Index: G

Pages 564-569

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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Gaglioene. See Gaillon.

Gaillon ("Gaglioene") [near Rouen, France], palace at, 333.

Gaiters, 159.

Galicia (Galizia) [Spain], 268, 303.

Galinare, Conte de, ambassador from Savoy to France. See Gattinara.

Galizia. See Galicia [Spain].

Galle, George, 174.

Galleons, 9, 28, 109, 122, 148, 216, 243, 272, 304, 311–2, 430, 442.

Galleys, 216, 228, 234, 240, 241, 392.

Galway, Mayor of [Ireland]. See French, Edmund.

Gamel, 483.

Gand. See Ghent.

Gaols. [See also London and Westminster places in or near].
-, Carlisle, 6, 100.
-, Trelowaren, 157.
-, Newcastle, 65, 95.
-, Lancaster, 318, 500.
-, Gravesend, 63, 501.
-, York, 378.
-, York Castle, 505.
-, Conciergerie, in Paris, 166, 178.
-, Inquisition gaol [Rome], 111, 123.
-, Newgate, 137.
-, Bridewell, 177.
-, Fleet, 182, 192, 205, 233, 279.
-, Wood Street, the Counter in, 158–159, 183, 193, 449.
-, Maidstone gaol, 230.
-, The Tower (q.v.).
-, See also references to Challines; Gurgeny; "Trial" (ship).

Gap [France], 79.

Gardener, Sir Robert, Commissioner in Jersey, letter from, 282; referred to as commissioner in Ulster, 499.

Gardiner's "History of England," 286 note.

Gargany, Mr. See Gurgeny, Hugo.

Garnet [Henry], the superior of the Jesuits, 158, 159.

Garo, Monsieur, 166.

Garret, Lord. See Gerard, Lord Thomas.

Garret, William, 174.

Garter, Mr., 43.

Garvey, Neile, 316.

Gascoigne, George, petition from, 167.
-, murder of his son, George, 167.

Gaskins (i.e. breeches or hose), 241.

Gattinara (Galinare), Comte de, Amb. of Savoy, 283.

Gawdie. See Gawdy.

Gawdy (Gawdie), Sir Francis, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and Judge of Bishop's Court at Ely [d. 1606], his death, 37, 503.
-, "Mr. Justice Gawdie," 43.

Gee, Sir William, Secretary to the Council of the North, 234, 277–8, 442.
-, letter to, 203.
-, letter from, 239, 241.

Geffe, Nicholas, letter from, 369.

Geffreyes, Lieutenant, 149.

Geire, Thomas, petition of, 520.

Gelderland, Duchy of [one of the United Provinces, partly occupied by Spain], 8, 42, 54, 295.

Gelders. See Gelderland, Duchy of.

Geordie, Agnes, wife of Ritches, Geordie. See Grame, Agnes Geordie.

Geordie, Ritches, alias Richard.
-, See Grame, Ritches, Geordie.

Genawezes. See Genoese.

Geneva [Switzerland], 72.

Génie, Le, 138.

Gennings. See Jennings.

Gennings, Sir John. See Jennings, Sir John.

Genoa [N. Italy], 25, 201, 241.
-, letters from mentioned, 221, 334.
-, bankers of, 291.
-, merchants of, in confusion, 334.

Genoese (Genoweses, Genawezes), 25, 321, 322, 325, 339.

Genoweses. See Genoese.

Gentilis, Dr., his declaration against Dr. Crompton's sentence, 419.

Gentleman Porter of the Tower, 148.

Gerald, Sir John Fitz Edmond.
-, See Fitzgerald.

Gerard (Gerrard, Garret), Lord Thomas, of Gerard's Bromley [co. Staffs] [cr. 1603, died 1617/8], 143, 423, 424, 500.
-, letter from, 251, 318.

Gerard, John, the Jesuit, 342.

Gerard's Bromley [co. Staffs], letter dated from, 252.

German Ambassadors of the Free Cities in Spain, leave Spain after 8 months, 340.

German nation (Deutsche nation), 185.

Germans, 325.

Germany, 25, 67, 82, 247, 369.
-, Diet in, 18, 25.
-, latest advertisements from, 201, 280, 303, 332, 379.
-, [See also Hanse Towns; Rudolph II].

Germany, Princes of, 7, 322, 331–2, 379.

Gerrard, Lord. See Gerard, Thomas, of Gerard's Bromley.

Gessi, Berlingherio, Bishop of Rimini, Nuncio to Venice, 111, 196; reported about to leave Venice, 226; letter from, 388.

G[? h]isl[? i]eri, Federico, 333.

Ghent (Gand) [Belgium], castle of, 302.

Ghevaerts (Gheraerts), Johan, licentiate of the law, 13.

Giaffer Bassa. See Djafar Pasha.

Gibbe, John, a Scotsman, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 450.

Gibraltar, 9, 178.

Gibraltar (Gilbartard, Gyblatar):
-, Bay of, 109.
-, Fort of, 122.
-, Straits of, 109, 122, 216, 244, 265.

Gibson, —, a merchant for saltpetre, 412.

Gifford, Sir Richard, letter from, 312, 376. See also Gyfford.

Gilbartard, Straits of. See Gibraltar, Straits of.

Gilberte, Capt. [Raleigh], 356–357.

Gill, Mr., keeper of the lions at the Tower, 258.

Giustiniani (Justinian), Benedetto, Cardinal, 114.

Giustiniano, Giorgi, Venetian Ambassador to England, letter from, 392.
-, matters concerning ships and contraband, 392.
-, referred to as "their Ambassador," "the Ambassador", "this Ambassador," 142(3).

Glasgow, Lord of. See Spottiswood, John.

Glasgow, See of, jewels etc. belonging to, 130.

Glasgow, Archbishop of. See Beaton, James [d. 1603]; Spottiswood, John.

Glechi, Demitrio, letter to, 245.

Glemham [Suffolk], letter dated from, 2.

Glemham, Sir Henry, letter from, 2.

Glocester. See Gloucester.

Gloucester, letter dated from, 190.

Gloucestershire, 243, 330.
-, auditor of, 274.

Glover, Sir Thomas, English ambassador to the Sultan [1607– 1611], 25, 126.
-, letter to, 173.
-, -, mentioned, 245.
-, his lady mentioned, 173.
-, danger of withdrawal of his allowance, 287.
-, letter from, 212, 376, 387.
-, letter addressed to an acquaintance of his secretary, 245, 388.

Gloves, 159.

Goade, Roger, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, 180, 497.
-, letter from, 318, 381–383.

Goat skins, 39.

Gobelin, Monsieur, 166.

Goche, Barnaby, 180.

God, League of the House of [Grisons], 116.

Godolphin, Sir Wm., 11, 85, 270.
-, letter from, 357.

God's Blessing (Goddesblissing), [Hilderstone, co. Linlithgow], mines at, 213.

"God's Grace" (ship), 517.

Gofton, Francis, auditor, letter for, mentioned, 294.

Goghelberg, "Podesta" John Lucius. See Guggelberg à Moos, John Lucius.

Gold, 63, 417–419, 455, 473; cloth of, 266. See also Treasure.

Goldingham, Henry, letter from, 431.
-, illness of, 431.
-, discloses plot to assist Tyrone and Sir Wm. Stanley, 431.

Goldsmith. See Trades and professions.

Goodall, a barber, 193.

Goodman, Gabriel, Dean of Westminster (d. 1601), 496.

Goodlake, Roger, letter from, 228.

Gordon, Dr. John [Dean of Salisbury], Latin verses by, 490.

Gorgayne. See Gurgeny.

Gorges, Sir Arthur, letter from, 62, 137, 141.
-, his brother's death mentioned, 137.
-, offers jewels for sale, 141.

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 26.
-, letter from, 35, 48, 87, 88, 208, 265(2), 353, 356.
-, letter to, 227.

Gorges, Theobald (Tibaldus, Tibbot), letter from, 67, 201, 317.
-, shows Salisbury his progress in French, 317.
-, nephew of Sir Arthur Gorges, 137, 141.

Goring, Anne, Lady, letter from, 431.

Gosford Haven [Suffolk], port of Woodbridge, 46.

Goslin, Dr. See Gostlin, Dr.

Gosnoll, Capt., 312.

Gosport [Hants], 323.

Gostlin, Dr. [John], disputed election as Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 203–205, 206, 211–212, 309–310, 365– 366, 404, 407–11, 432, 460, 466.
-, letter to, 210.
-, petition from, 238.
-, letters from, 432.

Gostlyn, Dr. See Gostlin, Dr.

Gough, Thomas, bailiff of Manor of Newberry, letter from, 19.

Goughe, Thomas, son-in-law of John Parr, 432.

Gout, 248, 254, 331.

Goz, Watkin, 485.

Graam, William, alias Rosebrees, See Graham, Will of the Rosetrees.

Grafton [Northants], 420.

Grafton [Worcs.], 379, 456.

Graham (Grame), Agnes Geordie, wife of Ritches Geordie Grame, 102.
-, returns from Ireland, 176.

Graham (Grame), Arthur, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), David, Banckhead, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), David, alias ould Davie, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), David, alias Young Davie, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Fargie, of the Mill Hill, 100, 106, 126.

Graham (Grame), Francis, alias Hewghes, Francie, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), George, alias Hetherick, his wife transplanted to Ireland with two children, 102.

Graham (Grame), George Meadupp, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Graham (Grame), George, of Mill Hill, 176, 255.

Graham (Grame), George, brother of Will of the Rosetrees, 74, 106, 107.
-, his lands, 74.

Graham (Grame), George, Rooles Sheale, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Graham (Grame), Hutchkin, 176, 255.
-, his wife, 176.

Graham (Grame), John, 3rd Earl of Montrose, member of the Council of Scotland, signs letter from them, 39.

Graham (Grame), John, of the Lake, 176, 255.

Graham (Grame), John de Nooke, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Margaret, wife of John Grame de Nooke, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Richard, Neatherbie, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Richard, Nowtheard, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Ritches Geordie, 102, 176.

Graham (Grame), Robert [of Lake], the younger, 29, 101.

Graham (Grame), Thomas, of Logan, 106, 107, 127.

Graham (Grame), Walter, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), Walter de Milne, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Graham (Grame), William de Blaikford, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Graham (Grame), William, alias Cockplaye, transported to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Grame), William, alias Floughtaile, 29, 101.

Graham (Grame), William, Longtowen, transplanted to Ireland, 101.

Graham (Graam), Will of the Rosetrees, or Rosebrees, 73, 106, 107.

Grahams (Grames, Grame, Grayme), 74, 106, 126, 268, 269.
-, lists of those transplanted to Ireland, 101, 106.
-, money to be levied for transportation of, 269(2).

Graime. See Graham.

Graimes, Grames. See Grahams.

Grammar, teacher of. See Cullen, Patrick.

Grammont, Comte de, 263.

Grampolat Ogli. See Djanbulad Oghlu.

Grand Canary ("Gran Canaria") 397. See also Canary Islands.

Grand Signor, the. See Ahmad, Sultan.

Grand Turk, the. See Ahmad, Sultan.

Grand Vizier (the Vizercy, Vizeroye), 212, 266; "the Bassa," 333.

Grandge, Lord of. See Kircaldy, Sir Wm., Lord of Grange.

Grange, Justice, letter from, 393.
-, suspects treason, 393–394.

Grange, Lord of. See Kirkcaldy, Sir William.

Grantham [co. Lines.], 156.

Grantham, Sir George, 152.

Grantham, Sir Tho., 196.

Grantley [Yorks], 454.

Gratts, Archduke of. See Ferdinand of Graz, Archduke of Graz.

Gratz. See Graz.

Gratz, Archduke of. See Ferdinand of Graz.

Graves, John, alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.

Graves, Wm., fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, signs letter, 363.

Gravesend [co. Kent], 110, 218–219, 516; letter dated from the gaol of, 63.
-, jurats and officers of, 501.

Gray, Alexander, servant to Sir Ralph Gray of Chillingham, 431.

Gray, Arthur, 3.
-, his wife, 3.

Gray, Edward (Commissioner for Middle Shires), 3.
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 6.
-, letter from, 29.
-, See also Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires).

Gray, Sir John, letter from, 108.

Gray, Lord. See Grey, Lord Thomas.

Gray, Sir Raph or Ralph, 3, 4, 5.
-, his lady lately deceased, a recusant, 3.
-, his eldest daughter, a recusant, 3.
-, his second daughter, 3.
-, his sisters, 3, 5.
-, his eldest son (servt. to Lord Wm. Howard), 3.
-, of Chillingham, 431.
-, his servant, Alexander Gray, 431.

Gray, Roger, 3.

Gray, Roger, of Outchester (Oulchester), Esq., information from, 431.

Graye, Lady Katherine. See Grey, Lady Katherine.

Graye, Lady Mary. See Grey, Lady Mary.

Graye. See Grey.

Grayme family. See Grahams.

Graz (Gratz) [Styria, Austria], Archduke of, 184, 234. See Ferdinand of Graz.

Greames, Mr. George, 347.

Great Britain, king of, 7, 125, 322. See James I. See also Brittany.

Great Britain, 74, 370.
-, treaty with France mentioned, 263. See also England, Scotland, etc.

Great Seal, the, 165, 207, 218, 345, 396, 442, 471, 492, 519–20; of the Queen, 499.

Great Turk, the. See Ahmad, Sultan.

Greatham (Greetham) [Hants], 446

Greek, 198.

Green, —, 230.

Greene, Lawrence, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Greene, Thomas, Customer of Dunwich, etc., signs letter, 46.

Greene, Thomas, of Westmarden [co. Sussex], his death, 211.
-, wardship of his son, 211.

Greene, Mr. William, 456.

Greenheilds, Ro., letter from, 203.

Greenhow (Greenough), Oliver, of Christ's College, Cambridge.
-, See Greenough, Oliver.

"Green Mountain, the," Brussels, 372.

Greenough (Greenhow), Oliver, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Greenwell (Grenewell), William, 210.

Greenwich [co. Kent], 40, 76, 141.
-, letter dated from, 151.
-, manor of, letter dated from, 165.

Greenwich Park [co. Kent], lodge in, 245.

Greetham, hospital of. See Greatham.

Grefen, Sir Thomas, forsakes his wife, 319.

Gregory, Arthur, suit of, 507.

Greinton (Grinton) [Somerset], manor of, 516.

Grenewell, William. See Greenwell, Wm.

Grenoble [France], 262.
-, garrison of, 262.
-, one of Protestant towns, 262.

Grenuche. See Greenwich [co. Kent].

Greville, Sir Edward, 15, 276.
-, his letter, 276.
-, his assart money, 276.
-, his debts, 276.

Greville (Grevill, Grevyll), Sir Fulke, letter from, 40, 96, 124, 256, 324.
-, grant of 4d. on affidavits of Council of Marches of Wales, 199.

Grevyll, Sir Fulke. See Greville, Sir Fulke.

Grey, Lord Arthur of Wilton, (d. 1593), 444.

Grey, Elizabeth, Countess of Kent, daughter of Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury [one of the 4 Countesses?], 227.

Grey, Lord Henry, Baron of Groby (created 1603), letter from, 287.

Grey, Jane Sibylla (née Morison and widow of Francis, 2nd Earl of Bedford), mother of Thomas, 15th Baron Grey of Wilton, 380, 432.

Grey, (Graye), Lady Katherine [d. 1568], copy of last order entered in Court touching the contempt of the jury to inquire after her death, 293; referred to by the Earl of Hertford as his wife, 508.

Grey (Graye), Lady Mary, copy of last order entered in Court touching the contempt of the jury to inquire after her death, 293.

Grey (Graye), Lord Thomas, 15th and last Baron Grey of Wilton [d. 1614], 120.
-, letter from the Tower, 432.
-, warrant from the king for money for his maintenance whilst a prisoner in the Tower, 380.
-, his rents of his late lands to be paid into the Exchequer, 380.
-, his sister, 412.
-, his mother ill. See Grey, Jane Sibylla.

Grey (Graye), Sir Thomas, 412.

Greyhounds, 125.

Griffith, John, Esq., 92.

Grigis, Giovanni, letter to, 388.

Grimston(e) [co. Norfolk], 163.

Grinton. See Greinton.

Grisons, the [Switzerland], 25, 113, 115, 123, 226.
-, news from, 115.
-, leagues of the. See League.
-, risings of, 115–119, 180–181, 184.
-, Strafgericht of, 116–118, 181.
-, French ambassador to. See Paschal. Venetian Ambassador to. See Vincenti.
-, alliance with France, 115, 180.
-, - with Venice, 115, 180.

Grocers of London. See London, grocers.

Groenlo (Groll) [Netherlands], 295.

Groine, the. See Corunna [Spain].

Groll. See Groenlo.

Groo, Gerant de Sanson la, 16, 17.

Groom of the Bedchamber. See Gibbe, John.

Groom of the Privy Chamber. See Heiborne; Marbury; Lepton.

Grosvenor, Rich., signs letter to Privy Council, 317.

Groyen, the. See Corunna [Spain].

Groyne, the. See Corunna [Spain].

Guadaleste, Marquis de. See Cardona.

Guavara, Sir Henry, 5.

Guelders. See Gelderland.

Gueldres, Duchy of. See Gelderland, Duchy of.

Guerin, Jehan, French merchant, 403.

Guernsey, ? 162, 239. See also Jersey.
-, letter dated from, 282.
-, commissioners there. See Commissioners.
-, inquiry into revenues of mentioned, 284, 433.
-, bailiff of. See Carteret, Amis.
-, deputies for, letter from, 432– 433.

Guernsey, Governor of. See Leighton, Sir Thomas.

Guevara. See Guavara.

Guicsiardo [= Guiscardo?], Sr. Philippo, 332.

Guggelberg à Moos, Podesta John Lucius, 118.

Guiana, stones and minerals from, 454–455.

Guides, 2, 519.

Guinea [West Africa], 99.

Guise, Duke of. See Lorraine.

Guise, House of, 260–261, 263.

Guise, Monsieur de, 262. See Lorraine, Charles de, Due de Guise.

Guler, Col. John, "Landmann of the Third League," 117, 118.

Gunmaker. See Trades and professions.

Gunpowder and munitions, 170, 188, 251, 253, 268, 334, 340, 412, 474.
-, provision of, at Anglesey, 92.
-, - at Worcester, 307.
-, -, at Plymouth, 49, 88.
-, - in Munster, 421.
-, - in Southampton, 476.
-, -, at Tynemouth Castle, 44.
-, -, for journey to Newfoundland, 240.
-, patentees for, 412.

Gunpowder Treason, 73, 149, 201, 267, 285, 298, 307, 378, 394, 480–481, 498.

Gurgeny (Gorgayne, Gurganey, Gurgany, Gargany), Hugo or Hugh, a prisoner of the Portuguese Inquisition, 10, 72, 73, 268.
-, his suit, 267.
-, his release upon security reported, 271.
-, his removal to San Roque, 303, 324–325.

Gurgeny, John, brother of Hugo, 267, 303, 324–325.

Gurnay. See Gurney.

Gurney (Gurnay), Edmund, letter from, 433.

Guyton, —, 56–58.

Gwynn, Roger, letter from, 84.

Gyblatar. See Gibraltar.

Gye, Monsieur de. See Balsac, César de.

Gyfford (Jefford, Jeffourd, Jeffoure), Capt. Richard, letter from, 61; complaints against by the Turks, 34(2), 287.