Index: U, Z

Pages 629-638

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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Udall, William, letter from, 280, 336, 389.
-, interrogatories for, 482.

Uffington [Lines], 383.

Ulm [Germany], sends help to Donauwörth, 380.

Ulrich, D. See Holstein, Ulrich, Duke of.

Ulster, Clandeboy in, 315.
-, forts in, 425.
-, Province of, 257, 313, 315, 397, 451, 499.
-, -, attorney in. See Dillon, Henry.
-, See also Ireland; O'Neill, etc.

Uncle, an, letter from, 184.

Undertakers, Company of, 38. See Dutch West India Company.

Under-treasurer of the Exchequer [or Chancellor of the Exchequer]. See Caesar, Sir Julius.

Uniformity, Act of, 378n. See Acts of Parliament.

Union, the [of England and Scotland], 216.
-, this question to be debated by Parliament, 108, 140, 173, 426.
-, question considered by Scottish Parliament, 213.
-, Council and Chief Judges discuss the conformity of the laws of both kingdoms, 275, 355, 363, 369, 440–441.
-, See also post nati; Scotland.

United Provinces [see also Zeeland; Overiisel; Gelderland; Holland; Low Countries; Dutch; Dutch ships, etc.];
-, Council of State of, 13.
-, French project for league with, reported, 7–8, 38.
-, forces in, 38, 40–41.
-, West Indian projects of, 38.
-, open traffic between Antwerp and, anticipated by New Year's Day, 346.
-, two papers concerning, 483– 484.
-, peace negotiations with Archdukes and Spain, 7, 13, 17– 18, 38, 41–42, 48, 50, 53, 68–69, 79–80, 89, 99, 133, 140, 166, 175, 200, 208, 215, 236–238, 249, 259, 268, 269, 272, 273, 280, 285–6, 294, 304–305, 315–316, 317, 322, 328–329, 346–347, 351–353, 358–360, 376–377, 384, 468, 475, 488.
-, -, mentioned, 89, 99, 175, 369–70.
-, merchants have come from, to England, 90.
-, cessation of arms in frontier towns of, 103.
-, treaty of peace mentioned, 140.
-, commissioners from, to England. See Berck; Malderé.
-, soldiers of, 28, 38–9, 40–1, 55.
-, fleet of, intended for coast of Spain, 28, 42, 200.
-, fleet of, burns Spanish fleet at Cadiz, 109, 122, 148, 178, 238.

United Provinces, States General of, 8, 13, 17, 18, 28, 38, 41, 53–54, 68–69, 79, 89, 90, 99, 200, 229, 237–238, 271, 286, 302, 315–317, 328, 338, 370.
-, deputies of, to reassemble shortly, 315.
-, letter from, 13, 122.
-, letter to mentioned, 166.
-, commissioners from Great Britain to. See Commissioners.
-, commissioners from France to, mentioned, 103. See Chouart; Jeannin; Place.
-, commissioners from, to England. See Berck; Malderé.
-, embassage to from Emperor expected, 306, 347, 376, 384.
-, divisions and dissensions among, mentioned, 133.
-, defensive league proposed by, 328.
-, comments of James I on proposed defensive league of, 351–353, 358–360.
-, considerations concerning the league proposed by the States, 483–484.
-, to pay the Cautionary Garrisons, 484.
-, provision to be made by the league for the reimbursement of the States' debt, 484.

Unton, Sir Henry, 397.

Upton Farm, lease of mentioned, 114.

Urbino (Urbin), Duke of. See Della Rovere.

Urwen, Christopher, alias Gifford Carleton, 6, 29.

Urwen, Thomas, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Usher, Mr., Clerk of the Council [in Ireland], 306.

Utrecht (Utrich) [Netherlands], 8, 54, 294.
-, request for liberty of "Romish" religion in, 294.

Utrich. See Utrecht.


Vacance [? Valence, France], 333.

Vachell, Sir Thomas, 513(2).

Val Camonica [N. Italy], 117.

Val Nono, [N. Italy], 117.

Valence [France], 333.

Valladolid [Spain], 15, 16(2).
-, document dated at, 2.

Val Luganige [? Lugano Valley, Switzerland], 226.

Valle di Monasterio. See Münsterthal.

Valle di Sole [Tyrol, Austria], 117.

Valle Venosta [Austria]. See Vintschgau.

Valsco. See Velasco.

Valtellina (Valtelline, Voltulino) [Italy], 116, 117, 123, 226.
-, churches in, 116.
-, regiments in, 116.
-, "Governor" [or strictly landeshauptmann] of, 118.
-, garrison of, 118.

Vanderhorst, —. See Wittenhorst, Walrave van.

Vandermyle, son-in-law of Oldenbarnevelt (Barnevelt), ambassador from Holland to France. See Myle, Cornelis van der.

Vaucelas, André de Cochefilet, Comte de, French ambassador to Spain, 308.

Vaudemont, Count of. See Lorraine, François de.

Vaudray, Edward, suit with John Vaudray, 6, 33.
-, letter from, 33.

Vaudray, John, 33.
-, petitions of, 6, 33.
-, suit with brother Edward, 6.

Vaudray, Richard, suit with his brother Edward, 6.

Vaughan, Sir John, 20.

Vaughan, Richard, Bishop of London [1604–1607], letter from, 66.
-, his death mentioned, 87.

Vaughan, Roland, letter from, 485.

Vaughan, Mr. Wm., of Tretower [Brecon, Wales], 127.

Vavaser, Sir Thomas. See Vavasour, Sir Thomas.

Vavasour (Vavaser), Sir Thomas, privy seal for, mentioned, 294.

Vawdrey, Edward. See Vaudray, Edward.

Vawdrey, John. See Vaudray, John.

Veale, Edward, 520.

Velasco, Juan Fernandez de, Duke of Frias, Constable of Castile, 10, 164, 177.

Velasco, Don Luis de, 177, 208, 280, 302.

Vell, Robert, 10.

Venables, Richard, 290; petition of, 501–2.

Venetian ambassador, at Constantinople, 299, 475. See Bona, Ottaviano.

Venetian ambassador to England. See Giustiniano, Giorgi.

Venetian ambassador to the Grisons. See Vincenti, Antonio-Maria.

Venetian ambassador in Rome. See Contarini, Francesco.

Venetian ambassador to Spain. See Priuli, Francesco.

Venetian Secretary. See Padavino, Signor.

Venetians, Venice, 73, 118–19, 142, 173, 178, 181, 218, 226, 246, 250, 253, 299, 475.
-, letter dated from, 121–122, 196, 226, 245, 333, 388.
-, extracts from letters from, 112.
-, relations with Grisons, 115, 180.
-, cabinet of, 299.
-, castle of, 111.
-, cathedral of, 111.
-, Doge of, 102, 111–112, 121, 299.
-, goldsmith of, 178.
-, military preparations of, 25, 71, 113, 115, 118, 333.
-, relations with the Papacy, 25, 31, 54, 71, 102–3, 110–14, 196, 226, 339.
-, Senate or Pregadi of, 111–113, 299, 392.
-, "Seignory" of, 102, 210, 226.
-, Protestant activities in, 71–2, 113–14, 226.
-, in connection with English trade, 173, 253, 266, 287, 299, 340, 392.
-, ships trading to, mentioned, 340, 392.
-, Nuncio to. See Gessi, Berlingerio, Bishop of Rimini.
-, frees England from ancient trading dues which others have to pay, 392.
-, interference by Britain with vessels trading to Venice, 392.
-, reports of trade negotiations from, 299.
-, letters to, 173, 239.
-, Spanish ambassador to. See Cardenas; Castro.
-, Turkish ambassador to. See Mustafa Agha.
-, English ambassador to. See Wotton, Sir Henry.
-, French ambassador in succession to Canaye expected, 226. See also Canaye.

Venison, 9, 164, 212. See also Deer.

Venne, Mr. Richard, citizen of London, 443.

Vens, Thomas, 9.

Vere, Sir Francis, Governor of Portsmouth, 38.
-, letter from, 323.

Vereychen. See Verreycken.

Verginia. See Virginia.

Verginio, Don, Duke of Bracciano.
-, See Orsini.

Verneuil, Marquise de [Henriette de Balsac d'Entragues, a mistress of Henry IV] rumoured marriage with Duc de Guise, 261.

Verneuil [Henri] de, bastard son of Henry IV of France, 261.

Vernon, Sir Robert, 375.

Verreycken (Verreken, Verriken, Vereychen, Verreyken), Louis, "the Audiencer" [of the Council at Brussels], 148.
-, in connection with negotiations with the United Provinces, 200, 237–238, 259, 269, 273, 280, 285, 294, 302, 305, 317.
-, a possible commissioner for the peace treaty, 346.
-, letter from mentioned, 369.

Verreken. See Verreycken, Louis.

Verreyken. See Verreycken, Louis.

Verriken. See Verreycken.

Verses, 136, 138, 250, 437, 490–2.
-, Latin, 437, 490. See also Rhymes.

Vests, 266.

Vice-Admirals, 43, 270, 402.

Vice Admiral of Ireland, 159, 162, 421.

Vice-Admiral's Deputies (temp. Queen Elizabeth), 28, 399.

Vice-Admiralty. See Admiralty.

Vice-Chamberlain, of the Queen [Anne of Denmark]. See Carew, Lord.

Viceroy, the [of the King of Spain], See Naples; Portugal; Sicily.

Viceroy [of Turkey]. See Grand Vizier.

Victualling houses, 85.
-, reformation of in Somerset, 50.

Vienna [Austria], letters from mentioned, 331, 379.

Vigo (Vygo), River [West coast of Spain], 268.

Villa Mediana, Count of. See Taxis.

Villa Nuefe, —, 16.

Villars, Monsr. de, governor of Newhaven (Havre), France], 469.

Villernoul, Sieur de, 133.

Villeroy, Monsieur de. See Neufville, Nicholas de.

Vincenti (Vincentio), AntonioMaria, Venetian Ambassador to the Grisons, 115, 118.

"Vineyard" ("La Vonard") [ship], 10, 341. See Winwood's Memorials II, p. 259.

Vinti, Belisario, Secretary to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, letter to, 174.

Vintschgau (Valle Venosta) [Austria], 117.

"Violet," (ship), of London, 241.

Virginia Companies:
-, of London, activities mentioned, 202, 208–9 (?), 219– 20, 417–19, 455.
-, of Plymouth, activities mentioned, 26–7, 35, 47, 89, 109, 141, 171, 353–4, 356–7, 458– 9(?).
-, See also Challines, Henry, and his company.

Virginia, 27, 72, 418.
-, description of, 202, 353–354, 417–419.
-, expeditions to, mentioned, 27, 35, 47, 72, 89, 109, 141, 171, 202, 208, 353, 356–357, 417– 419, 455.
-, letter from, 202.
-, preacher in, 357.
-, President in, 356. See Popham, George.
-, gold in, 417–419.
-, See also America; North West.

Virginians, 47. See Challines.

Vistula, River [Poland], 188.

Vitoria [Spain], 519.

Vitry, Monsieur de [Louis de L'Hospital, Chevalier des Ordres et Capitaine des Gardes], 197.

Vivian (Vivion), Mr. Fra., ViceAdmiral, Captain of Castle of St. Mawes, 270. See also Vivyan.

Vizrey, Vizerey, Vizeroye. See Grand Vizier; Viceroy.

Vlushing. See Flushing.

Voivode (Woywode), 187–8. See Zebrzydowski.

Voltulino. See Valtellina [Italy].

Vuard, Corsair. See Ward.

Vygo, River. See Vigo, River.

Vyvyan, Hannibal, letter from, 157.


Waad (Wade), Sir Wm. [Lt. of the Tower of London], 280, 380, 393, 416, 490.
-, letters from, 60, 81, 148, 177, 252, 258, 273, 373, 393, 394, 395.
-, petitions for sums allowed for the diet of prisoners in the Tower, 81.
-, See also London, Tower of, Lieutenants of.

Waal [River], [Netherlands], 54.

Wade, Samuel, Under-Steward of the Court Leet of the Tower, 149.

Wade, Sir W. See Waad.

Wakefield [co. Yorks], Manor of, 86.
-, a bailiff of, mentioned, 421.

Wakeman, —, brother-in-law to Sir Edward Blount, 357.

Walachie. See Wallachia.

Walberswick [Suffolk], officers of, 46.
-, letter dated from, 46.

Walbies, —, son-in-law of Wm. Vaughan, 127.
-, his father, 127.

Wale [River]. See Waal.

Wales, 132, 421.
-, Tyrone reported to be in, 267.
-, Council of Marches of, 20, 199n, 212, 219.
-, -, instructions for, 220, 224, 243.
-, -, membership of, 224–5.
-, -, signatories to letter, 306.
-, -, letters from individual members of, 63, 348.
-, -, examination of Irishmen by, 288, 304, 306.
-, - in relation to English border shires, 190, 219, 224, 243.
-, -, Lord President of. See Zouche; Eure.
-, -, action taken by against seditious speeches, 486.
-, Deputy Lieutenants in, 91, 194, 289, 304–5, 375.
-, Marches of reported quiet, 63.
-, - contented with Eure's Presidency, 348.

Walker, Robert. See Wall, Robert.

Wall, Robert, Jesuit, 158–159, 389.

Wallachia [Rumania], 186.

Walle, —, sent to Naples, 308.

Wallop, Sir Henry, letter from, 388.

Wallmsley. See Walmsley.

Wallwyn, Ann, petitions Salisbury for the Stewardship of Salisbury's manors in Herefordshire for her husband, 485.

Wallwyn, Mr. [husband of Ann], 485.

Walmsley (Wallmsley), Mr. Justice, 199.

Walrave, Monsieur, de Wettenhorst. See Wittenhorst.

Walsh, Lady Katherine, letter from, 296.
-, her deceased husband, 296.

Walsh[e], Sir Richard, late Sheriff of Worcestershire, letter from, 64, 149.

Walshe, Sir Nicholas, letter from, 165.

Walsingham, Lady Ethelred (or Audrey), dau. of Sir Ralph Shelton and w. of Sir Thomas Walsingham [1568–1630], her pension, 85.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 397, 444.

Walter, Richard, 499.

Walter, Sir. See Ralegh.

Waltham (Waltome) [Essex], 11, 32, 94.
-, letter dated from, 436(2).

Waltham, Mr. William, 30; petition from, 520.

Walthamstow [Essex], 222.

Waltome. See Waltham [Essex.]

Walton, Thomas, Searcher of Dunwich etc., signs letter, 46.

Wanles, Wm., 487.

Wanstead [co. Essex], 95.

Warblington [Hants], 456.

Warburton, Capt. Robert, 317.

Warburton, Mr. Thomas, 312–313.

Warck. See Wark [Castle, Northumberland].

Warcka, River. See Warta.

Ward (Vuard), Captain [John], a pirate, 241, 392.

Warder. See Arundell, Thomas, of Wardour Castle, Wilts.

Wardour. See Arundell, Thomas, of Wardour Castle.

Wardrobe, the, 247, 452.
-, debts in the, 32.

Wards and liveries, Court of, 74, 298, 319, 320, 470.
-, warrant to, for Haddington, 490.
-, Attorney of the. See Pepper, Sir Cuthbert.
-, Judges of, 75.
-, Master of, 75.
-, Receiver of. See Fleetwood.
-, Secretary of. See Percival.

Wards and wardships, references to, 4, 12, 135(2), 137, 161, 163, 196, 211, 233, 256, 264, 293, 398, 429, 442, 449, 452, 478, 494, 502.

Ware [Herts], 11, 330.

Ware Bridge [Herts], 222.
-, level of bridge at, 423.

Ware, Mr., 3.

Wark (Warck) Castle [Northumberland], payments for, 398.

Warkworth (Warmouth) [Northumberland], 502.

Warren, making of a, 334–5, 342.

Warsaw [Poland], 185, 187, 332.

Warso. See Warsaw [Poland].

Warta (Warcka) River [Poland], 187.

Warwick, Earl of. See Dudley, Sir Robert.

Warwickshire, 220, 281, 456.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 175, 220, 427.

Wassand (Wassome) in Holderness [Yorks], 293.

Wassome (Houlderness). See Wassand in Holderness [Yorks].

Waterford [Munster, Ireland], 167, 326.

Waterhouse, David, Coroner of the Crown Office, procures grant of a market in Halifax, Yorks, 396.

Waterhouse, Robert, owner of Manor of Halifax, Yorks, 396.
-, tried to procure grant of a market in Halifax, 396.

Waters, "for bodily health," 249, 372, 397. See also Bath; Binche.

Watkinson, William, 517.

Watson, Mr. [William], priest, 119.

Wattes. See Watts.

Wattie, Wills. See Graham, Walter.

Watts, Sir John, Lord Mayor of London, 56–57, 108, 169?, 263, 443.
-, letter to, 55.
-, his dealings with the Skinners company, 492.
-, petition of, 502.

Watts, Richard (son of Sir John).
-, letter from, 55, 166, 177.

Wax, 39, 500.

Waymoth. See Weymouth, Capt.

Waymouth. See Weymouth.

Weather, 362, 368, 370, 371, 391, 480.

Webb, Sir John, 24.

Webb, Capt. William, 271, 340.

"Wedekainy." See Wied [Germany].

Weekes. See Wicks.

Weissenstein (Wyttenstein) [Livonia], castle, 188.
-, conquest of, 332.

Welbeck [Nottinghamshire], letter dated from, 120, 121.

Weldon, Thomas, "Palliciatur" and Keeper of Sheriff Hutton Park, 471.

Welles. See Wells [Somerset].

Welles, Ro., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 325.

Welles, Thomas, 456.

Wellington [co. Somerset], letter dated from, 203.

Wells (Welles) [Somerset], 58.
-, letter dated from, 301.

Wells [Somerset], Dean of. See Heyden, Dr. Benjamin.

Wells [Somerset], Deanery of, 301.

Wentworth, —, [father of Wm.], 391.
-, his under-sheriff, Sir Thos. Bland[e], 391.

Wentworth, William, letter from, 391.
-, his indisposition, 391.

Wentworth Wodhus. See Wentworth Woodhouse [Yorks].

Wentworth Woodhouse (Wentworth Wodhus) [Yorks], letter dated from, 392.

Wercom. See Workum.

Westchester, Mr. Carr of Ford confined at, 254.

Westcliffe, Manor of [? Kent], grant to Charles Brooke, 297.

Westham [Warwickshire], 14.

West Indian Company, 38. See Dutch West India Company.

West Indian Fleet [Spanish], 216, 272. See also Nova Spania fleet; Terra firma fleet.

West Indies, 28, 36, 71, 242, 268, 270, 503.
-, Spanish treatment of English subjects in, 242. See also Challines.
-, given by Pope to King of Spain, 242.
-, treasure from, 325.
-, See also Indies.

West Marden (Westmarden) [co. Sussex], 211.

Westmeath [Leinster, Ireland], 165.

Westminster. See London and Westminster, places in and near.

Westmorland, 3, 29, 142.
-, Bailiwick of, 142.
-, late Earl of. See Neville, Charles.
-, sheriffwick of, 142.
-, soldiers from, for Ireland, 374.
-, Dacre lands in, 420.

West Ogwell (Westogwell) [Devon], letter dated from, 58, 97.

Weston, —, 297. See Westorne.

Weston, Sir Richard, letter from, 61.

Weston [zoyland], Somerset, copyholders of, 516.

Westorne, Thomas, porter of Chester Castle, 297, 461.

Westward Islands. See Azores.

Wetherington, Mr., 427. See Woodrington.

Wethrington, Roger, 239. See Woodrington.

Wettenhorst. See Wittenhorst.

Weymouth [co. Dorset], 105.
-, ships using harbour of, 30; "pirates" enter, 512.
-, customs officer of. See Bellott, Mr. Thomas.
-, deputy controller of. See Rainoedes, Richard.
-, deputy customer of. See Lighter, Ralphe.
-, mayor of, 151. See also Pitt, Mr. John.
-, merchants of, 105, 151, 520.

Weymouth, —, recommended to the Duke of Florence's service, 475.

Weymouth (Waymouth), Captain, [George], 418.

Weyndsor Castell. See Windsor Castle.

Weynwode, Master. See Winwood, Sir Ralph.

Whale fins, suit concerning, 108.
-, motion for an imposition upon, 485–486.

Wharton, Philip, Lord Wharton, 3rd Baron [1555–1625], 78.

Wheat, 144.

Wheeler, Edmond, letter from, 434.

Wheeler, Humphrey, letter from, 307.

Whettell, Ro., of Harwich, signs letter, 60.

"Whit Lyon," (ship), of Plymouth, 58.

Whitby, Thomas, gent., 343.

Whitecloake. See Armstrong, Thomas.

Whitehall. See London and West minster, places in and near.

Whitehauche (Quhitehanche), [Liddesdale, Roxburghshire], 428.

White marble, 100.

White, Richard, Esq., 92.

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury [1583–1604], 450.

Whittingham, Sir Timothy, certificate from, 454.

Wiche, Mr., 15–16. See also Wytch.

Wick (Wycke) [Worcs.], letter dated from, 307.

Wicks (Wyks, Weekes), Robert, 396, 433.
-, letter from, 374.

Wickume [Wycombe or Wickham?], 159.

Widdington. See Woodrington.

Wied [Germany], ambassador of, mentioned, 379–380.

Wight, Isle of, 42, 515.

Wilbraham, Ralph, letter from, 7.

Wilbraham, Sir Roger, 363, 499, 506.
-, note on Francis Trenchard's case, 61.
-, letter from, 275, 283.

Wilbraham (Wylbram), Thomas, letter from, 7.
-, signs letter to Privy Council, 317.

Wilbraham, Sir Thomas, 62.

Wilde (Wyeld), Capt., 348.

Wilkinson, Dr. William, his choice of two prebends, 289, 300– 301.

Willborne, Mr., 424.

Willde (Willdes), —, an English merchant, 481.

Willett, Wm., Customer outwards of Bristol, signs letter, 64.

William, Count. See Nassau, Count William Louis.

William, Walter, 485.

Williams, John, 105.

Williams, Sir David, judge, 119, 485, 488.

Williams, Mr., 16.

Williams, Robert, alias John Ball, whom see.

Williamson, —, Scottish merchant, 469.

Wilson, John, 110.

Wilson, Thomas [servt. to Earl of Salisbury], 203; letter to, 15, 249.
-, letter from, 214, 226, 229(3), 240, 241.
-, account of works at Hatfield, 214, 226, 229.
-, his brother, 229.
-, asked to petition Salisbury regarding the estate of Mr. Buxton of Norfolk, 343.
-, has secured lease of courts of Leycester and Pickeringlyth, Yorks, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, 428.

Wiltshire, 456.

Winchester [co. Hants], Court at, 208.
-, letter dated from, 208, 313.

Winchester, Bishop of [1587–1616].
-, See Bilson, Thomas.

Winchester, College of, 436.
-, leases and revenues of, mentioned, 436, 502.
-, letters from King James I to, mentioned, 290, 321, 502.
-, Warden of. See Harmar, John.
-, Warden and Fellows of mentioned, 321, 502.

Windebanke, Sir Thomas, letter from, 150.

Windmill, 225.

Windsor [co. Berks], 78, 192, 216, 233, 480.
-, letter dated from, 197.
-, -, mentioned, 216.
-, Court at, 192–205, 447.
-, -, letter dated from, 193.

Windsor Castle [co. Berks], 193.

Windsor, Thomas, Lord, 6th Baron Windsor, minority of, 442.

Windsor, Sir William, 486n.
-, letter from, 486.
-, wife and children mentioned, 486.
-, a prisoner and in debt, 486, 486n.

-, French, 197, 330.
-, American claret, 354.
-, Rhenish, impost on, 256, 508.
-, sweet, 374.
-, grant of annuity from customs of, in Ireland, 349.
-, allowance of imposts for leakage of, 374.
-, Scottish ship, laden with, seized in France, 469.

Wingfield, Sir James, 200.

Wingfield, Lady Mary, letter from, 83, 296.

Wingfield (Wingfeild), Robert, in service of Earl of Salisbury, 296.
-, letter from, 487.

Wingfield, Sir Robert, letter from, 335.

Winter [Thomas], conspirator, 307.

Winwood, Sir Ralph [knighted 1607], as English agent to the States General, 7, 41, 48, 50, 53–55, 133.
-, as English commissioner for the peace negotiations between Spain and the United Provinces, 218, 294, 311, 370, 376–377, 475.
-, letters from, 7, 41, 53, 218.
-, letters to, 48, 50, 133.
-, "Master Weynwode," 426.
-, See also Spencer, Sir Richard; and under Commissioners [English].

Wiston (Wyston) [Sussex], letter dated from, 282.

Witherington. See Woodrington.

Witheringtonn. See Woodrington.

Witofte, Hugh, priest, 137.

Wittenhorst (Vanderhorst, de Wettenhorst), Walrave van, 8, 13, 14, 17.
-, copy of letter from, mentioned, 53.

Woddrington. See Woodrington.

Wodleiff, Captain Edmond, certificate of his services, 30.

Wood, 266.
-, patent for bringing in logwood, alias blockwood, 443.

Wood, George, 257.
-, grant of reversion of constableship of Palace of Knockfergus, 257.

Wood, Sir John, 197, 205.

Woodbridge [Suffolk], officers of, certificate from, 46.
-, customer of. See Beriman, Jonas.
-, Controller of. See Button, George.

Woodmancott [Hants], 321.

Woodrington, Sir Ephraim, 4.

Woodrington (Woddrington, Withringtonn, Witherington, Wyddrington), Sir Henry, 4, 155, 178.
-, notes on, 487.
-, petition of, 502.

Woodrington, Ralph, 4.

Woodrington, —, sister to Ralph, m. to Mr. Herington of Bifrons (Bifront), 4.

Woodrington (Widdington), Robert, cousin of Sir Henry, 502.

Woodrington (Wethrington, Wetheringtown, Witherington), Roger, 239, 507.
-, intends to marry Mr. Ratcliff's daughter, 4(2).

Woodrington (Wetherington), Mr. [? Roger or Ralph], 427.

Woods, value of Dowager Countess of Cumberland's, 217.
-, sale of mentioned, 217.
-, the project of the, 363–364, 389.

Woodstock [Oxford], liberties and privileges of, mentioned, 347.

Wool, 473.
-, sale of, in Seville, 27.
-, dispute between drapers and mercers of Coventry concerning the sale of, 435, 438– 439.

Wool and hides, profits of, 341.

Woollen cloth, imposition on, 311, 499–500.

Woolner, Richard, 149.

Woolton (Wotton), John, Bishop of Exeter [1579–1594], 358.

Woolton, Dr. John, M.D. [Fellow of All Souls, Oxford], son of Bishop of Exeter, 358.
-, his case in the Star Chamber mentioned, 358.

Worcester, 307.
-, clothmakers of, letter from, 487.

Worcester, Earl of. See Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl.

Worcestershire, 243, 307, 487.
-, man of, 159.
-, sheriffwick of, 149.

Workington [Cumberland], 374.

Workshop [Notts], letter dated from, 379.

Workum (Wercom) [Netherlands], letter dated from garrison at, 40, 103.

Wormall, —, 391.

Worms [Germany], Jews of, 6.

Worrell, Roger (of St. John's, Cambridge), 67.

Worsley, Ja., 486.

Wotton, —, Bishop of Exeter. See Woolton, John, Bishop of Exeter [1579–1594].

Wotton, Lord Edward, 1st Lord Wotton [1548–1626], letter from, 191.

Wotton, Sir Henry, His Majesty's ambassador in Venice, 121(2), 122, 142, 239, 240, 246, 299, 490.
-, his house in Venice, 239.
-, letter from mentioned, 18, 31.

Wotton, Mr. Dr. See Woolton, Dr. John [Fellow of All Souls, Oxford].

Wotton Castle [Northumberland], 4, 5.

"Woywode," the, 187. See Voivode.

Wragge, John, 280.

Wraye, John, 50.

Wrenne, Charles, 506.

Wright, an English Jesuit, confessor of Ferdinand of Graz, 201, 280.

Wright, Mr., 28.

Wright, Christopher, 4.

Wright (Wrighte), Jo., signs letter, 362.

Wright, Richard, Customer of Lyme Regis, 28.

Wrighte. See Wright.

Wriothesley (Wroteslye), Sir George, 452.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton [1573–1624], 95, 422, 495.
-, attends on the king, 207.
-, letter from, 94, 298, 312, 331, 373, 374; petition to, 503.

Writ "Capias," 488.

Wrixom [? Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales], letter dated from 273.

Wroteslye. See Wriothesley.

Wroth, Sir Robert, Kt., citizen of London, 443.

Wrothe, Sir Robert [the elder] [? 1540–1606], 423.

Wroth[e], Sir Robert [the younger], 423.

Wrothe, William, 485.

Wurtemberg, Frederick, Duke of, letter from, 178.

Wycke. See Wick [Worcs.].

Wyddrington. See Woodrington.

Wyeld, Capt. See Wilde, Capt.

Wyks. See Wicks.

Wylbram. See Wilbraham.

Wynnewoodde, Sir Rauffe. See Winwood, Sir Ralph.

Wynter, —, 394.

Wynter, W. [Mayor of Portsmouth], 7.

Wynwood, Sir Raphe. See Winwood, Sir Ralph.

Wyston. See Wiston [Sussex].

Wytch, Richard, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443. See also Wiche.

Wyttenstein Castle. See Weissenstein [Livonia].


Yaireup. See Yardhope [Northd.].

Yardhope (Yaireup) [Northd.], 487.

Yarmouth [Norfolk], 2.

Yarrowe, Thomas, petition of, 521.

Yate, Bartholomew, 19, 20.

Yate, Henry, 499.

Yaxley, Sir Robert, letter from, 488.

Yeld Hall. See Yeldhall Manor [Berks].

Yeldhall Manor [Berks], 233.

Yelding, John, 174.

Yelverton, Sir Charles, letter from, 248.
-, prisoner in the Tower, 248.

Yelverton, Sir Christopher, Justice of the King's Bench, 119, 488, 503; "the father," 355.

Yelverton, Serjeant, 41.

Yelverton [Henry], the younger, 355.

Yeomen Warders of the Tower, 148–149.

Yewart, Mr., 86–87.

"Yong Froe." See "Jung Frau."

York, 86, 139.
-, letter dated from, 145, 239, 241, 267, 274.
-, archbishop of, "my lord of," See Mathew, Tobias.
-, Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical at. See High Commission.
-, Council at; Court at. See North, Council of the.
-, Duke of. See Charles, Prince.
-, Examiner's office at, 429.
-, gaol at, 378; prisoner in castle of, 505.
-, merchant of, 517.

York, Lord President at. See Sheffield, Edmund, Lord President of the Council of the North.

York, Secretaries of the Council of the North at. See Ferne; Gee.

Yorkshire, 6, 30, 139, 142, 385, 456.
-, sheriff of, 259.
-, lands in, 454.

Yorkshire, East Riding, 138.

Yorkshire, North Riding, 138.
-, Custos Rotulorum of, 138.

Yorkshire, Receiver of, 210. See also Scudamore, John.

"Young Davie." See Graham, David Banckhead; Graham, David.

"Young Frowe." See "Jung Frau."


Zamoscie, Lord of. See Zamoyski.

Zamoyski, Jan (Zamoscie, Zamoskie), Chancellor of Poland (d. 1605), 188(2); his son, 189.

Zborowski, a Polish noble, 188.

Zebrzydowski, Nicholas, Voivode of Sandomir ("the Woywode"), 187–8.

Zeeland, 8, 9, 133, 147, 166, 384.
-, those of, opposed to Oldenbarnevelt, 147.
-, deputy out of, for England, See Maldére.
-, States of, mentioned, 8, 304.
-, supports Count Maurice, 384.

Zolkiewski (Zolkewsky, Zolkeuski), Stanislas, Polish general, 187(2).

Zongadize. See Etschthal, the.

Zouche, Lord Edward, 11th Baron Zouche [1556–1625], late Lord President of the Council of Wales, 91, 190, 194.
-, letter to, 91.
-, Referred to as now a member of the Privy Council, 91.
-, letter from, 488.

Zuinski, Vasili. See Chouiski, Vasili.

Zuniga, Pedro de, Spanish Ambassador. See Cuniga, Pedro de.

Zurich [Switzerland], 116, 118.
-, letter dated from, 119.