night. Returns his lordship his French letters, and if that nation conceive that the Protestants' costs be set forth with English money, he thinks it not amiss if they be kept from over much dealing with the Scots until they amend that opinion. It seemeth that in the case of the marriage both sides show more than is meet. God amend both, and bring a better end. Has found many lacks here, but most of all lack of working whereby he fears what has been done is in danger of marring this winter by not finishing. Hopes this will now be in great part remedied.—Newhall, 12 Sept. 1575.
298. William Parker.
1575, Sept 13. Petition from Wm Parker for a warrant directing the payment of his pension due at Michaelmas last for the relief of his great necessity and of his motherless children.
½ p.
299. The Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Hunsdon, Sir Thos. Gargrave, and others, to the Privy Council.
1575, Sept 14. They have met with the Regent, Lord Lindsay, and the other Commissioners for Scotland upon the 12th and 13th inst. to confer for redress of the disorders committed at the Red Sweir July 7. They found the other Commissioners as willing as themselves to have the offenders speedily punished, yet as it was to be done according to the treaty of peace by the law of the Borderers, and by the Wardens of both realms, and not having authority by commission for that purpose, they urge that special Commissioners be appointed, because, first, the wardens were as parties to the facts; secondly, they would hardly be able to execute justice without great danger to both Borders; thirdly, they have not been used to execute for murder for 40 years past, but have referred matters to the Princes; fourthly, the assizers or jurymen being six English and six Scotch, little good could result from that mode of trial. The names of 13 offenders charged with the deaths of the six Englishmen have been presented to the Regent. As for amends for the taking and retaining of the English Warden and others, the takers being men of so mean calling and base estates, the Regent has consented to deliver to her Majesty John Carmichael, his kinsman and servant, deputy keeper of Liddesdale under the Earl of Angus, together with eight others, to remain prisoners in England, where the Queen shall appoint. Four of them are Douglases, and four Carmichaels, all gentlemen. The Regent and all the rest are much offended with the late event, and showed them ever ready to satisfy the Queen, especially the Regent.—From Berwick, the 14th of September 1575.
Contemporary copy. 2½ pp.
300. The Earl of Huntingdon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 14. Has declared to the Regent the Queen's full pleasure. In the Conference there were present the Lord Governor, and the other four gentlemen, together with Lord Lyndsey and those who accompanied him except Justice Clark, said to be sick. In place of him was Sir James Hamilton, opposite Warden to a part of the East March. The Conference met twice, and the result of their conclusions is to be found in the letter to the Council. Trusts it may be well accepted, as of the dealing past he sees her Majesty has had no liking. If so, what remains may be finished by further commission to the Lord Governor and others. Writes thus not for respect to his travail, but offers it for consideration as he has already done to Lord Leicester.—Berwick, 14 Sept. 1575.
[Postscript.]—The Regent doth go straight to Stirling thence to Jedburgh and Dumfries.
Endorsed :“The meetinge with the Regent.”
301. Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Recorder of London, to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sep 15. Advertisements concerning London, Death last night of Mr. Justice Manwood's wife of a sore breast. Lord Monteagle is married to Sir John Spencer's daughter. “The tailors here are well set a-work about their apparel.” Lady Morley is landed in Flanders, stolen away within these five days. Drs. Good and Astelow and Fras. Burty are discharged from the Tower. This day the Master of the Rolls dines with Lady Russell at Westminster, and departs on Saturday into Suffolk. Clippers in Lombard Street. Mr. Fisher is a suitor to Lady Marten for Dr. Wilson. He would have supped with her, but she would not suffer him. 15 Sept. 1575.
Endorsed :“Mr. Recorder to my Lord; advertisements concerning London.”
302. Lord Burghley to Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
1575, Sep 15. As for licence to carry unwrought Kentish cloths, has willed Mr. Bird to permit him and his factors to take the yearly benefit, but they are duly to pay to the Queen her duties. Many cloths pass by sundry creeks in Kent that pay nothing. “Our French Ambassador have set afoot of new the French marriage, but I look for nothing of them but dalliance to use us to their advantage. And yet I am earnestly moved to seek her Majesty's marriage as far forth as I may. God send her to marry without respect of any my particular liking! For I take God to witness I do not regard any private interest in her marriage.—From Theobalds, the 15th of September 1575.”
Holograph. 1 p. [Murdin, p. 288. In extenso.]
303. Edward Fytton to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 15. Begs that the answer to certain letters of his father may be entrusted to the present messenger.
His brother, who is specially appointed by his father to attend his lordship's pleasure in this behalf, being ill at ease. Aldford, 17 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
304. Thomas, Viscount Bindon, to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sep 16. Congratulating him on his recovery from illness. Sept. 16. Signed “Tuus obedientissimus et adoptivus filius.”
Endorsed :“16 Sep. 1575.”
Latin. ½ p.
305. Lord Burghley to the Earl of Lincoln, Lord Admiral.
1575, Sep 16. Is bold to use the service of the “Achates,” now on her way to Calais with Boschott, the Flemish Ambassador, in order to conduct over two persons to Dunkirk, sent by the Queen's order for the affairs of the Prince of Condé. At Heidelberg the Prince and De Meru are amassing men to enter France, and find many difficulties, for Casimir, who should be head, has motioned certain matters to the Prince, that [if] he would presently marry with his sister he would be bound to deliver to his father Metz and Toull, which the Prince liketh not. Also the French King worketh with the Prince of Orange to hire away the Prince of Condé's reiters.
They of the religion have taken Perigord with 300,000 crowns in it. La Noue is entered to defend it. Lord Kildare's case is delayed because the Lord President of Wales made not haste to pass over to Ireland, whereby Sir Wm Fitzwilliams should come over and bring Allen and Dillon to the Court. Thanks him for his son, Lord Clinton's, kind usage of him in making him kill a stag and in lodging him, &c. Lord Clinton's son is greatly to be liked. Thanks him also for his kindness to Burghley's son in making him his deputy in Minting Park. From Sir Thos. Gresham's house in London, which he is forced to take for a refuge because of the sickness in Westminster.—16 Sep. 1575.
Holograph. 2pp.
306. Wm. Herlle to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 16. Asks him for the office of Woodward of the Forests of Mocktre and Darbold and of the Chase of Bryngewood in Herefordshire which he understands is now vacant.
1 p.
307.Peter Kempe to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 17. Writes to ask for the “upright of the face” of the house his lordship intends building as soon as may be, for the workmen are almost at a standstill for want of it.
The town of Stamford is sore visited with the plague and especially St. Mary's parish. Since his lordship's departure from Burghley more than 66 are dead and 15 or 16 are at present sick therewith.
There is great poverty and distress in the town which is filled with beggars who, when no other town would receive them, were always readily harboured in Stamford. The Company are all fled the town saving the Aldermen and one or two more, and all the wealthiest inhabitants are gone, so that there is no relief to be had except such as comes out of the country.
It were good that a commission should be directed to some gentleman in the country to collect the money and to see it properly administered, and also that some order should be taken to call home the masters of the town to help to see the people governed and relieved. St. Mary's Parish, Stamford, 17 Sept. 1575.
3 pp.
308. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley
1575, Sep 17. In behalf of Mr. Carro, touching the Park at Croydon. He has good right thereto, but it seems it is Burghley's pleasure that he shall not interrrupt the Baillie, who has a lease granted by the late [Arch]bishop of Canterbury, colourably for the use of Mr. Parker, the Archbishop's son. Carro has the possession thereof and will stand to the trial of his right. Begs that he may do so till the other party by law dispossesses him, or else that the occupation may be committed to some indifferent person. If it be adjudged to the Baillie, the writer will answer the damages.—From Croydon 17 Sept. 1575.
Postscript by Thomas Cecil :—Commending Carro for old friendship, and asking Burghley to stand favourable to him.
Endorsed : “ Mr. Caroe.”
1 p.
309. The Earl of Warwick to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 18. Asking that works begun for providing rooms, &c. for the Mastersmith of the Tower may be allowed to go forward, and that Mr. Martin, who challenged the said rooms to belong to the office of the Mint, may be written to to suffer the work to proceed.—From the Court the 18 Sept. 1575.
Postscript :—Asking for the appointment of some person to observe the rooms, &c.
Endorsed :“Howses for the Mr. Smythe of the Tower.”
1 p.
310. Lord Audley.
1575, Sept 18. Warrant under the Privy Signet for the removal of Lord Audley's case from the Queen's Bench to the Exchequer.—Woodstock, 18 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
311. Sir Arthur Champernoun to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 22. Gives news of occurrents in France lately written by his boy, who is with M. de La Noue. The young Count of Montgomery is put out of Rochelle. The Rochellers, to avoid the charges which they bestowed upon him, devised the means to charge him with treason, and consequently to banish him. He is with M. de La Noue at Perrigues, a town lately surprised by M. de Langweran, wherein was great treasure, appointed by the King to pay his reiters. The wealth of the town was such as it is thought they are able to procure the said reiters from the King to serve the cause. The Isle of St. Marten was taken by 500 soldiers sent by the King, but recovered again by the Rochellers the following night with the loss of five men. All sent by the King were slain or taken prisoners, saving Captn Landres with a few others who escaped, leaving behind them two tall ships besides frigates and shallops. The state of Rochelle is doubtful, for they live in suspicion among themselves, mistrusting all gentlemen which they account not of.
Asks to be of the Commission for restraining the transport of grain and other wares; also asks Lord Burghley's good offices with Lord Edward Seymour, whose son he wishes to match with his daughter. Lately Sir Harry Ashley, unawares of him but not against his will, betrothed them, Lord Edward as yet not understanding of it. His only means of appeasing the matter is to procure letters in favour of the marriage from the Queen and Burghley. Lord Hertford lately wrote to him for that cause, but his letters could take no place. Has offered his Lordship 1,000 marks with his daughter, but nothing can content him but lands, of which he has none to spare. The ship “Castle of Comfort,” serving under the licence of Rochelle, lately took a ship of St. Malo worth 5,000l., and now refuses that commission, and serving under the King of Spain's licence, makes war against all Protestants. She rides in Cawsen Bay near Plymouth, having taken a ship of Queenborough which she refuses to deliver. Asks for special commission from Burghley and the Lord Admiral against her.—Dartington, 22 Sept. 1575.
Endorsed :—“22 Sept. 1575.—Sr Arth. Champernown, &c.”
2 pp.
312. The Countess of Westmoreland to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 22. Most humbly thanks him for his great courtesy and favour which ought to be the more acceptable that it cometh in the time of so great adversity, and is bestowed upon her whom the world and fortune seem utterly to contemn. Knows that her poor Lord reposeth his chief affiance in his Lordship as well as she does, and knoweth that he hath just cause, “although it were not best to make that shewe lest others myght mystrust or thynke themselves mistrusted.”
Encloses a letter to her husband which she hopes his Lordship will find some means to convey to him. If there be anything either superfluous or omitted beseeches him “to impute it to lack of scyll and partly to the trobles of my restles hed.”—Audley End, 22 Sept.
1 p.
313. The Countess of Westmoreland to the Earl of Westmoreland.
1575, Sept 22. Fearing that he may not have received her letter which she wrote when she came last from Court has obtained leave from the Lord Treasurer to write to him again to the same effect, letting him know how his case standeth.
Has not received such favourable answers from her Majesty that she can yet put him in hope that her indignation is appeased, but found rather that the greatness of his offence was deeply imprinted on her Majesty's mind by reason of his great ingratitude towards her. Yet there is no cause of despair, and since all the world doth resound the fame of her Majesty's mercy so liberally extended to others, he must not think that she will always shut it from him. Time, and loyal and dutiful dealing will at length qualify her displeasure. Urges him to write to her Majesty again and to “let his pitifull and repentant complaintes so often pearce her eares as in the ende her harte may be mollified and her mercie obtayned.”
Recommends him to write also to the Earl of Leicester and to the Lord Treasurer, beseeching them to intercede for him with her Majesty; their credit is great to do him good; they are noble, and cannot but take pity of the fall of his honourable house, and they have promised her to mediate for him if he will still give manifest proof of dutiful demeanour, keeping himself free from the practises of foreign princes who, as he may well find, make no account of him but when they can use him for their own advantage. The sooner he sends in these letters the better ground he will give her to speak again to her Majesty on his behalf.—Audley End, 22 Sept. 1575
Copy. 2 pp.
314. The Lord Keeper Bacon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 23. Sends Walsingham's letter concerning the adjournment of the term and the prorogation of Parliament. As to the latter thinks Mid Lent were a good time, nevertheless what day Burghley shall appoint he will well allow of. The sooner the bearer returns the better.—From Gorhambury, 23 Sept. 1575.
Endorsed :—“The adjornement of the terme.”
½ p.
315. Clemente Parretti to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 23. His daily service about “my Lord” has hindered him from writing sooner. His lordship hurt his knee in one of the Venetian galleys, but all is past without further harm. Of any other reports of “my Lord” no credit is to be given unto. It is true that a while ago at Padua were killed unawares in a quarrel, that was amongst a congregation of Saffi and students, two noble gentlemen of Polonia, and the bruit ran “gentilhomini Inglesi.” Other thing there is not chanced in my Lord's journey that might cause displeasure.—Venice, 23 September 1575.
Endorsed :—“Clement Parretti to my Lord—the Earl of Oxon.”
Seal. 2 pp.
316. The Lord Keeper Bacon to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 24. Thanks him for his advertisement and prays God turn all to the best. Has dispatched the warrants and letters to the Court, and therewith a form of commission, according to Lord Huntingdon's letter, for the proceedings in the North. The Queen is well content with it. Trusts that within two hours the Clerk of the Crown will have finished it, whereupon the messenger will depart.—From Gorhambury, 24 Sep. 1575.
½ p.
317. The Earl of Oxford to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 24. Begs Burghley's and Leicester's influence to procure him a licence to continue his travels next summer, as he desires to see more of Germany. Knew not till his late return to Venice that his letters this summer to England had been sent back because of the plague in the passages. Has been grieved with a fever. As to Italy, is glad he has seen it, but cares not ever to see it again, unless to serve his prince or country. Thought to have seen Spain, but by Italy guesses the worse. Has taken up of Baptista Nigrone 500 crowns, which he desires repaid from the sale of his lands. His servant, Luke Atslow, who had certain leases of him, has become one of the Romish Church, and “used lewd speeches against the Queen's supremacy, legitimation, government, & particular life,” thus forfeiting the leases to the Queen. Begs they may be got back again. Thanks for good news of his wife's delivery.
Sealed. Endorsed :—“24 Sep. 1575.—Er. of Oxford to me.”
2 pp.
318. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 25. Is newly returned with Burghley's son from Sussex, where he was desirous to have his brother, to know his opinion of the site of the place. Asks Burghley to come and see him, and bring Lady Burghley and Lady Oxford. When he learns the time of his lordship's leisure he will wait upon him as his guide.—Croydon, 25 Septr 1575.
Sealed. Endorsed.
¾ p.
319. The Earl of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 25. Has been speaking at good length with her Majesty touching his causes, but, thinking it troublesome to her, obtained leave to confer with Burghley regarding them. Has now purposely sent the “bringer” [bearer] to learn how long Burghley stays at Theobalds, or will be at London. Minds shortly, for some causes of his own, to be at London, and would gladly meet Burghley there. Has had some strange, speeches with the parties he told Burghley of, touching these causes; when they meet, he shall know these at large.—Woburn, 25 Sept. 1575.
¾ p.
320. Lord Hunsdon to [Lord Burghley].
1575, Sept 25. Has received a packet with his two letters dated 19th and 20th inst. The Queen has been wrongly informed that the pastures enclosed by Sir Valentine Browne are laid open and made common. Though about to write commending Sir Henry Gates for the post of treasurer, hears gladly of Sir Valentine Knightley's nomination by Lord Leicester's means, as he supposes. Is glad the Queen is satisfied with the Regent. Looks hourly for her Majesty's resolution touching Carmichael, who was yesternight at Newcastle, going towards York under conduct of Rob. Bowes.—At Seton Delavall, six miles from Newcastle, this 25 Septr 1575.
Endorsed :—“Septemb. 23.—Coppie of my Lord of Hunsdon's lettre.”
Contemporary copy. ¾ p.
321. William Cardynall to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 27. Understanding that Sir Thomas Lucas (who lately plighted his faith to him, to be and continue his true and perfect friend) has since been conspiring to prejudice the Lords of the Privy Council against him, begs his lordship and the rest of the Council to suspend their judgment until he can have an opportunity of answering the same before them.—Much Bromley, Essex, 27 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
322. The Surveyor of the Works to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 27. Concerning the progress of certain works at Richmond, Greenwich, and Waltham. Encloses an estimate for the repair of broken glass at Richmond.—27 Sept. 1575.
2 pp.
A statement by a glazier of the condition of the glass in the Hall at Richmond and in the Queen's private lodgings.
1 p.
323. Thomas, Lord Paget, to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 27. His poor neighbours, the Cappers of Lichfield, have been suitors to her Majesty for a commission for the better execution of the late statute made for the wearing of caps, and also that they might have that part of the penalty which by the same statute is appointed for the poor. Knowing the number of those working at this occupation, and how poor and needy they are for the most part, he begs to commend their petition to his lordship's notice.—Elford, 27 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
324. Sir James Crofts to Lord Burghley.
1575, Sept 29. Sends his son, the bearer hereof, to open to his lordship such griefs as he has long concealed, entreating his lordship to give him all credit.—Woodstock, 29 Sept. 1575.
1 p.
325. The Queen to Lord Burghley, Sir Walter Mildmay, and others.
1575, Sept 29. Warrant under the signet to the Lord Treasurer, Chancellor and Barons of the Exchequer, granting Anthony Loo such concealments, to the value of 30l. a year, as he shall be the means of discovering, which ought to have come to the Queen at the dissolution of the monasteries. They are to issue Commissions to such as he shall name for discovery of the said concealments, and to lease the lands to him for 21 years.—Woodstock, 29 Sept. 17 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Sealed.
Endorsed by Burghley : “29 Sept. 1575.”
Vellum. 1 m.